Project Free Tv - skip waiting Ads (

Skips the 10 second waiting ads when transitioning to player on by converting links

< Feedback on Project Free Tv - skip waiting Ads (

Review: Bad - script does not work

Posted: 2015-07-23

I've tried this script a couple of times

This script does not work for me on Chrome, but it works for Firefox, interesting..

$("[onclick^=visited]").attr('href', $("[onclick^=visited]").attr('href').replace("/interstitial2.html?lnk=", "").split("&ttl=")[0].replace(/%2F/g, "/").replace(/%2F/g, "/").replace(/%3F/g, "?").replace(/%3D/g, "="));

this targets the specific links, etc. etc.. plus there is no handler for links that need to use the advert page as a redirect... please no the code above does not handle links, this is a quickfix for chrome users who are trying to get this to work..

I don't know what this would be rated as, but since it's mostly not worked, and I have Chrome as my default, I'm marking as it does not work.

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