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ASF bot list trade matcher

< Feedback on ASF STM

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2022/12/15

Error Getting card classid, please report this!

don't know what you could possible get from this report but here you go

can you please make it so the script can ignore errors and continue with whats already been scanned? even before this the scan would occasionally completely lock up with random minimal errors.

Posted: 2022/12/15

Thank you for your report, I will look into it. As for ignoring errors - it's not a great idea, because you may end up completely blocked from steam for some time if we will spam steam too much. I've added retries where it makes sense, and I'm still working on adding more workarounds for errors.

Posted: 2022/12/15

I've updated the script, please check if this issue is fixed for you in version 2.4

Posted: 2022/12/16
Edited: 2022/12/16

hey, it gets a little further now but it wont scan any cards, keeps getting locked up on the first mystery card with the error: Error getting hashName for card Mystery Card 1 from 2243720, please report this!

I've tried 3 scans over the course of the last 8 hours with the same softlock on the same card

Posted: 2022/12/16

Version 2.5 is out now, it should address the issue with Mystery Cards.
If you curious why it happened - I've attached a couple of screenshots... Steam is so consistent...

Posted: 2023/01/01

Thanks, that fixed my issue btw. however I don't think any sale cards can be automatically added to a trade anymore, seems like the script will abort on those everytime but that isn't a big issue for me

Posted: 2023/01/01

My script does not add any cards to a trade offer. Steamtradematcher script does that.

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