Smite Crossite Links

Adds Cross-Site Links between Smite Game and Smite Guru.

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Smite Crossite Links
// @namespace
// @author        Doodles
// @version       6
// @description   Adds Cross-Site Links between Smite Game and Smite Guru.
// @include       *://*
// @include       *://*
// @include       *://*/*
// @include       *://*/*
// @require
// @grant         none
// @updateVersion 6
// ==/UserScript==
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);

if (UrlContains("") && UrlContains("player-name=")){
	var playerName = document.URL.split("player-name=")[1].split("&")[0];
	var platform = "";
		platform = document.URL.split("set_platform_preference=")[1].split("&")[0];
		if(platform == "xbox"){
			platform = "xb";
		}else if(platform == "ps4"){
			platform = "ps";
			platform = "pc";
		platform = $('p.player-stats > span').text();
		if(platform == "xbox"){
			platform = "xb";
		}else if(platform == "ps4"){
			platform = "ps";
			platform = "pc";
	document.title = "Profile: " + playerName;
	var myDiv = $('<div><a href="'+platform+'/' + playerName + '" title="Smite Guru Profile">Smite Guru Profile</a></div>').css({"float":"right", "margin-top":"20px"});
	$('td.category:contains("Avg Deaths")').text('Deaths');
	$('a.match-detail-btn').each(function(index) {
		$(this).before('<a class="match-detail-btn" href="'+platform+'/'+$(this).attr('data-match-id')+'" style="margin-right:105px;"></a>');

if (UrlContains("")){
	var matchId = document.URL.split("match=")[1].split("&")[0];
	var platform = $('a[href="/player-stats/"] > span').text();
	if(platform == "xbox"){
		platform = "xb";
	}else if(platform == "ps4"){
		platform = "ps";
		platform = "pc";
	document.title = "Match: " + matchId;
	var myDiv = $('<div><a href="'+platform+'/' + matchId + '" title="Smite Guru Match">Smite Guru Match</a></div>').css({"float":"right", "margin-top":"20px"});

if (UrlContains("")){
	var playerName = document.URL.split("profile/")[1].split("/")[1].split("?")[0];
	var platform = document.URL.split("profile/")[1].split("/")[0];
	if(platform == "xb"){
		platform = "xbox";
	}else if(platform == "ps"){
		platform = "ps4";
		platform = "pc";
	document.title = "Profile: " + playerName;
	var link = MakeLink("" + platform + "&player-name=" + playerName, playerName + " on", "", "a37f1f");
	$('section.profile-header > div.container > h1 > small').append(document.createTextNode(" (")).append(link).append(document.createTextNode(")"));

if (UrlContains("")){
	var matchId = document.URL.split("/match/")[1].split("/")[1].split("?")[0];
	document.title = "Match: " + matchId;
	var link = MakeLink("" + matchId, matchId + " on", "", "a37f1f");
	$('section.profile-header > div.container > h1 > small').append(document.createTextNode(" (")).append(link).append(document.createTextNode(")"));

// =============================================================

function UrlContains(urlfragment){ return document.URL.indexOf(urlfragment) != -1; }

function MakeLink(url, title, displayText, color){
	var linkElement = document.createElement("a");
	linkElement.setAttribute("title", title);
	linkElement.setAttribute("href", url);
	linkElement.setAttribute("style", "color: #" + color + ";text-decoration:underline;");
	return linkElement;