// ==UserScript==
// @name Gats.io with "Agar.io Movement"
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.4
// @description Mod that adds "Agar.io Movement" for Gats.io
// @author Taureon
// @match https://gats.io/
// @match https://gats2.com/
// @grant none
// @license Unlicense
// ==/UserScript==
(function main(){
//if the game hasn't loaded yet, wait until it is loaded
//it is checked if the game has loaded by checking if the game tick function exists
if (typeof a41 !== 'function') return setTimeout(main);
document.addEventListener('keydown', ({keyCode}) => {
if (keyCode == 84 /* T */) toggleTracers();
//save the function so we can run it in the hook later
let old_a41 = a41,
//boolean for toggling visual aid on or off
drawTracers = true,
//copied facilitation functions from tiohax
applyStyle = (element, style) => applyAttrbutes(element.style, style),
applyAttrbutes = (object, attributes) => {
for (let key in attributes) object[key] = attributes[key];
return object;
makeDiv = (style = {}, attributes = {}, orphans = []) => {
let element = document.createElement('div');
applyStyle(element, style);
applyAttrbutes(element, attributes);
for (let orphan of orphans) element.append(orphan);
return element;
toggleTracers = () => {
drawTracers = !drawTracers;
divvers.style['background-color'] = drawTracers ? '#0f0': '#f00';
top: '310px',
left: '10px',
height: '50px',
border: '5px solid #0008',
display: 'flex',
position: 'absolute',
'z-index': '10',
'border-radius': '5px',
'align-items': 'center',
'background-color': '#fff8'
}, {}, [
padding: '5px',
'font-size': '20px',
'font-family': 'Consolas, monospace'
}, { innerText: 'Turn on Visual Aid (T)' }),
divvers = makeDiv({
width: '25px',
height: '25px',
margin: '5px',
border: '5px solid #0008',
'border-radius': '5px',
'background-color': drawTracers ? '#0f08': '#f008'
}, {
onclick: toggleTracers
a41 = () => {
//sanity check
if (c3 === null) return;
//reset movement
for (let inputId of [0, 1, 2, 3]) RF.list[0].send(a59("key-press", {inputId, state: 0}));
//you can change this if you want the circle to be smaller or larger or something else
let radius = 50,
playerMe = RD.pool[c3],
me = c2.getRelPos(playerMe),
cursor = {x: j9[0] / j6, y: j9[1] / j5},
ctx = j58;
//else "me" is one tick too forward
me.x -= Math.round(playerMe.spdX / 2.5);
me.y -= Math.round(playerMe.spdY / 2.5);
//don't draw if that setting turned off
if (drawTracers) {
ctx.strokeStyle = '#444';
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.moveTo(me.x + radius, me.y);
ctx.arc(me.x, me.y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
//lines in circle
for (let i = Math.PI / 8; i < Math.PI * 2; i += Math.PI / 4) {
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.moveTo(me.x, me.y);
ctx.lineTo(me.x + Math.sin(i) * radius, me.y + Math.cos(i) * radius);
//line from player to cursor
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.moveTo(me.x, me.y);
ctx.lineTo(cursor.x, cursor.y);
//dont move if cursor is on player
if (Math.pow(me.y - cursor.y, 2) + Math.pow(me.x - cursor.x, 2) < Math.pow(playerMe.radius, 2)) return;
//calculate movement packets to send
for (let inputId of [
[1], //'right',
[1, 3],//'down right',
[3], //'down',
[3, 0],//'down left',
[0], //'left',
[2, 0],//'up left',
[2], //'up',
[2, 1] //'up right'
Math.round( ( Math.atan2(me.y - cursor.y, me.x - cursor.x) / Math.PI ) * 4 + 4) % 8
//send these movement packets
]) RF.list[0].send(a59("key-press", {inputId, state: 1}));