Fix Brave Bug for YouTube Live Chat

To Fix Brave Bug for YouTube Live Chat

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Fix Brave Bug for YouTube Live Chat
// @namespace    UserScripts
// @version      3.25
// @description  To Fix Brave Bug for YouTube Live Chat
// @author       CY Fung
// @license      MIT
// @icon
// @match*
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// @unwrap
// @inject-into  page
// ==/UserScript==

(() => {

    /** @type {globalThis.PromiseConstructor} */
    const Promise = (async () => { })().constructor;

    const insp = o => o ? (o.polymerController || o.inst || o || 0) : (o || 0);

    const { _setAttribute } = (() => {
        let _setAttribute = Element.prototype.setAttribute;
        try {
            _setAttribute = ShadyDOM.nativeMethods.setAttribute || _setAttribute;
        } catch (e) { }
        return { _setAttribute };

    const getDMPromise = (() => {

        const attrName = `dm-${}-${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`;
        let val = 0;

        let _dmPromise = null;
        const getDMPromise_ = async (chatframe) => {
            /** @type {MutationObserver | null} */
            let mo;
            await new Promise(resolve => {
                mo = new MutationObserver(resolve);
                mo.observe(chatframe, { attributes: true });
      , attrName, ++val);
            if (mo) {
                mo = null

        const getDMPromise = (chatframe) => {
            return (_dmPromise || (_dmPromise = getDMPromise_(chatframe).then(() => {
                _dmPromise = null;

        return getDMPromise;


    (async () => {
        'use strict';

        await customElements.whenDefined('ytd-live-chat-frame');

        const chat = document.createElement('ytd-live-chat-frame');

        if (!chat || !== 'ytd-live-chat-frame') return;

        const cnt = insp(chat);
        const cProto = cnt.constructor.prototype || 0;

        if (typeof cProto.urlChanged === 'function' && !cProto.urlChanged66 && !cProto.urlChangedAsync12) {
            cProto.urlChanged66 = cProto.urlChanged;
            let ath = 0;
            cProto.urlChangedAsync12 = async function () {
                if (ath > 1e9) ath = 9;
                const t = ++ath;
                const chatframe = this.chatframe || (this.$ || 0).chatframe || 0;
                if (chatframe) {
                    if (chatframe.contentDocument === null) await Promise.resolve();
                    if (t !== ath) return;
                    await getDMPromise(chatframe); // next macroTask
                    if (t !== ath) return;
            cProto.urlChanged = function () {
