Web Page Accelerator

Automatically accelerates hyperlinks on web pages to improve loading speed. Integrates the latest instant.page v5.2.0 features with multi-language support (default: English) and removes store link redirection functionality.

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Web Page Accelerator

Web Page Accelerator is a userscript that automatically accelerates hyperlinks on web pages by prefetching content before you click a link. It leverages the latest techniques from instant.page v5.2.0, including support for speculation rules and viewport prefetching, to reduce page load times and improve your browsing experience.


  • Automatic Prefetching: Prefetches pages linked from the current page to speed up navigation.
  • Speculation Rules Support: Uses <script type="speculationrules"> when supported to improve prefetch performance.
  • Viewport Prefetching: Employs the IntersectionObserver API to prefetch links that enter the viewport.
  • Touch and Mouse Optimization: Prevents duplicate prefetch events on touch devices by filtering out mouse events triggered by touches.
  • Multi-language Support: Default language is English. The script uses a translations object that can be extended to support additional languages.
  • Customizable Settings: Easily configure options such as external links handling, query string prefetching, prefetch delay, and more via a settings panel.


  1. Install a userscript manager like Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey.
  2. Create a new userscript and copy-paste the source code from this repository.
  3. Save the script and ensure it is enabled.


Once installed, the script automatically accelerates hyperlinks on supported web pages. The script features a settings panel accessible via your userscript manager’s menu. Here you can adjust various options:

  • Accelerate External Links: Toggle prefetching of links pointing to external domains.
  • Accelerate Links with Parameters: Control whether links with query strings are prefetched.
  • Open Links in the Same Tab: Option to force links to open in the current tab.
  • Animation Effect: Enable or disable a subtle animation when a link is prefetched.
  • Prefetch Delay: Set the hover delay (in milliseconds) before initiating prefetch.
  • Exclude URLs/Keywords: Define domains or keywords for which the prefetch should be disabled.

All settings are stored using GM storage and can be reset via the settings panel.


  • Special thanks to YouXiaoHou (油小猴) for providing the original idea and inspiration.
  • Thanks to instant.page for their innovative acceleration concepts that form the basis of this script’s prefetching approach.


This project is licensed under the GPLv3.


To help users discover this script, here are some relevant keywords:

  • Web Page Accelerator
  • Userscript prefetch
  • Link prefetching script
  • Faster web navigation
  • Instant page load
  • Tampermonkey prefetch
  • Greasemonkey acceleration
  • Speculation rules prefetch
  • Viewport prefetching
  • Instant.page alternative
  • Optimize link loading
  • Prefetch hyperlinks
  • Improve browsing speed
  • JavaScript prefetch script
  • Automatic link preloading