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Thread Navigating by Arrow keys JS - Use ← or → and Ctrl to navigate to previous, next, first or last page
Metal-Archives Copy artist - album to clipboard JS - Adds a button next to each album title, when clicked 'artist name - album name' is
ShadeRoot GOOGLE JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Google
Youtube toggle comments JS - Makes to Youtube comments click to view rather than always showing them or hiding them
ExpandQuotes JS - Expand structured quotes into old-fashioned unstructured ones
iRacing Session Manager JS - Save and load session (testing/hosted) settings on
WME Validator Virginia Localization JS - This script localizes WME Validator for United States. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
Coursera 中文字幕下载 JS - 下载 Coursera 课程的中文字幕
GreasyFork script icon JS - On a script info page it shows its icon from the script meta block
CH Amazon ASIN Adder JS - Display ASIN after product links in search results, and after the title on a product page; plus, the dash is a short product link. Note that Amazon often uses AJAX to change search page content without reloading the new URL, in which case you won't see this script's ASINs on the new results; simply hit Refresh/F5 when this happens, and then the ASINs should appear.
Cache Manager for Tieba Ueditor JS - 基於貼吧內建之文字備份系統的管理器
New emojis+ :3 JS - adds many many more emojis to the oneplus forums
ninja text viewer JS - white text will be turned to a lighter grey than the ninja quote text which will be darker
Chatwork emoticon killer JS - Replaces all emoticons with their text.
My Match Analyzer JS - en
PanelTB JS - TB
TM save COs JS - TM save COs (The author does not guarantee the correctness of the script)
TM Squad with Training Enhanced - Credit to TM Auxiliary JS - Show player list with ASI and enhance training display
Tumblr. megaeditor extention JS - extention for Tumblr. megaeditor
Evernote - Clean Print JS - Evernote - Clean Print style for new beta
Anti-AntiBlock Plus JS - Skip a lot of anti-adblock.
skidrow_blocker JS - Block something on Skidrow
Remove DynamicDrive Anti-copy Script for JS - Nhìn cái tên là biết
FB Wall Manager JS - Manages Wall Posts for Various FB Games
Select like opera JS - Select texts insider links, support firefox and chrome
TB+RatingR2 JS - REREC, Season TI, TrExMa, RatingR2 JP/EN
知乎回答全部显示 JS - enter something useful
Rainbow Text JS - Make text into rainbow
ShadeRoot WP JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Wikipedia
JVC Color Respawn JS - Change l'icone dans la liste des topics selon le nombre de pages
Jeff Binder JS - Adds Hot keys to Jeff Binder hits.
Duolingo Course Progress JS - Progress report for Duolingo course
Redirect remover JS - Tính năng: xoá redirect link
TorrentLeech Enhancer JS - Enhance TorrentLeech
Aptoide Market (Direct) APK Downloader JS - Download Apps from Aptoide Market to your PC directly
Hacker Fresh JS - Highlights fresh comments on HN.
hwmmapmove JS - перемещение по карте в один клик без коня
Infractions Tab Remover JS - Removes your infractions tab on
xkcd buttons Alt+Transcript+Explainxkcd JS - add btns to view transcript and alt and explainxkcd
Zippyshare Auto Download 1.0 (2022) JS - Automatically starts downloads hosted by Zippyshare
Rephrase Sarcastic Utterances (Mechanical Turk HIT) JS - Copies text to rewrite into box to prevent unncessary retyping also auto selects moderate difficulty
Lightbox hack JS - A temporary fix for the Lightbox bug on A-P
Stop Automatic Recommendations on Soundcloud JS - Stops the automatic playing of recommended tracks on Soundcloud.
Envato Marketplace CKEditor Support JS - This is a userscript to add the CKEditor to Envato comment and edit forms.
DuckDuckGo bang fixer JS - Cross-references bangs on the DuckDuckGo bangs page
- HIT Helper JS - helps with hits
DA Icon Desuckifier JS - Reverts deviantART's new ugly icon to the old good one.
JR mturk timer warning JS - Script will warn you at specific times left for your hit. The times can be set in the options menu.
Astro Empires White Background JS - Changes background to white
Wanikani Burn Reviews JS - Adds a space on the main page that reviews random burned items
Ninja text JS - auto ninja text
Flitter JS - Position Twitter feed at left
kill newsfeed-msg-badge JS - Hide the stupid "dancing newsfeed message" icon in Yahoo mail
Habr Percentage Ring JS - Percentage Rings around numbers which show grades (for with userstyles)
Uneddit Reddit JS - Uneddits Reddit comments
UserScripts links go to Mirror site JS - changes dead link to
GOTA_Container JS - Modifies the container in which the game is hosted (optionally).
hide twitter stats JS - basic twitter stat hider
HackForums Post Helper Custom JS - Adds additional phrases that can be used in posts as a symbol for something else. This script is written by xerotic, Mr Kewl just updated it.
Hack Forums Wider Text Box JS - Changes the width of the current text box on newreply.php
baidu waimai get infomation JS - 获取饿了么菜单页指定格式
baidu waimai get infomation JS - 获取baiduwaimai菜单页指定格式
Add KCLS links to Goodreads JS - Puts links in Goodreads lists that go directly to a search at the King County Library System
FS Economy Enhancement JS - Improvements for FS Economy usability
- Download-Link getter JS - Adds a button which permits to view all the download links of a folder on (for use with a DL-Manager)
Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation JS - Automatically selects professions for empty slots
MyMunzeeMap JS - my Munzee filter map script
MyMunzeeFriends JS - my Munzee friends script
MyMunzeeClans JS - my Munzee clan script
Cinemageddon Enhancer JS - Display changes for Cinemageddon
Bootstrap Site Navigation Userscript JS - Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey Userscript automatically fix the bootstrap site's navigation to the top as you scroll.
The Cleaner JS - Remove Money Request banner
Remove KoL Topics By Specific People JS - Removes topics posted by people listed
- Remove Anti Adblock JS - Removes anti adblock overlay and unhides container buttons
zShowPass JS - Shows password on mouseOver and focus, hides on mouseOut and blur
MyMunzeeProfile JS - my Munzee profile script
AutoSaveDiv JS - save and restores div.contenteditable texts
Jurablogs Unframe JS - Unframe posts on
Torrentz JS - Magnet links for Torrentz
Produs (Proddable Pardus) JS - Makes Pardus a little more touch-friendly.
Speedport-Autologin JS - Skips Speedport login page
NeoGAF - Hide Forum Threads JS - Hides threads on
CH Plaintext HIT Export JS - Export HIT information in multi-line plain text format.
WME HardHats JS - Changes the editor hard hats based of editor rank thanks to chat addon and SuperMedic
Ed Kohler UPC Helper JS - Highlight UPC code from Toys R Us Product pages
Scroll like Opera JS - Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.
MyAnimeList (MAL) Tags Updater JS - Adds type, genres and other info to entries tags. Can also delete all current tags.
刀塔2 JS - 刀塔2 Steam社区增强
YouTube Anti-Google+ comments JS - Prevent "via Google+" comments to show up on YouTube
Kickass with Yt & IMDb JS - YouTube trailer link and IMDb rating on the KAT movie page.
Wanikani Scrollbox JS - Adds a space on the dashboard that displays items randomly to help remember them without seeing them in 'the wild'.
GLB Player Value Calculator 1_0 JS - calculate a player value
- - Sensor Range Plugin JS - Plugin for which allows to visualize the sensor range of ships and planets on the starmap
- - Territory Map Plugin JS - Plugin for which allows to overlay various territory maps over the starmap
Hackforums Modern Dark Theme JS - A dark modern theme for Hackforums.
YouTube 720p JS - change default YouTube video quality to 720p or highest available below 720p. can be used for other video qualities by changing preferredQuality in the code below.
IMDB - add Rottentomatoes info JS - Adds info from Rottentomatoes to IMDB title pages
IMDB - share vote on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr JS - Adds links to IMDB title pages that let you share your vote details on Facebook and/or Twitter
IMDB Bacon Number / Center Number JS - Adds an indicator on an IMDB name page telling you that person's "Bacon Number" and/or "Center Number" (from the Oracle of Bacon at Virginia)