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Shell Shockers Model Injector: Barclay's JS - Import whatever model URLs you need - template and example code
ANTIZERT: NO ADS FOR ZERTALIOUS CHEATS (krunker,, shell shockers, + MORE!) JS - BYPASSES ads from ANY CHEAT created by "ZERTALIOUS". install this WITH a "zertalious" cheat, and this will BYPASS THE ADS!. works on,,,,,,, & paperio!
Increase FPS JS - Increase FPS in shell shockers
Shell Shockers advanced sounds JS - Change your weapon sounds - Shell Shockers
Shell Shockers Basic Aimbot + ESP: LibertyMutualV1 JS - UPDATED FOR 0.50.0! Fed up of a popular script injecting ads into your game? Need a simple script to modify or use? FOSS ESP, Tracers and Aimbot. Hold right mouse button to aimlock.
Disable Scope Lines for CS - SHELL SHOCKERS JS - Removes the black lines that are visible when you scope in
resize stupid coop icon JS - resizes the kotc icon that makes it impossible to see people on the coop if ur a cs. i also made it customizable. dm @lemonssalicious on discord if you have any proposed changes or anything
- Performance Booster and fps cap JS - Reduce lag and cap FPS in (Real 100% +editable fps) pls rate.
- Performance Booster JS - Reduce lag and cap FPS in (No maximum cap depending on your pc)
Increase Smoothness - Shell Shockers JS - Increase smoothness in shell shockers (NOT FPS)
Shell Shockers - Actual Invisibility with Visual Cue and Freeze JS - Make yourself truly invisible and show visual cue, plus freeze players!
Shell Shockers Hide FPS JS - Hide FPS and uncap it (FAKE)
Shellshock.IO Aimbot & ESP Enhanced Plus JS - Adds advanced aimbot, ESP features, spin bot, and teammate exclusion for Shellshock.IO.
Shell Shockers Skybox Deleter: AlphaMutualV1 JS - Simple script to remove the skybox in Shell Shockers. Set the skyboxAlpha variable to change the opacity.
Crosshair for Shell Shock (FINAL) JS - 9/16/2024, 8:34:24 PM
Various Crosshairs for FPS Websites JS - Crosshair for fps games (,,, etc
TheRogueContractor's theme! JS - Rogue Viewers Only - Rogue's Theme
Shellshock.IO Aimbot & ESP JS - Locks aim to the nearest player in Comes with an ESP too. Press B, V, N, L to toggle aimbot, esp, esp lines, aimbot on right mouse hold.
Dahood_Shellshockers_theme JS - Blue_hex_theme
Shell Shockers Crosshair + GUI JS - Create a Crosshair at the center of the screen with customizable size, color, and real-time preview within the GUI. Keybinding to hide/show the GUI, and watermark notifications.
Key Press Display JS - Displays the keys being pressed on the screen with customization options, positioning, and a toggleable GUI via the 'H' key.
ConsoleCracker: Variable Exposer for Shell Shockers JS - Simple script that allows you to access most shell shockers variables usually hidden by the extern IIF
- Ad Blocker JS - Blocks ads on
New script JS - 7/7/2024, 7:29:06 PM
ThatOneGuySS' Shell Shockers Theme JS - ThatOneGuy's official theme for Shell Shockers (v45.0 and up)
🔥 TigerTech Client for Shell Shockers Aimbot, CrossHair Mod, Auto-Move, Ping Monitor and MOAR!🔥 JS - Get ready for a brand new update! TigerTechOfficial Mod for Shell Shockers Aimbot, ESP and MOAR! It allows players to see opponents through walls, display lines to them, and automatically aim at targets. The script includes a GUI for toggling features and works on various Shell Shockers domains. Use of this script may violate game terms of service and ethical considerations.
ShellFarm V2 - Utilities for Shell Shockers. JS - Some useful mods for Shell Shockers, including infinite history, FOV, Custom SFX, skyboxes and more. Bindable too.
Blossom V3 JS - Revamped Blossom V2. Compatible with v45.0 and up.
Auto Walk[NumPad 1], Walk+Jump[NumPad 2], and Walk Left+Right[NumPad 3] Mod For Shell Shockers JS - Auto Walk, Walk+Jump, and Walk Left+Right script triggered by numpad keys (1, 2, and 3), initially disabled.
Auto Walk[Key 1], Jump[Key 2], Dodge[Key 3], Melee[Key 4] Mod For Shell Shockers JS - Combined auto-actions script triggers different actions (auto-walk, auto-jump, auto-dodge, auto-whisk) based on key presses (1, 2, 3, 4). Each action toggles on/off independently.
Majic_Hex_Shellshockers_theme JS - Blue_hex_theme
Jesh theme JS - a theme i made for my friend girlfriend
Shellshockers Speed Hack 2024 and Infinity jump JS - Infinity jump and speedhack!
Boolet Theme JS - Boolet' theme
mattdalorin's theme JS - a theme i made for my friend
onedumdood's theme JS - a theme i made for my friend
kill counter JS - script to display number of kills
Disable Chat JS - Disable the in-game chat
Mazen's theme JS - My theme, made with EZTHEME
Shell Shockers Bomb Notification JS - Display a notification when bombs are thrown across the map or near you in Shell Shockers
Shell Shockers Mouse Color Changer JS - Change mouse color in Shell Shockers using an RGB color wheel
Change FOV in Shell Shockers! JS - Implemented slider to change fov in shell shockers!
Disable scope (SHELL SHOCKERS) JS - Removes the black borders that occur whenever you scope in!
Get better FPS in shell shockers! JS - May or may not improve your fps in shell shockers.
Shellshock/Shellshockers FPS Unlocker JS - CREDITS TO A3+++
Christmas ShellShockers! JS - It's ShellShockers but Christmas Themed!
Simple Ringed Reticle JS - Simple Shell Shockers Theme only editing the Scope ADS and hipfire crosshair
Bruhseidon JS - Bruhseidon YT's theme made by Not Revan YT
Pink CrossHair/Health Bar JS - A Pink CrossHair/Health Bar
Light Blue CrossHair JS - stuff
Pink CrossHair JS - stuff
Bloolet's CrossHair/Scope JS - Boolet's Scope/CrossHair
Scope Theme - Circle JS - Scope - Circle
Purple Shell Shocker Theme - Custom Scope CrossHair And HealthBar JS - A Purple Shell Shocker Theme
Crimson_Hex_Theme JS - Works on unblocked SS sites
Scope Theme - Gamer JS - Scope - Gamer
Scope Theme - Green JS - Scope - Green
Scope Theme - Purple JS - Scope - Purple
Scope Theme - Moon JS - Same Scope That Moon Uses
Scope Theme - K4hhny JS - Same Scope K4hhny Uses
ShellShockers Aimbot and ESP JS - yes
Scope Theme - Viking JS - Same Scope That Viking Uses
Scope Theme - Bloolet JS - Same Scope That Bloolet Uses
Shell Skybox (Sunset Skybox) JS - changes the skybox in shell to a sunset picture
Health-Bar Mod | Shell Shockers | flygOn LiTe JS - Adds a health bar to the Shell Shockers game UI with sound FX
a theme bc JS - My theme, made with EZTHEME
Flufffluffyplaysgamez's theme JS - GO FOLLOW fluffyplaysgamez GREAT TWITCH STREAMER
Winter Theme ( JS - Winter theme For
BearWizard360 theme JS - This is a theme created my me for bearwizard360
Censored-No-More JS - Disables the chat filter and allows you to see messages that typically get blocked
CxS Clan Theme JS - The official CxS Clan Theme
Quackshot Theme ( JS - Quack those hard-boiled eggs! Main Code made by Silver Hawk
SilverHawkTheme ( JS - Become a Hawk with my first theme
SilverHawkTheme ( JS - Become a Hawk with my first theme
Player Spawned Extension (Public) JS - Adds emojis to track which players are spawned in game
Player-List Mod (Draggable) | Shell Shockers | flyg0n LiTe JS - Adds a draggable player list to the shell shockers game UI. Shows paused players and players hp.
Ammo-Bar Mod | Shell Shockers | flygOn LiTe JS - Adds an ammo bar to the Shell Shockers game UI
The Cracked Theme JS - The Cracked Theme 0.1
ThatGuySoda Theme JS - Simple SS Theme using CSS Variables
Hex_Shellshockers_theme JS - Blue_hex_theme
Change the Sky Color of Shell Shockers JS - Change the color of the sky in shell shockers!
Fog Mod for Shell Shockers JS - Adjust Density and Color of the Fog in shell shockers!
Toggleable (Key V) ESP for Shell Shockers (PROOF OF CONCEPT) JS - Only to be used for TESTING purposes, in private lobbies.
Crimson_Hex_Theme JS - Simple SS Theme using CSS Variables
- Remove Adblocker messages & respawn timer JS - Remove the Adblock popup, as well as the respawn timer to avoid the extra wait in shell shockers
Ghostly theme by Ninjaboy73 JS - Epic theme
Ice Acer Theme JS - Simple SS Theme using CSS Variables
Ninjaboy73 Theme. Made with EZTHEME JS - Awesome youtuber, awesome theme
shell shockers Theme ( JS - Become a God Trickshotter!
gaming Theme ( JS - Become a God Trickshotter!
Loading Ad Fix JS - This will fix the loading ad bug in ShellShockers
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
Spectate Speed Slider Extension (Public) JS - Allows for editing of the spectator camera speed (increase and decrease)
Kill Distance Extension (Public) JS - Allows viewing of the distance between two players when a kill takes place
Shell Shockers Theme JS - Tide-League-Theme
[IN SCHOOL HACK] & Shellshockers Hidden(MOD) [H] redirect you to(URL) of your choice JS - & shellshockers Hidden(MOD) Press [H] to redirect you to a (URL) of your choice To [PLAY IN SCHOOL] Menu Press [R] For a Radio works For Shellshockers also works for some alterive URLs #Hack #krunker #Shellshockers #school #Hidden
Torodigital Shell Shockers Theme Made by Oltosuper JS - Simple SS Theme using CSS Variables
Oltosuper theme JS - Simple SS Theme using CSS Variables