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mmmturkeybacon Select Amazon Payments/Disable Gift Card Withdrawal JS - Selects the Amazon Payments option, unchecks and disables the Amazon Gift Card withdrawal option.
Frankie's Custom HF Header JS - Adds various forums to the HF heading.
Spirit's Custom HF Header JS - Adds various forums to the HF heading.
Kohi's Custom HF Header JS - Adds various forums to the HF heading.
FFN Filters Auto-Select JS - Auto-selects filters.
Tumblr notes autoload JS - Adds a button to autoload all notes on Tumblr full page posts
Generate ibis entry JS - enter something useful
BBC iPlayer video download JS - Easily download videos from BBC iPlayer (with youtube-dl)
Clicker for Mrsreader JS - enter something useful
UNDYING! JS - Changes the flavor text on a button in the Kingdom of Loathing.
Check Praised Comments JS - Check Praised Comments Using Button
Login Notificaitons JS - check notifications quickly
Goodreads high count giveaways JS - Remove First Reads giveaways offering a low number of books
Goodreads giveaways arrow pager JS - Navigate giveaway pages with left and right arrow keys
SteamGifts: Giveaways auto paging JS - Automatically loads following pages in the giveaway lists. Not required with latest Easy SteamGifts version.
switch to mobile version on facebook video page JS - When you open a video in facebook, you're redirected to mobile version so that it can play in HTML5 player
InstaSynchP Logger JS - Log information with different levels
InstaSynchP Bibby JS - Bibby specific changes
EasyDelivery JS - Easy tool to improve delivery job.
InstaSynchP TrimWall Command JS - Trim a users wall down to the specified time
InstaSynchP Wallcounter JS - Summarizes the lengths of each users (or a list of users) walls
v4c/InstaSynch Additional Features JS - Just a CSS for v4c right now. I'm a lazy faggot and haven't touched javascript.
WK Custom Review Question (KunOn+) JS - Changes the text of the Review or Lesson Quiz question. Specifies ON or KUN reading for Kanji. Options to have the text in English or Japanese.
Remove all on page JS - Add Remove or Reactivate buttons on Gamemaker Marketplace Purchase
Imdb Thread Auto-View JS - Auto-expand the thread comments in Imdb Message Boards
SAY NO TO KARMA JS - Tired of Karmapoints?Well Say No To Them Already.
Turkdigo FlicksIO Helper JS - FlicksIO helper; adds some stuff on Google and IMDb to make searching and submitting (slightly, ever so slightly) less of a problem.
dark v4c JS - Just a CSS for v4c right now. I'm a lazy faggot and haven't touched javascript.
- Opera - My Top Tracks - July 2008 JS - Shows any tracks on artist pages that you've listened to by that artist.
WME Simplify Place Geometry JS - Simplifies geometry of area places in WME
Politics and War Market Extractor JS - Extracts Resource, Date Offered, Units Available, and PPU from market page and prints it at the bottom of the page in a format that will paste easily to spreadsheets.
Disable HWZ forums background ad JS - Stops the irritating background ad on the HardwareZone Forums from being clickable. You'll still see it, but you won't accidentally click on the ad any more.
iks:kvala_personal_indicator_zarplaty JS - Отображение максимального числа сотрудников, которое держит топ, а также максимальной технологии установленной в подразделении. Показ процентного соотношения зарплаты от среднегородской.
SAY NO TO HASHTAGS JS - Tired of hashtags,say no to them already!
Tools Doa De DylanProDoa (modded by Dylan) JS - Tool Pour Doa, Fait Par DydyTool
Google Autologin JS - Auto-login to Google, assuming Firefox is set to remember your password. Based on Facebook Autologin v2.
VK: Friends w/o History JS - Adds "Without History" filter to Friends page. Handy, if you have lots of friends and you want to *spam* only those, who don't have chat history with you yet.
Politics and War Helper JS - Adds useful functions to the Game Politics and War
Disable Yahoo! News background ad JS - Makes background ad area on Yahoo! News unclickable. No more accidental clicks.
Kongregate One JS - Kongregate One - One script to rule them all. Everything here.
Ikariam Auto Builder script JS - Ikariam Auto Builder HACK lets you add your building to an upgrading queue (YES! NOW YOU CAN DO IT FOR FREE!).
Direct Accept Mission JS - Lets you directly accept HP secret board missions
/anon/ anon enforcer JS - what the name says
save the goddamn signing key JS - save the signing key on FIMFiction
mlpchan mature already dammit JS - what the name says
pastebin link formatter JS - Turns URL patterns in pastebin pages into actual links. (see code for examples)
WK Custom Review Question (KunOn+) JS - Changes the text of the Review or Lesson Quiz question. Specifies ON or KUN reading for Kanji. Options to have the text in English or Japanese.
No Foka on JoeMonster JS - Removes articles writen by Foka from JoeMonster
Imdb Rating on Pirate Bay JS - Displays Imdb ratings and highlights the best movies
The West - Player Checker JS - With this script you can easy check status of players
IPA JS - text to ipa
KissAnime Ajaxify JS - Ajaxify the next and previous buttons on the page for watching anime of For more information, visit
Hacker News - Highlight and navigate original poster's comments JS - Highlight original poster comments on Hackers News and navigate them with the keyboard
(MAL) My Anime List Filter JS - This script filters your anime list by type (movie, TV, etc.), score, airing status, number of episodes and rating
nshark JS - Turns all images on page to Left Shark
Eliminar Mensajes de Denuncia JS - elimina mensajes
KASKUS Smooth Style'15 JS - Bikin tampilan kaskus barumu jadi nyaman dan fresh
WME Counties Illinois Census 2014 JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Illinois Groups" layer
hide ann ep reviews JS - hides ann ep reviews
Virtonomica: Израсходовано расходников в МЦ, ресторанах и автомастерских JS - Помощник по закупкам в МЦ, русский реалм
Kab. NAGAN RAYA JS - Polygon Kecamatan di NAGAN RAYA.kml
Polygon Kecamatan di PIDIE JAYA JS - Kab. PIDIE JAYA
Kota Lhokseumawe JS - Lhokseumawe
Kota Subulussalam JS - Polygon Kecamatan di Subulussalam
Kab. MUARA ENIM JS - Polygon Kecamatan di MUARA ENIM
Answer to... JS - Shows the comment for which this comment is an answer
DraftIcon JS - Change favicon on habrahabr when user moves post to drafts
- closed project icon JS - Change favicon on when the project is already closed
- iframe killer JS - deletes all iframes from a site
TargetKiller JS - remove '_blank' from links target
Storm8 Functions JS - Auto functions for all Storm8 games
BvS Workshop: Select for Distillation JS - Select an item directly from the distillation list.
GOG legacy fixes JS - Fixes bugs on the older parts of the website
Unsounded Comment Redactor JS - Redacts comments by individuals you no longer wish to hear from on the Unsounded comments page, and replaces them with quotes from Twin Peaks. I wrote this because of what a clusterfuck the comments section turned into near the end of chapter 9.
Stop YouTube Video Download JS - Stops YouTube Video From Downloading.
- refresher JS - nothing
novaposhta barcode JS - enter something useful
ZSMTurker's MTG Forum Image Video Spoilerizer (with labels mod) JS - Spoilerize all images and videos in posts (except TO) on mturk-related forums: MTurkGrind, MTurkForum, and TurkerNation.
HIT Area Expander (with compact interface mod) JS - Adds a button to change the height of the working area for the hit.
CH MTurk Qualifications Wrapper JS - Word-wraps long qualifications on individual HIT pages, with better multi-script compatibility. Now also word-wraps the HIT links cells on search results pages.
Mini Grind (with thanks-hiding fix mod) JS - For mturkgrind forum, can hide user titles, ranks, achievements, rep, stats, sig, and thanks.
Webs Image Filter (safe version) JS - Pre-set all Webs Image Filter images to OK/clean.
Yahoo! new mail alert JS - This script will play the classic "Yahoo! Mail" voice wav file when it detects you have new unread mail in your mailbox
osu! Beatmap Mirror JS - Adds a mirror link to osu! download pages
JIRA sub-task order editor JS - Change the order of JIRA sub-tasks via drag and drop.
YouTube Stop AUTOPLAY (OBSOLETE) JS - Stop videos from auto playing
Giphy Categorization JS - Reverse Engineered because I have no clue what I'm doing!
Remove Ads on Tetris Friends JS - This script removes ads on
Sticky mTurk Search Bar JS - sticks mturk searchbar on scroll
The West - Conjunto de roupas JS - Sets e conjuntos
AdsBypasserLite JS - Bypass Ads
Protopage Ad Remover JS - Remove ads from
- Gilfoid Troll Warning JS - Get warned when Scott Gilfoid posts on
Cinemagia & IMDB To Filelist JS - Helps you to search movies from cinemagia or IMDB, on filelist
Le Upboat! xD JS - Vote on posts on /g/.
Lair Item Spoiler JS - This script for Kingdom of Loathing ( KoL ) shows needed tower items when using the telescope or 3 doors before the tower, checks to see if you have them, and provides links to the zones where you can get them.
Le Upboat! xD JS - Vote on posts on /g/.
4chan GET Modified JS - GET script