Asurascans Bookmarking System

A bookmarking system for Manga reading sites with signup/login functionality to save your info(Bookmarks e.t.c) Across ALL Devices. Keep Track of your BookMarks in AsuraScans amongst other websites.

Daily installs
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Additional Information

This script is a kind of "fix" for the Asurascans bookmarking by implementing its own and giving you an account where you can save your Manwhas and view it from any device. It also adds a couple of other tweaks for ease of use and quality-of-life features. With this tweak your Asura experience will be increased 😃.


  1. Login by creating your unique username and password when you first use the Script. If the prompt doesn't show up, don't worry😃 Just Refresh. If nothing continues to happen leave a comment in the Greasyfork Comments and I will help you from there.
  2. Made a mistake? Don't worry, just scroll down until you see the logout button and try again.
  3. When you scroll down you will see three buttons, Save, Get Bookmarks, And Logout.
  4. The Save button will force save your current Bookmarks. Although the Bookmarks should be saved automatically whilst you use the website, this is just a way to ensure a save.
  5. The Get Bookmarks will get the Bookmarks that are saved in the cloud if any errors should occur.
  6. When you are on a Manwha that you have read before you will see "Last Read Chapter: Chapter" Just click on 👉: Chapter. This will redirect you to your Last Read Chapter for that specific Manhwa.
  7. Device tracking: When you use your computer and go to your phone all the stored data is automatically updated in your phone(prob have to refresh) so you don't have to click the get bookmarks button that much. Make sure to save with every session though.🆕🆕✔✔
  8. Auto Saving 🆕🆕✔✔