WME UR Comments

This script is for replying to UR comments with a single click. Based off Chat Jumper and URO+

As of 2014-11-11. See the latest version.

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Applies to

This script is for replying to UR comments with 2 clicks.

And has URO+ preset filters for “New URs / URs with replies”, “4 day follow up”, “7 day close”, “URO+ clear all UR filters”

For the URO preset filter to work URO+ must be installed.

I have added the following options (for these options to function a canned comment in this script must be clicked)

Auto Click Open, Solved, Not Identified (depending on which response was clicked)
Auto Save UR After Comment (click save after user clicks send, for replies that require saving)
Auto Close / Reload After Comment (after clicking send click close comment, and click on reload map to refresh the active URO Filter)
Auto Zoom Out After Comment (after clicking send zoom the map all the way out)
Add Instructions to the 4 day Follow Up (adds instruction how to reply in the mobile app)
Custom list

Now supports custom lists, to enable and edit the custom list; additionally install this script

When combined with URO+ to filter requests with no comments, and then only show where last comments are less then 4 days old and then 7 days or older you can make pretty quick work of the URs.

I develop in Chrome and try to keep this working in FireFox.

If you want your own custom list to be hard coded into the script send me a message. The current rickzabel list is a work in progress and probably always will be.
I can be reached trough Waze username rickzabel, or gmail rickzabel

Rick Zabel

Ps check out my other script WME Chat Resize at

Initially this was based off Chat Jumper and URO+