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pancake mod [ PATCHED ] JS - This mod is not bad, its just ok. To know the controls, look in the description! Enjoy :>
Happymod v6 JS - HappyMod Users are Pro. HappyMod creators are super Pro.
MOOMOO.IO Insane Mod! *Discontinued since Jan 2018* JS - Better Minimap, Hat & Accessory Toolbar, Auto Heal, Double Hit, Easy Bow, Rainbow Hat, Hotkeys
- Zoom hack JS - Allows to change zoom of the game using mouse wheels
- New cyan color JS - Adds a new cyan color to the color selection panel
Anti Spacebar Scroll [,] JS - Removes scrolling when pressing spacebar
Rainbow UI 🌈 | Ad Block 🛑 | Better Map 🗺 | Show Ping 🏓 | And More … | MooMoo.IO JS - Rainbow UI, ad block, better map, always show ping, start with extra resources, and more for
UwU Mod 0.3 JS - UwU Mod Password : ThankYou
- added menus, space hold feature, weapon synch JS - Exactly what the title says
AE86 JS - 0 shame anti, op insta, autp replace..etc!
VN Mod v2 JS - Revolver killer
- auto aim / aimbot and auto heal! JS - aims at nearest player and heals when you're hurt (Toggle key: I)
MOOMOO.IO AUTOHEAL + numpad hat mod JS - Autoheal credit for auto heal gose to night and hat mod gose to Perussi. use numpads to equip hats u can press the number pad keys and see on top of tab withc eache one dose.
- [simple Hat Macro] JS - simple Hat Macro, starter resources and other things!
- Chromebook HatScript, working after update v0.897 JS - Working after patch, use "9,0 and -" to switch hats, for all you Chromebook users out there who don't have a numeric keypad here you go use this as a hat-script
++WeaponEffects JS - Cool weapon effects added (katana, short sword, and polearm) ~~ You can easily change the color in your Tampermonkey dashboard code editor, here's a guide: ~~ #### MAKE SURE YOU'VE UNINSTALLED THE DEMO BEFORE USING #### ~~ Documentation:
Menu template for your script JS - I just did it because I'm bored... How you will use this menu depends on you! I did it for the developers of cheats on Moo, but it can be used on any game.
- Custom Store JS - Customize store
MooVisuals JS - Custom visuals created by chat gpt and Auto "gg" on kill in
Radiance Client JS - basically wasd edited And Noone xd
AntiKickSystem JS - At least this system should protect you from the kick system
- Enemy location tracker JS - Shows approximate location of enemies on the map. Using this script you can easily find players in the game
MooMoo right click auto feed JS - Uses food when right clicked
ProutexMacro v6 Return JS - I'm sorry, but I won't update this macro! I'm going to create a cheat and post it on GreasyFork soon!
Anon Mod JS - Try To Take Over The World With AnonymousMod!
- Item markers JS - Draws markers on items
Apple Mod JS - BEST SHARED MOD !!!
- - Ez Hat Switch JS - Give yourself an advantage over the other players
- Hat Changer (Discord = 𐌋𐌆𐌋 🔥ṨΔᐯΔǤ€🔥#210) JS - Changing hats using the keyboard
MOOMOO.IO HAT MACRO + AUTO BUY!!! JS - With the press of a key you can auto Buy/Equip a Hat! As well as bigger store, better map and better colors, as well as much more!!!!!
[PATCHED]Black Rainbow JS - Private hack
- - Helper to become pro JS - With this script your controls to place are different. To know the controls look at the description!
Penguin Client JS - Lots of mods
Mod JS - Ez Kills
i30Mod JS - BEST WS SENDER MOD! ESC = Mod Menu, P = WS Sender, L = Console Command. [ = advanced autochat. Change autochat: press L, then enter advAc2 = "<your autochat here>" || Features: Increases FPS, Blocks Ads, Biome Map, and more! This is a utility mod, not a hack. Made by i30cps.
- modded UI JS - Removes unnecessary cards and ads, and makes changelog text bigger when updated, and other small UI improvements, hides UI after 10 seconds, reload button on disconnected removes server specification (Working as of July 13 2018)
moomoo aim + heal JS - try to take over the world!
Navigation PRO JS - Map Movement
- Death text JS - Death text input in
- Remove Cookie Preferences Tab JS - Simple tool to delete the cookies tab from
Lightbulb's Rainbow Health Bar for JS - Makes team members (and yourself) have color-changing health bars! Client-side only, others cannot see it.
Rainbow age bar JS - AgeBar is fading in various colors!
KeyBoard Panel v2 JS - The best public keyboard panel in ! Next to the inscription "MADE BY NUDO" you can change the color of the text on the keyboard and it is saved after page reload. When you press the button, the keyboard will show that you have enabled the automatic attack, and will be highlighted in blue. Also on X.
- Legit (AutoScroll + Safe heal) + fake keystrokes (for macros) JS - none
- Auto reloader JS - Automatically reload the page on disconnect and handle errors such as "Server is full"
- Game grid removal JS - Removes the game grid
- Force connect JS - Allows to connect to the full server
- Auto Triple Mill JS - Automatically place Triple Mill in when the [M] key is pressed.
- - 1.8.0 Holder Macro & Interactive Menu JS - This functions as a key rebinder. Press Keycode 186 to toggle hold macros. Use 'Esc' to toggle the menu and adjust hold intervals. Holds: Spike, Trap, Mill, Turret, Spawnpad, Wall
MOOMOO BOT SCRIPT - WORKING 2023 JS - 3 bots will spawn and start going to your location.
Lift Web Restrictions: .io Game Mods (, Ad Link Bypasser, Adblock, & MORE! JS - A huge userscript that modifies hundreds of websites, adding mods, hacks, new features, and quality-of-life to the web! (in beta) Notable features: auto-redirects, a fully-featured hack, Google Classroom dark mode, mass delete discord messages, remove ads on baidu, disable Google Analytics, Facebook ad blocker!
myMod 2 JS - V - spike, F - trap, - H - 2 turrets, SPACE - spikeHit, R - insta, C - 4 spikes, RightMouse - tankspam, O - qadro boost/trap, ESC - menu beta, T - reverse insta, G - beta one tick boost.
HaxKiller (unpatched) JS - no desrcription because someone reported it
IADO Mod (Edited Chimken-Mod) JS - Turning chimken mod into the best moomoo hack slowly but surely.
- BASIC HAT MACRO JS - Use this mod to switch hats with the press of a key!
FPS Booster JS - oh yes the old name returns
- Hat Hack Hotkey Special Instakill By LuminexT JS - Try to be the God or Goddess in!
- JS - Subcriber to Kūhaku on link
Ad blocker JS - Updated version! Block ads on serval websites.
- Freecam JS - lets you move around freely
- Legit Macros JS - MOOMOO.IO WORKING MACROS, TRAP => F || Spike => V || Food => Q || WINDMILLS => N
★ ChangeWeapon JS - Switch the weapon with the tab key.
Ad Blocker JS - Removes ads. the blank spaces in the script let you add in any link you want.(Disclaimer) do Not Post this scripts else ware or you might get banned
- - start with more resources JS - p
9mm [] [v1.0.1] JS - It's a good script for, it's not the best, but I'll try to make it as good as possible. M - Auto mills. Q/F/V/N/H - Macro placers. Everything else works automatically! If some hats were not bought by yourself, then you can buy them in the store.
-,,,,, Global Name Manager [Krunker Coming Soon] JS - Auto-fill nicknames into .io games! Supports,,,,,,,,,, and
Texture Pack Manager [,,] JS - Allows you to change game textures!
- Key Rebinder JS - F -> Hold Trap/Boost Pad / V -> Hold Spike / N -> Hold Windmill
Happymod v6 fixed by ghost! JS - discord: .ghostsx
MOOMOO.IO mod made by MRS.UR_WACK JS - mod thats in deveolpment
MOOMOO.IO rainbowhat!!! JS - ------------------Looks SUPER COOL!!!!!--------------------
AutoScroll by CyRuler JS - B = Shop / T = Tank Gear / C = Bull Helmet / V = Turret Gear / Z = Flipper Hat / F = Solider / G = Samurai / H = Booster
Police Mod Compatible With Any 2021 Updated Script JS - To Activate The Police Mod Just Buy The Hat "Bummle Hat" And "Winter Cap" After Buying Them Make Sure That The Light Of The Key "NumLock" Is On For The Mod To Work Without Error [ Command Keys (NumLock 2) "PoliceHat " l (NumLock 8) "AnimalsHat"]
simple instakill JS - simple
- gold bots JS - creates bots moving to you
AntiCheat JS - Try it for your self, Hackers :)
- Visuals JS - Visually improve by changing the style of certain elements and showing weapon reload bars.
moomoo shortsword+bow build JS - Swaps to food when right clicked, 'shift' switches to shortsword, 'q' switches to bow
- /ᐠ。ᆽ。ᐟ \ Mod *BETA* JS - Easy Hats switch
- ★ Hat-Hotkeys JS - Hat Macros! (Keys in desc)
(Fix Gui) Moomoo, Finally added ★Change Hat Keys Are in Description JS - Ask permission Before putting/ Adding it on a Script add me on discord, name in description
Moomoo sound JS - lol sound when u kill jajaja
Autoreloader for JS - Hold enter or something
MOOMOO.IO Funny Color Mod JS - Fun Colors 4!
Auto Scroll JS - try to take over the world!
Custom Cursors JS - Add custom cursors to
CPS & Clicks Panel JS - Adds a part of the keyboard to your screen. And your CPS
- Item counter JS - display, how many items you have placed
- ItzF1ker1 editon JS - I'm trying to make dis. xd
Darkness And Fps Booster And Ping Dropped [By AFK] JS - Will boost your fps and ping by heaps
- PRO MOD JS - Working auto heal and advanced minimap
Matrix Mod for JS - View Details At:
Disable Game Grid JS - Hold the KEY: [? or /] this is one key. When the process reaches 100%, the game grid will either appear or disappear.
Fake Gold Bot Troll JS - Pretend to be a gold bot! This script adds a button to spawn as a fake gold bot.
Visual++ JS - Changes the appearance of the game
- Private Chat Room JS - Chat with your friends privately
Night Mode [MooMoo.IO] JS - Night mode for MooMoo.IO.
Always Start With 100 Resources JS - Start with 100 resources in
- Grey Rain UI JS - A script that changes some UI-related things