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Friends Average Score - MAL JS - Show all your friends weighted score for an entry.
Mangallama Helper JS - Allows you to use the left and right arrow keys to navigate chapters at Mangallama, enables WASD scrolling and navigation, and adds a link to the title page for each chapter
MangaFox mature gate auto-click 2018 JS - Automatically clicks the mature age gate prompt on the the MangaFox website thus loading the page like normal.
Mangaupdates Genre search pre-chooser JS - Pre-selects the options you always choose in the genresearch at (once you've defined them here)
Pixiv Downloader JS - Tải xuống hình ảnh và truyện tranh từ Pixiv
Mangadex - Colorize Reading Status JS - Change the color of the reading status button depending on the status in title page.
Watch Order & Adaptations Finder JS - See the franchise's correct watch order and all entries. Easily check if an entry has Live-Action/Dorama adaptations, and copy the entry or all franchise entries' title(s).
"Create New Topic" button on mobile version for MAL JS - Since MAL doesn't have one, i added one.
AniList Delete Button on List Items JS - Adds a delete button to all items on lists
Endless Pixiv Pages JS - Loads more pixiv pages as you scroll down.
AnkiWeb Quiz JS - Shows quiz on ankiweb.
Nettruyen Tools JS - Remove ads and added zoom out options
MangaReader JS - Utility created for a better reading experience.
VerticalFox - MangaFox/FanFox Vertical Screen Reader JS - Read Mangafox without annoyances of width in vertical screens
List Tools JS - Provides tools for managing your list's tags, CSS, and more.
Mangadex API v5 reader JS - 5/8/2021, 10:46:50 AM
MAL Summary+Profile Stats With Percentages + Hours JS - See your profile stats in % + Hours, and see the Summary Stats in %
MAL flair to link JS - Transforms all flairs to links on anime related subreddits.
Shiki Listing Direct Chronology Link Addition JS - Chronology button addition
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Preview BBCODE JS - This script will add the MAL BBCODE Editor where it is currently not enabled.
Genre & Theme list filters for MyAnimeList (MAL) JS - Adds rudimentary genre, theme and demographics filter options to the list filter menu
Mejoras para Novelcool+ JS - Este es un script simple donde modifica la parte donde ves manwha y arregla unos errores y te permite elegir la cantidad de imagenes de los capitulos ejemplos hasta 50 siempre y cuando tenga 50 y si no tiene 50 solo cargara la cantidad de imagenes disponibles
Mangadex Group Blocker JS - To block groups on Mangadex's latest releases page
Mangadex-RPC JS - Share your Mangadex reads with Discord RPC.
Unsounded Comment Redactor JS - Redacts comments by individuals you no longer wish to hear from on the Unsounded comments page, and replaces them with quotes from Twin Peaks. I wrote this because of what a clusterfuck the comments section turned into near the end of chapter 9.
Clip Studio Reader Downloader JS - Download books from the browser version of Clip Studio Reader
cats webcomic tool JS - initial scrolling and a hotkey
AO3: [Wrangling] n-in-1 Wrangling Home Filter(s) JS - have different categories of wrangling home filters
Enlarge MAL List/Search Thumbnails JS - Enlarges thumbnails on MAL profile lists and advanceded search results.
Web-Ace Chapter Downloader JS - Download chapters from Web-Ace
Who Defriended ME!? - MAL JS - Now you can easily and quickly know who DeFriended you on MAL!
MangaDex Limit-Width Dual Spread Fix JS - Improve Mangadex's fit-width logic to account for large images that are intended to be "dual-spread", ignoring the width limit on relevant pages.
Custom Feedly Styles (+ Always Show Left Menu) JS - Custom Feedly Styles(wide, slim, clean styles for all Views, open feed in background tab, config menu) Universal script! Works with: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Pale Moon, Safari, IE...
Dota 2 & CSGO Lounge item price displayer JS - Displays an item's price information from the Steam Community Market and helps to copy an item's name.
AO3: True Crossover Filter JS - Help find real crossovers when fandoms have overlapping fandom tags.
KickAssAnime Arrow Nav JS - Allows arrow navigation and some basic features.
BATO.TO Chapter Downloader JS - Download a chapter from into a .ZIP or .CBZ file!
KeepChatGPT JS - This is an add-on that enhances ChatGPT's data security capabilities and efficiency, sharing numerous innovative features for free, such as automatic refresh, activity preservation, data security, audit cancellation, conversation cloning, limitless characters, homepage purification, large screen display, full-screen display, tracking interception, ever-evolving, and more.
KeepChatGPT实用工具箱(支持免梯镜像版) JS - This is an add-on that enhances ChatGPT's data security capabilities and efficiency, sharing numerous innovative features for free, such as automatic refresh, activity preservation, data security, audit cancellation, conversation cloning, limitless characters, homepage purification, large screen display, full-screen display, tracking interception, ever-evolving, and more.
Pagetual JS - Perpetual pages - powerful auto-pager script. Auto fetching next paginated web pages and inserting into current page for infinite scroll. Support thousands of web sites without any rule.
KeepChatGPT JS - This is an add-on that enhances ChatGPT's data security capabilities and efficiency, sharing numerous innovative features for free, such as automatic refresh, activity preservation, data security, audit cancellation, conversation cloning, limitless characters, homepage purification, large screen display, full-screen display, tracking interception, ever-evolving, and more.
Quick CYOA calculator JS - Overlay for quick CYOA playing