NW - inventory names

Prints NeverWinterOnline items in inventory (including content of user bags!)

< Feedback on NW - inventory names

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2015-03-10

xD, it lives...

Yes, it is better make some small "Userscripts" than make main script messed up with tools, xD.

var _pbags_crafting = client.dataModel.model.ent.main.inventory.tradebag; //tradebag
 _pbags_crafting.forEach(function (slot) {
            // Match unused slots
            if (slot === null || !slot || slot === undefined) {
                //  _bagUnused++;
            // Match items to exclude from auto vendoring, dont add to _tmpBag: Exclude pattern list - bound - Epic Quality - Blue Quality - Green Quality(might cause problems)
            else if (_excludeItems.test(slot.name) || slot.bound || slot.rarity == "Special" || slot.rarity == "Gold" || slot.rarity == "Silver") {
                // _bagUsed++;
            // Match everything else
            else {
                if (settings["autovendor_profresults"]) {
                    for (i = 0; i < _profitems.length; i++) {
                        if (_profitems[i].pattern.test(slot.name))
                _tmpBag2[_tmpBag2.length] = slot;
                // _bagUsed++;
                console.log(slot.name); // tradebag debug msg

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