Busting friends&family

Check supplied faction IDs for jailed members every minute. List them somewhere.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Busting friends&family
// @namespace    http://torn.city.com.dot.com.com
// @version      0.3
// @description  Check supplied faction IDs for jailed members every minute. List them somewhere.
// @author       Adobi
// @match        https://www.torn.com/*
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    ///////////////////////////////// USER DEFINED VARIABLES /////////////////////////////////

    const factionIDs = [16040,42113];
    const leftAligned = true; // select true for left aligned, false for right aligned

    ////////// END OF USER DEFINED VARIABLES. Change things below at your own risk. //////////

    // Function to create and display yellow square with the option to enter API key
    function displayYellowSquare() {
        const yellowSquare = document.createElement('div');
        yellowSquare.id = 'yellowSquare';
        yellowSquare.style.position = 'fixed';
        yellowSquare.style.left = '0';
        yellowSquare.style.top = '0';
        yellowSquare.style.color = 'black';
        yellowSquare.style.top = '300px';
        yellowSquare.style.width = '100px';
        yellowSquare.style.height = '100px';
        yellowSquare.style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';
        yellowSquare.style.zIndex = '99999999';
        yellowSquare.style.display = 'flex'; // Use flexbox for centering
        yellowSquare.style.cursor = 'pointer'; // Change cursor to pointer

        // Create a container div for centered text
        const textContainer = document.createElement('div');
        textContainer.style.margin = 'auto'; // Center horizontally
        textContainer.style.textAlign = 'center'; // Center text
        textContainer.style.display = 'flex';
        textContainer.style.flexDirection = 'column'; // Center vertically

        // Create text nodes for the yellow square with a line break
        const yellowTextNode0 = document.createTextNode('Busting friends');
        const lineBreak = document.createElement('br');
        const yellowTextNode1 = document.createTextNode('Click here to');
        const lineBreak2 = document.createElement('br');
        const yellowTextNode2 = document.createTextNode('supply public API key');

        // Append the text nodes and line break to the text container

        // Append the text container to the yellow square

        // Append the yellow square to the body (if it's not already added)
        if (!document.getElementById('yellowSquare')) {

        // Add a click event listener to the yellow square
        yellowSquare.addEventListener('click', () => {
            const apiKey = prompt('Enter your API key:');
            if (apiKey) {
                // Store the API key with GM_setValue
                GM_setValue('busting_friends_api_key', apiKey);
                yellowSquare.remove(); // Remove the yellow square after entering the API key
                fetchAndDisplayData(); // Run an API call with the new key

    // Check if the API key is already stored using GM_getValue
    const apiKey = GM_getValue('busting_friends_api_key', '');

    // If the API key is not stored, display the yellow square
    if (!apiKey) {

    function displayText(bustlist, links, difficulty) {
        // Check if the text container already exists and remove it
        const existingTextContainer = document.getElementById('busting-friends-text-id');
        if (existingTextContainer) {

        const mainContainer = document.getElementById('mainContainer'); // Get the main container element

        if (mainContainer) {
            const textContainer = document.createElement('div');
            textContainer.id = 'busting-friends-text-id';
            textContainer.style.position = 'fixed';
            if (leftAligned) {
                textContainer.style.left = '0';
            } else {
                textContainer.style.right = '0';
            textContainer.style.top = '100px';
            textContainer.style.zIndex = '9999';
            textContainer.style.display = 'block';

            for (let j = 0; j < bustlist.length; j++) {
                const link = document.createElement('a');
                link.href = links[j];
                link.textContent = bustlist[j] + difficulty[j] + " score";
                if (difficulty[j] < 250) {
                    link.style.color = '#00FF00';
                } else if (difficulty[j] < 500) {
                    link.style.color = 'orange';
                } else {
                    link.style.color = 'red';
                link.style.display = 'block';
                link.style.marginBottom = '2px';

            mainContainer.appendChild(textContainer); // Append textContainer to mainContainer
        displayBlackSquare(4 + bustlist.length * Math.round(125 / 9));

    // Function to create and display the black square
    function displayBlackSquare(squareHeight) {
        const existingSquare = document.getElementById('busting-friends-blackSquare');
        if (existingSquare) {
        if (squareHeight > 4 ) {
            const mainContainer = document.getElementById('mainContainer'); // Get the main container element
            const blackSquare = document.createElement('div');
            blackSquare.id = 'busting-friends-blackSquare';
            blackSquare.style.position = 'fixed';
            if (leftAligned) {
                blackSquare.style.left = '0';
            } else {
                blackSquare.style.right = '0';
            blackSquare.style.top = '98px';
            blackSquare.style.width = '260px';
            blackSquare.style.height = squareHeight + 'px';
            blackSquare.style.backgroundColor = '#191919';
            blackSquare.style.zIndex = '999';

            if (!document.getElementById('busting-friends-blackSquare')) {

    // Function to fetch API data for a single faction
    function fetchFactionData(factionID, apiKey, currentTime) {
        return fetch(`https://api.torn.com/faction/${factionID}?selections=&key=${apiKey}`)
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(data => {
            const faction_and_name = [];
            const profile_link = [];
            const difficulty = [];
            let level = 0;
            let releaseTime = 0;
            let hours = 0;

            const factionName = data['name'];
            // Check if there's an error in the API response
            if (data.error && data.error.error === 'Incorrect key') {
                GM_setValue('busting_friends_api_key', '');
            } else {
                for (let member in data['members']) {
                    if (data['members'][member]['status']['state'] == 'Jail') {
                        level = data['members'][member]['level'];
                        releaseTime = data['members'][member]['status']['until'];
                        faction_and_name.push(factionName + ' - ' + data['members'][member]['name'] + ': ');
                        profile_link.push('https://www.torn.com/profiles.php?XID=' + member);
                        hours = (releaseTime - currentTime / 1000) / 60 / 60 + 3
                            Math.round(level * hours)

            return { faction_and_name, profile_link, difficulty };
            .catch(error => {
            console.error('there was an API Error:', error);
            return { faction_and_name: [], profile_link: [], difficulty: [] };

    // Function to fetch API data and display the red square
    function fetchAndDisplayData() {
        const currentTime = Date.now();
        const lastCallTime = GM_getValue('busting_friends_lastCallTime', 0);

        // Check if at least 30 seconds have passed since the last API call
        if (currentTime - lastCallTime >= 30000) {
            // Check if the API key is already stored using GM_getValue
            const apiKey = GM_getValue('busting_friends_api_key', '');
            // If the API key is not stored, display the yellow square
            if (!apiKey) {

            const fetchPromises = [];
            GM_setValue('busting_friends_lastCallTime', currentTime); // Store the current timestamp
            for (let i = 0; i < factionIDs.length; i++) {
                const promise = fetchFactionData(factionIDs[i], apiKey, currentTime);

                .then(results => {
                const faction_and_name = [];
                const profile_link = [];
                const difficulty = [];

                results.forEach(result => {
                if (profile_link.length > 0) {
                    GM_setValue('busting_friends_fan', faction_and_name);
                    GM_setValue('busting_friends_pl', profile_link);
                    GM_setValue('busting_friends_t', difficulty);
                    displayText(faction_and_name, profile_link, difficulty);
                } else {
                    GM_setValue('busting_friends_fan', "");
                    GM_setValue('busting_friends_pl', "");
                    GM_setValue('busting_friends_t', "");
        } else {
            displayText(GM_getValue('busting_friends_fan'), GM_getValue('busting_friends_pl'), GM_getValue('busting_friends_t'));

    // Repeat every 5 seconds
    setInterval(fetchAndDisplayData, 5000);