Gaston's Diep stuff mod

This is a internal script for bigger project but it has its own custome theme auto upgrades/auto respawn as well as custom stats upgrades that can be request to be add to the builds list

// ==UserScript==
// @name Gaston's Diep stuff mod
// @namespace
// @version 2.8
// @description This is a internal script for bigger project but it has its own custome theme auto upgrades/auto respawn as well as custom stats upgrades that can be request to be add to the builds list
// @author gaton1779
// @match *://*
// @icon
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_info
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_addValueChangeListener
// @grant GM_removeValueChangeListener
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @require
// @require
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==


_GM_getValue=GM_getValue;["","","",""].map(e => {let t = new URL(e);t.protocol = 'https:';return t.href}).map(e => ({name: new URL(e).pathname.split('/').pop(),id: new URL(e).pathname,url: e})).forEach(async e => {var t = _GM_getValue(,l = falset ? (l = true,console.log(,'Loaded',eval(t))) : console.warn(, 'wasnt installed this Userscript may not Function as Intended.');console.log('Checking',;await fetch(e.url).then(e => e.text(), b => ('Failed:',, b)).then(b => (_GM_getValue( != b && (_GM_setValue(, b), console.log(,!l&&(eval(b))?'Has been updates':'Failed to update')), e))});
infothingy = {}, inf = {}, _upgrade = "", autoPlay_ = !1;
const Screens = {
        inGame: "in-game-screen",
        gameOver: "game-over-screen",
        home: "home-screen",
        loading: "loading-screen",
        nickname: "spawn-nickname"
    Settings = GM_getValue("Settings") || {},
    extended = {
        update: function(e) {}
    getV = function(e, t) {
        return 1 != arguments.length ? (GM_setValue(e, t), t) : GM_getValue(e)

function setElement(e) {
    return !(!String(e).match(/^.*((\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?)|(shorts\/))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*/) || 11 != String(e).match(/^.*((\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?)|(shorts\/))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*/)[8].length) && String(e).match(/^.*((\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?)|(shorts\/))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*/)[8]

function sleep(e) {
    return new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)))

function RemoveAds() {
    return [...document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")].forEach((e => e.remove()))

function checkWin(e = this.win1) {
    return !!e && !e.closed

function startwin(e, t = null, n, o) {
    var r;
    null == t && (t = e), console.log("attemp the close", e);
    try {
        n && window[e].close()
    } catch (t) {
        window[e] = null, console.warn("attemp the close", e, "Fail")
    try {
        checkWin(window[e]) ? (globalRoot[t] = open("", "PROFILES", "width=256,height=305"), globalRoot[t].window.document.body.innerHTML = "", globalRoot[t].window.document.head.innerHTML = "") : (window[e] = r = open(o, "PROFILES", "width=256,height=305"), console.log("Making", e, "in", t), console.log(window[e]), console.log("writing defalt styles", "to", e, t), r.document.write(htmlContent.element.outerHTML))
    } catch (e) {
    return globalRoot[t] = globalRoot[e], console.log("complete win"), r

function get(e, t = document.body) {
    if ( === e) return t;
    if (t.shadowRoot) {
        const n = get(e, t.shadowRoot);
        if (n) return n
    for (const n of t.children) {
        const t = get(e, n);
        if (t) return t
    return null

function log_(e, t) {
    new CustomLog(e).log(t)
getClose = function(e) {
        return => (e.dist = getDistance(...e._lineTo, canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2), e))).sort(((e, t) => e.dist - t.dist))[0]
    }, getMid = function(e = [{
        x: 0,
        y: 0
    }]) {
        var t = e.length,
            [n, o] = [0, 0];
        return e.forEach((e => {
            n += e.x, o += e.y
        })), {
            x: n / t,
            y: o / t
    function() {
        Object.assign(this || arguments[0], {
            CustomLog: class {
                constructor(e) {
                    this.title = {
                        body: e || "---",
                        color: "darkgrey",
                        size: "1rem"
                    }, this.body = {
                        color: "#008f68",
                        size: "1rem"
                setTitleBody(e) {
                    this.title.body = e
                    color: e,
                    size: t
                }) {
                    void 0 !== e && (this.title.color = e), void 0 !== t && (this.title.size = t)
                    color: e,
                    size: t
                }) {
                    void 0 !== e && (this.body.color = e), void 0 !== t && (this.body.size = t)
                log(e = "") {
                    console.log(`%c${this.title.body} | %c${e}`, `color: ${this.title.color}; font-weight: bold; font-size: ${this.title.size};`, `color: ${this.body.color}; font-weight: bold; font-size: ${this.body.size}; text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);`)
    }(window.globalRoot || window), draw = function(e) {
        try {
            if (e.shape && "undefined" != e.shape && !e.custom) {
                var {
                    x: t,
                    y: n
                } = getMid( => ({
                    x: e[0],
                    y: e[1]
                let e = canvas.getContext("2d");
                e.beginPath(), e.custom = !0;
                var o = e.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 170, 0);
                o.addColorStop("0", "magenta"), o.addColorStop("0.5", "blue"), o.addColorStop("1.0", "red"), e.strokeStyle = o, e.lineWidth = 5, e.moveTo(t, n), e.arc(t, n, 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI), e.stroke(), e.custom = !1
        } catch (e) {}
    }, MySrc = function() {
        const e = document.getElementById("chooseFile");

        function t(e, t) {
            a.src = e, t && a.addEventListener("ended", t)
        Array.prototype.forEachAsync = async function(e = function() {}) {
            for (let t = 0; t < this.length; t++) await e(this[t], t, this.length);
            return null
        }, Array.prototype.mapAsync = async function(e = function() {}) {
            for (let t = 0; t < this.length; t++) this[t] = await e(this[t], t, this.length);
            return this
        var n = 0;

        function o(e) {
            ! function o() {
                n + 1 === e.length ? (console.log("Now playing", e[n].name), t(e[n].sound, null)) : (console.log("Now playing", e[n].name), t(e[n].sound, (function() {
                    n++, o()
        var r = document.getElementById("Songs_");
        const a = new Audio;
        var s = [];
        a.volume = .3, [
            ["Shuffle", () => (s.shuffle(), a.pause(), o(s))],
            ["play all", function() {
            ["Skip", () => {
                a.currentTime = a.duration - 10
            ["Previous", () => {
                n -= 2, a.currentTime = a.duration - 10
            ["play", () =>],
            ["pause", () => a.pause()],
            ["loop", function(e) {
                a.loop = !a.loop, e.innerText = "loop:" + (a.loop ? "on" : "off")
            ["volume", () => {
                a.volume = prompt("Enter volume", "50") / 100
        ].forEach((e => {
            var t = "function" == typeof e[1] ? e[1] : function() {
                    alert(`The "${e[0]}" button is W.I.P`)
                n = document.createElement("button");
            n.innerText = e[0], n.onclick = t, r.append(n), console.log(n)
        })), a.oncanplaythrough = e => {
        }, e.addEventListener("change", (t => {
            (async function(t, n, o = function() {
                return !0
            }) {
                var r = new class {
                    constructor() {
                        this.files = []
                    push(...e) {
                const a = (e => {
                    var t = [];
                    for (const n of e) {
                        const e = ? : "NOT SUPPORTED",
                            o = n.type ? n.type : "NOT SUPPORTED",
                            r = n.size ? n.size : "NOT SUPPORTED";
                            file: n,
                            name: e,
                            type: o,
                            size: r
                    return t
                })([...(t && t.files ? t.files : 0) || e.files]);
                return r.files = await a.filter(o).mapAsync((async(e, t, n) => {
                    const {
                        file: o,
                        name: r,
                        type: a,
                        size: s
                    } = e;
                    console.log("Unloading:" + r, "\nFiles left", n - t);
                    const i = new FileReader;
                    var l = await new Promise((e => {
                            var t = document.createElement("span");
                            t.className = "file", t.innerHTML = r, = r;
                            var n = document.createElement("span");

                            function a(t) {
                                var n = [r, `${t.type}:`, (t.loaded / * 100).toFixed(2) + "%"];
                                if (document.getElementById("TextAl").innerHTML = n[0], document.getElementById("myBar").style.width = n[2], console.log(...n), "error" == t.type && console.error(, "load" === t.type) {
                                    var o = i.result;
                            n.className = "progress", n.innerHTML = "0%", = r + "%",
                                function(e) {
                                    e.addEventListener("loadstart", a), e.addEventListener("load", a), e.addEventListener("loadend", a), e.addEventListener("progress", a), e.addEventListener("error", a), e.addEventListener("abort", a)
                                }(i), i.readAsDataURL(o)
                        c = l.split(","),
                        d = l.match(/(data):([-\w]+\/[-\w]+);(\w+)/);
                    if (dt = c, "NOT SUPPORTED" == a) {
                        var u = r.split(".").pop().split("(")[0],
                            p = new Error(a + ' file extentsion:\n"' + u + '" is not a supported file extentsion');
               = a, console.warn(p)
                    return {
                        file: o,
                        name: r,
                        type: a,
                        size: s,
                        data: dt,
                        ecode: d,
                        b: e
                })), "function" == typeof n && n(r), {
                    files: r
            })(!1, !1, (e => e.type.includes("audio"))).then((e => {
                e.files.files.forEach((e => {
                    var t = document.createElement("span");
                    t.innerHTML =, t.href = "", t.onclick = function(t) {
                        a.pause(), a.src = e.ecode.input
                    }, Songs_2.append(document.createElement("br")), r.append(t), s.push({
                        sound: e.ecode.input
            }), console.error)
    }, set_convar = function(e, t) {
        console.log("Set", e, t), input.set_convar(e, t)
    }, execute = function(e) {
        var t = (e.match(/(?<name>[\w_]+) ?(?<index>[0-9]+)? ?(?<value>(0x|#)[\w]+)\t?(?<for>.+)?/i) || {
                groups: {}
            n = (e.split(" "), findColor(t));
        if (null != n) {
            colors[otherStuff.colors[n].for] = "#" + t.value.match(/(0x|#)(?<hex>[\w]+)/i).groups.hex, otherStuff.colors[n].prev = otherStuff.colors[n].new || otherStuff.colors[n].default, otherStuff.colors[n].new = t.value.toUpperCase();
            let e = otherStuff.colors[n];
            console.log("Set", e.for, "from", e.prev, "To",, {
                item: e,
                res: t
class Build {
    buildSet(e) {
        this.Build = e;
        var t = 0;
        this.BuildPath = "";
        var n = e.regen,
            o =,
            r = e.body,
            a = e.bspeed,
            s = e.pen,
            i = e.dmg,
            l = e.reloads,
            c = e.speed;
        for (let e = 0; e <= 7; e++) e < i && t < 34 && (this.BuildPath += "6", t++), e < a && t < 34 && (this.BuildPath += "4", t++), e < s && t < 34 && (this.BuildPath += "5", t++), e < l && t < 34 && (this.BuildPath += "7", t++);
        for (let e = 0; e <= 7; e++) e < c && t < 34 && (this.BuildPath += "8", t++);
        for (let e = 0; e <= 7; e++) e < n && t < 34 && (this.BuildPath += "1", t++), e < o && t < 34 && (this.BuildPath += "2", t++), e < r && t < 34 && (this.BuildPath += "3", t++)
class bool {
    constructor(e) {
        e && this.toggle()
    }#e = !1;
    toggle() {
        this.#e = !this.#e
    get status() {
        return this.#e
    set status(e) {
        this.#e = !!e
class element {
    static get br() {
        return new element("br")
    constructor(e, t) {
        this.element ="HTML") && e || function() {
            for (let e in arguments[1]) arguments[0].setAttribute(e, arguments[1][e]);
            return arguments[0]
        }(document.createElement(arguments[0]), arguments[1])
    style(e) {
        for (let t in e)[t] = e[t];
        return this
    append(e, ...t) {
        this.element.append(e.element || e), console.log("T:", {
            targets: t,
            fe: t && t.forEach
        for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
            let n = t[e];
            console.log("Appending:", {
                element: n,
                target: this
            }), this.element.append(n.element || n)
        return this
    appendTo(e) {
        return (e.element || "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e).append(this.element), this
    on(e, t) {
        return this.element[`on${e}`] = t, this
    set(e, t) {
        return this.element[e] = t, this
    remove() {
        return this.element.remove(), this
    get() {
        return this.element[arguments[0]]
    get children() {
        return new class {
            constructor(e) {
                for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t += 1) this[t] = e[t];
                Object.defineProperty(this, "length", {
                    get: function() {
                        return e.length
                }), Object.freeze(this)
            item(e) {
                return null != this[e] ? this[e] : null
            namedItem(e) {
                for (var t = 0; t < this.length; t += 1)
                    if (this[t].id === e || this[t].name === e) return this[t];
                return null
            get toArray() {
                return [...this]
const {
    win1: win1,
    win2: win2,
    win3: win3,
    win4: win4,
    hh: hh,
    jj: jj,
    dd: dd
} = [null, null, null, null, function(e, t) {
    localStorage.setItem(e, t)
}, function(e) {
    return localStorage.getItem(e)
}, function(e) {
    let t = {};
    return e.forEach((function(e) {
        t[e] || (t[e] = !0)
    })), Object.keys(t)
}], AutoUpgrade = new bool(1), AutoReload = new bool(1), Firing = new bool, AutoSpawn = new bool(1), A = {get screen() {
        return [].filter((e => [...e.classList].includes("active"))).map((e =>[0]
}, bootstrapCss = new element("link").set("rel", "stylesheet").set("href", ""), jqueryUiCss = new element("link").set("rel", "stylesheet").set("href", ""), jqueryScript = new element("script", {
    integrity: "sha256-eKhayi8LEQwp4NKxN+CfCh+3qOVUtJn3QNZ0TciWLP4=",
    crossorigin: "anonymous"
}).set("src", ""), jqueryUiScript = new element("script").set("src", ""), bootstrapScript = new element("script").set("src", ""), jqueryMinScript = new element("script").set("src", ""), style = new element("style").set("innerHTML", "\n     .stat {\n            height: 100%;\n            width: 10%;\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttransition:width 2s\n        }\n\n        .stats {\n            height: 10px;\n            width: 50%;\n        }\n\n        body {\n            color: white;\n            -ms-overflow-style: none;\n            /* IE and Edge */\n            scrollbar-width: none;\n            /* Firefox */\n            background-color: rgb(54, 57, 63);\n            overflow-x: hidden;\n        }\n\n        img,\n        button,\n        .menu {\n            border: 2px solid red;\n            border-radius: 8px;\n            border-style: solid;\n            border-width: medium;\n        }\n        #MusicPlayer {\n            border-radius: 8px;\n            border-radius: 8px;\n            border-style: solid;\n        }\n        button {\n            color: rgb(27, 51, 99)\n        }\n\n        input {\n            /*border-width: 1px;*/\n            border: 2px dashed rgb(87, 167, 12);\n            color: white;\n            background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)\n        }\n\n        .name {\n            color: red\n        }\n\n        .Status {\n            color: blue\n        }\n\n        .server_nick {\n            color: white\n        }\n\n        body::-webkit-scrollbar {\n            display: none;\n        }\n\n        .hidden {\n            display: none;\n        }\n\n        .dropdown {\n            display: inline-block;\n            position: relative;\n        }\n\n        #Songs_2 {\n            max-height: 444px;\n        }\n\n        #thefile {\n            position: fixed;\n            top: 10px;\n            left: 10px;\n            z-index: 100;\n        }\n\n        #canvas {\n            position: fixed;\n            left: 0;\n            top: 0;\n            width: 100%;\n            height: 100%;\n            z-index: -1;\n        }\n\n        audio {\n            position: fixed;\n            left: 10px;\n            bottom: 10px;\n            width: calc(100% - 20px);\n        }\n\n        .center {\n            width: 100%;\n            color: red;\n            align-items: center;\n        }\n\n        input[type=button] {\n            border: 2px solid rgb(255, 255, 255);\n            color: white;\n        }\n\n        * {\n            box-sizing: border-box;\n        }\n\n        #myInput {\n            background-image: url('/css/searchicon.png');\n            background-position: 10px 12px;\n            background-repeat: no-repeat;\n            width: 100%;\n            font-size: 16px;\n            padding: 12px 20px 12px 40px;\n            border: 1px solid #ddd;\n            margin-bottom: 12px;\n        }\n\n        #myUL {\n            list-style-type: none;\n            padding: 0;\n            margin: 0;\n        }\n\n        #myUL li div {\n            border: 1px solid #ddd;\n            margin-top: -1px;\n            /* Prevent double borders */\n            background-color: rgba(238, 238, 238, 0.192);\n            ;\n            padding: 12px;\n            text-decoration: none;\n            font-size: 18px;\n            color: black;\n            display: block\n        }\n\n        #myUL li a {\n            border: 1px solid #ddd;\n            margin-top: -1px;\n            /* Prevent double borders */\n            background-color: rgba(238, 238, 238, 0.192);\n            ;\n            padding: 12px;\n            text-decoration: none;\n            font-size: 18px;\n            color: black;\n            display: block\n        }\n\n        #myUL li div {\n            cursor: pointer;\n            border: 1px solid #ddd;\n            margin-top: -1px;\n            /* Prevent double borders */\n            background-color: rgba(238, 238, 238, 0.192);\n            ;\n            padding: 12px;\n            text-decoration: none;\n            font-size: 18px;\n            color: black;\n            display: block\n        }\n\n        #myUL li a:hover:not(.header) {\n            background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238);\n        }\n        #myUL li div div input[type=button]:hover:not(.header) {\n            background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238);\n            color:black;\n        }\n"), bodyContent = new element("div").set("className", "my-game-container").append(new element("div", {
    id: "CustomSoungs"
}).set("className", "menu").append(new element("a").set("innerText", " "), new element("h2").set("innerText", "play custom songs"), new element("input").set("type", "file").set("multiple", "").set("id", "chooseFile"), new element("br"), new element("br"), new element("div").set("id", "myProgress").append(new element("div").set("id", "myBar").append(new element("span").set("id", "TextAl"))), new element("br"), new element("div").set("id", "Files_"), new element("div").set("id", "Songs_"), new element("div").set("id", "Songs_2"), new element("canvas").set("id", "canvas")), new element("br"), new element("hr"), new element("br"), new element("div", {
    id: "CustomSoungs"
}).set("className", "menu").append(new element("center").append(new element("iframe", {
    id: "MusicPlayer",
    src: getV("LP") || ""
}).set("allowfullscreen", !0),,, new element("input", {
    id: "playlistInput"
}), new element("script").set("innerHTML", `\n             ${setElement.toString()};\n             document.getElementById('playlistInput').onchange=\n             function({target,isTrusted,target:{parentNode:{getElementById}}}){\n                 console.log("Change")\n                 var url=\`\${setElement(target.value)}?\${[...(new URL(target.value)).searchParams].map(e=>e.join('=')).join('&')}&autoplay=1\`\n                 document.getElementById('MusicPlayer').src=url\n                 window.getV('LP',url)\n             }`))), new element("hr"), new element("div").set("className", "menu").set("id", "menu").append(new element("h2").set("innerText", "Menu-")), new element("br"), new element("hr"), new element("br"), new element("div").set("className", "menu").set("id", "Builds_").append(new element("style").set("innerHTML", "\n            /* CSS styles for .regen, .health, .body, etc. */\n             .regen {\n                background: #EEB690;\n            }\n             .health {\n                background: #EC6CF0;\n            }\n             .body {\n                background: #9A6CF0;\n            }\n             .bspeed {\n                background: #6C96F0;\n            }\n             .pen {\n                background: #F0D96C;\n            }\n             .dmg {\n                background: #F06C6C;\n            }\n             .reloads {\n                background: rgb(152, 240, 108);\n            }\n             .speed {\n                background: #6CF0EC;\n            }\n        "), new element("h2").set("innerText", "Builds-"), new element("div").set("id", "stats_show").append(new element("div").append(new element("span").set("innerText", "Regen:"), new element("span").set("className", "regen_")).append(new element("div").set("className", "stats").append(new element("div").set("className", "stat regen"))), new element("div").append(new element("span").set("innerText", "Health:"), new element("span").set("className", "health_")).append(new element("div").set("className", "stats").append(new element("div").set("className", "stat health"))), new element("div").append(new element("span").set("innerText", "Body:"), new element("span").set("className", "body_")).append(new element("div").set("className", "stats").append(new element("div").set("className", "stat body"))), new element("div").append(new element("span").set("innerText", "BSpeed:"), new element("span").set("className", "bspeed_")).append(new element("div").set("className", "stats").append(new element("div").set("className", "stat bspeed"))), new element("div").append(new element("span").set("innerText", "Pen:"), new element("span").set("className", "pen_")).append(new element("div").set("className", "stats").append(new element("div").set("className", "stat pen"))), new element("div").append(new element("span").set("innerText", "Dmg:"), new element("span").set("className", "dmg_")).append(new element("div").set("className", "stats").append(new element("div").set("className", "stat dmg"))), new element("div").append(new element("span").set("innerText", "Reload:"), new element("span").set("className", "reloads_")).append(new element("div").set("className", "stats").append(new element("div").set("className", "stat reloads"))), new element("div").append(new element("span").set("innerText", "Speed:"), new element("span").set("className", "speed_")).append(new element("div").set("className", "stats").append(new element("div").set("className", "stat speed")))), new element("hr"), new element("input").set("id", "search_").set("placeholder", "Search for names..").set("title", "Type in a name"), new element("br"), new element("br"), new element("ul").set("id", "myUL"))), script = new element("script").set("innerHTML", '\n    console.log(\'Test Passed\')\n    document.getElementById(\'search_\').onkeyup=function () {\n        // Your function code here\n        var input, filter, ul, li, a, i, txtValue;\n        input = document.getElementById("search_");\n        filter = input.value.toUpperCase();\n        ul = document.getElementById("myUL");\n        li = ul.getElementsByTagName("li");\n        for (i = 0; i < li.length; i++) {\n            try{\n                a = li[i].getElementsByTagName("div")[0];\n                txtValue = a.textContent || a.innerText;\n                if (txtValue.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) {\n                    li[i].style.display = "";\n                } else {\n                    li[i].style.display = "none";\n                }\n            }catch(err){console.log(a)}\n        }\n    };\n'), htmlContent = new element("html").append(new element("head").append(bootstrapCss, jqueryUiCss, jqueryScript, jqueryUiScript, bootstrapScript, jqueryMinScript, style), new element("body").append(bodyContent, script, new element("script").set("innerHTML", MySrc.toString() + "\nMySrc();")));

function download(e, t) {
    const n = new Blob([e], {
            type: `text/${t}`
        o = URL.createObjectURL(n),
        r = document.createElement("a");
    r.href = o, = `file.${t}`, document.body.appendChild(r),, URL.revokeObjectURL(o), document.body.removeChild(r)
const _myWin = startwin("myWin_");

function updateFunction() {
    log_("Screen:", A.screen), extended.update && extended.update(A.screen)
globalRoot._myWin = _myWin, addEventListener("beforeunload", (function() {
    })), globalRoot.startwin_ = startwin, globalRoot.checkWin_ = checkWin,
    function() {
        let e = "";
        ! function t() {
            const n = A.screen;
            n !== e && (updateFunction(), e = n), requestAnimationFrame(t)
    }(), updateFunction();
class Player {
    static down(e) {
    static up(e) {
    static get A() {
        return A
    static send(e) {
        input.key_down(e), input.key_up(e)
    static get getNN() {
        return get(Screens.nickname)
    static get nickname() {
        return this.getNN.value
    static set nickname(e) {
        this.getNN.value = e
    static get onGame() {
        return this.A.screen == Screens.ingame
    static get onStats() {
        return this.A.screen == Screens.gameOver
    static get canSpawn() {
        return this.A.screen == Screens.home
    static get screen() {
        return this.A.screen
    static wfs(e) {
        let t = () => this.screen;
        return t == e || new Promise((n => {
            let o = setInterval((() => {
                t() == e && (n(!0), clearInterval(o))
            }), 1)
    static async spawn(e) {
        return this.onStats && (this.send(13), await this.wfs(Screens.home)), input.try_spawn(this.nickname), await this.wfs(Screens.isGame), !0
const keys = e => Object.keys(e || this);

function findColor(e) {
    const t = e.index,
        n =;
    for (let e = 0; e < otherStuff.colors.length; e++) {
        let {
            index: o,
            name: r
        } = otherStuff.colors[e];
        if (o == t && n == r) return e
_Player = Player, alert("OK"), otherStuff = {
    toggles: [{
        name: "net_predict_movement",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Enable clientside prediction for movement"
    }, {
        name: "ren_achievements",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Render achievements"
    }, {
        name: "ren_background",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Render background[6]"
    }, {
        name: "ren_cache_grid",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Cache grid on separate canvas"
    }, {
        name: "ren_context_reinitialization",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Reinitialize contexts if FPS is too low[7]"
    }, {
        name: "ren_debug_collisions",
        bool: "false",
        for: "Render collidable debug info[8]"
    }, {
        name: "ren_debug_info",
        bool: "false",
        for: "Render some debug info on the server stats test"
    }, {
        name: "ren_fps",
        bool: "false",
        for: "Render FPS"
    }, {
        name: "ren_health_bars",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Render health bars"
    }, {
        name: "ren_names",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Render names"
    }, {
        name: "ren_pattern_grid",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Use canvas createPattern for grid, it's faster but looks slightly worse"
    }, {
        name: "ren_raw_health_values",
        bool: "false",
        for: "Render raw health bar values"
    }, {
        name: "ren_scoreboard",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Render scoreboard"
    }, {
        name: "ren_scoreboard_names",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Render scoreboard names"
    }, {
        name: "ren_solid_background",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Render background as solid color, without the grid"
    }, {
        name: "ren_stats",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Render stat upgrades"
    }, {
        name: "ren_stroke_soft_color",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Renders strokes as a darker shade of fill color"
    }, {
        name: "ren_ui",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Render UI layer"
    }, {
        name: "ren_upgrades",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Render class upgrades"
    }, {
        name: "ui_prevent_right_click",
        bool: "true",
        for: "Prevent right click from triggering context menu"
    colors: [{
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "0",
        default: "0x555555",
        for: "Smasher and Dominator Bases"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "1",
        default: "0x999999",
        for: "Barrels"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "2",
        default: "0x00B1DE",
        for: "Body (You)"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "3",
        default: "0x00B1DE",
        for: "Blue Team"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "4",
        default: "0xF14E54",
        for: "Red Team"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "5",
        default: "0xBE7FF5",
        for: "Purple Team"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "6",
        default: "0x00F46C",
        for: "Green Team"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "6",
        default: "0xD68163",
        for: "Green Team (Making Green Team Brown, like it was formerly)"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "7",
        default: "0x89FF69",
        for: "Shiny Polygons"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "8",
        default: "0xFFE869",
        for: "Square"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "9",
        default: "0xFC7677",
        for: "Triangle"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "10",
        default: "0x768DFC",
        for: "Pentagon"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "11",
        default: "0xFF77DC",
        for: "Crashers"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "12",
        default: "0xFFE869",
        for: "Arena Closers/Neutral Dominators/Defender Ammo"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "13",
        default: "0x44FFA0",
        for: "Scoreboard"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "14",
        default: "0xBBBBBB",
        for: "Maze Walls"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "15",
        default: "0xF14E54",
        for: "Others (FFA)"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "16",
        default: "0xFBC477",
        for: "Summoned Squares (Necromancer)"
    }, {
        name: "net_replace_color",
        index: "17",
        default: "0xC0C0C0",
        for: "Fallen Bosses"
    }, {
        name: "ren_background_color",
        default: "0xCDCDCD",
        for: "Base color for the background"
    }, {
        name: "ren_border_color",
        default: "0x000000",
        for: "The area outside the map (overlayed on top of the inside the map color, semi-transparent)"
    }, {
        name: "ren_minimap_background_color",
        default: "0xCDCDCD",
        for: "Minimap"
    }, {
        name: "ren_minimap_border_color",
        default: "0x555555",
        for: "Minimap Border"
    }, {
        name: "ren_health_fill_color",
        default: "0x85E37D",
        for: "Health Bar"
    }, {
        name: "ren_health_background_color",
        default: "0x555555",
        for: "Health Bar Background"
    }, {
        name: "ren_xp_bar_fill_color",
        default: "0xFFDE43",
        for: "EXP Bar"
    }, {
        name: "ren_score_bar_fill_color",
        default: "0x43FF91",
        for: "Score Bar"
    }, {
        name: "ren_bar_background_color",
        default: "0x000000",
        for: "EXP/Score Bar/Scoreboard Background"
    }, {
        name: "ren_stroke_solid_color",
        default: "0x555555",
        for: "Outlines (For ren_stroke_soft_color false)"
    }, {
        name: "ren_grid_color",
        default: "0x000000",
        for: "Grid Lines (Note: Actual Results Vary, seeing as the border is different for each section)"
}, colors = {}, otherStuff.colors.forEach((e => {
    colors[e.for] = "#" + e.default.split("0x").pop()
})), async function() {
    var e = class {
            type: e,
            default_: t,
            name: n,
            command: o
        }) {
            t = Settings[n] || t;
            var r = "";
            switch (e) {
                case "toggle":
                    r = "checkbox";
                case "color":
                    r = "color"
            var a = new element("label").set("for", n).set("innerText", n + ": "),
                s = new element("input", {
                    type: r,
                    id: n,
                    name: o
                }).set("onchange", (function(e) {
                    var t =,
                        a = "checkbox" == r ? t.checked :;
                        name: n,
                        value: a,
                        target: t,
                        e: e,
                        type_: r,
                        command: o
                    }), Settings[n] = {
                        value: a
                    }, execute(`${o} ${a}`)
            t && ("checkbox" == r && s.set("checked", t), s.set("value", t)), this.input = s, this.label = a
    console.log("Loading builds");
    const t = await fetch("").then((e => e.json()));
    console.log("Got Builds");
    const n = Object.keys(t).map((e => [ Set(Object.keys(t[e]._builds).map((n => t[e]._builds[n].p)))]));

    function o(e = {}) {
        let t = e;
        var n = 0,
            o = [];
        for (let e in t) "MAX" == t[e] && (t[e] = "7"), Number.isNaN(1 * t[e]) ? (o.push(e), console.log("Skipping", e, "key")) : n += 1 * t[e];
        var r = 33 - n,
            a = Math.floor(r / o.length);
        o.forEach((e => {
            t[e] = a
        })), n = 0;
        for (let e in t) Number.isNaN(1 * t[e]) || (n += 1 * t[e]);
        if (0 != (r = 33 - n))
            for (let e = 0; e < r; e++)
                for (let e = 0; e < Object.keys(t).length; e++) {
                    r = 33 - n;
                    var s = Object.keys(t)[e];
                    t[s] < 7 && r && o.includes(s) && (n += 1, t[s] += 1, console.log("Added to", s))
        return Object.keys(t).forEach((e => {
            t[e] = 1 * t[e]
        })), t
            BuildsName: n,
            Builds: t
        }), console.log("Fixing Builds"),
        function() {
            var [e, n] = ["map", "build"];
            for (let a in t) {
                var r = t[a];
                for (let s in r) "object" == typeof t[a][s] && (t[a][s] = t[a][s][e]((e => (e[n] = o(e[n]), e))))
        }(), console.log("EZ");

    function r(e, t, {
        desc: n,
        line: o,
        space: r,
        befors: a,
        afters: s
    }) {
        var i = document.createElement("button");
        i.innerText = e, i.onclick = t;
        var l, d = (l = "span", document.createElement(l));
        d.innerText = n || "No description.", d.className = "menuDesc", o && c.append(document.createElement("br")), c.append(i), c.append(d)

    function a(e, t) {
        setTimeout((function() {
        }), 1e3 * e), setTimeout((function() {
        }), 1e3 * e + t)

    function s(e, t, {
        defaut: n,
        desc: o,
        line: r,
        space: a,
        befors: s,
        afters: i
    }) {
        var l = document.createElement("label");
        l.innerText = e, l.for = e;
        var d = document.createElement("input");
        d.type = "checkbox", = e, d.onclick = t, d.checked = !!n;
        var u, p = (u = "span", document.createElement(u));
        p.innerText = o || "No description.", p.className = "menuDesc", r && c.append(document.createElement("br")), c.append(l), c.append(d), c.append(p)
    for (_myWin_ = globalRoot.myWin_; !_myWin_.window.document.getElementById("menu");) console.log("Menu not FOund!"), await sleep(1e3);
    _upgrade = GM_getValue("u") || "", console.log("ok"), await Player.wfs(Screens.home), console.log("WHy!!");
    var i, l, c = _myWin_.window.document.getElementById("menu");
    _myWin_.window.getV = getV,
        function() {
            Array.prototype.map_ = function(e) {
                const t = ["length"],
                    n = this;
                for (let o = 0; o < this[t[0]]; o++) n[o] = e(this[o], o);
                return n
            }, addEventListener("beforeunload", (function() {
                GM_setValue("Settings", Settings)
            var t = new element("div", {
                id: "toggles"
            }).append(new element("h1").set("innerText", "Toggles")).append(;
   => new e({
                name: t.for,
                type: "toggle",
                default_: "true" == t.bool,
                command: `${} `
            }))).forEach((e => {
            var n = new element("div", {
                id: "colors"
            }).append(new element("h1").set("innerText", "Styles")).append(;
   => new e({
                name: t.for,
                type: "color",
                default_: "#" + ( || t.default).match(/0x(?<o>.+)/i).groups.o,
                command: `${}${t.index?" "+t.index:" "}`
            }))).forEach((e => {
            })), t.appendTo(c), n.appendTo(c)
        }(), r("Reset stats", (function() {
            GM_setValue("u", "")
        }), {
            desc: "Only use if your (game reloads without finish loading) or if game doesnt load."
        }), r("Fix Game", (function() {
            var e = function({
                gamemode: e,
                name: t
            }) {
                return {
                    gamemode: e,
                    name: t
            for (let e in localStorage) localStorage.removeItem(e);
            for (let t in e) localStorage.setItem(t, e[t]);
            location.href = location.href
        }), {
            desc: "Only use if your (game reloads without finish loading) or if game doesnt load."
        }), r("Remove-Ads", RemoveAds, {
            line: !0,
            desc: "Use to remove ads that may cause gae lag"
        }), r("Stack", (function() {
            a(0, 100), a(.75, 200), a(1.5, 750), setTimeout((function() {
            }), 2e3)
        }), {
            line: !0,
            desc: "stack preditor bullets max reload requried"
        }), s("AutoReload", (function() {
            AutoReload.toggle(), log_("AutoReloads", AutoReload.status)
        }), {
            defaut: AutoReload.status,
            line: !0,
            desc: "Auto Reloads page is loading take too long.(10 Seconds)"
        }), s("AutoUpgrade", (function() {
            AutoUpgrade.toggle(), log_("AutoUpgrade", AutoUpgrade.status)
        }), {
            defaut: AutoUpgrade.status,
            line: !0,
            desc: "AutoUpgrade you stats when you spawn into the game"
        }), s("AutoSpawn", (function() {
            AutoSpawn.toggle(), log_("AutoSpawn", AutoSpawn.status)
        }), {
            defaut: AutoSpawn.status,
            line: !0,
            desc: "Just auto respawn"
        }), console.log({
            AutoSpawn: AutoSpawn,
            AutoUpgrade: AutoUpgrade,
            AutoReload: AutoReload
        }), setInterval((() => {
            AutoReload.status && ["loading", "captcha"].includes(Player.screen) && (alert("Auto reload is on\n page will reload in 5 seconds"), setTimeout((() => {
                AutoReload.status && ["loading", "captcha"].includes(Player.screen) ? location.reload() : consolelog("Reload ABprted")
            }), 5e3))
        }), 1e4), _window = window;
    class d {
        static createCanvas() {
            const e = document.createElement("canvas");
            return e.className = "CanvasKit-bypass", = "none", = "fixed",["z-index"] = 1, = "0px", = "0px", = "0px", = "0px", = "100%", = "100%", e
        static hookRAF(e) {
            requestAnimationFrame = new Proxy(requestAnimationFrame, {
                apply: (t, n, o) => (e(), Reflect.apply(t, n, o))
        static hookCtx(e, t) {
            const n = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;
            n[e] = new Proxy(n[e], {
                apply: (e, n, o) => ("CanvasKit-bypass" !== n.canvas.className && t(e, n, o), Reflect.apply(e, n, o))
        static overrideCtx(e, t) {
            const n = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;
            n[e] = new Proxy(n[e], {
                apply: (e, n, o) => "CanvasKit-bypass" !== n.canvas.className ? t(e, n, o) : Reflect.apply(e, n, o)
        static hookPolygon(e, t) {}
    class u extends EventTarget {
        emit(e, ...t) {
            this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(e, {
                detail: t
        on(e, t) {
            this.addEventListener(e, (e => Reflect.apply(t, this, e.detail)))
        once(e, t) {
            this.addEventListener(e, (e => Reflect.apply(t, this, e.detail)), {
                once: !0
        off(e, t) {
            this.removeEventListener(e, t)
    class p {
        constructor(e, t) {
            this.x = e, this.y = t
        static len(e) {
            return Math.sqrt(e.x ** 2 + e.y ** 2)
        static round(e) {
            return new p(Math.round(e.x), Math.round(e.y))
        static scale(e, t) {
            return new p(e * t.x, e * t.y)
        static unscale(e, t) {
            return new p(t.x / e, t.y / e)
        static add(e, t) {
            return new p(e.x + t.x, e.y + t.y)
        static subtract(e, t) {
            return new p(e.x - t.x, e.y - t.y)
        static multiply(e, t) {
            return new p(e.x * t.x, e.y * t.y)
        static divide(e, t) {
            return new p(e.x / t.x, e.y / t.y)
        static distance(e, t) {
            return p.len(p.subtract(e, t))
        static centroid(...e) {
            const t = e.reduce(((e, t) => p.add(e, t)), new p(0, 0));
            return p.scale(1 / e.length, t)
        static radius(...e) {
            const t = p.centroid(...e);
            return e.reduce(((e, n) => e + p.distance(t, n)), 0) / e.length
    }! function(e) {
        e[e.Player = 0] = "Player", e[e.Bullet = 1] = "Bullet", e[e.Drone = 2] = "Drone", e[e.Trap = 3] = "Trap", e[e.Square = 4] = "Square", e[e.Triangle = 5] = "Triangle", e[e.Pentagon = 6] = "Pentagon", e[e.AlphaPentagon = 7] = "AlphaPentagon", e[e.Crasher = 8] = "Crasher", e[e.UNKNOWN = 9] = "UNKNOWN"
    }(i || (i = {})),
    function(e) {
        e.TeamBlue = "#00b2e1", e.TeamRed = "#f14e54", e.TeamPurple = "#bf7ff5", e.TeamGreen = "#00e16e", e.Square = "#ffe869", e.Triangle = "#fc7677", e.Pentagon = "#768dfc", e.AlphaPentagon = "#768dfc", e.Crasher = "#f177dd", e.NecromancerDrone = "#fcc376"
    }(l || (l = {}));
    const m = new class extends u {#t = !1;#n;
            constructor() {
                super(), d.hookRAF((() => this.#o()))
            }#o() {
                this.#t || void 0 === input || (this.#t = !0, this.#r()), super.emit("frame"), super.emit("frame_end")
            }#r() {
                setTimeout((() => super.emit("ready")), 100), this.#n = document.querySelector("d-base").shadowRoot, new MutationObserver(((e, t) => {
                    e.forEach((e => {
                        0 !== e.addedNodes.length && (super.emit("state", this.state), super.emit(`s_${this.state}`))
                })).observe(this.#n, {
                    childList: !0
            get state() {
                return _Player.screen
            get inHome() {
                return this.state == Screens.loading
            get inGame() {
                return this.state == Screens.inGame
            get inStats() {
                return this.state == Screens.gameOver
            get inLoading() {
                return this.state == Screens.loading
            get isCaptcha() {
                return "captcha" == this.state
        h = new class {#a = 1;
            constructor() {
                setInterval((() => {
                    const e = p.divide(g.minimapDim, g.viewportDim),
                        t = p.multiply(e, f.screenToCanvas(new p(innerWidth, innerHeight))),
                        n = f.toArenaUnits(t);
                    this.#a = n.x
                }), 16)
            get size() {
                return this.#a
            scale(e) {
                const t = e => Math.round(this.#a * (e - .5));
                return new p(t(e.x), t(e.y))
            unscale(e) {
                const t = e => e / this.#a + .5;
                return new p(t(e.x), t(e.y))
        f = new class {#s = 1;#i = !1;
            constructor() {
                Player.wfs(Screens.home).then((() => {
                    input.set_convar = new Proxy(input.set_convar, {
                        apply: (e, t, n) => {
                            "ren_solid_background" === n[0] ? this.#i = n[1] : Reflect.apply(e, t, n)
            get windowRatio() {
                return Math.max(innerWidth / 1920, innerHeight / 1080)
            get scalingFactor() {
                return this.#s
            get fov() {
                return this.#s / this.windowRatio
            toArenaUnits(e) {
                return p.round(p.unscale(this.#s, e))
            toCanvasUnits(e) {
                return p.round(p.scale(this.#s, e))
            toArenaPos(e) {
                const t = p.subtract(e, this.screenToCanvas(new p(innerWidth / 2, innerHeight / 2))),
                    n = this.toArenaUnits(t);
                return p.add(n, w.position)
            toCanvasPos(e) {
                const t = p.subtract(e, w.position),
                    n = this.toCanvasUnits(t);
                return p.add(n, this.screenToCanvas(new p(innerWidth / 2, innerHeight / 2)))
            screenToCanvasUnits(e) {
                return e * devicePixelRatio
            canvasToScreenUnits(e) {
                return e / devicePixelRatio
            screenToCanvas(e) {
                return p.scale(devicePixelRatio, e)
            canvasToScreen(e) {
                return p.scale(1 / devicePixelRatio, e)
        g = new class {#l = new p(1, 1);#c = new p(0, 0);#d = new p(1, 1);#u = new p(1, 1);#p = new p(.5, .5);#m = !1;
            constructor() {
                Player.wfs(Screens.home).then((() => {
                    input.set_convar("ren_minimap_viewport", "true"), input.set_convar = new Proxy(input.set_convar, {
                        apply: (e, t, n) => {
                            if ("ren_minimap_viewport" !== n[0]) return Reflect.apply(e, t, n);
                            this.#m = n[1]
                })), this.#h(), this.#f(), this.#g()
            get minimapDim() {
                return this.#l
            get minimapPos() {
                return this.#c
            get viewportDim() {
                return this.#d
            get viewportPos() {
                return this.#u
            get arrowPos() {
                return this.#p
            }#h() {
                d.hookCtx("strokeRect", ((e, t, n) => {
                    const o = t.getTransform();
                    this.#l = new p(o.a, o.d), this.#c = new p(o.e, o.f)
            }#f() {
                d.overrideCtx("fillRect", ((e, t, n) => {
                    const o = t.getTransform();
                    return .1 !== t.globalAlpha || Math.abs(o.a / o.d - innerWidth / innerHeight) > innerWidth / innerHeight * 5e-5 ? Reflect.apply(e, t, n) : (this.#d = new p(o.a, o.d), this.#u = new p(o.e, o.f), this.#m ? Reflect.apply(e, t, n) : void 0)
            }#g() {
                d.hookPolygon(3, ((e, t) => {
                    const n = Math.round(p.distance(e[0], e[1])),
                        o = Math.round(p.distance(e[0], e[2])),
                        r = Math.round(p.distance(e[1], e[2]));
                    if (n === o && o === r) return;
                    const a = p.centroid(...e),
                        s = p.subtract(a, this.#c),
                        i = p.divide(s, this.#l);
                    this.#p = i
        w = new class {#w;
            constructor() {
                m.on("frame_end", (() => {
                    const e = p.add(g.viewportPos, p.unscale(2, g.viewportDim)),
                        t = p.subtract(e, g.minimapPos),
                        n = p.divide(t, g.minimapDim);
                    this.#w = h.scale(n)
            get position() {
                return this.#w
    const y = new Object;
    for (let e in t) try {
        t[e]._builds.forEach((e => {
            var t = e.p;
            const {
                name: n,
                desc: o,
                build: r
            } = e;
            y[t] || (y[t] = []), y[t].push({
                name: n,
                desc: o,
                build: r
    } catch (e) {}
    var _ = window.myWin_.document.getElementById("myUL");
    await new Promise((e => {
            var t = setInterval((() => {
                (_ = window.myWin_.document.getElementById("myUL")) && (e(), clearInterval(t))
            obj: e,
            func: t = function() {}
        }) {
            if (!t) throw "func must be property of object";
            for (let n in e || this) t((e || this)[n], n)
            obj: y,
            func: function(e, t) {
                try {
                    function n(e) {
                        return document.createElement(e)
                    _ = window.myWin_.document.getElementById("myUL");
                    let l = _myWin_.window.$;
                    var o = n("span");
           = `dropDown_${t}`, o.className = "classBuild", o.innerText = t;
                    var r = `dropDown_${t.split(" ").join("_")}_div`;
                    o.onclick = function() {
                        console.log(l(`#dropDown_${t.split(" ").join("_")}_div`)), l(`#dropDown_${t.split(" ").join("_")}_div`).toggle(2e3, "swing")
                    var a = n("div");
           = r, console.log({
                        a: e,
                        b: t
                    }), e.forEach((e => {
                        var {
                            name: o,
                            build: r,
                            desc: s
                        } = e, i = n("div"), l = n("input");
                        l.type = "button", l.value = "Select Build";
                        var c = n("span");
                        c.innerText = `Name:${o}\nDesc:${s}`, i.append(l), i.append(n("br")), e.p = t, l.onclick = function() {
                            ! function(e) {
                                var t = new Build;
                                var n = "Tank:" + e.p + "\n\nPath:" + t.BuildPath + "\n\nName:" + + "\nBuild:" + Object.keys( =>[t])).join(" / ") + "\n\nDesc:" + e.desc;
                                upgrade = window.upgrade = t.BuildPath, _upgrade = t.BuildPath, console.log(n), console.log(e), console.log({
                                    _upgrade: _upgrade,
                                    upgrade: upgrade
                                }), GM_setValue("u", _upgrade);
                                for (let t in try {
                                    var o =[t] / 7;
                                    o *= 100, _myWin_.document.getElementsByClassName(`${t}_`)[0].innerText =[t], _myWin_.document.getElementsByClassName(t)[0].style.width = `${o}%`
                                } catch (e) {
                                    log_("Error", e.message), console.error({
                                        err: e,
                                        i: t,
                                        p: `${o}%`,
                                        text: `${t}_`
                        }, i.append(c), a.append(i), a.append(n("br"))
                    var s = n("li"),
                        i = n("div");
                    i.append(o), s.append(i), s.append(a), _.append(s), l(`#dropDown_${t.split(" ").join("_")}_div`).toggle()
                } catch (c) {
                    log_("Warning", c.message)
        }), set_convar("ren_health_bars", !0), set_convar("ren_raw_health_values", !0), set_convar("ren_stroke_soft_color", !1), set_convar("ren_solid_background", !0), => `${} ${e.index?`
            $ {
            $ {
            `:e.default}`)).forEach(execute), execute("net_replace_color 0 0x000000"), execute("net_force_secure true"), execute("net_replace_color 1 0x999999"), execute("net_replace_color 2 0x050505"), execute("net_replace_color 3 0x0000FF"), execute("net_replace_color 4 0xFF0000"), execute("net_replace_color 5 0x990099"), execute("net_replace_color 6 0x00FF00"), execute("net_replace_color 8 0xFFFF00"), execute("net_replace_color 9 0xFFBBBB"), execute("net_replace_color 10 0xCCCCFF"), execute("net_replace_color 11 0xFF69B4"), execute("net_replace_color 12 0xFFFF00"), execute("net_replace_color 14 0x888888"), execute("net_replace_color 16 0xBBBB00"), execute("net_replace_color 17 0x777777"), execute("ren_stroke_solid_color 0xFFFFFF"), execute("ren_stroke_soft_color_intensity .5"), execute("ren_health_background_color 0x8c8c8c"), execute("ren_minimap_background_color 0xFFFFFF"), execute("ren_background_color 0x333231"), execute("ren_border_color 0xffffff"), execute("ren_bar_background_color 0x8c8c8c"), execute("net_replace_color 14 0x595959"), execute("ren_stroke_solid_color 0xFFFFFF"), execute("net_replace_color 15 0x8B0000"), shapes = Object.keys(colors).map((e => [colors[e], e]));
    var b = Player.screen;

    function x(e, t) {
        const n = e[0] - t[0],
            o = e[1] - t[1];
        return [Math.hypot(n, o), n, o]
    extended.update = async function(e) {
        "in-game-screen" == e && "users" != b && (AutoUpgrade.status && execute(`game_stats_build ${_upgrade}`), autoPlay && (Player.down(75), await sleep(4e3), Player.up(75))), "stats" == e && (Firing.status && (Firing.toggle(), log_("AutoFire", "off")), AutoSpawn.status && (log_("PlayerStatus", "Spawning into game"), await sleep(5e3), await Player.spawn()))
    }, testList = {
        f: {},
        s: {}
    }, Firing.status, aim = function(e, t, n = !1) {
        var o;
        input.mouse(e, t), o = n, !Firing.status && o ? (log_("AutoFire", "on"), Firing.toggle(), Player.send(69)) : !o && Firing.status && (Firing.toggle(), Player.send(69), log_("AutoFire", "off"))
    playerPos = [0, 0], enemies = [], buttlets = [], enemies2 = [], TempotherList = {};
    let v = [],
        S = [],
        k = [];
    squares = [];
    let P = [];
    triangles = [];
    let F = [],
        C = [];
    crashers = [], pentagons = [], sortedShapes = [];
    let T = [];
    autoPlay = !1, setTimeout((function e() {
        window.requestAnimationFrame(e), squares = P, triangles = F, pentagons = T, enemies = v, enemies2 = k, otherList = infothingy, crashers = C, infothingy = {
            text: []
        }, P = [], F = [], T = [], v = [], k = [], C = [], O = 0, I = [], M = [], otherList["Others (FFA)"], sortedShapes = function(e) {
            if (!e.length) return e;

            function t(e) {
                const [t, n] = e[0], o = E.width / 2, r = E.height / 2;
                return Math.sqrt((t - o) ** 2 + (n - r) ** 2)
            const n = e.filter((e => "BARRELS" === e[3].toUpperCase())).sort(((e, n) => t(e) - t(n))),
                o = e.filter((e => "PENTAGON" === e[3].toUpperCase())).sort(((e, n) => t(e) - t(n))),
                r = e.filter((e => "TRIANGLE" === e[3].toUpperCase())).sort(((e, n) => t(e) - t(n))),
                a = e.filter((e => "SQUARE" === e[3].toUpperCase())).sort(((e, n) => t(e) - t(n)));
            return [...n, ...o, ...r, ...a]
        }([...enemies, ...crashers, ...pentagons, ...triangles, ...squares]).filter((e => !e.shape || !e.shape[1].includes("Body (You)"))), rt = {
            Screens: Screens,
            screen: _Player || Player ? (window._Player || Player).screen : null,
            autoPlay_: !!autoPlay_,
            targetShape: sortedShapes && sortedShapes[0] ? sortedShapes[0] : [],
            shape: sortedShapes && sortedShapes[0] ? sortedShapes[0].shape : []
    }), 100);
    const E = document.getElementById("canvas");

    function B(e, t) {
        window.requestAnimationFrame((function n() {
            const o = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype[e];
            o.toString().includes(e) && (CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype[e] = new Proxy(o, {
                apply: (e, n, o) => (t(n, o), Reflect.apply(e, n, o))

    function R(e, t, n, o) {
        return t.getTransform().transformPoint(new DOMPoint(n, o))
    determineDirection = function(e, t) {
        const [n, o] = e[0];
        innerWidth, innerHeight;
        const r = innerWidth / 2,
            a = innerHeight / 2;
        Math.sqrt((n - r) ** 2 + (o - a) ** 2) <= t ? (n < r && o < a || n > r && o < a ? Player.down(40) : (n < r && o > a || n > r && o > a) && Player.down(38), n < r && o < a ? Player.down(37) : n > r && o < a ? Player.down(39) : n < r && o > a ? Player.down(37) : n > r && o > a && Player.down(39)) : (Player.up(38), Player.up(40), Player.up(37), Player.up(39))
    }, logCtx = !1;
    let A = 0,
        N = [];
    var U = [],
        L = [],
        j = !1,
        D = [],
        M = [],
        O = 0,
        I = [];
    B("beginPath", (function(e, t) {
        M = [], pos_ = [], A = 1, N = [], U = [], L = [], shapes = Object.keys(colors).map((e => [colors[e], e]))
    })), B("fillText", (function(e, t) {
        var n = R(t, e, ...t);
            args: t,
            x: n.x,
            y: n.y
    })), B("fillRect", (function(e, t) {
        shapes = Object.keys(colors).map((e => [colors[e], e])), M.push(t)
    })), B("rect", (function(e, t) {
    })), B("moveTo", (function(e, t) {
        I.push(t), 1 == A ? (A += 1, N.push(t)) : A = 0, U.push(t)
    })), B("stroke", (function(e, t) {
        var n = {...e
        shapes = Object.keys(colors).map((e => [colors[e], e])), n.x_y = M, n.arcs = O, n.lines = I;
        for (let r = 0; r < shapes.length; r++) {
            let a = shapes[r][0].includes(e.fillStyle) || shapes[r][0].toUpperCase().includes(e.fillStyle.toUpperCase());
            if (shapes[r][0].includes(e.strokeStyle) || shapes[r][0].toUpperCase().includes(e.strokeStyle.toUpperCase()) || a) {
                n.shape = shapes[r][1], n.calls = A;
                var o = R(n.shape, e, ...t);
                n.pos = {
                    x: o.x,
                    y: o.y
                }, "Barrels" != n.shape || 3 != O && 6 != O || (n.pos = D, n.calledEnemyLast = j), "Barrels" == n.shape && logCtx && (console.log({
                    _this: n
                }, n), logCtx = !1), infothingy[n.shape] || (infothingy[n.shape] = []), !n.custom && infothingy[n.shape].push({...n
        j = !1
    })), B("lineTo", (function(e, t) {
        I.push(t), A >= 2 && A <= 6 ? (A += 1, N.push(t)) : A = 0, U.push(t)
    })), B("fill", (function(e, t) {
        if (e.fillStyle, shapes = Object.keys(colors).map((e => [colors[e], e])), A >= 4 && A <= 6) {
            const t = function(e) {
                    let t = [0, 0];
                    return e.forEach((e => {
                        t[0] += e[0], t[1] += e[1]
                    })), t[0] /= e.length, t[1] /= e.length, t
                n = 4 == A ? triangles : 5 == A ? squares : pentagons;
            if (e.globalAlpha < 1) return;
            let o = [
                [0, 0], 0
            for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e++) {
                const r = x(o[0], t)[0];
                x(n[e][0], t)[0] < r && (o = n[e])
            if (x(o[0], t)[0] < 50 && (o[2] && (o[2] == e.fillStyle ? o[1]++ : o[1] = 0), o[1] > 2)) return;
            let r = [t, o[1], e.fillStyle];
            if (r.shape = shapes.filter((t => t[0].toUpperCase() == e.fillStyle.toUpperCase()))[0], j = !1, 4 == A) {
                if (colors["Body (You)"].toUpperCase() == e.fillStyle.toUpperCase() || "#000000" == e.fillStyle) return;
                colors.Crashers.toUpperCase() == e.fillStyle.toUpperCase() ? (r.push("Crashers"), C.push(r)) : (r.push("triangle"), F.push(r))
            } else 5 == A ? (r.push("square"), P.push(r)) : (r.push("pentagon"), T.push(r))
        } else A = 0
    })), B("arc", (function(e, t) {
        const n = e.getTransform();
        $ = new p(n.e, n.f), W = n.a, z = i.Player;
        f.toArenaUnits(new p(W, W)).x;
        const o = e.getTransform();
        shapes = Object.keys(colors).map((e => [colors[e], e]));
        let r = [
            [o.e, o.f], 0, e.fillStyle
        D = r[0], r.arcs = O, r.shape = shapes.filter((t => t[0].toUpperCase() == e.fillStyle.toUpperCase()))[0], r.shape && !r.shape[1].includes("You") && (W < 40 ? S.push([$, W, z, q]) : (r.calls = A, r.push("Barrels"), r.push(W), v.push(r), j = !0))
    var q, $, W, z;
    return "EZ"
}().then(console.log, console.warn).catch((e => console.warn(e)));
var mouseInteraction = 1;
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
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