GOG.com - Updated Thread Count in Title

Display a count of updated threads (and notifications) in the GOG favicon (and page title) and reload hourly so a browser tab can be used as an update notifier

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v11 2018-09-04 Added support for Greasemonkey 4 and started to factor out the jQuery dependency
  • v10 2015-12-01 Fix "replies in favourited threads get counted twice"
  • v9 2015-12-01 "Ignore Stuck Notification Count" now clears the favicon badge without a page reload
  • v8 2015-11-30 Move the count in the title to the beginning so it can be read in taskbar buttons
  • v7 2015-11-30 Refine the documentation and description
  • v6 2015-11-30 Also watch GOG's own notifications (with support for ignoring stuck ones)
  • v5 2014-10-02 Make the script robust in the face of "our servers are overloaded" responses
  • v4 2014-09-07 Display a red X bubble on the favicon if the user has been logged out
  • v3 2014-08-27 Un-break the URL whitelist after GOG moved https://secure.gog.com/ to https://www.gog.com/
  • v2 2014-08-11 Now uses Tinycon to also display a count of unread threads overlaid on the favicon
  • v1 2014-08-11