
显示Pubmed中IF;选中doi搜索sci-hub下载文档; 谷歌学术中显示IF。

// ==UserScript==
// @name        PubMedy
// @version     1.0.6
// @description 显示Pubmed中IF;选中doi搜索sci-hub下载文档; 谷歌学术中显示IF。
// @author      xsan
// @namespace
// @require
// @include     *
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant       GM_setClipboard
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_getValue
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// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant       unsafeWindow
// @grant       GM_openInTab
// @run-at      document-end
// ==/UserScript==

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                html += "<span><a class='pubmedy-impactfactor-citation' href='#' data-id='"+pmid+"'><b>Citation</b></a></span>";
                html += "</p></div>";
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                        showbar = 1;
                    showbar = 1;
                    var html = "<div class='pubmedy-impactfactor-tinybox'><p>";
                    html += "<span><b>IF:</b>"+jnscore+"</span>";
                        html += "<span><a target='_blank' href='"+default_server+doi+"'>Full Text(PDF)</a></span>";
                    html += "</p></div>";
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            method: "GET",
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                'User-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible)',
                'Accept': 'application/atom+xml,application/xml,text/xml',
            onload: function(resp){
                var summary = jQuery.parseJSON(resp['responseText']);
                var title = summary["result"][pmid]["title"];
                var journal = summary["result"][pmid]["source"];
                var volume = summary["result"][pmid]["volume"];
                var issue = summary["result"][pmid]["issue"];
                var pubdate = summary["result"][pmid]["pubdate"];
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                var pages = summary["result"][pmid]["pages"];
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                    authors = xxauthors.join(", ")+", et al";
                    authors = authors.join(", ")+"";
                var d = new Array();
                    d.push(title.replace(/\.$/, ''));
                    if(volume && issue){
                var citation = d.join(". ");
             onerror: function(response){
function getSelectionText(){
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	return selectedText
function changeSciHub() {
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    let newscihub = prompt("Please input a new Sci-Hub url. Leave it blank to get a new URL automatically", default_server);
    if (newscihub != null && newscihub !== "") {
        try {
            if (!fIsUrL(newscihub)) {
                alert("Invalid URL");
            GM_setValue("scihub-server", newscihub);
        } catch (e) {
            alert("Could not set value.");
    } else {
            method: "GET",
            url: String.fromCharCode.apply(String, [47, 47, 119, 119, 119, 46, 110, 111, 118, 111, 112, 114, 111, 46, 99, 110, 47, 115, 99, 105, 104, 117, 98, 47]),
            headers: {
                'User-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible)',
                'Accept': 'application/atom+xml,application/xml,text/xml',
            onload: function (resp) {
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                try {
                    if (!fIsUrL(newscihub)) {
                        alert("Invalid URL");
                    GM_setValue("scihub-server", newscihub);
                } catch (e) {
                    alert("Could not set value.");
            onerror: function (response) {
                // console.log("请求失败");
                alert('Failed! I am afraid you have to set the sci-hub URL manually.')
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function fIsUrL(sUrl) {
    var sRegex = '^((https|http)?://)' + '?(([0-9a-z_!~*\'().&=+$%-]+: )?[0-9a-z_!~*\'().&=+$%-]+@)?' //ftp的user@ 
        + '(([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}' // IP形式的URL- 
        + '|' // 允许IP和DOMAIN(域名) 
        + '([0-9a-z_!~*\'()-]+.)*' // 域名- www. 
        + '([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]{0,61})?[0-9a-z].' // 二级域名 
        + '[a-z]{2,6})' // first level domain- .com or .museum 
        + '(:[0-9]{1,4})?' // 端口- :80 
        + '((/?)|' // a slash isn't required if there is no file name 
        + '(/[0-9a-z_!~*\'().;?:@&=+$,%#-]+)+/?)$';
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    return false;
function getJnScorefromDOI(doi,ele){
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        url:"" + doi + "&resultType=lite&cursorMark=*&pageSize=5&format=json",
        headers: {
            'User-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible)',
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        onload: function(resp){
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            // console.log(epmcObj);
            var num = epmcObj['hitCount'];
                var journalTitle = epmcObj.resultList.result[0].journalTitle;
                var jnscore = jn2score(journalTitle);
         onerror: function(response){
        //   console.log("请求失败");

function getCitationNum(pmid, ele) {
    var num = 0;
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        url:"" + pmid + "/citations?page=1&pageSize=100&format=json",
        headers: {
            'User-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible)',
            'Accept': 'application/atom+xml,application/xml,text/xml',
        onload: function(resp){
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            // console.log(epmcObj);
            num = epmcObj['hitCount'];
                var citationList = new Array();
                for(var i=0; i<epmcObj.citationList.citation.length;i++){
                    var d = new Array();
                    var xx = epmcObj.citationList.citation[i];
                    d.push("PMID:<a href='//""'>""</a>")
                GM_setValue('citationList', JSON.stringify(citationList));
                $(ele).after('<a href="#" class="pubmedy-view-citation-list"><img src=""/></a>');
         onerror: function(response){
        //   console.log("请求失败");

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function jn2score(jn){
    var words =['bell', 'labs', 'tech', 'j', 'scandia', 'tijdschr', 'diergeneeskd', 'nat', 'hist', 'aerosp', 'am', 'z', 'ethnol', 'dtsch', 'lebensmitt', 'rundsch', 'zeitgesch', 'univ', 'pittsbg', 'law', 'rev', 'int', 'surg', 'lab', 'cattle', 'pract', 'historiogr', 'linguist', 'minn', 'symp', 'child', 'psychol', 'ser', 'drugs', 'future', 'west', 'indian', 'med', 'psychoanal', 'cincinnati', 'magy', 'allatorvosok', 'lapja', 'prog', 'tumor', 'res', 'kuwait', 'orale', 'implantol', 'southwest', 'ger', 'stud', 'issues', 'onkologe', '(berl)', 'clin', 'exp', 'obstet', 'gynecol', 'libr', 'bibliothekswes', 'bibliogr', 'srp', 'arh', 'celok', 'lek', 'osteuropa', 'vojnosanit', 'pregl', 'acta', 'bioeth', 'hong', 'kong', 'paediatr', 'mater', 'perform', 'chem', 'ind', 'ethical', 'perspect', 'arch', 'theor', 'biol', 'forum', 'hum', 'genet', 'korean', 'econ', 'north', 'sampe', 'langages', 'anal', 'quant', 'cytopathol', 'histpathol', 'arctic', 'anthropol', 'biopharm', 'gend', 'biotechnol', 'rep', 'wien', 'tierarztl', 'monatsschr', 'interdiscip', 'sci', 'laeknabladid', 'pop', 'cult', 'acupunct', 'electrother', 'cathol', 'univers', 'eur', 'engl', 'soc', '(new', 'york)', 'papeles', 'poblac', 'iran', 'radiol', 'virologie', 'gynaecol', 'oncol', 'curr', 'sante', 'earth', 'war', 'ashrae', 'hung', 'tidsskr', 'samfunnsforsk', 'semiotica', 'estud', 'anat', 'india', 'pediatr', 'infect', 'dis', 'electron', 'commun', 'jpn', 'labour', 'centaurus', 'lymphology', 'b-ent', 'kinderheilkd', 'neurol', 'asia', 'fr', 'southeast', 'asian', 'trop', 'public', 'health', 'hippokratia', 'psychiatr', 'ann', 'microw', '(int', 'ed)', 'publique', '(paris)', 'pathol', 'chir', 'orthop', 'traumatol', 'cech', 'pflege', 'invest', 'cir', 'inflamm', 'comp', 'fam', 'afr', 'cent', 'contemp', 'aust', 'candollea', 'entwicklungspsychol', 'padagog', 'environ', 'ethics', 'anim', 'mouv', 'ber', 'wiss', 'berl', 'soziol', 'teach', 'esp', 'apl', 'slov', 'vet', 'zb', 'educ', 'leadersh', 'sport', 'perf', 'latinoam', 'lang', '(taipei)', 'belg', 'actes', 'rech', 'world', 'nutr', 'diet', 'endeavour', 'vopr', 'psikhol', 'vic', 'mod', 'turk', 'phys', 'rehabil', 'n', 'ther', 'polyn', 'food', 'technol', 'sociol', 'trav', 'evol', 'scott', 'souls', 'top', 'geriatr', 'neurophysiology', 'pneumol', 'biomed', '(res', 'news)', 'lexikos', 'philos', 'speech', 'bull', 'geo', 'space', 'rec', 'min', 'prax', 'kinderpsychol', 'kinderpsychiatr', 'eng', 'histotechnol', 'neurosci', 'oper', 'sports', 'polit', 'ekon', 'infrared', 'millimeter', 'waves', 'isr', 'ecol', 'munch', 'wochenschr', 'middle', 'east', 'pteridines', 'appl', 'math', 'mech', 'solids', 'ambix', 'can', 'popul', 'in', 'dent', 'contin', 'chang', 'imaging', 'biochem', 'physiol', 'inq', 'legal', 'trimest', '(ahmedabad)', 'women', '(oxf)', 'bariatr', 'patient', 'care', 'behav', 'homel', 'secur', 'emerg', 'manag', 'urol', 'thought', 'columbia', 'probl', 'balkan', 'q', 'markov', 'process', 'relat', 'fields', 'heart', 'aktuelle', '(roma)', 'ter', 'arkh', 'gen', 'evid', 'based', 'psychother', 'russ', 'mar', 'stat', 'interface', 'dialogues', 'art', 'balt', 'cadmos', 'pac', 'knot', 'theory', 'ramif', 'mon', 'red', 'crescent', 'br', 'hosp', 'agric', 'austrian', 'yearb', 'bol', 'malariol', 'salud', 'ambient', 'theol', 'p', 'r', 'entomol', 'news', 'archit', 'plann', 'notf', 'rett', 'contrib', 'policy', 'trace', 'elem', 'electrolytes', 'cepal', 'watch', 'discret', 'comput', 'vierteljahresschr', 'aquat', 'insects', 'hered', 'her', 'acad', 'interciencia', 'ieice', 'trans', 'inf', 'syst', 'urban', 'noise', 'control', 'novon', '(st', 'louis)', 'pol', 'pharm', 'psychotherapeut', 'mal', 'respir', 'italy', 'radiologe', 'scand', 'rocky', 'mt', 'influ', 'prod', 'ethiop', 'dev', 'avian', 'psikiyatri', 'derg', 'surv', 'isokinet', 'exerc', 'polity', 'early', 'pres', 'malays', 'cesk', 'sportpsychol', 'occup', 'ital', 'enterp', 'parasitol', 'lit', 'vis', 'impair', 'blind', 'resour', 'serv', 'nurs', 'colect', 'palest', 'representations', '(berkeley)', 'psychiatry', 'zoo', 'wildl', 'mde', 'manage', 'decis', 'orv', 'hetil', 'dermatol', 'venereol', 'morphol', 'aatcc', 'annee', 'sociologus', 'psicol', 'organ', 'comb', 'crit', 'folia', 'phoniatr', 'logop', 'biomater', 'tissue', 'algebra', 'wulfenia', 'nephrol', 'hard', 'fem', 'approaches', '(toulouse)', 'rethink', 'artery', 'adansonia', 'chilena', 'infectol', 'dysmorphol', 'group', 'doct', 'diabetes', 'ctries', 'black', 'study', 'hemoglobin', 'community', 'paedagog', 'convex', 'cosmet', 'chil', 'topol', 'croat', 'nanotechnol', 'pseudodiffer', 'employ', 'couns', 'natl', 'insect', 'biophys', '(bratisl)', 'heroin', 'addict', 'mex', 'mycotaxon', 'northeast', '(steuben)', 'opt', 'lasers', 'pollut', 'oral', 'semin', 'roentgenol', 'mikrobiyol', 'bul', 'radioprotection', 'australas', 'patterns', 'prejudice', '(prague)', 'lat', 's', 'primatol', 'posthum', 'protozool', 'differ', 'geom', 'phi', 'delta', 'kappan', 'ethik', 'invert', 'gastroenterol', 'malacol', 'exact', 'crustaceana', 'cas', 'cytol', 'concepts', 'magn', 'reson', 'part', 'a', 'bridg', 'herpetol', 'chur', 'pak', 'exot', 'pet', 'nutraceutical', 'fish', 'glas', 'mat', 'interpret', 'transl', 'train', 'ortop', 'bras', 'cartogr', 'assoc', 'wilson', 'ornithol', 'context', 'probab', 'caribb', 'cogn', 'condens', 'matter', 'gac', 'zoosystema', 'dedic', 'waterbirds', 'invertebr', 'reprod', 'ment', 'pathologe', '(praha)', 'crystallogr', 'plant', 'regist', 'rights', 'durh', 'c', 'jundishapur', 'microbiol', 'work', 'grundwasser', 'fetal', 'stoch', 'model', 'graphs', 'neurocirugia', 'schweiz', 'tierheilkd', 'violence', 'vict', 'malawi', 'labor', 'assist', 'inferm', 'ric', 'herzogia', 'psikholog', 'zh', 'phon', 'klin', 'monbl', 'augenheilkd', 'obshch', 'argent', 'nonparametr', 'radic', 'cold', 'ichthyol', 'dissent', 'arq', 'oftalmol', '0', 'tappi', 'discrete', 'gerontol', 'zool', 'manchester', 'sch', 'conserv', 'cornell', 'leis', 'orthod', 'spectr', 'port', 'agrar', 'niger', 'post', 'keynes', 'androl', 'moral', 'society', 'zygon', 'ling', 'ethnohistory', 'okayama', 'herpetozoa', 'south', 'inst', 'metall', 'medicc', 'pesqui', 'agropecu', 'statistics', '(ber)', 'centr', 'buffalo', 'podiatr', 'workshop', 'algorithmica', 'b', 'proc', 'suppl', 'adv', 'intell', 'data', 'slavic', 'compd', 'animat', 'virtual', 'worlds', 'wash', 'hematop', 'jahrb', 'okon', 'inform', 'cardiovasc', 'lepr', 'menninger', 'qual', 'stanford', 'geburtshilfe', 'neonatol', 'heterocycles', 'horttechnology', 'quim', 'nova', 'ferroelectrics', 'found', 'dokl', 'form', 'methods', 'des', 'symb', 'helminthologia', 'log', 'pers', 'biostat', 'biomol', 'nmr', 'assign', 'lett', 'psycholinguist', 'midl', 'mediterr', 'cesifo', 'plan', 'inference', 'mammalia', 'metrika', 'methodol', 'anz', 'electromagn', 'proteomics', 'human', 'hautarzt', 'bioorgan', 'nonlinear', 'comm', 'app', 'open', 'life', '(krakow)', 'period', 'hisp', '(harlow)', 'camb', 'ophthalmologe', 'univers.', 'new', 'music', 'hepat', 'integral', 'transform', 'spec', 'funct', 'leg', 'psychosoc', 'americas', '(engl', 'sigmod', 'minerva', 'cardioangiol', 'sage', 'equine', 'wis', 'l', 'number', 'biotheor', 'hypn', 'welfare', 'subst', 'use', 'acquis', 'astron', 'pan-pac', 'assess', '(c)', 'def', 'zentralbl', 'repub', 'rheumatol', '(medellin)', 'interv', 'suisse', 'aeronaut', 'ref', 'ultrasound', 'ieee', 'pulse', 'complex', 'adult', 'stand', 'cybern', 'materwiss', 'werksttech', 'publica', 'mamm', 'spectrosc', 'forensic', 'sex', 'siam', 'geneva', 'risk', 'insur', 'verbrauch', 'lebensm', 'migr', '(newark)', 'distrib', 'parallel', 'databases', 'ecosyst', 'nagoya', 'danub', 'cancer', 'rom', 'dyn', 'soil', 'amazon', 'pr', 'loss', 'trauma', 'state', 'pure', 'bioinform', 'eval', 'radiat', 'prot', 'dosimetry', 'swiss', 'interfaces', '(providence)', 'nord', 'pulp', 'paper', 'phonology', 'program', 'autism', 'disabil', 'dreaming', 'artif', 'compass', 'mol', 'org', 'deaf', 'polym', 'acoust', 'pap', 'interne', 'transplant', 'dig', 'nanomater', 'biostruct', 'psych', 'lond', 'freshw', 'audio', 'ramanujan', 'virol', 'coast', 'thermophys', 'lifetime', 'cytologia', '(tokyo)', 'unfall', 'sydowia', 'hiv', 'for', 'expert', 'opin', 'orphan', 'perianesth', 'allied', '(lahore)', 'career', 'transit', 'except', 'individ', 'biologia', 'orthopade', 'fiber', 'fabr', 'crim', 'case', 'time', 'optomechatronics', 'mil', 'back', 'musculoskelet', 'few', 'body', 'relig', 'approx', 'rhythm', 'nippon', 'welf', 'an', 'sist', 'sanit', 'navar', 'nurse', 'neurocase', 'past', 'present', 'helicopter', 'biocontrol', 'stratigr', 'geol', 'correl', 'trends', 'mag', 'aquac', 'read', 'writ', 'polar', '(gr', 'brit)', 'acarologia', 'optim', 'choice', 'zoolog', 'guid', 'counc', 'ursus', 'off', 'prep', 'proced', 'otol', 'raptor', 'aorn', 'psychosom', 'aequ', 'acm', 'transact', 'autom', 'ontol', 'europ', 'histochem', 'cytobiol', 'carbohydr', 'macroheterocycles', 'complut', 'intellect', 'conscious', 'prison', 'disord', 'geog', 'anestesiol', 'kolner', 'soz', 'sozpsychol', 'vasc', 'endovascular', 'actas', 'hamostaseologie', 'postcommunist', 'justice', 'test', 'postepy', 'hig', 'dosw', 'rheol', 'lc', 'gc', 'expo', 'hastings', 'ration', 'emot', 'physiother', 'demogr', 'economics', 'padiatr', 'adolesc', 'abuse', 'scan', 'first', 'pharmacol', 'fennici', 'biorheology', 'gener', 'hypermedia', 'multimed', 'acarol', 'learn', 'motiv', 'numer', 'ethnography', 'ultrason', '(2001)', 'geochronometria', 'kennedy', 'zoosyst', 'biopsychosoc', 'drug', 'aff', 'cells', '(seoul)', 'photopolym', 'nations', 'heavy', 'veh', 'saudi', 'dan', 'genes', 'aggress', 'fluid', 'simul', 'oxf', 'powder', 'diffr', 'prev', 'innov', 'regul', 'graph', 'analog', 'integr', 'circuits', 'signal', 'tax', 'financ', 'sleep', 'rhythms', 'inverse', 'ill', 'posed', 'adapt', 'abus', 'potato', 'igpl', 'econom', 'shellfish', 'hefte', 'aided', 'conf', 'perinat', 'neonatal', 'altern', 'laterality', 'japan', 'ginekol', 'mosq', 'electrocardiol', 'cap', 'softw', 'tools', 'transf', 'communist', 'post-communist', 'cytojournal', 'macroecon', 'hortic', 'poverty', 'manpow', 'craniofac', 'geogr', 'phonol', 'acust', 'united', 'cardiol', 'hand', 'ren', 'rhetor', 'neurosurg', 'healthc', 'var', 'change', 'neth', 'bioeng', 'biomech', 'holist', 'sin', 'compost', 'util', 'coll', 'infor', 'fla', 'span', 'yonago', 'adulthood', 'prim', 'micro', 'nano', 'disaster', 'recent', 'pat', 'knowl', 'sustain', 'chall', 'shar', 'connect', '(2016)', 'onderstepoort', 'prof', 'interact', 'nucl', 'disp', 'hell', 'companion', 'bot', 'struct', '(korean', 'sci)', 'linear', 'glob', '(dordr)', 'ultrastruct', 'breed', 'liq', 'chromatogr', 'army', 'corps', 'ethol', 'young', 'colomb', 'hno', 'iet', 'multiscale', 'iowa', 'longit', 'course', 'metroeconomica', 'phonetica', 'quart', 'epistemol', 'action', '(heidelb)', 'nautilus', '(philadelphia)', 'tor', 'arkivoc', 'positivity', 'phytotaxa', 'neuropsiquiatr', 'bus', 'cases', 'arab', 'grana', 'poult', 'motor', 'd', 'electr', 'online', 'behaviour', 'cien', 'saude', 'colet', 'biosemiotics', 'geodiversitas', 'cutis', 'fordham', 'ing', 'neerl', 'tex', 'neurochir', 'anaesthesist', '(phila)', 'offender', 'criminol', 'minim', 'invasive', 'transp', 'odonatol', 'front', 'china', 'herz', 'kidney', 'chin', 'magnes', 'cytogenet', 'constr', 'race', 'environmetrics', 'apher', 'dial', 'conn', 'elect', 'inequal', 'sao', 'paulo', 'random', 'algorithms', '(san', 'antonio)', 'dermatovenerol', 'toxicol', 'braz', 'meas', 'g', 'heterocycl', 'correct', 'rehabilitation', 'wirel', 'maxillofac', 'forens', 'wideochir', 'inne', 'maloinwazyjne', 'clifford', 'algebr', 'outlook', 'immunol', 'infant', 'crop', 'aging', 'comut', 'trade', 'mitochondrial', 'dna', 'mapp', 'seq', 'bank', 'geospat', 'poor', 'underserved', 'high', 'temp', 'press', 'aten', 'primaria', 'thorac', 'complement', 'imagen', 'color', 'pest', 'blood', 'monit', 'ethnobiol', 'water', 'polimery', 'zdr', 'varst', 'ir', 'pestic', 'palaeontol', 'dermatopathol', 'hortscience', 'geochem', 'neuropathol', 'small', 'politics', 'ophthalmol', 'land', 'consult', 'aircr', 'arthropod', 'borne', 'atl', 'genome', 'queueing', 'endod', 'turc', 'reconfigurable', 'iete', 'vector', 'nanosci', 'immunogenet', 'noninvasive', 'hypertens', 'quimioter', 'amphib', 'reptile', 'city', 'saf', 'diagn', 'extremes', '(boston)', 'multivar', 'radioanal', 'zookeys', 'corpus', 'pragmat', 'eurasip', 'bionics', 'daedalus', 'botany', 'rural', 'remote', '(basel)', 'cell', 'fisc', 'arts', 'sens', 'netw', 'bryol', 'archaeol', 'classif', 'protein', 'pept', 'asabe', 'otolaryngol', 'copeia', 'microprocess', 'microsyst', 'results', 'persons', 'severe', 'disabl', '(camb)', 'postgrad', 'constraints', 'supreme', 'court', 'access', 'discov', 'neuroethics', 'mycoscience', 'mass', 'spectrom', 'models', '(chichester)', 'vocat', 'hypothermia', 'civ', 'biotecnol', 'househ', 'phytopathol', '(1986)', 'foot', 'ankle', 'equ', 'u', 'k', 'reumatol', 'reg', 'needs', 'quantum', 'elec', '(woodbury)', 'riv', 'psichiatr', 'genetica', 'assay', 'genomics', 'promot', 'ethn', 'boll', 'paleontol', 'energy', 'density', 'eurasian', 'osiris', 'throughput', 'screen', 'haematol', 'divers', 'geobios', 'mem', 'near', 'syndromol', 'heat', 'biodemography', '(tor)', 'capabil', 'palliat', 'transfus', 'irrig', 'drain', 'aeroacoust', 'biotech', 'coagul', 'fibrinolysis', 'fly', '(austin)', 'leiden', 'antennas', 'propag', 'biosoc', 'osteopath', 'semant', 'viewp', 'indiana', 'celebr', 'circumpolar', 'perception', 'weld', 'physician', 'agromedicine', 'wetl', 'anatol', 'games', 'phytokeys', 'workplace', 'osteoarchaeol', 'hyg', 'intervent', 'manipulative', 'dual', 'thermogr', 'wirtschgeogr', 'hematol', 'notre', 'dame', 'growth', 'coach', 'intervirology', 'plast', 'topics', 'power', 'george', 'washington', 'anorg', 'allg', 'otorhinolaryngol', 'survival', '(lond)', 'geobot', 'supercond', 'nov', 'percept', 'mot', 'skills', 'psychophysiol', 'biofeedback', 'media', 'allergy', 'shock', 'sediment', 'contam', 'tour', 'crime', 'empir', 'crustacean', 'xray', 'citizensh', 'psychoeduc', 'stratif', 'mobil', 'zygote', 'wildlife', 'facial', 'pain', 'headache', 'pension', 'chim', 'evaluation', 'poetics', '(amst)', 'photogramm', 'sensing', 'soft', 'wood', 'ibm', 'field', 'laser', 'limnol', 'clim', '(singap)', 'solution', 'rumin', 'or', 'mind', 'allergol', 'immunopathol', '(madr)', 'epileptic', 'mark', 'card', 'electrophysiol', 'endocrinol', 'metab', 'geosci', 'cienc', 'neuropsychiatry', 'fire', 'herpetologica', 'tomogr', 'biosci', 'creat', 'foraminifer', 'at', 'doc', 'libyan', 'neuropharmacol', 'ethnicities', 'ethnogr', 'princ', 'enfermagem', 'fundam', 'oleo', 'radio', 'low', 'genit', 'tract', 'ageing', 'ophthalmic', 'plasma', 'range', 'forage', 'pharmacogn', 'glycosci', 'glycotechnol', 'strain', 'phase', 'equilibria', 'diffus', 'melb', 'prehosp', 'vascular', 'twin', 'radiochim', 'singap', 'endokrynol', '(swansea)', 'build', 'seismol', 'mobilization', 'social', 'tsinghua', 'neotrop', 'scanning', 'bit', 'palaeobot', 'palynol', 'biodivers', 'reconstr', 'dir', 'coron', 'report', 'aip', 'organs', 'gerodontology', 'genomic', 'aapos', 'psychopathol', 'entertain', 'renew', 'auton', 'agent', 'multi', 'inj', 'contr', 'men', 'masc', 'biomarkers', 'supramol', 'cleft', 'palate', 'kardiol', 'interwencyjnej', 'deviant', 'monatsh', 'hip', 'arthrosc', 'youth', 'info', 'built', 'brain', 'elder', 'negl', 'multiling', 'multicult', 'singapore', 'naturae', 'spacecr', 'rockets', 'lichenologist', 'clay', 'miner', 'death', 'alergol', 'micropaleontol', 'prosthet', 'orthot', 'exceptionality', 'adhes', 'treat', 'eff', 'improv', 'well-being', 'anaesth', 'analg', 'cutan', '(springfield)', 'intern', 'pattern', 'recognit', 'hypotheses', 'wu', 'li', 'hua', 'xue', 'bao', 'traffic', 'extrem', 'wounds', 'cardiopulm', 'ocul', 'hec', 'green', 'impot', 'cytochem', 'ans', 'feline', 'enzymol', 'neuroreport', 'dosim', 'jetp', 'income', 'wealth', 'eye', 'mov', 'preserv', 'spat', 'microelectronics', 'std', 'aids', '(bangalore)', 'device', 'reliab', 'cultiv', '(2004)', 'cad', 'reptil', 'orthopedics', 'coord', 'explor', 'embryol', 'settings', 'bmc', 'cost', 'alloc', 'indones', 'their', 'carbonates', 'evaporites', 'nanophotonics', 'mycobiology', 'biom', 'antarct', 'metaphor', 'renin', 'angiotensin', 'aldosterone', 'insectes', 'instrum', 'obsessive', 'compuls', 'modelling', 'biochim', 'marital', 'commons', 'hydrobiol', 'vitaminol', 'ndt', 'e', 'immigr', 'minor', 'wilderness', 'alt', 'reason', 'strategy', 'fitness', 'tob', 'induc', 'neurophysiol', 'clinics', 'synthese', 'solid', 'cliometrica', 'neurogenet', 'transcult', 'tohoku', 'fourier', 'hous', 'signs', '(chic)', 'mineral', 'implant', 'strength', 'cond', 'optom', 'refug', 'phytochem', 'quintessence', 'petrol', 'molluscan', 'activ', 'surf', 'indic', 'spectros', 'phenomena', 'nematol', 'finance', 'account', 'perinatol', 'image', 'video', 'austr', 'neuropsychol', 'chimia', '(aarau)', 'economica', 'neuroradiol', 'aci', 'discourse', 'henri', 'poincare', 'geophys', 'calif', 'ima', 'prosthodont', 'matrix', 'lymphat', '(n', 'y)', 'bernoulli', '(andover)', 'misuse', 'acc', 'phosphorus', 'sulfur', 'silicon', 'diving', 'hyperb', 'pipeline', 'lifestyle', 'genom', 'left', 'epidemiol', 'police', 'engin', 'atmos', 'sol', 'terr', 'bioinvasions', 'nonlinearity', 'homeost', 'agents', 'cardiothorac', 'clays', '(eugene)', 'robotica', 'phylogeny', 'aoac', 'anthrozoos', 'vac', 'microelectron', 'nanometer', 'phenom', 'chiropr', 'man', 'therap', 'astrophys', 'expr', 'purif', 'taiwan', 'periodontics', 'restorative', 'fishes', 'inland', 'waters', 'archaeometry', 'optimization', 'relatsh', 'contextual', 'caring', 'calc', 'partial', 'language', '(baltim)', '(2006)', 'kinet', 'sexualities', 'burn', 'iperception', 'carpath', 'colloid', 'consum', 'skin', 'wound', 'intensive', 'helminthol', 'parliam', 'neurobiol', '(wars)', 'biotechniques', 'vivo', '(brooklyn)', 'informs', 'factors', 'therm', 'grass', 'neuropediatrics', 'angle', 'ideas', 'adm', 'austral', 'cleve', 'medicine', '(baltimore)', 'endocr', 'multisens', 'prospect', 'electrostat', 'audiol', 'peacekeep', 'incl', 'macrocycl', 'mycol', 'wave', 'motion', 'forecast', 'odontol', 'electrochem', 'paleobiodivers', 'paleoenviron', 'depend', 'microsc', 'basic', 'hepatol', 'deliv', '(engl)', 'ai', 'flora', 'enferm', 'spine', 'hydrol', 'devel', 'dyslexia', 'smart', 'chromatographia', 'older', 'people', 'internet', 'flavour', 'fragr', 'ergon', 'mach', 'head', 'neck', 'farmacia', 'negot', 'antiquity', 'globalizations', 'paleopathol', 'second', 'euphytica', 'broadcast', 'support', 'vessels', 'skeletal', 'horm', 'igf', 'des/fusion', 'rand', 'bioact', 'compat', 'transpl', '(bristol,', 'avon)', 'limnology', 'pharmacology', 'prostate', 'iawa', 'brachytherapy', 'iberoam', 'micol', 'anesth', 'dairy', 'lung', 'biometrika', 'cryst', 'chemom', 'population', '(barc)', 'stereotact', 'homicide', 'macromol', 'erdkunde', 'chemotherapy', 'employee', 'domest', 'zebrafish', 'billing', 'nebr', 'debate', 'bond', 'nerv', 'neurovasc', 'harvard', 'express', 'isotopes', 'nurses', 'bryologist', 'infecc', 'surfactants', 'deterg', 'syndr', 'neurorehabilitation', 'agrophys', 'policing', 'psychopathology', 'neuronal', 'racial', 'disparities', 'chemother', 'matters', 'sportsmed', 'dispos', 'congenit', 'asian-australas', 'carbon', 'focus', 'other', 'hazards', 'nonprofit', 'effect', '(minneap)', 'annu', 'psiquiatr', 'ethnos', 'seed', 'agron', 'neuroimmunomodulation', 'investig', 'embed', '(harbin)', 'fluency', 'cognit', 'neuropsychobiology', 'anesthesiol', 'viral', 'buon', 'livest', 'dispers', 'reprogram', 'actuar', 'gold', 'neurorehabil', 'liquids', 'breastfeed', 'biometrics', 'neurotol', '(randolph', 'j)', 'mak', 'cambridge', 'sep', 'tree', 'ring', 'aphasiology', 'causal', 'neoplasma', 'cross', 'bioremediat', 'sea', 'direct', 'interprof', 'act', 'combust', 'clust', 'instr', 'telecommun', 'digit', 'muscle', 'motil', 'matern', 'pervasive', '2017', '(2017)', 'y', 'micromech', 'microeng', 'electromyogr', 'kinesiol', 'hemorheol', 'microcirc', 'psychopharmacol', 'web', 'markers', 'monomers', 'porous', 'cah', 'all', 'cardiorenal', 'third', 'uncertain', 'therapie', 'anom', '(kyoto)', 'ceram', 'volunt', 'sect', 'retroviruses', 'eeg', '(los', 'altos', 'calif)', 'nonverbal', 'perit', 'orthopsychiatry', 'spinal', 'cord', 'immunohistochem', 'geoinformatica', 'cytotechnology', 'midwifery', 'coop', 'confl', 'cl', 'symbiosis', 'evolvable', 'esthet', 'restor', 'pregnancy', 'packag', 'biosyst', 'cardiology', 'neurourol', 'synth', 'against', 'self', 'identity', '3', 'aesthetic', 'colon', 'rectal', 'bioethics', 'limnologica', '(bangkok)', 'landsc', 'fluids', 'labelled', 'radiopharm', 'effic', 'multidimens', 'chemistryselect', 'alternat', 'coat', 'porphyr', 'phthalocyanines', '(wien)', 'biosocieties', 'cryogenics', '(guildf)', 'harv', 'apic', 'mob', 'trials', 'wkly', 'mini', 'palaios', 'apidologie', 'arid', 'plasmas', 'collegian', 'odontology', 'microsurg', 'microb', 'microgravity', 'processes', 'applied', 'stem', 'neurolinguistics', 'biopolymers', 'cretac', 'geodyn', 'minds', 'local', 'transgenic', 'nanobiotechnol', 'psychoactive', 'dissociation', 'biocatal', 'biotransformation', 'vertebr', 'gastrointest', 'strateg', 'x', 'contrast', 'homosex', 'political', 'fuel', '(weinh)', 'gaz', 'membr', 'today', 'face', 'end', 'user', 'pures', '(hagerstown)', 'ocean', 'mammal', 'aera', 'polycycl', 'aromat', 'inhal', 'birth', 'defects', 'stroke', 'separations', '(chichester', 'engl)', 'herit', 'humanist', 'texture', 'xenobiotica', 'voice', 'biopreserv', 'biobank', 'cytokine', 'pharmacokinet', 'multidiscip', 'school', 'phlebology', 'yonsei', 'river', 'glass', 'vib', 'photomed', 'lipids', 'urology', 'stress', 'personal', 'biling', 'great', 'lakes', 'requir', 'disasters', 'hemother', 'inorg', 'organomet', 'visc', 'mo', 'gard', 'rhinol', 'prefer', 'adherence', 'magnetochemistry', 'steroids', 'nondestr', 'andrologia', 'probes', 'prion', 'forces', 'ups', 'actuators', 'psychometrika', 'dentofacial', 'antiq', 'linn', 'flow', 'real', '(am', 'educ)', 'geomicrobiol', 'compos', '(thousand', 'oaks)', 'geophy', 'radiocarbon', 'rheum', 'intercult', 'scr', 'fail', 'fems', 'gastric', 'protist', 'stata', 'virus', 'worldviews', 'breast', 'glaucoma', 'anticancer', 'microsurgery', 'mrs', 'chemosens', 'nanoethics', 'pedobiologia', '(jena)', 'ubiquitous', 'psychosomatics', 'raman', 'quat', 'plants', 'synlett', 'solgel', 'weed', 'eat', 'money', 'osteoporos', 'psychobiol', 'histol', 'histopathol', 'astrobiol', '(ljubl)', '(rio', 'relativ', 'gravit', 'thin', 'films', 'volcanol', 'pharmacoecon', 'outcomes', 'very', 'large', 'scale', 'vlsi', 'urodyn', 'priv', 'antivir', 'biointerphases', 'terramech', 'catheter', 'sarcoma', 'anaesthesiol', 'bosn', 'chemoecology', 'sar', 'qsar', 'thromb', 'thrombolysis', 'parasite', 'lipid', 'obes', 'borderline', 'dysregul', 'think', 'oswaldo', 'cruz', 'urogynecol', 'zoological', 'ibis', '(lond', '1859)', 'rhizosphere', 'angiol', '(1999)', 'techno', 'nephron', 'biotropica', 'technometrics', 'fluoresc', 'theriogenology', 'rangel', 'method', 'carrier', '(larchmt)', 'yale', 'modif', 'colorectal', 'aiaa', 'enol', 'vitic', '(zagreb)', 'metals', 'gis', 'superlattices', 'microstruct', 'journal', 'stored', 'autoimmunity', 'bmj', 'nutrigenet', 'nutrigenomics', 'nanopart', 'photonics', 'gift', 'ecs', 'eukaryot', 'chronic', 'evodevo', 'cultur', 'ethnic', 'plankton', 'mycologia', 'ecohealth', 'gene', 'dermatolog', 'neuropsychiatr', 'values', 'fertil', 'radioact', 'rare', 'judgm', 'pathog', 'chron', 'advert', 'chirality', 'slas', 'microdevices', 'hadron', 'aob', 'juv', 'caries', 'gastron', 'neuroepidemiology', 'optik', '(stuttg)', 'compet', 'ergonomics', 'gland', 'porcine', 'thousand', 'oaks', 'bioenergy', 'glycoconj', 'oceanogr', 'foreign', 'oryx', 'devices', '(beverly', 'hills', 'rapid', 'toxicon', 'bioengineered', 'pulm', 'circ', 'groundw', 'lact', 'epilepsy', 'berry', 'pediatric', 'bioprocess', 'leuk', 'cornea', 'marriage', 'forests', 'herb', 'bionic', 'telecomm', 'light', '1993', 'febs', 'bio', 'tetrahedron', 'neuroradiology', 'childbirth', 'isprs', 'geoinf', 'hear', 'air', 'waste', 'cryptogam', 'ilar', 'synchrotron', 'lupus', 'angiology', 'endanger', 'species', 'robot', 'senses', 'venom', 'toxins', 'ethnomed', 'hydrodynam', 'tuberc', 'zoonoses', 'omics', 'suicide', 'sociobiol', 'bioelectromagnetics', 'metrologia', 'environment', 'cryobiology', 'prostaglandins', 'mediat', 'bjpsych', 'regen', 'microencapsul', 'dendrochronologia', '(verona)', 'efort', 'resist', 'bone', 'innate', 'immun', 'inorganica', 'mycotoxin', '(2002)', 'biochip', 'helv', 'making', 'dement', 'compon', 'densitom', 'channels', 'dif', 'non', 'illn', 'glaciol', 'per', 'synapse', 'estuaries', 'implants', 'organogenesis', 'endourol', 'phycol', 'fluor', 'plasmonics', 'underst', 'pharmacogenomics', 'aerosol', 'polyhedron', 'happiness', 'granul', 'vox', 'sang', 'gait', 'posture', 'biofouling', 'gastrointestin', 'liver', 'immunopharmacol', 'immunotoxicol', 'neuroanat', 'holocene', 'neurovirol', 'semicond', 'intensiva', 'veg', 'archaeobot', 'maps', 'psycholog', 'spiritual', 'flex', 'manuf', 'chemistryopen', 'bioanalysis', 'microbes', 'causes', 'networks', 'peerj', 'frauenheilkd', 'esophagus', 'monogr', 'phy', 'ionics', '(kiel)', 'protistol', 'atmosphere', 'aaps', 'pharmscitech', 'crystals', 'catal', 'tables', 'roles', 'gambl', 'viability', 'neuropeptides', 'electronics', 'hereditas', 'asthma', 'athl', 'prehist', 'dialogue', 'cont', 'shelf', 'prenat', 'adsorp', 'hepatobiliary', 'pancreat', 'clean', 'abdom', '(ny)', 'boston', 'vanderbilt', 'union', 'dose', 'response', 'foodborne', 'alcohol', 'cycl', 'agroecosyst', 'mycopathologia', 'ultramicroscopy', 'ect', 'liposome', 'orig', 'pharmacodyn', 'complexity', 'extremophiles', 'fottea', 'peripher', 'bifurcat', 'chaos', 'supercomput', 'intelligence', 'repair', 'physiotherapy', 'biomark', 'represent', 'biometals', 'letters', 'northwest', 'chronobiol', 'islets', 'microfluid', 'nanofluidics', 'resusc', '(auckl)', 'entropy', 'modell', 'amb', 'biomicrofluidics', '(beijing)', 'vadose', 'zone', 'nerve', 'neural', 'meteorol', 'climatol', 'neuropsychology', 'commer', 'planet', 'neuroophthalmol', 'alp', 'urolithiasis', 'delinq', 'micromachines', 'bioenerg', 'biomembr', 'global', 'mycokeys', 'mechanobiol', 'fitoterapia', 'phytoremediation', 'malig', 'pulmonol', 'microelectromech', 'biocybern', 'neurophotonics', 'nonnewton', 'ruralis', 'intergroup', '(tehran)', 'electroanalysis', 'ed', 'dielectr', 'insul', 'swarm', 'vitam', 'myrmecol', 'photosynthetica', 'tribol', 'climacteric', 'compr', 'bioorg', 'harmon', 'ejnmmi', 'neurorobot', 'sustainability', 'chembiochem', 'jmir', 'angeles)', 'lens', 'anterior', 'feed', 'updates', '(weinheim)', 'dysphagia', 'terahertz', 'equity', 'va', 'microenviron', 'biomass', 'convers', 'biorefin', 'ucla', 'publ', 'vision', 'beilstein', 'semantics', 'telemed', 'telecare', 'pedagogy', 'vaccin', 'immunother', 'immunogenetics', 'alliance', 'wildland', 'pharmacogenet', 'neuromolecular', 'malar', 'targets', 'neuroimaging', 'psicothema', 'hydrogeol', 'oncology', 'conflict', 'resolut', '(phila', 'pa', '1976)', 'wind', 'neuroinform', 'diam', 'neuropsychologia', 'oecologia', 'attach', 'fungal', 'board', 'chest', 'biodata', 'asaio', 'biometeorol', 'posit', 'planta', '(lausanne)', 'cataract', 'refract', 'metacogn', 'digestion', 'genitourin', 'bayesian', 'permafr', 'periglac', 'energies', 'astrofis', 'peace', 'antimicrob', 'mit', 'sloan', 'diab', 'aerobiologia', '(bologna)', 'anaerobe', 'diabetol', 'neurocrit', 'photochem', 'photobiol', 'coloproctol', 'microvasc', 'calorim', 'plos', 'one', 'transm', 'efsa', 'neonatology', 'ticks', 'tick', 'melanoma', 'multivariate', 'protoplasma', 'chempluschem', 'redox', 'topogr', 'thermochim', 'aeolian', 'soils', 'sediments', 'ecohydrology', 'hernia', 'futures', 'obstruct', 'pulmon', '(2003)', 'neurogenetics', '(coll', 'park)', 'pulmonology', 'bladder', 'complications', 'parasitology', 'immunobiology', 'nanobioscience', 'best', 'transfusion', 'geosynth', 'biodegradation', 'plasmid', 'fract', 'medchemcomm', 'proteome', 'rochelle)', 'geomech', 'shoulder', 'elbow', 'party', 'taxon', 'remedial', 'aldrichimica', 'contraception', 'virology', 'biocell', 'erad', 'parasit', 'vectors', 'rob', 'atten', 'fusion', 'astronaut', '(shanghai)', 'excli', 'chemphotochem', 'equilib', 'free', 'peptides', 'toxin', 'valorization', 'jpen', 'parenter', 'enteral', 'andrology', 'safety', 'proceedings', 'vldb', 'endowment', 'meteorit', 'abnorm', 'biochemistry', 'scientometrics', 'acs', 'omega', 'epj', 'pharmacother', 'ecosphere', 'bound', 'neuroendocrinol', 'paleoceanogr', 'paleoclimatol', 'european', 'mult', 'scler', 'chaperones', 'hemost', 'violent', 'photodiagnosis', 'photodyn', 'chemometr', 'reduct', 'maltreat', 'foods', 'vacuum', 'pharmacoepidemiol', 'converg', 'pancreas', 'periodontal', 'breath', 'informatics', 'antipode', 'cereal', 'steel', 'psychogeriatr', 'brief', 'finite', 'weather', 'ppar', 'hla', 'vitro', 'monet', 'immunotherapy', 'bipolar', 'lymphoma', 'epidemics', 'geostand', 'geoanal', 'invent', 'ovarian', 'haemophilia', 'cirp', 'neurotox', 'helr', 'bacteriol', 'psychooncology', 'neurogastroenterol', 'expect', 'boundary', 'layer', 'rhinology', 'newsl', 'metastasis', 'fatigue', 'biophotonics', 'sel', 'neurochem', 'infection', 'phytochemistry', 'alzheimer', 'tectonophysics', 'neuroscience', 'responsible', 'palaeontology', 'bioinspir', 'biomim', 'amino', 'acids', 'purinergic', 'ultrasonics', 'flood', 'mycorrhiza', 'class', 'gravity', 'duke', 'symptom', 'anxiety', 'geochronol', 'demography', 'electrophoresis', 'diabet', 'invasions', 'burns', 'membranes', 'geoforum', 'haptics', 'prototyp', 'charact', 'london', 'endovasc', 'neurotoxicology', 'ion', 'chemosensors', 'neuromuscul', 'crystengcomm', 'rsc', 'chemmedchem', 'cytometry', 'neuroimmunol', 'ear', 'psychopharmacology', 'mutagen', 'grape', 'wine', 'gut', 'microbiologyopen', 'vaccine', 'chemphyschem', 'adipocyte', 'bmb', 'emergencias', 'placenta', 'mine', 'ices', 'yeast', 'sources', '(warsz)', 'inflammation', 'chic', 'photosynth', 'plus', 'mitig', 'npj', 'phytopathology', 'endocrine', 'inflammopharmacology', 'bioinformatics', 'lgbt', 'iubmb', 'georgetown', 'neurooncol', 'toxics', 'bioinorg', 'neurotoxicol', 'teratol', 'lumin', 'met', 'influenza', 'viruses', 'place', 'mammary', 'neoplasia', 'cognition', 'surviv', 'neuroinformatics', 'fuzzy', 'sets', 'metr', 'mix', 'react', 'comments', 'onco', 'options', '(1978)', 'mich', 'cns', 'bioproc', 'surgery', '(copenh)', 'transgend', 'benef', '(rockv)', 'oikos', 'gov', 'multidiscipl', 'thyroid', 'platelets', 'mutagenesis', 'target', 'ajnr', 'acute', 'chemnanomat', 'lithos', 'intermetallics', '(barking)', 'hippocampus', 'biochimie', 'chromosome', 'earthq', 'microanal', 'calcif', 'polymers', 'sound', 'heredity', '(edinb)', 'chromosoma', 'horiz', 'enzyme', 'panminerva', 'pharmacotherapy', 'bioimpacts', 'psychotraumatol', 'neurodev', 'phylogenet', 'obs', 'facts', '(1994)', 'neuroeng', 'aiche', 'catalysts', 'orphanet', 'serious', 'joint', 'probiotics', 'proteins', 'coral', 'reefs', 'gerontology', 'tectonics', 'eneuro', 'nefrol', 'nanotechnology', 'langmuir', 'pharmacoeconomics', 'affect', 'interpers', 'hyperthermia', 'mycoses', '3d', 'print', 'addit', 'insights', 'mindfulness', 'nanoscale', 'appetite', 'histopathology', 'maturitas', 'programs', 'fungus', 'bioanal', 'immune', 'impact', 'ad', 'hoc', 'big', 'meat', 'geohealth', 'ges', 'biogerontology', 'div', 'geothermics', 'pigment', 'ethnopharmacol', 'psychophysiology', 'adh', 'landf', 'microbe', 'evolution', 'it', 'assessment', 'harmful', 'algae', 'arthroplasty', 'biogeogr', 'pedosphere', 'periodontol', 'neurother', 'pathology', 'supercrit', 'skelet', 'leukoc', 'mediators', 'schizophr', 'storage', 'stds', 'anti', 'socioecon', 'degrad', 'jama', 'geocarto', 'neurotrauma', 'metallomics', 'faraday', 'discuss', 'aesthet', 'organometallics', 'steroid', 'geotech', 'harm', 'king', 'saud', 'carcinog', 'gas', 'marrow', 'neuropsychopharmacol', 'cartilage', 'lipidol', 'memet', 'ore', 'atheroscler', 'hydrometeorol', 'esc', 'pyrolysis', 'psychon', 'atherosclerosis', 'neurodyn', 'parkinsonism', 'endocrinology', 'contact', 'dermatitis', 'pituitary', 'prispev', 'novejso', 'zgod', 'translat', 'mitochondrion', 'econometrica', 'helicobacter', '(palo', 'alto)', 'genetics', 'derm', 'collab', 'neuromodulation', 'bioconjug', 'stab', 'inherit', 'long', 'europace', 'hellenic', 'arthritis', '(hoboken)', 'glycobiology', 'balance', 'biodeterior', 'nicotine', 'biomolecules', 'transportation', 'vaccines', 'phytother', 'astrobiology', 'biodes', 'metabolites', 'toxicology', 'antiviral', 'epigenomics', 'neuroimmune', 'mutat', 'lancet', 'molecules', '(albany', 'ny)', 'hepatology', 'cycle', 'angew', 'renal', 'nucleic', 'development', 'nanomed', 'respirology', 'hypertension', 'arterioscler', 'ca', 'nanomaterials', 'metabolism', 'rock', '(1997)', 'microorganisms', 'vascul', 'chemelectrochem', 'haemost', 'biogeochemistry', 'asn', 'neuro', 'dalton', 'retrovirology', 'fact', 'transbound', 'milbank', 'cellulose', 'resuscitation', 'cytotherapy', 'polymer', 'epigenetics', 'chromatin', 'crops', 'bowel', 'transplantation', 'neuroendocrinology', 'msphere', 'lightwave', 'isa', 'habitat', 'prostatic', 'mhealth', 'uhealth', 'env', 'catena', 'pharmacopsychiatry', 'hiv/aids', 'preslia', 'processing', 'geobiology', 'computer', '(long', 'beach', 'pharmaceutics', 'precambrian', 'neuropharmacology', 'neurocomputing', 'iscience', 'neurointerv', 'barriers', 'endosc', 'corp', 'responsib', 'nutrients', 'flame', 'travel', 'humaniz', 'nber', 'tillage', 'carcinogenesis', 'biogeochem', 'cycles', 'informetr', 'dyes', 'pigm', 'fungi', 'bioessays', 'mabs', 'alloys', 'hepatocell', 'carcinoma', 'geochim', 'cosmochim', 'inhib', 'user-adapt', 'ecology', 'depress', 'landslides', 'cryosphere', 'biomedicines', 'cladistics', 'psychoneuroendocrinology', 'biofactors', 'indoor', 'cyst', 'fibros', 'geology', 'ambio', 'osteoarthritis', 'arztebl', 'bju', 'extreme', 'geod', 'biofuels', 'geoderma', 'chemcatchem', 'neurosurgery', 'radiother', 'cephalalgia', 'ecotoxicol', 'calcium', 'acid', 'epma', 'age', 'quantif', 'nanotoxicology', 'solid-state', 'hydrogen', 'bronconeumol', 'peasant', 'faseb', 'ultraschall', 'radiographics', 'immunology', 'oncologist', 'cereb', 'cortex', 'nanoeng', 'oxid', 'longev', 'nanomedicine', 'status', 'solidi', 'cities', 'wear', 'biodrugs', 'cheminform', 'esmo', 'talanta', 'crispr', 'rna', 'not', 'pediatrics', 'mis', 'iucrj', 'nanoimpact', 'ginseng', 'fuels', 'echocardiogr', 'virulence', 'neurodegener', 'rheumatology', 'automat', 'coal', 'ebiomedicine', 'anaesthesia', 'prolif', 'chemosphere', 'neuroinflammation', 'oncoimmunology', 'photoacoustics', 'neuroimage', 'macromolecules', 'gisci', 'factor', 'glia', 'gigascience', 'spring', 'harb', 'reports', 'epilepsia', 'macro', 'multimedia', 'biomacromolecules', 'oncogenesis', 'cancers', 'gondwana', 'jci', 'insight', 'electrochim', 'crc', 'cem', 'concr', 'steril', 'antioxid', 'ecography', '(cop.)', 'corros', 'neuroscientist', 'sonochem', 'nanobiotechnology', 'total', 'stimul', 'msystems', 'autoimmun', 'mucosal', 'chip', 'mbio', 'dependable', 'secure', 'mayo', 'essays', 'alto', 'hydrocoll', 'anesthesiology', 'biofilms', 'microbiomes', 'elife', 'desalination', 'haematologica', '2d', 'forbes', 'pa)', 'endoscopy', 'embo', 'aliment', 'diabetologia', 'bioresour', 'fibre', 'ventur', 'photovolt', 'precis', '2000', 'release', 'brookings', 'cochrane', 'database', 'radiology', 'chemsuschem', 'oncogene', 'npg', 'biofabrication', 'persoonia', 'grid', 'bioscience', 'biobehav', 'ophthalmology', 'phytol', 'theranostics', 'leukemia', 'neurology', 'thorax', 'hazard', 'industr', 'accid', 'isme', 'canc', 'aspects', 'autophagy', 'optica', 'angiogenesis', 'things', 'biosens', 'bioelectron', 'biomaterials', 'protoc', 'photon', 'updat', 'microbiome', 'nanomicro', 'update', '(2011)', 'transduct', 'malacologia', 'neuron', 'pineal', 'retin', 'extracell', 'vesicles', 'host', 'gastroenterology', 'interest', 'living', 'immunity', 'circulation', 'joule', 'primers', 'science', 'nature', 'ca-cancer']
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21.32, '!52J': 21.45, '-}/v': 21.57, '@m,,"^': 21.6, '!(!m': 21.69, 'Ci': 22.55, '!X&q!5': 22.56, '!L)D",': 22.62, '"4$3!$': 22.67, 'Cj': 23.6, '@m"M"N': 24.45, '@\'"?': 24.8, '@m${!F': 25.09, "'].Z!k": 25.25, '@m%h/u': 25.34, '#x!5': 25.59, '4a!5#w': 25.79, ')%-}': 26.6, '!(!5"W': 27.0, 'Ck': 27.05, '!("O': 27.5, '!(!v': 27.6, '!(!5/u': 28.8, '!L.Z5,",': 28.94, ')%.8': 29.5, '!(!5&=3\\': 29.85, '@m"W': 30.04, '!(:<': 30.47, "!('y": 30.82, '!(8F': 31.24, '!(%t': 31.54, '!L!k",': 31.56, '4a!5(Z2w': 32.96, '!(!5!v': 33.13, '!(!5#\\': 33.65, '@m"?': 33.75, '!(!5&q': 34.21, '!(!5!m': 34.95, 'Ch!57_': 35.43, '!(!F': 36.13, '!("&': 36.56, '-}': 38.64, '!(!k': 38.66, '!(!5-/': 40.36, '#3%B': 40.59, '!(!5"NCl': 40.69, 'Cm': 41.84, 'Cn': 42.78, '!m"6!5': 42.85, '!5#:#<': 45.04, "@'": 45.54, '!(.Z': 46.49, '!m!5': 52.76, '!(!5)%': 53.03, '!(!5!X"?': 53.28, '!(!5)A-}!s': 55.47, '!(!5*z.8': 64.8, '!(!5!k': 71.19, '#>"5!$!F': 74.7, 'Co!$!X': 292.28}
    var ws = jn.trim().toLowerCase().split(/\s+/);
    var ascII = [];
    for(var i in ws){
        var pos = words.indexOf(ws[i]);
            return "-";
        ascII.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(pos/94)+33, pos%94+33));
    var asc = ascII.join('');
    if(asc in asc2scores){
        return asc2scores[asc];
    return "-";