[루시퍼홍] 네이버부동산 단지라벨 색상변경

2024. 5. 27. 오후 16:43:18

// ==UserScript==
// @name        [루시퍼홍] 네이버부동산 단지라벨 색상변경
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// @grant       none
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// @author      루시퍼홍
// @description 2024. 5. 27. 오후 16:43:18
// ==/UserScript==

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  // 한국 시간을 가져오는 함수
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  // 날짜를 24시간 형식으로 포맷하는 함수
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            const complexId = elementId.match(/\d+/)[0];

            if (document.querySelector('#show_aptInfo_check').checked) {
                const complexDetails = await fetchComplexDetails(complexId);
                //console.log("complexDetails :" + complexDetails);
                if (complexDetails) {
                    var titleElement = element.querySelector(".complex_title");
                    if (titleElement) {
                        //let originalTitle = titleElement.textContent.replace(/\s*\([^)]*\)\s*$/, '');
                        let originalTitle = titleElement.textContent;
                        //console.log("originalTitle :" + originalTitle);

                        const useApproveYmdFormatted = `${complexDetails.useApproveYmd.slice(2, 4)}.${complexDetails.useApproveYmd.slice(4, 6)}`;
                        const totalHouseholdCountFormatted = `${complexDetails.totalHouseholdCount}^`;

                        if (!titleElement.textContent.includes(useApproveYmdFormatted) && !titleElement.textContent.includes(totalHouseholdCountFormatted)) {
                            titleElement.textContent = `${originalTitle} (${useApproveYmdFormatted} ${totalHouseholdCountFormatted})`;
                    } else {
                        console.log("Title element not found");
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                var titleElement = element.querySelector(".complex_title");
                if (titleElement) {
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                    titleElement.textContent = titleElement.textContent;
            if (document.querySelector('#show_area2_check').checked) {
                const result = await findLowestFloorByArea(complexId);

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                    quantityElement.parentNode.insertBefore(resultElement, quantityElement);

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                    console.log("Quantity element or aTag not found");
        }, 300);

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async function getPriceAll(){
    const complexIds = document.querySelectorAll('[class*="marker_complex--apart"]');

    for (const complexId of complexIds) {

        if (document.querySelector('#show_aptInfo_check').checked) {
                const complexIdNum = complexId.id.match(/\d+/)[0];
                const complexDetails = await fetchComplexDetails(complexIdNum);
                console.log("complexDetails :" + complexDetails);
                if (complexDetails) {
                    var titleElement = complexId.querySelector(".complex_title");
                    if (titleElement) {
                        let originalTitle = titleElement.textContent.replace(/\s*\([^)]*\)\s*$/, '');
                        console.log("originalTitle :" + originalTitle);

                        const useApproveYmdFormatted = `${complexDetails.useApproveYmd.slice(2, 4)}.${complexDetails.useApproveYmd.slice(4, 6)}`;
                        const totalHouseholdCountFormatted = `${complexDetails.totalHouseholdCount}^`;

                        if (!titleElement.textContent.includes(useApproveYmdFormatted) && !titleElement.textContent.includes(totalHouseholdCountFormatted)) {
                            titleElement.textContent = `${originalTitle} (${useApproveYmdFormatted} ${totalHouseholdCountFormatted})`;
                    } else {
                        console.log("Title element not found");
            } else {
                var titleElement = complexId.querySelector(".complex_title");
                if (titleElement) {
                    titleElement.textContent = titleElement.textContent.replace(/\s*\([^)]*\)\s*$/, '');

        const result = await findLowestFloorByArea(complexId.id);

        console.log("Original elementId:", complexId);

        const quantityElement = complexId.querySelector(".complex_quantity");
        const aTag = complexId.closest('a');

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            const resultElement = document.createElement('div');
            resultElement.innerHTML = `<span style="color:${textColor}; font-size: 12px;">${result}</span>`;
            quantityElement.parentNode.insertBefore(resultElement, quantityElement);

            aTag.style.width = 'auto';
            aTag.style.display = 'inline-block';
        } else {
            console.log("Quantity element or aTag not found");


async function fetchToken() {
    const tokenUrl = "https://new.land.naver.com/complexes";
    const response = await fetch(tokenUrl, {
        method: 'GET'
    const text = await response.text();
    const tokenStartIndex = text.indexOf('token') + 17;
    const tokenEndIndex = text.indexOf('"', tokenStartIndex);
    const token = text.substring(tokenStartIndex, tokenEndIndex);
    return `Bearer ${token}`;

async function fetchArticles(token, page, complexId) {
    const url = `https://new.land.naver.com/api/articles/complex/${parseInt(complexId, 10)}?realEstateType=APT%3APRE%3AABYG%3AJGC&tradeType=A1%3AB1&tag=%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A&rentPriceMin=0&rentPriceMax=900000000&priceMin=0&priceMax=900000000&areaMin=0&areaMax=900000000&oldBuildYears&recentlyBuildYears&minHouseHoldCount&maxHouseHoldCount&showArticle=false&sameAddressGroup=true&minMaintenanceCost&maxMaintenanceCost&priceType=RETAIL&directions=&page=${page}&complexNo=${parseInt(complexId, 10)}&buildingNos=&areaNos=&type=list&order=prc`;

    const response = await fetch(url, {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'authorization': token,
            'sec-ch-ua': '"Not/A)Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="126", "Google Chrome";v="126"',
            'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
            'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"',
            'referrerPolicy': 'unsafe-url'
    const data = await response.json();
    return data;

async function fetchComplexDetails(complexId) {
    const url = `https://new.land.naver.com/api/complexes/${complexId}?complexNo=${complexId}&initial=Y`;
    const response = await fetch(url, {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'accept': '*/*',
            'accept-language': 'ko-KR,ko;q=0.9,zh-MO;q=0.8,zh;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.5',
            'authorization': await fetchToken(),
            'priority': 'u=1, i',
            'sec-ch-ua': '"Not/A)Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="126", "Google Chrome";v="126"',
            'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
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            'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
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        'referrerPolicy': 'unsafe-url',
        'body': null,
        'method': 'GET',
        'mode': 'cors',
        'credentials': 'include'

    const data = await response.json();
    if (data && data.complex) {
        return {
            useApproveYmd: data.complex.useApproveYmd,
            totalHouseholdCount: data.complex.totalHouseholdCount
    return null;

function parsePrice(priceStr) {
    let priceInManWon = 0;
    const priceParts = priceStr.split('억');

    if (priceParts.length > 1) {
        const billionPart = parseInt(priceParts[0].replace(/,/g, ''), 10) * 10000;
        const millionPart = priceParts[1] ? parseInt(priceParts[1].replace(/,/g, ''), 10) : 0;
        priceInManWon = billionPart + millionPart;
    } else {
        priceInManWon = parseInt(priceParts[0].replace(/,/g, ''), 10);

    return priceInManWon;
function formatPrice(priceInManWon) {
    const billionPart = Math.floor(priceInManWon / 10000);
    const millionPart = priceInManWon % 10000;

    // 소수점 두 자리를 계산하되 반올림 없이 처리
    let formattedMillionPart = (millionPart / 10000).toFixed(4).slice(0, 4);
    console.log("priceInManWon : " + priceInManWon);
    console.log("billionPart : " + billionPart);
    console.log("millionPart : " + millionPart);
    console.log("formattedMillionPart (initial): " + formattedMillionPart);
    // 필요 없는 소수점 0 제거
    formattedMillionPart = formattedMillionPart.replace(/\.?0+$/, '');

    //console.log("formattedMillionPart (processed): " + formattedMillionPart);

    const formattedPrice = `${billionPart}${formattedMillionPart !== '0' ? '.' + formattedMillionPart.split('.')[1] : ''}억`;

    return formattedPrice;

function formatPriceWithNbsp(priceInManWon) {
    const price = formatPrice(priceInManWon);
    return price.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;');

function padPrice(price) {
    const priceWithNbsp = price.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;');
    return priceWithNbsp.padStart(10, '&nbsp;');

function padArea(area) {
    let paddedArea = area.toString();
    while (paddedArea.length < 4) {
        paddedArea = '&nbsp;&nbsp;' + paddedArea;
    return paddedArea;

async function findLowestFloorByArea(complexId) {
    const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
    const h = parseInt(urlParams.get('h'), 10) || 1;
    //const h = 56;
    //const i = 90;
    const i = parseInt(urlParams.get('i'), 10) || 9999;
//console.log(h, i)
    const token = await fetchToken();
    let page = 1;
    let isMoreData = true;
    let area2MinPrices = {};
    let area2MinRentPrices = {};
    let area2MatchingPrices = {};
    let area2MatchingRentPrices = {};
    let saleCounts = {};
    let rentCounts = {};

  // Fetch pyeong information and initialize getResultByPyeongName function
    const pyeongInfoResponse = await fetch(`https://new.land.naver.com/api/complexes/${parseInt(complexId, 10)}?sameAddressGroup=true`, {
        headers: {
            accept: "*/*",
            "accept-language": "ko-KR,ko;q=0.9,zh-MO;q=0.8,zh;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.5",
            authorization: token,
            "priority": "u=1, i",
            "sec-ch-ua": "\"Chromium\";v=\"130\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"130\", \"Not?A_Brand\";v=\"99\"",
            "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0",
            "sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"Windows\"",
            "sec-fetch-dest": "empty",
            "sec-fetch-mode": "cors",
            "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin",
        referrerPolicy: "unsafe-url",
        body: null,
        method: "GET",
        mode: "cors",
        credentials: "include",

    const pyeongInfoData = await pyeongInfoResponse.json();
    const pyeongInfoMap = pyeongInfoData.complexPyeongDetailList.reduce((acc, item) => {
        const entranceType = item.entranceType.charAt(0);
        const roomCnt = item.roomCnt;
        const bathroomCnt = item.bathroomCnt;
        const formattedValue = `${entranceType}/${roomCnt}/${bathroomCnt}`;
        acc[item.pyeongName] = formattedValue;
        return acc;
    }, {});

    function getResultByPyeongName(name) {
        return pyeongInfoMap[name] || "해당 pyeongName을 찾을 수 없습니다.";

    while (isMoreData) {
        const data = await fetchArticles(token, page, complexId);

        if (data.articleList && Array.isArray(data.articleList)) {
            for (const article of data.articleList) {
                const [floorStr, highestFloorStr] = article.floorInfo.split('/');
                const floor = parseInt(floorStr, 10);
              //console.log(floorStr, highestFloorStr)
                //const floor = floorStr;
                const highestFloor = parseInt(highestFloorStr, 10);
                const area1 = parseInt(article.area1, 10);
                const area2 = article.area2;
                const areaName = article.area2+"㎡ ("+getResultByPyeongName(article.areaName) + ")";
                const priceInManWon = parsePrice(article.dealOrWarrantPrc);
             // console.log(getResultByPyeongName(areaName))

                if (area1 <= i && area1 >= h) {
                    if (article.tradeTypeName === "매매" && article.cpName !== "한국공인중개사협회") {
                        if (!area2MinPrices[areaName] || priceInManWon < area2MinPrices[areaName].priceInManWon) {
                            area2MinPrices[areaName] = {
                                area2: area2,
                                priceInManWon: priceInManWon,
                                floorInfo: article.floorInfo,
                                areaName: areaName
                        if ((!isNaN(floor) && !isNaN(highestFloor) && floor > 3 && floor !== highestFloor) || (floorStr === "중" || floorStr === "고")) {
                            if (!area2MatchingPrices[areaName] || priceInManWon < area2MatchingPrices[areaName].priceInManWon) {
                                area2MatchingPrices[areaName] = {
                                    area2: area2,
                                    priceInManWon: priceInManWon,
                                    floorInfo: article.floorInfo,
                                areaName: areaName
                        saleCounts[areaName] = (saleCounts[areaName] || 0) + 1;
                    } else if (article.tradeTypeName === "전세" && article.cpName !== "한국공인중개사협회") {
                        if (!area2MinRentPrices[areaName] || priceInManWon < area2MinRentPrices[areaName].priceInManWon) {
                            area2MinRentPrices[areaName] = {
                                area2: area2,
                                priceInManWon: priceInManWon,
                                floorInfo: article.floorInfo,
                                areaName: areaName
                        if ((!isNaN(floor) && !isNaN(highestFloor) && floor > 3 && floor !== highestFloor) || (floorStr === "중" || floorStr === "고")) {
                            if (!area2MatchingRentPrices[areaName] || priceInManWon < area2MatchingRentPrices[areaName].priceInManWon) {
                                area2MatchingRentPrices[areaName] = {
                                    area2: area2,
                                    priceInManWon: priceInManWon,
                                    floorInfo: article.floorInfo,
                                areaName: areaName
                        rentCounts[areaName] = (rentCounts[areaName] || 0) + 1;
        } else {
            console.log('articleList is not an array or not found');

        isMoreData = data.isMoreData;

    let results = [];
    let maxWidths = {
        area2: 0,
        salePrice: 0,
        rentPrice: 0,
        gap: 0,
        floor: 0,
        count: 0

    for (const area2 in area2MinPrices) {
        const matchingSale = area2MatchingPrices[area2] || area2MinPrices[area2];
        //전세 중고층 우선

        let matchingRent = [];
          matchingRent = area2MatchingRentPrices[area2] || area2MinRentPrices[area2];
          matchingRent = area2MinRentPrices[area2];
        const saleCount = saleCounts[area2] || 0;
        const rentCount = rentCounts[area2] || 0;

        maxWidths.area2 = Math.max(maxWidths.area2, (matchingSale.area2).length);
        if (document.querySelector('#show_maemae_check').checked) {
            maxWidths.salePrice = Math.max(maxWidths.salePrice, formatPrice(matchingSale.priceInManWon).length);
        if (document.querySelector('#show_jeonse_check').checked) {
            maxWidths.rentPrice = Math.max(maxWidths.rentPrice, matchingRent ? formatPrice(matchingRent.priceInManWon).length : 0);
        if (document.querySelector('#show_gap_check').checked) {
            if (matchingRent) {
                const priceDifference = matchingSale.priceInManWon - matchingRent.priceInManWon;
                maxWidths.gap = Math.max(maxWidths.gap, formatPrice(priceDifference).length);
        if (document.querySelector('#show_floor_check').checked) {
            maxWidths.floor = Math.max(maxWidths.floor, (matchingSale.floorInfo + '층').length);
        if (document.querySelector('#show_count_check').checked) {
            maxWidths.count = Math.max(maxWidths.count, (saleCount + '/' + rentCount + '개').length);

    const pixelSize = 12;
    for (const area2 in area2MinPrices) {
      //console.log( area2MatchingPrices[area2] )
        const matchingSale = area2MatchingPrices[area2] || area2MinPrices[area2];
     //console.log(  matchingSale.priceInManWon)
        //const matchingRent = area2MatchingRentPrices[area2] || area2MinRentPrices[area2];
        let matchingRent = [];
          matchingRent = area2MatchingRentPrices[area2] || area2MinRentPrices[area2];
          matchingRent = area2MinRentPrices[area2];
     // console.log("area2MatchingRentPrices")
     // console.log(area2MatchingRentPrices[area2])
     // console.log("area2MinRentPrices")
     // console.log(area2MinRentPrices[area2])
        const saleCount = saleCounts[area2] || 0;
        const rentCount = rentCounts[area2] || 0;

        let result = '<tr>';
        result += `<td style="min-width:30px;width:${maxWidths.areaName * pixelSize}px;text-align:right;">${padArea(matchingSale.areaName)}</td>`;
        if (document.querySelector('#show_maemae_check').checked) {
            result += `<td style="min-width:50px;width:${maxWidths.salePrice * pixelSize}px;text-align:right;">${formatPrice(matchingSale.priceInManWon)}</td>`;
        if (document.querySelector('#show_jeonse_check').checked) {
            if (matchingRent) {
                result += `<td style="min-width:55px;width:${maxWidths.rentPrice * pixelSize}px;text-align:right;">${formatPrice(matchingRent.priceInManWon)}</td>`;
            } else {
                result += `<td style="min-width:55px;width:${maxWidths.rentPrice * pixelSize}px;text-align:right;"></td>`;
        if (document.querySelector('#show_gap_check').checked) {
            if (matchingRent) {
                const priceDifference = matchingSale.priceInManWon - matchingRent.priceInManWon;
                result += `<td style="min-width:55px;width:${maxWidths.gap * pixelSize}px;text-align:right;">${formatPrice(priceDifference)}</td>`;
            } else {
                result += `<td style="min-width:55px;width:${maxWidths.gap * pixelSize}px;text-align:right;"></td>`;
        if (document.querySelector('#show_floor_check').checked) {
            result += `<td style="min-width:50px;width:${maxWidths.floor * pixelSize}px;text-align:right;">${matchingSale.floorInfo}층</td>`;
        if (document.querySelector('#show_count_check').checked) {
            result += `<td style="min-width:50px;width:${maxWidths.count * pixelSize}px;text-align:right;">(${saleCount}/${rentCount})</td>`;
        result += '</tr>';


    // 면적순으로 정렬하기 위해 정렬 로직 추가
    results.sort((a, b) => {
        // 각 문자열에서 면적 부분 추출 (예: "49㎡", "57㎡" 등)
        const areaA = parseInt(a.match(/(\d+)㎡/)[1]);
        const areaB = parseInt(b.match(/(\d+)㎡/)[1]);

        // 면적을 기준으로 오름차순 정렬
        return areaA - areaB;

    if (Object.keys(area2MinPrices).length > 0) {
        return `<table><tbody>${results.join('')}</tbody></table>`;
    } else {
        return "매매없음";


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// 키보드 이벤트 리스너를 등록합니다.
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function labelMovement(complexId){
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// 이벤트 리스너 추가
function attachCheckboxListeners() {
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    getPriceBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
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   checkboxInput13.addEventListener("change", function () {

    // 저장된 상태 로드
    // 이벤트 리스너 추가

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			letter-spacing: -0.3px;
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			letter-spacing: -0.56px;
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	// 문서의 head 요소에 스타일 요소를 추가합니다.


function css_yeonsik_install(){

	// CSS 파일의 URL
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function css_price_install(){

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	var xhrPrice10 = new XMLHttpRequest();
	var xhrPrice11 = new XMLHttpRequest();
	var xhrPrice12 = new XMLHttpRequest();
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	var xhrPrice14 = new XMLHttpRequest();
	var xhrPrice15 = new XMLHttpRequest();
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	// 매매가 3억대 이하
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				console.error('Failed to load CSS:', xhrPrice5.status, xhrPrice5.statusText);

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				console.error('Failed to load CSS:', xhrPrice8.status, xhrPrice8.statusText);

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				console.error('Failed to load CSS:', xhrPrice9.status, xhrPrice9.statusText);

	// 매매가 10억대
	xhrPrice10.open('GET', cssUrl, true);
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				// 문자열 치환
				cssContent = cssContent.replace(/marker_complex--apart/g, 'marker_complex--apart_10');
				cssContent = cssContent.replace(/#8160e2/g, 'rgba(0, 176, 80, 1)');

				// style 태그에 추가
				var styleElement = document.createElement('style');
				styleElement.textContent = cssContent;
			} else {
				console.error('Failed to load CSS:', xhrPrice10.status, xhrPrice10.statusText);

	// 매매가 11억대
	xhrPrice11.open('GET', cssUrl, true);
	xhrPrice11.onreadystatechange = function() {
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			if (xhrPrice11.status === 200) {
				// CSS 파일 내용 가져오기
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				// 문자열 치환
				cssContent = cssContent.replace(/marker_complex--apart/g, 'marker_complex--apart_11');
				cssContent = cssContent.replace(/#8160e2/g, 'rgba(0, 176, 240, 1)');

				// style 태그에 추가
				var styleElement = document.createElement('style');
				styleElement.textContent = cssContent;
			} else {
				console.error('Failed to load CSS:', xhrPrice11.status, xhrPrice11.statusText);

	// 매매가 12억대
	xhrPrice12.open('GET', cssUrl, true);
	xhrPrice12.onreadystatechange = function() {
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			if (xhrPrice12.status === 200) {
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				var cssContent = xhrPrice12.responseText;

				// 문자열 치환
				cssContent = cssContent.replace(/marker_complex--apart/g, 'marker_complex--apart_12');
				cssContent = cssContent.replace(/#8160e2/g, 'rgba(0, 112, 192, 1)');

				// style 태그에 추가
				var styleElement = document.createElement('style');
				styleElement.textContent = cssContent;
			} else {
				console.error('Failed to load CSS:', xhrPrice12.status, xhrPrice12.statusText);

	// 매매가 13억대
	xhrPrice13.open('GET', cssUrl, true);
	xhrPrice13.onreadystatechange = function() {
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				// style 태그에 추가
				var styleElement = document.createElement('style');
				styleElement.textContent = cssContent;
			} else {
				console.error('Failed to load CSS:', xhrPrice13.status, xhrPrice13.statusText);

	// 매매가 14억대
	xhrPrice14.open('GET', cssUrl, true);
	xhrPrice14.onreadystatechange = function() {
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				cssContent = cssContent.replace(/marker_complex--apart/g, 'marker_complex--apart_14');
				cssContent = cssContent.replace(/#8160e2/g, 'rgba(112, 48, 160, 1)');

				// style 태그에 추가
				var styleElement = document.createElement('style');
				styleElement.textContent = cssContent;
			} else {
				console.error('Failed to load CSS:', xhrPrice14.status, xhrPrice14.statusText);

	// 매매가 15억대
	xhrPrice15.open('GET', cssUrl, true);
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				var cssContent = xhrPrice15.responseText;

				// 문자열 치환
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				// style 태그에 추가
				var styleElement = document.createElement('style');
				styleElement.textContent = cssContent;
			} else {
				console.error('Failed to load CSS:', xhrPrice15.status, xhrPrice15.statusText);

	// 매매가 16억대
	xhrPrice16.open('GET', cssUrl, true);
	xhrPrice16.onreadystatechange = function() {
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			if (xhrPrice16.status === 200) {
				// CSS 파일 내용 가져오기
				var cssContent = xhrPrice16.responseText;

				// 문자열 치환
				cssContent = cssContent.replace(/marker_complex--apart/g, 'marker_complex--apart_16');
				cssContent = cssContent.replace(/#8160e2/g, 'rgba(255, 102, 204, 1)');

				// style 태그에 추가
				var styleElement = document.createElement('style');
				styleElement.textContent = cssContent;
			} else {
				console.error('Failed to load CSS:', xhrPrice16.status, xhrPrice16.statusText);

function addEventListener(element){
	element.addEventListener('mouseleave', function(event) {

	//마우스 올리면 나오는 창에서 단지명을 매매로 변경
	element.addEventListener('mouseenter', function(event) {
		var elementToReplace = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_price_wrap > div > span.price_default');
		var mae_jeon = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_price_wrap > div > span.type')

		if (mae_jeon && elementToReplace) {
			mae_jeon.textContent = '매매';

	//마우스 올린 상태에서 클릭시 단지명으로 바뀌는걸 다시 매매로 변경
	element.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
		var elementToReplace = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_price_wrap > div > span.price_default');
		var mae_jeon = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_price_wrap > div > span.type')

		if (mae_jeon && elementToReplace) {
			mae_jeon.textContent = '매매';


function opserver(){
	try {
		var parentElement = document.querySelector('.map_wrap');
		var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
			mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
				// 추가된 노드의 클래스를 확인하여 조건이 맞으면 execute() 함수를 호출합니다.
				if (mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) {
					mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function(addedNode) {
						// 추가된 노드가 HTMLElement인지 확인합니다.
						if (addedNode.nodeType === 1 && addedNode.classList.contains('marker_complex--apart')) {
						}else if (addedNode.classList && addedNode.classList.contains('btn_map--school')) {
							//addedNode.addEventListener('mouseup', drawBorder);
							addedNode.addEventListener('click', drawBorder);


		// MutationObserver를 설정하여 새로운 자식 노드의 추가를 감시합니다.
		var observerConfig = {
			childList: true,
			subtree: true

		observer.observe(parentElement, observerConfig);
	} catch (e) {


	//학군누르면 모든 학교 라벨 보이게 하기
	var mapControlSchool = document.querySelector('.map_control--school');
	if (mapControlSchool) {
		var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
			mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {

				if (mutation.attributeName === 'aria-pressed') {

					if (mapControlSchool.getAttribute('aria-pressed') === 'true') {


							//console.log("학군 체크박스 선택");
							setTimeout(function() {
								try {
									var tooltipElements = document.querySelectorAll('.tooltip_map_school');

									tooltipElements.forEach(function(element) {
										element.style.display = 'block';

								} catch (error) {
									console.error('Failed to show tooltip elements:', error);
									// 오류 처리
							}, 500);




		var observerConfig = { attributes: true };

		observer.observe(mapControlSchool, observerConfig);
	} else {
		console.error('map_control--school 클래스를 가진 요소를 찾을 수 없습니다.');
	//console.log("옵저버 실행");

	//매매평당가 버튼 변경시

  var config = { childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: true };
	var targetElement = document.querySelector("#map > div.wrap > div:nth-child(4) > div > div.map_controls--righttop.is-expanded > div.tooltip--complex_sorting > button");
	var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutationsList, observer) {

		//console.log("innerHTML의 값이 변경되었습니다:", targetElement.innerHTML);
		var innerHTMLValue = document.querySelector("#map > div.wrap > div:nth-child(4) > div > div.map_controls--righttop.is-expanded > div.tooltip--complex_sorting > button").innerHTML;

		// "<span>"부터 "</span>"까지의 부분을 정규식을 사용하여 제거합니다.
		var spanRemoved = innerHTMLValue.replace(/<span[^>]*>.*?<\/span>/gi, '');
    console.log("spanRemoved :"+spanRemoved)

		//console.log(spanRemoved); // "매매평당가"

		if(spanRemoved == "사용승인일"){
			document.getElementById("yearSettingBtn").style.display = "inline";
			document.getElementById('yearSettingBtn').innerText = "연식설정창 보기";
			document.getElementById("yearSettingBtn").style.display = "none";
			document.getElementById('yearTable').style.display = "none";


	// MutationObserver에 대상 엘리먼트와 감시할 옵션을 전달하여 감시를 시작합니다.
	observer.observe(targetElement, config);

	let selectedElement = null;

	function checkSVGElements() {

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		svgElements.forEach(svg => {
			const pathElements = svg.querySelectorAll('path');

			pathElements.forEach(path => {
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				if (fillValue === '#FF6D41' ||  fillValue === 'rgb(255, 109, 65)') {
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						selectedElement = this;

	// 법정동 빨간 영역 안보이게 처리
	document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
		if (event.key === "Delete" && selectedElement) {
			selectedElement.style.display = "none";
			selectedElement = null; // Reset the selected element

	// Observe DOM mutations
	const observerbd = new MutationObserver(function(mutationsList) {
		for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
			if (mutation.type === 'childList' || mutation.type === 'attributes') {
				mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
					if (node.tagName === 'svg:svg' || node.querySelectorAll && node.querySelectorAll('svg').length > 0) {

	observerbd.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true });


function execute(element){
	try {
			var show_price_check_yn = document.querySelector("#show_price_check").checked;
			var show_aptName_check_yn = document.querySelector('#show_aptName_check').checked;
      if(!show_price_check_yn && !show_aptName_check_yn){
        alert('단지명과 가격 둘 중에 하나는 선택해야 합니다');

			var yearStd1 = document.getElementById("cell1_3").querySelector("input").value.trim();
			var yearStd2 = document.getElementById("cell2_3").querySelector("input").value.trim();
			var yearStd3 = document.getElementById("cell3_3").querySelector("input").value.trim();
			var yearStd4 = document.getElementById("cell4_3").querySelector("input").value.trim();

			var headTitle = "";
			var newValue = "";
			if(element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_feature.is-feature_default')){
				headTitle = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_feature.is-feature_default').textContent;
			if(element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_title')){
				newValue = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_title').textContent;

			var salePriceElement = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_price_wrap > div > span.price_default');

			var salePrice = "";
			if (salePriceElement !== null) {

				let hasParenthesis = salePriceElement.textContent.includes('(');
				if (hasParenthesis) {
					let text = salePriceElement.textContent;
					let firstStartIndex = text.indexOf('(');
					let firstEndIndex = text.indexOf(')', firstStartIndex);
					let secondStartIndex = text.indexOf('(', firstEndIndex); // 두 번째 괄호의 시작 인덱스 찾기
					let secondEndIndex = text.indexOf(')', secondStartIndex); // 두 번째 괄호의 끝 인덱스 찾기
					let extractedText;

					if (secondStartIndex !== -1 && secondEndIndex !== -1) { // 두 번째 괄호가 존재하는 경우
						extractedText = text.substring(secondStartIndex + 1, secondEndIndex);
					} else { // 두 번째 괄호가 없는 경우
						extractedText = text.substring(firstStartIndex + 1, firstEndIndex);

					salePrice = extractedText;
				} else {
					salePrice = salePriceElement.textContent;


			var elementToReplace = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_price_wrap > div > span.price_default');
			var mae_jeon = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_price_wrap > div > span.type')

      //var label_text = "";
			if (elementToReplace && newValue) {
				  if(show_price_check_yn){//단지명, 가격 모두 표시일 때
					mae_jeon.textContent = newValue + '  ' + '(' + salePrice + ')';
				  }else{//단지명만 표시일 때
					mae_jeon.textContent = newValue;
				  if(show_price_check_yn){//가격만 표시일 때
					mae_jeon.textContent = salePrice;
        //mae_jeon.textContent = label_text;
				elementToReplace.style.display = "none";

				let extractedNumber = parseFloat(salePrice.replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));
				//console.log("headTitle : "+headTitle);

					if (headTitle.includes('만')) {

						const classesToRemove = Array.from(element.classList).filter(className => className.startsWith('marker_complex--apart'));
							classesToRemove.forEach(className => {

						if (extractedNumber < 4) {
						}else if(extractedNumber < 5) {
						}else if(extractedNumber < 6) {
						}else if(extractedNumber < 7) {
						}else if(extractedNumber < 8) {
						}else if(extractedNumber < 9) {
						}else if(extractedNumber < 10) {
						}else if(extractedNumber < 11) {
						}else if(extractedNumber < 12) {
						}else if(extractedNumber < 13) {
						}else if(extractedNumber < 14) {
						}else if(extractedNumber < 15) {
						}else if(extractedNumber < 16) {
						}else if(extractedNumber >= 16) {
					}else if(headTitle.includes('년')){
						const classesToRemove = Array.from(element.classList).filter(className => className.startsWith('marker_complex--apart'));
						classesToRemove.forEach(className => {

						if (yearStd1 !== "" && headTitle >= yearStd1) {
						} else if (yearStd2 !== "" && headTitle >= yearStd2) {
						} else if (yearStd3 !== "" && headTitle >= yearStd3) {
						} else if (yearStd4 !== "" && headTitle >= yearStd4) {
						} else {

					}else if(headTitle === ""){
						const classesToRemove = Array.from(element.classList).filter(className => className.includes('marker_complex--apart'));
						classesToRemove.forEach(className => {
				const classesToRemove = Array.from(element.classList).filter(className => className.includes('marker_complex--apart'));
				classesToRemove.forEach(className => {


			//document.querySelectorAll('.is-small').forEach(function(marker) {
						// complex_title 값을 가져오기
						var complexTitle = element.querySelector('.complex_title').textContent;

						// complex_price_wrap 요소 찾기
						var priceWrap = element.querySelector('.complex_price_wrap');

						if (priceWrap) {
							// complex_price 요소 찾기
							var complexPriceDiv = priceWrap.querySelector('.complex_price');

							if (complexPriceDiv) {

								// 이미 존재하는 경우, 내용을 업데이트
								var span = complexPriceDiv.querySelector('.type');
								if (span) {
									span.textContent = complexTitle;
								} else {
									span = document.createElement('span');
									span.className = 'type';
									span.textContent = complexTitle;
							} else {
								// 존재하지 않는 경우, 새로운 complex_price div 생성
								complexPriceDiv = document.createElement('div');
								complexPriceDiv.className = 'complex_price';

								// 새로운 span 요소 생성하고 complex_title 값 넣기
								var span = document.createElement('span');
								span.className = 'type';
								span.textContent = complexTitle;

								// span을 complex_price div에 추가

								// complex_price div를 complex_price_wrap에 추가

					var sizeDefault = element.querySelector('.complex_size-default');
					if (sizeDefault) {
						sizeDefault.style.display = 'block';
					var sizeDefault = element.querySelector('.complex_size-default');
					if (sizeDefault) {
						sizeDefault.style.display = 'none';

		} catch (e) {

function executeAll(){
	//console.log("executeAll 호출");
	var show_price_check_yn = document.querySelector("#show_price_check").checked;
	var show_aptName_check_yn = document.querySelector('#show_aptName_check').checked;

	if(!show_price_check_yn && !show_aptName_check_yn){
		alert('단지명과 가격 둘 중에 하나는 선택해야 합니다');

	var yearStd1 = document.getElementById("cell1_3").querySelector("input").value.trim();
	var yearStd2 = document.getElementById("cell2_3").querySelector("input").value.trim();
	var yearStd3 = document.getElementById("cell3_3").querySelector("input").value.trim();
	var yearStd4 = document.getElementById("cell4_3").querySelector("input").value.trim();

	if((yearStd1.length > 0 && yearStd1.length < 4) ||
		(yearStd2.length > 0 && yearStd2.length < 4) ||
		(yearStd3.length > 0 && yearStd3.length < 4) ||
		(yearStd4.length > 0 && yearStd4.length < 4)){
			alert("연식설정창의 년도 조건을 확인하세요. 4자리여야 합니다");

	if((yearStd1.match(/[^0-9]/g) !== null) ||
		(yearStd2.match(/[^0-9]/g) !== null) ||
		(yearStd3.match(/[^0-9]/g) !== null) ||
		(yearStd4.match(/[^0-9]/g) !== null)){
			alert("년도는 4자리 숫자만 입력 가능합니다");

	document.querySelectorAll('[class*="marker_complex--apart"]').forEach(function(element) {
		try {

			var headTitle = "";
			var newValue = "";
			if(element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_feature.is-feature_default')){
				headTitle = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_feature.is-feature_default').textContent;
			if(element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_title')){
				newValue = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_title').textContent;

			var salePriceElement = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_price_wrap > div > span.price_default');

			var salePrice = "";
			if (salePriceElement !== null) {

				let hasParenthesis = salePriceElement.textContent.includes('(');
				if (hasParenthesis) {
					let text = salePriceElement.textContent;
					let firstStartIndex = text.indexOf('(');
					let firstEndIndex = text.indexOf(')', firstStartIndex);
					let secondStartIndex = text.indexOf('(', firstEndIndex); // 두 번째 괄호의 시작 인덱스 찾기
					let secondEndIndex = text.indexOf(')', secondStartIndex); // 두 번째 괄호의 끝 인덱스 찾기
					let extractedText;

					if (secondStartIndex !== -1 && secondEndIndex !== -1) { // 두 번째 괄호가 존재하는 경우
						extractedText = text.substring(secondStartIndex + 1, secondEndIndex);
					} else { // 두 번째 괄호가 없는 경우
						extractedText = text.substring(firstStartIndex + 1, firstEndIndex);

					salePrice = extractedText;
				} else {
					salePrice = salePriceElement.textContent;


			var elementToReplace = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_price_wrap > div > span.price_default');
			var mae_jeon = element.querySelector('div.marker_complex_inner > div.complex_infos > div.complex_price_wrap > div > span.type')

      //var label_text = "";
			if (elementToReplace && newValue) {
					  if(show_price_check_yn){//단지명, 가격 모두 표시일 때
						mae_jeon.textContent = newValue + '  ' + '(' + salePrice + ')';
					  }else{//단지명만 표시일 때
						mae_jeon.textContent = newValue;
				  if(show_price_check_yn){//가격만 표시일 때
					mae_jeon.textContent = salePrice;
        //mae_jeon.textContent = label_text;
				elementToReplace.style.display = "none";

				// 문자열에서 숫자 부분만 추출
				let extractedNumber = parseFloat(salePrice.replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''));

				if (headTitle.includes('만')) {

					const classesToRemove = Array.from(element.classList).filter(className => className.startsWith('marker_complex--apart'));
						classesToRemove.forEach(className => {

					if (extractedNumber < 4) {
					}else if(extractedNumber < 5) {
					}else if(extractedNumber < 6) {
					}else if(extractedNumber < 7) {
					}else if(extractedNumber < 8) {
					}else if(extractedNumber < 9) {
					}else if(extractedNumber < 10) {
					}else if(extractedNumber < 11) {
					}else if(extractedNumber < 12) {
					}else if(extractedNumber < 13) {
					}else if(extractedNumber < 14) {
					}else if(extractedNumber < 15) {
					}else if(extractedNumber < 16) {
					}else if(extractedNumber >= 16) {
				}else if(headTitle.includes('년')){
					const classesToRemove = Array.from(element.classList).filter(className => className.startsWith('marker_complex--apart'));
					classesToRemove.forEach(className => {

					if (yearStd1 !== "" && headTitle >= yearStd1) {
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						var priceWrap = element.querySelector('.complex_price_wrap');

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	function modifyTooltipSchool(div) {
		// Extract the class size and remove the li element containing 학급당 학생수
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		div.querySelectorAll('.school_info_list .school_info_item').forEach(li => {
			const title = li.querySelector('.tit');
			if (title && title.textContent.includes('학급당 학생수')) {
				classSize = li.querySelector('.data').textContent;
				li.style.display = 'none'; // Hide the li element
			if (title && title.textContent.includes('교사당 학생수')) {
				li.style.display = 'none'; // Hide the li element

		// Modify the title by removing the word "등학교" and appending the class size
		const titleDiv = div.querySelector('.title');
		let newTitleText = "";
		if (titleDiv) {
			const titleText = titleDiv.textContent.replace('등학교', '');
			const indexOfParenthesis = titleText.indexOf('(');
			if (indexOfParenthesis !== -1) {
				newTitleText = titleText.substring(0, indexOfParenthesis).trim() + " (" + classSize + ")";
				newTitleText = titleText + " (" + classSize + ")";
			titleDiv.textContent = newTitleText;

		const schoolImg = div.querySelector('.school_type.school_type--small');
		if (schoolImg) {
		// 대상 div 요소를 선택합니다. 예를 들어, 클래스가 "title"인 요소를 선택합니다.

		// 텍스트 크기를 13으로 변경합니다.
		if (titleDiv) {
			titleDiv.style.fontSize = '13px';

			//titleDiv.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; // Allow text to wrap
			//titleDiv.style.overflow = 'visible';  // Ensure overflow is visible
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			//titleDiv.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Ensure the titleDiv expands to fit content

			// Set the height and min-width
			div.style.height = '30px';
			div.style.minWidth = '90px';
      div.style.padding = '4px';


			setTimeout(function() {
				try {


					var tooltipElements = document.querySelectorAll('.tooltip_map_school');

					tooltipElements.forEach(function(element) {
						element.style.display = 'block';
				} catch (error) {
					console.error('Failed to show tooltip elements:', error);
			}, 500);
			setTimeout(function() {
				try {
					var tooltipElements = document.querySelectorAll('.tooltip_map_school');

					tooltipElements.forEach(function(element) {
				} catch (error) {
					console.error('Failed to remove display property from tooltip elements:', error);
			}, 500);

			//학교 배정 svg 일괄 삭제
			const svgElements = document.querySelectorAll('svg');

			svgElements.forEach(svg => {
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					if (fillValue === 'rgb(0, 199, 60)' || fillValue === '#00C73C') {

						// 중복 체크
						const isDuplicate = svgArray.some(element => element.isEqualNode(svg));

						if (isDuplicate) {
							// 배열에서 중복된 요소 삭제
							const index = svgArray.findIndex(element => element.isEqualNode(svg));
							svgArray.splice(index, 1);
							selectedSvg = ""; // 이 부분은 필요 없어집니다.
						} else {
							// 배열에 없는 요소는 화면에서 안 보이게 처리
							svg.style.display = 'none';

var mapWrap = document.querySelector('.map_panel');

mapWrap.addEventListener('mouseup', function(event) {

    if (!event.target.classList.contains('complex_data_button') && !event.target.classList.contains('marker_transparent') && !event.target.classList.contains('complex_quantity')) {

function highlightListingsWithKeyword(keywords) {
    const listings = document.querySelectorAll('.item_list--article .item');
    const keywordArray = keywords.split(',').map(keyword => keyword.trim().toLowerCase());

    listings.forEach((listing) => {
        const textContent = listing.innerText.toLowerCase();
        const hasKeyword = keywordArray.some(keyword => textContent.includes(keyword));

        if (hasKeyword) {
            listing.style.border = '2px solid blue'; // 테두리를 파란색으로 설정
        } else {
            listing.style.border = ''; // 기존 테두리를 초기화

// MutationObserver 설정
function observeListings() {
//  console.log("observeListings 실행")
    const targetNode = document.querySelector('.item_list--article');
 // console.log(targetNode)
    const config = { childList: true, subtree: true };

    const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
        // 새로운 리스트가 추가될 때마다 "세안고" 문구를 감지하여 테두리를 칠함
        highlightListingsWithKeyword("안고,승계,점유개정,주인전세,주전,주인 전세"); // 초기 리스트에서 "세안고" 감지

    observer.observe(targetNode, config);

const targetNode = document.body;

// MutationObserver 옵션 설정
const config = {
    childList: true, // 자식 노드의 추가/제거 감지
    subtree: true,   // 모든 하위 노드 감지

// 패널 감지 상태를 관리할 플래그
let panelVisible = false;

// MutationObserver 콜백 함수 정의
const callback = (mutationsList) => {
    for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
        if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
            const panel = document.querySelector('#complexOverviewList');

            if (panel && !panelVisible) {
                // 패널이 나타났을 때
                //console.log('complexOverviewList 패널이 나타났습니다.');
                panelVisible = true;
               // 세안주/주전 표시일때

            } else if (!panel && panelVisible) {
                // 패널이 사라졌을 때
                //console.log('complexOverviewList 패널이 사라졌습니다.');
                panelVisible = false;

                // 패널이 사라졌을 때 수행할 작업


// MutationObserver 생성 및 시작
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(targetNode, config);


//observeListings(); // 동적 리스트 감지