Tumblr - Old / Custom Colors

Change the colors of your Tumblr dashboard.

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Tumblr - Old / Custom Colors
@namespace      https://greasyfork.org/users/673307
@version        2.3.0
@description    Change the colors of your Tumblr dashboard.
@author         BabblingFishes
@license        CC-BY-4.0
@namespace      https://greasyfork.org/users/673307
@homepageURL    https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/421966-tumblr-old-custom-colors
@preprocessor   stylus

@var color  mainBg          "Background (Navy)"                         rgb(54, 70, 93)
@var color  postBg          "Post Background (White)"                   rgb(255, 255, 255)
@var color  postText        "Post Text Color (Black)"                   rgb(0, 0, 0)
@var color  menuText        "Menu Text, Icons, & Scrollbar (White)"     rgb(255, 255, 255)
@var color  brightButton    "Bright Buttons (Blue)"                     rgb(82, 158, 204)
@var color  dullButton      "Dull Buttons (Gray)"                       rgb(157, 166, 175)
@var color  textPost        "Text Post (Gray/Black)"                    rgb(68, 68, 68)
@var color  photoPost       "Photo Post & Likes (Red)"                  rgb(217, 94, 64)
@var color  quotePost       "Quote Post (Gold)"                         rgb(242, 153, 46)
@var color  linkPost        "Link Post & Reblogs (Green)"               rgb(86, 188, 138)
@var color  chatPost        "Chat Post & Notifs (Blue)"                 rgb(82, 158, 204)
@var color  audioPost       "Audio Post (Purple)"                       rgb(167, 125, 194)
@var color  videoPost       "Video Post (Gray/Pink)"                    rgb(116, 128, 137)
@var color  miscColor       "Misc Color (Yellow)"                       rgb(232, 215, 56)
@var color  highlight       "Notes Highlight (Blue-white)"              rgb(243, 248, 251)
@var select fontFamily      "Font Face" {
    "Helvetica Neue (Old Font)":"'Helvetica Neue', HelveticaNeue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
    "Favorit (New Font)":"Favorit, 'Helvetica Neue', HelveticaNeue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
    "Dyslexic-friendly":"'open dyslexic', opendyslexic, dyslexie, 'comic sans ms', sans-serif",
    "Custom (enter below)":"customFontFamily"
@var text    customFontFamily  "Custom Font Face (if selected above)" "Font name here"
@var number  baseFontSize    "Base Text Size"                           14px

@var text    backgroundImage    'Background image URL (in "quotes")'   '""'
@var select  backgroundSettings  "Background image arrangement" {
    "Center & fit":"2",
    "Cover whole page":"3",
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("www.tumblr.com"){
/* Default settings reference:
    navy/mainBg                 | NEW: #001935  OLD: #36465d | main background
    white/postBg                | NEW: #ffffff  OLD: #ffffff | post background
    black/postText              | NEW: #000000  OLD: #000000 | post text
    white-on-dark/menuText      | NEW: #ffffff  OLD: #ffffff | header and sidebar text/icons
    accent/brightButton         | NEW: #00b8ff  OLD: #529ecc | buttons, notifications, other accents
    secondary-accent/dullButton | NEW: #9da6af  OLD: #9da6af | gray buttons
    red/photoPost               | NEW: #ff492f  OLD: #d95e40 | likes, photo posts
    orange/quotePost            | NEW: #ff8a00  OLD: #f2992e | quote posts
    yellow/miscColor            | NEW: #e8d738  OLD: n/a     | misc rainbow stuff
    green/linkPost              | NEW: #00cf35  OLD: #56bc8a | reblogs, link posts, some checkboxes
    blue/chatPost               | NEW: #00b8ff  OLD: #529ecc | replies, chat posts, follows
    purple/audioPost            | NEW: #7c5cff  OLD: #a77dc2 | mentions, audio posts
    pink/videoPost              | NEW: #ff62ce  OLD: #748089 | video posts
    follow/highlight            | NEW: #f3f8fb  OLD: n/a     | highlights notes from people you follow
    base-font-size/baseFontSize | NEW: 16       OLD: 14      | scales most text on the site (measured in px)

    :root {
        --navy: red(mainBg), green(mainBg), blue(mainBg);
        --white: red(postBg), green(postBg), blue(postBg);
        --black: red(postText), green(postText), blue(postText);
        --white-on-dark: red(menuText), green(menuText), blue(menuText);
        --red: red(photoPost), green(photoPost), blue(photoPost);
        --orange: red(quotePost), green(quotePost), blue(quotePost);
        --yellow: red(miscColor), green(miscColor), blue(miscColor);
        --green: red(linkPost), green(linkPost), blue(linkPost);
        --blue: red(chatPost), green(chatPost), blue(chatPost);
        --purple: red(audioPost), green(audioPost), blue(audioPost);
        --pink: red(videoPost), green(videoPost), blue(videoPost);
        --accent: red(brightButton), green(brightButton), blue(brightButton);
        --secondary-accent: red(dullButton), green(dullButton), blue(dullButton);
        --follow: red(highlight), green(highlight), blue(highlight);
        --font-family: fontFamily;
        --base-font-size: baseFontSize px;

    /* background image setup */

    if backgroundImage != "" {
        if backgroundSettings == 1 {
            body#tumblr, body#dashboard_messages_inbox, body#settings_actions_account {
                background-image: url(backgroundImage);
                background-repeat: no-repeat;
                background-position: bottom right;
                background-size: auto;
                background-attachment: fixed;
        } else if backgroundSettings == 2 {
            body#tumblr, body#dashboard_messages_inbox, body#settings_actions_account {
                background-image: url(backgroundImage);
                background-repeat: no-repeat;
                background-position: center;
                background-size: contain;
                background-attachment: fixed;
        } else if backgroundSettings == 3 {
            body#tumblr, body#dashboard_messages_inbox, body#settings_actions_account {
                background-image: url(backgroundImage);
                background-repeat: no-repeat;
                background-position: center;
                background-size: cover;
                background-attachment: fixed;
        } else if backgroundSettings == 4 {
            body#tumblr, body#dashboard_messages_inbox, body#settings_actions_account {
                background-image: url(backgroundImage);
                background-repeat: repeat;
                background-position: bottom right;
                background-size: auto;
                background-attachment: fixed;
        /* some quick hacks to make image backgrounds look better */

        body#tumblr, body#dashboard_messages_inbox, body#settings_actions_account {
            background-color: mainBg !important;

        ._3hOxd, .identity, .l-container.l-container--two-column-dashboard {
            background-color: #FF00FF00 !important;

        ._2vuYz, .fMT1l, ._2ejt5 {
            background-color: mainBg;
            padding:0.75em 0.5em;
            border-radius: 3px;
        ._2tcGG {
            /*padding:0.2em 0.5em;*/
            border-radius: 3px;
            border: mainBg 0.5em solid;
            margin-left: 0;
            margin-right: 0;

        ._1dYAZ, ._3RuXz, ._2N5O1._2n0Ak {
            background-color:mainBg !important;

        .l-container.l-container--two-column-dashboard .l-content {
            padding: 14px;
    /* 2021 font resizing */
    if not Favorit in fontFamily {

        ._3QBiZ, /* poster url */
        ._1l1OO, /* reblogged-from url */
        .r_IvO, /* content author url */
        ._2fO31, /* url "Follow" button */
        ._1beMk ._1vRw3 ._3mTpj, /* asker/answerer urls */
        ._1beMk ._1vRw3 .Q1_t9, /* "asked"/"answered" */
        ._3KQTj, /* post type labels for new posts */
        .cEdz4, /* next/previous buttons */
        ._3_A9F, /* timestamp on max_post_id pages*/
        ._1isbh ._2cw2D ._26wZT, /* post editor default text ("Go ahead, put anything") */
        .Ja1vd, /* suggested tags */
        ._3ntl_, /* account dropdown */
        .vBcUK, /* activity dropdown */
        ._2jE0P ._28V1j, /* chat dropdown your url */
        ._3TBjk ._1SqPY ._313XD, /* chat dropdown their url */
        ._1JRe2 ._1l88I, /* notes popup likes/reblogs count */
        ._3UKjj, /* notes popup poster/reblogged-from urls */
        ._9qOMn, /* queue page instructions */
        ._9qOMn select, /* queue page selection dropdowns */
        .R3Iuc, /* queue page shuffle button*/
        ._3QTu2, /* sidebar followed tags */
        ._35J-K  /* sidebar suggested blogs */
        ._3dTPo._2MvlR.M58hZ /* dashboard suggested blogs follow button */
            font-size: 1rem;
        ._3TBjk ._1SqPY ._28T7I, /* chat dropdown last message preview */
        ._2RHa3, /* hamburger menu "about/apps/legal/privacy" */
        ._1boKQ /* "sponsored" text */
            font-size: 0.9rem;
    /* this one is in a hardcoded-size box so let's just hardcode like a sane person: */    
    ._22l9r._2grvP._3MY-Y /* header notification count */
        font-size: 12.5px;
    /* obfuscated adjustments */
    ._2vAlC, /* reblog editor bg */
    ._3EFbU /* "Discard this post?" and other warning dialogue bgs (change when active?) */ 
        background-color: alpha(mainBg, 0.80) !important;
    .HZh8H._3fkvF /* pinned post footer text */
        color: linkPost !important;
    .HZh8H._3fkvF svg, /* pinned post footer icon */
    ._1Fg_n svg[fill="#00cf35"] /* avatar stamp reblog */
        fill: linkPost;
    ._1Fg_n svg[fill="#ff492f"] /* avatar stamp like */
        fill: photoPost;
    ._1Fg_n svg[fill="#00b8ff"] /* avatar stamp reply */
        fill: chatPost;
    ._1Fg_n svg[fill="#7c5cff"] /* avatar stamp mention */
        fill: audioPost;
    /* beta post options */

    .-Hj9- {
        background: rgb(audioPost);
    ._1LdA1._2Ll-6 {
        background: rgb(linkPost) !important;
    ._1F1cG._1iUPY {
        background: rgb(mainBg) !important;
    /* antique code still used on the settings page for some reason */

    /* Main Background */
    .l-container.l-container--two-column-dashboard .l-content,
    .l-container.l-container--two-column .l-content,
    .l-container.l-container--two-column-dashboard .left_column,
    .l-container.l-container--two-column-dashboard .right_column,
    .l-container.l-container--two-column .right_column,
    .post_avatar .post_avatar_link,
    .toastr .toast,
    .l-container.l-container--flex .l-content,
    .search_results_container .tumblelog_mask_item {
        background-color: mainBg;

    .identity .right_column::after {
        background: linear-gradient(180deg, mainBg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));

    .radar .radar_footer .radar_avatar::before {
        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), mainBg);

    .rapid-recs-container .rapid-recs {
        background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0, mainBg 15%, mainBg 85%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));

    .identity .controls_section.user_list li .follow_list_item_blog::before {
        background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), mainBg);
        border-right: 5px solid mainBg;

    #left_column .post_full .post_permalink,
    #search_posts .post_full .post_permalink {
        border-top-color: mainBg !important;
        border-right-color: mainBg !important;

    .tab-bar-container .tab_notice,
    .tab_notice .tab_notice_value,
    .plus-follow-button {
        color: mainBg;

    .tab-notice--outlined {
        border-color: mainBg;

    /* Transparent overlay background */
    body.flag--always-opaque-peepr .ui_peepr_glass,
    .ui_dialog_lock {
        background: alpha(mainBg, 0.80);

    .blue.glass {

        transition: background-color .2s linear;
        background: alpha(mainBg, 0.80);
        z-index: 160;

    .discover_actions_discover .elevator,
    .search_actions_search .elevator {
        background-color: alpha(mainBg, 0.80);

    /* Likes */
    .post_controls .post_control.like.liked::before,
    .post .post_animated_heart,
    .standalone-ad-container .post_animated_heart {
        color: photoPost;

    .notification_like .avatar_frame::before,
    .notes .note.like .avatar_frame::before,
    .ui_avatar .frame.like::before {
        background: photoPost;

    .like .post-activity-note-avatar .post-activity-avatar-link::after {
        background-color: photoPost;

    /* Cancel/Remove Buttons */
    .control-reblog-trail .remove-button,
    .editor .media-holder .media-killer {
        background: photoPost;
        border-color: photoPost;

    /* Reblogs */
    .post_controls .post_control.reblog.reblogged::before,
    .post .post_reblog_poof {
        color: linkPost;

    .reblog .post-activity-note-avatar .post-activity-avatar-link::after {
        background-color: linkPost;

    .notification_reblog .avatar_frame::before,
    .notes .note.reblog .avatar_frame::before,
    .ui_avatar .frame.reblog::before,
    .reblog-list-item .reblog-avatar.sub-icon-reblog::before {
        background: linkPost;

    /* Replies & Asks */
    .notification_reply .avatar_frame::before,
    .notification_photo_reply .avatar_frame::before,
    .notification_answer .avatar_frame::before,
    .notes .note.reply .avatar_frame::before,
    .notes .note.photo .avatar_frame::before,
    .notes .note.answer .avatar_frame::before,
    .notes .note.user_mention .avatar_frame::before,
    .ui_avatar .frame.reply::before {
        background: chatPost;

    .notification .notification_right .preview_frame.conversation,
    .ui_post_badge.conversation {
        background-color: chatPost;

    .answer .post-activity-note-avatar .post-activity-avatar-link::after,
    .reply .post-activity-note-avatar .post-activity-avatar-link::after {
        background-color: chatPost;

    /* Mentions */
    .notification_user_mention .avatar_frame::before,
    .notes .note.user_mention .avatar_frame::before,
    .ui_avatar .frame.user_mention::before,
    .ui_avatar .frame.note_mention::before {
        background: audioPost;

    /* Follows */
    .notification_follower .avatar_frame::before,
    .notification_group_member .avatar_frame::before,
    .notes .note.follower .avatar_frame::before,
    .ui_avatar .frame.follower::before {
        background: quotePost;

    /* Notification Flags, Buttons, and Other Bright Blue Things */
    .popover--reblog-graph .reblog-graph-info-button,
    .messaging-conversation--open .conversation-compose .compose-text-input-container .submit-button .submit,
    .messaging-conversation--open .conversation-compose .compose-text-input-container .submit-button .submit,
    .post-activity-reply .submit,
    .search-follow-button .follow-text,
    .worded-follow-button .follow-text,
    .post-content-text .tmblr-truncated .tmblr-truncated-link,
    .post-content-text .tmblr-truncated::after,
    .post .post_body .tmblr-truncated .tmblr-truncated-link,
    .post .post_body .tmblr-truncated::after,
    .reblog-content .tmblr-truncated .tmblr-truncated-link, .reblog-content .tmblr-truncated::after,
    .ui_notes .activity-notification .activity-notification__activity .activity-notification__activity_message .activity-notification__activity_reply .activity-notification__activity_reply_link,
    .messaging-inbox .inbox-compose-toggle .compose-start,
    .ui_notes .activity-notification .activity-notification__icon .note_follow,
    .post .post_content_inner.safemode .link,
    .post .post_content_inner.tagfiltering .link,
    .post-form--tag-editor .tag-label.hover-style,
    .post-form--tag-editor .tag-label.selected,
    .reblog_follow_button .follow-text,
    .worded-follow-button .follow-text,
    .blog-selector-container .selected-blog .caret.is-open,
    .messaging-inbox .inbox-conversations .is-unread.inbox-conversation .name-container {
        color: brightButton;

    .logged-out-header .signup-button,
    .logged-out-header .signup-button:active,
    .logged-out-header .signup-button:focus,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button:active,
    .ui_dialog .chrome.blue,
    .messaging-conversation--open .conversation-header:not(.has-image),
    .messaging-conversation--open .conversation-header:not(.has-image),
    .bubbles > div.active {
        background-color: brightButton;

    .yahoo-view-link-container .yahoo-view-link,
    .selected .tab_notice,
    .blog-selector-container .selected-blog .caret.has-badge,
    .tumblr_settings .blocked_blogs .tag-pill,
    .binary_switch input[type="checkbox"]:checked ~ .binary_switch_track {
        background: brightButton;

    .compose-button {
        fill: brightButton;

    .chrome.blue:active {
        border-color: brightButton;

    .chrome.blue:active {
        filter: saturate(50%);

    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .button-area.disabled,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .button-area.disabled.active,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .button-area[disabled],
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .button-area[disabled]:active,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .dropdown-area.disabled,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .dropdown-area.disabled.active,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .dropdown-area[disabled],
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .dropdown-area[disabled]:active,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button:active,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .button-area,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .dropdown-area,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .button-area:focus,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .dropdown-area:focus,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .button-area:active,
    .post-form--controls .controls-container .post-form--save-button .split-button .dropdown-area:active {
        border-color: brightButton;
        background-color: brightButton;

    .field_row_shape .flat_radio input[type=radio]:checked~.flat_radio_marker {
        border-color: brightButton;
        background-color: lightness(brightButton, 80%);

    .flat_radio input[type="radio"]:focus ~ .flat_radio_marker {
     border-color: brightButton;

    .editor .over-bottom:after,
    .editor .over-top:before {
        background-color: brightButton;

    /* Dull (mostly used for toggles that are turned off */
    .chrome {
        border-color: dullButton;
        border-bottom-color: dullButton;
        background: dullButton;

    .binary_switch .binary_switch_track {
        background-color: dullButton;

    .logged-out-header .login-button,
    .logged-out-header .login-button:active,
    .logged-out-header .login-button:focus {
        background-color: dullButton;
        color: mainBg;

    /* Active Buttons */
    .tumblr_settings--account .account-sessions .current .bold-copy {
        color: linkPost;

    .chrome.green {
        border-color: linkPost;

    /* Text Posts */
    .new_post_label i.icon_post_text {
        color: textPost;

    .ui_notes .activity-notification .activity-notification__icon .ui_post_badge.regular,
    .notification .notification_right .preview_frame.regular,
    .notification .notification_right .preview_frame.regular,
    .ui_notes .activity-notification .activity-notification__icon .ui_post_badge.ask_answer {
        background-color: textPost;

    /* Photo Posts */
    .new_post_label i.icon_post_photo {
        color: photoPost;

    /* Quote Posts */
    .new_post_label i.icon_post_quote {
        color: quotePost;

    .post_micro.is_quote .post_content {
        background: quotePost;

    .ui_notes .activity-notification .activity-notification__icon .ui_post_badge.quote,
    .notification .notification_right .preview_frame.quote,
    .ui_post_badge.quote {
        background-color: quotePost;

    /* Link Posts */
    .new_post_label i.icon_post_link {
        color: linkPost;

    .post_micro.is_link .post_content {
        background: linkPost;

    .ui_notes .activity-notification .activity-notification__icon .ui_post_badge.link,
    .notification .notification_right .preview_frame.link,
    .ui_post_badge.link {
        background-color: linkPost;

    /* Chat Posts */
    .new_post_label i.icon_post_chat {
        color: chatPost;

    .post_micro.is_chat .post_content {
        background: chatPost;

    .ui_notes .activity-notification .activity-notification__icon .ui_post_badge.conversation,
    .notification .notification_right .preview_frame.conversation,
    .ui_notes .activity-notification .activity-notification__icon .ui_post_badge.conversation {
        background-color: chatPost;

    /* Audio Posts */
    .new_post_label i.icon_post_audio {
        color: audioPost;

    .post_micro.is_audio .post_content {
        background: audioPost;

    .ui_notes .activity-notification .activity-notification__icon .ui_post_badge.audio,
    .notification .notification_right .preview_frame.audio,
    .ui_post_badge.audio {
        background-color: audioPost;

    /* Video Posts */
    .new_post_label i.icon_post_video {
        color: videoPost;

    /* This is a hack on tumblr's end that I'm electing to remove instead of fix */
    .identity .controls_section.user_list li:active .follow_list_item_blog::before,
    .identity .controls_section.user_list li:hover .follow_list_item_blog::before,
    .identity .user_list li:hover .follow_list_item_blog::before {
        background-image: none;
        border-right: none;
