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Baidu Google Bing URL Shorten JS - Mark Baidu、Google、Bing URL Shortest.
Youtube Video Downloader | MP3,MP4 JS - A basic youtube video downloader using y2mate, faster, a single click!
EdPuzzle+ JS - You can skip forward or skip directly to the questions
Autokey helper script - nitro type bot JS - This script is used for copying the text on to the clipboard. It works in co-operation with the Autokey app. Autokey will then type the text which this script copied. It will do so for each race that you set it to do. Autokey will be found on my site This script is NOT an auto typer by itself. It just copies the text for Autokey to type.
Monkeytype helper JS - Allows to type really FAST!!! Press "Right Arrow" to toggle auto-typing bot, customize your typing speed, works in any mode and language
FileCR Assistant Bypass JS - A simple script to bypass FileCR Assistant.
- Ultimately Import JS - Bypass import limit on Mega Web client & remove warning about the space usage
Cookie Clicker Mod Menu JS - Mod menu for Cookie Clicker
Dsync Client [] JS - The most advanced hack for
Robux changer 😎 JS - Press escape on a roblox site to change robux. Not real robux.
Vimeo Download JS - Adds a download button to the Vimeo video player. This is a rewrite of "Vimeo Embed Download" originally created by aleixdev (
Kahoot Namerator and Name Length Bypass JS - Bypasses kahoot nickname generator as well as the maximum name length
Book Search Helper: DXID SSID helper. JS - No registration, check the book numbers (SSID, DXID) of literature libraries such as Super Star, Duxiu, UCDRS, and initiate mutual assistance to obtain the full text.
Hack for no red ink JS - shows the answer to the questions in noredink. When you get a question wrong it will be saved to the database, so the more people who use this script, the more accurate it will be. currently supports multiple choice, highlighting, multi-highlighting, playground, outlinedraggable and punctuation question types and more will be added later
Discord Watch Deleted Messages JS - Records all deleted messages in every opened channel and stores them so you can read it later ;)
ASMR Online Work Downloader JS - Download all(selected) folders and files for current work on in one click, preserving folder structures
Win Every Nitro Type Race You play. JS - Sing Developments has created this script for you to use for personal use. This script should help you to win every Nitro Type race you play. Make sure to go to the link below to use this correctly. Enjoy!
- Dune Mod - AutoHeal, Autobreak, FAST, AND MORE! JS - A new mod with autoheal, autobreak, very fast runtime, AND MORE
Anti [ AdBlock Detector ] JS - Today I saw a window asking me to disable AdBlock ._. If you also have a problem with this, then you can use this script
Dogeware--- (Advanced)Nitrotype Cheats/PauseGame/Radio/Autotyper/Crashkey JS - Advanced Nitrotype Cheats
ChatGPT Exporter JS - Easily export the whole ChatGPT conversation history for further analysis or sharing.
ChatGPT Search JS - ChatGPT answers displayed in sidebar after search (Google, Bing, Baidu, DuckDuckGo and DeepL)
Tinder Deblur JS - Simple script using the official Tinder API to get clean photos of the users who liked you
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
Quizizz | - | - | Assistant JS - Learns from your mistakes, does the quiz for you after (NO LONGER WORKING, WILL NOT BE FIXED).
Smart Chess Bot: The Ultimate Chess Analysis System JS - Our chess analysis system is designed to give players the edge they need to win. By using advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology, our system can analyze any chess position and suggest the best possible move, helping players to make smarter and more informed decisions on the board.
Scribd bypass JS - Script disables blur on text & add full document
bunkr video downloader JS - Download video automatically
Auto Typer for JS - Bot: AutoType Up to 300 WPM
- bypasser JS - Automatically does steps.
RoSniperX JS - stream sniper script without using exploits
Youtube dual subtitle JS - Fix for mobile devices on YouTube bilingual captions. It works on both mobile and desktop, and supports the Via browser.
Quizlet Login Bypass 2024 JS - Unblur text, Remove ads, Clean UI
ChatGPT Model Switcher (Supports GPT-4 Mobile and All Available Models) JS - Use the GPT-4 Mobile model on the ChatGPT web interface. It also provides the ability to switch to other models for added flexibility. Generally, this script does not conflict with other popular ChatGPT scripts.
AtCoder Better! JS - A Tampermonkey script for AtCoder that enhances functionality and interface.
NoredInk Bubble Fill 100% Hack JS - Automatically fills mastery bubbles every 1 second
Auto Text Skipper Education Perfect JS - This scirpt will automaticly complete the text secrtion on Education Perfect
Human-Typer (Automatic) - Google Docs & Slides JS - Types your text in a human-like manner so the edit history shows the progress.
Mathletics Answer Typing Script JS - Mathletics Live Cheats that actually give points! Hold 'A' to generate points, Press 'A' to type in the answer, or if your answer is already typed press 'A' to submit
ShellShockers Aimbot and ESP JS - yes
Multibox script Working December 2023 JS - multibox
CheatNite JS - CraftNite cheat client. Credits to 🄱u𝕥c🅷e𝕣_B𝙤🅈 for icon.
Youtube AdBlock ban bypass JS - Fix the "Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service" Error
Nitro Type Shop Leaks JS - Shop Leaks in Nitro Type
七猫全文在线免费读 JS - Qimao Novel Reading, No Need for a Client, Novels Available for Download
torn-crime-crack-helper JS - Utilize password database to crack torn cracking crime.
赛尔号启航Pc修改版黄金天马透视 JS - helpersaiier
Thunder Client for JS - this is cool! Get Custom HealthBar And More!!!
YouTube: Audio Only JS - No Video Streaming
- ESP JS - ESP behind the wall players show cheat for
Fake Robux JS - Changes the navbar Robux amount to a desired amount
Sigmally Macros JS - Macro for sigmally
✅ RoVerify | Roblox Verification Badge JS - A simple script that adds the Roblox verification badge to your name.
Musescore Free PDF Downloader JS - An automatic and free score downloader for musescore
Infinity Craft (in English) JS - Adds a language selector to the interface of the game Infinity Craft at — the infinite game.
Reddit++ JS - A lot of enhancements for new design of like unwrapped feed buttons, bigger fonts, view images without redirect and many more...
- Ultimate Chat Exporter JS - Adds "Export All Chats" and "Export Chat" buttons to
4chan Gallery JS - 4chan grid-based image gallery with zoom mode support for threads that allows you to browse images, and soundposts (images with sounds, webms with sounds) along with other utility features.
- Auto-leveler Bot JS - Press Q to toggle, must be in base at least once in a lifetime so the script knows what team you are in
pixuniverse picture overlay JS - Add your picture as overlay to
Mouse Line Aimer for JS - Creates a line that follows the mouse
Gplex - Old Google Frontend JS - 2011-2019 Google frontend (public beta release)
King Mod v2 ( My Version Mod ) JS - Ok
You got it! NT Gold. JS - You will get NT gold cars everywhere in Garage on nitro type and math. (It's very shiny!)
Project X v8 Test JS - enjoy all :3
onekeygetfreenode JS - Free node one-click access, scientific Internet access, free ladder, ssr/v2ray/clash free node real-time sharing, enjoy watching video sites, no longer have to worry about no traffic.
Twitter/X Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
Unreal? mod v4 JS - Ong this mod so op it kell all server
MrMenu JS - Best Manager
Gartic Mod Menu JS - drawing assistant, answer assistant and many more features
Kirka FPS Counter, FPS Booster, View Touched Keys Mouse/Keyboard, Stretched canvas, IP Catcher JS - See IP's of the players (with name and 50%), FPS Counter, FPS Booster, View Keyboard/Mouse touchs etc..
Story Downloader - Facebook and Instagram JS - Download stories (videos and images) from Facebook and Instagram.
YouTube HD Plus JS - Automatically select your desired video quality and select premium when posibble. (Support YouTube Desktop, Music & Mobile)
Studydrive Downloader JS - Download Studydrive documents
Multibox [NEW] 1.8.0 MooMoo JS - !send [number] to get bots [If need more we recommend use vpn and do send command] / !join [name] join clan / !leave leave clan
embyLaunchPotplayer JS - emby/jellfin to external player
Happymod v6 fixed by ghost! JS - discord: .ghostsx
2024 Blooket Script Test JS - Add coins and tokens to your Blooket account
- spawner JS - Script to spawn tools, items, and players in game using Tampermonkey.
Blooket Hacks JS - hack blooket
Nexus No Wait ++ JS - Download from without wait and redirect (Manual/Vortex/MO2/NMM), Tweaked with extra features.
Open Image on Double-Click JS - Opens the image in a new tab on double-clicking full image
Nuker (Original by DOGEWARE) - script / WORKING JS - Krunker's Mod Menu Aimbot targets nearest VISIBLE player. Adjust Smoothing for precision. Use Xray to see through walls, wireframe for players & world, and more
TMVN Squad Value for R6 JS - Trophymanager: display value of player with infomations like: bank price, wage, routine, rerec, r6, asi.
- Script Unpatcher (Any Hack) (All patches, fixes packets) JS - Rewrites packets to most recent version (e.g. 33 -> f)
Bumble Unblur with Names JS - Unblur Bumble beeline profiles and show names
Better Theater Mode for YouTube JS - Improves YouTube's theater mode with a design, enhancing video and chat layouts, while maintaining performance and compatibility. Also fixes the broken fullscreen UI from the recent YouTube update.
ʀᴜɪɴ / - ᴄʟɪᴇɴᴛ no password JS - ق8#مَ^P7@س!L3ع6$فِJ1%طَ+X9&كدِQ2!زَW0+ش^T5حَN@بَ8%عَ^F4+زس@ج^Q7!م3$عِP9@تَL5& (pass fo error king)
JanitorAI Personality Snatcher JS - Steals JanitorAI bot descriptions.
Kahoot Auto Answer JS - Auto-answer Kahoot questions with random answers
Janitor Ripper JS - Download Janitor AI characters as Tavern JSON files (compatible with SillyTavern)
Old Reddit Auto Expand Images and Post Text, Images in comments JS - expands medias and post text on old Reddit feeds.
youtube-adb JS - A script to remove YouTube ads, including static ads and video ads, without interfering with the network and ensuring safety.
Youtube HD JS - Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.
Kill TieBa AD JS - Just Kill TieBa AD
Tieba Bypass Login JS - 解除百度贴吧强制登录
Agar mods + ad block JS - modz
Select text inside a link like Opera JS - Disable link dragging and select text.