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! loree mod v2. JS - ae but new ?
! Sploop-Mod JS - Nothing to see here!!!
! Unreal? mod v8 JS - Ong this mod so op it kell all server
! za's mod JS - press t to toggle autooneframe
! za's mod - unpatched JS - press t to toggle autooneframe
!!!! Project kindvers unpatched fps boost !!!! JS - works best with stick hammer has autopush, auto trap, auto insta, autoheal, can get katana gun VISUALS not real (still deals 35 dmg but looks like katana) to get this go with sword and DO NOT PICK KATANA or you will not be able to get gun, select the gun then you will get katana visuals :D thats all
!!!!Rumble JS - yo listen yu hear that killer is in jungle
!!~~~>Magnet mod<~~~!! JS - Unpatched
(Fix Gui) Moomoo, Finally added ★Change Hat Keys Are in Description JS - Ask permission Before putting/ Adding it on a Script add me on discord, name in description
++WeaponEffects JS - Cool weapon effects added (katana, short sword, and polearm) ~~ You can easily change the color in your Tampermonkey dashboard code editor, here's a guide: ~~ #### MAKE SURE YOU'VE UNINSTALLED THE DEMO BEFORE USING #### ~~ Documentation:
++WeaponEffects Documentation JS - ++WeaponEffects in an easy to understand way, for other developers. Please don't 100% copy my full version in put it into a "mod package" or whatever, make your own script. But I'm not selfish so please make your own based off this code. I'm going to get a demanding job and might not be around as much and if so I want this to spark new things. Full version:
/Project FMA JS - Good mod
2nd Phaserator | EZ Sound Extension JS - Some Easy and little Extension For EZ Sound when you kill a player (this is only the extension :v)
4 bots damian JS - For more info about 4x multibox go my channel
9mm [] [v1.0.1] JS - It's a good script for, it's not the best, but I'll try to make it as good as possible. M - Auto mills. Q/F/V/N/H - Macro placers. Everything else works automatically! If some hats were not bought by yourself, then you can buy them in the store.
ʀᴜɪɴ / - ᴄʟɪᴇɴᴛ no password JS - ق8#مَ^P7@س!L3ع6$فِJ1%طَ+X9&كدِQ2!زَW0+ش^T5حَN@بَ8%عَ^F4+زس@ج^Q7!م3$عِP9@تَL5& (pass fo error king)
[MooMoo] Hats-panel JS - This script added hats panel
[PATCHED]Black Rainbow JS - Private hack
AAAA Mod JS - Hi
Ad Blocker JS - Removes ads. the blank spaces in the script let you add in any link you want.(Disclaimer) do Not Post this scripts else ware or you might get banned
Ad blocker JS - Updated version! Block ads on serval websites.
Adblock For and More .io games JS - Modded Script to remove ads
AE86 JS - 0 shame anti, op insta, autp replace..etc!
AE86 JS - Ae86 says vroom
ae86 JS - use unpatcher for play with this mod)
Alpha-Ware 40 bot mod! (Patched) JS - Up to 40 bots hack (more with VPN), autoheal, macros, and command keys!
Always Start With 100 Resources JS - Start with 100 resources in
Always Start With 100 Resources JS - Start with 100 resources in
Always Start With 1000 Resources JS - Start with 1000 resources in
Always Start With 10000 Resources JS - Start with 10000 resources in
Always Start With 100000 Resources JS - Start with 100000 resources in
Anon Mod JS - Try To Take Over The World With AnonymousMod!
Anti [ AdBlock Detector ] JS - Today I saw a window asking me to disable AdBlock ._. If you also have a problem with this, then you can use this script
Anti Invisible Buildings [No bundle] JS - Draws invisible objects (Sets a new dir (angle) for them)
ANTI KICK FOR DEMON JS - antikick good
Anti Projectile. JS - Anti bow insta && Anti projectile sync.
Anti Spacebar Scroll [,] JS - Removes scrolling when pressing spacebar
Anti-curse Bypass JS - Anti-Curse Bypass script for that allows you to bypass the anti-profanity chat filter in the game
AntiCheat JS - Try it for your self, Hackers :)
AntiKickSystem JS - At least this system should protect you from the kick system
Apple Mod JS - BEST SHARED MOD !!!
artorias JS - untched ok?
artorias v2 JS - testing testing how are u bad
Ascension JS - mashallah
Ascension JS - me when sad: :(
ATM client v2.7.1 JS - Private mod
auto aim / auto healer and aimbot JS - this is my first script is probably not the best but enjoy <3 (toggle:|)
Auto Heal for Mobile JS - Auto heal mod for with a button to enable auto heal and a chat message for mobile users
Auto Scroll JS - try to take over the world!
Autoreloader for JS - Hold enter or something
autoscroll JS - take over world with auto scroll
AutoScroll by CyRuler JS - B = Shop / T = Tank Gear / C = Bull Helmet / V = Turret Gear / Z = Flipper Hat / F = Solider / G = Samurai / H = Booster
BAD MACRO v0.1 JS - N for trap and mill M for auto heal
Beta adapter Ping/Fps! (v3) JS - This is a beta adapter for your ping/FPS in! + Remove Ad
Better MooMoo [FINAL UPDATE] [DISCONTINUED] JS - A cool customizer. Key: NEW_BETTERMM
Biome hat Alpha 0.2v JS - Biome hat Alpha
Blood Raven JS - Baby baby babyy OHHH
BloodyMod JS - by MaximumTears#4440
Blue Mod JS - Changes some colors on to blue.
bootleg schlieffen JS - Anatomy of a God!
Bow Insta Helper JS - adjusts upgradeHolder pos to match bow insta.
Building Health Bars JS - Shows the health of buildings.
Bundle Inject By Links (Open Source) JS - easy inject your bundle to the game no limited bundle no change the script one fast and sec
ChapeisMortais(Versao Bull Hat JS - Hat Macros, Auto-Hat
CheatCentral/KrunkerCentral Key System Bypass JS - Breaks key system for all current CheatCentral/KrunkerCentral userscripts. To add support for new scripts just simply copy and paste their @match script meta info into this script :)
Chicken JS - deob tampermonkey chicken
Chicken mod JS - this mod don't have autobreak spike i will update in foture
CHICKEN MOD V4 JS - basic skid by Yurio but cant do good mod me sad ;(
Chimken-mod JS - Chimken killer🔥-A simple mod with simple things such as autoheal, R-Insta, F-Trap, V-Spike, and much more Enjoy!
Chimken-OP JS - A script i have written with a bunch of other code writers and I am extremely proud of our work enjoy!
Chimken-OP JS - A script i have written with a bunch of other code writers and I am extremely proud of our work enjoy!
Chimkens weapon variant Progress!🐓 JS - View when your weapon is about to change variant!
Cifi mod v1.2 (Remaked heal and aded function for noob) JS - This mod was created to destroy strong cheaters. But since this mod is still in beta testing, it may not work well. If you see any shortcomings, you can write about them.(aded function for noob and remaked heal)
Classified JS - Impossible to outplace
Cool Mod JS - OP Mod, L!!!
Cow JS - gives you magical powers (fixed by Wealthy)
CPS & Clicks Panel JS - Adds a part of the keyboard to your screen. And your CPS
cripmod!! JS - for the fake ganstas
Custom Cursors JS - Add custom cursors to
Custom Mod with Auto Heal and Key Binds JS - A custom mod with auto healing and key bindings to switch hats and place traps.
Darkness And Fps Booster And Ping Dropped [By AFK] JS - Will boost your fps and ping by heaps
DeathFadeout Slayer JS - Remove DeathFadeout from cowgaem (no intervals :>)
DEATHTO@LL mod v2.9 JS - i hope you enjoy i like i think you will too :)
DeBug-X v2.28 Beta by Exo Red JS - DeBug-X client by Exo Red
determination JS - Hello World!
Determination v7.4(work) JS - Determination remaked by Ultra hack
devil mod JS - ▄︻デ══━一💥
Diamond Hacker JS - Join our Discord —
DiaMonD HAckEr Mod JS - Good script!
DiaMonD The Best by :D JS - - OP M0D -
Diddy Mod (HAPPYMOD but but autochat) JS - Like happymod BUT WAY FUCKING BETTER AND IMPROVED
Disable Game Grid JS - Hold the KEY: [? or /] this is one key. When the process reaches 100%, the game grid will either appear or disappear.
dismiss cookies warning JS - Agrees to the cookies dialog to make it disappear forever
External-Executor JS - External executor leaked by xcfvmaybe
Exynos JS - monad, also Metamorphosis is pro song
EZ HACK MOD by EZ HACK v 1.5 Beta JS - A mod suitable for professionals only, not automatic, only automatic healing.