Grab Links

Lists all links from one webpage, so you can copy them easily.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Grab Links
// @fullname        Grab Links
// @description     Lists all links from one webpage, so you can copy them easily.
// @name:de         Link Schnapper
// @fullname:de     Link Schnapper
// @description:de  Alle Links einer Webseite werden aufgelistet und du kannst sie einfach kopieren.
// @author          ollily2907
// @license         Apache License, Version 2.0
// @license
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// @source
// @icon  
// @compatible      firefox >=52
// @compatible      chrome >=57
// @namespace
// @run-at          document-end
// @version         2.02.002
// @grant           unsafeWindow
// @grant           GM_addStyle
// @grant           GM.addStyle
// @grant           GM_getResourceText
// @grant           GM.getResourceText
// @require
// @include         http://gmonkey.*.*/test/*
// @include         http://devzone.*.*/test/gm/*
// @include         /http(|s)\://(|.+?\.)youtube\..+?/.*/
// @include         /http(|s)\://(|.+?\.)dailymotion\..+?/.*/
// @include         /http(|s)\://(|.+?\.)pinterest\..+?/.*/
// @include         /http(|s)\://(|.+?\.)flickr\..+?/.*/
// @include         /http(|s)\://(|.+?\.)instagram\..+?/.*/
// @include         /http(|s)\://(|.+?\.)tiktok\..+?/.*/
// ==/UserScript==

 - update syntax, remove inspection failures
 - add jsdoc

 - add wide/small handling of container
 - add result line selection
 - optimize link caption generation

 - switch to different IDE
 - clean code

 - some layout fixes
 - overlays the yt header

 - the first 2.x release
 - removing JQuery from script
 - new color layout
 - now search through link and link description / caption
 - optional disable new search and search only by url

 - Detecting clipboard support (disabling on new browsers)

 - Version Number changed
 - Added Copy to Clipboard Support (if enabled)

 - Added a 'SELECT ALL' Button
 - Search result can be displayed as plain text or linked text

 - Added JSDoc / Code cleaning
 - Code Testing function
 - Layout update

 - Layout update

 - Don't start search, if it's a known site
 - Layout update

 - Layout update
 - Set automatic filter on favorite sites
 - Many Bugfixes

 - Initial Release
This helper script bridges compatibility between the Greasemonkey 4 APIs and
existing/legacy APIs.  Say for example your user script includes

    // @grant GM_getValue

And you'd like to be compatible with both Greasemonkey 3 and Greasemonkey 4
(and for that matter all versions of Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, and any other
user script engine).  Add:

    // @grant GM.getValue
    // @require

And switch to the new (GM-dot) APIs, which return promises.  If your script
is running in an engine that does not provide the new asynchronous APIs, this
helper will add them, based on the old APIs.

If you use `await` at the top level, you'll need to wrap your script in an
`async` function to be compatible with any user script engine besides
Greasemonkey 4.

    (async () => {
    let x = await GM.getValue('x');

if (typeof GM == 'undefined') {
  this.GM = {};

if (typeof GM_addStyle == 'undefined') {
  this.GM_addStyle = (aCss) => {
    'use strict';
    let head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    if (head) {
      let style = document.createElement('style');
      style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
      style.textContent = aCss;
      return style;
    return null;

if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand == 'undefined') {
  this.GM_registerMenuCommand = (caption, commandFunc, accessKey) => {
    if (!document.body) {
      if (document.readyState === 'loading'
        && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.localName === 'html') {
        new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => {
          if (document.body) {
            GM_registerMenuCommand(caption, commandFunc, accessKey);
        }).observe(document.documentElement, {childList: true});
      } else {
        console.error('GM_registerMenuCommand got no body.');
    let contextMenu = document.body.getAttribute('contextmenu');
    let menu = (contextMenu ? document.querySelector('menu#' + contextMenu) : null);
    if (!menu) {
      menu = document.createElement('menu');
      menu.setAttribute('id', 'gm-registered-menu');
      menu.setAttribute('type', 'context');
      document.body.setAttribute('contextmenu', 'gm-registered-menu');
    let menuItem = document.createElement('menuitem');
    menuItem.textContent = caption;
    menuItem.addEventListener('click', commandFunc, true);

if (typeof GM_getResourceText == 'undefined') {
  this.GM_getResourceText = (aRes) => {
    'use strict';
    return GM.getResourceUrl(aRes)
      .then(url => fetch(url))
      .then(resp => resp.text())
      .catch(function(error) {
        GM.log('Request failed', error);
        return null;

  'log': console.log.bind(console),  // Pale Moon compatibility.  See #13.
  'info': GM_info,
}).forEach(([newKey, old]) => {
  if (old && (typeof GM[newKey] == 'undefined')) {
    GM[newKey] = old;

  'GM_addStyle': 'addStyle',
  'GM_deleteValue': 'deleteValue',
  'GM_getResourceURL': 'getResourceUrl',
  'GM_getValue': 'getValue',
  'GM_listValues': 'listValues',
  'GM_notification': 'notification',
  'GM_openInTab': 'openInTab',
  'GM_registerMenuCommand': 'registerMenuCommand',
  'GM_setClipboard': 'setClipboard',
  'GM_setValue': 'setValue',
  'GM_xmlhttpRequest': 'xmlHttpRequest',
  'GM_getResourceText': 'getResourceText',
}).forEach(([oldKey, newKey]) => {
  let old = this[oldKey];
  if (old && (typeof GM[newKey] == 'undefined')) {
    GM[newKey] = function(...args) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        try {
          resolve(old.apply(this, args));
        } catch (e) {

//GM-Script specific code - START

 * Define the global variables used for this script.
const scriptID = "GM-GL";

let glContainer;
let glSearchDiv;
let glResultDiv;
let glActionDiv;
let glFormTag;
let initFilter;

const glBtnShowResultText = "SR";
const glBtnShowResultTextDesc = "show result";
const glBtnHideResultText = "HR";
const glBtnHideResultTextDesc = "hide result";

const glContainerHeightMin = "20px";
const glContainerHeightMax = "99%";
const glContainerHeightMaxAuto = "auto";
const RESULT_SHOW = -1;
const RESULT_HIDE = -2;

const glBtnSearchModeAText = "D";
const glBtnSearchModeADesc = "search in link & description";
const glBtnSearchModeAValue = "1";
const glBtnSearchModeLText = "L";
const glBtnSearchModeLDesc = "search in link ONLY";
const glBtnSearchModeLValue = "0";

const contWidthWide = "50%";
const contWidthSmall = "225px";
const resWidthWide = "100%";
const resWidthSmall = "225px";
const divWidthWide = "99%";
const divWidthSmall = "225px";
const descWidthWide = "Wide";
const descWidthSmall = "Small";

const searchText_Desc = "enter your search\nSimple Wildcards = (?, *)\nRegular Expression = /searchtext/";

 * Add the DOM-Objects used in this script.
function lgmAddControlsGrabLinks() {
    // base layout
    glContainer = gmCreateObj(null, "div", "gl-container");
    glSearchDiv = gmCreateObj(glContainer, "div", "gl-searchbox");
    glActionDiv = gmCreateObj(glContainer, "div", "gl-actionbox");
    glResultDiv = gmCreateObj(glContainer, "div", "gl-resultbox");
    glFormTag = gmCreateObj(glSearchDiv, "form", "gl-searchform");
    gmSetAtI(glFormTag, "accept-charset", "utf-8");
    // search fields
    initFilter = gmFoundFilter(currSite, currPath);
    gmCreateInput(glFormTag, "text", "gl-searchtext", initFilter, searchText_Desc, null, null, function () {
        return gmSelectInput(this);
    gmCreateButton(glFormTag, "submit", "gl-sstart", "S", "start search", null, function () {
        return lgmSearchLinks("gl-searchtext", "gl-sdesc");
    gmCreateButton(glFormTag, "button", "gl-sreset", "R", "clear search", null, function () {
        return lgmResetSearch("gl-searchtext");
    gmCreateButton(glFormTag, "button", "gl-sshow", glBtnShowResultText, glBtnShowResultTextDesc, null, function () {
        return lgmShowHideResult();
    gmCreateButton(glFormTag, "button", "gl-sdesc", glBtnSearchModeAText, glBtnSearchModeADesc, glBtnSearchModeAValue, function () {
        return lgmToggleSearchDesc("gl-sdesc");
    gmCreateInput(glFormTag, "text", "gl-scount", "", "number of hits", 1, null, null, null);
    // copy fields
    let selCap = "SA";
    let selTit = "De-/Select All";
    if (gmIsClipboardSupported()) {
        selCap = "CA";
        selTit = "Select & Copy All";
    gmCreateButton(glActionDiv, "button", "gl-aselect", selCap, selTit, null, function () {
        return lgmSelectall("gl-resultplain", "gl-resultlink");
    gmCreateButton(glActionDiv, "button", "gl-ashowplain", "PR", "Show Plain Results", null, function () {
        lgmSwitchResultDisplay("gl-resultplain", "gl-resultlink");
    gmCreateButton(glActionDiv, "button", "gl-ashowlink", "RL", "Show Results as Link", null, function () {
        lgmSwitchResultDisplay("gl-resultlink", "gl-resultplain");
    gmCreateButton(glActionDiv, "button", "gl-awide", "W", descWidthWide, null, function () {
        lgmToggleContainer("gl-container", "gl-resultbox", "gl-resultplain", "gl-resultlink", "gl-awide");
    // result fields
    gmCreateObj(glResultDiv, "div", "gl-resultplain");
    gmCreateObj(glResultDiv, "div", "gl-resultlink");
    // init
    gmAddObj(glContainer, gmGetBody());

 * Shows the layer in param frontLayer and hides the layer in param behindLayer.
 * @param {string|HTMLDivElement} frontLayer  the layer to put in front
 * @param {string|HTMLDivElement} behindLayer the layer to put in the bakc
function lgmSwitchResultDisplay(frontLayer, behindLayer) {
    const oFrontLayer = gmGetStyle(frontLayer);
    const oBehindLayer = gmGetStyle(behindLayer);
    if (oFrontLayer && oBehindLayer) {
        let idxFront = gmGetAtI(oFrontLayer, "index");
        let idxBehind = gmGetAtI(oBehindLayer, "index");

        if (!idxFront || isNaN(idxFront) || idxFront === "") {
            idxFront = 910;
        if (!idxBehind || isNaN(idxBehind) || idxBehind === "") {
            idxBehind = idxFront - 1;
        if (idxFront < idxBehind) {
            const i = idxFront;
            idxFront = idxBehind;
            idxBehind = i;
        gmSetAtI(oFrontLayer, "index", idxFront);
        gmSetAtI(oFrontLayer, "visibility", "visible");
        gmSetAtI(oFrontLayer, "left", 0);
        gmSetAtI(oBehindLayer, "index", idxBehind);
        gmSetAtI(oBehindLayer, "visibility", "hidden");
        gmSetAtI(oBehindLayer, "left", 2000);

 * Switch the search mode.
 * @param {string|HTMLButtonElement} btnSearch - the button to read the current state from
function lgmToggleSearchDesc(btnSearch) {
    const oBtnSearch = gmGetElI(btnSearch);
    if (oBtnSearch) {
        const curValue = gmGetAtI(oBtnSearch, "value");
        if (curValue === glBtnSearchModeLValue) {
            gmSetCoI(oBtnSearch, glBtnSearchModeAText);
            gmSetAtI(oBtnSearch, "value", glBtnSearchModeAValue);
            gmSetAtI(oBtnSearch, "title", glBtnSearchModeADesc);
        } else {
            gmSetCoI(oBtnSearch, glBtnSearchModeLText);
            gmSetAtI(oBtnSearch, "value", glBtnSearchModeLValue);
            gmSetAtI(oBtnSearch, "title", glBtnSearchModeLDesc);

 * @param {string|HTMLDivElement} contDiv
 * @param {string|HTMLDivElement} resultDiv
 * @param {string|HTMLDivElement} resultPlainDiv
 * @param {string|HTMLDivElement} resultLinkDiv
 * @param {string|HTMLButtonElement} btnAction
function lgmToggleContainer(contDiv, resultDiv, resultPlainDiv, resultLinkDiv, btnAction) {
    const oContDiv = gmGetElI(contDiv);
    const oResultDiv = gmGetElI(resultDiv);
    const oBtnAction = gmGetElI(btnAction);
    if (oContDiv && oResultDiv) {
        const oContDivStyle = gmGetStyle(oContDiv);
        const oResultDivStyle = gmGetStyle(oResultDiv);
        const oResultPlainDivStyle = gmGetStyle(resultPlainDiv);
        const oResultLinkDivStyle = gmGetStyle(resultLinkDiv);
        let newContWidth = contWidthWide;
        let newResultWidth = resWidthWide;
        let newResultDivWidth = divWidthWide;
        let newDescWidth = descWidthSmall;
        let newBtnActionText = "S";
        const curValue = gmGetAtI(oContDivStyle, "width");
        if (curValue === contWidthWide) {
            newContWidth = contWidthSmall;
            newResultWidth = resWidthSmall;
            newResultDivWidth = divWidthSmall;
            newDescWidth = descWidthWide;
            newBtnActionText = "W";
        gmSetAtI(oContDivStyle, "width", newContWidth);
        gmSetAtI(oContDivStyle, "max-width", newContWidth);
        gmSetAtI(oResultDivStyle, "width", newResultWidth);
        gmSetAtI(oResultDivStyle, "max-width", newResultWidth);
        gmSetAtI(oResultPlainDivStyle, "width", newResultDivWidth);
        gmSetAtI(oResultPlainDivStyle, "max-width", newResultDivWidth);
        gmSetAtI(oResultLinkDivStyle, "width", newResultDivWidth);
        gmSetAtI(oResultLinkDivStyle, "max-width", newResultDivWidth);
        if (oBtnAction) {
            gmSetCoI(oBtnAction, newBtnActionText);
            gmSetAtI(oBtnAction, "title", newDescWidth);

 * Shows the complete layer with a default size or special size.
 * @param {boolean|number} [bOnOff=] bOnOff - a numeric height, on, off or null
 * @returns {boolean} always false
 * @see #RESULT_HIDE
 * @see #RESULT_HIDE
 * @see #glContainerHeightMin
 * @see #glContainerHeightMax
 * @see #glContainerHeightMaxAuto
function lgmShowHideResult(bOnOff) {
    const oCont = gmGetElI("gl-container");
    const oContStyle = gmGetStyle(oCont);
    const oCont1 = gmGetElI("gl-resultbox");
    const oContStyle1 = gmGetStyle(oCont1);
    const oBtnShow = gmGetElI("gl-sshow");
    const oSearchCount = gmGetElI("gl-scount");
    let currHeight;
    if (bOnOff) {
        currHeight = bOnOff;
    } else {
        currHeight = parseFloat(gmGetAtI(oContStyle, "height"));
    if (currHeight === RESULT_SHOW || currHeight === parseFloat(glContainerHeightMin)) {
        // if container should be shown or currently is at min size
        currHeight = glContainerHeightMax;
        const searchCnt = gmGetAtI(oSearchCount, "value");
        if (isNaN(searchCnt)) {
            currHeight = glContainerHeightMaxAuto;
    } else {
        currHeight = glContainerHeightMin;
    let buttonText = glBtnShowResultText;
    let buttonTextDesc = glBtnShowResultTextDesc;
    if (currHeight !== glContainerHeightMin) {
        buttonText = glBtnHideResultText;
        buttonTextDesc = glBtnHideResultTextDesc;
    gmSetAtI(oContStyle, "height", currHeight);
    gmSetAtI(oContStyle1, "height", currHeight);
    gmSetCoI(oBtnShow, buttonText);
    gmSetAtI(oBtnShow, "title", buttonTextDesc);
    return false;

 * Clears any filter text and searchs again.
 * @param {string|HTMLInputElement} searchField - the search input containing the text-filter
 * @returns {boolean} always false
function lgmResetSearch(searchField) {
    const oSearchField = gmGetElI(searchField);
    if (oSearchField) {
        gmSetAtI(oSearchField, "value", "");
    return false;

 * Selects the content of element A or B.
 * @param {string|HTMLElement} selElementA - the first container element
 * @param {string|HTMLElement} selElementB - the second container element
 * @returns {boolean} always false
function lgmSelectall(selElementA, selElementB) {
    let selectedElem = null;
    const oSelElemA = gmGetElI(selElementA);
    const oSelElemAStyle = gmGetStyle(oSelElemA);
    if (oSelElemA != null && gmGetAtI(oSelElemAStyle, "visibility") === "visible") {
        selectedElem = oSelElemA;
    } else {
        const oSelElemB = gmGetElI(selElementB);
        const oSelElemBStyle = gmGetStyle(oSelElemB);
        if (oSelElemB != null && gmGetAtI(oSelElemBStyle, "visibility") === "visible") {
            selectedElem = oSelElemB;
    if (selectedElem != null) {
        let bForce = false;
        if (gmIsClipboardSupported()) {
            bForce = true;
        const selText = gmSelectText(selectedElem, bForce);
        if (selText) {
            try {
                if (unsafeWindow) {
            } catch (ignored) {
                // ignored
    return false;

 * Search for all matching URLs and shows them the result.
 * @param {string|HTMLInputElement} searchFieldAttr - the search input containing the text-filter
 * @param {string|HTMLInputElement} [searchModeAttr=] searchModeAttr - the searchMode input
 * @returns {boolean} always false
function lgmSearchLinks(searchFieldAttr, searchModeAttr) {
    try {
        const searchText = gmGetAtI(searchFieldAttr, "value");
        const searchMode = gmGetAtI(searchModeAttr, "value");
        const arrFoundInPage = gmFindLinksInPage(searchText, searchMode);
        lgmSwitchResultDisplay("gl-resultplain", "gl-resultlink");
    } catch (ex) {
    return false;

 * Searchs for all URL in the page and optional filters by a regular expression.
 * @param {PagelinksClazz[]} arrLinks - array with found links
 * @returns {boolean} always false
function lgmLinksInResult(arrLinks) {
    const arrLinksPlain = [];
    let arrLinksLink = [];
    try {
        const oResultPlainDiv = gmGetElI("gl-resultplain");
        const oResultLinkDiv = gmGetElI("gl-resultlink");
        const oResultCount = gmGetElI("gl-scount");
        const arrFoundInPage = gmSortArray(arrLinks);
        for (let i = 0; i < arrFoundInPage.length; i++) {
            const currLink = arrFoundInPage[i].link;
            const currCaption = lgmCleanArrayCaption(arrFoundInPage[i].linkText);
            arrLinksPlain.push(lgmPrepareLinkAsPlain(currLink, currCaption, i));
            arrLinksLink.push(lgmPrepareLinkAsLink(currLink, currCaption, i));
        if (oResultCount) {
            gmSetAtI(oResultCount, "value", arrFoundInPage.length);
        if (oResultPlainDiv) {
            lgmPrepareLinksInContainer(oResultPlainDiv, arrLinksPlain);
            gmCreateObj(oResultPlainDiv, "br", null);
        if (oResultLinkDiv) {
            arrLinksLink = gmSortObject(arrLinksLink, "data-title");
            lgmPrepareLinksInContainer(oResultLinkDiv, arrLinksLink);
            gmCreateObj(oResultLinkDiv, "br", null);
    } catch (ex) {
    return false;

 * Removes unallowed chars from a text.
 * @param {string} dirtyCaption - a text with unallowed chars
 * @returns {string} the cleaned text
function lgmCleanCaption(dirtyCaption) {
    dirtyCaption = trim(dirtyCaption);
    if (dirtyCaption != null) {
        dirtyCaption = dirtyCaption.replace(/[\n\r]/g, "");
        if (dirtyCaption.indexOf("<") >= 0) {
            dirtyCaption = dirtyCaption.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, "").replace(/\s{2,}/gm, " ");
    return dirtyCaption;

 * Removes unallowed chars from an array or a single text.
 * @param {string|string[]} arrCaption - an array or a text with unallowed chars
 * @returns {string} the cleaned array or text
function lgmCleanArrayCaption(arrCaption) {
    let cleanCaption;
    if (gmIsArray(arrCaption)) {
        let arrCleanCaption = [];
        for (let currElem of arrCaption) {
        arrCleanCaption = gmOnlyUnique(arrCleanCaption);
        arrCleanCaption = gmSortArray(arrCleanCaption, SORT_NUM);
        cleanCaption = "[" + arrCleanCaption.join("][") + "]";
    } else {
        cleanCaption = lgmCleanCaption(arrCaption);
    return cleanCaption;

 * Creates a span element containing an url as plain text.
 * @param {string} currLink    - the url
 * @param {string} currCaption - the text for the url
 * @param {number} curId       - the id for the span
 * @returns {HTMLSpanElement} the newly span element
function lgmPrepareLinkAsPlain(currLink, currCaption, curId) {
    // row for plain text
    const curPId = scriptID + "P" + curId;
    let plainLink = gmCreateObj(null, "span", curPId);
    gmSetAtI(plainLink, "data-href", currLink);
    plainLink = gmCreateObjCommon(plainLink, currLink, currCaption, null,
        function () {
            return false;
        null, null, null,
        function () {
            return true;
    return plainLink;

 * Creates a a element containing an url as plain text.
 * @param {string} currLink    - the url
 * @param {string} currCaption - the text for the url
 * @param {number} curId       - the id for the span
 * @return {HTMLAnchorElement} the newly a element
function lgmPrepareLinkAsLink(currLink, currCaption, curId) {
    // row for htmllink
    const curLId = scriptID + "L" + curId;
    const plainCaption = "[" + currLink + "]";
    const alink = gmCreateLink(null, curLId, currLink, currCaption, plainCaption, "_blank",
        function () {
            return false;
        function () {
            return true;
    gmSetAtI(alink, "data-title", currCaption);
    gmSetAtI(alink, FL_TAG, FL_ID);
    return alink;

 * Fills the container element with the result object.
 * @param {string|HTMLDivElement} oResultLinkDiv - the container element
 * @param {HTMLAnchorElement[]} arrLinksLink - array with the result objects
function lgmPrepareLinksInContainer(oResultLinkDiv, arrLinksLink) {
    for (let idxLinks = 0; idxLinks < arrLinksLink.length; idxLinks++) {
        gmAddObj(arrLinksLink[idxLinks], oResultLinkDiv);
        gmCreateObj(oResultLinkDiv, "br", null);

 * Select a result entry.
 * @param {HTMLElement} oEntry - a page element
function lgmSelectEntry(oEntry) {
    try {
        gmSelectText(oEntry, false);
    } catch (ex) {
const MAIN_FONT_TYPE = "Consolas"; //"Arial, Courier New";
const MAIN_FONT_SIZE = "10pt !important";
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const SCROLLBAR_CLR_RULER = "#a00000"; //"#e0e0e0";

const CSS_STYLE = `
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/* General Styles */
#gl-container, #gl-container input, #gl-container button, #gl-container div, #gl-container a:hover
    -moz-border-radius: 5px;
    border: 0 none ` + MAIN_FORMS_CLR_BORDER + `;
    border-image-outset: 0;
    border-image-repeat: stretch;
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    border-image-source: none;
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#gl-container input, #gl-container button
    color: ` + MAIN_FORMS_CLR_TEXT + `;
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    margin: 0;
    margin-right: 1px;
    max-height: ` + MAIN_FORMS_HEIGHT + `;
    min-height: ` + MAIN_FORMS_HEIGHT + `;
    padding: 0;
    text-align: left;
    vertical-align: top;
    white-space: nowrap;
#gl-container button
    padding: 0 3px;
#gl-container input:hover, #gl-container input:focus
    background-color: ` + FOCUS_CLR_BG + `;
#gl-container button:hover, #gl-container button:focus
    border-color: ` + MAIN_FORMS_CLR_BG + `;
    color: ` + HOVER1_CLR_TEXT + `;
    background-color: ` + HOVER1_CLR_BG + `;
#gl-container a
    background-color: ` + MAIN_FORMS_CLR_BG + `;
    color: ` + MAIN_FORMS_CLR_TEXT + `;
    font-family: ` + MAIN_FONT_TYPE + `;
    text-decoration: underline dotted ` + MAIN_FORMS_CLR_TEXT + `;
    white-space: nowrap;
#gl-container a:hover
    color: ` + HOVER1_CLR_TEXT + `;
    background-color: ` + HOVER1_CLR_BG + `;
    text-decoration: none transparent;
#gl-container #gl-searchbox, #gl-container #gl-actionbox, #gl-container #gl-resultbox
    border: transparent none 0;
    display: block;
    left: 0 !important;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    position: relative !important;
    top: 0 !important;
    white-space: nowrap;
#gl-container #gl-searchbox, #gl-container #gl-actionbox
    height: ` + MAIN_FORMS_HEIGHT + `;
    max-height: ` + MAIN_FORMS_HEIGHT + `;
    min-height: ` + MAIN_FORMS_HEIGHT + `;
/* Search Box */
#gl-container #gl-searchform input
    height: ` + MAIN_FORMS_HEIGHT + `;
    max-height: ` + MAIN_FORMS_HEIGHT + `;
    min-height: ` + MAIN_FORMS_HEIGHT + `;
    padding: 0 3px;
    text-align: left;
#gl-container #gl-searchform #gl-searchtext
    max-width: 115px;
    min-width: 50px;
#gl-container #gl-searchbox #gl-scount
    background-color: ` + MAIN_CLR_BG + `;
    font-size: smaller !important;
    max-width: 28px;
    min-width: 5px;
    text-align: center;
/* Action Box */
#gl-container #gl-actionbox #gl-awide
    margin-left: 6px;
/* Result Box */
#gl-container #gl-resultbox
    max-height: 99%;
    max-width: 225px;
    min-height: 1%;
    min-width: 225px;
    overflow: auto;
    width: 225px;
#gl-container #gl-resultbox #gl-resultplain, #gl-container #gl-resultbox #gl-resultlink
    background-color: ` + MAIN_FORMS_CLR_BG + `;
    border: transparent none 0;
    color: ` + MAIN_FORMS_CLR_TEXT + `;
    display: block;
    left: 0 !important;
    max-height: 99%;
    max-width: 225px;
    min-height: 1%;
    min-width: 225px;
    height: 96%;
    overflow-y: auto;
    overflow-x: auto;
    padding: 2px;
    position: absolute !important;
    scrollbar-color: ` + SCROLLBAR_CLR_RULER + ` ` + SCROLLBAR_CLR_BG + `;
    scrollbar-width: initial;
    top: 1px !important;
    width: 225px;
    white-space: nowrap;
#gl-container #gl-resultbox #gl-resultplain
    visibility: visible;
    z-index: 910;
#gl-container #gl-resultbox #gl-resultlink
    z-index: 909;
#gl-container #gl-resultbox table, #gl-container #gl-resultbox tr, #gl-container #gl-resultbox td, #gl-container #gl-resultbox span
    background-color: ` + MAIN_FORMS_CLR_BG + `;
    color: ` + MAIN_FORMS_CLR_TEXT + `;
    font-family: ` + MAIN_FONT_TYPE + `;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    white-space: nowrap;
#gl-container #gl-resultbox #gl-resultplain td, #gl-container #gl-resultbox #gl-resultplain span
    font-size: 9pt;
    line-height: 10pt;
#gl-container #gl-resultbox #gl-resultplain td:hover, #gl-container #gl-resultbox #gl-resultplain span:hover
    background-color: ` + HOVER2_CLR_BG + `;
    color: ` + HOVER2_CLR_TEXT + `;
#gl-container #gl-resultbox #gl-resultlink a
    font-size: 10pt;

//GM-Script specific code - END

// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols

 * Adds site which should be known by this script.
 * Can be left empty.
function lgm_addKnownSites() {
    gmAddSite("watch?", "(|.+?\.)youtube\..+?", ".*");
    gmAddSite("watch", "(|.+?\.)myvideo\..+?", ".*");
    gmAddSite("video", "(|.+?\.)dailymotion\..+?", ".*");
    gmAddSite("watch", "(|.+?\.)metacafe\..+?", ".*");
    gmAddSite("10", "devzone\\..+?\\.(net|eu)", "/test/gmonkey/.*");

 * Adds CSS-Styles for this script.
 * Can be left empty.
 * @return {boolean} always true
function lgm_addStyles() {
    return true;

 * Adds HTML-Objects for this script.
 * Can be left empty.
function lgm_addControls() {

 * The first action which should be excecuted in this script.
 * Can be left empty.
 * @return {boolean} always true
function lgm_addInitAction() {
    return true;


//GM-Script - END