// ==UserScript==
// @name InoReader Full Feed
// @description Read full story in InoReader. / InoReaderで記事の全文を表示します。
// @description:en Read full story in InoReader.
// @description:ja InoReaderで記事の全文を表示します。
// @id InoReaderFullFeed
// @namespace https://userscripts.org/scripts/show/172238
// @homepage https://greasyfork.org/scripts/897-inoreader-full-feed
// @include http://inoreader.com/*
// @include https://inoreader.com/*
// @include http://www.inoreader.com/*
// @include https://www.inoreader.com/*
// @include http://jp.inoreader.com/*
// @include https://jp.inoreader.com/*
// @include http://us.inoreader.com/*
// @include https://us.inoreader.com/*
// @exclude *inoreader.com/stream*
// @exclude *inoreader.com/m/*
// @connect *
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_setClipboard
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @noframes
// @version 1.06
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var version = 1.06;
// == [CSS] =====================================
var CSS =
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'.irff_hatena4 span { color: #FF0000 !important; background-color: #FFCCCC !important; }';
// == [Locale] ==================================
var LOCALE_JA = {
t0: '全文を読み込み中..',
t1: '全文を読み込み中 Auto Search..',
t2: '全文を読み込み中..... 完了',
t3: 'SITEINFOが古いか間違っているので代わりにReadabilityで読み込みます',
t4: '次のページを読み込み中..',
t5: '次のページを読み込み中..... 完了',
t6: '最後のページを読み込み中..... 完了',
t7: '次のページは見つかりません',
t8: '読み込みをブロックしました',
t9: 'すでに全文を読み込みました',
t10: 'SITEINFOが見つからないので新しいタブで開きました',
t11: 'キャッシュをリセットしています..',
t12: 'キャッシュをリセットしています..... 完了',
t13: 'ポップアップできません',
t14: 'エラー:サーバーからキャッシュを読み込めませんでした',
t15: 'キャッシュをリセットしますか?',
t16: 'キャッシュを消去しますか?',
t17: 'エラー:JSONPはサポートしていません',
t18: '全文読み込み',
t19: '正規表現',
t20: '追加',
t21: '設定',
t22: 'キャンセル',
t23: 'ショートカットキー',
t24: 'キー',
t25: 'キーコード',
t26: 'Auto Load 切替',
t27: 'AutoPagerize 切替',
t28: '設定欄を表示',
t29: 'キャッシュリセット',
t30: 'Full Feed URL',
t31: 'AutoPagerize URL',
t32: 'Full Feed ユーザー SITEINFO',
t33: 'AutoPagerize ユーザー SITEINFO',
t34: '次のページを読み込み中 Auto Search..... 完了',
t35: '最後のページを読み込み中 Auto Search..... 完了',
t36: 'すべて',
t37: 'フィードタイトル',
t38: '記事タイトル',
t39: 'ホワイトリスト/ブラックリストに追加',
t40: 'クリック',
t41: '次のページを読み込む',
t42: 'noscriptタグ内のコンテンツを表示',
t43: '自動的に全文を読み込むアイテム',
t44: 'ホワイトリスト',
t45: 'ホワイトリストのみ',
t46: 'なし',
t47: '全文を読み込まないアイテム',
t48: '読み込まない代わりに新しいタブで開く',
t49: '新しいタブで開きました',
t50: 'デバッグログをコンソールに出力',
t51: '全文を読み込み中 Auto Search..... 完了',
t52: 'インラインフレームを取り除く',
t53: 'エラー:dom.storage.enabledをtrueに設定してください',
t54: 'お待ちください',
t55: 'ソーシャルアイコンを表示',
t56: 'Yahoo!ブックマーク',
t57: 'Buzzurl [バザール]',
t58: 'はてなブックマーク',
t59: '警告:次ページを継ぎ足してもよろしいですか?\n\n今のページ:',
t60: '\n次のページ:',
t61: '次ページを継ぎ足しません',
t62: '次ページの継ぎ足しを許可するURL',
t63: '次ページの継ぎ足しを禁止するURL',
t64: 'SITEINFOがなくても全文の読み込みを試みる',
t65: '表示を許可するインラインフレームのソースURL',
t66: '設定をエクスポートしてクリップボードへコピーしますか?',
t67: 'クリップボードへコピーしました',
t68: '設定をエクスポートしました。\n以下の文字列をコピーしてください\n\n',
t69: 'エクスポートした文字列を入力してください',
t70: '設定をインポートしました',
t71: 'インポートできません',
t72: '設定をリセットしますか?',
t73: '設定をリセットしました',
t74: 'SITEINFOが見つからないので代わりにReadabilityで読み込みます',
t75: '全文を表示できないとき',
t76: 'ブラックリスト',
t77: 'ブラックリスト以外',
t78: '設定モード',
t79: 'シンプル',
t80: 'アドバンス',
t81: '秒',
t82: 'リクエストを中断しました',
t83: 'Readabilityで読み込む',
t84: '新しいタブで開く',
t85: '何もしない',
t86: 'SITEINFOが見つからないため全文を表示できませんでした',
t87: 'インラインフレームで表示する',
t88: 'SITEINFOが見つからないのでインラインフレームで表示します',
t89: '埋め込みツイートを変換する'
var LOCALE_EN = {
t0: 'Loading Full Feed..',
t1: 'Loading Full Feed Auto Search.....',
t2: 'Loading Full Feed..... Done',
t3: 'SITEINFO is unmatched to this entry, Load article from Readability',
t4: 'Loading next page..',
t5: 'Loading next page..... Done',
t6: 'Loading last page..... Done',
t7: 'Next page is not found',
t8: 'Blocked loading full story',
t9: 'This entry has been already loaded',
t10: 'SITEINFO is not found, Opened in new tab',
t11: 'Resetting cache. Please wait..',
t12: 'Resetting cache. Please wait..... Done',
t13: 'Cannot popup',
t14: 'Cache Request Error',
t15: 'Reset cache?',
t16: 'Delete cache?',
t17: 'Error: not support JSONP',
t18: 'read full story',
t19: 'regular expression',
t20: 'Add',
t21: 'Settings',
t22: 'Cancel',
t23: 'shortcut key',
t24: 'key',
t25: 'key code',
t26: 'change Auto Load',
t27: 'change AutoPagerize',
t28: 'view settings',
t29: 'reset cache',
t30: 'Full Feed URL',
t31: 'AutoPagerize URL',
t32: 'Full Feed user SITEINFO',
t33: 'AutoPagerize user SITEINFO',
t34: 'Loading next page Auto Search..... Done',
t35: 'Loading last page Auto Search..... Done',
t36: 'All',
t37: 'Feed title',
t38: 'Article title',
t39: 'Add whitelist/blacklist',
t40: 'Click',
t41: 'Loading next page',
t42: 'Display content in noscript tags',
t43: 'Read full story automatically',
t44: 'Whitelist',
t45: 'Whitelist only',
t46: 'None',
t47: 'Item which does not read full story',
t48: 'Instead of not reading, open article in new tab',
t49: 'Opened article in new tab',
t50: 'Debug log to the browser console',
t51: 'Loading Full Feed Auto Search..... Done',
t52: 'Remove iframe',
t53: 'Error: Please set "dom.storage.enabled" in "true".',
t54: 'Wait',
t55: 'Display social icon',
t56: 'Yahoo! JAPAN Bookmarks',
t57: 'Buzzurl',
t58: 'Hatena Bookmark',
t59: 'Warning: Add the next page?\n\nreading page: ',
t60: '\nnext page: ',
t61: 'Do not add the next page',
t62: 'URL to allow the addition of the next page',
t63: 'URL to deny the addition of the next page',
t64: 'Try loading full story without SITEINFO',
t65: 'The source URL of the inline frame to display',
t66: 'Export settings and copy it to clipboard?',
t67: 'Copied it to clipboard',
t68: 'Exported settings.\nPlease copy the following character string\n\n',
t69: 'Please input the character string that exported',
t70: 'Imported settings',
t71: 'Cannot import',
t72: 'Reset settings?',
t73: 'Reset settings',
t74: 'SITEINFO is not found, Load article from Readability',
t75: 'If cannot display full story',
t76: 'blacklist',
t77: 'Except blacklist',
t78: 'Settings mode',
t79: 'Simple',
t80: 'Advanced',
t81: 'seconds',
t82: 'Aborted request',
t83: 'load article from Readability',
t84: 'open article in new tab',
t85: 'do nothing',
t86: 'Site info to display full story is not found',
t87: 'display article in iframe',
t88: 'SITEINFO is not found, Display article in iframe',
t89: 'Convert Embedded Tweets'
var LOC = (window.navigator.language === 'ja') ? LOCALE_JA : LOCALE_EN;
// == [Application] =============================
try {
if (typeof localStorage !== 'object') return window.alert(LOC.t53);
} catch (e) {
return window.alert(LOC.t53);
var $id = function(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
var $ids = function(id) {
return $id(`irff_s-${id}`);
var FullFeed = function(info, c, flag) {
state = 'ready';
this.itemInfo = c;
this.info = info;
this.requestURL = this.itemInfo.itemURL;
var u = this.requestURL;
if (/^http:\/\/rd\.yahoo\.co\.jp\/rss\/l\/.+/.test(u)) {
if (/\/\*-http/.test(u)) this.requestURL = decodeURIComponent(u.slice(u.indexOf('*-http') + 2));
else if (/\/\*http/.test(u)) this.requestURL = decodeURIComponent(u.slice(u.indexOf('*http') + 1));
this.itemInfo.itemBody = document.querySelector(`${currentEntry()} .article_content`);
var encode = this.info.enc || document.characterSet;
if (flag === 'next' && this.itemInfo.innerContents) {
this.itemInfo.innerContents.className.split(/\s+/).some(i => {
if (!/^entry|^gm_|^http/.test(i)) {
encode = i;
return true;
this.mime = `text/html; charset=${encode}`;
if (flag === 'search') this.request('HEAD', c);
else this.request('GET', c);
if (debugLog) {
try {
console.log(new Date());
console.log('Item Title: ', c.item.title);
console.log('Item URL: ', c.item.url);
console.log('Feed URL: ', c.feed.url);
console.log('FullFeed URL: ', info.url);
console.log('FullFeed XPath: ', info.xpath);
console.log('FullFeed Encode: ', info.enc);
} catch (e) { console.error(e); }
FullFeed.prototype.request = function(m, c) {
if (!this.requestURL) return;
state = 'request';
var self = this,
retry = 0,
mes = '',
var message2 = function(s, d, t) {
mes = s;
message(s, d, t);
var gmRequest = function() {
xhrID = window.setTimeout(() => {
for (var x1 = 0, x2 = xhr.length; x1 < x2; x1++) {
if (xhr[x1]) xhr[x1].abort();
xhr.length = 0;
state = null;
message(LOC.t82, 3000, 'warning');
}, st.timeout * 1000);
var opt = {
method: m,
url: this.requestURL,
overrideMimeType: this.mime,
timeout: st.timeout * 1000,
onreadystatechange: function(res) {
var dot = '';
if (res.readyState >= 1 && res.readyState <= 3) {
for (var i = 0; i < res.readyState; i++) dot += '.';
message(mes + dot, -1);
onerror: function() {
state = null;
self.requestError.apply(self, ['Request Error']);
onload: function(res) {
if ((res.status >= 301 && res.status <= 303) || res.status === 307) {
try {
opt.url = /\sLocation:\s+(\S+)/.exec(res.responseHeaders)[1];
} catch (er) {
state = null;
self.requestError.apply(self, [`Request Error : ${res.status}`]);
} else if (res.status === 200) {
if (res.finalUrl) opt.url = this.requestURL = res.finalUrl;
readingPageUrl = c.innerContents.className.split(/\s+/).filter(i => /^http/.test(i)).slice(-1);
readingPageUrl = (readingPageUrl.length) ? readingPageUrl.toString() : opt.url;
var cset = /content-type:\s?\S+\s?charset=\S+/i.exec(res.responseHeaders),
enc = self.info.enc || '';
if (cset) cset = cset[0].slice(cset[0].lastIndexOf('=') + 1);
if (opt.method === 'GET') {
if (cset && !new RegExp(cset, 'i').test(enc) && retry < 2) {
self.info.enc = cset;
opt.overrideMimeType = `text/html; charset=${cset}`;
retry += 1;
} else {
var h1 = readingPageUrl.split('/')[2],
h2 = opt.url.split('/')[2],
re = new RegExp(st.allownexturl, 'i');
if (h1 === h2 || (st.allownexturl && re.test(readingPageUrl))) self.requestLoad.call(self, res, c);
else if (window.confirm(LOC.t59 + readingPageUrl + LOC.t60 + opt.url)) self.requestLoad.call(self, res, c);
else self.requestEnd(c, false, true);
} else if (opt.method === 'HEAD') {
if (cset && st.autosearch) {
self.info.enc = cset;
opt.method = 'GET';
opt.overrideMimeType = `text/html; charset=${cset}`;
message2(LOC.t1, -1);
loadingStyle('add', c.articleContainer);
} else {
state = null;
if (st.cantdisplay === 0) {
var eb = $id(`embed_button_${c.item.id}`);
if (eb && eb.classList.contains('article_title_buttons_active')) message();
else message2(LOC.t88);
} else if (st.cantdisplay === 1) {
var mb = $id(`mobilize_button_${c.item.id}`);
if (mb && mb.classList.contains('article_title_buttons_active')) message();
else message2(LOC.t74);
} else if (st.cantdisplay === 2) {
loadingStyle('open', c.articleContainer);
GM_openInTab(opt.url, true);
window.setTimeout(() => loadingStyle('remove', c.articleContainer), 1000);
} else {
} else {
state = null;
var stat = (res.status) ? ` : ${res.status}` : '';
self.requestError.apply(self, [`Request Error${stat}`]);
if (opt.method === 'HEAD') message2(LOC.t54, -1);
else if (opt.method === 'GET') {
message2(LOC.t0, -1);
loadingStyle('add', c.articleContainer);
if (opt.url.indexOf('http:') !== 0 && this.info.base) opt.url = pathToURL(this.info.base, opt.url);
FullFeed.prototype.requestLoad = function(res, c) {
state = 'loading';
var text = res.responseText,
html = createHTMLDocumentByString(text),
tmpElm = (this.info.xpath) ? getElementsByXPath(this.info.xpath, html) : null;
if (tmpElm) {
var tmpNode = document.createDocumentFragment().appendChild(document.createElement('div')),
try {
doc = document.cloneNode(false);
doc.appendChild(doc.importNode(document.documentElement, false));
} catch (e) {
doc = document.implementation.createDocument('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'html', null);
try {
tmpNode = doc.adoptNode(tmpNode);
} catch (e) {
tmpNode = doc.importNode(tmpNode, true);
tmpElm.forEach(elm => tmpNode.appendChild(elm));
if (tmpNode.innerHTML) text = tmpNode.innerHTML;
['head', 'isindex', 'link', 'script', 'style', 'title'].forEach(t => {
var r = new RegExp(`<(?:!--\\s*)?${t}(?:\\s[^>]+?)?>[\\S\\s]*?<\\/${t}\\s*>`, 'gi');
text = text.replace(r, '');
var re = /(<[^>]+?[\s"'])(?:on(?:(?:un)?load|(?:dbl)?click|mouse(?:down|up|over|move|out)|key(?:press|down|up)|focus|blur|submit|reset|select|change|error)|submit|target|usemap|formaction)\s*=\s*(?:"(?:\\"|[^"])*"?|'(\\'|[^'])*'?|[^\s>]+(?=[\s>]|<\w))(?=[^>]*?>|<\w|\s*$)/gi;
while (re.test(text)) {
text = text.replace(re, '$1');
if (st.noscripttag) text = text.replace(/<noscript(?:\s[^>]+?)?>([\S\s]*?)<\/noscript\s*>/gi, '<div>$1</div>');
else text = text.replace(/<noscript(?:\s[^>]+?)?>([\S\s]*?)<\/noscript\s*>/gi, '');
var htmldoc = createHTMLDocumentByString(text);
if (st.iframetag) {
var iframe = htmldoc.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
for (var i = 0, j = iframe.length; i < j; i++) {
if (iframe[i] && (!st.allowiframeurl || (iframe[i].src && !new RegExp(st.allowiframeurl).test(iframe[i].src)))) iframe[i].parentNode.removeChild(iframe[i]);
if (res.finalUrl) this.requestURL = res.finalUrl;
if (st.lazyloadurl && new RegExp(st.lazyloadurl, 'i').test(c.item.url)) replaceSrcOriginal(htmldoc);
relativeToAbsolutePath(htmldoc, this.requestURL);
var self = this,
FullFeed.documentFilters.forEach(filter => filter(htmldoc, self.requestURL, self.info));
try {
entry = getElementsByXPath('//html/child::node()', htmldoc);
} catch (er1) {
message(er1, 5000, 'warning');
if (!tmpElm) {
if (st.autosearch) {
if (debugLog) console.log('Auto Search');
message(LOC.t1, -1);
entry = searchEntry(htmldoc);
} else {
state = null;
GM_openInTab(self.requestURL, true);
window.setTimeout(() => loadingStyle('remove', c.articleContainer), 1000);
return message(LOC.t10, 2000);
if (entry) {
if (c.innerContents && !c.innerContents.classList.contains('irff_loaded')) this.removeEntry();
entry = this.addEntry(entry, c);
if (!tmpElm && st.autosearch) this.requestEnd(c, true);
else this.requestEnd(c);
} else {
state = null;
FullFeed.prototype.requestEnd = function(c, as, halt) {
state = 'loaded';
xhr.length = 0;
window.setTimeout(() => state = 'wait', 1000);
loadingStyle('remove', c.articleContainer);
c.innerContents.classList.add(this.info.enc || document.characterSet);
var el = document.querySelector(`${currentEntry()} .irff_checked_icon`);
if (c.innerContents.className.split(/\s+/).filter(i => /^http/.test(i)).length > 1) {
if (nextPageLink) {
if (as) message(LOC.t34, 3000);
else message(LOC.t5);
} else {
if (as) message(LOC.t35, 3000);
else message(LOC.t6);
if (el) {
if (as) el.classList.add('irff_checked_icon_as_nonext');
else el.classList.add('irff_checked_icon_nonext');
el.title = `Ctrl+${LOC.t40} : ${LOC.t39}`;
} else {
if (as) message(LOC.t51, 3000);
else message(LOC.t2);
if (el) {
if (nextPageLink) {
if (as) el.classList.add('irff_checked_icon_as_next');
else el.classList.add('irff_checked_icon_next');
el.title = `${LOC.t40} : ${LOC.t41} / Ctrl+${LOC.t40} : ${LOC.t39}`;
if (st.autopagerize) {
window.setTimeout(() => FullFeed.checkScroll(), 2000);
} else {
if (as) el.classList.add('irff_checked_icon_as_nonext');
else el.classList.add('irff_checked_icon_nonext');
el.title = `Ctrl+${LOC.t40} : ${LOC.t39}`;
if (halt) message(LOC.t61, 3000);
if (st.embeddedtweets && twttr) twttr.widgets.load(c.innerContents);
for (var p in this) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this, p)) this[p] = void 0;
FullFeed.checkScroll = function() {
if (!nextPageLink || (state && !/^loaded$|^wait$/.test(state))) return;
scrollInterval = window.setTimeout(() => {
var s = 'reader_pane_view_style_',
e1 = $id('reader_pane'),
e2 = document.querySelector(currentEntry()),
btn = $id('view_style_img'),
if (!e1 || !e2 || ((e1.classList.contains(`${s}0`) || (btn && btn.hasAttribute('src') && /menu2\.png$/.test(btn.getAttribute('src')))) && !e2.classList.contains('article_expanded'))) return;
if (e1.classList.contains(`${s}2`)) {
e1 = $id('three_way_contents');
remain = nextPageLink.offsetTop - nextPageLink.offsetHeight - e1.offsetHeight - e1.scrollTop;
} else if (e1.classList.contains(`${s}3`) || e1.classList.contains(`${s}4`)) {
remain = nextPageLink.offsetTop - nextPageLink.offsetHeight - $id('article_dialog_wrapper').offsetHeight - $id('article_dialog').scrollTop;
} else {
remain = e2.offsetTop + nextPageLink.offsetTop - nextPageLink.offsetHeight - e1.offsetHeight - e1.scrollTop;
if (remain < st.apheight) {
nextPageLink = null;
}, 100);
FullFeed.checkNextPage = function(con) {
var con2 = con.cloneNode(true),
aClass = con.className.split(/\s+/),
finalUrl = aClass[aClass.length - 1],
c = new GetCurrentItem(),
var check = function(data, flag) {
var nextEl, nextEl2;
if (data.some(info => {
if (info.url && info.url.length <= 12 && !/^\^?https?/i.test(info.url)) {
if (new RegExp('^://', 'i').test(info.url)) info.url = `^https?${info.url}`;
else if (new RegExp('^//', 'i').test(info.url)) info.url = `^https?:${info.url}`;
else info.url = `^https?://${info.url}`;
if (!bMatch && new RegExp(info.url).test(finalUrl) && info.url.length > 12) {
var nextLink = info.nextLink,
elms, elms2, bCache, bList;
if (nextLink) nextLink = nextLink.replace(/id\(([^)]+)\)/g, '//*[@id=$1]');
if (nextLink) {
elms2 = getElementsByXPath(nextLink, con2);
elms = getElementsByXPath(nextLink, con);
if (!elms2) elms2 = getElementsByXPath('//a[@rel="next"]', con2);
if (!elms) elms = getElementsByXPath('//a[@rel="next"]', con);
if (elms2 && elms2.length > 0) nextEl2 = elms2[elms2.length - 1];
if (elms && elms.length > 0 && nextEl2 && nextEl2.href) {
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0, j = elms.length; i < j; i++) {
if (nextEl2.href === elms[i].href) arr.push(elms[i]);
nextEl = (arr.length) ? arr[arr.length - 1] : elms[elms.length - 1];
if (nextEl2 && finalUrl !== nextEl2.href) {
if (flag === 'cache') {
if (userCacheListAP.some(u => {
if (u === c.feed.url) return true;
})) {
userCacheAP.some(u => {
if (u === info) {
bMatch = true;
return true;
} else bMatch = true;
if (flag === 'full') {
if (userCacheListAP.some(u => {
if (u === c.feed.url) {
bList = true;
return true;
})) {
userCacheAP.some(u => {
if (u === info) {
bCache = true;
return true;
if (!bCache) {
delete info.exampleUrl;
delete info.insertBefore;
try {
localStorage.setItem('InoReaderFullFeed_userCacheAP', JSON.stringify(userCacheAP));
if (!bList) {
localStorage.setItem('InoReaderFullFeed_userCacheListAP', JSON.stringify(userCacheListAP));
} catch (er) { console.error(er); }
return true;
return false;
return false;
})) nextPageLink = (nextEl) ? nextEl : null;
check(userSiteInfoAP, 'set');
if (!bMatch) check(userCacheAP, 'cache');
if (!bMatch) {
siteInfoAP.some(ctx => {
if (cacheAPInfo[ctx.url]) {
check(cacheAPInfo[ctx.url].info, 'full');
if (bMatch) return true;
if (bMatch && nextPageLink && st.denynexturl) {
var re = new RegExp(st.denynexturl, 'i');
if (re.test(nextPageLink.href)) nextPageLink = null;
FullFeed.prototype.requestError = function(e) {
state = null;
message(`Error: ${e}`, 5000, 'warning');
loadingStyle('remove', this.itemInfo.articleContainer);
FullFeed.prototype.removeEntry = function() {
if (this.itemInfo && this.itemInfo.itemBody) {
while (this.itemInfo.itemBody.firstChild) {
FullFeed.prototype.addEntry = function(entry, c) {
var url = this.requestURL || c.itemURL,
ic = (c.innerContents.id) ? $id(c.innerContents.id) : c.innerContents,
div = document.createElement('div');
if (ic && ic.hasChildNodes()) {
div.className = 'irff_pager';
var http = c.innerContents.className.split(/\s+/).filter(i => /^http/.test(i));
var host = (readingPageUrl.split('/')[2] !== url.split('/')[2]) ? `<span class="irff_pager_differenthost">( ${readingPageUrl.split('/')[2]} → ${url.split('/')[2]} )</span>` : '';
div.innerHTML = `<hr />page: <a href="${url}" target="_blank">${ http.length + 1 }</a>${host}`;
} else {
div.className = 'irff_entry_url';
div.innerHTML = `<a href="${url}" class="bluelink" target="_blank">${url}</a>`;
try {
if (ic) ic.parentNode.insertBefore(div, ic);
} catch (er) {
message(`Error: ${er}`, 5000, 'warning');
return entry.map(i => {
var pe = document.importNode(i, true);
if (ic) ic.appendChild(pe);
return pe;
FullFeed.resetCache = function() {
message(LOC.t11, -1);
var getSiteinfo = function(data, flag) {
var nCache = 0,
nCaches = (flag) ? siteInfo.length : siteInfoAP.length;
data.forEach(ctx => {
var opt = {
method: 'get',
url: ctx.url,
ignoreCache: true,
onload: function(res) {
nCache += 1;
if (res.status === 200) {
if (flag) {
FullFeed.setCache(res, ctx, 'cache');
if (nCache === nCaches) getSiteinfo(siteInfoAP);
} else {
if (nCache === nCaches) FullFeed.setCache(res, ctx, 'cacheAP', true);
else FullFeed.setCache(res, ctx, 'cacheAP');
} else if (flag && nCache === nCaches) getSiteinfo(siteInfoAP);
onerror: function() {
nCache += 1;
if (flag && nCache === nCaches) getSiteinfo(siteInfoAP);
getSiteinfo(siteInfo, true);
FullFeed.removeCache = function() {
if (window.confirm(LOC.t16)) {
cacheInfo = {};
cacheAPInfo = {};
userCache.length = 0;
userCacheAP.length = 0;
userCacheList.length = 0;
userCacheListAP.length = 0;
FullFeed.setCache = function(res, ctx, item, flag) {
var info = [];
var setJson = function(t) {
try {
info = JSON.parse(t)
.sort((a, b) => {
a = new Date(a.updated_at).getTime();
b = new Date(b.updated_at).getTime();
if (!isNaN(a) && !isNaN(b)) return new Date(b).getTime() - new Date(a).getTime();
return b;
.map(i => i.data);
} catch (er1) { console.error(er1); }
switch (ctx.format.toUpperCase()) {
case 'JSON':
case 'JSONP':
if (ctx.callback) {
try {
var txt = res.responseText;
txt = txt.replace(new RegExp(`${ctx.callback}\\s*\\(\\s*\\[\\s*\\{`, 'gm'), `${ctx.callback}([{`).replace(/\}\s*\]\s*\)/gm, '}])');
txt = txt.slice(txt.indexOf(`${ctx.callback}([{`) + ctx.callback.length + 1);
txt = txt.slice(0, txt.lastIndexOf('}])') + 2);
} catch (er2) { console.error(er2); }
} else message(LOC.t17, 5000, 'warning');
if (info.length > 0) {
if (item === 'cache') {
cacheInfo[ctx.url] = {
url: ctx.url,
info: info
try {
localStorage.setItem('InoReaderFullFeed_cache', JSON.stringify(cacheInfo));
} catch (er3) {
if (er3 && er3.name && er3.message) window.alert(`${er3.name}\n${er3.message}`);
userCache.length = 0;
userCacheList.length = 0;
} else if (item === 'cacheAP') {
cacheAPInfo[ctx.url] = {
url: ctx.url,
info: info
try {
localStorage.setItem('InoReaderFullFeed_cacheAP', JSON.stringify(cacheAPInfo));
} catch (er4) {
if (er4 && er4.name && er4.message) window.alert(`${er4.name}\n${er4.message}`);
userCacheAP.length = 0;
userCacheListAP.length = 0;
if (flag) {
var hasFF = (localStorage.getItem('InoReaderFullFeed_cache')) ? true : false,
hasAP = (localStorage.getItem('InoReaderFullFeed_cacheAP')) ? true : false;
if (hasFF && hasAP) message(LOC.t12, 5000);
else message(LOC.t14, 5000, 'warning');
FullFeed.getCache = function(key) {
var js = '{}';
if (localStorage.getItem(`InoReaderFullFeed_${key}`)) js = localStorage.getItem(`InoReaderFullFeed_${key}`);
else if (/^cache.+/.test(key)) FullFeed.resetCache();
else if (/^user.+/.test(key)) js = '[]';
try {
return JSON.parse(js);
} catch (er) {
if (/^user.+/.test(key)) return [];
return {};
FullFeed.saveSettings = function() {
delete st.sociallivedoor;
delete st.socialfc2;
try {
localStorage.setItem('InoReaderFullFeed_settings', JSON.stringify(st));
} catch (er) {
window.alert('Error: Save Settings');
FullFeed.loadSettings = function(data) {
if (data === 'reset') st = {};
else if (data) st = data;
else {
st = {};
try {
if (localStorage.getItem('InoReaderFullFeed_settings')) st = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('InoReaderFullFeed_settings'));
} catch (er1) { console.error(er1); }
var notType = function(t, a) {
return (Object.prototype.toString.call(a).slice(8, 11) !== t) ? true : false;
if (notType('Str', st.allowiframeurl)) st.allowiframeurl = '';
if (notType('Str', st.allownexturl)) st.allownexturl = '';
if (notType('Num', st.apheight) || st.apheight < 200 || st.apheight > 2000) st.apheight = 500;
if (notType('Num', st.autoload) || st.autoload < 0 || st.autoload > 3) st.autoload = 2;
if (notType('Arr', st.autoloadarticle)) st.autoloadarticle = [];
if (notType('Arr', st.autoloadfeed)) st.autoloadfeed = [];
if (notType('Boo', st.autopagerize)) st.autopagerize = true;
if (notType('Boo', st.autosearch)) st.autosearch = true;
if (isFinite(st.basekey)) st.basekey = +st.basekey;
else if (!notType('Str', st.basekey) && st.basekey.length === 1) st.basekey = st.basekey.toUpperCase();
else st.basekey = 'Z';
if (notType('Num', st.cantdisplay) || st.cantdisplay < 0 || st.cantdisplay > 3) st.cantdisplay = 0;
if (!st.version) st.cantdisplay += 1;
if (notType('Str', st.denynexturl)) st.denynexturl = '';
if (notType('Arr', st.disableitem)) st.disableitem = [];
if (notType('Boo', st.embeddedtweets)) st.embeddedtweets = true;
if (notType('Boo', st.iframetag)) st.iframetag = true;
if (notType('Str', st.lazyloadurl)) st.lazyloadurl = '';
if (notType('Str', st.lazyloadattr)) st.lazyloadattr = '"ajax","data-lazy-src","data-original","data-src"';
if (notType('Str', st.mode)) st.mode = 'simple';
if (notType('Boo', st.noscripttag)) st.noscripttag = true;
if (notType('Arr', st.notloadarticle)) st.notloadarticle = [];
if (notType('Arr', st.notloadfeed)) st.notloadfeed = [];
if (notType('Str', st.notread)) st.notread = '';
if (notType('Boo', st.openitem)) st.openitem = false;
if (notType('Str', st.replacefullfeedurl)) st.replacefullfeedurl = '';
if (notType('Boo', st.socialbuzzurl)) st.socialbuzzurl = false;
if (notType('Boo', st.socialicon)) st.socialicon = true;
if (notType('Boo', st.socialdelicious)) st.socialdelicious = false;
if (notType('Boo', st.socialfacebook)) st.socialfacebook = false;
if (notType('Boo', st.socialgoogleplus)) st.socialgoogleplus = false;
if (notType('Boo', st.socialhatena)) st.socialhatena = false;
if (notType('Boo', st.socialtwitter)) st.socialtwitter = true;
if (notType('Boo', st.socialyahoo)) st.socialyahoo = false;
if (notType('Num', st.timeout) || st.timeout < 10 || st.timeout > 99) st.timeout = 15;
try {
siteInfo = JSON.parse(st.siteinfo);
} catch (er2) {
siteInfo = [{
'format': 'JSON',
'url': 'http://wedata.net/databases/LDRFullFeed/items.json'
st.siteinfo = JSON.stringify(siteInfo);
try {
siteInfoAP = JSON.parse(st.siteinfoap);
} catch (er3) {
siteInfoAP = [{
'format': 'JSON',
'url': 'http://wedata.net/databases/AutoPagerize/items.json'
st.siteinfoap = JSON.stringify(siteInfoAP);
try {
userSiteInfo = JSON.parse(st.usersiteinfo);
} catch (er4) {
userSiteInfo = [{
'url': '',
'xpath': '',
'type': '',
'enc': ''
st.usersiteinfo = JSON.stringify(userSiteInfo);
try {
userSiteInfoAP = JSON.parse(st.usersiteinfoap);
} catch (er5) {
userSiteInfoAP = [{
'url': '',
'nextLink': '',
'pageElement': ''
st.usersiteinfoap = JSON.stringify(userSiteInfoAP);
FullFeed.createSettings = function() {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'irff_s';
div.style.display = 'none';
div.innerHTML = `<div id="irff_s-titlebar"><div id="irff_s-titlebar_title"><a href="https://greasyfork.org/scripts/897-inoreader-full-feed" target="_blank">InoReader Full Feed ${LOC.t21}</a></div><div id="irff_s-titlebar_button"><input type="button" id="irff_s-ok" value="OK"><input type="button" id="irff_s-cancel" value="${LOC.t22}"></div></div><div id="irff_s-tab"></div><ul id="irff_s-list"></ul>`;
var list = [{
tab: 'General',
id: 'general',
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console.log('SITEINFO Error: ', k.url);
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var atl = document.querySelector(`${currentEntry()} .article_title_link`),
hbl = document.querySelector(`${currentEntry()} a[id^="aurl_"]`);
if (atl && atl.href) atl.href = res.finalUrl;
if (hbl && hbl.href) hbl.href = res.finalUrl;
if (/^https?:\/\/rss\.rssad\.jp\/rss\/.+/i.test(res.finalUrl)) check();
else FullFeed.registerWidgets();
} else check();
onerror: function() {
xhrID = window.setTimeout(() => {
for (var x1 = 0, x2 = xhr.length; x1 < x2; x1++) {
if (xhr[x1]) xhr[x1].abort();
xhr.length = 0;
}, st.timeout * 1000);
} else if (!bFound) check();
FullFeed.registerSocialIcons = function() {
if (!st.socialicon) return;
var c = new GetCurrentItem();
if (!c.innerContents) return;
if (document.querySelector(`${currentEntry()} .article_title > .irff_socialicon`)) return;
var container = document.querySelector(`${currentEntry()} .article_title`),
itemScheme = c.itemURL.slice(0, c.itemURL.indexOf('://') + 3),
itemUrl2 = c.itemURL.slice(c.itemURL.indexOf('://') + 3).replace(/#/g, '%23');
if (!container) return;
var twitter = {
method: 'get',
url: `http://urls.api.twitter.com/1/urls/count.json?url=${c.itemURL}`,
onload: function(res) {
if (res.status === 200) {
var info;
try {
info = JSON.parse(res.responseText);
} catch (er) {
var total = info.count;
if (isNaN(total) || total <= 0) return;
var style = (total < 10) ? '1' :
(total < 100) ? '2' :
(total < 1000) ? '3' : '4',
str = (total > 1) ? 's' : '';
sT.innerHTML = `<a href="http://topsy.com/${itemUrl2}" target="_blank" title="Twitter: ${total} tweet${str}" class="irff_twitter irff_twitter${style}"><img src="https://twitter.com/favicon.ico"><span>${total}</span></a>`;
var delicious = {
method: 'get',
url: `http://badges.del.icio.us/feeds/json/url/data?url=${encodeURIComponent(c.itemURL)}`,
onload: function(res) {
if (res.status === 200) {
var info;
try {
info = JSON.parse(res.responseText);
} catch (er) {
if (!info || !info.length) return;
var total = info[0].total_posts;
if (isNaN(total) || total <= 0) return;
var style = (total < 10) ? '1' :
(total < 100) ? '2' :
(total < 1000) ? '3' : '4',
str = (total > 1) ? ' people' : ' person';
sD.innerHTML = `<a href="http://delicious.com/url?url=${info[0].url}" target="_blank" title="Delicious: ${total}${str}" class="irff_delicious irff_delicious${style}"><img src="https://delicious.com/img/favicon.ico"><span>${total}</span></a>`;
var facebook = {
method: 'get',
url: `https://graph.facebook.com/${encodeURIComponent(c.itemURL)}`,
onload: function(res) {
if (res.status === 200) {
var info;
try {
info = JSON.parse(res.responseText);
} catch (er) {
var total = info.shares;
if (!total || isNaN(total) || total <= 0) return;
sF.innerHTML = `<span title="Facebook: ${total} share${ total >= 2 ? 's' : '' }" class="irff_facebook"><img src="https://www.facebook.com/favicon.ico"><span>${total}</span></span>`;
var hatena = {
method: 'get',
url: `http://api.b.st-hatena.com/entry.count?url=${itemScheme}${itemUrl2}`,
onload: function(res) {
if (res.status === 200) {
var total = Number(res.responseText);
if (isNaN(total) || total <= 0) return;
var style = (total < 10) ? '1' :
(total < 100) ? '2' :
(total < 1000) ? '3' : '4',
str = (total > 1) ? ' users' : ' user',
ssl = (itemScheme === 'https://') ? 's/' : '';
sH.innerHTML = `<a href="http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/${ssl}${itemUrl2}" target="_blank" title="${LOC.t58}: ${total}${str}" class="irff_hatena irff_hatena${style}"><img src="http://b.hatena.ne.jp/favicon.ico"><span>${total}</span></a>`;
var googleplus = {
method: 'get',
url: `https://plusone.google.com/_/+1/fastbutton?url=${encodeURIComponent(c.itemURL)}`,
onload: function(res) {
if (res.status === 200) {
var text = res.responseText;
if (!text) return;
var total = text.match(/window\.__SSR\s*=\s*\{.*c:\s*(\d+)\.0/);
if (!total || total.length !== 2) return;
sG.innerHTML = `<span title="Google+: ${total[1]} share${ Number(total[1]) >= 2 ? 's' : '' }" class="irff_googleplus"><img src="https://www.google.com/favicon.ico"><span>${total[1]}</span></span>`;
var yahoo = `<a href="http://bookmarks.yahoo.co.jp/url?url=${encodeURIComponent(c.itemURL)}" target="_blank"><img src="http://num.bookmarks.yahoo.co.jp/image/small/${c.itemURL}" title="${LOC.t56}"/></a>`,
buzzurl = `<a href="http://buzzurl.jp/entry/${c.itemURL}" target="_blank"><img src="http://api.buzzurl.jp/api/counter/v1/image?url=${encodeURIComponent(c.itemURL)}" title="${LOC.t57}"/></a>`;
var ce = function() {
return document.createElement('span');
var sT = ce(),
sD = ce(),
sF = ce(),
sH = ce(),
sG = ce(),
sL = ce(),
sY = ce(),
sB = ce(),
sC = ce();
[sT, sD, sF, sH, sG, sL, sY, sB, sC].forEach(i => i.className = 'irff_socialicon');
var ac1 = function(s, f) {
var ac2 = function(s, f) {
s.innerHTML = f;
if (st.socialtwitter) ac1(sT, twitter);
if (st.socialdelicious) ac1(sD, delicious);
if (st.socialfacebook) ac1(sF, facebook);
if (st.socialgoogleplus) ac1(sG, googleplus);
if (st.socialhatena) ac1(sH, hatena);
if (st.socialyahoo) ac2(sY, yahoo);
if (st.socialbuzzurl) ac2(sB, buzzurl);
var repeat = 0,
var check = function() {
var e = document.querySelectorAll(`${currentEntry()} .article_title > .irff_socialicon > a > img`),
f = true;
repeat += 1;
for (var i = 0, j = e.length; i < j; i++) {
if (e[i].clientHeight === 1) i.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(e[i].parentNode);
else if (e[i].clientHeight === 0 && repeat < 10) f = false;
if (f) window.clearInterval(inter);
inter = window.setInterval(() => check(), 1000);
FullFeed.documentFilters = [
function(doc) {
var a = doc.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0, j = a.length; i < j; i++) {
if (a[i] && a[i].hasAttribute('href')) {
a[i].setAttribute('target', '_blank');
a[i].setAttribute('rel', 'noopener noreferrer');
var getActiveItem = function() {
var item = {},
exp = document.querySelector(`${currentEntry()} .article_title_link`);
if (exp) {
item.url = (exp.href && /^(https?|ftp):\/\/.+$/.test(exp.href)) ? exp.href : '';
item.title = (exp.textContent) ? exp.textContent : '';
item.id = (exp.id) ? exp.id.slice(exp.id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1) : '';
return item;
var getActiveFeed = function() {
var eCurrent = document.querySelector(currentEntry()),
feed = {};
feed.url = '';
feed.title = '';
if (eCurrent && eCurrent.id) {
var eFeed = $id(`article_feed_info_link_${ eCurrent.id.slice(eCurrent.id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1)}`) ||
eCurrent.getElementsByClassName('article_feed_title')[0] ||
document.evaluate('//div[@class="article_tile_footer_feed_title"]/a', eCurrent.cloneNode(true), null, 9, null).singleNodeValue;
if (eFeed) {
if (eFeed.textContent) feed.title = eFeed.textContent;
} else if ($id('tree')) {
var tlf = $id('tree').getElementsByClassName('selected')[0];
if (tlf && tlf.textContent) feed.title = tlf.textContent;
if (feed.title) feed.title = feed.title.replace(/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/, '$1');
return feed;
var GetCurrentItem = function() {
this.item = getActiveItem(true);
this.feed = getActiveFeed();
this.itemURL = this.item.url;
this.articleContainer = document.querySelector(currentEntry());
this.innerContents = document.querySelector(`${currentEntry()} .article_content`);
this.found = false;
var launchFullFeed = function(list, c, flag) {
if (typeof list.some !== 'function') return;
state = 'launch';
itemSiteInfo.length = 0;
var type = ['^IND', '^SUB', '^GEN'],
bCache, bList;
var check = function(lis) {
lis.forEach(i => {
try {
var reg = new RegExp(i.url);
if (i.url && (i.url.length <= 12 || !/^\^?https?/i.test(i.url))) {
if (new RegExp('^://', 'i').test(i.url)) i.url = `^https?${i.url}`;
else if (new RegExp('^//', 'i').test(i.url)) i.url = `^https?:${i.url}`;
else i.url = `^https?://${i.url}`;
if (reg.test(c.itemURL) && i.url.length > 12) {
if (flag === 'cache') {
if (userCacheList.some(u => {
if (u === c.feed.url) return true;
})) {
c.found = true;
} else {
c.found = true;
} catch (er1) {
console.log('SITEINFO Error: ', i.url);
if (/^next|^search/.test(flag)) {
if (!c.found) {
siteInfoAP.some(ctx => {
if (cacheAPInfo[ctx.url]) {
return c.found;
if (!c.found) {
'url': nextPageLink.href,
'xpath': ''
nextPageLink = null;
itemSiteInfo.sort((a, b) => {
var reA = new RegExp(a.url),
reB = new RegExp(b.url),
a1 = (reA.test(c.itemURL)) ? reA.source.length : 0,
b1 = (reB.test(c.itemURL)) ? reB.source.length : 0,
a2 = (reA.test(c.feed.url)) ? reA.source.length : 0,
b2 = (reB.test(c.feed.url)) ? reB.source.length : 0;
if (a.url.search(/\\w|\.\+|\.\*|\[\^\.?\/?\]\+/) !== -1) return true;
else if (b.url.search(/\\w|\.\+|\.\*|\[\^\.?\/?\]\+/) !== -1) return false;
return ((b1 >= b2) ? b1 : b2) - ((a1 >= a2) ? a1 : a2);
itemSiteInfo.sort((a, b) => {
var n1 = 0,
n2 = 0;
type.forEach((d, i) => {
if (new RegExp(d).test(a.type)) n1 = i;
if (new RegExp(d).test(b.type)) n2 = i;
return n1 - n2;
if (flag === 'full') {
if (!bCache && itemSiteInfo.length > 0) {
userCache.some(u => {
if (u === itemSiteInfo[0]) {
bCache = true;
return true;
userCacheList.some(u => {
if (u === c.feed.url) {
bList = true;
return true;
if (!bCache) {
delete itemSiteInfo[0].base;
delete itemSiteInfo[0].microformats;
delete itemSiteInfo[0].priority;
try {
localStorage.setItem('InoReaderFullFeed_userCache', JSON.stringify(userCache));
} catch (er2) { console.error(er2); }
if (!bList) {
try {
localStorage.setItem('InoReaderFullFeed_userCacheList', JSON.stringify(userCacheList));
} catch (er3) { console.error(er3); }
if (c.found && itemSiteInfo.length > 0) {
var data, bool;
if (itemSiteInfo.some(a => {
data = a;
bool = true;
st.disableitem.forEach(b => {
if (a.url === b) bool = false;
if (bool) return true;
})) new FullFeed(data, c, flag);
else new FullFeed(itemSiteInfo[0], c, flag);
} else state = null;
var initFullFeed = function(scroll) {
var c = new GetCurrentItem();
if (/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?inoreader\.com\/?$|^javascript:|\.pdf$/i.test(c.itemURL)) return;
if (state && !/^loaded$|^wait$/.test(state)) {
for (var x1 = 0, x2 = xhr.length; x1 < x2; x1++) {
if (xhr[x1]) xhr[x1].abort();
xhr.length = 0;
state = null;
message(LOC.t82, 3000, 'warning');
if (c.itemInfo) {
loadingStyle('remove', c.itemInfo.articleContainer);
if ((state && !/^loaded$|^wait$/.test(state)) || !c.item.title || !c.item.url || !c.innerContents) return;
message(LOC.t54, -1);
if (st.notread) {
var re = new RegExp(st.notread);
if (re.test(c.item.title) || re.test(c.item.url) || re.test(c.feed.title)) {
if (st.openitem) {
loadingStyle('open', c.articleContainer);
GM_openInTab(c.itemURL, true);
window.setTimeout(() => loadingStyle('remove', c.articleContainer), 1000);
return message(LOC.t49, 2000);
return message(LOC.t8);
var launch = function() {
if (c.innerContents && c.innerContents.classList.contains('irff_loaded')) {
if (st.autopagerize) {
if (nextPageLink) {
c.itemURL = nextPageLink.href;
launchFullFeed(userSiteInfo, c, 'set');
if (!c.found) launchFullFeed(userCache, c, 'cache');
if (!c.found) {
siteInfo.some(ctx => {
if (cacheInfo[ctx.url]) {
launchFullFeed(cacheInfo[ctx.url].info, c, 'next');
return c.found;
if (!c.found) launchFullFeed([], c, 'search');
loadingStyle('add', c.articleContainer);
return message(LOC.t4, -1);
} else if (!scroll) {
if (c.innerContents.className.split(/\s+/).filter(i => /^http/.test(i)).length > 1) return message(LOC.t7);
return message(LOC.t9);
} else if (!scroll) return message(LOC.t9);
} else {
if (scroll) return;
launchFullFeed(userSiteInfo, c, 'set');
if (!c.found) launchFullFeed(userCache, c, 'cache');
if (!c.found && !siteInfo.some(ctx => {
if (cacheInfo[ctx.url]) {
launchFullFeed(cacheInfo[ctx.url].info, c, 'full');
return c.found;
})) new FullFeed({}, c, 'search');
var longurl = function(u) {
method: 'get',
url: `http://api.longurl.org/v2/expand?format=json&url=${u}`,
onload: function(res) {
if (res.status === 200) {
try {
var longUrl = JSON.parse(res.responseText)['long-url'];
if (longUrl && /^https?:/.test(longUrl) && longUrl.replace('\\/', '/') !== c.itemURL) {
c.itemURL = c.feed.url = longUrl;
} else unshortenit(u);
} catch (er) {
} else unshortenit(u);
onerror: function() {
var unshortenit = function(u) {
method: 'get',
url: `http://www.unshorten.it/api1.0.php?responseFormat=text&shortURL=${u}`,
onload: function(res) {
if (res.status === 200) {
try {
var longUrl = res.responseText;
if (longUrl && /^https?:/.test(longUrl)) {
c.itemURL = c.feed.url = longUrl;
} else checkShortUrl();
} catch (er) { console.error(er); }
onerror: function() {
var checkShortUrl = function() {
if (c.itemURL !== tempUrl) {
tempUrl = c.itemURL;
method: 'HEAD',
url: c.itemURL,
onload: function(res) {
if (res.status === 200 && res.finalUrl) {
if (/^https?:\/\/t.co\/.+/.test(res.finalUrl)) longurl(res.finalUrl);
else {
c.itemURL = c.feed.url = res.finalUrl;
} else if (((res.status >= 301 && res.status <= 303) || res.status === 307) && res.finalUrl) {
if (['t.co', 'bit.ly', 'goo.gl', 'is.gd', 'j.mp', 'ow.ly', 'tinyurl.com'].some(a => {
if (new RegExp(`^https?://${a}/.+`).test(res.finalUrl)) return true;
})) longurl(res.finalUrl);
else unshortenit(res.finalUrl);
} else launch();
onerror: function() {
} else launch();
if (!st.replacefullfeedurl) {
var tempUrl = c.itemURL,
rep = st.replacefullfeedurl.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' ');
if (rep.length >= 2) {
var excludeUrl = function(e) {
e.some(a => {
if (a.href.split('/')[2].indexOf('xn--') === -1 && /^https?:\/\/.+/.test(a.textContent)) {
c.itemURL = c.feed.url = a.href;
for (var i = 0, j = rep.length - 1; i < j; i = i + 2) {
if (rep[i] && new RegExp(rep[i]).test(c.itemURL)) {
if (rep[i + 1] && /^http/.test(rep[i + 1])) {
c.itemURL = c.itemURL.replace(new RegExp(rep[i]), rep[i + 1]);
c.feed.url = c.itemURL;
} else if (rep[i + 1] === 'Link') {
try {
var u = document.querySelectorAll(`${currentEntry()} .article_content a`);
if (u) excludeUrl(u);
} catch (er) { console.error(er); }
} else launch();
var loadingStyle = function(flag, elm) {
if (!elm) return;
var s1 = 'irff_loading',
s2 = 'irff_opened';
if (flag === 'add') elm.classList.add(s1);
else if (flag === 'open') elm.classList.add(s2);
else if (flag === 'remove') {
var createMessageBox = function() {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'irff_message';
div.className = 'ui-state-highlight irff_hidden';
div.innerHTML = '';
var currentEntry = function() {
if ($id('article_dialog')) {
return '#article_dialog > .article_full_contents';
if ($id('three_way_contents') && $id('three_way_contents').style.display !== 'none' && $id('reader_pane').getElementsByClassName('article_current article_current_3way')[0]) {
return '#three_way_contents > .article_full_contents:last-child';
if ($id('subscriptions_articles')) {
return '#subscriptions_articles > .article_current';
return '#reader_pane .article_current';
var toggleSettingsMode = function() {
var adv = $id('irff_s').getElementsByClassName('irff_s-advance');
for (var i = 0, j = adv.length; i < j; i++) {
if (adv[i]) adv[i].classList.toggle('irff_hidden');
if (st.mode === 'simple' && !$ids('siteinfo_navi_uff').classList.contains('select') &&
!$ids('siteinfo_navi_uap').classList.contains('select')) {
var el1 = $ids('siteinfo').getElementsByTagName('fieldset');
for (var i1 = 0, j1 = el1.length; i1 < j1; i1++) {
var el2 = document.getElementsByClassName('irff_s-siteinfo_navi');
for (var i2 = 0, j2 = el2.length; i2 < j2; i2++) {
var loadTwitterWidgetsScript = function() {
if (st.embeddedtweets) {
var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),
fl = true;
for (var i = 0, j = sc.length; i < j; i++) {
if (sc[i].src && /^https:\/\/platform\.twitter\.com\/widgets\.js/.test(sc[i].src)) {
fl = false;
if (fl) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = 'https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js';
var exportSettings = function() {
var settings = localStorage.getItem('InoReaderFullFeed_settings');
if (typeof GM_setClipboard === 'function') {
if (window.confirm(LOC.t66)) {
message(LOC.t67, 3000);
} else {
var eTemp = document.createElement('div'),
eTemp.id = 'irff_temp';
eTemp.innerHTML = '<div id="irff_temp-bar"><div id="irff_temp-bar_title">Export Data</div><div id="irff_temp-bar_button"><input id="irff_temp-close" type="button" value="Close"></div></div><div id="irff_temp-body"><textarea id="irff_temp-textarea"></div>';
$id('irff_temp-close').addEventListener('click', () => {
}, false);
$id('irff_temp-textarea').textContent = settings;
result = document.execCommand('copy');
if (result) {
message(LOC.t67, 3000);
} else {
eTemp.style.visibility = 'visible';
message(LOC.t68, 3000);
var debugLog = false,
itemSiteInfo = [],
xhr = [],
nextPageLink = null,
readingPageUrl = null,
state = null,
messageInterval, scrollInterval, initInterval,
st, siteInfo, siteInfoAP, userSiteInfo, userSiteInfoAP,
cacheInfo, cacheAPInfo, userCache, userCacheAP, userCacheList, userCacheListAP;
var init = function() {
var nCheck = 0,
exSpaceKey, exSpaceCode, iIrkc;
cacheInfo = FullFeed.getCache('cache');
cacheAPInfo = FullFeed.getCache('cacheAP');
userCache = FullFeed.getCache('userCache');
userCacheAP = FullFeed.getCache('userCacheAP');
userCacheList = FullFeed.getCache('userCacheList');
userCacheListAP = FullFeed.getCache('userCacheListAP');
if (GM_registerMenuCommand && typeof GM_registerMenuCommand === 'function') {
GM_registerMenuCommand('InoReader Full Feed - reset cache', () => {
if (window.confirm(LOC.t15)) FullFeed.resetCache();
GM_registerMenuCommand('InoReader Full Feed - delete cache', () => FullFeed.removeCache());
var exKey = function() {
if ($id('irkc_key-space')) {
exSpaceKey = $id('irkc_key-space').value;
if (exSpaceKey) {
exSpaceCode = (/^[%&]$/.test(exSpaceKey)) ? 32 : exSpaceKey.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
var checkIrkc = function() {
if ($id('irkc_ok')) {
$id('irkc_ok').addEventListener('click', e => {
}, false);
} else if (nCheck < 99) nCheck += 1;
else window.clearInterval(iIrkc);
iIrkc = window.setInterval(() => checkIrkc(), 250);
document.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
if (state && !/^loaded$|^wait$/.test(state) && !/^input|^textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName) && ((e.keyCode === 32 && exSpaceKey !== '&') || (exSpaceKey && e.keyCode === exSpaceCode))) {
var rp = $id('reader_pane'),
ad = $id('article_dialog'),
twc = $id('three_way_contents'),
ce = document.querySelector(currentEntry());
if (!ce) return;
var eTop = (twc && twc.style.display !== 'none' ? twc : ad ? ad : rp),
eHeight = (twc && twc.style.display !== 'none' ? twc : ad ? ad : ce),
bottom = (twc && twc.style.display !== 'none' ? twc.clientHeight : ad ? ad.clientHeight + 70 : rp.clientHeight) + eTop.scrollTop - ce.offsetTop - eHeight.scrollHeight;
if (bottom >= 0) {
}, true);
document.addEventListener('keyup', e => {
var key = (isNaN(st.basekey)) ? st.basekey.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) : Number(st.basekey),
el1 = $ids('general_key'),
el2, el3;
if (e.target.id === 'irff_s-general_key') {
el2 = $ids('general_keydesc');
var code = e.keyCode,
cha = String.fromCharCode(code);
if (/[A-Z]/.test(cha)) {
el1.value = cha;
el2.textContent = LOC.t24;
} else if (code < 16 || code > 18) {
el1.value = code;
el2.textContent = LOC.t25;
} else if (e.keyCode === key && !/^input|^textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName)) {
if (e.altKey && e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey) {
if (window.confirm(LOC.t15)) FullFeed.resetCache();
} else if (e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey) {
el3 = document.querySelector(currentEntry());
if (el3 && (el3.classList.contains('article_full_contents') ||
(el3.classList.contains('ar') &&
el3.classList.contains('article_current')))) FullFeed.viewSettings('autoload');
else FullFeed.viewSettings();
} else if (e.ctrlKey) {
if (st.autoload === 0) st.autoload = 1;
else if (st.autoload === 1) st.autoload = 2;
else if (st.autoload === 2) st.autoload = 3;
else st.autoload = 0;
message(`Auto Load : ${ (st.autoload === 0) ? LOC.t36 : (st.autoload === 1) ? LOC.t77 : (st.autoload === 2) ? LOC.t45 : LOC.t46}`);
} else if (e.shiftKey) {
st.autopagerize = !st.autopagerize;
message(`AutoPagerize : ${ (st.autopagerize) ? '<span class="irff_ap_on">ON</span>' : '<span class="irff_ap_off">OFF</span>'}`);
} else initFullFeed();
}, false);
document.addEventListener('click', e => {
if (e.button >= 2) return;
var tId = e.target.id;
if (e.button === 0 && tId && /^irff_s-/.test(tId)) {
var settings = $id('irff_s'),
wlFeedTitle = $ids('autoload_whitelist_feed_title'),
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wlArticleTitle = $ids('autoload_whitelist_article_title'),
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// == [Utility] =================================
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embed = htmldoc.getElementsByTagName('embed'),
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s1 = '//*[contains(translate(concat(',
s2 = '@id, " ", @class',
s3 = '), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_ ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), "',
s4 = '")]',
nM = arM.length,
n1 = ar1.length,
n2 = ar2.length,
n3 = ar3.length;
var makeXpath = function(ar, len, sp) {
var x = [];
ar.forEach((a, i) => {
if (sp) x.push(`${s1}" ", ${s2}, " "${s3} ${a} ${s4}`);
else x.push(s1 + s2 + s3 + a + s4);
if (len > i + 1) x.push('|');
return x.join('');
var xpath = function() {
var ar = ['date', 'foot', 'head', 'media', 'menu', 'navbar', 'navi', 'side', 'tool', 'widget'],
s5 = '[not((.|.//*|ancestor-or-self::*)[contains(translate(concat(@id, " ", @class), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), "',
s6 = '")])]',
x = ['//*[not(.//head|ancestor-or-self::head)][not(.//link|ancestor-or-self::link)][not(.//style|ancestor-or-self::style)]'];
ar.forEach(a => x.push(s5 + a + s6));
return x.join('');
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max = 0,
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if (!elms) elms = getElementsByXPath(makeXpath(ar3, n3, false), htmldoc);
if (!elms) elms = getElementsByXPath(xpath(), htmldoc);
if (!elms) return null;
elms.forEach(e => {
if (typeof e.textContent !== 'string') return;
var n = e.textContent.replace(/^\s+|\s+$|(?:\r?\n|\r){2,}/g, '').length;
if (max < n) {
max = n;
data = e;
return (data) ? [data] : null;
} catch (e) {
return null;
function relativeToAbsolutePath(htmldoc, base) {
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top = /^https?:\/\/[^/]+/.exec(base)[0],
current = base.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, '/'),
url, abs;
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abs = '';
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hre[i1].href = abs;
} catch (er1) { console.error(er1); }
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url = src[i2].getAttribute('src').trim();
abs = '';
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m = s.match(/url\s*\([^)]+?\)/g);
url = /url\s*\([^)]+?\)/.exec(s);
if (!url) continue;
url = url.toString();
url = url.slice(url.indexOf('(') + 1, url.lastIndexOf(')'));
for (var i4 = 0, j4 = m.length; i4 < j4; i4++) {
abs = '';
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sty[i3].setAttribute('style', abs);
} catch (er3) { console.error(er3); }
function _rel2abs(url, top, current, base) {
if (/^\/\//.test(url)) return top.slice(0, top.indexOf('//')) + url;
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cPath = current.split('/');
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if (!uPath[i]) continue;
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uPath.splice(i, 1);
i -= 1;
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uPath.splice(i, 1);
if (/^\//.test(url)) uPath.splice(i - 1, 1);
i -= 1;
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url = uPath.join('/');
if (/^\?/.test(url)) return base.slice(0, base.indexOf('?')) + url;
if (/^#/.test(url)) return base + url;
if (/^\//.test(url)) return top + url;
return current + url;
function replaceSrcOriginal(htmldoc) {
var img = htmldoc.getElementsByTagName('img'),
attr = JSON.parse(`[${st.lazyloadattr}]`);
for (var i = 0, j = img.length; i < j; i++) {
for (var k = 0, l = attr.length, s; k < l; k++) {
s = (img[i].hasAttribute(attr[k])) ? img[i].getAttribute(attr[k]) : null;
if (s && /^https?:\/\/|^\.?\//.test(s)) img[i].setAttribute('src', s);
function message(mes, dur, typ) {
var box = $id('irff_message');
if (!box) return;
var dura = (dur < 0) ? 300000 : (!dur) ? 1500 : dur,
type = typ;
if (mes) {
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messageInterval = window.setTimeout(() => {
if (type) box.classList.remove(`irff_${type}`);
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// AutoPagerize (c) id:swdyh
function createHTMLDocumentByString(str) {
if (document.documentElement.nodeName !== 'HTML') return new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, 'application/xhtml+xml');
var html = stripHtmlTag(str),
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htmlDoc = document.cloneNode(false);
htmlDoc.appendChild(htmlDoc.importNode(document.documentElement, false));
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var fragment = createDocumentFragmentByString(html);
try {
fragment = htmlDoc.adoptNode(fragment);
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fragment = htmlDoc.importNode(fragment, true);
return htmlDoc;
// AutoPagerize (c) id:swdyh
function getElementsByXPath(xpath, node) {
var ss = getXPathResult(xpath, node, 7),
data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ss.snapshotLength; i++) data.push(ss.snapshotItem(i));
return (data.length > 0) ? data : null;
// AutoPagerize (c) id:swdyh
function getXPathResult(xpath, nod, resultType) {
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doc = node.ownerDocument || node,
resolver = doc.createNSResolver(node.documentElement || node),
defaultNS = null;
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if (defaultNS) {
var defaultPrefix = '__default__',
defaultResolver = resolver;
xpath = addDefaultPrefix(xpath, defaultPrefix);
resolver = function(prefix) {
return (prefix === defaultPrefix) ? defaultNS : defaultResolver.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix);
return doc.evaluate(xpath, node, resolver, resultType, null);
// AutoPagerize (c) id:swdyh
function addDefaultPrefix(xpath, prefix) {
var tokenPattern = /([A-Za-z_\u00c0-\ufffd][\w\-.\u00b7-\ufffd]*|\*)\s*(::?|\()?|(".*?"|'.*?'|\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.(?:\.|\d+)?|[)\]])|(\/\/?|!=|[<>]=?|[([|,=+-])|([@$])/g,
TERM = 1,
tokenType = OPERATOR;
prefix += ':';
function replacer(token, identifier, suffix, term, operator) {
if (suffix) tokenType = (suffix === ':' || (suffix === '::' && (identifier === 'attribute' || identifier === 'namespace'))) ? MODIFIER : OPERATOR;
else if (identifier) {
if (tokenType === OPERATOR && identifier !== '*') token = prefix + token;
tokenType = (tokenType === TERM) ? OPERATOR : TERM;
} else tokenType = (term) ? TERM : (operator) ? OPERATOR : MODIFIER;
return token;
return xpath.replace(tokenPattern, replacer);
// AutoPagerize (c) id:swdyh
function createDocumentFragmentByString(str) {
var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''),
range = doc.createRange();
return range.createContextualFragment(str);
// AutoPagerize (c) id:swdyh
function stripHtmlTag(str) {
var chunks = str.split(/(<html(?:[ \t\r\n][^>]*)?>)/);
if (chunks.length >= 3) chunks.splice(0, 2);
str = chunks.join('');
chunks = str.split(/(<\/html[ \t\r\n]*>)/);
if (chunks.length >= 3) chunks.splice(chunks.length - 2);
return chunks.join('');
function pathToURL(url, path) {
var re = (path.indexOf('/') === 0) ? /^([a-zA-Z]+:\/\/[^/]+)\/.*$/ : /^(.*\/).*$/;
return url.replace(re, `$1${path}`);
function contentScriptInjection(source) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
if (debugLog) console.log('contentScriptInjection', source);
if (typeof source === 'function') source = `(${source})();`;
script.setAttribute('type', 'application/javascript');
script.textContent = source;