Above VTT Dark Mode

Makes AVTT a little easier on the eyes.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Above VTT Dark Mode
// @version      0.1.4
// @description  Makes AVTT a little easier on the eyes.
// @author       Cyelis1224
// @match        https://www.dndbeyond.com/campaigns/*
// @icon         
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// ==/UserScript==
function addGlobalStyle(css) {
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.GameLogEntry_Message__1GoY3 button {\
	background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #3d3d3d, #000);\
	color: #fff;\
	height: 32px;\
    background: #00000000;\
.GameLogEntry_Message__1J8lC.GameLogEntry_Other__1rv5g {\
	color: #999;\
	background: #333;\
.dice-rolling-panel .dice-toolbar{\
	bottom: 28px;\
    overflow: hidden !important;\
    height: 80px;\
    flex-wrap: wrap;\
.GameLogEntry_Message__1GoY3 button:hover {\
    color: #000;\
    background-image: none;\
    background: #000;\
.material-icons.md-16 {\
   font-size: 16px;\
   color: black !important;\
.material-icons.md-dark {\
color: white;\
.material-icons.button-icon {\
    color: none;\
    font-size: 22px;\
    margin: 2px -5px;\
.top_menu {\
    background: #00000000;\
    top: 40px !important;\
button#scene_selector_toggle {\
   color: white !important;\
button#scene_selector_toggle:hover {\
   color: white !important;\
button#select-button {\
	color: white !important;\
button#combat_button {\
    filter: invert(1);\
    font-weight: bold;\
button#measure-button {\
	color: white !important;\
button#fog_button {\
	color: white !important;\
button#draw_button {\
	color: white !important;\
button#aoe_button {\
	color: white !important;\
button#help_button {\
	color: white !important;\
button#stream_button {\
    background: white;\
    filter: invert(1);\
button#hide_rightpanel {\
    filter: invert(1);\
	color: white !important;\
button#zoom_fit {\
	color: white !important;\
    filter: invert(1);\
button#zoom_minus {\
    filter: invert(1);\
	color: white !important;\
button#zoom_plus {\
    filter: invert(1);\
	color: white !important;\
button#jitsi_switch {\
    filter: invert(1);\
button#switch_gamelog {\
    filter: invert(1);\
button#switch_characters {\
    filter: invert(1);\
button#switch_panel {\
    filter: invert(1);\
button#switch_tokens {\
    filter: invert(1);\
button#switch_journal {\
    filter: invert(1);\
.top_menu button{\
    filter: invert(1);\
	color: white;\
#scene_selector_toggle > span {\
    filter: invert(1);\
.scene {\
    height: 60px;\
#combat_tracker_inside .tracker-list {\
    height: calc(100% - 30px);\
.GameLog_GameLogEntries__3oNPD {\
    background: #00000000 !important;\
.sidebar__pane-content {\
    background: #00000080 !important;\
    height: 100% !important;\
    color: white !important;\
#combat_tracker_inside .tracker-list {\
    background: #000000;\
    color: white;\
div#scene_selector, #combat_tracker_inside, #edit_dialog, #mega_importer, #prewiz, #wizard_popup, .top_menu {\
    background: #00000080 !important;\
    background-image: none !important;\
.dice-roller {\
   filter: invert(1);\
#round_number_label {\
    background: #333;\
    color: white;\
.aoeshape:focus,.drawbutton.button-enabled { \
    background-image: none !important;\
    background: black !important;\
    color: white !important;\
.soundpad-section-title {\
    background: #333 !important;\
    font-size: 22px !important;\
.journal-chapter-title {\
    font-size: 22px !important;\
    background: #333 !important;\
.btn-del-chapter {\
    font-size: 14px !important;\
.player-card {\
    color: black;\
    background: linear-gradient(#333, #000) !important;\
.player-info {\
    filter: brightness(0) invert(1);\
.player-name {\
    color: white !important;\
.player-no-attributes {\
    color: white !important;\