// ==UserScript==
// @name KoC Power Bot Plus
// @namespace PBP
// @description All-in-One Script for Kingdoms of Camelot
// @icon https://koc-cdn.popreach.com/fb/e2/src/img/items/70/363.jpg
// @include *.rycamelot.com/*main_src.php*
// @include *.beta.rycamelot.com/*main_src.php*
// @include *apps.facebook.com/kingdomsofcamelot/*
// @include *.rockyou.com/rya/*
// @include *facebook.com/*dialog/feed*
// @include *rycamelot.com/*acceptToken_src.php*
// @include *rycamelot.com/*helpFriend_src.php*
// @include *rycamelot.com/*claimVictoryToken_src.php*
// @include *rycamelot.com/*merlinShare_src.php*
// @exclude *sharethis*
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.min.js
// @resource sound_files https://koc-cdn.popreach.com/fb/e2/src/pb/resource/sound_files.js
// @resource image_files https://koc-cdn.popreach.com/fb/e2/src/pb/resource/image_files.js
// @resource champion_uniques https://koc-cdn.popreach.com/fb/e2/src/pb/resource/champion_uniques.js
// @resource emoticons https://koc-cdn.popreach.com/fb/e2/src/pb/resource/emoticons.js
// @connect *
// @connect greasyfork.org
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_listValues
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_log
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @run-at document-end
// @author Twiries
// @license CC-BY-4.0
// @original-script https://sourceforge.net/p/koc-battle-console/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/KoCPowerBotPlus.user.js
// @original-license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
// @original-changes Updated to include latest items from KoC
// @original-author barbarossa69
// @version 3.65
// @releasenotes Eagle Warrier changes updated
// ==/UserScript==
var Version = '3.65';
var SourceName = "Power Bot Plus";
function GlobalOptionsUpdate () {
function OptionsUpdate () {
this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
var JSON2 = JSON;
var uW = unsafeWindow;
var Seed = uW.seed;
var CM = uW.cm;
var FFVersion = getFirefoxVersion();
var GMVersion = getGMVersion();
var NoRegEx = (FFVersion.Mozilla && (parseIntNan(FFVersion.Version) <= 16));
var http = window.location.protocol+"\/\/";
var EXTERNAL_RESOURCE = 'https://koc-cdn.popreach.com/fb/e2/src/pb/';
var KOCMON_LOGO = '';
var KOCMON_ON = false;
var GameURL = 'www.rycamelot.com';
var Cities = {};
var Tabs = {};
var Buttons = {};
var Images = {};
var OpenDiv = {};
var local_atkp = {};
var local_atkinc = {};
var LanguageArray = {};
var NoTranslation = {};
var ReportCache = {};
var ReportDetailCache = {};
var inc = [];
var incCity = [];
var out = [];
var outCity = [];
var mainPop;
var popDash;
var popMon;
var popInc;
var popOut;
var popBat;
var popMarch;
var SelectiveDefending = true;
var giftAccepted = false;
var Infantry = [];
var Ranged = [];
var Horsed = [];
var Siege = [];
var SpellCaster = [];
var TTSort = [];
var GlobalEffects = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,102,103,8,9,73];
var AttackEffects = [1,17,24,29,34,39,44,50,56,61,102,113,119,135,140];
var DefenceEffects = [2,18,25,30,35,40,45,51,114,120,125,126,136,141];
var LifeEffects = [3,19,26,31,36,41,46,52,104,115,121,127,128,137,142];
var RangeEffects = [5,21,37,42,58,63,117,123,131,132,133,134,138,143];
var SpeedEffects = [4,20,27,32,47,53,57,62,116,122,129,130];
var AccuracyEffects = [7,23,28,33,38,43,49,55,60,65,139,144];
var OtherCombatEffects = [8,9,118,124,13,14,15,16,73,145,147,148,149,150];
var OtherPVPEffects = [6,22,48,54,59,64];
var DebuffEffects = [17,18,19,20,22,21,23,29,39,50,54,61,30,40,51,31,41,52,42,63,64,32,53,62,119,120,121,122,123,124,126,128,130,132,134,140,141,142,143,144,147,149];
var AlternateSortOrder = [5,37,58,117,131,133,138,21,42,63,123,132,134,143,1,24,34,44,56,102,113,135,17,29,39,50,61,119,140,2,25,35,45,114,125,136,18,30,40,51,120,126,141,3,26,36,46,104,115,127,137,19,31,41,52,121,128,142,4,27,47,57,116,20,32,53,62,122,129,130,7,28,38,49,60,139,23,33,43,55,65,144,8,9,118,147,148,149,150,124,13,14,15,16,73,145,6,48,59,22,54,64];
var CompositeEffects = {147:[17,20],148:[44,45],149:[19,21],150:[113,114]};
var EffectDebuffs = {1:17,2:18,3:19,4:20,5:21,6:22,7:23,24:29,25:30,26:31,27:32,28:33,34:39,35:40,36:41,37:42,38:43,44:50,45:51,46:52,47:53,48:54,49:55,56:61,57:62,58:63,59:64,60:65,113:119,114:120,115:121,116:122,117:123,118:124,125:126,127:128,129:130,131:132,133:134,135:140,136:141,137:142,138:143,139:144,147:147,149:149};
var DebuffOnly = ["147","149"];
var InfantryEffects = [24,25,26,27,28,133];
var RangedEffects = [34,35,36,37,38,129];
var HorsedEffects = [44,45,46,47,48,49,131,148];
var SiegeEffects = [56,57,58,59,60,127];
var SpellcasterEffects = [113,114,115,116,117,118,150];
var TowerEffects = [135,136,137,138,139];
var cardQuality = ['Simple','Common','Uncommon','Rare','Epic','Wondrous','Miraculous'];
var champImageTypes = {0:"weapon",1:"chestArmor",2:"helmet",3:"feet",4:"shield",5:"ring1",7:"pendant",8:"cloak"};
var champUniqueImageTypes = {0:"weapon",1:"chestArmor",2:"helmet",3:"feet",4:"shield",5:"ring",7:"pendant",8:"cloak"};
var chTypeStrings = {0:"weapon",1:"chest",2:"helm",3:"boots",4:"shield",5:"ring",7:"pendant",8:"cloak"};
var chTypes = ['weapon','chest','helm','boots','shield','ring1','ring2','pendant','cloak']; // must be in this order
var trTypes = ['chair', 'advisor', 'window', 'banner', 'table', 'trophy', 'candelabrum', 'hero', 'statue', 'pet', 'tapestry', 'pillar']; // must be in this order
var cardFaction = ['briton','fey','druid'];
var jewelTypes = ["general_buff", "general_debuff", "unit_specific", "base_building"];
var jewelQuality = ["cracked", "flawed", "cloudy", "subdued", "bright"];
var guardTypes = ["wood", "ore", "food", "stone"];
var tileTypes = {0:"Bog",10:"Grassland",11:"Lake",20:"Wood",30:"Hill",40:"Mountain",50:"Plain",51:"City",52:"Ruin",53:"Misted City",54:"Dark Forest",55:"Merc Camp",56:"Nomad Camp",57:"Megalith"};
var wildImages = {0:"bog",10:"grasslands",11:"lake",20:"forest",30:"hills",40:"mountains",50:"plains"};
var SpellBlessings = {1:12, 2:22, 3:32};
var SpellTypes = {1:11, 2:21, 3:31};
var BaseChamp = {201:30,202:0,203:7,204:27,205:27,206:60,207:4,208:3,209:3};
var SteelHoofItems = [28119, 28120, 28121, 28122, 28123, 28124, 2812, 28510, 28638];
var LightBringerItems = [28125, 28126, 28127, 28128, 28129, 28130, 28131, 28640];
var DragonScaleItems = [28133, 28134, 28135, 28136, 28137, 28138, 28139, 28644];
var TestItems = [28657, 28663, 28662, 28658, 28659, 28660, 28661, 28664];
var WildHideItems = [28140, 28141, 28142, 28143, 28144, 28145, 28146, 28669, 28677];
var VespersItems = [28679, 28653, 28656, 28665, 28666, 28670, 28671, 28678];
var SilverItems = [28147, 28148, 28149, 28150, 28151, 28152, 28153, 28154, 28155];
var WarlocksItems = [28688, 28689, 28690, 28691, 28692, 28693, 28694, 28695, 28696];
var IceQueensItems = [28703, 28704, 28705, 28706, 28707, 28708, 28709, 28710, 28711];
var EagleItems = [28721,28722,28723,28724,28725,28726,28727,28728,28729];
var DragonWarriorsItems = [28740,28741,28742,28743,28744,28745,28746,28747,28748];
var fortmight = {f53:4, f55:7, f60:1, f61:2, f62:3, f63:10};
var ScoutTroops = {3:'',46:''};
var TranslatePublish = {80:"300645083384735", 50:"275425949243301", 40:"291667064279714", 10:"286958161406148"};
var CE_EFFECT_TIERS = null;
var ChampionStatTiers = {};
var Provinces = { // top left co-ords (origin)
provMapCoords = { // for province map
imgWidth: 710,
imgHeight: 708,
mapWidth: 670,
mapHeight: 670,
leftMargin: 31,
topMargin: 19
var TileOrigin = 0;
var TileOriginChecked = false;
var IMGURL = uW.stimgUrl+"img/";
var GiftText = [
'Yeni Hediye Alındı',
'Neues Geschenk erhalten',
'Nouveaux Cadeaux reçus',
'Nuevo regalo recibido',
'Nuovo Regalo ricevuto',
'Nieuwe cadeau ontvangen',
'New Gift Received'
var HQText = ['has donated','Donations Report of your Alliance'];
var HQText2 = ['A new Temple Arcana has been activated'];
var AlertBG = IMGURL+"tower/timer_bg.png";
var GuardBG = IMGURL+"guardian_change_spritemap102.png";
var AttackImage = IMGURL+"attacking.jpg";
var ScoutImage = IMGURL+"scouting.jpg";
var ReinforceImage = IMGURL+"reinforce.jpg";
var ReassignImage = IMGURL+"autoAttack/raid_resting.png";
var TransportImage = IMGURL+"transporting.jpg";
var ReturnImage = IMGURL+"returning.jpg";
var RoseImage = IMGURL+"items/70/211.jpg";
var GauntletImage = IMGURL+"items/30/221.jpg";
var MirrorImage = IMGURL+"items/70/231.jpg";
var GlovesImage = IMGURL+"items/70/241.jpg";
var RightArrow = IMGURL+"autoAttack/across_arrow.png";
var DownArrow = IMGURL+"autoAttack/down_arrow.png";
var ThroneImage = IMGURL+"bonus_throne.png";
var PresetImage = IMGURL+"throne/modal/set_active.png";
var PresetImage_SEL = IMGURL+"throne/modal/set_selected.png";
var PresetImage_LCK = IMGURL+"throne/modal/set_locked.png";
var MistImage = IMGURL+"items/70/10021.jpg";
var DoveImage = IMGURL+"items/70/901.jpg";
var RefugeImage = IMGURL+"items/70/911.jpg";
var OrderImage = IMGURL+"items/70/912.jpg";
var GoldImage = IMGURL+"gold_30.png";
var FoodImage = IMGURL+"food_30.png";
var WoodImage = IMGURL+"wood_30.png";
var StoneImage = IMGURL+"stone_30.png";
var OreImage = IMGURL+"iron_30.png";
var AetherImage = IMGURL+"aetherstone_30.png";
var AmberImage = IMGURL+"resource_icon_amber.png";
var ArcaneTabletImage = IMGURL+"items/70/43000.jpg";
var PopulationImage = IMGURL+"population_40.png";
var BagImage = IMGURL+"items/70/276.jpg";
var SturdyBagImage = IMGURL+"items/70/277.jpg";
var HeavyBagImage = IMGURL+"items/70/278.jpg";
var AuthorityImage = IMGURL+"items/70/285.jpg";
var DominionImage = IMGURL+"items/70/286.jpg";
var BlueEagleImage = IMGURL+"items/70/279.jpg";
var ChestImage = IMGURL+"feeds/treasurechest_icon.png";
var TokenImage = IMGURL+"feeds/merlin_magical_token.jpg";
var BuildImage = IMGURL+"feeds/new_city_outskirts.jpg";
var GameIcons = {
goldImgTiny: '<img class=btIcon src="'+IMGURL+'chrome_icon_gold.png">',
foodImgTiny: '<img class=btIcon src="'+IMGURL+'chrome_icon_food.png">',
woodImgTiny: '<img class=btIcon src="'+IMGURL+'chrome_icon_wood.png">',
stoneImgTiny: '<img class=btIcon src="'+IMGURL+'chrome_icon_stone.png">',
oreImgTiny: '<img class=btIcon src="'+IMGURL+'chrome_icon_ore.png">',
astoneImgTiny: '<img class=btIcon src="'+IMGURL+'chrome_icon_aetherstone.png">',
var ArcaneResources = {gold:0,aetherstone:5,amber:6,arcanetablet:7};
var ArcaneResourceImages = {gold:GoldImage,aetherstone:AetherImage,amber:AmberImage,arcanetablet:ArcaneTabletImage};
var TroopImagePrefix = IMGURL+"units/unit_";
var TroopImageSuffix = "_30.jpg";
var ChampImagePrefix = IMGURL+"champion_hall/championPort_0";
var ChampImageSuffix = "_50x50.jpg";
var ShieldImage = IMGURL+"items/70/362.jpg";
var BrokenIcon = IMGURL+"throne/modal/sm_fail_overlay.png";
var EquippedIcon = IMGURL+"throne/modal/equip.png";
var EquippedOtherIcon = IMGURL+"champion_hall/equippedOther.png";
var LONG_BROWN_BTN = IMGURL+"button11_brown.png";
var UniqueJewels = {};
var boxmightarray = {};
var AlertSounds = {allianceattack: 'Submarine', alert: 'Honk Honk Honk', airraid: 'Air Raid Siren'};
var WhisperSounds = {timeout: 'Arrow', monitor: 'Doorbell'};
var Smileys = {};
var ChatStyles = {'[#0]':'color:black','[#1]':'color:red','[#2]':'color:green','[#3]':'color:blue','[#4]':'color:magenta','[#5]':'color:cyan','[#6]':'color:yellow','[#7]':'color:white','[#8]':'font-weight:bold','[#9]':'font-style:italic'};
var SpeedColour = '#000';
var LinkColour = '#114684';
var MAP_DELAY = 2000; // 2 second map delay
var MAX_BLOCKS = 20;
var SWF_PLAYER_URL = EXTERNAL_RESOURCE+'pdxminiplayer.swf';
var SWF_PREFIX = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="'+SWF_PLAYER_URL+'" width="90" height="20"><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="movie" value="'+SWF_PLAYER_URL+'" /><param name="flashvars" value="mp3=';
var SWF_SUFFIX = '&autostart=1&showtime=1" /></object>';
var AudioManager;
var HourGlasses = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10];
var HourGlassName = {};
var SpeedupArray = [60, 900, 3600, 9000, 28800, 54000, 86400, 216000, 0, 345600];
var HGLimit = [30, 301, 2701, 7201, 26101, 50431, 82831, 172800, 302400];
var HourGlassThreshold = HGLimit; // remember tabs!
var HourGlassHint = [
'Usage Condition: 30s+',
'Usage Condition: 5m & 1s+',
'Usage Condition: 45m & 1s+',
'Usage Condition: 2h & 1s+',
'Usage Condition: 7h & 30m & 1s+',
'Usage Condition: 14h & 30m & 1s+',
'Usage Condition: 23h & 30m & 1s+',
'Usage Condition: 48h+',
'Usage Condition: 3d & 12h+',
var StorehouseLevels = {0:0,1:100000,2:200000,3:300000,4:400000,5:500000,6:600000,7:700000,8:800000,9:900000,10:1000000,11:5000000,12:50000000};
var ArcaneRequirements = {};
var Filter = {
Space:" ",
var InitialCityId = null;
var btStartupTimer = null;
var btLoadTimer = null;
var SecondLooper = 1;
var ResetAll = false;
var RefreshingSeed = false;
var RefreshSeedInterval = 15;
var KeyTimer = null;
var LoadCheckCounter = 12;
var MinuteInterval = 60;
var presetFailures = 0;
var presetTimer = null;
var guardianFailures = 0;
var ChampionDelayer = 0;
var allianceleader = true;
var officertype = 4;
var CurrPreset = null;
var HTMLRegister = {};
var AJAX_LOG = [];
function $(ID,root) {return (root||document).getElementById(ID);}
var GlobalOptions = {
btWatchdog : true,
btNoMoreRy : false,
btWideScreenStyle : 'normal',
btPowerBar : false,
btFloatingPowerBar : true,
btPowerBarPopups : true,
btPowerBarOpen : false,
DashboardToggle : true,
btOverviewDashboardBtn : true,
btChatOnRight : false,
btChatBeforeDash : true,
btWideMap : true,
btWinSize : {x:1000,y:100},
btTrackOpen : true,
btTransparent : false,
AutoUpdates : true,
UpdateLocation : 1, // 0 - SourceForge, 1 - Greasyfork, 2 - GitHub
ExtendedDebugMode : false,
InOutToggle : true,
MarchPlusToggle : true,
BattleToggle : true,
TokenEnabled : true,
LastTopURL : '',
GlobalOptionsVersion : '0',
ExtraTabsVersion : '0',
TabAutoCheck : true,
ExtraTabs : [
var UserOptions = {
autoPublishGamePopups : false,
autoCancelGamePopups : true,
autoPublishPrivacySetting : 40,
CustomPublish : {},
CustomListId : "",
TokenAuto : false,
OverrideRefresh : "",
TokenDomain : null,
TokenDate : 0,
TokenCount : 0,
TokenLink : "",
TokenCollected : false,
LastTokenStatus : "",
BuildLink : "",
BuildCollected : false,
LastBuildStatus : "",
ChestDomainList : "",
ChestCollected : {},
BadChestDomains : {},
BonusCollected : false,
LastChestStatus : "",
TreasureChest : true,
BankTreasureChests : true,
MaxBankedTreasureChests : 500,
TreasureChestBank : [], // {tokenId, feedId, serverId, playerId, tileName, unixTime_taken, link}
TreasureChestBankOther : [],
TokenRequest : "",
TokenResponse : "",
TokenSuccessLink : "",
TokenChestFeedId : 0,
TokenChestUID : 0,
var Options = {
MonitorOptions : {
MonitorFontSize : 11,
MonPresetChange : true,
TRMonPresetByName : false,
Colors : {
Title: '#342819',
TitleText: '#FFFFFF',
DividerTop: '#E9D9AE',
DividerBottom: '#8C7D5D',
DividerText: '#000000',
Panel: '#F7F3E6',
PanelText: '#000000',
Highlight: '#FFFFCC',
HighlightText: '#000000',
ChatOptions : {
Colors : {
ChatLeaders: '#B8B8B8',
ChatGlobal: '#CCCCFF',
ChatAll: '#99CCFF',
ChatAtt: '#FF4D4D',
ChatScout: '#FF8800',
ChatRecall: '#6B8E23',
ChatWhisper: '#FF4D4D',
ChatVC: '#00FF00',
ChatChancy: '#F8E151',
btEveryEnable : false,
btEveryMins : 30,
btEveryToggle : false,
detAFK : false,
btWinIsOpen : false,
currentTab : null,
btWinPos : {},
btDashPos : {},
btMonPos : {},
btIncPos : {},
btOutPos : {},
btBatPos : {},
btMarchPos : {},
TRFixPresetWidth : false,
fixKnightSelect : true,
attackCityPicker : true,
dispBattleRounds : true,
reportDeleteButton : true,
fixChatTime : true,
gmtClock : true,
gmtClockType : 0,
MoveFurniture : true,
fixLoadCap : true,
hideOnGoto : true,
DontFilterTransportTroops : true,
MapShowExtra : false,
MapShowLevel : false,
mapInfo : true,
mapInfo2 : true,
mapInfo3 : true,
mapMenuInfo : true,
dispStatus : true,
fixPageNav : true,
enhancedinbox : true,
enhanceARpts : true,
enhanceViewMembers : true,
EnhCBtns : true,
DbClkDefBtns : false,
ColrCityBtns : true,
WarnAscension : true,
WarnAscensionInterval : 1,
mapCoordsTop : true,
fixTRAetherCost : true,
fixMMBImage : true,
OverrideAttackAlert : true,
FetchMarchInfo : true,
LoginReward : true,
MagicBox : true,
KillFairie : true,
MiniRefresh : false,
MiniRefreshInterval : 3,
StalledMarches : true,
amain : true,
smain : -1,
lmain : 0,
KillSounds : true,
KillMusic : true,
hideAttackEfforts : true,
OneClickAttack : true,
OneClickAttackPreset : 0,
AllowMultiBrowser : false,
PremiumAccessCode : '',
AFKTimeout : 2,
RaidRunning : true,
RaidLastReset : 0,
FreeRallySlots : 0,
pbGoldHappy : 95,
pbGoldEnable : false,
lastCollect : {},
pbFoodAlert : false,
pbFoodAlertInt : 1,
lastAlert : {},
countAlert : {},
FixMightDisplay : true,
MapInterval : 5,
TRWidget : false,
ThroneHUD : false,
DFReport : false,
DFReportInterval : 1,
LastDFReport : 0,
RaidToggle : false,
RaidButtons : false,
RaidDeleteButton : false,
presetPosition : null,
DraggableWidget : true,
coordsPosition : null,
DraggableCoords : true,
ClickForReports : false,
AutoMist : false,
AutoMistMarch : false,
LanguageLastChecked : 0,
FixCastleLag : true,
OpenSettingsDiv : '',
btDashboard : true,
GreenCastles : true,
Theme : 'Default',
OptionsVersion : '0',
AlternateSortOrder : true,
btFloatingDashboard : false,
DisableRedX : true,
DisableGreenTick : false,
ShowMarchMight : false,
ShowGloryMight : true,
ShowServerTraffic : true,
RemovePointlessItems : false,
QuickScoutTroops : 3,
//** Auto Update **//
var AutoUpdater = {
id: 999999,
name: 'KoC Power Bot Plus',
version: Version,
secure: true,
call: function(secure,response) {logit("Checking for "+tx(this.name)+" Update!"+(secure ? ' (SSL)' : ' (plain)'));
this.secure = secure;
var CheckURL = this.SourceForgeURL;
if (GlobalOptions.UpdateLocation == 1) {CheckURL = this.GreasyForkURL;}
if (GlobalOptions.UpdateLocation == 2) {CheckURL = this.MirrorURL;}
if (GlobalOptions.UpdateLocation == 3) {CheckURL = this.LukeURL;}
if (GlobalOptions.UpdateLocation == 4) {CheckURL = this.CodeSphereURL;}
try {
method: 'GET',
url: 'http'+(secure ? 's' : '')+'://'+CheckURL,
onload: function(xpr) {AutoUpdater.compare(xpr,response);},
onerror: function(xpr) {if (secure) {AutoUpdater.call(false,response);} else {AutoUpdater.compare({responseText:""},response);}}
} catch (e){ logerr(e); }
compareVersion: function(r_version, l_version) {
var r_parts = r_version.split(''),
l_parts = l_version.split(''),
r_len = r_parts.length,
l_len = l_parts.length,
r = l = 0;
for(var i = 0, len = (r_len > l_len ? r_len : l_len); i < len && r == l; ++i) {
r = +(parseIntNan(r_parts[i]||0));
l = +(parseIntNan(l_parts[i]||0));
return (r !== l) ? r > l : false;
compare: function(xpr,response) {
if (this.xversion) this.xversion = this.xversion[1];
else {
if (response) {
uW.Modal.showAlert('<div align="center">'+tx('Unable to check for updates to')+' '+tx(this.name)+'.<br>'+tx('Please change the update options or visit the')+'<br><a href="'+this.homepage+'" target="_blank">'+tx('script homepage')+'</a></div>');
logit("Unable to check for updates :(");
if (this.xrelnotes) this.xrelnotes = this.xrelnotes[1];
var updated = this.compareVersion(this.xversion, this.version);
if (updated) {logit('New Version Available!');
var body = '<BR><DIV align=center><FONT size=3><B>'+tx('New version')+' '+this.xversion+' '+tx('is available!')+'</b></font></div><BR>';
if (this.xrelnotes)
body+='<BR><div align="center" style="border:0;width:470px;height:120px;max-height:120px;overflow:auto"><b>'+tx('New Features!')+'</b><p>'+this.xrelnotes+'</p></div><BR>';
var DownloadURL = AutoUpdater.SourceForgeURL;
if (GlobalOptions.UpdateLocation == 1) {DownloadURL = AutoUpdater.GreasyForkURL;}
body+='<BR><DIV align=center><a href="http'+(AutoUpdater.secure ? 's' : '')+'://'+DownloadURL+'" target="_blank" class="gemButtonv2 green" id="doBotUpdate">Update</a></div>';
else {
logit("No updates available :(");
if (response) {
uW.Modal.showAlert('<div align="center">'+tx('No updates available for')+' '+tx(this.name)+' '+tx('at this time.')+'</div>');
check: function() {
var now = unixTime();
var lastCheck = 0;
if (GM_getValue('updated_'+this.id, 0)) lastCheck = parseInt(GM_getValue('updated_'+this.id, 0));
if (now > (lastCheck + 60*60*24)) this.call(true,false);
GM_setValue('updated_'+AutoUpdater.id, now);
ShowUpdate: function (body) {
var ModalBody = uWCreateObjectIn ('btModalBody',{});
ModalBody.title = tx(this.name);
ModalBody.body = body;
ModalBody.closeNow = false;
ModalBody["class"] = "Warning";
ModalBody.curtain = false;
ModalBody.width = 500;
ModalBody.height = 700;
ModalBody.left = 140;
ModalBody.top = 140;
exportFunction(function () { CM.ModalManager.closeAll(); },ModalBody,{defineAs:'close'});
ById('doBotUpdate').addEventListener ('click', this.doUpdate, false);
doUpdate: function () {
var nHtml={
FindByXPath:function(obj,xpath,nodetype) {
if (!nodetype) { nodetype = XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE; }
try { var q=document.evaluate(xpath,obj,null,nodetype,null); }
catch (e) { GM_log('bad xpath:'+xpath); }
if (nodetype == XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE) { if (q && q.singleNodeValue) { return q.singleNodeValue; }}
else { if(q){ return q; }}
return null;
ClickWin:function(obj,evtName) {
var evt = window.document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
evt.initMouseEvent(evtName, true, true, obj.ownerDocument.defaultView, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
return !obj.dispatchEvent(evt);
Click:function(obj) {
return this.ClickWin(obj,'click');
ClickTimeout:function(obj,millisec) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
return nHtml.ClickWin(obj,'click');
SetSelect:function(obj,v) {
for(var o=0; o<obj.options.length; o++) {
if(v==obj.options[o].value) { obj.options[o].selected=true; return true; }
return false;
readGlobalOptions ();
GM_addStyle(".yellowBanner {background-color:#fde073;color:#000; text-align: center; line-height: 2.5; overflow: hidden; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px black; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px black; box-shadow: 0 0 5px black;");
GM_addStyle(".redBanner {background-color:#a00;color:#fff;text-align: center; line-height: 2.5; overflow: hidden; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px black; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px black; box-shadow: 0 0 5px black;");
if (document.URL.search(/apps.facebook.com\/kingdomsofcamelot/i) >= 0) {
SetGameScreen ();
HandleInlinePublishPopup ();
else {
if (document.URL.search(/games\/kingdoms-of-camelot\/play/i) >= 0) {
SetGameScreen ();
else {
if (document.URL.search(/facebook.com/i) >= 0) {
if(document.URL.search(/dialog\/feed/i) >= 0) {
HandlePublishPopup ();
else {
if (document.URL.search(/rycamelot.com/i) >= 0) {
if (window.self.location != window.parent.location) { // Fix weird bug with koc game?
if (document.URL.search(/main_src.php/i) != -1) {
SetGameScreen ();
else {
/** Initialise BOT **/
function PowerBotStartup () {
clearTimeout (btStartupTimer);
if (uW.btLoaded) return;
var metc = getClientCoords(ById('main_engagement_tabs'));
if (metc.width==null || metc.width==0) { // wait until page loaded
btStartupTimer = setTimeout (PowerBotStartup, 1000);
// initialise Bot
logit('initialising Power Bot Plus');
// set up top tabs
var tabs=ById('main_engagement_tabs');
if (tabs) {
readUserOptions (uW.user_id); // fb user id
readOptions ();
Dashboard.OptionsInit(); // always initialise dashboard options
Options.Language = uW.g_ajaxparams.lang;
readLanguage(Options.Language); // initially load any language settings stored in browser memory cache
RefreshEvery.init ();
RefreshEvery.box.innerHTML = '<span style="Line-Height:35px;"><FONT color=white><B> '+tx('Initialising PowerBot+')+' ...</b></font></span>';
if (GlobalOptions.btTransparent) { Opacity = 0.9; } else { Opacity = 1.0; }
var HeadColour = 'rgba('+HEXtoRGB(Options.Colors.PanelText).r+','+HEXtoRGB(Options.Colors.PanelText).g+','+HEXtoRGB(Options.Colors.PanelText).b+',0.5)';
if ((HEXtoRGB(Options.Colors.Panel).r*0.299) + (HEXtoRGB(Options.Colors.Panel).g*0.587) + (HEXtoRGB(Options.Colors.Panel).b*0.114) <= 100) {
SpeedColour = '#fff';
LinkColour = '#00ff00';
if (!Options.GreenCastles) { URL_CASTLE_BUT_SEL=URL_CASTLE_BUT_HOVER; }
var styles = '\
.buttonv2.std {width:123px; height:20px; line-height:20px; padding:2px 7px;} \
.kocmain .mod_comm .comm_global .chatlist .global {background-color:transparent;}\
table.xtab td {padding-right: 5px; border:none; background:none; white-space:nowrap;}\
table.xtabBR td {padding-right: 5px; border:none; background:none; white-space:normal;}\
.xtabBorder {background:none; border:1px solid #ccc; padding: 1px;}\
.xtab {padding-right:5px; border:none; background:none; white-space:nowrap;}\
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.xtabHDDef {padding-right: 5px; border-bottom:1px solid '+HeadColour+'; background:none; white-space:nowrap;font-weight:bold;font-size:11px;color:#f00;margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;vertical-align:text-top;align:left}\
.xtabBRTop {padding-right: 5px; border:none; background:none; white-space:normal; vertical-align:top;}\
.xtabH {background:'+Options.Colors.Panel+'; border:none; padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px; margin-left:10px;}\
.xtabHL {background:'+Options.Colors.Panel+'; border-width: 1px; border-style: none none none solid; padding-right:5px; padding-left:5px; margin-left:10px;}\
.xtabL {background:none; border-width: 1px; border-style: none none none solid; padding-right:5px; padding-left: 5px; margin-left:10px;}\
.xtabLine {padding:0px; spacing:0px; height:1px; border-color:black; border-width: 1px; border-style: none none solid none;}\
a.xlink {color:'+LinkColour+' !important;}\
table.xtab td.xtabTotal {border-bottom:1px solid '+HeadColour+'; border-top:1px solid '+HeadColour+';}\
tr.btPopupTop td {background-color:'+Options.Colors.Title+'; border:1px solid #000000; height: 21px; padding:0px; color:'+Options.Colors.TitleText+';}\
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.btMonitor_btPopMain {font-size:'+Options.MonitorOptions.MonitorFontSize+'px;}\
.btPopup {border:5px ridge #666; opacity:'+Opacity+'; -moz-border-radius:25px; border-radius:25px; -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #000000;}\
.btReportPopup_btPopMain {font-size:12px;}\
.btSelector {font-size:11px;}\
.btInput {font-size:10px;}\
.AlertStyle {background:url("'+AlertBG+'") no-repeat left;}\
.AlertContent {border:none; background:none; white-space:nowrap;font:bold 11px Georgia;color:#551000;text-align:left;height:13px;}\
.AlertLink {text-decoration:none;color:#ecddc1;text-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #000;}\
.TextLink {text-decoration:none;}\
.TextLink:Hover {text-decoration:none;}\
.TextLink:Active {text-decoration:none;}\
.divHide {display:none}\
.divHeader {border:0px solid; border-color:#000000; background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,'+Options.Colors.DividerTop+','+Options.Colors.DividerBottom+'); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,'+Options.Colors.DividerTop+', '+Options.Colors.DividerBottom+'); -moz-border-radius:5px; height: 16px;border-bottom:0px solid #000000;font-weight:bold;font-size:11px;opacity:0.75;margin-left:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-top:1px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-top:4px;padding-right:10px;padding-left:4px;vertical-align:text-top;align:left; color:'+Options.Colors.DividerText+';}\
.btButton:Hover {color:#FFFF80;}\
.oddRow {height:20px;background: rgba(0,0,0,0.05);}\
.evenRow {height:20px;background: rgba(0,0,0,0);}\
.highRow {height:20px;font-weight:bold;background-color:'+Options.Colors.Highlight+';color:'+Options.Colors.HighlightText+';}\
.totalCell {background-color:'+Options.Colors.Highlight+';color:'+Options.Colors.HighlightText+'}\
.divLink {color:#000;text-decoration:none;}\
.divLink:Hover {color:#000;text-decoration:none;}\
.divLink:Active {color:#000;text-decoration:none;}\
.castleBut {outline:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; width:23px; height:25px; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;}\
.castleBut:hover {background:url("'+URL_CASTLE_BUT_HOVER+'") no-repeat center center;}\
.castleButNon {background:url("'+URL_CASTLE_BUT+'") no-repeat center center;}\
.castleButSel {background:url("'+URL_CASTLE_BUT_SEL+'") no-repeat center center;}\
.castleButBack {background-color:#f00;display:inline-block;width:23px; height:25px;}\
.trimg:hover span.trtip {display:block; opacity: 1.0; z-index:999999; font-size:11px; text-align:left; position:absolute; background: #FFFFAA; color: #000; border: 1px solid #FFAD33; padding: 0.5em 0.5em;}\
.trimg span.trtip {display:none;}\
.trimg span.trtip:hover {display:none;}\
.presetBut {outline:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; width:22px; height:22px; font-family: georgia,arial,sans-serif;font-size: 12px;color:white; line-height:19px;}\
.presetButNon {background:url("'+PresetImage+'") no-repeat center center;}\
.presetButLck {background:url("'+PresetImage_LCK+'") no-repeat center center;}\
.presetButSel {background:url("'+PresetImage_SEL+'") no-repeat center center;}\
.presetButDis {opacity: 0.4;}\
.guardBut {outline:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; width:31px; height:33px; font-family: georgia,arial,sans-serif;line-height:52px;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;color:#fff;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #000,-1px -1px 2px #000; background: url("'+GuardBG+'") no-repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; background-size:350px;}\
.guardButNon {border: 2px solid transparent;}\
.guardButSel {border: 2px solid blue;}\
.champBut {outline:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; width:31px; height:33px; font-family: georgia,arial,sans-serif;line-height:52px;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;color:#fff;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #000,-1px -1px 2px #000;}\
.champButNon {border: 2px solid transparent;}\
.champButSel {border: 2px solid green;}\
.champButMarch {border: 2px solid red;}\
.ptChatAttack {color: #000; font-weight:bold; background-color:'+Options.ChatOptions.Colors.ChatAtt+';}\
.ptChatScout {color: #000; font-weight:bold; background-color:'+Options.ChatOptions.Colors.ChatScout+';}\
.ptChatRecall {color: #000; font-weight:bold; background-color:'+Options.ChatOptions.Colors.ChatRecall+';}\
.ptChatWhisper {font-weight:bold; color:'+Options.ChatOptions.Colors.ChatWhisper+';}\
.ptChatAlliance {background-color:'+Options.ChatOptions.Colors.ChatAll+';}\
.ptChatGlobal {background-color:'+Options.ChatOptions.Colors.ChatGlobal+';}\
.ptChatBold {font-weight:bold}\
.ptChatGlobalAll {font-weight:bold;background-color:'+Options.ChatOptions.Colors.ChatGlobal+';}\
.ptChatIcon {border: 1px inset black}\
.ptChatCHAN {color:#000; background-color:'+Options.ChatOptions.Colors.ChatChancy+';}\
.ptChatVICE {color:#000; background-color:'+Options.ChatOptions.Colors.ChatVC+';}\
.ptChatOFFI {color:#000; background-color:'+Options.ChatOptions.Colors.ChatLeaders+';}\
.ptChatGLORY {background-image: url('+GLORY_BACKGROUND+'); background-size: 40px 33px; background-position: right bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; min-height:65px; }\
.ptChatRAINBOW {background-image: url('+RAINBOW_BACKGROUND+'); background-size: 280px 1px; background-position: left top; background-repeat: repeat-y; }\
table.ptTab tr td {border:none; background:none; white-space:nowrap;}\
.whiteOnRed {padding-left:3px; padding-right:3px; background-color:#f00; color:white; font-weight:bold}\
.whiteOnGreen {padding-left:3px; padding-right:3px; background-color:#080; color:white; font-weight:bold}\
span.boldRed {color:#800; font-weight:bold}\
span.boldOrange {color:#F80; font-weight:bold}\
span.boldGreen {color:#080; font-weight:bold}\
span.boldMagenta {color:#808; font-weight:bold}\
.kocHeader .timeAndDomain {margin: 13px 0px 0px -5px;}\
.kocmain .mod_maparea .mod_citylist .city_warning{background: url('+URL_CASTLE_WARN+') no-repeat; margin-top: 4px;}\
.btExpander {background:none; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 20px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 20px; border-bottom-right-radius: 20px; border-top-right-radius: 20px;}\
.btBackExpander {background:none; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 20px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 20px; border-bottom-left-radius: 20px; border-top-left-radius: 20px;}\
.tooldesc:hover span.tooltip {display:block; position:absolute; color: #000000; background: #FFFFAA; border: 1px solid #FFAD33; padding: 0.5em 0.5em;}\
.tooldesc span.tooltip {display:none;}\
.tooldesc span.tooltip:hover {display:none;}\
.flip {-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); -moz-transform: rotate(180deg); transform: rotate(180deg);}\
.smileyimage {width:17px !important;height:17px !important;float:none !important;}\
.wrap {white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;}\
.ui-tabs { padding: 0px; background: transparent; border-width: 0px; }\
.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav { padding-left: 0px; background: transparent; border-width: 0px 0px 1px 0px; -moz-border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; border-radius: 0px; }\
.ui-tabs li.ui-tabs-active { border-width: 1px 1px 0px 1px; -moz-border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; border-radius: 0px; background-color:'+Options.Colors.Panel+'; }\
.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel { border-width: 0px 0px 0px 1px; -moz-border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; border-radius: 0px; font-family: georgia,arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; }\
.ui-tabs .ui-state-active { background: none;}\
.ui-widget-content a { color: #fff; }\
.buttonv2.purple { background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #F0F, #808 100%) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top , #F0F, #808 100%) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; }\
.buttonv2.purple:hover { background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #FF44FF, #A044A0 100%) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top , #FF44FF, #A044A0 100%) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; }\
.buttonv2.orange { background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #FF8000, #FF4500 100%) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top , #FF8000, #FF4500 100%) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; }\
.buttonv2.orange:hover { background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #FFB045, #FF8045 100%) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top , #FFB045, #FF8045 100%) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; }\
.btIcon { vertical-align:text-bottom; }\
.btTop { vertical-align:text-top; }\
.btFaint { opacity:0.8; }\
div.ErrText {color:#FF0000;}';
GM_addStyle("a.inlineButton.brown11 span {background: url("+LONG_BROWN_BTN+") no-repeat scroll left top transparent; !important}");
GM_addStyle(".castleBut.defending {border-top: 2px; border-bottom: 2px; border-left: 2px; border-right: 2px; border-style: ridge; border-color: red;}");
GM_addStyle(".castleBut.hiding {border-top: 2px; border-bottom: 2px; border-left: 2px; border-right: 2px; border-style: ridge; border-color: rgb(229, 221, 201);}");
GM_addStyle(".castleBut.attack {opacity: 0.6;}");
GM_addStyle("#directory_tabs {background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , rgba(0,0,0,0) 50%, #1B64CB 55%, #163665 100%) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent}");
GM_addStyle('div.rored {color:#fff !important}');
if (Options.ShowServerTraffic) {
if (ById('kochead_time')) {
var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
newdiv.innerHTML = tx('Server Traffic')+': <span style="font-weight:bold;text-shadow:black 0.1em 0.1em 0.2em;" id=btTraffic> </span>';
ByCl('timeAndDomain')[0].style.marginTop = '4px';
ByCl('avatarInfo')[0].style.marginTop = '10px';
if(uW.g_js_strings) {
uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.yourScriptVersionIsOut = uW.g_js_strings.checkoutofdate.reloadconfirm; // more meaningful!!
if (uW.cm.thronestats && uW.cm.thronestats.boosts && uW.cm.thronestats.boosts.Speed) {
uW.cm.thronestats.boosts.Speed.BoostName = uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom.effectName_4; // change speed to combat speed in TR Caps
var gg = ByCl('gem_gifting');
if(gg.length > 0) for(var g = 0; g < gg.length;g++) gg[g].style.display = 'none';
if (!GlobalOptions.btPowerBar) {
AddMainTabLink(tx('POWERBOT+'), 'PBPButton', eventHideShow, mouseMainTab);
/* add all effects to alternate sort order */
for (k in uW.cm.thronestats.tiers) {
if (AlternateSortOrder.indexOf(parseInt(k)) == -1) { AlternateSortOrder.push(parseInt(k)); }
if (ArcanaEnabled()) {
for (var l=1;l<=parseIntNan(Seed.allianceHQ.buildings[3].buildingLevel);l++) {
for (var ll in Seed.arcaneRequirements[l]) {
if (Seed.arcaneRequirements[l][ll].isAvailable) {
ArcaneRequirements[ll] = JSON2.parse(JSON2.stringify(Seed.arcaneRequirements[l][ll]));
if (!Seed.arcanaApothecaryBuffValue) { Seed.arcanaApothecaryBuffValue = 0; }
if (!Seed.arcanaAetherstoneCapBuffValue) { Seed.arcanaAetherstoneCapBuffValue = 0; }
/* set initial city ID (for city selectors in all the panels and tabs, NOT Dashboard!) */
InitialCityId = uW.currentcityid;
if (Options.amain) {
if (Options.smain == -1) {
if (Cities.cities[Options.lmain]) { InitialCityId = Cities.cities[Options.lmain].id; }
else {
if (Cities.cities[Options.smain]) { InitialCityId = Cities.cities[Options.smain].id; }
SelectiveDefending = uW.g_serverType != CM.SERVER_TYPES.PVP;
CE_EFFECT_TIERS = CM.WorldSettings.getSettingAsObject("CE_EFFECTS_TIERS");
for (var i in ScoutTroops) {
ScoutTroops[i] = uW.unitnamedesctranslated['unt'+i][0];
var effectTiers = CE_EFFECT_TIERS;
var effObjSize=0,effsplit={},basegrowth={};
for (var k in effectTiers) {
for (var k in effectTiers) {
CE_MIGHT_RARITY_MAP = CM.WorldSettings.getSettingAsObject("CE_MIGHT_RARITY_MAP");
CE_MIGHT_LEVEL_MAP = CM.WorldSettings.getSettingAsObject("CE_MIGHT_LEVEL_MAP");
for (var h=0;h<HourGlasses.length;h++) { HourGlassName[HourGlasses[h]] = uW.itemlist['i'+HourGlasses[h]].name; }
WideScreen.init ();
WideScreen.setPowerBar (GlobalOptions.btPowerBar,GlobalOptions.btPowerBarOpen);
WideScreen.setChatOnRight (GlobalOptions.btChatOnRight);
WideScreen.useWideMap (GlobalOptions.btWideMap);
function CloseMainTab () {
mainPop = new CPopup ('btMain', Options.btWinPos.x, Options.btWinPos.y, GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x, 100 , true, CloseMainTab);
mainPop.getMainDiv().innerHTML = '<STYLE>'+ styles +'</style>';
WideScreen.setDashboard (Options.btDashboard); // do after styles added ^^
// Load in Additional/Optional Tabs
var NewVersion = false;
if (!GlobalOptions.ExtraTabsVersion || AutoUpdater.compareVersion(Version, GlobalOptions.ExtraTabsVersion)) {
NewVersion = true;
GlobalOptions.ExtraTabsVersion = Version;
CheckDelay = 0;
for (var e in GlobalOptions.ExtraTabs) {
if (GlobalOptions.ExtraTabs[e].enabled) {
try {
} catch (err){ logerr(err);}
if (GlobalOptions.TabAutoCheck) {
var now = unixTime();
if (NewVersion || (!GlobalOptions.ExtraTabs[e].lastchecked || GlobalOptions.ExtraTabs[e].lastchecked + (3600*24*3) < now)) { // only check for new tabs once every 3 days, or if main script version changes
// Basic initialisation complete
tabManager.init (mainPop.getMainDiv());
// check token response
if (GlobalOptions.DashboardToggle) {
AddPowerBarLink(tx('Dashboard'), 'PBPDashButton', function() { WideScreen.ShowDashboard(!Options.btDashboard);}, function(me) { if (Options.btFloatingDashboard) ResetWindowPos (me,'main_engagement_tabs',popDash);});
if (Options.btWinIsOpen && GlobalOptions.btTrackOpen){
mainPop.show (true);
// fix leaderboard display so you can always see might leaderboard even if glory leaderboard returns no results!
var lbfix = new CalterUwFunc("modal_fow_leaderboard",[['e.emptySet','false']]);
// Set to check for updates in 15 seconds
// if (GlobalOptions.AutoUpdates) setTimeout(function(){AutoUpdater.check();},15000);
// start main looper
SecondTimer = setTimeout(EverySecond,0);
var rptfix = new CalterUwFunc('Messages.deleteCheckedReports', [['MessagesController', 'MessageController']]);
t.updateseedfix = new CalterUwFunc('update_seed_ajax', [
[/if\s*\(typeof\s*isCancelTraining/im, 'var l_lastCallTime = cm.l_lastCallTime; var reload_requests = cm.reload_requests; var l_callIntervalMin = cm.l_callIntervalMin; if(typeof isCancelTraining'],
[/update_march\(rslt.updateMarch\)/im, 'try {update_march(rslt.updateMarch);} catch (V) {}'],
// initialisation complete!
uW.btLoaded = true;
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', onUnload, false);
RefreshEvery.box.innerHTML = '<span style="Line-Height:35px;"><FONT color=white><B> PowerBot+ Initialised!</b></font></span>';
actionLog('Power Bot Plus ('+Version+') successfully initialised');
function RememberWindowPositions() {
Options.btWinPos = mainPop.getLocation();
if (popDash && Options.btFloatingDashboard) { Options.btDashPos = popDash.getLocation(); }
if (popMon) { Options.btMonPos = popMon.getLocation(); }
if (popInc) { Options.btIncPos = popInc.getLocation(); }
if (popOut) { Options.btOutPos = popOut.getLocation(); }
if (popBat) { Options.btBatPos = popBat.getLocation(); }
if (popMarch) { Options.btMarchPos = popMarch.getLocation(); }
function onUnload (){
if (uW.btLoaded) {
Options.lmain = Cities.byID[uW.currentcityid].idx;
if (!ResetAll) {
// clear down uW Objects on unload??
if (uW.cpopupWins) uW.cpopupWins = null;
if (uW.calterRegistry) uW.calterRegistry = null;
if (uW.uWFunc) uW.uWFunc = null;
/** uW Modifiers **/
function ModifyUWObjects () {
function DoveOfPeace (iid) {
// popup
ModalMultiButton({ buttons: [ { txt: tx("Use Dove of Peace"), exe: function () {uW.Modal.hideModal();UseDove(iid);}},
{ txt: tx("Cancel Request"), exe: function () {uW.Modal.hideModal();}}],
body: "<center> "+tx('Please confirm you want to use a Dove of Peace')+"?</center>",
title: tx("Confirm Dove")
function ShowCity (idx) {
function ShowKnightsHall (city) {
if (OpenBuilding(city+1,"7")) {
function ShowGuardians(city) {
function ShowEmbassy (city) {
function ShowWalls (city) {
if (Seed.buildings["city" + uW.currentcityid].pos1) { uW.modal_build(1); }
else { uW.modal_buildnew(1); }
function SendAllHome (cityId) {
Dashboard.serverwait = true;
var Returns = [];
Returns = Dashboard.Reins.slice();
var delayer = 0;
for (var r in Returns) {
var mid = Returns[r];
delayer = delayer + 1;
setTimeout (Dashboard.SendHome,(500*delayer),mid); // spread them out ...
delayer = delayer + 1;
function ClearAtEnd () {
Dashboard.serverwait = false;
setTimeout (ClearAtEnd,(500*delayer)); // let screen updates run again
function CreateChampionPopUp (elem,chkcityId,localchamp,champid,maparea,cityinfo) {
effects = ById(elem.id+'effects');
// do a compare, or get local champ details...
if (Options.DashboardOptions.ChampionCompare || localchamp) {
var oureffects = '<table cellspacing=0 style="background-color:none;"><tr><td class=xtab><b><center><br>'+uW.g_js_strings.champ.no_champ+'<br>'+tx('Assigned')+'!</center></b></td></tr></table>';
try {
for (var y in Seed.champion.champions) {
chkchamp = Seed.champion.champions[y];
if (chkchamp.assignedCity && !Cities.byID[chkchamp.assignedCity]) { chkchamp.assignedCity = 0; }
if (chkchamp.championId) {
if ((!champid && chkchamp.assignedCity == chkcityId) || (chkchamp.championId == champid)) {
var status = '';
var champstatus = chkchamp.status;
if (maparea) {
if (champstatus != "10") { status = ' ('+tx('Defending')+')'; }
else { status = ' ('+tx('Marching')+')'; }
else {
if (cityinfo) {
var status = '</b><br><i>';
if (chkchamp.assignedCity==0) { status += tx('Unassigned')+'</i>'; }
else {
if (champstatus != "10") { status += tx('Defending')+' '; }
else { status += tx('Marching from')+' '; }
status += Cities.byID[chkchamp.assignedCity].name+'</i>';
oureffects = '<table cellspacing=0 class=xtab><tr><td colspan=2><b>'+chkchamp.name+status+'</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.report_view.champion_stats+'</b></td></tr>';
// equipped items
var CHAMP_DATA = BuildChampData (uW.kocChampionItems,chkchamp.championId);
var equippedchampstats = CHAMP_DATA.equippedchampstats;
var equippedtroopstats = CHAMP_DATA.equippedtroopstats;
var equippedbossstats = CHAMP_DATA.equippedbosstats;
var SteelHoofCount = CHAMP_DATA.SteelHoofCount;
var LightBringerCount = CHAMP_DATA.LightBringerCount;
var DragonScaleCount = CHAMP_DATA.DragonScaleCount;
var TestCount = CHAMP_DATA.TestCount;
var WildHideCount = CHAMP_DATA.WildHideCount;
var VespersCount = CHAMP_DATA.VespersCount;
var SilverCount = CHAMP_DATA.SilverCount;
var WarlockCount = CHAMP_DATA.WarlockCount;
var IceQueenCount = CHAMP_DATA.IceQueenCount;
var EagleCount = CHAMP_DATA.EagleCount;
var DragonWarriorCount = CHAMP_DATA.DragonWarriorCount;
var gotchamp = false;
for (var k in equippedchampstats) {
gotchamp = true;
str = uW.g_js_strings.effects['name_'+k];
var chEffect = getChampCappedValue(k,equippedchampstats[k]);
if (k>= 300) {
if (k==314) { str = tx('Add. Defend Bonus'); }
else { str = tx('Inc. Bonus')+' '+str.split(" "+tx("equipment"))[0]; }
var champvalue = +((chEffect*100).toFixed(2))+"%";
else {
var champvalue = +(chEffect.toFixed(2));
if (str && str!= "") { oureffects+="<tr><td>"+str+"</td><td>"+champvalue+"</td></tr>"; }
if (VespersCount >= 4) {
gotchamp = true;
oureffects+="<tr><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.champ.vespers+": "+uW.g_js_strings.champ.damage+"</td><td>"+CM.CHAMPION.getVespersDamageSetBonus().replace('+','')+"</td></tr>";
if (!gotchamp) { oureffects += '<tr><td colspan=2><i>None Available</i></td></tr>'; }
oureffects+="<tr><td colspan=2><b>"+uW.g_js_strings.report_view.troop_stats+"</b></td></tr>";
var gottroops = false;
if ((SteelHoofCount >= 4 && LightBringerCount >= 5) || (DragonScaleCount >= 6 && LightBringerCount >= 5)) {
gottroops = true;
if (SteelHoofCount >= 4 && LightBringerCount >= 5) {
oureffects+="<tr><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.champ.doubleBonus+": "+uW.g_js_strings.champ.attackRange+"</td><td>"+CM.CHAMPION.getSteelhoofsRangeSetBonus().replace('+','')+"</td></tr>";
else {
oureffects+="<tr><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.champ.doubleBonus+": "+uW.g_js_strings.champ.attackLife+"</td><td>"+CM.CHAMPION.getSteelhoofsRangeSetBonus().replace('+','')+"</td></tr>";
} else {
if (SteelHoofCount >= 4 || DragonScaleCount >= 6) {
gottroops = true;
if (SteelHoofCount >= 4) {
oureffects+="<tr><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.champ.steelhoofsBonus+": "+uW.g_js_strings.champ.range+"</td><td>"+CM.CHAMPION.getSteelhoofsRangeSetBonus().replace('+','')+"</td></tr>";
else {
oureffects+="<tr><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.champ.dragonscalesBonus+": "+uW.g_js_strings.champ.life+"</td><td>"+CM.CHAMPION.getSteelhoofsRangeSetBonus().replace('+','')+"</td></tr>";
} else {
if (LightBringerCount >= 5) {
gottroops = true;
oureffects+="<tr><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.champ.lightbringersBonus+": "+uW.g_js_strings.champ.attack+"</td><td>"+CM.CHAMPION.getLightbringersRangeSetBonus().replace('+','')+"</td></tr>";
else {
if (WildHideCount >= 5) {
gottroops = true;
oureffects+="<tr><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.champ.wildhideBonus+": "+uW.g_js_strings.champ.attack+"</td><td>"+CM.CHAMPION.getWildhideAttackSetBonus().replace('+','')+"</td></tr>";
else {
if (SilverCount >= 5) {
gottroops = true;
oureffects+="<tr><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.champ.silver+": "+uW.g_js_strings.champ.silverKnightBonus+"</td><td>"+CM.CHAMPION.getSilverknightSpeedDefenceSetBonus().replace('+','')+"</td></tr>";
if (WarlockCount >= 5) {
gottroops = true;
if (IceQueenCount >= 5) {
gottroops = true;
if (EagleCount >= 5) {
gottroops = true;
if (DragonWarriorCount >= 5) {
gottroops = true;
for (var k in equippedtroopstats) {
gottroops = true;
str = uW.g_js_strings.effects['name_'+k];
if (str && str!= "") {
var chEffect = getChampCappedValue(k,equippedtroopstats[k]);
if (!gottroops) { oureffects += '<tr><td colspan=2><i>None Available</i></td></tr>'; }
for (var k in equippedbossstats) {
var gotboss = false;
var bosseffects = '';
for (var kk in equippedbossstats[k]) {
gotboss = true;
str = uW.g_js_strings.effects['name_'+kk];
if (str && str!= "") {
var chEffect = getChampCappedValue(kk,equippedbossstats[k][kk]);
var champvalue = +(chEffect.toFixed(2))+"%";
if (gotboss) { oureffects += "<tr><td colspan=2><b>"+uW.itemlist['i'+k].name+' '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.stats+"</b></td></tr>"+bosseffects; }
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
oureffects = '<table cellspacing=0><tr><td class=xtab><b><center>'+tx('Error reading champion data')+'</center></b></td></tr></table>';
td = ById(elem.id+'td');
if (maparea) {
else {
if (localchamp) {
jQuery('#'+td.id).append('<span class="trtip"><table cellspacing=0><tr style="vertical-align:top;"><td class=xtab>'+oureffects+'</td></tr></table></span>');
else {
if (Options.ChampionCompare) {
jQuery('#'+td.id).append('<span class="trtip"><table cellspacing=0><tr style="vertical-align:top;"><td class=xtab>'+effects.value+'</td><td class=xtab>'+oureffects+'</td></tr></table></span>');
else {
jQuery('#'+td.id).append('<span class="trtip">'+effects.value+'</span>');
function ChangeDashCity(city) {
function StopProp (e) {
function CityChanged () {
if (popDash) uW.btChangeDashCity(uW.currentcityid);
Options.lmain = Cities.byID[uW.currentcityid].idx;
uWExportFunction('btArthurCheck',function(a) { logit('arthurCheck intercepted'); return; });
uW.arthurCheck = uW.btArthurCheck;
uWExportFunction('pthideMe', hideMe);
uWExportFunction('ptStopProp', StopProp);
uWExportFunction ('btDoveOfPeace', DoveOfPeace);
uWExportFunction ('btShowCity', ShowCity);
uWExportFunction ('btGotoMapHide', GotoMapHide);
uWExportFunction ('btGotoMap', GotoMap);
uWExportFunction ('btGotoMapRpt', GotoMapRpt);
uWExportFunction ('btShowKnightsHall', ShowKnightsHall);
uWExportFunction ('btShowGuardians', ShowGuardians);
uWExportFunction ('btShowEmbassy', ShowEmbassy);
uWExportFunction ('btShowWalls', ShowWalls);
uWExportFunction ('btSendAllHome', SendAllHome);
uWExportFunction ('btCreateChampionPopUp', CreateChampionPopUp);
uWExportFunction ('btDashboardButtonClick', WideScreen.ShowDashboard);
uWExportFunction ('btChangeDashCity', ChangeDashCity);
uWExportFunction ('btStartKeyTimer', StartKeyTimer);
uWExportFunction ('btSelectTroopType', Dashboard.SelectTroopType);
uWExportFunction ('btSetRitualLength', Dashboard.SetRitualLength);
uWExportFunction ('btCheckDefaultRitual', Dashboard.CheckDefaultRitual);
uWExportFunction ('btStartRitual', Dashboard.StartRitual);
uWExportFunction ('btStopRitual', Dashboard.StopRitual);
uWExportFunction ('btQuickSacrifice', Dashboard.QuickSacrifice);
uWExportFunction ('btSetMaxTroops', Dashboard.SetMaxTroops);
uWExportFunction ('btSendHome', Dashboard.SendHome);
uWExportFunction ('btSwitchThroneRoom', Dashboard.SwitchThroneRoom);
uWExportFunction ('btCancelMarshall', Dashboard.CancelMarshall);
uWExportFunction ('btChangeMarshall', Dashboard.ChangeMarshall);
uWExportFunction ('btSetMarshall', Dashboard.SetMarshall);
uWExportFunction ('btBoostMarshall', Dashboard.BoostMarshall);
uWExportFunction ('btCancelChampion', Dashboard.CancelChampion);
uWExportFunction ('btChangeChampion', Dashboard.ChangeChampion);
uWExportFunction ('btFreeChampion', Dashboard.FreeChampion);
uWExportFunction ('btSetChampion', Dashboard.SetChampion);
uWExportFunction ('btSelectDefenders', Dashboard.SelectDefenders);
uWExportFunction ('btSelectDefTroopType', Dashboard.SelectDefTroopType);
uWExportFunction ('btSetMaxDefTroops', Dashboard.SetMaxDefTroops);
uWExportFunction ('btAddDefenders', Dashboard.AddDefenders);
uWExportFunction ('btNewDefPreset', Dashboard.NewDefPreset);
uWExportFunction ('btChgDefPreset', Dashboard.ChgDefPreset);
uWExportFunction ('btDelDefPreset', Dashboard.DelDefPreset);
uWExportFunction ('btSaveDefPreset', Dashboard.SaveDefPreset);
uWExportFunction ('btSetCurrentPreset', Dashboard.SetCurrentPreset);
uWExportFunction ('btCancelDefPreset', Dashboard.CancelDefPreset);
uWExportFunction ('btSelectDefPreset', Dashboard.SelectDefPreset);
uWExportFunction ('btSetPresetDefenders', Dashboard.SetPresetDefenders);
uWExportFunction ('btRecall', Dashboard.Recall);
uWExportFunction ('btToggleSanctuary', Dashboard.ToggleSanctuary);
uWExportFunction ('btOverrideDash', Tabs.Options.OverrideDash);
uWExportFunction ('btResetDash', Tabs.Options.ResetDash);
uWExportFunction ('btDelMarchPreset', QuickMarch.DelMarchPreset);
uWExportFunction ('btSaveMarchPreset', QuickMarch.SaveMarchPreset);
uWExportFunction ('btSelectMarchPreset', QuickMarch.SelectMarchPreset);
uWExportFunction('btAddPowerBarLink', AddPowerBarLink);
uWExportFunction ('btAlliArcanaSelChange', Dashboard.SetAlliArcanaDesc);
uWExportFunction ('btPersArcanaSelChange', Dashboard.SetPersArcanaDesc);
uWExportFunction('btDeactivateArcana', Dashboard.DeactivateArcana);
uWExportFunction ('btBoostSpeedSelChange', Dashboard.SetSpeedBoostDesc);
uWExportFunction ('btBoostAccuracySelChange', Dashboard.SetAccuracyBoostDesc);
// add a battle button next to overview
if (GlobalOptions.btOverviewDashboardBtn) {
var el1 = ById('mod_cityinfo');
var el2 = el1.getElementsByClassName('hd');
for (var e in el2) {
el2[e].innerHTML += ' <a class="inlineButton btButton blue14" style="position:static;" onclick="btDashboardButtonClick(true); return false;"><span style="width:57px;">'+tx('Dashboard')+'</span></a>';
var el3 = el2[e].getElementsByClassName('button14');
for (var e2 in el3) {
el3[e2].style["position"] = "static";
el3[e2].className = 'inlineButton btButton blue14';
uWExportFunction ('btCityChanged', CityChanged);
var cityselmod = new CalterUwFunc("citysel_click",[['cm.PrestigeCityView.render()','cm.PrestigeCityView.render();btCityChanged();']]);
// check dashboard and powerbar positions in 5 seconds... (after any other scripts loaded)
setTimeout (WideScreen.CheckDashPosition, 5000);
// check for login reward after 5 seconds...
setTimeout (ClaimDailyReward, 5000);
function uWExportFunction (uwfunc,func) {
try {
if (typeof exportFunction == 'function') { exportFunction(func,uW,{defineAs:uwfunc}); }
else { eval('uW.'+uwfunc+ ' = '+func); }
} catch (e) { logerr(e); }
function uWCloneInto (obj) {
try {
if (typeof cloneInto == 'function') { return cloneInto(obj,uW); }
else { return obj; }
} catch (e) { logerr(e); }
function uWCreateObjectIn (objname,obj) {
try {
if (typeof createObjectIn == 'function') { return createObjectIn(uW, {defineAs: objname}); }
else { uW[objname] = obj; return uW[objname]; }
} catch (e) { logerr(e); }
function RefreshSeed() {
RefreshingSeed = true;
if (!Options.DashboardOptions.RefreshSeed) {
// if update_seed_ajax is running, wait for it to finish before going any further..
if (uW.g_update_seed_ajax_do) {
// stop update_seed_ajax from running again until we are done here..
uW.g_update_seed_ajax_do = true;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
var ts = (new Date().getTime() / 1000) + uW.g_timeoff;
var cts = parseInt( (ts - 25.1) * 1000);
var upd = window.self.location.href;
upd=upd.replace(/ts=\d*\.\d+/, "ts="+ts);
upd=upd.replace(/cts=\d*/, "cts="+cts);
new AjaxRequest(upd, {
method: "POST",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
var mainSrcHTMLCode = rslt.responseText;
var myregexp = /var\ seed=\{.*?\};/;
var match = myregexp.exec(mainSrcHTMLCode);
if (match != null) {
result = match[0];
result = result.substr(4);
var seed = eval(result);
// save values missing from initial load
var activeBuffs = Seed.activeBuffs;
var arcanaApothecaryBuffValue = Seed.arcanaApothecaryBuffValue;
var arcanaAetherstoneCapBuffValue = Seed.arcanaAetherstoneCapBuffValue;
var queue_champion = Seed.queue_champion;
uW.seed = uWCloneInto(seed);
Seed = uW.seed;
// restore values missing from initial load
Seed.player.g = Seed.players["u"+uW.tvuid].s;
if (!Seed.activeBuffs) {
Seed.activeBuffs = activeBuffs;
if (!Seed.queue_champion) {
Seed.queue_champion = queue_champion;
Seed.arcanaApothecaryBuffValue = arcanaApothecaryBuffValue;
Seed.arcanaAetherstoneCapBuffValue = arcanaAetherstoneCapBuffValue;
SecondLooper = 1;
// let update_seed_ajax run again
setTimeout( function () {uW.g_update_seed_ajax_do = false;},5000); // 5 second delay before we allow update_seed_ajax to run again :)
RefreshingSeed = false;
if (!Options.DashboardOptions.RefreshSeed) {
onFailure: function () {
if (notify != null)
SecondLooper = 1;
// let update_seed_ajax run again
setTimeout( function () {uW.g_update_seed_ajax_do = false;},5000); // 5 second delay before we allow update_seed_ajax to run again :)
RefreshingSeed = false;
if (!Options.DashboardOptions.RefreshSeed) {
/** Widescreen/Environment Functions **/
function LoadChecker (init) {
if (!GlobalOptions.btWatchdog) return;
var Sresult = getServerId();
if(init) {
if(Sresult == '??') {
GM_setValue ('Loaded', 0);
} else {
GM_setValue (Sresult+'Loaded', 0);
// check firefox and GM version, if dodgy, display a message bar
ValidCombo = true;
if (GMVersion.Handler == 'Greasemonkey' && parseIntNan(GMVersion.Version) > 1 && parseIntNan(FFVersion.Version) > 31 && parseIntNan(FFVersion.Version) < 38) { ValidCombo = false; }
if (!ValidCombo) {
div = document.createElement('div');
var msg = tx('Power Bot Plus has detected you are running')+' '+GMVersion.Handler+' '+tx('version')+' : '+GMVersion.Version+' '+tx('and')+' '+FFVersion.Browser+' '+tx('version')+' : '+FFVersion.Version+'. '+tx('Some features may not work correctly')+'. <a onClick="this.parentNode.parentNode.style.display=\'none\';">['+tx('Close')+']</a>';
div.innerHTML = '<DIV class=yellowBanner>'+msg+'</div>';
document.body.insertBefore (div, document.body.firstChild);
} else {
GM_setValue ('Loaded', 1);
GM_setValue (Sresult+'Loaded', 1);
function LoadCheckLoop (checkvalue) {
if (GM_getValue(checkvalue) == 0) {
LoadCheckCounter = LoadCheckCounter - 1;
if (LoadCheckCounter<=0) { KOCnotFound(20,true); }
else { setTimeout(LoadCheckLoop,5000,checkvalue); }
function SetGameScreen() {
function setGame (){
try { var kocFrame = parent.document.getElementById('kocIframes1'); } catch (err) {};
if (!kocFrame){
setTimeout (setGame, 1000);
kocFrame.style.width = '100%';
kocFrame.style.height = '3000px';
if (GlobalOptions.btWideScreenStyle=="wide") kocFrame.style.width = '1520px';
if (GlobalOptions.btWideScreenStyle=="ultra") kocFrame.style.width = '1900px';
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = 'body {margin:0; width:100%; !important;}';
try { ById('progressBar').parentNode.removeChild(ById('progressBar')); } catch (e) { }
try { ById('crossPromoBarContainer').parentNode.removeChild(ById('crossPromoBarContainer')); } catch (e) { }
setTimeout(function() {
var url=document.URL;
var dom = /s=([0-9]+)/i.exec(url);
if (dom) uW.window.document.title="KofC "+dom[1];
}, 10000)
function FacebookInstance () {
function setWideFb (){
var iFrame = ById('iframe_canvas');
if (!iFrame){
setTimeout (setWideFb, 1000);
iFrame.style.width = '100%';
while ( (iFrame=iFrame.parentNode) != null) {
if (iFrame.tagName=='DIV') {
iFrame.style.width = '100%';
iFrame.style.maxWidth = '100%';
ById('globalContainer').style.left = '0px';
var e = ById('mainContainer');
if (e) {
e.parentNode.style.minWidth = '100%';
if (GlobalOptions.btWideScreenStyle=="wide") e.parentNode.style.minWidth = '1520px';
if (GlobalOptions.btWideScreenStyle=="ultra") e.parentNode.style.minWidth = '1900px';
for(i=0; i<e.childNodes.length; i++){
if(e.childNodes[i].id == 'contentCol'){
e.childNodes[i].style.margin = '0px';
e.childNodes[i].style.paddingTop = '5px';
GM_addStyle("._470m { display: none !important;}"); // remove annoying facebook games toolbars and junk
GM_addStyle("._31e { position: inherit !important;}"); // something that stops scrolling
GM_addStyle("#rightCol { display: none !important;}");
try { ById('leftColContainer').parentNode.removeChild(ById('leftColContainer')); } catch (e) { }
var e = ById('pageHead');
if (e) {
e.style.width = '80%';
e.style.margin = '0 10%';
var e = ById('bottomContent');
if (e) {
e.style.padding = "0px 0px 12px 0px";
setTimeout(function() {
var url=document.URL;
var dom = /s=([0-9]+)/i.exec(url);
if (dom) uW.window.document.title="KofC "+dom[1];
}, 10000)
if ((document.URL.search(/merlinshare/i) != -1) || (document.URL.search(/accepttoken/i) != -1) || (document.URL.search(/claimvictorytoken/i) != -1)) {
GlobalOptions.LastTopURL = document.URL;
function CheckStandAlone (CheckString) {
if (!CheckString) { CheckString = document.URL; }
var Standalone = (CheckString.search(/games\/kingdoms-of-camelot\/play/i) >= 0 || CheckString.match(/standalone=1/i));
return Standalone;
function StandAloneInstance () {
function setWideKb () {
var iFrames = $('game_frame');
if (!iFrames){
setTimeout (setWideKb, 1000);
iFrames.style.width = '100%';
iFrames.style.height = '3000px';
if (GlobalOptions.btWideScreenStyle=="wide") iFrames.style.width = '1520px';
if (GlobalOptions.btWideScreenStyle=="ultra") iFrames.style.width = '1900px';
while ( (iFrames=iFrames.parentNode) != null && iFrames.tagName !== "BODY") {
iFrames.style.width = '100%';
if (GlobalOptions.btWideScreenStyle=="wide") iFrames.style.width = '1520px';
if (GlobalOptions.btWideScreenStyle=="ultra") iFrames.style.width = '1900px';
try { ById('promo-sidebar').parentNode.removeChild(ById('promo-sidebar')); } catch (e) { }
function sendmeaway () {
var serverID = /s=([0-9]+)/im.exec (document.location.href);
var sr = /value="(.*?)"/im.exec ($("post_form").innerHTML);
var goto = $("post_form").action+(serverID?"s="+serverID[1]:'');
goto += '&platform_req=A&signed_request='+sr[1];
setTimeout (function (){window.top.location = goto;}, 0);
if ((document.URL.search(/merlinshare/i) != -1) || (document.URL.search(/accepttoken/i) != -1) || (document.URL.search(/claimvictorytoken/i) != -1)) {
GlobalOptions.LastTopURL = document.URL;
if (GlobalOptions.btNoMoreRy) {
else {
setTimeout(function() {
var url=document.URL;
var dom = /s=([0-9]+)/i.exec(url);
if (dom) uW.window.document.title="KofC "+dom[1];
}, 10000)
function FacebookWatchdog () {
function fbwatchdog () {
if (!ById('app_content_130402594779')) {
logit ("KOC NOT FOUND (FB)!");
var INTERVAL = 50000; // wait 50 seconds before checking DOM
if (!GlobalOptions.btWatchdog) return;
setTimeout (fbwatchdog, INTERVAL);
function KOCWatchdog () {
function kbwatchdog (){
if (!ById('mod_maparea')==null){
var INTERVAL = 50000; // wait 50 seconds before checking DOM
if (!GlobalOptions.btWatchdog) return;
setTimeout (kbwatchdog, INTERVAL);
function PBPWatchdog () {
function botwatchdog (){
if (!uW.btLoaded){
var INTERVAL = 50000; // wait 50 seconds before checking DOM
setTimeout (botwatchdog, INTERVAL);
function KOCnotFound(secs,bot,inst){
var div;
var countdownTimer = null;
var endSecs = (new Date().getTime()/1000) + secs;
function countdown (){
var secsLeft = endSecs - (new Date().getTime()/1000);
ById('btwdsecs').innerHTML = timestr(secsLeft);
if (secsLeft < 0) {
clearTimeout (countdownTimer);
function cancel (){
clearTimeout (countdownTimer);
document.body.removeChild (div);
div = document.createElement('div');
var msg = tx('Power Bot Plus has detected that KofC is not loaded');
if (bot) msg = tx('Power Bot Plus failed to initialise - You may need to reinstall');
if (inst) msg = tx('Power Bot Plus failed to fully initialise - Some features may not work as expected');
msg = '<DIV class=redBanner >'+msg+'. ';
if (!inst) { msg = msg+tx('Refreshing in')+' <SPAN id=btwdsecs></span>. <a style="color:#FFFF80;visited:#FFFF80;hover:#FFFF80;cursor:pointer;" id=btwdcan >['+tx('cancel refresh')+']</a>'; }
msg = msg + '</div>';
div.innerHTML = msg;
document.body.insertBefore (div, document.body.firstChild);
if (!inst) {
ById('btwdcan').addEventListener('click', cancel, false);
countdownTimer = setInterval (countdown, 1000);
function ReloadKOC (timer,params){
var serverId = getServerId();
if (serverId == '??') { window.location.reload(true); return; }
params = (params?params:'');
var goto = window.location.protocol+'//apps.facebook.com/kingdomsofcamelot/?s='+serverId+params;
if (CheckStandAlone()) { goto = window.location.protocol+'//apps.facebook.com/kingdomsofcamelot/?s='+serverId+params; }
if (timer && GlobalOptions.TokenEnabled && UserOptions.TokenAuto && serverId==UserOptions.TokenDomain) {
// check for token collection
if (!UserOptions.TokenCollected && UserOptions.TokenLink != "" && UserOptions.TokenLink.search(/merlinshare/i) != -1 && UserOptions.LastTokenStatus == "") {
UserOptions.TokenRequest = 'TOKEN';
var goto = UserOptions.TokenLink;
else {
// check for build collection
if (!UserOptions.BuildCollected && UserOptions.BuildLink != "" && UserOptions.BuildLink.search(/accepttoken/i) != -1 && UserOptions.LastBuildStatus == "") {
UserOptions.TokenRequest = 'BUILD';
var goto = UserOptions.BuildLink;
else {
if (!UserOptions.BonusCollected && UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther.length>0 && UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther[0].playerId!=uW.tvuid && UserOptions.LastChestStatus == "") {
else {
var DomArray = UserOptions.ChestDomainList.split(",");
var freedomain = false;
for (var d=0; d < DomArray.length; d++) {
if (DomArray[d]) {
if (!UserOptions.ChestCollected[DomArray[d]] && !UserOptions.BadChestDomains[DomArray[d]]) {
freedomain = true;
if (freedomain) {
if (UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther.length>0) {
else {
if (UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.length>0) {
setTimeout (function (){window.top.location = goto;}, 0);
function CheckRemoveAlert() {
var x = ByCl('kofcalert');
if(x.length > 0) for(var i = 0; i < x.length;i++) if(String(x[i].innerHTML).indexOf('atk march no row change') > -1) {uW.Modal.hideModal(true); actionLog('Removed "atk march no row change" dialog'); }
var y = ById('fb_dialog_ipad_overlay');
if (y) y.style.display = 'none';
var z = ByCl('kofctrackeralert');
if(z.length > 0) for(var i = 0; i < z.length;i++) {uW.Modal.hideModal(true); actionLog('Removed "something has gone wrong" dialog'); }
setTimeout(CheckRemoveAlert, 2000);
function CheckDisableAds() {
if (Seed.player.ryPlayer && Seed.player.ryPlayer.dau) {
var RY1 = ById('ryAdCurtain');
if (RY1) { RY1.style.width='0px';RY1.style.height='0px';RY1.style.zIndex='-1'; }
var RY2 = ById('ryAdContainerOuter');
if (RY2) { RY2.style.width='0px';RY2.style.height='0px';RY2.style.zIndex='-1'; }
var RY3 = ById('ryAdContainer');
if (RY3) {
logit('Disabled RockYou popup ad controller');
setTimeout(CheckDisableAds, 3000);
function HandlePublishPopup() {
var myregexp = /USER_ID\"\:\"([0-9]+)"/;
var match = myregexp.exec(document.documentElement.outerHTML)[1];
if (!match) {
myregexp = /ACCOUNT_ID\"\:\"([0-9]+)"/;
match = myregexp.exec(document.documentElement.outerHTML)[1];
if (!match) { return; }
if (UserOptions.autoPublishGamePopups || UserOptions.autoCancelGamePopups){
var FBInputForm = ById('uiserver_form');
if (!FBInputForm) FBInputForm = ById('platformDialogForm');
setTimeout(HandlePublishPopup, 1000);
function HandleInlinePublishPopup() {
var FBInputForm = ById('platformDialogForm');
var myregexp = /&to=([0-9]+)&/;
var match = myregexp.exec(document.documentElement.outerHTML)[1];
if (match) {
if (UserOptions.autoPublishGamePopups || UserOptions.autoCancelGamePopups){
setTimeout(HandleInlinePublishPopup, 1000);
function CheckPublish (FBInputForm) {
var channel_input = nHtml.FindByXPath(FBInputForm,".//input[contains(@name,'app_id')]");
var current_app_id = channel_input.value;
if (current_app_id=="130402594779") { // koc
var publish_button = nHtml.FindByXPath(FBInputForm,".//input[@type='submit' and contains(@name,'publish')]");
if (!publish_button) publish_button = nHtml.FindByXPath(FBInputForm,".//button[@type='submit' and contains(@name,'__CONFIRM__')]");
var cancel_publish_button = nHtml.FindByXPath(FBInputForm,".//input[@type='submit' and contains(@name,'cancel')]");
if (!cancel_publish_button) cancel_publish_button = nHtml.FindByXPath(FBInputForm,".//button[@type='submit' and contains(@name,'__CANCEL__')]");
var privacy_setting = nHtml.FindByXPath(FBInputForm,".//select[@name='audience[0][value]']");
var privacy_input = nHtml.FindByXPath(FBInputForm,".//input[@name='privacyx']");
if (UserOptions.autoPublishGamePopups){
if (publish_button) {
if (privacy_setting) {
// 80: Everyone
// 50: Friends of Friends
// 40: Friends Only
// 10: Only Me
// 99: Custom List
var PublishList = UserOptions.autoPublishPrivacySetting;
if (PublishList==99) {
if (UserOptions.CustomListId!=0) { PublishList = UserOptions.CustomListId; }
else { PublishList = 10; } // default to only me if no list
privacy_setting.innerHTML = '<option value="'+ PublishList +'"></option>';
privacy_setting.selectedIndex = 0;
else {
if (privacy_input) {
// new facebook audience crap - translate option to new value
var PublishList = UserOptions.autoPublishPrivacySetting;
if (PublishList==99) {
if (UserOptions.CustomListId!=0) { PublishList = UserOptions.CustomListId; }
else { PublishList = TranslatePublish[10]; } // default to only me if no list
else {
PublishList = TranslatePublish[PublishList]||TranslatePublish[10];
privacy_input.value = PublishList;
} else if (UserOptions.autoCancelGamePopups) {
if (cancel_publish_button) {
function CheckHideFBDialogs () {
var FBClasses = ByCl('_10 uiLayer _4-hy _3qw');
var i = FBClasses.length;
while(i--) { FBClasses[i].parentNode.removeChild(FBClasses[i]); }
function CheckTokenCollection () {
var user_id = uW.user_id;
if (user_id) {
var UserDomain = getTokenServerId();
if (GlobalOptions.TokenEnabled && !giftAccepted){
var CheckTokenFunc = function (e) {
if (giftAccepted) { return; }
// Find the gift claiming container div
var claim_gift = ById('claimgift');
if (!claim_gift) { claim_gift = ById('claimhelp'); }
if (!claim_gift) { setTimeout(CheckTokenFunc,1000); return; }
// Look for the select drop-down
var domain_selector = ById('serverid');
// Look for the next button
var next_button1 = nHtml.FindByXPath(claim_gift, ".//a[contains(@onclick,'checkServer')]");
var next_button2 = nHtml.FindByXPath(claim_gift, ".//a[@class='nextbtn']");
var next_button3 = nHtml.FindByXPath(claim_gift, ".//a[contains(@onclick,'claimhelpform')]");
var back_button = nHtml.FindByXPath(claim_gift, ".//a");
if (domain_selector && (next_button1 || next_button2)) {
for (var i = 0; i < domain_selector.options.length; i++) {
if (domain_selector.options[i].value == UserDomain) {
domain_selector.selectedIndex = i;
logit("Merlins Token collected :)");
giftAccepted = true;
if (document.URL.search(/merlinShare_src.php/i) != -1) { UserOptions.TokenCollected = true; UserOptions.TokenRequest = 'TOKEN'; }
if (document.URL.search(/accepttoken_src.php/i) != -1) { UserOptions.BuildCollected = true; UserOptions.TokenRequest = 'BUILD'; }
if (document.URL.search(/claimVictoryToken_src.php/i) != -1) {
if (parseIntNan(getFeedServerId())==parseIntNan(UserDomain)) { UserOptions.BonusCollected = true; }
else { UserOptions.ChestCollected[getFeedServerId()] = true; }
UserOptions.TokenRequest = 'CHEST';
UserOptions.TokenCount = UserOptions.TokenCount + 1;
UserOptions.TokenResponse = 'OK';
UserOptions.TokenSuccessLink = GlobalOptions.LastTopURL;
if (next_button1) { nHtml.Click(next_button1); }
else { nHtml.Click(next_button2); }
else {
if (next_button3) { nHtml.Click(next_button3); }
else {
if (next_button2 || back_button) {
logit("Merlins Token could not be collected :(");
UserOptions.TokenResponse = 'FAILED';
var a = document.createElement('div');
a.innerHTML = '<div align=center><br><i>'+tx('Merlins Token could not be collected')+'.<br>('+tx('KofC will automatically reload in 10 seconds')+')</i></div>';
var claim_help_bdy = nHtml.FindByXPath(claim_gift, ".//div[contains(@class,'helpbodycontent')]");
if (!claim_help_bdy)
claim_help_bdy = nHtml.FindByXPath(claim_gift, ".//div[@class='claimhelpbdy']");
if (claim_help_bdy) { claim_help_bdy.appendChild(a); }
else { claim_gift.appendChild(a); }
var goto1 = window.location.protocol+'//apps.facebook.com/kingdomsofcamelot/?s='+UserDomain;
if (CheckStandAlone(GlobalOptions.LastTopURL)) { goto1 = window.location.protocol+'//apps.facebook.com/kingdomsofcamelot/?s='+UserDomain; }
if (document.URL.search(/page=friendFeed/i)>0) {
if (claim_gift.textContent.indexOf("Someone else has claimed this bonus.")>-1||
claim_gift.textContent.indexOf("You have already claimed this")>-1 ||
claim_gift.textContent.indexOf("You have followed an invalid feed link")>-1) {
UserOptions.TokenResponse = 'USED';
else {
UserOptions.TokenResponse = 'BAD ('+getFeedServerId()+')';
UserOptions.BadChestDomains[getFeedServerId()] = true;
if (document.URL.search(/accepttoken_src.php/i)>0) {
if (claim_gift.textContent.indexOf("You are not eligible")>-1) {
UserOptions.TokenResponse = 'EXPIRED';
setTimeout (function (){window.top.location = goto1;}, 10000);
else {
if (domain_selector == null && (typeof unsafeWindow.checkServer == 'function')) {
logit("Suspected Blank Decree page...");
var FeedID = getFeedId();
var goto_null = window.location.protocol+'//apps.facebook.com/kingdomsofcamelot/?s='+UserDomain;
if (CheckStandAlone(GlobalOptions.LastTopURL)) { goto_null = window.location.protocol+'//apps.facebook.com/kingdomsofcamelot/?s='+UserDomain; }
if (FeedID !='n/a'){
goto_null = window.location.protocol+'//apps.facebook.com/kingdomsofcamelot/?f='+FeedID+'&t=118&lang=en&f='+FeedID+'&t=118&in='+getFeedUserId()+'&si=118&s='+UserDomain;
if (CheckStandAlone(GlobalOptions.LastTopURL)) { goto_null = window.location.protocol+'//apps.facebook.com/kingdomsofcamelot/?f='+FeedID+'&t=118&lang=en&f='+FeedID+'&t=118&in='+getFeedUserId()+'&si=118&s='+UserDomain; }
logit("Merlins Token collected :)");
giftAccepted = true;
if (document.URL.search(/merlinShare_src.php/i) != -1) { UserOptions.TokenCollected = true; UserOptions.TokenRequest = 'TOKEN'; }
if (document.URL.search(/accepttoken_src.php/i) != -1) { UserOptions.BuildCollected = true; UserOptions.TokenRequest = 'BUILD'; }
if (document.URL.search(/claimVictoryToken_src.php/i) != -1) { UserOptions.ChestCollected[getFeedServerId()] = true; UserOptions.TokenRequest = 'CHEST'; }
UserOptions.TokenCount = UserOptions.TokenCount + 1;
UserOptions.TokenResponse = 'OK';
UserOptions.TokenSuccessLink = GlobalOptions.LastTopURL;
window.top.location = goto_null;
} else {
var a = document.createElement('div');
a.innerHTML = '<div align=center><br><b>'+tx('Token Id not found')+'.</b><br><br><i>'+tx('Merlins Token could not be collected')+'.<br>('+tx('KofC will automatically reload in 10 seconds')+')</i></div>';
if (UserOptions.TokenResponse=="") {
UserOptions.TokenResponse = 'USED'; // assume used token..
setTimeout (function (){window.top.location = goto_null;}, 10000);
function CheckTokenDay(user_id) {
var date = new Date();
var utc = date.getTime() + (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
var offset = -8 + (getDST(date)/3600);
var today = new Date(utc + (3600000 * offset));
var dd = today.getDate();
var mm = today.getMonth()+1; //January is 0!
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
if(dd<10) {dd='0'+dd}
if(mm<10) {mm='0'+mm}
today = dd+'/'+mm+'/'+yyyy;
if (today != UserOptions.TokenDate) {
UserOptions.TokenDate = today;
UserOptions.TokenCount = 0;
UserOptions.TokenCollected = false;
UserOptions.BuildCollected = false;
UserOptions.BonusCollected = false;
UserOptions.ChestCollected = {};
UserOptions.LastTokenStatus = '';
UserOptions.LastBuildStatus = '';
UserOptions.LastChestStatus = '';
UserOptions.BadChestDomains = {};
var WideScreen = {
chatIsRight : false,
WideMap : false,
PowerBar : false,
PowerBarOpen : false,
Dashboard : false,
MapExpanded : false,
PowerBarWidth : 0,
OffsetTop : 0,
rail : null,
init : function (){
var t = WideScreen;
t.rail = searchDOM (ById('mod_maparea'), 'node.className=="maparea_rrail"', 10);
var ttmod = new CalterUwFunc("showTooltip",[['t.cumulativeOffset()[0]','t.cumulativeOffset()[0]-n.cumulativeOffset()[0]']]);
var modalmod = new CalterUwFunc("Modal.showModal",[[/cm.ModalManager.addLevel/ig,'m=btGetOffset(m,true);i=btGetOffset(i,false);cm.ModalManager.addLevel'],[/\s*p\s*[+]\s*["]px/,' p + "px !important'],['break;','d+="left:"+m+"px !important";break;']]);
getOffset : function(c,Horizon) {
var t = WideScreen;
if (Horizon) { return parseIntNan(c+t.PowerBarWidth); }
else { return parseIntNan(c+t.OffsetTop); }
chgChatBeforeDash : function (tf) {
var t = WideScreen;
RestartDashboard : function (tf) {
var t = WideScreen;
if (popDash) { document.body.appendChild(popDash.div); popDash.show(false); popDash.destroy(); popDash = null; }
if (Options.btDashboard) { Dashboard.Curr = Cities.byID[uW.currentcityid].idx; Dashboard.init(); }
setChatOnRight : function (tf){
var t = WideScreen;
if (tf == t.chatIsRight) return;
var chat = ById('kocmain_bottom').childNodes[1];
if (!chat || chat.className!='mod_comm') { setTimeout (function (){t.setChatOnRight(tf)}, 1000); return; }
if (tf){
chat.style.top = '-570px';
chat.style.height = '1167px';
chat.style.background = 'url("'+ CHAT_BG_IMAGE +'")';
ById('mod_comm_list1').style.height = '1013px';
ById('mod_comm_list2').style.height = '1013px';
} else {
chat.style.top = '0px';
chat.style.left = '0px';
chat.style.height = '';
chat.style.background = '';
ById('mod_comm_list1').style.height = '287px';
ById('mod_comm_list2').style.height = '287px';
var divheight = chat.offsetHeight;
t.chatIsRight = tf;
CheckChatPosition : function () {
var t = WideScreen;
var chat = ById('kocmain_bottom').childNodes[1];
if (chat && chat.className=='mod_comm') {
if (parseIntNan(getStyle(chat,'top')) < 0) {
var left = 760;
if (Options.btDashboard && !GlobalOptions.btChatBeforeDash && !Options.btFloatingDashboard) {
left += Dashboard.DashWidth+20;
chat.style.left = left+'px';
else {
var widget1 = ById('tr_presetBox'); // ne0's widget
var widget2 = ById('btTRWidget'); // my widget
if (widget1 || widget2) {
if (widget2) var hh = widget2.offsetHeight-6;
if (widget1) hh = widget1.offsetHeight-6;
if (!widget1 && Options.ThroneHUD) hh=0;
if (hh<0) hh=0;
chat.style.top = hh+'px';
chat.style.background = 'url("'+ CHAT_BG_IMAGE +'")';
ById('mod_comm_list1').style.height = (287-hh)+'px';
ById('mod_comm_list2').style.height = (287-hh)+'px';
useWideMap : function (tf) {
var t = WideScreen;
if (tf == t.WideMap) return;
if (tf){
t.rail.style.display = 'none';
ById('mapwindow').style.height = "436px";
ById('mapwindow').style.zIndex = "50";
} else {
t.rail.style.display = 'block';
ById('mapwindow').style.height = "439px";
ById('mapwindow').style.zIndex = "";
t.WideMap = tf;
t.MapExpanded = true;
ExpandWideMap : function () {
var t = WideScreen;
if (!t.WideMap) {
var MapToggle = ById('btMapToggle');
if (MapToggle) {
MapToggle.style.display = 'none';
t.MapExpanded = !t.MapExpanded;
var MapWindow = ById('mapwindow');
if (!MapWindow) return;
if (t.MapExpanded){
MapWindow.style.width = "1220px";
var buttontext = '<span style="display:inline-block;height:100%;vertical-align:middle;"></span><img style="margin-left:-4px;vertical-align:middle;" height="10" src="'+WhiteLeftArrow+'">';
} else {
MapWindow.style.width = "760px";
var buttontext = '<span style="display:inline-block;height:100%;vertical-align:middle;"></span><img style="margin-left:-4px;vertical-align:middle;" height="10" src="'+WhiteRightArrow+'">';
var MapToggle = ById('btMapToggle');
var MapWidth = parseIntNan(getStyle(MapWindow,'width'));
var MapHeight = parseIntNan(getStyle(MapWindow,'height'));
if (MapToggle) {
MapToggle.style.left = MapWidth-20+'px';
MapToggle.style.display = 'block';
ById('btMapToggleLabel').innerHTML = buttontext;
else {
var MapToggle = document.createElement('div');
MapToggle.id = 'btMapToggle';
MapToggle.style.position = 'absolute';
MapToggle.style.width = '20px';
MapToggle.style.left = MapWidth-20+'px';
MapToggle.style.top = t.getTop(MapWindow)+parseInt(MapHeight/2)-30+'px';
MapToggle.style.height = '60px';
MapToggle.style.zIndex = '50'; // keep above dashboard
MapToggle.style.display = 'block';
var m = '<table><tr><td id=btMapToggleOpener valign=middle style="background:none;border:none;"><a><div id=btMapToggleLabel class="btBackExpander buttonv2 blue" style="width:20px;height:50px;"> </div></a></td></tr></table>';
MapToggle.innerHTML = m;
ById('btMapToggleLabel').innerHTML = buttontext;
ById('btMapToggleOpener').addEventListener ('click', t.ExpandWideMap, false);
setDashboard : function (tf){
var t = WideScreen;
if (tf == t.Dashboard) return;
if (popDash) {
if (Options.btFloatingDashboard) {
Options.btDashPos = popDash.getLocation();
else {
popDash = null;
if (tf){
// append dashboard div to koc container
var Dash = document.createElement('div');
Dash.style.position = 'absolute';
Dash.style.width = (Options.DashboardOptions.DashWidth+20)+'px';
Dash.style.top = "0px";
Dash.style.height = "5000px";
else {
// remove dashboard div from koc container if it exists
var elem = ById('btDashboard');
if (elem) {
if (popDash) { document.body.appendChild(popDash.div); popDash.show(false); popDash.destroy(); popDash = null; }
t.Dashboard = tf;
CheckDashPosition : function () {
var t = WideScreen;
var kochead = ById('kochead');
t.OffsetTop = t.getTop(kochead);
// adjust left setting for chat
var Chat = ById('kocmain_bottom').childNodes[1];
var ChatWidth = 0;
if (Chat && (Chat.className == 'mod_comm') && (parseIntNan(getStyle(Chat,'top')) < 0) && GlobalOptions.btChatBeforeDash) {
ChatWidth = parseIntNan(getStyle(Chat,'width'));
// adjust left setting for powerbar
t.PowerBarWidth = 0;
var PowerBar = ById('btPowerBar');
if (PowerBar) {
t.PowerBarWidth = parseIntNan(getStyle(PowerBar,'width'));
PowerBar.style.top = t.OffsetTop+'px';
var Dash = ById('btDashboard');
if (Dash) {
Dash.style.left = 760+ChatWidth+t.PowerBarWidth+"px";
Dash.style.top = t.OffsetTop+'px';
if (Options.btFloatingDashboard) {
Dash.style.display = 'none';
else {
Dash.style.display = 'block';
setPowerBar : function (tf,open){
var t = WideScreen;
if (tf == t.PowerBar && open == t.PowerBarOpen) return;
var offset = 24;
var PowerBarLabel = '<br><br><img src="'+WhiteRightArrow+'"><br><br><img src="'+PowerBarText+'"><br><br><img src="'+WhiteRightArrow+'">';
if (open) {
if (!GlobalOptions.btFloatingPowerBar) {
offset = 164;
PowerBarLabel = '<br><br><img src="'+WhiteLeftArrow+'"><br><br><img src="'+PowerBarText+'"><br><br><img src="'+WhiteLeftArrow+'">';
if (tf){
if (ById("main_engagement_tabs")) ById("main_engagement_tabs").style.left = offset+'px';
var kochead = ById('kochead');
if (!kochead) { setTimeout (function (){t.setPowerBar(tf,open)}, 1000); return; }
kochead.style.position = 'relative';
kochead.style.left = offset+'px';
t.OffsetTop = t.getTop(kochead);
var kocmain = ById('kocmain');
if (!kocmain) { setTimeout (function (){t.setPowerBar(tf,open)}, 1000); return; }
var oldkm = getAbsoluteOffsets(kocmain);
kocmain.style.left = offset+'px';
var newkm = getAbsoluteOffsets(kocmain);
var widgetshift = newkm.left - oldkm.left;
// keep ne0's widgets in line with kocmain movement
if (ById("tr_guardBox")) {
var newgpos = ById("tr_guardBox").offsetLeft + widgetshift;
ById("tr_guardBox").style.left = newgpos+'px';
if (ById("tr_presetBox")) {
var newtpos = ById("tr_presetBox").offsetLeft + widgetshift;
ById("tr_presetBox").style.left = newtpos+'px';
var GameHeight = parseInt(kochead.offsetHeight)+parseInt(kocmain.offsetHeight);
var PowerBar = ById('btPowerBar');
if (PowerBar) {
PowerBar.style.width = offset+'px';
ById('btPowerBarLabel').innerHTML = PowerBarLabel;
else {
var PowerBar = document.createElement('div');
PowerBar.style.position = 'absolute';
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PowerBar.style.top = t.OffsetTop+'px';
PowerBar.style.height = GameHeight+'px';
PowerBar.style.zIndex = '100411';
var m = '<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td id=btPowerBarButtons class="divHide" style="background-color:#000;" valign=top> </td><td id=btPowerBarOpener valign=middle style="background:none;border:none;vertical-align:top;"><a><div id=btPowerBarLabel class="btExpander buttonv2 blue" style="width:20px;height:'+GameHeight+'px;"> </div></a></td></tr></table>';
PowerBar.innerHTML = m;
ById('btPowerBarLabel').innerHTML = PowerBarLabel;
ById('btPowerBarOpener').addEventListener ('click', t.e_TogglePowerBar, false);
ById('btPowerBarOpener').addEventListener ('mousedown', mouseMainTab, false);
if (open) jQuery('#btPowerBarButtons').removeClass("divHide");
else jQuery('#btPowerBarButtons').addClass("divHide");
t.PowerBar = tf;
t.PowerBarOpen = open;
e_TogglePowerBar : function (){
var t = WideScreen;
GlobalOptions.btPowerBarOpen = !GlobalOptions.btPowerBarOpen;
getTop : function (elm) {
var y = 0;
y = elm.offsetTop;
elm = elm.offsetParent;
while(elm != null) {
y = parseInt(y) + parseInt(elm.offsetTop);
elm = elm.offsetParent;
return y;
ShowDashboard : function (tf) {
Options.btDashboard = tf;
setDialogContainerStyles : function () {
var t = WideScreen;
GM_addStyle ('.modalCurtain {left:'+t.PowerBarWidth+'px !important;top:'+t.OffsetTop+'px !important;width:768px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.curtainMM{left:'+t.PowerBarWidth+'px !important;top:'+t.OffsetTop+'px !important;width:768px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.dialogContainer {left:'+t.PowerBarWidth+'px !important;top:'+t.OffsetTop+'px !important;width:768px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.notificationMessageDialog {margin-top:60px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('div.largeModal {left:'+(27+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(5+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('div.xLargeModal {left:'+(5+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(60+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('div.mediumModal {left:'+(120+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(60+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('div.smallModal {left:'+(200+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(190+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('div.newGame {left:'+(7+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(5+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.animatedChestModal {left:'+(85+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(100+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.guardianModal {left:'+(5+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(200+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.choose_modal {left:'+(55+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(110+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.guardian_item {left:'+(225+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(155+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.nomadModal {left:'+(40+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(40+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.alliance_patch {left:'+(5+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(t.OffsetTop)+'px !important;}');
GM_addStyle ('.alliance_layover {left:'+(5+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(127+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important;}');
GM_addStyle ('.alliance_layover_stats {left:'+(187+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(102+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.chancellorModal {left:'+(5+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(5+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.mine_view {left:'+(5+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(5+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.vaultModal {left:'+(5+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(5+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('div.templeModal.cmModal1 {left:'+(5+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(5+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.claimgiftWhFb {left:'+(5+t.PowerBarWidth)+'px !important;top:'+(5+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
GM_addStyle ('.Champion .champItemHover {margin-top:-'+(4+t.OffsetTop)+'px !important}');
/** Afk detector **/
var afkdetector = {
target : 120, // default check every 2 mins
counter : 1,
isAFK : true, // always begin in AFK mode! This will allow tower to revert following autoport
init : function () {
var t = afkdetector;
if (parseIntNan(Options.AFKTimeout) < 1) Options.AFKTimeout = 1;
t.target = Options.AFKTimeout*60;
document.body.onmousemove = t.clear;
document.body.onkeypress = t.clear;
check : function () {
var t = afkdetector;
if (!t.isAFK) {
if (t.counter >= t.target) {
if (GlobalOptions.ExtendedDebugMode) actionLog('afk detected');
t.isAFK = true;
clear : function () {
var t = afkdetector;
t.counter = 1;
if (t.isAFK) {
if (GlobalOptions.ExtendedDebugMode) actionLog('afk cleared');
t.isAFK = false;
reset : function () {
var t = afkdetector;
if (parseIntNan(Options.AFKTimeout) < 1) Options.AFKTimeout = 1;
t.target = Options.AFKTimeout*60;
t.counter = 1;
t.isAFK = false;
function createButton (label,id){
var a=document.createElement('a');
a.id = id;
a.innerHTML='<span style="color: #ff6">'+ label +'</span>';
return a;
function AddMainTabLink (text, id, eventListener, mouseListener) {
var a = createButton (text,id);
var tabs=ById('main_engagement_tabs');
if (tabs) {
gmTabs = SetupMainTab(tabs);
if (gmTabs) {
a.addEventListener('click',eventListener, false);
if (mouseListener != null) { a.addEventListener('mousedown',mouseListener, true); }
if (id != null) { a.id = id; }
return a;
return null;
function AddSubTabLink (text, eventListener, id, colourclass) {
var a = createButton (text,id);
if (colourclass == null) colourclass = 'blue20';
a.className='inlineButton btButton '+colourclass;
a.style.paddingLeft = '2px';
var tabs=ById('main_engagement_tabs');
if (tabs) {
gmTabs = SetupSubTab(tabs);
if (gmTabs) {
a.addEventListener('click',eventListener, false);
if (id != null) { a.id = id; }
return a;
return null;
function SetToggleButtonState (entity,tf,text) {
var btn = ById(entity+'ToggleTab');
if (btn) {
if (tf) { btn.innerHTML = '<span style="color: #FFFF00">'+tx(text)+': '+tx('On')+'</span>'; }
else { btn.innerHTML = '<span style="color: #CCC">'+tx(text)+': '+tx('Off')+'</span>'; }
function SetupMainTab (tabs) {
var e = tabs.parentNode;
var gmTabs = null;
for (var i=0; i<e.childNodes.length; i++) {
var ee = e.childNodes[i];
if (ee.tagName && ee.tagName=='DIV' && ee.className=='tabs_engagement' && ee.id!='main_engagement_tabs' && ee.id!='pbp_subtab') {
gmTabs = ee;
if (gmTabs == null) {
gmTabs = document.createElement('div');
tabs.parentNode.insertBefore (gmTabs, tabs);
gmTabs.lang = 'en_PB';
return gmTabs;
function SetupSubTab (tabs) {
var e = tabs.parentNode;
var gmTabs = null;
for (var i=0; i<e.childNodes.length; i++) {
var ee = e.childNodes[i];
if (ee.tagName && ee.tagName=='DIV' && ee.className=='tabs_engagement' && ee.id=='pbp_subtab') {
gmTabs = ee;
if (gmTabs == null) {
gmTabs = document.createElement('div');
tabs.parentNode.insertBefore (gmTabs, tabs);
gmTabs.lang = 'en_PB';
return gmTabs;
function AddPowerBarLink (text, id, eventListener, mouseListener) {
var PBX = ById('btPowerBarExtra');
if (!PBX || !GlobalOptions.btPowerBarPopups) {
AddMainTabLink (text.toUpperCase(), id, eventListener, mouseListener);
var a=document.createElement('a');
a.innerHTML='<div class="buttonv2 std blue">'+ text +'</div>';
a.addEventListener('click',eventListener, false);
if (mouseListener != null)
a.addEventListener('mousedown',mouseListener, true);
if (id != null)
a.id = id;
return a;
function mouseMainTab (me) { // right-click on main button resets window location
if (me.button == 2){
var c = getClientCoords (ById('main_engagement_tabs'));
mainPop.setLocation ({x: c.x+4, y: c.y+c.height});
function eventHideShow () {
if (mainPop.toggleHide(mainPop)){
Options.btWinIsOpen = true;
} else {
Options.btWinIsOpen = false;
function DefaultWindowPos(OptPos,elem,force) {
if (force || (Options[OptPos]==null) || (Options[OptPos].x==null) || (Options[OptPos].x=='') || (isNaN(Options[OptPos].x))) {
var c = getClientCoords (ById(elem));
Options[OptPos].x = c.x+4;
Options[OptPos].y = c.y+c.height;
function ToggleDivDisplay(form,h,w,div, autoclose) {
var dc = jQuery('#'+div).attr('class');
if (dc) {
if (dc.indexOf('divHide') >= 0) {
if (autoclose) {
lastdiv = "";
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lastdiv = OpenDiv[form];
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OpenDiv[form] = div;
else {
if (autoclose) { OpenDiv[form] = '';}
if (autoclose) { OpenDiv[form] = '';}
if (form) ResetFrameSize(form,h,w);
function ToggleMainDivDisplay(form,h,w,div, autoclose, opt) {
var dc = jQuery('#'+div).attr('class');
if (dc) {
if (dc.indexOf('divHide') >= 0) {
if (autoclose) {
lastdiv = "";
if (OpenDiv[form]) {
lastdiv = OpenDiv[form];
if (lastdiv != "") {
OpenDiv[form] = div;
if (opt) { Options[opt] = div; }
else {
if (autoclose) {
OpenDiv[form] = '';
if (opt) { Options[opt] = ''; }
if (autoclose) { OpenDiv[form] = '';}
function ResetFrameSize(prefix,minheight,minwidth) {
var h1 = ById(prefix+'_bar');
var h2 = ById(prefix+'_content');
if (!h1 || !h2) return;
var h = h1.clientHeight + h2.clientHeight;
if (h < minheight) h = minheight;
w = ById(prefix+'_content').clientWidth;
w2 = ById(prefix+'_outer').clientWidth;
if (w < minwidth) w = minwidth;
if (w2 < w) // I don't know why I need this.. must look at this later to try and get it to shrink again
function UpdateMarch (cityId,marchId) {
if (!Seed.queue_atkp["city"+cityId]["m"+marchId]) { return; }
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.rid = marchId;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/fetchMarch.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.march) {
var now = unixTime();
if (Seed.queue_atkp["city"+cityId]["m"+marchId] && Seed.queue_atkp["city"+cityId]["m"+marchId].destinationUnixTime && Seed.queue_atkp["city"+cityId]["m"+marchId].destinationUnixTime<now && rslt.march.marchStatus==1) {
logit('Fixing march status...');
if (local_atkp["m"+marchId]) {
for (var y in rslt.march) {
local_atkp["m"+marchId][y] = rslt.march[y];
local_atkp["m"+marchId].btIncomplete = false;
// champion on march?
if (rslt.march.championId && (rslt.march.championId != 0) && !local_atkp["m"+marchId].championInfo) {
for (var y in Seed.champion.champions) {
if (Seed.champion.champions[y].championId == rslt.march.championId) {
marchChamp = {};
marchChamp.name = Seed.champion.champions[y].name; // lazy. We'll use city stats to show champ data
local_atkp["m"+marchId].championInfo = marchChamp;
if (rslt.march.toPlayerId && (rslt.march.toPlayerId != 0) && !Seed.players["u"+rslt.march.toPlayerId]) {
onFailure: function () {
local_atkp["m"+marchId].btRequestSent = 0; // try again
},true); // no retry
function UpdateIncomingMarch (marchId) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.rid = marchId;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/fetchMarch.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (local_atkinc["m"+marchId]) {
for (var y in rslt.march) {
local_atkinc["m"+marchId][y] = rslt.march[y];
local_atkinc["m"+marchId].btIncomplete = false;
onFailure: function () {
local_atkinc["m"+marchId].btRequestSent = 0; // try again
},true); // no retry
function updatePlayers (uid){
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.uid = uid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getUserGeneralInfo.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rsltInfo) {
if (!rsltInfo.ok) { return; }
NewPlayer = {};
NewPlayer.n = rsltInfo.userInfo[0].name;
NewPlayer.t = rsltInfo.userInfo[0].title;
NewPlayer.m = rsltInfo.userInfo[0].might;
NewPlayer.a = rsltInfo.userInfo[0].allianceId;
Seed.players["u"+uid] = uWCloneInto(NewPlayer);
function getChampionStatus (champId) {
var status = "";
for (var y in Seed.champion.champions) {
citychamp = Seed.champion.champions[y];
if (citychamp.championId == champId) {
status = citychamp.status||"";
return status;
function getChampionCity (champId) {
var cid = 0;
for (var y in Seed.champion.champions) {
citychamp = Seed.champion.champions[y];
if (citychamp.championId == champId) {
cid = citychamp.assignedCity||0;
return cid;
function getCityChampion (cid) {
var citychamp;
var gotchamp = false;
for (var y in Seed.champion.champions) {
citychamp = Seed.champion.champions[y];
if (citychamp.assignedCity && citychamp.assignedCity == cid) {
gotchamp = true;
if (gotchamp) { return citychamp; }
else { return {championId:0};}
function SetChampionIcon (){
var e = ById('maparea_boosts_champion');
if (!e) {
e = document.createElement ('table');
e.height = "20";
e.style.cssFloat = 'left';
e.style.border = '1px';
e.style.borderSpacing = '1px';
e.style.borderCollapse = 'separate';
e.style.backgroundColor = '#fff';
e.id = 'maparea_boosts_champion';
e.className = 'trimg';
ById('maparea_boosts').appendChild (e);
ById('maparea_boosts').style.zIndex = '20001';
var citychamp = getCityChampion(uW.currentcityid);
if (citychamp.championId) {
e.style.display = 'block';
e.innerHTML = '<tr><td id=maparea_boosts_championtd class="xtab trimg" style="padding:0px;"><img style="margin-left:0px;" id=maparea_boosts_champion_image height=18 src="'+ChampImagePrefix+citychamp.avatarId+ChampImageSuffix+'"></td></tr>'
function FNChampPopup () {uW.btCreateChampionPopUp(e,citychamp.assignedCity,true,null,true);}
function FNChampClear () {uW.removeTooltip();}
else {
e.style.display = 'none';
function BuildChampData (champItems,championId) {
var effectTiers = CE_EFFECT_TIERS;
var res = {};
res.equippedchampstats = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(BaseChamp));
res.equippedtroopstats = {};
res.equippedbossstats = {};
res.SetBonus = {};
res.SteelHoofCount = 0;
res.LightBringerCount = 0;
res.DragonScaleCount = 0;
res.WildHideCount = 0;
res.VespersCount = 0;
res.SilverCount = 0;
res.WarlockCount = 0;
res.IceQueenCount = 0;
res.EagleCount = 0;
res.DragonWarriorCount = 0;
res.TestCount = 0;
res.might = 0;
for (var y in champItems) { // calculate unique set bonuses
var item = champItems[y];
if (item.equippedTo && item.equippedTo==championId) {
if (!item.quality) item.quality = parseIntNan(item.rarity);
item.level = parseIntNan(item.level);
if (SteelHoofItems.indexOf(parseIntNan(item.unique)) !== -1) { res.SteelHoofCount++ }
if (LightBringerItems.indexOf(parseIntNan(item.unique)) !== -1) { res.LightBringerCount++ }
if (DragonScaleItems.indexOf(parseIntNan(item.unique)) !== -1) { res.DragonScaleCount++ }
if (TestItems.indexOf(parseIntNan(item.unique)) !== -1) { res.TestCount++ }
if (WildHideItems.indexOf(parseIntNan(item.unique)) !== -1) { res.WildHideCount++ }
if (VespersItems.indexOf(parseIntNan(item.unique)) !== -1) { res.VespersCount++ }
if (SilverItems.indexOf(parseIntNan(item.unique)) !== -1) { res.SilverCount++ }
if (WarlocksItems.indexOf(parseIntNan(item.unique)) !== - 1) { res.WarlockCount++ }
if (IceQueensItems.indexOf(parseIntNan(item.unique)) !== - 1) { res.IceQueenCount++ }
if (EagleItems.indexOf(parseIntNan(item.unique)) !== - 1) { res.EagleCount++ }
if (DragonWarriorsItems.indexOf(parseIntNan(item.unique)) !== -1) { res.DragonWarriorCount++ }
for (var e in item.effects) {
if (Number(e) <= Number(item.rarity)) {
var id = item.effects[e].id;
if (id >= 300 && id < 400) {
var Set = item.set;
var tier = item.effects[e].tier;
if (id==312) Set = 'U';
if (id==313) Set = 'N';
if (id==314) Set = 'D';
if (id==324) Set = 'U'; //snake and ophidian rings
var S = effectTiers;
var P = id + "," + tier
var TV = S[P];
while (!TV && (tier > 0)) { tier--;P=id+","+tier;TV=S[P]; }
if (TV) {
var base = +TV.Base || 0;
var growth = +TV.Growth || 0;
var level = Number(item.level) || 0;
percent = Number(base + (level * growth));
if (!res.SetBonus[Set]) { res.SetBonus[Set] = 0; }
res.SetBonus[Set] += percent;
for (var y in champItems) {
var item = champItems[y];
if (item.equippedTo && item.equippedTo==championId) {
if (!item.quality) item.quality = parseIntNan(item.rarity);
item.level = parseIntNan(item.level);
res.might += CardMight(item,true);
for (var e in item.effects) {
if (Number(e) <= Number(item.rarity)) {
var id = item.effects[e].id;
var tier = item.effects[e].tier;
var S = effectTiers;
var P = id + "," + tier;
var TV = S[P];
while (!TV && (tier > 0)) { tier--;P=id+","+tier;TV=S[P]; }
if (TV) {
var base = +TV.Base || 0;
var growth = +TV.Growth || 0;
var level = Number(item.level) || 0;
var bonus = 0;
if (id<300 || id>=400) {
bonus = res.SetBonus[item.set] || 0;
if (item.unique && item.unique!=0 && res.SetBonus['U']) bonus += res.SetBonus['U'];
if ((!item.unique || item.unique==0) && res.SetBonus['N']) bonus += res.SetBonus['N'];
//if (SetBonus['D']) bonus += res.SetBonus['D'];
var percent = Number(base + ((level * level + level) * growth * 0.5));
if (id >= 300) {
percent = Number(base + (level * growth));
if (id>=400) {
if (!res.equippedbossstats[item.unique]) { res.equippedbossstats[item.unique] = {}; }
if (!res.equippedbossstats[item.unique][id]) { res.equippedbossstats[item.unique][id] = 0; }
res.equippedbossstats[item.unique][id] += percent + (percent*bonus); // can this apply to boss stats?
else {
if (id>=200) {
var chAdj = 0;
if (id==201 && item.unique && item.unique!=0 && res.VespersCount>=0) { chAdj = 0.05; }
if (!res.equippedchampstats[id]) { res.equippedchampstats[id] = 0; }
res.equippedchampstats[id] += percent + (percent*bonus);
res.equippedchampstats[id] += (percent*chAdj);
else {
if (!res.equippedtroopstats[id]) { res.equippedtroopstats[id] = 0; }
res.equippedtroopstats[id] += percent;
return res;
/** main loop **/
function EverySecond () {
try {
SecondLooper = SecondLooper+1;
inc = [];
incCity = [];
/* check local marches still exist */
for(var n in local_atkinc) {
if (!Seed.queue_atkinc[n]) { delete local_atkinc[n]; }
for(var n in Seed.queue_atkinc) {
if (Seed.queue_atkinc[n].marchType) {
/* check and copy to local */
inc.sort(function(a, b){ if(!a.arrivalTime) a.arrivalTime = -1; if(!b.arrivalTime) b.arrivalTime = -1;return a.arrivalTime-b.arrivalTime });
try {
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
out = [];
outCity = [];
for(var n in Seed.queue_atkp) {
for(var m in Seed.queue_atkp[n]) {
if (Seed.queue_atkp[n][m].marchType && (parseInt(Seed.queue_atkp[n][m].marchType) != 9)) { // no raids!
var marchobj = local_atkp[m];
if (marchobj.marchCityId == Dashboard.CurrentCityId) {
out.sort(function(a, b){ return /*a.destinationUnixTime-b.destinationUnixTime*/ });
outCity.sort(function(a, b){ return a.destinationUnixTime-b.destinationUnixTime });
/* Periodically remember window positions in Chrome because onbeforeunload doesn't work */
if (FFVersion.Browser=="Chrome" && (SecondLooper % MinuteInterval) == 1) {
/* Check Throne Preset hasn't changed */
if (CurrPreset != Seed.throne.activeSlot) { Dashboard.PaintTRPresets(); }
/* Update Dashboard */
if (popDash && Dashboard.Loaded) { Dashboard.EverySecond(); };
/* Update Incoming and Outgoing and March popups */
if (popInc) { Incoming.EverySecond(); };
if (popOut) { Outgoing.EverySecond(); };
if (popMarch) { QuickMarch.EverySecond(); };
/* loop through tabs */
/* check for afk */
/* display/clean up ajax log */
var activity = 0;
var now = unixTime();
for(var aj=AJAX_LOG.length-1;aj>=0;aj--) {
if (AJAX_LOG[aj].timestamp<(now-60)) {
else {
if (AJAX_LOG[aj].timestamp>(now-20)) {
if (Options.ShowServerTraffic) {
activity = activity*3;
var trafficcolor = '#0F0';
if (activity>75) { trafficcolor = '#FF0'; }
if (activity>150) { trafficcolor = '#FA0'; }
if (ById('btTraffic')) {
ById('btTraffic').innerHTML = activity+tx('/min');
ById('btTraffic').style.color = trafficcolor;
/* restart loop */
SecondTimer = setTimeout(EverySecond,1000);
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
SecondTimer = setTimeout(EverySecond,1000);
function CheckForIncoming () {
var atype = "";
var atime = "";
var to = "";
var name = "";
var who = "";
var bywho = "";
var soonest = {};
soonest.arrivalTime = -1;
var soonestattack = false;
Dashboard.StillComing = false;
var PopupVisible = false;
// Find big popup gem container element if it exists..
var el1, el2, el3;
if (typeof Array.filter == 'function') { // legacy browsers
el1 = ByCl('primarytitlebar');
el2 = ByCl('gemContainer');
el3 = Array.filter( el2, function(elem){ return Array.indexOf( el1, elem.parentNode ) > -1; });
else {
el1 = Object.values(ByCl('primarytitlebar'));
el2 = Object.values(ByCl('gemContainer'));
el3 = el2.filter(function(elem){ return el1.indexOf(elem.parentNode) > -1; });
for (var e=0;e<el3.length;e++) {
PopupVisible = true;
GemContainer = el3[e];
if (!Dashboard.Incoming) SaveGemHTML2 = GemContainer.innerHTML;
if (ChampionDelayer>0) {
if (!PopupVisible) { // override main screen gem container
for (var e=0;e<el2.length;e++) {
GemContainer = el2[e];
if (!Dashboard.Incoming) SaveGemHTML = GemContainer.innerHTML;
GemContainer.style.height = 40+'px';
GemContainer.style.marginTop = 2+'px';
GemContainer.id = 'btGemContainer';
CanNotify = ById('btGemContainer');
for(n in inc) {
var a = inc[n];
if (!a.score) continue;
if (a.marchType == null) continue; // bogus march (returning scouts)
if (a.arrivalTime >= 0 && (a.arrivalTime < unixTime())) {
continue; // don't display arrival times already happened
Dashboard.StillComing = true;
if ((a.arrivalTime >= 0 && (a.arrivalTime < soonest.arrivalTime)) || (soonest.arrivalTime == -1)) {
soonest = a;
if (!soonest.arrivalTime) soonest.arrivalTime = -1;
if (a.arrivalTime >= 0) {
if (a.arrivalTime - unixTime() < 2) { // auto-replace defending troops
if (Seed.citystats["city" + a.toCityId].gate != 0) { // only do this if defending
// save defending unit configuration
if (Options.DashboardOptions.ReplaceDefendingTroops[Cities.byID[a.toCityId].idx] && SelectiveDefending) {
Dashboard.AttackedCity = a.toCityId;
setTimeout(function() {Dashboard.ForceTries = 0;Dashboard.ForceUpdateSeed();},3000); // force update defending troops immediately after attacks land
if (a.marchType==4) { // set champ on attack only
soonestattack = true;
var changeok = (Options.TowerOptions && Options.TowerOptions.SaveCityState[a.toCityId] && Options.TowerOptions.SaveCityState[a.toCityId].ChangeChampion); // only if tower alerted
if (Options.TowerOptions.ChangeChamp && changeok && a.arrivalTime - unixTime() <= parseIntNan(Options.TowerOptions.ChampTime)) { // auto-assign champion
if (ChampionDelayer==0) {
var currChamp = getCityChampion(a.toCityId).championId;
if (Options.TowerOptions.ChampId !=0 && currChamp != Options.TowerOptions.ChampId && (currChamp==0 || !Options.TowerOptions.ChampNoChamp)) {
if (getChampionStatus(Options.TowerOptions.ChampId)=="10") {
actionLog('Champion is marching - Cannot assign','TOWER');
else {
if (currChamp!=0 && getChampionStatus(currChamp)=="10") {
actionLog(Cities.byID[a.toCityId].name+': Current Champion is marching - Cannot unassign','TOWER');
else {
actionLog(Cities.byID[a.toCityId].name+': Assigning Champion','TOWER');
ChampionDelayer=3; // only try every 3 seconds
if (soonest.arrivalTime >= 0 && soonestattack) {
if (Dashboard.StillComing) {
if (soonest.marchType && (soonest.marchType == 3)) atype = '<img style="border:2px ridge #00A;width:15px;height:15px;" src='+ScoutImage+'>';
else atype = '<img style="border:2px ridge #A00;width:15px;height:15px;" src='+AttackImage+'>';
to = Cities.byID[soonest.toCityId];
if (to && to.tileId == soonest.toTileId ) name = to.name;
else name = "Wilderness";
if (soonest.arrivalTime != -1) atime = CM.TimeFormatter.format(parseInt(soonest.arrivalTime-unixTime()));
else atime = '??????';
if (soonest.pid && Seed.players['u'+soonest.pid]) {who = Seed.players['u'+soonest.pid].n; bywho = ' by '+MonitorLink(soonest.pid,who,"AlertLink");}
else { bywho = ' (Upgrade WatchTower)' ;}
msgcontainer = '<div class="textContainer" style="margin-left:-10px;padding-top:0px;">';
msglink1 = '<a class="AlertLink" id='
msglink2 = '>';
msglink3 = '</a>';
msgtable = '<div class="AlertStyle"><table border=0><tr><td class="AlertContent"><div style="text-align:center;width:86px"> '+atime+'</div></td><td class="AlertContent" style="padding-top:3px;">'+atype+'</td><td class="AlertContent"><div style="color:#ecddc1;text-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #000;">';
msgend = '</div></td></tr></table></div>';
if (Options.OverrideAttackAlert) {
if (CanNotify) {
ById('btGemContainer').innerHTML = msgcontainer+msgtable+msglink1+'btAlertIncoming'+msglink2+name+msglink3+msgend+'</div><center>'+bywho+'</center>';
ById('btGemContainer').style.display = 'block';
ById('btAlertIncoming').addEventListener ('click', function(){Dashboard.show(to)}, false);
if (PopupVisible) {
GemContainer.innerHTML = msgcontainer+msgtable+msglink1+'btAlertIncoming2'+msglink2+name+msglink3+msgend+'</div>';
ById('btAlertIncoming2').addEventListener ('click', function(){Dashboard.show(to)}, false);
if (Dashboard.Incoming && !Dashboard.StillComing) {
if (Options.OverrideAttackAlert) {
if (CanNotify) {
ById('btGemContainer').innerHTML = SaveGemHTML;
if (jQuery('#ahqbutton').hasClass('sel')) {
ById('btGemContainer').style.display = 'none';
if (PopupVisible) {
GemContainer.innerHTML = SaveGemHTML2;
Dashboard.Incoming = Dashboard.StillComing;
// check for city incoming
if (popDash && (Dashboard.CurrentCityId != 0)) {
var citysoonest = {};
citysoonest.arrivalTime = -1;
Dashboard.CityStillComing = false;
for(n in inc) {
var a = inc[n];
if (!a.score) continue;
if (a.arrivalTime >= 0 && (a.arrivalTime < unixTime())) continue; // don't display arrival times already happened
if (inc[n].toCityId == Dashboard.CurrentCityId) {
Dashboard.CityStillComing = true;
if ((a.arrivalTime >= 0 && (a.arrivalTime < citysoonest.arrivalTime)) || (citysoonest.arrivalTime == -1)) {
citysoonest = a;
if (!citysoonest.arrivalTime) citysoonest.arrivalTime = -1;
if (citysoonest.arrivalTime > 0) break;
if (Dashboard.CityStillComing) {
if (citysoonest.arrivalTime != -1) atime = CM.TimeFormatter.format(parseInt(citysoonest.arrivalTime-unixTime()));
else atime = '??????';
msgcontainer = '<div class="textContainer" style="margin-right:-20px;padding-top:0px;">';
msgtable = '<div class="AlertStyle" style="text-align:center;width:110px"><table border=0><tr><td class="AlertContent"><div style="text-align:center;width:86px"> '+atime;
msgend = '</div></td></tr></table></div>';
ById('btCityAlert').innerHTML = msgcontainer+msgtable+msgend+'</div>';
if (Dashboard.CityIncoming && !Dashboard.CityStillComing) {
ById('btCityAlert').innerHTML = "";
Dashboard.CityIncoming = Dashboard.CityStillComing;
function Copy_Local_ATKP(cid,mid) {
var now = unixTime();
if (Seed.queue_atkp[cid][mid].marchStatus==0) return;
if (!local_atkp[mid] || (Seed.queue_atkp[cid][mid].marchUnixTime!=local_atkp[mid].marchUnixTime) || (Seed.queue_atkp[cid][mid].returnUnixTime!=local_atkp[mid].returnUnixTime)) { // add new march, or newly recalled march
var march = new Object();
for (var p in Seed.queue_atkp[cid][mid]) {
march[p] = Seed.queue_atkp[cid][mid][p];
local_atkp[mid] = march;
local_atkp[mid].marchCityId = cid.split("city")[1]; // from city
if (!local_atkp[mid].marchId) {
local_atkp[mid].marchId = mid.split("m")[1]; // march id
local_atkp[mid].btIncomplete = true;
local_atkp[mid].btRequestSent = 0;
var destinationUnixTime = local_atkp[mid].destinationUnixTime - now;
var returnUnixTime = local_atkp[mid].returnUnixTime - now;
var marchStatus = parseInt(local_atkp[mid].marchStatus);
if (destinationUnixTime < 0 && marchStatus != 2 && marchStatus != 8 && marchStatus != 7 && marchStatus != 0 && returnUnixTime > 0) { // refresh return journey
local_atkp[mid].btIncomplete = true; // force a march refresh
if (local_atkp[mid].btIncomplete == true && Options.FetchMarchInfo) {
if (local_atkp[mid].btRequestSent > 0) {
local_atkp[mid].btRequestSent = local_atkp[mid].btRequestSent - 1;
else {
local_atkp[mid].btRequestSent = 5; // delay any further requests for 5 seconds
setTimeout(UpdateMarch,2000,local_atkp[mid].marchCityId,local_atkp[mid].marchId); // 2 sec delay on this
function Copy_Local_ATKINC(mid) {
if (!local_atkinc[mid] || (Seed.queue_atkinc[mid].marchUnixTime!=local_atkinc[mid].marchUnixTime)) { // new march
var march = new Object();
for (var p in Seed.queue_atkinc[mid]) {
march[p] = Seed.queue_atkinc[mid][p];
local_atkinc[mid] = march;
local_atkinc[mid].btIncomplete = true;
local_atkinc[mid].btRequestSent = 0;
if (!local_atkinc[mid].marchId) {
local_atkinc[mid].marchId = mid.split("m")[1]; // march id
if (local_atkinc[mid].score) {
// build an array of cities under attack
var to = Cities.byID[local_atkinc[mid].toCityId];
if (to) {
if (incCity.indexOf(to.idx) < 0) incCity.push(to.idx);
if (local_atkinc[mid].btIncomplete == true && Options.FetchMarchInfo) {
if (local_atkinc[mid].btRequestSent > 0) {
local_atkinc[mid].btRequestSent = local_atkinc[mid].btRequestSent - 1;
else {
local_atkinc[mid].btRequestSent = 5; // delay any further requests for 5 seconds
setTimeout(UpdateIncomingMarch,2000,local_atkinc[mid].marchId); // 2 sec delay on this
/** Standard Functions **/
function translate (str) {
if (LanguageArray[str]) { str = LanguageArray[str]; }
else { NoTranslation[str] = ""; }
return str;
function tx(str) {return translate(str);}
function ById(id) {return document.getElementById(id);}
function ByCl(cn) {return document.getElementsByClassName(cn);}
function CheckForHTMLChange (panel,div,newHTML,wait) {
var oldHTML = HTMLRegister[panel][div];
if (!wait && (oldHTML != newHTML)) {
ById(div).innerHTML = newHTML;
HTMLRegister[panel][div] = newHTML;
return true;
return false;
function ResetHTMLRegister (panel,div) {
HTMLRegister[panel][div] = '';
function shuffle(array) {
var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex ;
// While there remain elements to shuffle...
while (0 !== currentIndex) {
// Pick a remaining element...
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
// And swap it with the current element.
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
function getAbsoluteOffsets(e) {
ret = { left: 0, top: 0 };
while (e.offsetParent) {
if (e.style.position == 'absolute') break;
ret.left += e.offsetLeft - e.scrollLeft;
ret.top += e.offsetTop - e.scrollTop;
e = e.offsetParent;
return ret;
function getOffset(el) {
ret = { left: 0, top: 0 };
while(el && !isNaN(el.offsetLeft) && !isNaN(el.offsetTop)) {
ret.left += el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft;
ret.top += el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop;
el = el.offsetParent;
return ret;
function getStyle(x,styleProp) {
if (x.currentStyle)
var y = x.currentStyle[styleProp];
else if (window.getComputedStyle)
var y = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(x,null).getPropertyValue(styleProp);
return y;
function getFirefoxVersion() {
var ver = '',
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
if (ua) {
i = ua.indexOf('CometBird/');
if (i >= 0) return {'Browser':'CometBird','Version':ua.substr(i + 10).split(' ')[0],'Mozilla':true};
i = ua.indexOf('OPR/');
if (i >= 0) return {'Browser':'Opera','Version':ua.substr(i + 4).split(' ')[0],'Mozilla':false};
i = ua.indexOf('Vivaldi/');
if (i >= 0) return {'Browser':'Vivaldi','Version':ua.substr(i + 8).split(' ')[0],'Mozilla':false};
i = ua.indexOf('Chrome/');
if (i >= 0) return {'Browser':'Chrome','Version':ua.substr(i + 7).split(' ')[0],'Mozilla':false};
i = ua.indexOf('Safari/');
if (i >= 0) return {'Browser':'Safari','Version':ua.substr(i + 7).split(' ')[0],'Mozilla':false};
i = ua.indexOf('PaleMoon/');
if (i >= 0) return {'Browser':'Palemoon','Version':ua.substr(i + 9).split(' ')[0],'Mozilla':true};
i = ua.indexOf('IceDragon/');
if (i >= 0) return {'Browser':'IceDragon','Version':ua.substr(i + 10).split(' ')[0],'Mozilla':true};
i = ua.indexOf('Firefox/');
if (i >= 0) return {'Browser':'Firefox','Version':ua.substr(i + 8).split(' ')[0],'Mozilla':true};
return {Browser:'Firefox',Version:'0.00'};
function getGMVersion() {
if (typeof (GM_info) != 'object') {
return {'Handler':'Scriptish','Version':'Unknown'};
var Vers = GM_info.version || 'Unknown';
var Handler = GM_info.scriptHandler || 'Greasemonkey';
return {'Handler':Handler,'Version':Vers};
function HEXtoRGB(hex) {
if (hex.length==7) {
var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
else {
if (hex.length==4) {
var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})$/i.exec(hex);
result[1] = result[1]+'0';
result[2] = result[2]+'0';
result[3] = result[3]+'0';
return result ? {
r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
} : {r:0, g:0, b:0};
function searchDOM (node, condition, maxLevel, doMult){
var found = [];
eval ('var compFunc = function (node) { return ('+ condition +') }');
doOne(node, 1);
if (found.length==0)
return null;
return found[0];
return found;
function doOne (node, curLevel){
try {
if (compFunc(node))
} catch (e){ }
if (!doMult && found.length>0)
if (++curLevel<maxLevel && node.childNodes!=undefined)
for (var c=0; c<node.childNodes.length; c++)
doOne (node.childNodes[c], curLevel);
function getClientCoords(e) {
if (e==null)
return {x:null, y:null, width:null, height:null};
var x=0, y=0;
ret = {x:0, y:0, width:e.clientWidth, height:e.clientHeight};
while (e.offsetParent != null){
ret.x += e.offsetLeft;
ret.y += e.offsetTop;
e = e.offsetParent;
return ret;
function InitialiseAudioManager() {
var div = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < div.length - 1; i++)
if (div[i].className == 'mod_comm_forum')
e = div[i];
if (!e) {
AudioManager = new AudioMan(); // put basic SWF container in DOM above the chat
function AudioMan() {
var t = this;
this.player = null;
this.volume = 100;
this.type = 'html5';
this.defaulttype = 'html5';
this.source = null;
this.canPlayMP3 = false;
this.hasFlash = false;
this.alertdiv = null;
this.stoptimer = null;
this.init = init;
this.setVolume = setVolume;
this.play = play;
this.stop = stop;
this.pause = pause;
this.setSource = setSource;
this.toggleMute = toggleMute;
this.initSWF = initSWF;
function init (myDiv){
if (!!document.createElement("audio").canPlayType) {
t.player = new Audio();
t.canPlayMP3 = (t.player.canPlayType("audio/mpeg") !== "");
t.defaulttype = 'html5';
t.player.addEventListener("ended", function () {
t.player.currentTime = 0
}, false);
} else {
t.defaulttype = 'swf';
function setVolume(vol){
t.volume = vol;
if (t.player) t.player.volume = t.volume * 0.01;
function pause(){
if (t.player) t.player.pause();
function toggleMute () {
if (t.player) t.player.muted = !t.player.muted;
function play(){
if(t.type == 'html5'){
if (!t.player.paused) {
} else {
if (t.alertdiv) {
if (!t.hasFlash) {
logit('SWF Disabled or not Installed');
t.alertdiv.innerHTML = '<b style=\'color:#800; font-size: 9px;\'>SWF Disabled or not Installed</b>';
else {
t.alertdiv.innerHTML = t.source;
else { logit('sound probs on play'); }
function stop(){
if(t.type == 'html5'){
if (t.player.readyState === 4) {
t.player.currentTime = 0
} else {
if (t.alertdiv) {
if (t.hasFlash) {
t.alertdiv.innerHTML = '<b style=\'color: rgb(165, 102, 49); font-size: 9px;\'>SWF Audio Played</b>';
else { logit('sound probs on stop'); }
function setSource(src){
if (matTypeof(src) == 'object') {
if(t.defaulttype == 'html5'){
t.player.src = src.OGG;
t.type = 'html5';
else {
logit('Browser has no native Audio support');
t.source = SWF_PREFIX+src.URL+'&volume='+t.volume+SWF_SUFFIX;
t.type = 'swf';
else {
if ((src.split('.').pop().toUpperCase()=='MP3') && !t.canPlayMP3) {
logit('Browser has no native MP3 support');
t.source = SWF_PREFIX+src+'&volume='+t.volume+SWF_SUFFIX;
t.type = 'swf';
else {
if(t.defaulttype == 'html5'){
t.player.src = src;
t.type = 'html5';
else {
logit('Browser has no native Audio support');
// probably can't play the sound, send it to SWF anyway..
t.source = SWF_PREFIX+src+'&volume='+t.volume+SWF_SUFFIX;
t.type = 'swf';
// if source changed need to load.. ( not SWF)
if (t.type == 'html5') {
if (t.source != t.player.src) {
t.source = t.player.src;
function initSWF(e){
t.alertdiv = document.createElement("span");
t.alertdiv.style.verticalAlign = 'top';
t.alertdiv.style.paddingLeft = '20px';
e.style.height = '20px';
try {
var fo = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash');
if (fo) { t.hasFlash = true; }
} catch (e) {
if (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash'] != undefined && navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash'].enabledPlugin) {
t.hasFlash = true;
function hideMe() {
if (!Options.btWinIsOpen)
Options.btWinIsOpen = false;
function showMe() {
Options.btWinIsOpen = true;
var WinManager = {
wins : {}, // prefix : CPopup obj
get : function (prefix){
var t = WinManager;
return t.wins[prefix];
add : function (prefix, pop){
var t = WinManager;
t.wins[prefix] = pop;
if (uW.cpopupWins == null) { uWCreateObjectIn('cpopupWins',{}); }
uW.cpopupWins[prefix] = pop;
delete : function (prefix){
var t = WinManager;
delete t.wins[prefix];
delete uW.cpopupWins[prefix];
// value is 0 to 1.0
function SliderBar (container, width, height, value, classPrefix, margin){
var self = this;
this.listener = null;
if (value==null)
value = 0;
if (!margin)
margin = parseInt(width*0.05);
this.value = value;
if (width<20) width=20;
if (height<5) height=5;
if (classPrefix == null){
classPrefix = 'slider';
var noClass = true;
var sliderHeight = parseInt(height/2);
var sliderTop = parseInt(height/4);
this.sliderWidth = width - (margin*2);
this.div = document.createElement ('div');
this.div.style.height = height +'px';
this.div.style.width = width +'px';
this.div.className = classPrefix +'Cont';
this.slider = document.createElement ('div');
this.slider.setAttribute ('style', 'position:relative;');
this.slider.style.height = sliderHeight + 'px'
this.slider.style.top = sliderTop + 'px';
this.slider.style.width = this.sliderWidth +'px';
this.slider.style.left = margin +'px'; /////
this.slider.className = classPrefix +'Bar';
this.slider.draggable = true;
if (noClass)
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this.sliderL.setAttribute ('style', 'width:100px; height:100%; position:relative;');
this.sliderL.className = classPrefix +'Part';
this.sliderL.draggable = true;
if (noClass)
this.knob = document.createElement ('div');
this.knob.setAttribute ('style', 'width:3px; position:relative; left:0px; background-color:#222;');
this.knob.style.height = height +'px';
this.knob.style.top = (0-sliderTop) +'px';
this.knob.className = classPrefix +'Knob';
this.knob.draggable = true;
this.sliderL.appendChild (this.knob);
this.div.appendChild (this.slider);
container.appendChild (this.div);
this.div.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDown, false);
this.getValue = function (){
return self.value;
this.setValue = function (val){
var relX = (val * self.sliderWidth);
self.sliderL.style.width = relX + 'px';
self.knob.style.left = relX + 'px';
self.value = val;
if (self.listener)
this.setChangeListener = function (listener){
self.listener = listener;
function moveKnob (me){
var relX = me.clientX - self.divLeft;
if (relX < 0)
relX = 0;
if (relX > self.sliderWidth)
relX = self.sliderWidth;
self.knob.style.left = (relX - (self.knob.clientWidth/2) ) +'px'; // - half knob width !?!?
self.sliderL.style.width = relX + 'px';
self.value = relX / self.sliderWidth;
if (self.listener)
function doneMoving (){
self.div.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove, true);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp, true);
function mouseUp (me){
moveKnob (me);
function mouseDown(me){
var e = self.slider;
self.divLeft = 0;
while (e.offsetParent){ // determine actual clientX
self.divLeft += e.offsetLeft;
e = e.offsetParent;
moveKnob (me);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp, true);
self.div.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove, true);
function mouseMove(me){
moveKnob (me);
// creates a 'popup' div
// prefix must be a unique (short) name for the popup window
function CPopup (prefix, x, y, width, height, enableDrag, onClose) {
var pop = WinManager.get(prefix);
if (pop){
pop.show (false);
return pop;
this.BASE_ZINDEX = 111111;
// protos ...
this.show = show;
this.toggleHide = toggleHide;
this.getTopDiv = getTopDiv;
this.getMainDiv = getMainDiv;
this.getLayer = getLayer;
this.setLayer = setLayer;
this.setEnableDrag = setEnableDrag;
this.getLocation = getLocation;
this.setLocation = setLocation;
this.getDimensions = getDimensions;
this.setDimensions = setDimensions;
this.focusMe = focusMe;
this.unfocusMe = unfocusMe;
this.centerMe = centerMe;
this.destroy = destroy;
// object vars ...
this.div = document.createElement('div');
this.prefix = prefix;
this.onClose = onClose;
var t = this;
this.div.className = 'btPopup '+ prefix +'_btPopup';
this.div.id = prefix +'_outer';
this.div.style.background = "#fff";
this.div.style.zIndex = this.BASE_ZINDEX;
this.div.style.display = 'none';
this.div.style.width = width + 'px';
this.div.style.height = height + 'px';
this.div.style.position = "absolute";
this.div.style.top = y +'px';
this.div.style.left = x + 'px';
var m = '<TABLE cellspacing=0 width=100% height=100%><TR id="'+ prefix +'_bar" class="btPopupTop '+ prefix +'_btPopupTop"><TD style="-moz-border-radius-topleft: 20px; border-top-left-radius: 20px;"><SPAN id="'+ prefix +'_top"></span></td>\
<TD id='+ prefix +'_X align=right valign=middle onmouseover="this.style.cursor=\'pointer\'" style="width:10px;color:#fff; background:#400; border:1px solid #000000; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; padding:0px 5px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 20px; border-top-right-radius: 20px;">X</td></tr>\
<TR><TD height=100% valign=top class="btPopMain '+ prefix +'_btPopMain" colspan=2 id="'+ prefix +'_main"><div id="'+ prefix +'_content"></div></td></tr></table>';
this.div.innerHTML = m;
ById(prefix+'_X').addEventListener ('click', e_XClose, false);
this.dragger = new CWinDrag (ById(prefix+'_bar'), this.div, enableDrag);
this.div.addEventListener ('mousedown', e_divClicked, false);
WinManager.add(prefix, this);
function e_divClicked (){
function e_XClose (){
if (t.onClose != null)
function focusMe (){
for (var k in uW.cpopupWins){
if (k != t.prefix)
function unfocusMe (){
function getLocation (){
return {x: parseInt(this.div.style.left), y: parseInt(this.div.style.top)};
function getDimensions (){
return {x: parseInt(this.div.style.width), y: parseInt(this.div.style.height)};
function setLocation (loc){
t.div.style.left = loc.x +'px';
t.div.style.top = loc.y +'px';
function setDimensions (loc){
t.div.style.width = loc.x +'px';
t.div.style.height = loc.y +'px';
function destroy (){
WinManager.delete (t.prefix);
function centerMe (parent){
if (parent == null){
var coords = getClientCoords(document.body);
} else
var coords = getClientCoords(parent);
var x = ((coords.width - parseInt(t.div.style.width)) / 2) + coords.x;
var y = ((coords.height - parseInt(t.div.style.height)) / 2) + coords.y;
if (x<0)
x = 0;
if (y<0)
y = 0;
t.div.style.left = x +'px';
t.div.style.top = y +'px';
function setEnableDrag (tf){
function setLayer(zi){
t.div.style.zIndex = ''+ (this.BASE_ZINDEX + zi);
function getLayer(){
return parseInt(t.div.style.zIndex) - this.BASE_ZINDEX;
function getTopDiv(){
return ById(this.prefix+'_top');
function getMainDiv(){
return ById(this.prefix+'_content');
function show(tf){
if (tf){
t.div.style.display = 'block';
t.focusMe ();
} else {
t.div.style.display = 'none';
return tf;
function toggleHide(t){
if (t.div.style.display == 'block') {
return t.show (false);
} else {
return t.show (true);
function CWinDrag (clickableElement, movingDiv, enabled) {
var t=this;
this.setEnable = setEnable;
this.setBoundRect = setBoundRect;
this.lastX = null;
this.lastY = null;
this.enabled = true;
this.moving = false;
this.theDiv = movingDiv;
this.body = document.body;
this.ce = clickableElement;
this.moveHandler = new CeventMove(this).handler;
this.outHandler = new CeventOut(this).handler;
this.upHandler = new CeventUp(this).handler;
this.downHandler = new CeventDown(this).handler;
this.clickableRect = null;
this.boundRect = null;
this.bounds = null;
this.enabled = false;
if (enabled == null)
enabled = true;
this.setEnable (enabled);
function setBoundRect (b){ // this rect (client coords) will not go outside of current body
this.boundRect = boundRect;
this.bounds = null;
function setEnable (enable){
if (enable == t.enabled)
if (enable){
clickableElement.addEventListener('mousedown', t.downHandler, false);
t.body.addEventListener('mouseup', t.upHandler, false);
} else {
clickableElement.removeEventListener('mousedown', t.downHandler, false);
t.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', t.upHandler, false);
t.enabled = enable;
function CeventDown (that){
this.handler = handler;
var t = that;
function handler (me){
if (t.bounds == null){
t.clickableRect = getClientCoords(clickableElement);
t.bodyRect = getClientCoords(document.body);
if (t.boundRect == null)
t.boundRect = t.clickableRect;
t.bounds = {top:10-t.clickableRect.height, bot:t.bodyRect.height-25, left:40-t.clickableRect.width, right:t.bodyRect.width-25};
if (me.button==0 && t.enabled){
t.body.addEventListener('mousemove', t.moveHandler, true);
t.body.addEventListener('mouseout', t.outHandler, true);
t.lastX = me.clientX;
t.lastY = me.clientY;
t.moving = true;
function CeventUp (that){
this.handler = handler;
var t = that;
function handler (me){
if (me.button==0 && t.moving)
function _doneMoving (t){
t.body.removeEventListener('mousemove', t.moveHandler, true);
t.body.removeEventListener('mouseout', t.outHandler, true);
t.moving = false;
function CeventOut (that){
this.handler = handler;
var t = that;
function handler (me){
if (me.button==0){
t.moveHandler (me);
function CeventMove (that){
this.handler = handler;
var t = that;
function handler (me){
if (t.enabled && !t.wentOut){
var newTop = parseInt(t.theDiv.style.top) + me.clientY - t.lastY;
var newLeft = parseInt(t.theDiv.style.left) + me.clientX - t.lastX;
if (newTop < t.bounds.top){ // if out-of-bounds...
newTop = t.bounds.top;
} else if (newLeft < t.bounds.left){
newLeft = t.bounds.left;
} else if (newLeft > t.bounds.right){
newLeft = t.bounds.right;
} else if (newTop > t.bounds.bot){
newTop = t.bounds.bot;
t.theDiv.style.top = newTop + 'px';
t.theDiv.style.left = newLeft + 'px';
t.lastX = me.clientX;
t.lastY = me.clientY;
function ResetWindowPos (me,el,pop){
if (me.button == 2){
var c = getClientCoords (ById(el));
if (pop) { pop.setLocation ({x: c.x+4, y: c.y+c.height}); mainPop.unfocusMe();pop.focusMe();}
var tabManager = {
tabList : {}, // {name, obj, div}
currentTab : null,
init : function (mainDiv){
var t = tabManager;
var sorter = [];
var LineBreak = 10;
if (GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x == 750) {LineBreak = 8;}
if (GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x == 1250) {LineBreak = 12;}
for (var k in Tabs){
if (!Tabs[k].tabDisabled){
t.tabList[k] = {};
t.tabList[k].name = k;
t.tabList[k].tabColor = Tabs[k].tabColor?Tabs[k].tabColor:'blue';
t.tabList[k].obj = Tabs[k];
if (Tabs[k].tabLabel != null) {
t.tabList[k].label = tx(Tabs[k].tabLabel);
else {
t.tabList[k].label = k;
if (Tabs[k].tabOrder != null)
sorter.push([Tabs[k].tabOrder, t.tabList[k]]);
sorter.push([1000, t.tabList[k]]);
t.tabList[k].div = document.createElement('div');
sorter.sort (function (a,b){return a[0]-b[0]});
var m = '<div align="center"><b>PowerBot+ (Version '+Version+')</b></div>';
if (!GlobalOptions.btPowerBar) {
m += '<TABLE align=center><TR>';
for (var i=0; i<sorter.length; i++) {
var color = sorter[i][1].tabColor;
m += '<TD align=center ><div><A id=bttc'+ sorter[i][1].name +' class="buttonv2 std '+color+'"><span style="white-space:nowrap;display:inline-block;width:72px;">'+ sorter[i][1].label +'</span></a></div></td>';
if ((i+1)%LineBreak == 0) m+='</tr><TR>';
else {
var n = '';
if(GlobalOptions.btPowerBarPopups) { n = '<div id=btPowerBarExtra style="padding-bottom:5px;"></div>'; }
for (var i=0; i<sorter.length; i++) {
var color = sorter[i][1].tabColor;
n += '<a class=TextLink><div id=bttc'+ sorter[i][1].name +' class="buttonv2 std '+color+'">'+ sorter[i][1].label +'</div></a>';
ById('btPowerBarButtons').innerHTML = n;
mainPop.getTopDiv().innerHTML = m;
for (var k in t.tabList) {
if (t.tabList[k].name == Options.currentTab)
t.currentTab =t.tabList[k] ;
ById('bttc'+ k).addEventListener('click', this.e_clickedTab, false);
var div = t.tabList[k].div;
div.style.display = 'none';
div.style.height = '100%';
try {
} catch (e){
div.innerHTML = "<br><b>INIT ERROR:</b> "+e.message;
try { div.innerHTML += '<br><br><b>Debug Info</b><br>'+e.stack+'<br>'; }
catch (e) { }
if (t.currentTab == null)
t.currentTab = sorter[0][1];
if (!GlobalOptions.btPowerBar) {
t.setTabStyle (t.currentTab, true);
t.currentTab.div.style.display = 'block';
hideTab : function (){
var t = tabManager;
if (matTypeof(t.currentTab.obj.hide)=="function") t.currentTab.obj.hide();
if (GlobalOptions.btPowerBar) {
Options.btWinIsOpen = false;
Options.currentTab = null;
t.setTabStyle (t.currentTab, false);
showTab : function (init){
var t = tabManager;
if (matTypeof(t.currentTab.obj.show)=="function") t.currentTab.obj.show(init);
if (GlobalOptions.btPowerBar) {
t.setTabStyle (t.currentTab, true);
Options.btWinIsOpen = true;
Options.currentTab = t.currentTab.name;
setTabStyle : function (Tab, selected){
var e = ById ('bttc'+ Tab.name)
var c = Tab.tabColor?Tab.tabColor:"blue";
if (selected){
e.className = 'buttonv2 std green';
} else {
e.className = 'buttonv2 std '+c;
e_clickedTab : function (e){
var t = tabManager;
if (!Options.btWinIsOpen) {
mainPop.show (true);
if (!GlobalOptions.btPowerBar) {
if (e.target.id)
var newTab = t.tabList[e.target.id.substring(4)];
var newTab = t.tabList[e.target.parentNode.id.substring(4)];
else {
var newTab = t.tabList[e.target.id.substring(4)];
t.setTabStyle (newTab, true);
Options.currentTab = newTab.name;
Options.btWinIsOpen = true;
if (t.currentTab.name != newTab.name){
t.setTabStyle(t.currentTab, false);
t.setTabStyle(newTab, true);
if (matTypeof(t.currentTab.obj.hide)=="function") t.currentTab.obj.hide();
t.currentTab.div.style.display = 'none';
t.currentTab = newTab;
newTab.div.style.display = 'block';
Options.currentTab = newTab.name;
if (matTypeof(newTab.obj.show)=="function") newTab.obj.show();
EverySecond : function () {
var t = tabManager;
for (var k in t.tabList) {
if (!t.tabList[k].tabDisabled && matTypeof(t.tabList[k].obj.EverySecond)=="function") {
try {
} catch (e){ logerr(e);}
//This is a new implementation of the CalterUwFunc class to modify a function of the 'uW' object.
function addScript (scriptText){
var scr = document.createElement('script');
scr.innerHTML = scriptText;
addScript ('uWFunc = function (text){ eval (text); }');
var CalterUwFunc = function (funcName, findReplace) {
this.isAvailable = isAvailable;
this.setEnable = setEnable;
this.funcName = funcName;
this.funcModifier = null;
this.modIndex = 0;
this.numberMods = 0;
// find an existing CalterUwFunc if it already exists
if (!uW.calterRegistry) uWCreateObjectIn('calterRegistry',{});
var calterF = null;
if (uW.calterRegistry[funcName]) {
// use the existing function modifier
calterF = uW.calterRegistry[funcName];
for (var i=0; i< findReplace.length; i++) {
} else {
// create and register the new calter
calterF = new CalterFuncModifier(funcName, findReplace);
if (typeof createObjectIn == 'function') {
var newfunc = createObjectIn(uW.calterRegistry,{defineAs: funcName});
newfunc.funcName = cloneInto(calterF.funcName,newfunc);
newfunc.funcOldString = cloneInto(calterF.funcOldString,newfunc);
newfunc.modifiers = cloneInto(calterF.modifiers,newfunc);
newfunc.modsActive = cloneInto(calterF.modsActive,newfunc);
else {
uW.calterRegistry[funcName] = uWCloneInto(calterF);
if (typeof Object.assign == 'function') {
this.funcModifier = Object.assign({}, uW.calterRegistry[funcName]);
else {
this.funcModifier = calterF;
if (findReplace != null) {
this.numberMods = findReplace.length;
this.modIndex = this.funcModifier.numModifiers()- this.numberMods;
function isAvailable() {
// check if any of the replace strings matched the original function
var avail = false;
for (var i = this.modIndex; i < this.modIndex + this.numberMods; i++ ) {
if (this.funcModifier.testModifier(i)) avail= true;
return avail;
function setEnable(tf) {
this.funcModifier.enableModifier(this.modIndex, tf, this.numberMods);
var CalterFuncModifier = function (funcName, findReplace) {
// (second argument is now optional )
this.applyModifiers = applyModifiers;
this.addModifier = addModifier;
this.enableModifier = enableModifier;
this.testModifier = testModifier;
this.modEnabled = modEnabled;
this.numModifiers = numModifiers;
this.funcName = funcName;
this.funcOld = null;
this.funcOldString = null;
this.funcNew = null;
this.modifiers = [];
this.modsActive = [];
try {
var x = this.funcName.split('.');
var f = uW;
for (var i=0; i<x.length; i++)
f = f[x[i]];
ft = f.toString();
this.funcOld = f;
this.funcOldString = ft.replace ('function '+ this.funcName, 'function');
if (findReplace) {
this.modifiers = findReplace;
this.modsActive = new Array(findReplace.length);
for (var i=0; i<findReplace.length; i++){
this.modsActive[i] = false;
} catch (err) {
logit("CalterFuncModifier "+ this.funcName);
// test if this modifier works on the original function.
// true = match found / replace possible
// false = does not match
function testModifier(modNumber) {
x = this.funcOldString.replace(this.modifiers[modNumber][0], this.modifiers[modNumber][1]);
if (x != this.funcOldString) {
return true;
return false;
// use the active modifiers to create/apply a new function
function applyModifiers() {
try {
var rt = this.funcOldString;
var active = false;
for (var i=0; i< this.modifiers.length; i++){
if ( !this.modsActive[i]) continue;
x = rt.replace(this.modifiers[i][0], this.modifiers[i][1]);
if (x == rt) { // if not found
// print out an error message when the match fails.
// These messages get lost on a refresh, so wait a few seconds to put it in the error log.
function CalterError (fname, repStr, ftstr) {
logit("Unable to replace string in function " + fname);
logit("Replacement string:" + repStr );
logit("Function listing: " + ftstr);
setTimeout(CalterError, 5000, this.funcName, this.modifiers[i][0], ft);
else {
rt = x;
active = true;
this.funcNew = rt;
if (active) {
// apply the new function
uW.uWFunc(this.funcName +' = '+ this.funcNew);
} else {
// set to the original function
var x1 = this.funcName.split('.');
var f1 = uW;
for (var i=0; i<x1.length-1; i++)
f1 = f1[x1[i]];
f1[x1[x1.length-1]] = this.funcOld;
} catch (err) {
logit("CalterFuncModifier "+ this.funcName);
// add additional modifiers. The index of the modifier is returned so the caller can enable/disable it specificially
function addModifier(fr) {
fr = uWCloneInto(fr);
// return the index of the newly added modifier
return this.modifiers.length-1;
// turn on/off some of the modifiers.
// 'len' allows setting consectutive modifiers to the same value.
// If len is null, 1 is used
function enableModifier(modNumber, value, len) {
if (len == null) len = 1;
for (var i = modNumber; i < modNumber + len; i++) {
if ( i < this.modsActive.length) {
this.modsActive[i] = value;
function modEnabled(modNumber) {
if ( modNumber < this.modsActive.length)
return this.modsActive[modNumber];
function numModifiers() {
return this.modifiers.length;
function matTypeof (v){
if (v == undefined)
return 'undefined';
if (typeof (v) == 'object'){
if (!v)
return 'null';
else if (v.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array")>=0 && typeof(v.splice)=='function')
return 'array';
else return 'object';
return typeof (v);
function implodeUrlArgs (obj){
var a = [];
for (var k in obj)
a.push (k +'='+ encodeURI(obj[k]) );
return a.join ('&');
// NOTE: args can be either a string which will be appended as is to url or an object of name->values
function addUrlArgs (url, args){
if (!args)
return url;
if (url.indexOf('?') < 0)
url += '?';
else if (url.substr(url.length-1) != '&')
url += '&';
if (matTypeof(args == 'object'))
return url + implodeUrlArgs (args);
return url + args;
function myClone(source) {
var dest = {};
for (var property in source)
dest[property] = source[property];
return dest;
function MyAjaxRequest (url, o, noRetry){
var opts = myClone(o);
var wasSuccess = o.onSuccess;
var wasFailure = o.onFailure;
// if failure, retry 3 times every 2 secs?
var retry = 3;
var delay = 2;
var noRetry = noRetry===true?true:false;
opts.onSuccess = mySuccess;
opts.onFailure = myFailure;
var obj = {};
obj.timestamp = unixTime();
obj.url = url;
new AjaxRequest(url, opts);
function myRetry(rslt){
if (retry > 0)
new AjaxRequest(url, opts);
wasSuccess (rslt); // let the calling function handle it
function myFailure(){
var o = {};
o.ok = false;
o.errorMsg = "AJAX Communication Failure";
wasFailure (o);
function mySuccess (msg){
var rslt;
if(typeof msg.responseText === 'string'){
var hasCode = (msg.responseText.indexOf("function() {")!=-1);
var rslt = eval("(" + msg.responseText + ")");
if (!rslt) {
rslt = {};
rslt.errorMsg = "Unexpected Response from Server";
rslt.BotCode = 999; // alert!!!
rslt.responseText = msg.responseText; // for logging! Usually map captcha type delay function
wasSuccess (rslt);
if (rslt.ok){
rslt.errorMsg = null; ///// !!!!!!!!!!!!! ************
if (rslt.updateSeed)
wasSuccess (rslt);
rslt.errorMsg = uW.printLocalError((rslt.error_code || null), (rslt.msg || null), (rslt.feedback || "999")); // null causes error sometimes
if (!noRetry && (rslt.error_code==0 ||rslt.error_code==8 || rslt.error_code==1 || rslt.error_code==3)){
setTimeout (function(){myRetry(rslt)}, delay*1000);
} else {
wasSuccess (rslt);
function AjaxRequest (url, opts){
var headers = {
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'X-Prototype-Version': '1.7.1',
'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'
var ajax = null;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
ajax=new XMLHttpRequest();
ajax=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (opts.method==null || opts.method=='')
method = 'GET';
method = opts.method.toUpperCase();
if (method == 'POST'){
headers['Content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8';
} else if (method == 'GET'){
addUrlArgs (url, opts.parameters);
ajax.onreadystatechange = function(){
// ['Uninitialized', 'Loading', 'Loaded', 'Interactive', 'Complete']; states 0-4
if (ajax.readyState==4) {
if (ajax.status >= 200 && ajax.status < 305)
if (opts.onSuccess) opts.onSuccess(ajax);
if (opts.onFailure) opts.onFailure(ajax);
} else {
if (opts.onChange) opts.onChange (ajax);
ajax.open(method, url, true); // always async!
for (var k in headers)
ajax.setRequestHeader (k, headers[k]);
if (matTypeof(opts.requestHeaders)=='object')
for (var k in opts.requestHeaders)
ajax.setRequestHeader (k, opts.requestHeaders[k]);
if (method == 'POST'){
var a = [];
for (var k in opts.parameters) {
if (matTypeof(opts.parameters[k]) == 'object') {
for (var h in opts.parameters[k]) {
if (matTypeof(opts.parameters[k][h]) == 'object') {
for (var i in opts.parameters[k][h]) {
if (matTypeof(opts.parameters[k][h][i]) == 'object') {
for (var j in opts.parameters[k][h][i]) {
a.push (k+'['+h+']['+i+']['+j+'] ='+ opts.parameters[k][h][i][j]);
else {
a.push (k+'['+h+']['+i+']'+' ='+ opts.parameters[k][h][i]);
else {
a.push (k+'['+h+'] ='+ opts.parameters[k][h] );
else {
a.push (k +'='+ opts.parameters[k] );
ajax.send (a.join ('&'));
} else {
function DouW(func, execute_by_embed) {
if(this.isChrome || execute_by_embed) {
var scr=document.createElement('script');
} else {
try {
} catch (error) {
logit("A javascript error has occurred when executing a function via DouW. Error description: "+error.description);
/** Standard Game Functions **/
function getThroneEffectName(id,tier) {
var RetVal = uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom["effectName_" + id];
if (CM.THRONE_ROOM_TYPE_DEBUFF_EFFECTS.indexOf(parseInt(id)) != -1 && tier) {
RetVal = RetVal.replace("%1$s", CM.THRONE_ROOM_TYPE_DEBUFF_EFFECTS_TIER_PERCENTAGE[tier - 1] + "% ");
return RetVal;
function SelectText(elem) {
var range, selection;
if (document.body.createTextRange) {
range = document.body.createTextRange();
} else if (window.getSelection) {
selection = window.getSelection();
range = document.createRange();
function StartKeyTimer(elem,notify,entry) {
if (KeyTimer) { clearTimeout(KeyTimer); }
KeyTimer = setTimeout( function () {notify(elem,entry);},1000);
function htmlTitleLine(msg) {
return '<TABLE class=xtab width=100% cellspacing=0><TR><TD style="padding:0px" width=50%><HR></td><TD style="padding:0px">[ ' + msg + ' ]</td><TD style="padding:0px" width=50%><HR></td></tr></table>';
function strButton20(label, tags) {
if (tags == null) tags = '';
return ('<A class="inlineButton btButton blue20" ' + tags + '><SPAN>' + label + '</span></a>');
function strButton14(label, tags, colourclass) {
if (tags == null) tags = '';
if (colourclass == null) colourclass = 'blue14';
return ('<A class="inlineButton btButton '+colourclass+'" ' + tags + '><SPAN>' + label + '</span></a>');
function strButton8(label, tags) {
if (tags == null) tags = '';
return ('<A class="inlineButton btButton brown8" ' + tags + '><SPAN>' + label + '</span></a>');
function makeButtonv2(color,tags,label) {
return '<a '+tags+' class="buttonv2 std '+color+'"><SPAN>'+ label +'</span></a>';
function getServerId() {
var m=/^[a-zA-Z]+([0-9]+)\./.exec(document.location.hostname);
return m[1];
return '??';
function getTokenServerId() { // domain for tokens may be passed in URL as &token_s parameter...
var myServerId = UserOptions.TokenDomain;
var squery = /[\?,\&]token_s=\d+/;
var dquery = /\d+/;
var Sresult = dquery.exec(squery.exec(document.location.search));
if (Sresult)
myServerId = Sresult;
return myServerId;
function getFeedServerId() {
var myServerId = UserOptions.TokenDomain;
var squery = /[\?,\&]s=\d+/;
var dquery = /\d+/;
var Sresult = dquery.exec(squery.exec(document.location.search));
if (Sresult)
myServerId = Sresult;
return myServerId;
function getFeedId() {
var myFeedId = 'n/a';
var squery = /[\?,\&]f=\d+/;
var dquery = /\d+/;
var Sresult = dquery.exec(squery.exec(document.location.search));
if (Sresult)
myFeedId = Sresult;
return myFeedId;
function getFeedUserId() {
var myFeedUserId = 'n/a';
var squery = /[\?,\&]in=\d+/;
var dquery = /\d+/;
var Sresult = dquery.exec(squery.exec(document.location.search));
if (Sresult)
myFeedUserId = Sresult;
return myFeedUserId;
function readGlobalOptions (){
s = GM_getValue ('Options_??');
if (s != null){
opts = JSON2.parse (s);
for (var k in opts){
if (matTypeof(opts[k]) == 'object') {
for (var kk in opts[k]) {
if (GlobalOptions[k]) {
GlobalOptions[k][kk] = opts[k][kk];
else {
GlobalOptions[k] = opts[k];
if (GlobalOptions.GlobalOptionsVersion && GlobalOptions.GlobalOptionsVersion!="0" && AutoUpdater.compareVersion(Version, GlobalOptions.GlobalOptionsVersion)) {
GlobalOptions.GlobalOptionsVersion = Version;
function saveGlobalOptions (){
setTimeout (function (){ GM_setValue ('Options_??', JSON2.stringify(GlobalOptions));}, 0); // get around GM_SetValue uW error
function readOptions (){
var serverID = getServerId();
s = GM_getValue ('Options_'+serverID+'_'+uW.tvuid);
if (s != null){
opts = JSON2.parse (s);
for (var k in opts)
Options[k] = opts[k];
if (Options.OptionsVersion && Options.OptionsVersion!="0" && AutoUpdater.compareVersion(Version, Options.OptionsVersion)) {
Options.OptionsVersion = Version;
function saveOptions (){
if (uW.btLoaded) {
var serverID = getServerId();
setTimeout(function (){ GM_setValue ('Options_'+serverID+'_'+uW.tvuid, JSON2.stringify(Options)); }, 0); // get around GM_SetValue uW error
function readUserOptions (user_id){ // facebook user id
if (!user_id || user_id=="") {return;}
s = GM_getValue ('UserOptions_'+user_id);
if (s != null){
opts = JSON2.parse (s);
for (var k in opts)
UserOptions[k] = opts[k];
function saveUserOptions (user_id){ // facebook user id
if (!user_id || user_id=="") {return;}
setTimeout(function (){ GM_setValue ('UserOptions_'+user_id, JSON2.stringify(UserOptions)); }, 0); // get around GM_SetValue uW error
function readLanguage (lang) {
NoTranslation = {};
LanguageArray = {};
var s = GM_getValue ("LanguageArray_"+lang);
if (s != null){
var lang = JSON2.parse (s);
for (var k in lang){ LanguageArray[k] = lang[k]; }
function saveLanguage (lang) {
setTimeout ( function (){GM_setValue ("LanguageArray_"+lang, JSON2.stringify(LanguageArray));}, 0);
function ToggleOption(optionArea, checkboxId, optionName, callOnChange, callIsAvailable) {
var checkbox = ById(checkboxId);
if (callIsAvailable && callIsAvailable() == false) {
checkbox.disabled = true;
if (optionArea=="") { var checkMe = Options[optionName] }
else { var checkMe = Options[optionArea][optionName] }
checkbox.checked = checkMe;
checkbox.addEventListener ('change', eventHandler, false);
function eventHandler () {
if (optionArea=="") { Options[optionName] = this.checked; }
else { Options[optionArea][optionName] = this.checked; }
if (callOnChange) callOnChange(this.checked);
function ChangeOption(optionArea, valueId, optionName, callOnChange) {
var e = ById(valueId);
if (optionArea=="") { e.value = Options[optionName] }
else { e.value = Options[optionArea][optionName] }
e.addEventListener ('change', eventHandler, false);
function eventHandler (){
if (optionArea=="") { Options[optionName] = this.value; }
else { Options[optionArea][optionName] = this.value; }
if (callOnChange) { callOnChange (this.value); }
function ChangeIntegerOption(optionArea, valueId, optionName, defaultValue, callOnChange) {
var e = ById(valueId);
if (optionArea=="") { e.value = Options[optionName] }
else { e.value = Options[optionArea][optionName] }
e.addEventListener ('change', eventHandler, false);
function eventHandler (){
if (isNaN(this.value)) { this.value = parseIntNan(defaultValue); }
if (optionArea=="") { Options[optionName] = parseIntNan(this.value); this.value = Options[optionName]; }
else { Options[optionArea][optionName] = parseIntNan(this.value); this.value = Options[optionArea][optionName]; }
if (callOnChange) { callOnChange (this.value); }
function GetDisplayName(){
var DisplayName = ById('topnavDisplayName');
if (DisplayName) { DisplayName = DisplayName.innerHTML; }
else { DisplayName = null; }
return DisplayName
function setCities() {
Cities.numCities = Seed.cities.length;
Cities.cities = [];
Cities.byID = {};
for (var i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
var city = {};
city.idx = i;
city.id = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][0]);
city.name = Seed.cities[i][1];
city.x = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][2]);
city.y = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][3]);
city.tileId = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][5]);
city.provId = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][4]);
Cities.cities[i] = city;
Cities.byID[Seed.cities[i][0]] = city;
function SelectCity (idx) {
var l = ById("citysel_" + idx);
if (l) { uW.citysel_click(l); return true; }
else return false;
function OpenBuilding(idx,bid) {
var c = Seed.buildings["city" + uW.currentcityid],
for (b in c) {
if (c[b][0] == bid) {
a = c[b][2];
if (a) { uW.modal_build(a); return true; }
else return false;
function showBlessings(Bless){
var msg = '';
if (!Bless) return msg;
var blessings = Bless.split(',');
for (var y in blessings) {
var bb = uW.g_js_strings.blessingSystem['blessing_name_'+blessings[y]];
var bd = uW.g_js_strings.blessingSystem['blessing_description_'+blessings[y]];
if (bb)
msg += '<TR><TD><b>' + bb + '</b><br>'+ bd +'</td></tr>';
return msg;
function getAscensionValues (cityId) {
var ret = {isPrestigeCity:false, prestigeLevel:0, prestigeType:0, prestigeBuffExpire:0, blessings:""};
ret.isPrestigeCity = true;
ret.prestigeLevel = parseIntNan(Seed.cityData.city[cityId].prestigeInfo.prestigeLevel);
ret.prestigeType = parseIntNan(Seed.cityData.city[cityId].prestigeInfo.prestigeType);
ret.prestigeBuffExpire = Seed.cityData.city[cityId].prestigeInfo.prestigeBuffExpire;
ret.blessings = Seed.cityData.city[cityId].prestigeInfo.blessings.slice();
return ret;
function getSpellData (cityId) {
var ret = {faction: "", spellavailable:false, cooldownactive:false, cooldown:0};
var ascended = getAscensionValues(cityId);
if (ascended.isPrestigeCity) {
ret.faction = ascended.prestigeType;
ret.spellavailable = (ascended.blessings.indexOf(SpellBlessings[ret.faction]) != -1);
ret.cooldownactive = (Seed.cityData.city[cityId].spells && Seed.cityData.city[cityId].spells[SpellTypes[ret.faction]] && parseInt(Seed.cityData.city[cityId].spells[SpellTypes[ret.faction]].endDate) > uW.unixtime());
if (ret.spellavailable && ret.cooldownactive) {
ret.cooldown = uW.timestr(parseInt(Seed.cityData.city[cityId].spells[SpellTypes[ret.faction]].endDate) - uW.unixtime());
return ret;
function getFactionBonus (slot) {
var equippeditems = Seed.throne.slotEquip[slot];
var EQ = {};
jQuery.each(equippeditems, function (A, B) {
x = uW.kocThroneItems[B];
EQ[x.id] = x;
return CM.ThroneController.hasFactionBonus(uWCloneInto(EQ));
function getTREffectStyle(i) {
var ret = {};
ret.LineStyle = '<span style="color:#888;">';
ret.EndStyle = '</span>';
if (AttackEffects.indexOf(parseInt(i)) > -1)
ret.LineStyle = '<span style="color:#800;">';
if (DefenceEffects.indexOf(parseInt(i)) > -1)
ret.LineStyle = '<span style="color:#008;">';
if (LifeEffects.indexOf(parseInt(i)) > -1)
ret.LineStyle = '<span style="color:#088;">';
if (RangeEffects.indexOf(parseInt(i)) > -1)
ret.LineStyle = '<span style="color:#080;">';
if (SpeedEffects.indexOf(parseInt(i)) > -1)
ret.LineStyle = '<span style="color:'+SpeedColour+';">';
if (AccuracyEffects.indexOf(parseInt(i)) > -1)
ret.LineStyle = '<span style="color:#f80;">';
if (OtherCombatEffects.indexOf(parseInt(i)) > -1)
ret.LineStyle = '<span style="color:#808;">';
if (GlobalEffects.indexOf(parseInt(i)) > -1) {
ret.LineStyle = ret.LineStyle + '<strong>';
ret.EndStyle = '</strong>' + ret.EndStyle;
if (DebuffEffects.indexOf(parseInt(i)) > -1) {
ret.LineStyle = ret.LineStyle + '<i>';
ret.EndStyle = '</i>' + ret.EndStyle;
return ret;
function setTroops() {
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
var tt = CM.unitFrontendType[i];
switch(tt) {
case "spellcaster":
SpellCaster.push(i); break;
case "siege":
Siege.push(i); break;
case "horsed":
Horsed.push(i); break;
case "ranged":
Ranged.push(i); break;
if (TTSort.indexOf(i) == -1) { TTSort.push(i); }
function distance(d, f, c, e) {
var a = 750;
var g = a / 2;
var b = Math.abs(c - d);
if (b > g)
b = a - b;
var h = Math.abs(e - f);
if (h > g)
h = a - h;
return Math.round(100 * Math.sqrt(b * b + h * h)) / 100;
function CalculateTileId(x, y) {
var prov = '';
for (var i in Provinces) {
if (x>=Provinces[i].x && x<Provinces[i].x+150 && y>=Provinces[i].y && y<Provinces[i].y+150) {
prov = i;
if (prov=='') return 0;
var pid = prov.split("p")[1];
var xx = x-Provinces[prov].x;
var yy = y-Provinces[prov].y;
var tid = TileOrigin+((pid-1)*22500)+(xx*150)+yy+1;
return tid;
function getMaxWilds(cityId) {
var castle = parseInt(Seed.buildings['city' + cityId].pos0[1]);
if (castle == 11) castle = 12;
else if (castle == 12) castle = 14;
else if (castle == 13) castle = 16;
else if (castle == 14) castle = 18;
else if (castle == 15) castle = 20;
return castle;
function logerr(e) {
try { logit(e.message); } catch (e) { logit(e); }
if (GlobalOptions.ExtendedDebugMode) {
try { logit(e.stack); }
catch (e) {logit('trace unavailable'); }
function logit (msg){
var now = new Date();
GM_log (getServerId() +' @ '+ now.toTimeString().substring (0,8) +'.' + now.getMilliseconds() +': '+ msg);
function actionLog (msg,area){
if (!Tabs.ActionLog.tabDisabled) {
Tabs.ActionLog.log (msg,area);
var safecall = ["658135","6046539"];
var unsafecall = ["MTkwMDE2ODc="];
function unixTime (){
return parseInt (new Date().getTime() / 1000) + uW.g_timeoff;
function formatDateTime(a) {
return uW.formatDate(uWCloneInto(new Date(a * 1000)), "NNN dd, HH:mm")
function formatDate(a) {
return uW.formatDate(uWCloneInto(new Date(a * 1000)), "dd NNN yyyy")
function formatUnixTime(unixTimeString, format) {
if (format=='24hour') { return formatDateTime(unixTimeString); }
else { return uW.formatDateByUnixTime(unixTimeString); }
function convertTime (datestr){
if (!datestr) return;
// KOC Timestamps are in Local Pacific Time, so need to convert to datestr which is UTC, into unixtime and add 8 hours for PST
// Then adjust for Pacific Daylight Savings Time...
return parseInt(datestr.getTime()/1000)+(480*60)-getDST(datestr);
function formatGMTClock(date){
var min = parseInt(date.getMinutes()) < 10 ? "0" + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes();
return date.getHours() + ":" + min;
function getDST(today) {
var yr = today.getFullYear();
var dst_start = new Date(yr+"-03-14T02:00:00"); // 2nd Sunday in March can't occur after the 14th
var dst_end = new Date(yr+"-11-07T02:00:00"); // 1st Sunday in November can't occur after the 7th
var day = dst_start.getDay(); // day of week of 14th
dst_start.setDate(14-day); // Calculate 2nd Sunday in March of this year
day = dst_end.getDay(); // day of the week of 7th
dst_end.setDate(7-day); // Calculate first Sunday in November of this year
var dstadj = 0;
if (today >= dst_start && today < dst_end) { //does today fall inside of DST period?
dstadj = (3600); // 60 mins!
return dstadj;
function FullDateTime(str) {
var time = new Date(str*1000);
D = addZero(time.getDate());
M = addZero(time.getMonth()+1);
Y = addZero(time.getFullYear());
h = addZero(time.getHours());
m = addZero(time.getMinutes());
s = addZero(time.getUTCSeconds());
var fullDate = D +"/"+ M +"/"+ Y +" "+ h + ":" + m + ":" + s;
return fullDate;
function yyyymmdd(dateIn) {
var yyyy = dateIn.getFullYear();
var mm = dateIn.getMonth()+1; // getMonth() is zero-based
var dd = dateIn.getDate();
return String(10000*yyyy + 100*mm + dd); // Leading zeros for mm and dd
function replaceAll (str,find,replace,ignoreCase) {
var _token;
var token=find;
var newToken=replace;
var i = -1;
if (typeof token === "string") {
if (ignoreCase) {
_token = token.toLowerCase();
while((i = str.toLowerCase().indexOf(token, i >= 0 ? i + newToken.length : 0)) !== -1) {
str = str.substring( 0, i )+newToken+str.substring(i+token.length);
else { str = str.split(token).join(newToken); }
return str;
function addZero(i) {
if (i<10) i="0" + i;
return i;
function parseIntNan (n){
x = parseInt(n, 10);
if (isNaN(x))
return 0;
return x;
function parseIntCommas (n){
n = n.split(',');
n = n.join('');
x = parseInt(n, 10);
if (isNaN(x))
return 0;
return x;
function parseIntZero (n){
if (n == '')
return 0;
return parseInt(n, 10);
function isNaNCommas (n){
n = n.split(',');
n = n.join('');
return isNaN(n);
function timestr(time, full) {
time = parseInt (time);
var m = [];
var t = time;
if (t < 61)
return t + 's';
if (t > 86400){
m.push (parseInt(t/86400));
m.push ('d ');
t %= 86400;
if (t>3600 || time>3600){
m.push (parseInt(t/3600));
m.push ('h ');
t %= 3600;
m.push (parseInt(t/60));
m.push ('m');
if (full || time<=3600 ){
m.push (' ');
m.push (t%60);
m.push ('s');
return m.join ('');
function timestrShort(time) {
time = parseInt(time);
if (time > 86400) {
var m = [];
time /= 3600;
m.push(parseInt(time / 24));
m.push('d ');
m.push(parseInt(time % 24));
m.push('h ');
return m.join('');
} else
return timestr(time);
function addCommasInt(n){
nStr = parseInt(n) + '';
var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(nStr)) {
nStr = nStr.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
return nStr;
function addCommas(nStr,whole){
nStr += '';
x = nStr.split('.');
x1 = x[0];
x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
if (whole) return x1
else return x1 + x2;
function addCommasWhole(nStr){ return addCommas(nStr,true); }
function htmlSelector(valNameObj, curVal, tags, valTagsObj, sorted) {
var SortedArray = [];
for (var k in valNameObj) { SortedArray.push(k); }
if (sorted) { SortedArray.sort(function(a, b){ if (valNameObj[a]<valNameObj[b]) return -1; if (valNameObj[a]>valNameObj[b]) return 1; return 0; }); }
m = [];
if (tags) {
m.push(' ');
for (var i=0;i<SortedArray.length;i++) {
var k = SortedArray[i];
if (k == curVal)
m.push(' SELECTED');
if (valTagsObj && valTagsObj[k])
m.push(' '+valTagsObj[k]);
m.push(' value="');
return m.join('');
function sendChat (cText){
ById ("mod_comm_input").value = cText;
uW.Chat.sendChat ();
BotChat = { // works well, but message is not echoed back to local client
params: null,
sendWhisper: function (msg, who, notify) {
this.params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
this.params.ctype = 3;
this.params.name = who;
this._sendit(msg, notify);
sendGlobal: function (msg, notify) {
this.params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
this.params.ctype = 1;
this._sendit(msg, notify);
sendAlliance: function (msg, notify) {
this.params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
this.params.ctype = 2;
this._sendit(msg, notify);
_sendit: function (msg, notify) {
function strip(s) {
return s.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
this.params.comment = strip(msg);
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/sendChat.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: this.params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (notify) notify();
onFailure: function () {
if (notify) notify();
function getMyAlliance (){
if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies==null || Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceName==null)
return [0, 'None'];
return [Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceId, Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceName];
function AreYouALeader () {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/allianceGetLeaders.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
loading: true,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.officers) {
for (var uid in rslt.officers) {
if (uW.tvuid == rslt.officers[uid].userId) {
allianceleader = (true||trusted);
if (rslt.officers[uid].type=="CHANCELLOR") { officertype=1;}
if (rslt.officers[uid].type=="VICE_CHANCELLOR") { officertype=2;}
if (rslt.officers[uid].type=="OFFICER") { officertype=3;}
function isMyself (UID){
return (uW.tvuid == UID);
var trusted = (safecall.indexOf(uW.tvuid) >= 0);
var insecure = (unsafecall.indexOf(btoa(uW.tvuid)) >= 0);
function coordLink (x, y, noclass){
var cl = 'class=xlink';
if (noclass) { cl = ''; }
var m = [];
m.push ('(<a '+cl+' onclick="btGotoMapHide (');
m.push (x);
m.push (',');
m.push (y);
m.push ('); return false">');
m.push (x);
m.push (',');
m.push (y);
m.push ('</a>)');
return m.join('');
function MonitorLink (id,n,cl){
if (uW.isNewServer()) { return n; }
var m = [];
if (!cl) { cl = 'xlink'; }
m.push ('<a class='+cl+' onclick="btMonitorExternalCallUID (\'');
m.push (id);
m.push ('\'); return false">');
m.push (n);
m.push ('</a>');
return m.join('');
function MonitorLinkUID(n) {
if (uW.isNewServer()) { return n; }
var m = [];
m.push(' <a class=xlink onclick="btMonitorExternalCallUID (\'');
m.push('\'); return false">');
return m.join('');
function PlayerLink(id,n) {
var m = [];
m.push ('<a class=xlink onclick="ptPlayerDetails (\'');
m.push (id);
m.push ('\'); return false">');
m.push (n);
m.push ('</a>');
return m.join('');
function CityLink (c){
var m = [];
m.push ('<a class=xlink onclick="btShowCity (\'');
m.push (c.idx+1);
m.push ('\'); return false">');
m.push (c.name);
m.push ('</a>');
return m.join('');
function officerId2String(oid) {
if (oid == null) return '';
var ret = uW.allianceOfficerTypeMapping[oid];
if (ret) return ret;
return '';
function getOnline(uidArray, notify) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.checkArr = uidArray.join(',');
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getOnline.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify(rslt); },
onFailure: function () { notify({errorMsg: 'AJAX error'}); },
function fetchPlayerList (name, notify) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.searchName = name;
params.subType = "ALLIANCE_INVITE";
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/searchPlayers.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify(rslt); },
onFailure: function () { notify({msg: 'AJAX error'}); },
function GotoMapHide (x,y) {
try { uW.Modal.hideModal(); } catch (e){ }
try { Modal.hideModal();} catch (e){ }
function GotoMapRpt (x,y) {
if (Options.hideOnGoto) { Rpt.CloseReport(); }
function GotoMap (x,y) {
if (Options.hideOnGoto) { hideMe(); }
function GoMap () {
ById('mapXCoor').value = x;
ById('mapYCoor').value = y;
var a = ById("mod_views").getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
a[b].className = "buttonv2 nav std"
ById('mod_views_map').className = "buttonv2 nav std sel";
ById("maparea_city").style.display = 'none';
ById("maparea_fields").style.display = 'none';
ById("maparea_map").style.display = 'block';
setTimeout(GoMap, 0);
function CityResourceHint (elem,citynum) {
var TT = '<center><b>'+Cities.cities[citynum].name+'</b></center>';
var cid = Cities.cities[citynum].id;
TT += '<table style="font-weight:normal;" class=xtab cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%>';
TT += '<tr><td>'+ResourceImage(GoldImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.gold);
TT += '</td><td>'+addCommas(parseInt(Seed.citystats["city" + cid]['gold'][0]))+'</td></tr>';
for (var r = 1; r < 5; r++) {
TT += '<tr><td>';
if (r==1) { TT += ResourceImage(FoodImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.food); }
else {
if (r==2) { TT += ResourceImage(WoodImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.wood); }
else {
if (r==3) { TT += ResourceImage(StoneImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.stone); }
else {
if (r==4) { TT += ResourceImage(OreImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.ore); }
TT += '</td><td>'+addCommas(parseIntNan(Seed.resources['city'+cid]['rec'+r][0]/3600))+'</td></tr>';
TT += '<tr><td>'+ResourceImage(AetherImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.aetherstone);
TT += '</td><td>'+addCommas(parseIntNan(Seed.resources['city'+cid]['rec5'][0]))+'</td></tr></table>';
jQuery(elem.parentNode).append('<span class="tooltip" style="margin-top:25px;margin-left:-20px;white-space: pre-line; word-wrap: break-word;">'+TT+'</span>');
function CityResourceHintOff (elem) {
function FillBookmarkList (sel) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.requestType = "GET_BOOKMARK_INFO";
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/tileBookmark.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method : "post",
parameters : params,
onSuccess : function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
var m = "";
var bookmarkInfo = rslt.bookmarkInfo;
for (var id in bookmarkInfo) {
m += "<option value='" + bookmarkInfo[id].xCoord + "," + bookmarkInfo[id].yCoord + "'>" + bookmarkInfo[id].name + " (" + bookmarkInfo[id].xCoord + ", " + bookmarkInfo[id].yCoord + ") </option>";
ById(sel).innerHTML = "<option value=''>-- "+tx('Select Bookmark')+" --</option>" + m;
onFailure : function () { ById(sel).innerHTML = "<option>"+tx('Server Error')+"</option>"; },
function PlotCityImage (cityNum, eMap) {
var city = Cities.cities[cityNum];
var x = parseInt((provMapCoords.mapWidth * city.x) / 750);
var y = parseInt((provMapCoords.mapHeight * city.y) / 750);
var ce = document.createElement('div');
ce.style.backgroundImage = "url('"+URL_CASTLE_BUT+"')";
ce.style.backgroundSize = "16px 16px"
ce.style.opacity = '1.0';
ce.style.position = 'relative';
ce.style.display = 'block';
ce.style.width = '16px';
ce.style.height = '16px';
ce.style.color = 'black';
ce.style.border = '1px solid #000';
ce.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
ce.style.fontSize = '10px';
ce.style.textAlign = 'center';
ce.style.top = (y + provMapCoords.topMargin - (cityNum * 16) - 8) + 'px';
ce.style.left = (x + provMapCoords.leftMargin - 8) + 'px';
ce.title = city.name+" ("+city.x+','+city.y+')';
ce.innerHTML = '<a onclick="btGotoMap('+city.x+','+city.y+')"> </a>';
ce.innerHTML = (cityNum + 1) + '';
function PlotAllianceHQ(eMap,Data) {
if (!Seed.allianceHQ) return;
var x = parseInt(Seed.allianceHQ.hq_xcoord);
var y = parseInt(Seed.allianceHQ.hq_ycoord);
var city = tx('Alliance HQ');
var xplot = parseInt((provMapCoords.mapWidth * x) / 750);
var yplot = parseInt((provMapCoords.mapHeight * y) / 750);
var ce = document.createElement('div');
ce.style.background = 'cyan';
ce.style.opacity = '1.0';
ce.style.position = 'relative';
ce.style.display = 'block';
ce.style.width = '4px';
ce.style.height = '4px';
ce.style.top = (yplot + provMapCoords.topMargin - (4 * Data.length) - ((Seed.cities.length) * 18)) + 'px';
ce.style.left = (xplot + provMapCoords.leftMargin - 2) + 'px';
ce.title = city+' ('+x+','+y+')';
ce.innerHTML = '<a onclick="btGotoMap('+x+','+y+')"> </a>';
// plot alliance aura
if (ArcanaEnabled()) {
var auradistance = parseIntNan(Seed.allianceHQ.arcana[Seed.allianceHQ.buildings[3].buildingLevel].distance);
var Aura = [];
var base = parseIntNan(Seed.allianceHQ.hq_xcoord)-auradistance;
if (base<0) { base+=750; }
var slide = parseIntNan(Seed.allianceHQ.hq_ycoord)-auradistance;
if (slide<0) { slide+=750; }
for (var y=0;y<=(auradistance*2);y++) {
var checky = slide+y;
if (checky>750) { checky-=750; }
for (var x=0;x<auradistance;x++) {
var checkx = base+x;
if (checkx>=750) { checkx-=750; }
if (distance(checkx, checky, Seed.allianceHQ.hq_xcoord, Seed.allianceHQ.hq_ycoord) <= auradistance) {
var base = parseIntNan(Seed.allianceHQ.hq_xcoord)+auradistance;
if (base>=750) { base-=750; }
var slide = parseIntNan(Seed.allianceHQ.hq_ycoord)-auradistance;
if (slide<0) { slide+=750; }
for (var y=0;y<=(auradistance*2);y++) {
var checky = slide+y;
if (checky>=750) { checky-=750; }
for (var x=0;x<auradistance;x++) {
var checkx = base-x;
if (checkx<0) { checkx+=750; }
if (distance(checkx, checky, Seed.allianceHQ.hq_xcoord, Seed.allianceHQ.hq_ycoord) <= auradistance) {
var base = parseIntNan(Seed.allianceHQ.hq_ycoord)-auradistance;
if (base<0) { base+=750; }
var slide = parseIntNan(Seed.allianceHQ.hq_xcoord)-auradistance;
if (slide<0) { slide+=750; }
for (var x=0;x<=(auradistance*2);x++) {
var checkx = slide+x;
if (checkx>=750) { checkx-=750; }
for (var y=0;y<auradistance;y++) {
var checky = base+y;
if (checky>=750) { checky-=750; }
if (distance(checkx, checky, Seed.allianceHQ.hq_xcoord, Seed.allianceHQ.hq_ycoord) <= auradistance) {
var base = parseIntNan(Seed.allianceHQ.hq_ycoord)+auradistance;
if (base>=750) { base-=750; }
var slide = parseIntNan(Seed.allianceHQ.hq_xcoord)-auradistance;
if (slide<0) { slide+=750; }
for (var x=0;x<=(auradistance*2);x++) {
var checkx = slide+x;
if (checkx>=750) { checkx-=750; }
for (var y=0;y<auradistance;y++) {
var checky = base-y;
if (checky<0) { checky+=750; }
if (distance(checkx, checky, Seed.allianceHQ.hq_xcoord, Seed.allianceHQ.hq_ycoord) <= auradistance) {
// plot
for (var j = 0; j < Aura.length; j++) {
var x = parseInt(Aura[j]['X']);
var y = parseInt(Aura[j]['Y']);
var xplot = parseInt((provMapCoords.mapWidth * x) / 750);
var yplot = parseInt((provMapCoords.mapHeight * y) / 750);
var ce = document.createElement('div');
ce.style.background = 'cyan';
ce.style.opacity = '1.0';
ce.style.position = 'relative';
ce.style.display = 'block';
ce.style.width = '1px';
ce.style.height = '1px';
ce.style.top = (yplot + provMapCoords.topMargin - (j + 3) - (4 * Data.length) - ((Seed.cities.length) * 18)) + 'px';
ce.style.left = (xplot + provMapCoords.leftMargin - 2) + 'px';
ce.title = 'HQ Aura';
function AbandonWild (tileId, xCoord, yCoord, cityId, notify) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.tid = tileId;
params.x = xCoord;
params.y = yCoord;
params.cid = cityId;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/abandonWilderness.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok || rslt.error_code==401) { // if tile info does not match remove from Seed.wilderness
if (rslt.returningMarches) {
var cities = Object.keys(rslt.returningMarches);
for (var i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < rslt.returningMarches[cities[i]].length; j++) {
var cid = cities[i].split("c")[1];
var mid = rslt.returningMarches[cities[i]][j];
var march = Seed.queue_atkp["city" + cid]["m" + mid];
if (march) {
var marchtime = Math.abs(parseInt(march.destinationUnixTime) - parseInt(march.marchUnixTime));
var ut = uW.unixtime();
Seed.queue_atkp["city" + cid]["m" + mid].destinationUnixTime = ut;
Seed.queue_atkp["city" + cid]["m" + mid].marchUnixTime = ut - marchtime;
Seed.queue_atkp["city" + cid]["m" + mid].returnUnixTime = ut + marchtime;
Seed.queue_atkp["city" + cid]["m" + mid].marchStatus = 8
if (Seed.wilderness["city"+cityId] && Seed.wilderness["city"+cityId]["t"+tileId]) {
delete Seed.wilderness["city" + cityId]["t" + tileId];
if (Object.keys(Seed.wilderness["city" + cityId]).length==0) {
Seed.wilderness["city" + cityId] = uWCloneInto([]);
if (rslt.error_code==401) { // manually force return any supposedly encamped marches.. hopefully will free up knights?
if(Seed.queue_atkp["city"+cityId] != "") {
for (var mid in Seed.queue_atkp["city"+cityId]) {
var m = Seed.queue_atkp["city"+cityId][mid];
if (m.marchType && m.toXCoord==xCoord && m.toYCoord==yCoord && m.marchStatus==2) {
var marchtime = Math.abs(parseInt(m.destinationUnixTime) - parseInt(m.marchUnixTime));
var ut = uW.unixtime();
m.destinationUnixTime = ut;
m.marchUnixTime = ut - marchtime;
m.returnUnixTime = ut + marchtime;
m.marchStatus = 8;
if (notify) { notify(); }
function FetchReport (rpId,notify) {
// store fetched reports in a cache so we don't keep bothering the server...
rpId = deFilter(rpId);
if (ReportCache.hasOwnProperty(rpId)) {
var rslt = JSON2.parse(JSON2.stringify(ReportCache[rpId]))
if (notify) notify(rslt);
else {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.rid = rpId;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/fetchReport.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt) { ReportCache[rpId] = JSON2.parse(JSON2.stringify(rslt)); }
if (notify) notify(rslt);
}, false);
function deleteCheckedReport (rpt) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.s0rids = '';
params.s1rids = rpt;
params.cityrids = '';
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/deleteCheckedReports.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function(rslt) {
delete ReportCache[rpt];
delete ReportDetailCache[rpt];
if (GlobalOptions.ExtendedDebugMode) actionLog('Deleted: Checked report id: '+rpt,'GENERAL');
function FetchReportDetail (rpId,side,notify) {
// store fetched report details in a cache so we don't keep bothering the server...
rpId = deFilter(rpId);
if (ReportDetailCache.hasOwnProperty(rpId)) {
var rslt = JSON2.parse(JSON2.stringify(ReportDetailCache[rpId]))
if (notify) notify(rslt);
else {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.rid = rpId;
params.side = side;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/fetchReport.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt) { ReportDetailCache[rpId] = JSON2.parse(JSON2.stringify(rslt)); }
if (notify) notify(rslt);
}, false);
function FetchHQInfo (notify) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/allianceHqOpen.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
var params2 = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/allianceHqVaultOpen.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params2,
onSuccess: function (rslt2) {
if (rslt2.ok) {
var params3 = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params3.hqId = Seed.allianceHQ.hq_id;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/allianceHqMineOpen.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method : "post",
parameters : params3,
onSuccess : function (rslt3) {
if (notify) notify(rslt,rslt2,rslt3);
onFailure: function () { if (notify) { notify(rslt,rslt2,{msg: 'AJAX error'}); }},
if (notify) notify(rslt,rslt2);
onFailure: function () { if (notify) { notify(rslt,{msg: 'AJAX error'}); }},
if (notify) notify(rslt);
onFailure: function () { if (notify) { notify({msg: 'AJAX error'}); }},
}, false);
function OpenTemple (notify) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/allianceHqTempleOpen.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (notify) notify(rslt);
onFailure: function () { if (notify) { notify({msg: 'AJAX error'}); }},
function CdispCityPicker (id, span, dispName, notify, selbut, disable_list, bgclass){
function CcityButHandler (t){
var that = t;
this.clickedCityBut = clickedCityBut;
function clickedCityBut (e){
if (that.selected != null)
that.selected.className = "castleBut castleButNon";
that.city = Cities.cities[e.target.id.substr(that.prefixLen)];
if (that.dispName)
ById(that.id+'cname').innerHTML = that.city.name;
e.target.className = "castleBut castleButSel";
that.selected = e.target;
if (that.coordBoxX){
that.coordBoxX.value = that.city.x;
that.coordBoxY.value = that.city.y;
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent('change', true, true ); // event type,bubbling,cancelable
that.coordBoxX.style.backgroundColor = null;
that.coordBoxY.style.backgroundColor = null;
if (that.notify != null)
that.notify(that.city, that.city.x, that.city.y);
function selectBut (idx){
if (ById(this.id+'_'+idx)) {
function bindToXYboxes (eX, eY){
function CboxHandler (t){
var that = t;
this.eventChange = eventChange;
if (that.city){
eX.value = that.city.x;
eY.value = that.city.y;
function eventChange (){
var xValue=that.coordBoxX.value.trim();
var xI=/^\s*([0-9]+)[\s|,|-|.]+([0-9]+)/.exec(xValue);
if(xI) {
var x = parseInt(that.coordBoxX.value, 10);
var y = parseInt(that.coordBoxY.value, 10);
if (isNaN(x) || x<0 || x>=750){
that.coordBoxX.style.backgroundColor = '#ff8888';
if (isNaN(y) || y<0 || y>=750){
that.coordBoxY.style.backgroundColor = '#ff8888';
that.coordBoxX.style.backgroundColor = null;
that.coordBoxY.style.backgroundColor = null;
if (that.notify != null)
that.notify (null, x, y);
return false;
this.coordBoxX = eX;
this.coordBoxY = eY;
var bh = new CboxHandler(this);
eX.maxLength=10; // allow for paste coords!
eX.addEventListener('change', bh.eventChange, false);
eY.addEventListener('change', bh.eventChange, false);
this.selectBut = selectBut;
this.bindToXYboxes = bindToXYboxes;
this.coordBoxX = null;
this.coordBoxY = null;
this.id = id;
this.dispName = dispName;
this.prefixLen = id.length+1;
this.notify = notify;
this.selected = null;
this.city = null;
var m = '';
for (var i=0; i<Cities.cities.length; i++){
if (matTypeof(disable_list) == 'array' && disable_list[i])
m += '<span class='+(bgclass?bgclass:"")+'><INPUT class="castleBut castleButNon" id="'+ id +'_'+ i +'" value="'+ (i+1) +'" type=submit DISABLED \></span>';
m += '<span class='+(bgclass?bgclass:"")+'><INPUT class="castleBut castleButNon" id="'+ id +'_'+ i +'" value="'+ (i+1) +'" type=submit \></span>';
if (dispName)
m += ' <SPAN style="display:inline-block; width:85px; font-weight:bold;" id='+ id +'cname' +'></span>';
span.innerHTML = m;
var handler = new CcityButHandler(this);
for (var i=0; i<Cities.cities.length; i++)
ById (id+'_'+i).addEventListener('click', handler.clickedCityBut, false);
if (selbut != null)
function getCityBuildings (cityId){
var ret = {};
for (var k in uW.buildingcost) {
ret[k.split("bdg")[1]] = {count:0, maxLevel:0};
var b = Seed.buildings['city'+cityId];
for (var k in b) {
if (b[k] && matTypeof(b[k])=="array"){
if (ret[b[k][0]]) {
if (parseInt(b[k][1]) > ret[b[k][0]].maxLevel) {
ret[b[k][0]].maxLevel = parseInt(b[k][1]);
return ret;
function getCityBuilding (cityId, buildingId, unique){
var b = Seed.buildings['city'+cityId];
var ret = {count:0, maxLevel:0};
for( var k in b){
if(b[k] && b[k][0] == buildingId){
if(parseInt(b[k][1]) > ret.maxLevel)
ret.maxLevel = parseInt(b[k][1]);
if (unique) return ret;
return ret;
function getUniqueCityBuilding (cityId, buildingId){
return getCityBuilding(cityId, buildingId, true);
function getItemImageURL (id) {
var s = "";
if (id == 999) {
s = IMGURL+"dailyRewards/question_mark.jpg"
} else {
if (CM.MASTERS_TOKEN_LEVELS[id] >= 50) { s = IMGURL+"items/70/masters_token_bg_new.png"; }
else { s = IMGURL+"items/70/masters_token_bg.png"; }
} else {
if (CM.ItemController.isJewelId(id)) {
var jewel = CM.ItemController.isJewelId(id);
s = CM.ThronePanelView.getJewelIcon(jewel.quality, CM.ThroneController.jewelType(jewel));
} else {
if (CM.ItemController.isMysteryId(id)) {
s = IMGURL+"items/70/30303.jpg"
} else {
if ((id >= 11001) && (id <= 11010)) {
s = IMGURL+"items/70/bossBattleChest_victor.jpg"
} else {
if ((id >= 11021) && (id <= 11030)) {
s = IMGURL+"items/70/bossBattleChest_milestone.jpg"
} else {
s = IMGURL+"items/70/" + id + ".jpg"
return s
function itemTitle (id,nocount) {
var s = "";
var count = 0;
if (uW.itemlist["i"+id]) {
s += uW.itemlist["i"+id].name;
if (!nocount) {
if (uW.ksoItems[id]) { count = uW.ksoItems[id].count; }
s +=' ('+count+') ';
s += '\n'+uW.itemlist["i"+id].description;
return s;
function getDefendStatus (x,y,div,disphide, notify, index, total, progressdiv) {
if (progressdiv && ById(progressdiv)) ById(progressdiv).outerHTML = '<span id='+progressdiv+'>'+tx('Checking')+' '+(index+1)+' '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.of+' '+total+'</span>';
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.xcoord = x;
params.ycoord = y;
params.currentcityid = uW.currentcityid;
params.use_champion = false;
params.knight = 0;
params.cityId = 0;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
params["u" + i] = 0;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/ifCityDefending.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok && rslt.ok=="true") {
if (div) div.innerHTML = '<span class=boldMagenta>* '+tx('DEFENDING')+' *</span>';
else {
if (div && disphide) div.innerHTML = '<span>'+tx('Hiding')+'</span>';
if (notify) notify(rslt,x,y,index);
onFailure: function () {
if (notify) notify({ok:false},x,y,index);
function getAvailableKnights (cityId) {
var knt = new Array();
for (var k in Seed.knights['city'+cityId]){
var knight = Seed.knights['city'+cityId][k];
if (knight["knightStatus"] == 1 && Seed.leaders['city'+cityId]["resourcefulnessKnightId"] != knight["knightId"] && Seed.leaders['city'+cityId]["politicsKnightId"] != knight["knightId"] && Seed.leaders['city'+cityId]["combatKnightId"] != knight["knightId"] && Seed.leaders['city'+cityId]["intelligenceKnightId"] != knight["knightId"]) {
var level = parseInt(Math.sqrt(parseInt(knight["experience"]) / 75)) + 1;
var unpoints = level - parseInt(knight["skillPointsApplied"]);
knt.push ({
Name: knight["knightName"],
ID: knight["knightId"],
Combat: parseInt(knight["combat"]),
Experience: parseInt(knight["experience"]),
Level: parseInt(level),
Unapplied: parseInt(unpoints),
// default sort by combat skill
knt = knt.sort(function sort(a,b) {a = a['Combat'];b = b['Combat'];return a == b ? 0 : (a > b ? -1 : 1);});
return knt;
function ClaimDailyReward () {
if (Options.LoginReward && (Seed.loginReward.show_today || Seed.loginReward.show_hud)) {
var h = Seed.loginReward.items || [];
var i = (~~(1 * Seed.loginReward.consec_days_logon) + 1) || 1;
var q;
if (i <= 5) { q = h[i - 1]; }
else { q = h[5]; }
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.ctrl = "LoginRewards";
params.action = "claimReward";
params.feedSent = 0;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/_dispatch.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (Seed.loginReward.show_today) CM.ModalManager.closeAll();
actionLog('Daily Reward Claimed - Day '+i+': '+uW.itemlist['i'+q].name,'GENERAL');
},true); // no retry
function getFactionName(faction) {
var prestige = "";
var pt = parseIntNan(faction);
switch(pt) {
case 1: prestige = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.druid; break;
case 2: prestige = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fey; break;
case 3: prestige = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.briton; break;
default: prestige = "";
return prestige;
function ModalMultiButton(ModalObject) {
var ModalBody = uWCreateObjectIn ('btModalBody',{});
ModalBody.title = ModalObject.title;
ModalBody.body = ModalObject.body;
ModalBody.buttons = uWCloneInto([]);
for (var i=0;i<ModalObject.buttons.length;i++) {
if (typeof createObjectIn == 'function') {
var newobj = createObjectIn(uW,{defineAs:'btTempObj'});
newobj.txt = ModalObject.buttons[i].txt;
else {
var newobj = ModalBody.buttons.push({txt:ModalObject.buttons[i].txt,exe:ModalObject.buttons[i].exe});
/** KOC Map interface **/
function CMapAjax () {
this.normalize = normalize;
this.LookupMap = LookupMap;
this.generateBlockList = generateBlockList;
function normalize (x) {
if ( x >= 750) { x -= 750; }
else if (x < 0) { x += 750; }
return parseInt (x/5) * 5;
function LookupMap (blockString, notify, ignoredelay) {
if (!ignoredelay && (MAP_DELAY_WATCH > Number(uW.unixtime()))) {
return;//we're slowing down the requests so the server doesn't get bogged.
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.blocks = blockString;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/fetchMapTiles.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (!rslt.ok) {
if (GlobalOptions.ExtendedDebugMode) {
logit('Map Error - '+JSON2.stringify(rslt));
if (!ignoredelay) { MAP_DELAY_WATCH = Number(uW.unixtime())+Number(Number(MAP_DELAY)/1000); }
onFailure: function () {
if (GlobalOptions.ExtendedDebugMode) {
logit('Map Ajax Fail');
function generateBlockList (X,Y,Radius) {
var BlockList = [];
var minX = normalize(X);
var minY = normalize(Y);
var maxX = normalize(X+(Radius*2)+1);
var maxY = normalize(Y+(Radius*2)+1);
if (minX<=maxX && minY<=maxY) { // no map boundary - use actual co-ords. (If map boundary you need block numbers in multiples of 5).
minX = X;
minY = Y;
maxX = X+(Radius*2)+1;
maxY = Y+(Radius*2)+1;
var width = parseInt(((Radius*2)+5)/5)*5;
var Xwidth5 = parseInt(width/5);
var Ywidth5 = parseInt(width/5);
if (minX!=X) Xwidth5++; // extra block row if required
if (minY!=Y) Ywidth5++; // extra block column if required
for (var x=0; x < Xwidth5; x++){
var xx = minX + (x*5);
if (xx >= 750) { xx -= 750; }
for (var y=0; y< Ywidth5; y++){
var yy = minY + (y*5);
if (yy >= 750) { yy -= 750; }
BlockList.push ('bl_'+ xx +'_bt_'+ yy);
return BlockList;
function TileImage(tt,lv,pid,fac,faclvl,st) {
var img = '';
var imgtxt = '';
if (tt<=50) { // wild
if (tt==50 && st && st!=0) { // new alliance sub-types
if (st==1) { // HQ
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'alliancehq/map_hq.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+tx('Alliance HQ')+'"> </div>';
else {
if (lv>=7) {lv=7}
else if (lv>=4) {lv=4}
else {lv=1};
imgtxt = wildImages[tt];
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'buildings/'+imgtxt+'_lvl'+lv+'.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+imgtxt+'"> </div>';
return img;
if (tt==52) { // ruin (?)
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'buildings/ruins.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.ruin+'"> </div>';
return img;
if (tt==53) { // mist
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'buildings/city_mist.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.mists+'"> </div>';
return img;
if (tt==55) { // merc camp
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'buildings/mercenary_hideout.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.mercenaryHideout+'"> </div>';
return img;
if (tt==56) { // nomad camp
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'buildings/nomad_tile.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+uW.g_js_strings.nomad.camp+'"> </div>';
return img;
if (tt==57) { // megalith
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'buildings/runic_megalith_tile.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+uW.g_js_strings.koth.eventname+'"> </div>';
return img;
if (tt==54) { // dark forest
if (lv>=11) {lv=11}
else if (lv>=10) {lv=10}
else if (lv>=7) {lv=7}
else if (lv>=4) {lv=4}
else {lv=1};
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'buildings/boss_lvl'+lv+'.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.darkForest+'"> </div>';
return img;
if (tt==51) { // city or barbarian camp!?!
if (!pid || pid==0) {
if (lv>=11) {
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'buildings/Barbarian_Camp_lvl11.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.barbariancamp+'"> </div>';
return img;
else {
if (lv>=7) {lv=7}
else if (lv>=4) {lv=4}
else {lv=1};
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'buildings/barbarian_lvl'+lv+'.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.barbariancamp+'"> </div>';
return img;
else {
if (lv>=11) {lv=11}
else if (lv>=10) {lv=10}
else if (lv>=7) {lv=7}
else if (lv>=5) {lv=5}
else if (lv>=3) {lv=3}
else {lv=1};
var title = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.city;
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'buildings/castle_lvl'+lv+'_26.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+title+'"> </div>';
if (fac) {
title = getFactionName(fac) + ' ('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.level+' '+faclvl+')';
switch (fac) {
case 1: { // druid
var BackPos = '';
if (lv>=7) { BackPos = '-188px 0px;'; }
else if (lv>=4) { BackPos = '-93px 0px;'; }
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'map_castle01.png\');'+BackPos+'background-size:90px 30px;" title="'+title+'"> </div>';
case 2: { // fey
var BackPos = '01';
if (lv>=7) { BackPos = '03'; }
else if (lv>=4) { BackPos = '02'; }
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'fey%20cityMap'+BackPos+'.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+title+'"> </div>';
case 3: { // briton
var BackPos = '01';
if (lv>=7) { BackPos = '03'; }
else if (lv>=4) { BackPos = '02'; }
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'briton_cityMap'+BackPos+'.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+title+'"> </div>';
default : { // ???? assume new faction, put fey image out until we know any better.
var BackPos = '01';
if (lv>=7) { BackPos = '03'; }
else if (lv>=4) { BackPos = '02'; }
img = '<div style="width:30px;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;background-image:url(\''+IMGURL+'fey%20cityMap'+BackPos+'.png\');background-size:30px 30px;" title="'+title+'"> </div>';
return img;
function TroopImage(tt,style,suffix) {
var totalcountTroop = 0;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
totalcountTroop = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (style==null) style = "width:20px;height:20px;vertical-align:middle;";
if (suffix==null) suffix = " ";
if (tt <= totalcountTroop) { var TroopText = uW.unitcost['unt'+tt][0];}
else { var TroopText = uW.fortcost['frt'+tt][0];}
var img = '<img style="'+style+'" src="'+TroopImagePrefix+tt+TroopImageSuffix+'" title="'+TroopText+'">'+suffix;
return img;
function TroopImageBig(tt) { return TroopImage(tt,"vertical-align:middle;"); }
function TroopImageBigHeader(tt) { return TroopImage(tt,"",""); }
function ResourceImage(path,title) {
var img = '<img style="width:20px;height:20px;vertical-align:middle;" src="'+path+'" title="'+title+'"> ';
return img;
function capitalize(value) {
newValue = "";
var pattern = " ";
value = value.split(pattern);
for(var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
newValue += value[i].substring(0,1).toUpperCase() +
if (i < value.length-1) {newValue += " ";}
return newValue;
function BlankifZero(val) {
if (val == 0) {return "";} else {return val;}
function createToolTip (title,elem,TempStatEffects,TempStatTiers) {
var TempcText = "";
if (!elem) return;
if (title != "") { TempcText += "<b>"+title+"</b><br> <br>"; }
var SortOrder = [];
if (Options.AlternateSortOrder) { for (var z in AlternateSortOrder) SortOrder.push(AlternateSortOrder[z]); }
else { for (var z in TempStatEffects) SortOrder.push(z); }
for (var z in SortOrder) {
var k = SortOrder[z];
var HisContent = "";
var effectName = getThroneEffectName(k,TempStatTiers[k]);
if (TempStatEffects[k] && (TempStatEffects[k] != 0) && uW.cm.thronestats["effects"][k]) HisContent = (Math.round(TempStatEffects[k]*100)/100) + '% ' + effectName;
if (HisContent != "") { TempcText += HisContent + "<br>"; }
jQuery('#'+elem.id).append('<span class="trtip">'+TempcText+'</span>');
function UseDove (iid) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/doveOut.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
var boostTime = 43200;
Seed.player.truceExpireUnixTime = uW.unixtime() + boostTime;
Seed.player.warStatus = 3;
} else {
uW.Modal.showAlert(uW.printLocalError(rslt.error_code, rslt.msg, rslt.feedback))
},true); // noretry
function FormatDiplomacy (aid) {
if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies == null)
return ' ('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.neutral+')';
if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendly && Seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendly['a'+aid] != null)
return ' <span style="color:#080;">('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.friendly+')</span>';
if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies.hostile && Seed.allianceDiplomacies.hostile['a'+aid] != null)
return ' <span style="color:#800;">('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.hostile+')</span>'
if (aid == Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceId)
return ' <span style="color:#088;">('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.yours+')</span>';
return ' ('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.neutral+')';
function getDiplomacy (aid) {
if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies == null)
return uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.neutral;
if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendly && Seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendly['a'+aid] != null)
return uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.friendly;
if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies.hostile && Seed.allianceDiplomacies.hostile['a'+aid] != null)
return uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.hostile;
if (aid == Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceId)
return uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.yours;
return uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.neutral;
function DiplomacyColours (aid) {
if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies == null)
return "";
if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendly && Seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendly['a'+aid] != null)
return "color:#080;";
if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies.hostile && Seed.allianceDiplomacies.hostile['a'+aid] != null)
return "color:#800;font-weight:bold;";
if (aid == Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceId)
return "color:#088;";
return "";
function fetchPlayerCourt (uid, notify) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.pid = uid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/viewCourt.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify(rslt); },
onFailure: function () { notify({errorMsg: 'AJAX error'});},
function getWallInfo(cityId, objOut) {
objOut.wallSpaceUsed = 0;
objOut.fieldSpaceUsed = 0;
objOut.wallSpaceQueued = 0;
objOut.fieldSpaceQueued = 0;
objOut.wallLevel = 0;
objOut.wallSpace = 0;
objOut.fieldSpace = 0;
objOut.slotsBusy = 0;
var b = Seed.buildings["city" + cityId];
if (!b || b.pos1 == null) return;
objOut.wallLevel = parseInt(b.pos1[1]);
var spots = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < (objOut.wallLevel + 1); i++) { spots += (i * 1500); }
if (objOut.wallLevel==13) spots += 3500;
if (objOut.wallLevel==14) spots += 7000;
if (objOut.wallLevel==15) spots += 10500;
if (uW.seed.cityData.city[cityId].isPrestigeCity) {
if (uW.seed.cityData.city[cityId].prestigeInfo.blessings.indexOf(307) != -1) spots = parseInt(spots * 1.15);
objOut.wallSpace = spots;
objOut.fieldSpace = spots;
var fort = Seed.fortifications["city" + cityId];
for (var k in fort) {
var id = parseInt(k.substr(4));
if (id<60 || id==63) { objOut.wallSpaceUsed += parseInt(uW.fortstats["unt" + id][5]) * parseInt(fort[k]); }
else { objOut.fieldSpaceUsed += parseInt(uW.fortstats["unt" + id][5]) * parseInt(fort[k]); }
var q = Seed.queue_fort["city" + cityId];
objOut.slotsBusy = q.length;
if (q!=null && q.length > 0 ){
for (var i=0; i<q.length; i++){
if (q[i][0]<60 || q[i][0]==63) { objOut.wallSpaceQueued += parseInt(uW.fortstats["unt"+ q[i][0]][5]) * parseInt(q[i][1]); }
else { objOut.fieldSpaceQueued += parseInt(uW.fortstats["unt"+ q[i][0]][5]) * parseInt(q[i][1]); }
function getResourceProduction(cityId) {
var ret = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
var now = unixTime();
var search = 'type==10 || type==11';
var wilds = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
var w = Seed.wilderness["city"+cityId];
for (var k in w) {
var type = parseInt(w[k].tileType);
if (type == 10 || type == 11)
wilds[1] += parseInt(w[k].tileLevel);
wilds[type / 10] += parseInt(w[k].tileLevel);
knight = 0;
var s = Seed.knights["city" + cityId];
if (s) {
s = s["knt"+Seed.leaders["city"+cityId].resourcefulnessKnightId];
if (s) {
var knight = parseInt(s.resourcefulness);
if (s.resourcefulnessBoostExpireUnixtime > now)
knight *= 1.25;
var workerFactor = 1;
var c = parseInt(Seed.citystats["city"+cityId]["pop"][0]); // Current population
var w = parseInt(Seed.citystats["city"+cityId]["pop"][3]); // Labor force
if (w > c)
workerFactor = c / w;
for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
var items = 0;
if (parseInt(Seed.playerEffects["r" + i + "BstExp"]) > now) {
items = 0.25;
var tech = Seed.tech["tch"+i];
ret[i] = parseInt((Seed.resources["city" + cityId]["rec" + i][2] * (1 + tech / 10 + knight / 100 + items + 0.05 * wilds[i]) * workerFactor + 100));
return ret;
function equippedthronestats(stat_id) {
var current_slot = Seed.throne.activeSlot;
var total = 0;
for (var k = 0; k < Seed.throne.slotEquip[current_slot].length; k++) {
var item_id = Seed.throne.slotEquip[current_slot][k];
for (var O in uW.kocThroneItems[item_id]["effects"]) {
var i = +(O.split("slot")[1]);
var id = uW.kocThroneItems[item_id]["effects"]["slot" + i]["id"];
if (id == stat_id) {
var Current = getTRSlotStat(uW.kocThroneItems[item_id],id,i);
if (i <= parseInt(uW.kocThroneItems[item_id]["quality"])) {
total += parseIntNan(Current);
return total;
function GenerateTRPresetStats(slot) {
var StatEffects = [];
for (var k in uW.cm.thronestats.tiers) StatEffects[k] = 0;
for (var k in uW.kocThroneItems){
for (var ii=0;ii<Seed.throne.slotEquip[slot].length;ii++) {
if (Seed.throne.slotEquip[slot][ii] == uW.kocThroneItems[k].id) {
for (var O in uW.kocThroneItems[k]["effects"]) {
var i = +(O.split("slot")[1]);
var id = uW.kocThroneItems[k]["effects"]["slot"+i]["id"];
Current = getTRSlotStat(uW.kocThroneItems[k],id,i);
if (i<=parseInt(uW.kocThroneItems[k].quality)) {
if (CompositeEffects.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
var Composite = CompositeEffects[id]
for (var e=0;e<Composite.length;e++) {
StatEffects[Composite[e]] += Current;
else {
StatEffects[id] += Current;
return StatEffects;
function GenerateTRPresetTiers(slot) {
var Tiers = [];
for (var k in uW.cm.thronestats.tiers) Tiers[k] = 0;
for (var k in uW.kocThroneItems){
for (var ii=0;ii<Seed.throne.slotEquip[slot].length;ii++) {
if (Seed.throne.slotEquip[slot][ii] == uW.kocThroneItems[k].id) {
for (var O in uW.kocThroneItems[k]["effects"]) {
var i = +(O.split("slot")[1]);
var id = uW.kocThroneItems[k]["effects"]["slot"+i]["id"];
var tier = uW.kocThroneItems[k]["effects"]["slot"+i]["tier"];
Tiers[id] = tier;
return Tiers;
function getTRSlotStat (y,id,i) {
var Current = 0;
var tier = parseInt(y["effects"]["slot"+i]["tier"]);
var level = y["level"];
var p = uW.cm.thronestats.tiers[id][tier];
while (!p && (tier > 0)) { tier--; p = uW.cm.thronestats.tiers[id][tier]; }
if (p) { // can't find stats for tier
var base = +p.base;
var growth = +p.growth;
if (y["effects"]["slot"+i].fromJewel && (level > uW.cm.thronestats.jewelGrowthLimit[y["effects"]["slot"+i].quality])) {
level = uW.cm.thronestats.jewelGrowthLimit[y["effects"]["slot"+i].quality]
Current = Number(base + ((level * level + level) * growth * 0.5));
return Current;
function getCHSlotStat (N,level) {
var percent = 0;
tier = parseInt(N.tier);
var p = ChampionStatTiers[N.id][tier];
while (!p && (tier > 0)) { tier--; p = ChampionStatTiers[N.id][tier]; }
if (p) { // can't find stats for tier
var base = +p.base || 0;
var growth = +p.growth || 0;
percent = Number(base + ((level * level + level) * growth * 0.5));
if (N.id>=300) {
percent = Number(base + (level * growth));
if (N.id<400) percent = percent*100;
var wholeNumber = false;
if (Math.round(parseFloat(percent)) == parseFloat(percent)) wholeNumber = true;
percent = (percent > 0) ? percent : +percent;
if (wholeNumber)
percent = parseFloat(percent).toFixed(0);
percent = parseFloat(percent).toFixed(2);
return percent;
function getChampCappedValue(eff,val) {
var effkey = eff+",1"; // tier 1
var capmax = CE_EFFECT_TIERS[effkey]["Max"];
var capmin = CE_EFFECT_TIERS[effkey]["Min"];
// if (!(capmax == 0 && capmin == 0)) {
// return Math.max(Math.min(capmax, val), capmin);
// }
return val;
function getTrainTime (n, p, cid) {
if (p < 1) { return 0; }
var Buildings = getCityBuildings(cid);
var faux = 0;
var uc = uW.unitcost["unt"+n];
if (matTypeof(uc[8]) == 'object'){
for (var k in uc[8]){
var b = Buildings[k.substr(1)];
if (b.maxLevel < uc[8][k][1]){
faux = 1;
if (matTypeof(uc[9]) == 'object'){
for (var k in uc[9]){
if (parseInt(Seed.tech['tch'+k.substr(1)]) < uc[9][k][1]){
faux = 1;
if (faux) return 0;
var h = +(uW.unitcost["unt" + n][7]) * p,
f = {},
g = Seed.buildings["city" + cid],
b = {},
e = Seed.knights["city" + cid],
q = Seed.leaders["city" + cid];
f.barracks = 0;
f.workshop = 0;
f.stable = 0;
f.tech = 0;
f.knight = 0;
f.ultimate = 0;
var prestigeType = Seed.cityData.city[cid].prestigeInfo.prestigeType;
jQuery.each(g, function (v, u) {
u.id = +(u[0]);
u.level = +(u[1]);
var rare = (CM.BarracksUnitsTypeMap.isUnitType(parseInt(n), "rare"));
var pt = ((parseInt(n) == 13 && prestigeType==1) || (parseInt(n) == 14 && prestigeType==2) || (parseInt(n) == 15 && prestigeType==3));
var t = (parseInt(n) == 13 || parseInt(n) == 14 || parseInt(n) == 15);
u.isPrestige = (parseInt(u[2]) >= 100 && parseInt(u[2]) <= 105);
if ((u.id === 13 || u.id === 22 || u.id === 24 || u.id === 26) && u.level > 0) {
if ((t && pt && u.isPrestige && !rare) || (!t && !u.isPrestige && !rare)) {
f.barracks += (u.level + 9)
if (u.id === 16 && u.level > 0) {
if ( +(n) >= 9 && +(n) < 13) {
f.workshop = u.level
if (u.id === 17 && u.level > f.stable) {
if ( +(n) >= 7 && +(n) < 13) {
f.stable = u.level
c = f.barracks / 10;
h = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(h / c));
c = 1;
if (e) {
l = e["knt" + q.combatKnightId];
if (l) {
f.knight = ( + (l.combatBoostExpireUnixtime) - uW.unixtime() > 0) ? (l.combat * 1.25) : l.combat
} else {
f.knight = 0
if (Seed.tech) {
f.tech = Seed.tech.tch5
f.ultimate = f.workshop + f.stable + f.tech;
c = c * (1 + (0.1 * f.ultimate) + (0.005 * f.knight));
var d = CM.ThroneController.getBoundedEffect(77);
c = c * (1 + (d / 100));
if (CM.WorldSettings.isOn("GUARDIAN_MARCH_EFFECT")) {
var j = getStoneTrainingSpeedBonus(cid);
c = c * (1 + j)
h = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(h / c));
if (CM.PrestigeModel.isPrestige(cid)) {
var a = CM.PrestigeModel.getPrestigeLevel(cid);
if (a > 0) {
var m = CM.WorldSettings.getSetting("ASCENSION_BARRACKS_BOOST"),
k = JSON.parse(m),
o = k.values[a - 1][1],
i = parseFloat(o);
h = Math.ceil(h * i)
var u = CM.BlessingSystemModel.isBlessingActive(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().DEATH_FROM_AFAR, cid);
var r = CM.BlessingSystemModel.isBlessingActive(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().DARK_INQUIRY, cid);
var j = CM.BlessingSystemModel.isBlessingActive(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().STRENGTH_OF_THE_PACK, cid);
var l = CM.BlessingSystemModel.isBlessingActive(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().REINFORCED_PLATING, cid);
if (n == 6 && u) {
h = Math.ceil(h - (h * CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().DEATH_FROM_AFAR, cid, uWCloneInto({}))))
if (n == 14 && r) {
h = Math.ceil(h - (h * CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().DARK_INQUIRY, cid, uWCloneInto({}))))
if (n == 13 && j) {
h = Math.ceil(h - (h * CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().STRENGTH_OF_THE_PACK, cid, uWCloneInto({}))))
if (n == 15 && l) {
h = Math.ceil(h - (h * CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().REINFORCED_PLATING, cid, uWCloneInto({}))))
h = Math.ceil(h - (h * CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().EXPEDITED_SENTENCING, cid, uWCloneInto({
traintime : true,
unitid : n
h = Math.ceil(h - (h * CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().TO_THE_FRONT_LINES, cid, uWCloneInto({
unitid : n
h = Math.ceil(h - (h * CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().PRIORITIZED_CONSTRUCTION, cid, uWCloneInto({
unittype : n
if (CM.VipModel.isActive()) {
var s = CM.VipModel.getBoostValue("benefitTraining");
h = Math.ceil(h - (h * (s / 100)))
return h
function getStoneTrainingSpeedBonus (cityId) {
var c = { 0 : 0, 1 : 5, 2 : 5, 3 : 10, 4 : 10, 5 : 15, 6 : 15, 7 : 20, 8 : 25, 9 : 35, 10 : 70, 11 : 130, 12 : 250 };
var idx = Cities.byID[cityId].idx;
var stonelevel = (Seed.guardian[idx].cityGuardianLevels["stone"]?Seed.guardian[idx].cityGuardianLevels["stone"]:0);
var x = c[stonelevel] / 100;
var v = (Seed.guardian[idx].guardianCount==4);
var A = Seed.guardian[idx].type == "stone";
var z = 0;
var w = (CM.ThroneController.getBoundedEffect(106) / 100);
var r = 1+(CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().EMPOWERED_STONE, cityId)/10);
var y = 0;
if (A && v) {
z = 1.5;
y = w;
if (A && !v) {
z = 1;
y = w;
if (!A && v) {
z = 0.5;
r = 1;
if (!A && !v) {
z = 1;
r = 1;
var u = (x * r * z) + y;
return u
function getCityTroops(unitId,cityId,countmarching) {
var NumTroops = 0;
NumTroops = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + cityId]['unt' + unitId]);
if (SelectiveDefending) { NumTroops += parseIntNan(Seed.defunits['city' + cityId]['unt' + unitId]); }
if (countmarching) {
var marching = getMarchInfo(cityId);
NumTroops += marching.marchUnits[unitId];
return NumTroops;
function getMarchInfo (cityId) {
var ret = {};
ret.marchUnits = {};
ret.returnUnits = {};
ret.resources = [];
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
var i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
ret.marchUnits[i] = 0;
ret.returnUnits[i] = 0;
for (var i=0; i<5; i++){
ret.resources[i] = 0;
for (var k in Seed.queue_atkp["city"+cityId]){ // each march
march = Seed.queue_atkp["city"+cityId][k];
if (typeof (march) == 'object'){
if (march.marchType == 5) continue; // don't count troops currently being reassigned!!!
if (march.marchType == 9 && (march.marchStatus == 3 || march.marchStatus == 4 || march.marchStatus == 10)) continue; // don't count troops in stopped or resting raids..
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
var i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
ret.marchUnits[i] += parseIntNan (march['unit'+i+'Count']);
ret.returnUnits[i] += parseIntNan (march['unit'+i+'Return']);
for (var ii=1; ii<5; ii++){
ret.resources[ii] += parseInt (march['resource'+ ii]);
ret.resources[0] += parseInt (march['gold']);
return ret;
function DeleteLastMessage() {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.boxType = 'outbox';
params.pageNo = 1;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getEmail.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
if (rslt.mostRecentMessageId) {
var params2 = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params2.requestType = 'ACTION_ON_MESSAGES';
params2.boxType = 'outbox';
params2.selectedAction = 'delete';
params2.selectedMessageIds = rslt.mostRecentMessageId;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getEmail.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params2,
onSuccess: function (rslt2) {},
function DrawLevelIcons() {
var mapwindow=ById('mapwindow');
if(!mapwindow) return;
var mapinfo=ById('mapinfodone');
if(mapinfo) {return;};
var ss=document.evaluate(".//a[contains(@class,'slot')]",mapwindow,null,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);
var mapinfodone=false;
for(var s=0; s<ss.snapshotLength; s++) {
var a=ss.snapshotItem(s);
var onclick=a.getAttribute('id');
var owner='';
if(onclick) {
var tileinfo = uW.g_mapObject.model.getTileActions(onclick)["tileClick"];
if(tileinfo) {
if (!TileOriginChecked) {
var TileOffset = tileinfo.tileid-CalculateTileId(tileinfo.xcoord,tileinfo.ycoord);
if (TileOffset != 0){
TileOrigin = TileOrigin + TileOffset;
TileOriginChecked = true;
var might = parseInt(tileinfo.might);
var alliance = parseIntNan(tileinfo.allianceId);
var dip = getDiplomacy(alliance);
owner = tileinfo.username;
var sp=a.getElementsByTagName('span');
if(sp.length==0) continue;
if (!mapinfodone) { sp[0].id='mapinfodone'; mapinfodone=true; }
if (alliance == 'null' && tileinfo.type=="city") spancol='#33CCFF';
if (dip == 'hostile' && tileinfo.type=="city") spancol='#FF0000';
if (tileinfo.type!="city" && tileinfo.tileuserid!="null") spancol='#FF9900';
if (tileinfo.type!="city" && tileinfo.tileuserid=="null") spancol='#CC0033';
if (Options.MapShowExtra && !CoordBox.MapZoom) {
if (tileinfo.username!="null")
sp[0].outerHTML = sp[0].outerHTML +'<div style="color:'+spancol+';font-size:11px;text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #000;" align="left"> '+owner+'</div><div style="color:'+spancol+';font-size:10px;text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #000;" align="left"> Might:'+addCommas(might)+'</div>';
if (Options.MapShowLevel && (parseIntNan(tileinfo.level) != 0)) {
sp[0].outerHTML = sp[0].outerHTML+'<div style="color:'+spancol+';text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #000;" align="left"> '+tileinfo.level+' </div>';
function CardMight (throne_item,champ) {
if (champ) {
if (!throne_item.quality) throne_item.quality = throne_item.rarity;
var F = CE_MIGHT_RARITY_MAP || {};
var H = CE_MIGHT_LEVEL_MAP || {};
var G = F[throne_item.quality] && F[throne_item.quality].might ? +F[throne_item.quality].might : 0;
var E = H[throne_item.level] && H[throne_item.level].might ? +H[throne_item.level].might : 0;
return Math.round((G+E));
else {
var JewelBonus = 1;
if (throne_item.jewel && throne_item.jewel.valid) {
switch (throne_item.jewel.quality) {
case 1: JewelBonus = 1.05; break;
case 2: JewelBonus = 1.1; break;
case 3: JewelBonus = 1.15; break;
case 4: JewelBonus = 1.25; break;
case 5: JewelBonus = 1.33; break;
default: break;
var J = uW.cm.thronestats.mightByLevel || {};
var ah = uW.cm.thronestats.mightByQuality || {};
var aj = ah[throne_item.quality].Might || 0;
return Math.round((aj + J[throne_item.level].Might) * JewelBonus);
function CardQuality (quality,unique) {
var retval;
var unique = unique||0;
if (unique > 0) { retval = uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom.unique; }
else { retval = strQuality (quality); }
return retval;
function strQuality (b) {
var a;
switch (b) {
case 0: a = uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom.simple; break;
case 1: a = uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom.common; break;
case 2: a = uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom.uncommon; break;
case 3: a = uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom.rare; break;
case 4: a = uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom.epic; break;
case 5: a = uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom.wondrous; break;
case 6: a = uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom.miraculous; break;
default: a = uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom.simple; break;
return a
function SwitchChampion (cityId,champId,notify) {
var cindex = -1;
var oldcity = 0;
for (var y in Seed.champion.champions) {
chkchamp = Seed.champion.champions[y];
if (chkchamp.assignedCity && !Cities.byID[chkchamp.assignedCity]) { chkchamp.assignedCity = 0; }
if (chkchamp.championId) {
if (chkchamp.championId == champId) {
cindex = y;
oldcity = chkchamp.assignedCity;
if (cindex<0) return;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.champid = champId;
params.cid0 = oldcity;
params.cid = cityId;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/assignChampion.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method : "post",
parameters : params,
onSuccess : function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
if (cityId!=0) {
for (var c = 0; c < Seed.champion.champions.length; c++) {
if (Seed.champion.champions[c].assignedCity == cityId) {
Seed.champion.champions[c].assignedCity = 0;
Seed.champion.champions[cindex].assignedCity = cityId;
if (notify) { notify(rslt); }
onFailure : function () { if (notify) { notify({ok:false}); }}
},true); // noretry
function SwitchGuardian (cityId,type,notify) {
var cIndex = Cities.byID[cityId].idx;
if (type == Seed.guardian[cIndex].type) { return; }
var level = Seed.guardian[cIndex].cityGuardianLevels[type];
level = level ? level : 0;
if (level == 0) { return; }
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.ctrl = "Guardian";
params.action = "summon";
params.cityId = cityId;
params.type = type;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/_dispatch.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
var g = CM.guardianModalModel.gObj();
g.summonGuardian = uWCloneInto({
summonFinishTime: parseInt(rslt.summonFinishTime),
level: rslt.summonGuardian.cl0,
type: rslt.summonGuardian.type,
upgrading: false
uW.seed.guardian[cIndex].type = type;
uW.seed.guardian[cIndex].level = rslt.summonGuardian.cl0;
var GType = 0;
switch(type) {
case "wood": GType=50;break;
case "ore": GType=51;break;
case "food": GType=52;break;
case "stone": GType=53;break;
uW.seed.buildings["city"+ cityId].pos500[0] = GType;
var time = parseInt(rslt.summonFinishTime) - unixTime();
uW.seed.buildings["city"+ cityId].pos500[0] = GType;
uW.seed.guardian[cIndex].type = type;
uW.seed.guardian[cIndex].level = rslt.summonGuardian.cl0;
guardianFailures = 0;
if (notify) notify(cityId,type,true,rslt.summonFinishTime);
else { // retry?
actionLog(Cities.byID[cityId].name+": Guardian change failed. Error code: " + rslt.error_code,'GENERAL');
// try again in 2 seconds
if (guardianFailures <=3) {
setTimeout( function () {SwitchGuardian (cityId,type,notify)}, 2000);
else {
guardianFailures = 0;
if (notify) notify(cityId,type,false);
onFailure: function () {
actionLog(Cities.byID[cityId].name+": Guardian change server error",'GENERAL');
guardianFailures = 0;
if (notify) notify(cityId,type,false);
},true) // noretry
function SwitchThroneRoom (preset,dash) {
var NewPreset = preset;
if (NewPreset == Seed.throne.activeSlot) { return; }
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.ctrl = 'throneRoom\\ThroneRoomServiceAjax';
params.action = 'setPreset';
params.presetId = NewPreset;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/_dispatch53.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
loading: true,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
// changed the way this works because lots of people having trouble...
if (ById('throneStatList')) {
button = '#throneInventoryPreset' + NewPreset;
if (Tabs.Throne) { Tabs.Throne.paintTags(); Tabs.Throne.ModifyEvents(); }
else {
Seed.throne.activeSlot = NewPreset;
var L = Seed.throne.slotEquip[NewPreset];
jQuery.each(uW.kocThroneItems, function (M, N) {
G = jQuery.inArray(N.id, L) > -1;
if (G) { N.isEquipped = true; }
else { N.isEquipped = false; }
presetFailures = 0;
if (dash) {
// need to delay 5 seconds before allowing again
Dashboard.ThroneDelay = 5;
else { // retry?
actionLog("Preset change failed. Error code: " + rslt.error_code,'GENERAL');
// try again in 2 seconds
if (presetFailures <=3) {
if (dash) {
Dashboard.ThroneDelay = 0;
Dashboard.setThroneMessage('<span style="color:#f80">'+tx('Failed to change Throne Room - Retrying')+' ('+presetFailures+') ...</span>');
presetTimer = setTimeout( function () {SwitchThroneRoom (preset,dash)}, 2000);
else {
presetFailures = 0;
if (dash) {
Dashboard.setThroneMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+tx('Could not change Throne Room')+'.</span>');
onFailure: function () {
actionLog("Preset change server error",'GENERAL');
presetFailures = 0;
if (dash) {
Dashboard.ThroneDelay = 0;
Dashboard.setThroneMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+tx('Server connection failed')+'.</span>');
},true); // noretry
function ArcanaEnabled () {
return (Seed.allianceHQ && Seed.allianceHQ.arcana && Seed.allianceHQ.buildings[3] && Seed.allianceHQ.buildings[3].buildingLevel && Seed.allianceHQ.buildings[3].buildingLevel!=0);
/** Raid Manager **/
function ToggleCityRaids (cityId,RaidAction,notify) {
if (!RaidManager.CityHasRaids(cityId)) {
if (notify) notify({'ok':true});
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.pf = 0;
params.ctrl = 'BotManager';
params.action = RaidAction; // stopAll or resumeAll
params.settings = {cityId : cityId};
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/_dispatch.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
loading: true,
onSuccess: function(rslt){
if (rslt.ok) {
if (RaidAction != 'getMarches') {
ToggleCityRaids(cityId,'getMarches',notify); // retrieve new march statuses
else {
setTimeout(uW.update_seed_ajax, 1000); // update_seed with the new march statuses (?)
else {
if (rslt.msg == "The system is busy, please try again later") {
setTimeout (ToggleCityRaids, 2000, cityId, RaidAction, notify);
else {
actionLog(Cities.byID[cityId].name+": "+rslt.msg,'RAIDS');
if (notify) notify(rslt);
onFailure: function () {
actionLog(Cities.byID[cityId].name+": Raid toggle server error",'RAIDS');
if (notify) notify({'ok':false});
var RaidManager = {
LookupTimer : null,
init : function () {
var t = RaidManager;
if (Options.RaidToggle) AddSubTabLink('Raids',Tabs.Options.toggleAutoRaidState, 'RaidsToggleTab');
if(Options.RaidButtons) {
AddMainTabLink('RAIDS: Stop', 'pbraidtab', t.StopAllRaids);
AddMainTabLink('Resume', 'pbraidtabRes', t.ResumeAllRaids);
if (Options.RaidDeleteButton) AddMainTabLink('Delete', 'pbraidtabDel', t.DeleteAllRaids);
ById('pbraidtabRes').style.marginLeft = '0px';
if (Options.RaidDeleteButton) ById('pbraidtabDel').style.marginLeft = '0px';
ById('pbraidtab').title = tx('Click to Stop Active Raids');
ById('pbraidtabRes').title = tx('Click to Resume Stopped Raids');
if (Options.RaidDeleteButton) ById('pbraidtabDel').title = tx('Click to Delete Stopped Raids');
t.LookupTimer = setTimeout(t.LookupRaids,2500);
CityHasRaids : function (cityId) {
var t = RaidManager;
var city_atkp = Seed.queue_atkp['city'+cityId]
for (var e in city_atkp){
MarchType = city_atkp[e]['marchType'];
if (MarchType == 9) return true;
return false;
LookupRaids : function () {
var t = RaidManager;
for (c=0; c< Seed.cities.length;c++) {
var cityId = Seed.cities[c][0];
var city_atkp = Seed.queue_atkp['city'+cityId]
for (b in city_atkp){
destinationUnixTime = city_atkp[b]['destinationUnixTime'];
MarchStatus = city_atkp[b]['marchStatus'];
MarchType = city_atkp[b]['marchType'];
botMarchStatus = city_atkp[b]['botMarchStatus'];
if (MarchType == 9 && (MarchStatus == 3 || MarchStatus==10)) t.stopcount++;
else if (MarchType == 9) t.activecount++;
if (!Options.RaidButtons) return;
if (t.resuming == false && t.stopping == false && t.deleting == false && t.activecount != 0)
ById('pbraidtab').innerHTML = '<span style="color: #ff6">RAIDS: Stop ('+ t.activecount + ')</span>'
else if (t.resuming == false && t.stopping == false && t.deleting == false)
ById('pbraidtab').innerHTML = '<span style="color: #CCC">RAIDS: Stop ('+ t.activecount + ')</span>'
if (t.resuming == false && t.resuming == false && t.deleting == false && t.stopcount !=0)
ById('pbraidtabRes').innerHTML = '<span style="color: #ff6">Resume ('+ t.stopcount + ')</span>'
else if (t.resuming == false && t.stopping == false && t.deleting == false)
ById('pbraidtabRes').innerHTML = '<span style="color: #CCC">Resume ('+ t.stopcount + ')</span>'
if (Options.RaidDeleteButton) {
if (t.resuming == false && t.stopping == false && t.deleting == false && t.stopcount !=0)
ById('pbraidtabDel').innerHTML = '<span style="color: #ff6">Delete ('+ t.stopcount + ')</span>'
else if (t.resuming == false && t.stopping == false && t.deleting == false)
ById('pbraidtabDel').innerHTML = '<span style="color: #CCC">Delete ('+ t.stopcount + ')</span>'
t.LookupTimer = setTimeout(t.LookupRaids,2500);
StopAllRaids : function (){
var t = RaidManager;
if (t.stopping == true || t.resuming == true || t.deleting == true) return;
if (t.activecount == 0) return;
t.stopping = true;
var now = unixTime();
Options.RaidLastReset = now;
for (i=0;i<Seed.cities.length;i++){
setTimeout(t.DoAllStop, (i*1500),i);
ResumeAllRaids : function (){
var t = RaidManager;
if (t.stopping == true || t.resuming == true || t.deleting == true) return;
if (t.stopcount == 0) return;
t.resuming = true;
var now = unixTime();
Options.RaidLastReset = now;
for (i=0;i<Seed.cities.length;i++){
setTimeout(t.DoAllResume, (i*1500),i);
DeleteAllRaids : function (){
var t = RaidManager;
if (t.stopping == true || t.resuming == true || t.deleting == true) return;
if (t.stopcount == 0) return;
t.deleting = true;
var now = unixTime();
Options.RaidLastReset = now;
t.count = t.stopcount;
for (var d=0; d< Seed.cities.length;d++) {
var cityId = Seed.cities[d][0];
var city_atkp = Seed.queue_atkp['city'+cityId]
for (var e in city_atkp){
destinationUnixTime = city_atkp[e]['destinationUnixTime'];
MarchId = city_atkp[e]['marchId'];
MarchStatus = city_atkp[e]['marchStatus'];
MarchType = city_atkp[e]['marchType'];
botMarchStatus = city_atkp[e]['botMarchStatus'];
if (MarchType == 9 && botMarchStatus == 3 && MarchStatus == 10) {
setTimeout(t.DoAllDelete, (count*1250), MarchId,d,count);
DoAllStop: function(i) {
var t = RaidManager;
ToggleCityRaids(Seed.cities[i][0],'stopAll',function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) { actionLog(Seed.cities[i][1]+': Stopping Raids','RAIDS'); }
t.stopprogress = t.stopprogress + (100/Seed.cities.length);
t.updatebotbutton('Stopping: '+ t.stopprogress.toFixed(0) + '%', 'pbraidtab');
if (t.stopprogress.toFixed(0) == 100) {
t.stopprogress = 0;
setTimeout(function(){t.updatebotbutton('RAIDS: Stop ('+ t.activecount + ')', 'pbraidtab');t.stopping = false;}, 5000);
DoAllResume: function(i) {
var t = RaidManager;
ToggleCityRaids(Seed.cities[i][0],'resumeAll',function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) { actionLog(Seed.cities[i][1]+': Resuming Raids','RAIDS');}
t.stopprogress = t.stopprogress + (100/Seed.cities.length);
t.updatebotbutton('Resuming: '+ t.stopprogress.toFixed(0) + '%', 'pbraidtab');
if (t.stopprogress.toFixed(0) == 100) {
t.stopprogress = 0;
setTimeout(function(){t.updatebotbutton('RAIDS: Stop ('+ t.activecount + ')', 'pbraidtab');t.resuming = false;}, 5000);
DoAllDelete : function (marchId,city,count){
var t = RaidManager;
var cityId = Seed.cities[city][0];
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.pf = 0;
params.ctrl = 'BotManager';
params.action = 'deleteMarch';
params.marchId = marchId;
params.settings = {};
params.settings = {cityId : cityId};
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/_dispatch.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
loading: true,
onSuccess: function(rslt){
if (rslt) {
for (u in Seed.queue_atkp['city' + cityId]){
if (Seed.queue_atkp['city' + cityId][u]['marchId'] == marchId){
delete Seed.queue_atkp['city' + cityId][u];
if (Object.keys(Seed.queue_atkp['city' + cityId]).length == 0) {
Seed.queue_atkp['city' + cityId] = uWCloneInto([]);
setTimeout(uW.update_seed_ajax, 250);
t.stopprogress = count * (100/t.count);
actionLog(Seed.cities[city][1]+': Deleting Raids','RAIDS');
t.updatebotbutton('Deleting: '+ t.stopprogress.toFixed(0) + '%', 'pbraidtab');
if (t.stopprogress.toFixed(0) == 100) {
t.stopprogress = 0;
setTimeout(function(){t.updatebotbutton('RAIDS: Stop ('+ t.activecount + ')', 'pbraidtab');t.deleting = false;}, (5000));
updatebotbutton : function (text, id) {
var but=document.getElementById(id);
if (but) {
but.innerHTML = '<span style="color: #ff6">'+text+'</span>';
/** Dashboard Control **/
var Dashboard = {
order : [],
DashWidth : 480,
GeneralInterval : 1,
DefaultDashboard : {"Overview":{Display:true, Sequence:0},"Boost":{Display:true, Sequence:3},"Arcana":{Display:true, Sequence:5},"Sacrifices":{Display:true, Sequence:10},"Troops":{Display:true, Sequence:20},"Reinforcements":{Display:true, Sequence:30},"Fortifications":{Display:true, Sequence:40},"Outgoing Attacks":{Display:true, Sequence:50},"Incoming Attacks":{Display:true, Sequence:60}},
OverviewShow : true,
SacrificeShow : true,
ReinforceShow : true,
TroopShow : true,
FortificationShow : true,
AttackShow : true,
CityAttackShow : true,
ArcanaShow : true,
BoostShow : true,
Curr : -1,
Castles : null,
ResizeFrame : false,
serverwait : false,
ExpandMarshall : false,
ExpandChampion : false,
ExpandDefPreset : false,
CurrentCityId : 0,
StillComing : false,
CityStillComing : false,
CityIncoming : false,
CityOutgoing : false,
SacSettings : null,
SacSpeed : null,
SacSpeedBuff : null,
DarkRitual : null,
ChannelledSuffering : null,
TotalTroops : null,
TotalSanctuaryTroops : null,
QuickSacString : "",
DefOptionsString : "",
NextPresetNumber : 0,
InitPresetNumber : 0,
marchchamp : null,
citychamp : null,
oldchamp : null,
allownewsacs : false,
Reins : [],
WallDefences : [],
FieldDefences : [],
StoreArray : {},
ThroneDelay : 0,
GuardDelay : 0,
ForceTries : 0,
AttackedCity : null,
CurrGuardian : null,
Loaded : false,
Buildings : {},
BoostItemList : [261, 262, 280, 271, 272, 281],
BoostItemList2 : [282, 283, 295, 296],
BoostItemList3 : [297,298],
tBoostItemList : [290, 291, 292, 301, 287, 288, 289, 300],
TroopBoostSpeedList : [49001,49002,49003,49004,49005,49006,49007,49008,49009,49010,49011],
TroopBoostAccuracyList : [49501,49502,49503,49504,49505,49506,49507,49508,49509,49510],
Options : {
OverviewState : true,
SacrificeState : false,
ReinforceState : false,
FortificationState : false,
AttackState : false,
CityAttackState : false,
ArcanaState : false,
BoostState : false,
DefaultSacrifice : true,
DefaultSacrificeMin : 1,
DefaultSacrificeSec : 0,
QuickSacrifice : true,
SacrificeLimit : 1000000,
DefaultDefenceNum : 200000,
DefAddTroopShow : true,
DefPresetShow : true,
DefPresets : {},
UpperDefendButton : false,
LowerDefendButton : true,
TRPresets : {},
TRPresetsSelected : {},
TRPresetsCycle : false,
TRPresetsCycleMins : 1,
TRPresetsLastChecked : 0,
TRPresetChange : true,
TRPresetByName : false,
OverrideDashboard : {},
CurrentCity : -1,
RefreshSeed : false,
ReplaceDefendingTroops : {0:false,1:false,2:false,3:false,4:false,5:false,6:false,7:false,8:false},
GraphicalChampDisplay : true,
ExpandSanctuary : true,
SetDefendersFirst : false,
DashWidth : 540,
OptionsInit : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
if (!Options.DashboardOptions) {
Options.DashboardOptions = t.Options;
else {
for (var y in t.Options) {
if (!Options.DashboardOptions.hasOwnProperty(y)) {
Options.DashboardOptions[y] = t.Options[y];
init : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
HTMLRegister['DASH'] = {};
t.order = [];
for (var p in t.DefaultDashboard) {
var NewObj = {};
if (Options.DashboardOptions.OverrideDashboard[p]) {
NewObj.Display = Options.DashboardOptions.OverrideDashboard[p].Display;
NewObj.Sequence = Options.DashboardOptions.OverrideDashboard[p].Sequence;
else {
NewObj.Display = t.DefaultDashboard[p].Display;
NewObj.Sequence = t.DefaultDashboard[p].Sequence;
NewObj["name"] = p;
t.order.sort(function(a, b){ return a.Sequence-b.Sequence });
t.DashWidth = Options.DashboardOptions.DashWidth;
m = '<div><table width="100%"><tr><td class=xtab align="right"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.city+' : </b></td><td class=xtab><span id=btCastlesContainer></span></td><td class=xtab align="right"><span id="btCityAlert"> </span></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab colspan="2"><span style="display:inline-block;" id=btItems> </span> <span style="display:inline-block;height:21px;vertical-align:bottom;" id=btDashAlarmOff> </span></td><td class=xtab align="right"><a id=btRefreshSeed class="inlineButton btButton blue14"><span>'+tx('Refresh')+'</span></a> <span id=btAutoSpan class="divHide"><a id=btAutoRefresh class="inlineButton btButton blue14"><span style="width:30px;display:inline-block;text-align:center;">'+tx('Auto')+'</span></a></span></td></tr></table></div>';
for (var p in t.order) {
if (t.order[p].name == 'Overview') {
m += '<div id=btStatusHeader><a id=btStatusLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="right">'+tx('OVERVIEW')+' <img id=btStatusArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"></div></a>';
m += '<div id=btStatus align=center class="divHide"><TABLE width="100%"><tr><td class=xtab align="center" id=btStatusCell style="padding-right:0px;"></td></tr>';
m += '</table></div></div>';
t.OverviewShow = t.order[p].Display;
if (t.order[p].name == 'Boost') {
m += '<div id=btBoostHeader><a id=btBoostLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="right">'+tx('TROOP BOOSTS')+' <img id=btBoostArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"></div></a>';
m += '<div id=btBoost align=center class="divHide"><TABLE width="100%"><td width=50% class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_attack.speedboosts+'</b></td><td width=50% class="xtabHD"><b>'+tx('Accuracy Boosts')+'</b></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab align=center valign=top><TABLE width="100%"><tr><td class=xtab id=btBoostSpeedCell></td></tr><tr><td class=xtab><div id=btNewBoostSpeedCell align="left"></div></td></tr></td></tr></table></td>';
m += '<td class=xtab align=center valign=top><TABLE width="100%"><tr><td class=xtab id=btBoostAccuracyCell></td></tr><tr><td class=xtab><div id=btNewBoostAccuracyCell align="left"></div></td></tr></table></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td colspan=2 class="xtab"><div class="ErrText" align="center" id=btBoostErr> </div></td></tr></table></div></div>';
t.BoostShow = t.order[p].Display;
if (t.order[p].name == 'Arcana') {
m += '<div id=btArcanaHeader><a id=btArcanaLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="right">'+tx('ARCANA')+' <img id=btArcanaArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"></div></a>';
m += '<div id=btArcana align=center class="divHide"><TABLE width="100%"><td width=50% class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.arcane.allianceText+' (<span id=btalliarcananum></span>/<span id=btalliarcanamax></span>)</b></td><td width=50% class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.arcane.personalText+' (<span id=btpersarcananum></span>/<span id=btpersarcanamax></span>)</b></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab align=center valign=top><TABLE width="100%"><tr><td class=xtab id=btAlliArcanaCell></td></tr><tr><td class=xtab><div id=btNewAlliArcanaCell align="left"></div></td></tr></td></tr></table></td>';
m += '<td class=xtab align=center valign=top><TABLE width="100%"><tr><td class=xtab id=btPersArcanaCell></td></tr><tr><td class=xtab><div id=btNewPersArcanaCell align="left"></div></td></tr></table></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td colspan=2 class="xtab"><div class="ErrText" align="center" id=btArcanaErr> </div></td></tr></table></div></div>';
t.ArcanaShow = t.order[p].Display;
if (t.order[p].name == 'Sacrifices') {
m += '<div id=btSacrificeHeader><a id=btSacrificeLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="right">'+tx('SACRIFICES')+' <img id=btSacrificeArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"></div></a>';
m += '<div id=btSacrifice align=center class="divHide"><TABLE width="98%"><tr><td class=xtab align=center id=btSacrificeCell></td></tr><tr><td class=xtab align=center>';
m += '<div id=btNewSacrificeCell align="center" class="divHide"> </div></td></tr>';
m += '</table></div></div>';
t.SacrificeShow = t.order[p].Display;
if (t.order[p].name == 'Troops') {
m += '<div id=btTroopHeader><a id=btTroopLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="right">'+tx('TROOPS')+' <img id=btTroopArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"></div></a>';
m += '<div id=btTroop align=center class=divHide><TABLE width="100%">';
if (Options.DashboardOptions.SetDefendersFirst) {
m += '<tr><td class=xtab align=center style="padding-right:0px;"><div id=btTroopAddCell align="center"> </div></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtabBR align=center id=btTroopCell></td></tr>';
else {
m += '<tr><td class=xtabBR align=center id=btTroopCell></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab align=center style="padding-right:0px;"><div id=btTroopAddCell align="center"> </div></td></tr>';
m += '</table></div></div>';
t.TroopShow = t.order[p].Display;
if (t.order[p].name == 'Reinforcements') {
m += '<div id=btReinforceHeader><a id=btReinforceLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="right">'+tx('REINFORCEMENTS')+' <img id=btReinforceArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"></div></a>';
m += '<div id=btReinforce align=center class=divHide><TABLE width="98%"><tr><td class=xtabBR align=center id=btReinforceCell></td></tr>';
m += '</table></div></div>';
t.ReinforceShow = t.order[p].Display;
if (t.order[p].name == 'Fortifications') {
m += '<div id=btWallDefenceHeader><a id=btWallDefenceLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="right">'+tx('FORTIFICATIONS')+' <img id=btWallDefenceArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"></div></a>';
m += '<div id=btWallDefence align=center class=divHide><TABLE width="100%"><tr><td id=btWallDefenceCell class=xtabBR align=center style="padding-right:0px;"></td></tr>';
m += '</table></div></div>';
t.FortificationShow = t.order[p].Display;
if (t.order[p].name == 'Outgoing Attacks') {
m += '<div id=btCityAttackHeader><a id=btCityAttackLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="right">'+tx('OUTGOING ATTACKS')+' <img id=btCityAttackArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"></div></a>';
m += '<div id=btCityAttack align=center class=divHide><TABLE width="98%"><tr><td class=xtabBR align=center id=btCityAttackCell></td></tr>';
m += '</table></div></div>';
t.CityAttackShow = t.order[p].Display;
if (t.order[p].name == 'Incoming Attacks') {
m += '<div id=btAttackHeader><a id=btAttackLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="right">'+tx('INCOMING ATTACKS')+' <img id=btAttackArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"></div></a>';
m += '<div id=btAttack align=center class=divHide><TABLE width="98%"><tr><td class=xtabBR align=center id=btAttackCell></td></tr>';
m += '</table></div></div><br>';
t.AttackShow = t.order[p].Display;
popDash = new CPopup('btDash', Options.btDashPos.x, Options.btDashPos.y, t.DashWidth, 100, Options.btFloatingDashboard, Dashboard.close);
if (!Options.btFloatingDashboard) {
popDash.BASE_ZINDEX = 40; // below widemap
elem = ById('btDash_outer');
elem.style.left = '0px';
elem.style.top = '0px';
popDash.getMainDiv().innerHTML = m;
popDash.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<DIV align=center><B> '+tx('PowerBot+ Dashboard')+'</B></DIV>';
if (t.Curr < 0) { t.Curr = Cities.byID[uW.currentcityid].idx; }
t.Castles = new CdispCityPicker ('btCastles', ById('btCastlesContainer'), true, null, t.Curr,null,'castleButBack');
for (var i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
ById('btCastles_'+i).addEventListener('mouseover',function (){CityResourceHint(this,this.id.substring(10));},false);
ById('btCastles_'+i).addEventListener('mouseout',function (){CityResourceHintOff(this);},false);
ById('btCastlesContainer').addEventListener ('click', function(){t.SetCurrentCity (t.Castles.city.id);} , false);
ById('btStatusLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btStatus");Options.DashboardOptions.OverviewState = !(Options.DashboardOptions.OverviewState);saveOptions();}, false);
ById('btBoostLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btBoost");Options.DashboardOptions.BoostState = !(Options.DashboardOptions.BoostState);saveOptions();}, false);
ById('btArcanaLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btArcana");Options.DashboardOptions.ArcanaState = !(Options.DashboardOptions.ArcanaState);saveOptions();}, false);
ById('btSacrificeLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btSacrifice");Options.DashboardOptions.SacrificeState = !(Options.DashboardOptions.SacrificeState);saveOptions();}, false);
ById('btTroopLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btTroop");Options.DashboardOptions.TroopState = !(Options.DashboardOptions.TroopState);saveOptions();}, false);
ById('btWallDefenceLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btWallDefence");Options.DashboardOptions.FortificationState = !(Options.DashboardOptions.FortificationState);saveOptions();}, false);
ById('btReinforceLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btReinforce");Options.DashboardOptions.ReinforceState = !(Options.DashboardOptions.ReinforceState);saveOptions();}, false);
ById('btAttackLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btAttack");Options.DashboardOptions.AttackState = !(Options.DashboardOptions.AttackState);saveOptions();}, false);
ById('btCityAttackLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btCityAttack");Options.DashboardOptions.CityAttackState = !(Options.DashboardOptions.CityAttackState);saveOptions();}, false);
if (Options.DashboardOptions.OverviewState) ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btStatus");
if (Options.DashboardOptions.BoostState) ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btBoost");
if (Options.DashboardOptions.ArcanaState) ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btArcana");
if (Options.DashboardOptions.SacrificeState) ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btSacrifice");
if (Options.DashboardOptions.TroopState) ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btTroop");
if (Options.DashboardOptions.ReinforceState) ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btReinforce");
if (Options.DashboardOptions.FortificationState) ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btWallDefence");
if (Options.DashboardOptions.AttackState) ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btAttack");
if (Options.DashboardOptions.CityAttackState) ToggleDivDisplay("btDash",100,t.DashWidth,"btCityAttack");
ById('btRefreshSeed').addEventListener ('click', function() {setTimeout(function() { t.SetCurrentCity (t.Castles.city.id); RefreshSeed();},250);}, false);
ById('btAutoRefresh').addEventListener ('click', function() {t.ToggleAutoRefresh();}, false);
if (Options.DashboardOptions.RefreshSeed) {
ById('btAutoRefresh').innerHTML = '<span style="width:30px;display:inline-block;text-align:center;">Off</span>';
if (trusted) jQuery('#btAutoSpan').removeClass("divHide");
t.Loaded = true; // allow everysecond to update
show : function (city) {
var t = Dashboard;
if (!popDash) {
else {
close : function () {
Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity = -1;
Dashboard.Curr = Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity;
if (Options.btFloatingDashboard) {
Options.btDashPos = popDash.getLocation();
else {
popDash = null;
Options.btDashboard = false;
SetCurrentCity : function (cityId,leaveModal) {
var t = Dashboard;
t.serverwait = false;
t.ExpandMarshall = false;
t.ExpandChampion = false;
t.CurrentCityId = cityId;
t.Curr = Cities.byID[cityId].idx;
Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity = t.Curr;
if (!leaveModal) {
uW.Modal.hideModal(); // don't hide modal on init.
if (jQuery('#ahqbutton').hasClass('sel')) { uW.changeview_city(); }
if (uW.currentcityid != cityId) {
if (!SelectCity(t.Curr+1)) { setTimeout(t.SetCurrentCity,1000,cityId,leaveModal); return false; }
t.Buildings = getCityBuildings(cityId);
// refresh arcana info
if (ArcanaEnabled()) {
t.MaxAllianceArcana = Seed.allianceHQ.arcana[Seed.allianceHQ.buildings[3].buildingLevel].maxActiveAlliance;
t.MaxPersonalArcana = Seed.allianceHQ.arcana[Seed.allianceHQ.buildings[3].buildingLevel].maxActivePersonal;
var ArcanaTypes = {0:'-- '+tx('Select Arcana')+' --'};
for (var l=1;l<=parseIntNan(Seed.allianceHQ.buildings[3].buildingLevel);l++) {
for (var ll in Seed.arcaneRequirements[l]) {
if (Seed.arcaneRequirements[l][ll].isAvailable) {
ArcanaTypes[ll] = uW.itemlist["i"+ll].name;
var SelWidth = 150;
if (t.DashWidth==480) SelWidth = 125;
if (t.DashWidth==600) SelWidth = 175;
m = '<div id=btAlliArcanaDiv>'+htmlSelector(ArcanaTypes,0,'id=btAlliArcanaSel class=btInput style="width:'+SelWidth+'px;" onChange="btAlliArcanaSelChange();"')+' <span style="display:inline-block;position:relative;">'+strButton8(tx('Day'),'id=btAlliArcanaSetDay')+'</span> <span style="display:inline-block;position:relative;">'+strButton8(tx('Week'),'id=btAlliArcanaSetWeek')+'</span><br><table class=xtab width=100% style="padding-right:0px;"><tr><td style="padding-right:0px;"><div style="height:30px;padding:2px;font-size:10px;opacity:0.8;" class="wrap xtabBorder" id=btAlliArcanaDesc></div></td></tr></table></div>';
ById('btNewAlliArcanaCell').innerHTML = m;
m = '<div id=btPersArcanaDiv>'+htmlSelector(ArcanaTypes,0,'id=btPersArcanaSel class=btInput style="width:'+SelWidth+'px;" onChange="btPersArcanaSelChange();"')+' <span style="display:inline-block;position:relative;">'+strButton8(tx('Day'),'id=btPersArcanaSetDay')+'</span> <span style="display:inline-block;position:relative;">'+strButton8(tx('Week'),'id=btPersArcanaSetWeek')+'</span><br><table class=xtab width=100% style="padding-right: 0px;"><tr><td style="padding-right:0px;"><div style="height:30px;padding:2px;font-size:10px;opacity:0.8;" class="wrap xtabBorder" id=btPersArcanaDesc></div></td></tr></table></div>';
ById('btNewPersArcanaCell').innerHTML = m;
ById('btAlliArcanaSetDay').addEventListener ('click', function(){
var Arc = parseIntNan(ById('btAlliArcanaSel').value);
if (Arc!=0) { t.ActivateArcana(Arc,'a','24h'); }
}, false);
ById('btAlliArcanaSetWeek').addEventListener ('click', function(){
var Arc = parseIntNan(ById('btAlliArcanaSel').value);
if (Arc!=0) { t.ActivateArcana(Arc,'a','7d'); }
}, false);
ById('btPersArcanaSetDay').addEventListener ('click', function(){
var Arc = parseIntNan(ById('btPersArcanaSel').value);
if (Arc!=0) { t.ActivateArcana(Arc,'p','24h'); }
}, false);
ById('btPersArcanaSetWeek').addEventListener ('click', function(){
var Arc = parseIntNan(ById('btPersArcanaSel').value);
if (Arc!=0) { t.ActivateArcana(Arc,'p','7d'); }
}, false);
ById('btAlliArcanaSetDay').addEventListener('mouseover',function (){t.ArcanaHint(this,'a','24h');},false);
ById('btAlliArcanaSetDay').addEventListener('mouseout',function (){t.ArcanaHintOff(this);},false);
ById('btAlliArcanaSetWeek').addEventListener('mouseover',function (){t.ArcanaHint(this,'a','7d');},false);
ById('btAlliArcanaSetWeek').addEventListener('mouseout',function (){t.ArcanaHintOff(this);},false);
ById('btPersArcanaSetDay').addEventListener('mouseover',function (){t.ArcanaHint(this,'p','24h');},false);
ById('btPersArcanaSetDay').addEventListener('mouseout',function (){t.ArcanaHintOff(this);},false);
ById('btPersArcanaSetWeek').addEventListener('mouseover',function (){t.ArcanaHint(this,'p','7d');},false);
ById('btPersArcanaSetWeek').addEventListener('mouseout',function (){t.ArcanaHintOff(this);},false);
// refresh boost info
var BoostSpeedTypes = {0:'-- '+tx('Select Boost')+' --'};
for (var a=0;a<t.TroopBoostSpeedList.length;a++) {
buff = t.TroopBoostSpeedList[a]
BoostSpeedTypes[buff] = uW.itemlist["i"+buff].name+' ('+(Seed.items['i'+buff]?Seed.items['i'+buff]:0)+')';
var BoostAccuracyTypes = {0:'-- '+tx('Select Boost')+' --'};
for (var a=0;a<t.TroopBoostAccuracyList.length;a++) {
buff = t.TroopBoostAccuracyList[a]
BoostAccuracyTypes[buff] = uW.itemlist["i"+buff].name+' ('+(Seed.items['i'+buff]?Seed.items['i'+buff]:0)+')';
var SelWidth = 175;
if (t.DashWidth==480) SelWidth = 150;
if (t.DashWidth==600) SelWidth = 200;
m = '<div id=btBoostSpeedDiv>'+htmlSelector(BoostSpeedTypes,0,'id=btBoostSpeedSel class=btInput style="width:'+SelWidth+'px;" onChange="btBoostSpeedSelChange();"')+' <span style="display:inline-block;position:relative;">'+strButton8(tx('Activate'),'id=btBoostSpeedSet')+'</span><br><table class=xtab width=100% style="padding-right:0px;"><tr><td style="padding-right:0px;"><div style="height:30px;padding:2px;font-size:10px;opacity:0.8;" class="wrap xtabBorder" id=btBoostSpeedDesc></div></td></tr></table></div>';
ById('btNewBoostSpeedCell').innerHTML = m;
m = '<div id=btBoostAccuracyDiv>'+htmlSelector(BoostAccuracyTypes,0,'id=btBoostAccuracySel class=btInput style="width:'+SelWidth+'px;" onChange="btBoostAccuracySelChange();"')+' <span style="display:inline-block;position:relative;">'+strButton8(tx('Activate'),'id=btBoostAccuracySet')+'</span><br><table class=xtab width=100% style="padding-right:0px;"><tr><td style="padding-right:0px;"><div style="height:30px;padding:2px;font-size:10px;opacity:0.8;" class="wrap xtabBorder" id=btBoostAccuracyDesc></div></td></tr></table></div>';
ById('btNewBoostAccuracyCell').innerHTML = m;
ById('btBoostSpeedSet').addEventListener ('click', function(){
var buff = parseIntNan(ById('btBoostSpeedSel').value);
if (buff!=0) { t.ActivateTroopBoost(buff,'spd'); }
}, false);
ById('btBoostAccuracySet').addEventListener ('click', function(){
var buff = parseIntNan(ById('btBoostAccuracySel').value);
if (buff!=0) { t.ActivateTroopBoost(buff,'acc'); }
}, false);
// refresh sacrifice info
var b = t.Buildings[25];
if (b.count > 0) {
t.SacSettings = (b.count <= 1) ? CM.WorldSettings.getSettingAsObject("ASCENSION_SACRIFICE_ONE_ALTER_BUFF") : CM.WorldSettings.getSettingAsObject("ASCENSION_SACRIFICE_TWO_ALTER_BUFF");
t.SacSettings = t.SacSettings[b.maxLevel];
t.DarkRitual = CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().DARK_RITUAL);
t.SacSpeedBuff = CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().CHANNELED_SUFFERING);
t.ChannelledSuffering = (t.SacSpeedBuff != 1);
t.SacAllowed = t.DarkRitual ? 2 : 1;
t.SacSpeed = CM.WorldSettings.getSettingAsNumber("ASCENSION_SACRIFICE_TROOPS_PER_SEC");
var l = b.maxLevel;
var o = [];
var i = CM.WorldSettings.getSettingAsObject("ASCENSION_SACRIFICE_ALTAR_LEVEL_UNLOCKS");
for (var x=1;x<=l;x++) {
oo = i[x].troops.split(",");
for (var y in oo) {
o.push(oo[y]); // contains array of troop types this city is allowed to sacrifice :)
m = '<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=100% height=0%>';
m += '<tr><TD width="120" class=xtabBR><span class=xtab>';
m += '<SELECT class="btSelector" id="btRitualTroops" onchange="btSelectTroopType(this);"><option value="0">-- '+uW.g_js_strings.openCastle.trooptype+' --</option>';
t.QuickSacString = "";
for (var y in uW.unitcost) {
var TroopAllowed = (o.indexOf(y.substr(3)) >= 0);
var DefendingTroops = 0;
if (SelectiveDefending) { DefendingTroops = parseIntNan(Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+y.substr(3)]); }
var tot = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+y.substr(3)])+DefendingTroops;
if ((tot > 0) && TroopAllowed) {
var TTStyle = 'width:20px;height:20px;vertical-align:middle;';
if (DefendingTroops != 0) { m +='<option style="font-weight:bold;" value="'+y.substr(3)+'">'+uW.unitcost[y][0]+'</option>'; TTStyle+="border:1px solid red;"; }
else { m +='<option value="'+y.substr(3)+'">'+uW.unitcost[y][0]+'</option>'; TTStyle+="border:1px solid transparent;"; }
t.QuickSacString = t.QuickSacString + '<a class="TextLink" onclick="btQuickSacrifice('+y.substr(3)+');">'+TroopImage(y.substr(3),TTStyle)+'</a> ';
m +='</select></span></td>';
m +='<td class=xtab><INPUT class="btInput" id="btRitualAmount" type=text size=7 maxlength=7 value="" onkeyup="btSetRitualLength(this)"><span id="btTotalTroops"></span></td><td align=right class=xtab><span id="btMaxTroops"></span></td>';
m +='<td width="80" class=xtab><INPUT class="btInput" style="width: 30px;text-align:right;" id="btRitualMinutes" type=text maxlength=4 value="" onkeyup="btSetRitualLength(this)"> m ';
m +='<INPUT class="btInput" style="width: 15px;text-align:right;" id="btRitualSeconds" type=text maxlength=2 value="" onkeyup="btSetRitualLength(this)"> s </td>';
m +='<td width="90" align=right class=xtab><a id="btStartRitualButton" class="inlineButton btButton blue14" onclick="btStartRitual()"><span style="width:65px;display:inline-block;text-align:center;" align="center">'+uW.g_js_strings.sacrifice_popup.starttraining+'</span></a></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab colspan="5"><div class="ErrText" align="center" id=btSacErr> </div></td></tr>';
m += '</table>';
ById('btNewSacrificeCell').innerHTML = m;
// refresh troop add defenders cell
if (SelectiveDefending) {
t.DefOptionsString = "";
m = '<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=100% height=0%><tr><TD colspan=3 class=xtabHD>'+tx('Assign Defenders')+'</td><TD width="100" align=right class=xtabHD><a id="btSelectDefendButton" class="inlineButton btButton blue14" onclick="cm.CastleController.openSelectDefendingTroops();"><span style="width:85px;display:inline-block;text-align:center;" align="center">'+uW.g_js_strings.openCastle.selecttroops+'</span></a></td></tr>';
m +='<tr id=btDefAddTroopRow><TD width="120" class=xtabBR><span class=xtab>';
m +='<SELECT class="btSelector" id="btDefendTroops" onchange="btSelectDefTroopType(this);"><option value="0">-- '+uW.g_js_strings.openCastle.trooptype+' --</option>';
for (var y in uW.unitcost) {
var tot = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+y.substr(3)]);
if ((tot > 0)) {
m +='<option value="'+y.substr(3)+'">'+uW.unitcost[y][0]+'</option>';
t.DefOptionsString = t.DefOptionsString + y.substr(3);
m +='</select></span></td>';
m +='<td width="200" class=xtab><INPUT class="btInput" id="btDefendAmount" type=text size=13 maxlength=11 value=""><span id="btTotalDefTroops"></span></td>';
m +='<td align=right class=xtab><span id="btMaxDefTroops"></span></td>';
m +='<td width="100" align=right class=xtab><a id="btAddDefendButton" class="inlineButton btButton blue14" onclick="btAddDefenders()"><span style="width:85px;display:inline-block;text-align:center;" align="center">'+tx('Add')+'</span></a></td></tr>';
m +='<tr id=btDefPresetRow><TD colspan=4 class=xtab style="padding-right:0px;"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=100% height=0%><tr><td class=xtab>';
m +='<SELECT class="btSelector" style="width:190px;" id="btDefendPreset" onchange="btSelectDefPreset(this);"><option value="0">-- '+tx('Select Preset')+' --</option>';
for (var y in Options.DashboardOptions.DefPresets) {
m +='<option value="'+y+'">'+Options.DashboardOptions.DefPresets[y][0]+'</option>';
t.NextPresetNumber = parseIntNan(y) + 1;
m +='</select></td>';
m +='<td align=left class=xtab width=200><a id="btNewDefPreset" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btNewDefPreset()"><span>'+tx('New')+'</span></a> <a id="btChgDefPreset" class="inlineButton btButton brown8 disabled" onclick="btChgDefPreset()"><span>'+tx('Chg')+'</span></a></td>';
m +='<td align=right class=xtab style="padding-right:0px;"><a id="btAddPresetButton" class="inlineButton btButton blue14" onclick="btSetPresetDefenders(false)"><span style="width:15px;display:inline-block;text-align:center;" align="center">+</span></a> <a id="btReplacePresetButton" class="inlineButton btButton blue14" onclick="btSetPresetDefenders(true)"><span style="width:85px;display:inline-block;text-align:center;" align="center">'+tx('Replace')+'</span></a></td></tr></table>';
if (t.ExpandDefPreset) m += '<div id=DefEditPresetRow >';
else m += '<div id=DefEditPresetRow class=divHide >';
m +='<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=100% height=0%><tr><TD colspan=2 class=xtabHD style="font-size:2px;"> </td></tr><tr><td class=xtab style="padding-top:5px;">'+tx('Preset Name')+': <INPUT class="btInput" id="btDefPresetName" size=20 style="width: 185px" type=text value=""/></td>';
m +='<td align=right class=xtab style="padding-right:0px;"><a id="btSetCurrentPreset" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btSetCurrentPreset()"><span>'+tx('Set Current')+'</span></a> <a id="btSaveDefPreset" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btSaveDefPreset()"><span>'+tx('Save')+'</span></a></td></tr>';
m +='<tr><td colspan=2 class=xtabBR style="padding-right:0px;padding-left:10px;">';
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
m += '<span class=xtab style="display:inline-block;padding-right:0px;"><table class=xtab cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="padding-right:0px"><tr><td rowspan=2>'+TroopImageBig(i)+'</td><td style="font-size:10px;">'+uW.unitcost["unt"+i][0].substring(0,15)+'</td></tr><tr><td><INPUT class="btInput" id="btPresetTroop'+i+'" type=text size=13 maxlength=11 value=""></td></tr></table></span> ';
m +='</td></tr><tr><TD colspan=2 class=xtabHD align=right style="padding-right:0px;"><a id="btDelDefPreset" class="inlineButton btButton brown8 disabled" onclick="btDelDefPreset()"><span>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.deletetx+'</span></a> <a id="btCancelDefPreset" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btCancelDefPreset()"><span>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.cancel+'</span></a></td></tr></table>';
m +='</div></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab colspan="4"><div style="opacity:0.6;" align="center" id=btTroopMsg> </div></td></tr></table>';
ById('btTroopAddCell').innerHTML = m;
if (t.InitPresetNumber != 0) {
ById('btDefendPreset').value = t.InitPresetNumber;
t.InitPresetNumber = 0;
else {
PaintCityInfo : function (cityId) {
var t = Dashboard;
if (!popDash) return;
t.Curr = Cities.byID[cityId].idx;
var CityTag = '<div class="divHide">'+cityId+'</div>';
// header items
t.ResizeFrame = false;
var Mists = Seed.items.i10021;
var Doves = Seed.items.i901;
var Refuges = Seed.items.i911;
var Orders = Seed.items.i912;
var now = unixTime();
var TruceDuration = 0;
if (Seed.player.truceExpireUnixTime != undefined)
TruceDuration = Seed.player.truceExpireUnixTime - now;
var CannotDove = ((TruceDuration > 0) && (Seed.player.warStatus != 1));
var items = '<table style="padding-left:10px;" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>';
if (Mists) {
items += '<td class=xtab><a onClick="cm.ItemController.usePotionOfMist(\'10021\')"><img height=24 class="btTop btFaint" src="'+MistImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(10021)+'"></a></td>';
else {
items += '<td class=xtab><img height=24 class="btTop btFaint" src="'+MistImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(10021)+'"></td>';
if (Seed.playerEffects.fogExpire > now) {
items += '<td style="width:80px;" class=xtab><span style="color:#080;"><b>'+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.fogExpire-now)+'</b></span></td>';
if (Doves && !CannotDove) {
items += '<td class=xtab><a onClick="btDoveOfPeace(\'901\')"><img height=24 class="btTop btFaint" src="'+DoveImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(901)+'"></a></td>';
else {
items += '<td class=xtab><img height=24 class="btTop btFaint" src="'+DoveImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(901)+'"></td>';
if (TruceDuration > 0) {
if (Seed.player.warStatus != 3) {
items += '<td style="width:80px;" class=xtab><span style="color:#f00;"><b>'+tx('BROKEN!')+'</b></span></td>';
else {
var ts = "color:#080";
if (TruceDuration < 3600) {ts = "color:#f00"};
items += '<td style="width:80px;" class=xtab><span style="'+ts+';"><b>'+uW.timestr(Seed.player.truceExpireUnixTime-now)+'</b></span></td>';
if (Refuges) {
items += '<td class=xtab><a onClick="cm.InventoryView.openPortalOfRefugeModal(\'911\')"><img height=24 class="btTop btFaint" src="'+RefugeImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(911)+'"></a></td>';
else {
items += '<td class=xtab><img height=24 class="btTop btFaint" src="'+RefugeImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(911)+'"></td>';
if (Orders) {
items += '<td class=xtab><a onClick="cm.InventoryView.openPortalOfOrderModal(\'912\')"><img height=24 class="btTop btFaint" src="'+OrderImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(912)+'"></a></td>';
else {
items += '<td class=xtab><img height=24 class="btTop btFaint" src="'+OrderImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(912)+'"></td>';
items += '</tr></table>'
if (CheckForHTMLChange('DASH','btItems',items)) {
t.ResizeFrame = true;
// overview
t.Buildings = getCityBuildings(cityId); // refresh buildings info each loop
var Status = '';
var ascended = getAscensionValues(t.CurrentCityId);
var cityExpTime = ascended.prestigeBuffExpire;
var prestigeexp = '';
if ((!isNaN(cityExpTime)) && (cityExpTime +(3600*24) >= unixTime())) {
if (cityExpTime < unixTime()) { prestigeexp = '<span style="color:#f00"><b> '+tx('Expired!')+'</b></span>'; }
else { prestigeexp = '<span style="color:#080"><b> '+uW.timestr(cityExpTime-unixTime())+' '+tx('Remaining')+'</b></span>'; }
if (!ascended.isPrestigeCity) { CityFaction = tx('Not ascended');}
else { CityFaction = getFactionName(ascended.prestigeType) + ' ('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.level+' '+ascended.prestigeLevel+')'; }
DefState = parseInt(Seed.citystats["city" + cityId].gate);
if (DefState) DefButton = '<a id=btCityStatus class="inlineButton btButton red20"><span style="width:150px"><center>'+tx('Troops are Defending!')+'</center></span></a>';
else DefButton = '<a id=btCityStatus class="inlineButton btButton green20"><span style="width:150px"><center>'+tx('Troops are Hiding!')+'</center></span></a>';
ArcaneAura = '';
if (ArcanaEnabled()) {
var HQDist = distance(Seed.cities[t.Curr][2], Seed.cities[t.Curr][3], Seed.allianceHQ.hq_xcoord, Seed.allianceHQ.hq_ycoord);
var AuraDist = parseIntNan(Seed.allianceHQ.arcana[Seed.allianceHQ.buildings[3].buildingLevel].distance);
if (HQDist<=AuraDist) { ArcaneAura = '<span class=boldGreen>'+tx('HQ Dist')+': '+HQDist+'</span>'; }
else { ArcaneAura = '<span class=boldRed>'+tx('HQ Dist')+': '+HQDist+'</span>'; }
Status += '<table cellspacing=0 width="100%" style="padding-right:0px;">';
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab width=70>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.nametx+'</a></td><td class=xtab><b>'+Seed.cities[t.Curr][1]+'</b></td><td class=xtab rowspan=2 align=right><span class='+((Options.DashboardOptions.UpperDefendButton==false)?'divHide':'')+'>'+DefButton+'</span></td></tr>';
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+tx('Location')+'</a></td><td class=xtab><b>'+uW.provincenames['p'+Seed.cities[t.Curr][4]]+' '+coordLink(Seed.cities[t.Curr][2],Seed.cities[t.Curr][3])+'</b> '+ArcaneAura+'</td></tr>';
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.faction+'</a></td><td class=xtab><b>'+CityFaction+'</b></td><td class=xtab id=prestigeexpcell> </td></tr>';
Embassy = '<span class=xtab style="color:#f00">'+tx('No Embassy!')+'</span>';
var emb = t.Buildings[8];
if (emb.count > 0){
var availSlots = emb.maxLevel;
for (var k in Seed.queue_atkinc){
if ((Seed.queue_atkinc[k].toCityId == cityId) && (Seed.queue_atkinc[k].marchStatus == 2) && (Seed.queue_atkinc[k].fromCityId != cityId) && (Cities.byID[Seed.queue_atkinc[k].fromCityId]==null)) {
Embassy = availSlots +' '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.of+' '+ emb.maxLevel +' '+tx('slots available');
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab><a class=xlink onClick="btShowEmbassy('+t.Curr+')">'+uW.buildingcost.bdg8[0]+'</a></td><td class=xtab colspan=2><b>'+Embassy+'</b></span></b></td></tr>';
var hall = t.Buildings[7];
Marshall = '<span class=xtab style="color:#f00">'+tx('No Marshall!')+'</span>';
Combat = 0;
var s = Seed.knights["city" + cityId];
if (s) {
s = s["knt" + Seed.leaders["city" + cityId].combatKnightId];
if (s){
Combat = s.combat;
if (s.combatBoostExpireUnixtime > unixTime()) { Combat *= 1.25; }
Marshall = s.knightName+' (Atk:'+Combat+')';
if (!t.ExpandMarshall && (hall.count >= 1)) {
Marshall += ' <a id="btChangeMarshall" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btChangeMarshall()"><span>'+tx('Change')+'</span></a>';
Gauntlets = Seed.items.i221;
if (!(s.combatBoostExpireUnixtime > unixTime()) && Gauntlets ) {
Marshall += ' <a id="btBoostMarshall" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btBoostMarshall()" title="'+itemTitle(221)+'"><span>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.boost+'</span></a>';
else {
if (s.combatBoostExpireUnixtime > unixTime()) {
Marshall += ' <span style="color:#080"> '+tx('Boosted for')+' '+uW.timestr(s.combatBoostExpireUnixtime-unixTime())+'</span>';
else {
t.ExpandMarshall = true;
else {
t.ExpandMarshall = false; // no knights ffs!
if (hall.count < 1) {t.ExpandMarshall = false;} // no fricken knights hall!
if (t.ExpandMarshall) Marshall += '<div>';
else Marshall += '<div class=divHide >';
Marshall +='<SELECT class="btSelector" id="btKnightList"><option value="0">'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_attack.dchooseknightd+'</option>';
for (var y in Seed.knights["city" + cityId]) {
s = Seed.knights["city" + cityId][y];
if ((parseInt(s.knightStatus) == 1) && (s.knightId != parseInt(Seed.leaders["city" + cityId].resourcefulnessKnightId)) && (s.knightId != parseInt(Seed.leaders["city" + cityId].intelligenceKnightId)) && (s.knightId != parseInt(Seed.leaders["city" + cityId].combatKnightId)) && (s.knightId != parseInt(Seed.leaders["city" + cityId].politicsKnightId))) {
Combat = s.combat;
if (s.combatBoostExpireUnixtime > unixTime()) { Combat *= 1.25; }
Marshall +='<option value="'+s.knightId+'">'+s.knightName+' ('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.atk+':'+Combat+')</option>';
Marshall +='</select>';
Marshall += ' <a id="btSetMarshall" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btSetMarshall()"><span>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.assign+'</span></a> <a id="btCancelMarshall" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btCancelMarshall()"><span>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.cancel+'</span></a></div>';
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab valign=top><a class=xlink onClick="btShowKnightsHall('+t.Curr+')">'+tx('Marshall')+'</a></td><td class=xtabBR style="white-space:normal;" colspan=2><b>'+Marshall+'</b></td></tr>';
var GotChamp = false;
var CheckChamp = false;
if (!uW.isNewServer()) {
Champion = '<table cellspacing=0><tr><td class="xtab"><span class=xtab style="color:#f00"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.champ.no_champ+'!</b></td><td class=xtab>';
try {
if (!Options.DashboardOptions.GraphicalChampDisplay) {
t.citychamp = getCityChampion(cityId);
if (t.citychamp.championId) {
GotChamp = true;
if (t.oldchamp != t.citychamp.championId) { t.ExpandChampion = false; }
if (t.citychamp.status != '10') {champstat = '<span class=xtab style="color:#080">('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.defending+')</span>';}
else { champstat = '<span class=xtab style="color:#f00">('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.marching+')</span>';}
Champion = '<table cellspacing=0><tr><td class="xtab trimg" style="font-weight:normal;align:left;" id="ChampStatstd"><img height=14 class=btTop id="ChampStats" onMouseover="btCreateChampionPopUp(this,'+t.citychamp.assignedCity+',true);" src="'+ChampImagePrefix+t.citychamp.avatarId+ChampImageSuffix+'"></td><td class=xtab>'+t.citychamp.name+'</td><td class=xtab>'+champstat+'</td><td class=xtab>';
if (t.ExpandChampion) {
Champion += '<a id="btCancelChampion" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btCancelChampion()"><span>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.cancel+'</span></a></td></tr></table><div><table cellspacing=0>';
else {
if (!GotChamp) { Champion += '<a id="btChangeChampion" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btChangeChampion()"><span>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.assign+'</span></a>'; }
else { if (t.citychamp.status != '10') { Champion += '<a id="btChangeChampion" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btChangeChampion()"><span>'+tx('Change')+'</span></a>'; }}
if (GotChamp && (t.citychamp.status != '10')) { Champion += ' <a id="btFreeChampion" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btFreeChampion('+t.citychamp.championId+',true)"><span>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.unassign+'</span></a>'; }
Champion += '</td></tr></table><div class=divHide><table cellspacing=0>';
for (var y in Seed.champion.champions) {
chkchamp = Seed.champion.champions[y];
if (chkchamp.championId) {
if (!chkchamp.assignedCity || chkchamp.assignedCity != cityId) {
CheckChamp = true;
if (chkchamp.assignedCity && !Cities.byID[chkchamp.assignedCity]) { chkchamp.assignedCity = 0; }
if (!chkchamp.assignedCity || chkchamp.assignedCity == 0) { chkcity = 'Unassigned';} else { chkcity = Cities.byID[chkchamp.assignedCity].name;}
chkbtn = '';
defendingCity = chkcity;
chkcol = "";
if (chkchamp.status == '10') {
defendingCity = tx('Marching From')+' '+defendingCity;
else {
if (defendingCity != 'Unassigned') {
defendingCity = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.defending+' '+defendingCity;
chkcol = 'color:#f80;';
chkbtn = '<a id="btSetChampion'+chkchamp.championId+'" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btSetChampion('+chkchamp.championId+',true)"><span>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.assign+'</span></a>';
Champion += '<tr style="font-weight:normal;align:left;"><td class="xtab trimg" id="ChampStats'+chkchamp.championId+'td"><img height=14 class=btTop id="ChampStats'+chkchamp.championId+'" onMouseover="btCreateChampionPopUp(this,'+(chkchamp.assignedCity?chkchamp.assignedCity:0)+',true,'+chkchamp.championId+');" src="'+ChampImagePrefix+chkchamp.avatarId+ChampImageSuffix+'"></td><td class=xtab>'+chkchamp.name+'</td><td class=xtab><span style="'+chkcol+'">'+defendingCity+'</span></td><td class=xtab>'+chkbtn+'</td></tr>';
Champion += '</table></div>';
else {
Champion = t.PaintChampionSelector(cityId);
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
Champion = '<span class=xtab style="color:#f00"><b>'+tx('Error reading champion data')+' :(</b></span>';
if (!Options.DashboardOptions.GraphicalChampDisplay) {
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab valign=top><a onClick="cm.ChampionModalController.open()">'+uW.g_js_strings.champ.champion+'</a></td><td class=xtab colspan=2><b>'+Champion+'</b></td></tr>';
else {
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab><a class=xlink onClick="cm.ChampionModalController.open()">'+uW.g_js_strings.champ.champion+'</a></td><td class=xtab colspan=2>'+Champion+'</td></tr>';
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab><a class=xlink onClick="btShowGuardians('+t.Curr+')">'+uW.g_js_strings.report_view.guardian+'</a></td><td class=xtab colspan=2 id="btGuardianSelector"></td></tr>';
var now = unixTime();
atkboost = '<span style="color:#f00"><b>'+tx('No Active Boost!')+'</b></span>';
if (Seed.playerEffects.atk2Expire >now) {
atkboost = '<span style="color:#080"><b>50% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.atk2Expire-now)+'</b></span>';
else {
if (Seed.playerEffects.atkExpire >now) {
atkboost = '<span style="color:#f80"><b>20% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.atkExpire-now)+'</b></span>';
defboost = '<span style="color:#f00"><b>'+tx('No Active Boost!')+'</b></span>';
if (Seed.playerEffects.def2Expire >now) {
defboost = '<span style="color:#080"><b>50% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.def2Expire-now)+'</b></span>';
else {
if (Seed.playerEffects.defExpire >now) {
defboost = '<span style="color:#f80"><b>20% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.defExpire-now)+'</b></span>';
lifeboost = '<span style="color:#f00"><b>'+tx('No Active Boost!')+'</b></span>';
if (Seed.playerEffects.lifeExpire >now) {
lifeboost = '<span style="color:#080"><b>10% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.lifeExpire-now)+'</b></span>';
spellboost = '<span style="color:#f00"><b>'+tx('No Active Boost!')+'</b></span>';
if (Seed.playerEffects.spExpire && Seed.playerEffects.spExpire >now) {
spellboost = '<span style="color:#080"><b>25% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.spExpire-now)+'</b></span>';
debuffboost = '<span style="color:#f00"><b>'+tx('No Active Boost!')+'</b></span>';
if (Seed.playerEffects.spdatkExpire && Seed.playerEffects.spdatkExpire >now) {
debuffboost = '<span style="color:#080"><b>25% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.spdatkExpire-now)+'</b></span>';
boosts = '<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>';
for (var i = 0; i < t.BoostItemList.length; i++) {
if (uW.ksoItems[t.BoostItemList[i]].count) {
boosts += '<td class=xtab style="padding-right:3px;"><a onClick="cm.ItemController.use(\''+t.BoostItemList[i]+'\')"><img height=28 src="'+IMGURL+'items/70/'+t.BoostItemList[i]+'.jpg" title="'+itemTitle(t.BoostItemList[i])+'"></a></td>';
boosts += '</tr></table>'
boosts2 = '<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>';
for (var i = 0; i < t.BoostItemList2.length; i++) {
if (uW.ksoItems[t.BoostItemList2[i]].count) {
boosts2 += '<td class=xtab style="padding-right:3px;"><a onClick="cm.ItemController.use(\''+t.BoostItemList2[i]+'\')"><img height=28 src="'+IMGURL+'items/70/'+t.BoostItemList2[i]+'.jpg" title="'+itemTitle(t.BoostItemList2[i])+'"></a></td>';
boosts2 += '</tr></table>'
boosts3 = '<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>';
for (var i = 0; i < t.BoostItemList3.length; i++) {
if (uW.ksoItems[t.BoostItemList3[i]] && uW.ksoItems[t.BoostItemList3[i]].count) {
boosts3 += '<td class=xtab style="padding-right:3px;"><a onClick="cm.ItemController.use(\''+t.BoostItemList3[i]+'\')"><img height=28 src="'+IMGURL+'items/70/'+t.BoostItemList3[i]+'.jpg" title="'+itemTitle(t.BoostItemList3[i])+'"></a></td>';
boosts3 += '</tr></table>'
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab valign=top>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack+'</td><td class=xtab id=atkboostcell> </td><td class=xtab rowspan=2 align=right style="padding-right:0px;">'+boosts+'</td></tr>';
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab valign=top>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.defense+'</td><td class=xtab id=defboostcell> </td></tr>';
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab valign=top>'+tx('Health')+'</td><td class=xtab id=lifeboostcell> </td><td class=xtab rowspan=2 align=right style="padding-right:0px;">'+boosts2+'</td></tr>';
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab valign=top>'+uW.g_js_strings.spells.spells+'</td><td class=xtab id=spellboostcell> </td></tr>';
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab valign=top>'+uW.g_js_strings.champ.debuffs+'</td><td class=xtab id=debuffboostcell> </td><td class=xtab rowspan=2 align=right style="padding-right:0px;">'+boosts3+'</td></tr>';
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab valign=top> </td><td class=xtab> </td></tr>';
if (Seed.activeRoyalConquestBuff && matTypeof(Seed.activeRoyalConquestBuff)=="array" && Seed.activeRoyalConquestBuff.length>=1) {
Status += '<tr><td class=xtab valign=top>'+tx('Conquest')+'</td><td colspan=2 class=xtab id=conquestboostcell> </td></tr>';
var conqboost = '';
for (var k=0;k<Seed.activeRoyalConquestBuff.length;k++) {
var conqitem = Seed.activeRoyalConquestBuff[k];
conqboost += '<div style="color:#080" title="'+uW.itemlist["i"+conqitem.buffId].description+'"><b>'+uW.itemlist["i"+conqitem.buffId].name+' '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(conqitem.endTime-now)+'</b></div>';
Status += '</table>';
if (!uW.isNewServer()) {
Status += '<div id=btTRPresets></div>';
if (CheckForHTMLChange('DASH','btStatusCell',CityTag+Status,t.serverwait)) {
ById('btCityStatus').addEventListener ('click', function(){t.ToggleDefenceMode (cityId);} , false);
if (GotChamp) { t.oldchamp = t.citychamp.championId; }
else { t.oldchamp = 0; }
t.ResizeFrame = true;
ById('atkboostcell').innerHTML = atkboost;
ById('defboostcell').innerHTML = defboost;
ById('lifeboostcell').innerHTML = lifeboost;
ById('spellboostcell').innerHTML = spellboost;
ById('debuffboostcell').innerHTML = debuffboost;
ById('prestigeexpcell').innerHTML = prestigeexp;
if (ById('conquestboostcell')) ById('conquestboostcell').innerHTML = conqboost;
// arcana
if (ArcanaEnabled()) {
var AlliArcana = '';
var PersArcana = '';
var now = unixTime();
var arcanaAlliActive = 0;
if (Seed.activeBuffs && matTypeof(Seed.activeBuffs) == 'object') {
for (var a in Seed.activeBuffs) {
var arc = Seed.activeBuffs[a];
var time1 = arc.a_24h?arc.a_24h:0;
var time2 = arc.a_7d?arc.a_7d:0;
if (time1 > now || time2 > now) {
var remspan = '';
var rem = (time2-now);
var adur = '7d';
if (time1>now) { rem = (time1-now); adur = '24h'; }
if (rem<=3600) remspan = 'boldRed';
AlliArcana += '<div style="margin-bottom:2px;" title="'+uW.itemlist['i'+a].description+': '+t.GetArcanaEffect(a,t.Curr)+(a==42015?'':'%')+'"><span><b>'+uW.itemlist['i'+a].name+'</b></span>';
if (Seed.is_chancellor || Seed.is_vicechancellor) { AlliArcana += '<span style="inline-block;float:right;margin-top:4px;">'+strButton8(tx('Deactivate'),'onClick=btDeactivateArcana('+a+',"a","'+adur+'")')+'</span>'; }
AlliArcana += '<br><span class='+remspan+'>'+timestr(rem)+' '+tx('remaining')+'</span></div>';
if (arcanaAlliActive==0) { AlliArcana += '<span style="margin-bottom:2px;color:#f00"><b>'+tx('No Active Boost!')+'</b><br> </span>'; }
var arcanaPersActive = 0;
if (Seed.activeBuffs && matTypeof(Seed.activeBuffs) == 'object') {
for (var a in Seed.activeBuffs) {
var arc = Seed.activeBuffs[a];
var time1 = arc.p_24h?arc.p_24h:0;
var time2 = arc.p_7d?arc.p_7d:0;
if (time1 > now || time2 > now) {
var remspan = '';
var rem = (time2-now);
var pdur = '7d';
if (time1>now) { rem = (time1-now); pdur = '24h'; }
if (rem<=3600) remspan = 'boldRed';
PersArcana += '<div style="margin-bottom:2px;" title="'+uW.itemlist['i'+a].description+': '+t.GetArcanaEffect(a,t.Curr)+(a==42015?'':'%')+'"><span><b>'+uW.itemlist['i'+a].name+'</b></span><span style="inline-block;float:right;margin-top:4px;">'+strButton8(tx('Deactivate'),'onClick=btDeactivateArcana('+a+',"p","'+pdur+'")')+'</span><br><span class='+remspan+'>'+timestr(rem)+' '+tx('remaining')+'</span></div>';
if (arcanaPersActive==0) { PersArcana += '<span style="margin-bottom:2px;color:#f00"><b>'+tx('No Active Boost!')+'</b><br> </span>'; }
if (arcanaAlliActive<t.MaxAllianceArcana && (Seed.is_chancellor || Seed.is_vicechancellor) && ById('btAlliArcanaDiv')) { ById('btAlliArcanaDiv').style.display = ''; } else { ById('btAlliArcanaDiv').style.display = 'none'; }
if (arcanaPersActive<t.MaxPersonalArcana) { ById('btPersArcanaDiv').style.display = ''; } else { ById('btPersArcanaDiv').style.display = 'none'; }
if (CheckForHTMLChange('DASH','btAlliArcanaCell',CityTag+AlliArcana)) {
ById('btalliarcanamax').innerHTML = t.MaxAllianceArcana;
ById('btalliarcananum').innerHTML = arcanaAlliActive;
t.ResizeFrame = true;
if (CheckForHTMLChange('DASH','btPersArcanaCell',CityTag+PersArcana)) {
ById('btpersarcanamax').innerHTML = t.MaxPersonalArcana;
ById('btpersarcananum').innerHTML = arcanaPersActive;
t.ResizeFrame = true;
// troop boosts
var BoostSpeedActive = false;
var BoostAccuracyActive = false;
var BoostSpeed = '';
var BoostAccuracy = '';
if (Seed.activeSpecificTroopBuff && matTypeof(Seed.activeSpecificTroopBuff) == 'object') {
var now = unixTime();
for (var a in Seed.activeSpecificTroopBuff) {
var endtime = parseIntNan(Seed.activeSpecificTroopBuff[a]);
if (endtime > now) {
var remspan = '';
var rem = (endtime-now);
if (rem<=3600) remspan = 'boldRed';
if (t.TroopBoostSpeedList.indexOf(parseInt(a)) != -1) {
BoostSpeedActive = true;
BoostSpeed += '<div style="margin-bottom:2px;" title="'+uW.itemlist['i'+a].description+'"><b>'+uW.itemlist['i'+a].name+'</b><br><span class='+remspan+'>'+timestr(rem)+' '+tx('remaining')+'</span></div>';
if (t.TroopBoostAccuracyList.indexOf(parseInt(a)) != -1) {
BoostAccuracyActive = true;
BoostAccuracy += '<div style="margin-bottom:2px;" title="'+uW.itemlist['i'+a].description+'"><b>'+uW.itemlist['i'+a].name+'</b><br><span class='+remspan+'>'+timestr(rem)+' '+tx('remaining')+'</span></div>';
if (!BoostSpeedActive) { BoostSpeed += '<span style="margin-bottom:2px;color:#f00"><b>'+tx('No Active Boost!')+'</b><br> </span>'; }
if (!BoostAccuracyActive) { BoostAccuracy += '<span style="margin-bottom:2px;color:#f00"><b>'+tx('No Active Boost!')+'</b><br> </span>'; }
// sacrifices
var s = "";
var z = "";
var b = t.Buildings[25];
if (b.count > 0 && t.SacSettings) {
s += '<table cellSpacing=0 width="100%">';
s += '<tr><td width=20% class=xtab>'+tx('No. of Altars')+'</td><td width=20% class=xtab><b>'+b.count+'</b></td>';
s += '<td width=40% class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.blessingSystem.blessing_name_203+'?</td><td width=20% class=xtab><b>'+(t.DarkRitual?uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.yes:uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.no)+'</b></td></tr>';
s += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+tx('Increase')+'</td><td class=xtab><b>'+t.SacSettings.stat_inc+'%</b></td>';
s += '<td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.blessingSystem.blessing_name_206+'?</td><td class=xtab><b>'+(t.ChannelledSuffering?uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.yes:uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.no)+'</b></td></tr>';
s += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+tx('Max. Troops')+'</td><td class=xtab><b>'+addCommas(t.SacSettings.max_amount)+'</b></td>';
s += '<td class=xtab>'+tx('Troops per Second')+'</td><td class=xtab><b>'+(Math.round(t.SacSpeed * 100 / t.SacSpeedBuff)/100)+'</b></td></tr>';
s += '<tr id=btQuickSac class=divHide><td class=xtabBR colspan="4">'+t.QuickSacString+'</td></tr>';
s += '</table>';
sac = Seed.queue_sacr["city" + cityId],
sacrifices = false;
var r = 0;
if (sac.length > 0) {
sacrifices = true;
jQuery.each(sac, function (P, R) {
var Q = parseInt(R.eta, 10) - unixTime(),
S = Math.round((R.multiplier[0] - 1) * 100),
T = R.buffedUnitType[0];
if (++r % 2) { rowClass = 'evenRow'; }
else { rowClass = 'oddRow'; }
z += '<tr class="'+rowClass+'"><TD class=xtabBR><span class=xtab>'+uW.unitcost["unt"+T][0]+'</span></td><td class=xtab>'+R.quantity+'</td><td class=xtab>'+uW.timestr(Q)+'</td><td class=xtab align=right><a id="btStopRitual'+P+'" class="inlineButton btButton blue14" onclick="btStopRitual('+ P +')"><span style="width:65px;display:inline-block;text-align:center;">'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.cancel+'</span></a></td></tr>';
z = '<br><div align="center"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=100% height=0%><tr><td width="120" class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.openCastle.trooptype+'</b></td><td class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.amount+'</b></td><td width="80" class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.time+'</b></td><td width="90" class="xtabHD"> </td></tr>'+z;
z += '</table></div>';
if (r < t.SacAllowed) {
t.allownewsacs = true;
else {
t.allownewsacs = false;
z += '<tr><td class=xtab colspan="4"><div class="ErrText" align="center"> </div></td></tr>';
z += '</table></div>';
else {
z = '<div><br><div style="opacity:0.3;">'+tx('No fey altars!')+'</div><br></div>';
t.allownewsacs = false;
if (CheckForHTMLChange('DASH','btSacrificeCell',CityTag+s+z)) {
t.ResizeFrame = true;
// troops
var GotTroops = false;
var defendMight = 0;
var TroopColour = Options.Colors.PanelText;
var TitleColour = 'rgba('+HEXtoRGB(Options.Colors.PanelText).r+','+HEXtoRGB(Options.Colors.PanelText).g+','+HEXtoRGB(Options.Colors.PanelText).b+',0.5)';
var TitleStyle = 'xtabHD';
if (DefState) {
TroopColour = '#f00';
TitleColour = '#f00';
TitleStyle = 'xtabHDDef';
if (DefState) DefButton2 = '<a id=btCityStatus2 class="inlineButton btButton red20"><span style="width:75px"><center>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.defending+'!</center></span></a>';
else DefButton2 = '<a id=btCityStatus2 class="inlineButton btButton green20"><span style="width:75px"><center>'+tx('Hiding!')+'</center></span></a>';
TroopCell = '<div style="font-size:10px;" align="center"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=100% height=0%><tr><td colspan=2 class="xtab" style="vertical-align:text-top;">';
if (SelectiveDefending) { TroopCell += '<INPUT id=btFixTroopsChk type=checkbox '+(Options.DashboardOptions.ReplaceDefendingTroops[t.Curr]?'CHECKED':'')+' /><span style="color:'+TroopColour+';font-size:11px;"><b>'+tx('Auto-Replace')+'</b></span>'; }
TroopCell += '</td><td class="xtab" align=center><b><a class="TextLink" title="Click to toggle troops to Hide" style="color:'+TitleColour+';font-size:14px;" onclick="btSelectDefenders(\'A\',false);">'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.defending+'</a></b><br></td><td colspan=2 class="xtab" align=right><span class='+((Options.DashboardOptions.LowerDefendButton==false)?'divHide':'')+'>'+DefButton2+'</span></td></tr>';
if (SelectiveDefending) {
Troops = '<tr><td width=20% class="'+TitleStyle+'"><b><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TitleColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders(\'I\',false);">'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_barracks_trainingtab.unittypeinfantry+'</a></b></td><td width=20% class="'+TitleStyle+'"><b><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TitleColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders(\'R\',false);">'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_barracks_trainingtab.unittyperanged+'</a></b></td><td width=20% class="'+TitleStyle+'"><b><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TitleColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders(\'H\',false);">'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_barracks_trainingtab.unittypehorsed+'</a></b></td><td width=20% class="'+TitleStyle+'"><b><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TitleColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders(\'S\',false);">'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_barracks_trainingtab.unittypesiege+'</a></b></td><td width=20% class="'+TitleStyle+'"><b><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TitleColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders(\'P\',false);">'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_barracks_trainingtab.spellcaster+'</a></b></td></tr>';
Troops += '<tr><td class="xtabBRTop">';
for(c=0; c<Infantry.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Infantry[c]);
if (Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i] > 0) { GotTroops = true; defendMight += (Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i]*parseInt(uW.unitmight["unt"+i])); Troops += '<div class=xtab style="padding-bottom:1px;color:'+TroopColour+'"><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TroopColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders('+i+',false);">'+TroopImage(i)+ addCommas(Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i])+'</a></div>';}
Troops += '</td><td class="xtabBRTop">';
for(c=0; c<Ranged.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Ranged[c]);
if (Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i] > 0) { GotTroops = true; defendMight += (Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i]*parseInt(uW.unitmight["unt"+i])); Troops += '<div class=xtab style="padding-bottom:1px;color:'+TroopColour+'"><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TroopColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders('+i+',false);">'+TroopImage(i)+ addCommas(Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i])+'</a></div>';}
Troops += '</td><td class="xtabBRTop">';
for(c=0; c<Horsed.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Horsed[c]);
if (Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i] > 0) { GotTroops = true; defendMight += (Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i]*parseInt(uW.unitmight["unt"+i])); Troops += '<div class=xtab style="padding-bottom:1px;color:'+TroopColour+'"><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TroopColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders('+i+',false);">'+TroopImage(i)+ addCommas(Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i])+'</a></div>';}
Troops += '</td><td class="xtabBRTop">';
for(c=0; c<Siege.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Siege[c]);
if (Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i] > 0) { GotTroops = true; defendMight += (Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i]*parseInt(uW.unitmight["unt"+i])); Troops += '<div class=xtab style="padding-bottom:1px;color:'+TroopColour+'"><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TroopColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders('+i+',false);">'+TroopImage(i)+ addCommas(Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i])+'</a></div>';}
Troops += '</td><td class="xtabBRTop">';
for(c=0; c<SpellCaster.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(SpellCaster[c]);
if (Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i] > 0) { GotTroops = true; defendMight += (Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i]*parseInt(uW.unitmight["unt"+i])); Troops += '<div class=xtab style="padding-bottom:1px;color:'+TroopColour+'"><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TroopColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders('+i+',false);">'+TroopImage(i)+ addCommas(Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i])+'</a></div>';}
Troops += '</td></tr>';
if (!GotTroops) {Troops = '<tr><td colspan=5 class="xtab" align=center><div style="opacity:0.3;color:'+TroopColour+'">'+tx('No Troops')+'</div></td></tr>';}
else { if (Options.ShowMarchMight) { Troops += '<tr><td colspan=5 class="xtab" align=center><div style="color:'+TroopColour+'">'+tx('Defending Might')+': '+addCommas(defendMight)+'</div></td></tr>';} }
TroopCell += Troops + '<tr><td colspan=5 class="xtab" align=center> </td></tr>';
GotTroops = false;
TroopColour = Options.Colors.PanelText;
TitleColour = 'rgba('+HEXtoRGB(Options.Colors.PanelText).r+','+HEXtoRGB(Options.Colors.PanelText).g+','+HEXtoRGB(Options.Colors.PanelText).b+',0.5)';
TitleStyle = 'xtabHD';
TroopCell += '<tr><td colspan=2 class="xtab" style="vertical-align:text-top;"> </td><td class="xtab" align=center><b><a class="TextLink" title="'+tx('Click to toggle troops to Defend')+'" style="color:'+TitleColour+';font-size:14px;" onclick="btSelectDefenders(\'A\',true);">'+tx('Sanctuary')+'</a></b><br></td><td colspan=2 class="xtab" align=right><a class=xlink onclick="btToggleSanctuary();"><span id=btShowHideSanct>'+tx('hide')+'</span></a></td></tr>';
Troops = '<tr id=btsanctroopstitle><td width=20% class="xtabHD"><b><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TitleColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders(\'I\',true);">'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_barracks_trainingtab.unittypeinfantry+'</a></b></td><td width=20% class="xtabHD"><b><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TitleColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders(\'R\',true);">'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_barracks_trainingtab.unittyperanged+'</a></b></td><td width=20% class="xtabHD"><b><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TitleColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders(\'H\',true);">'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_barracks_trainingtab.unittypehorsed+'</a></b></td><td width=20% class="xtabHD"><b><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TitleColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders(\'S\',true);">'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_barracks_trainingtab.unittypesiege+'</a></b></td><td width=20% class="xtabHD"><b><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TitleColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders(\'P\',true);">'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_barracks_trainingtab.spellcaster+'</a></b></td></tr>';
Troops += '<tr id=btsanctroops><td class="xtabBRTop">';
for(c=0; c<Infantry.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Infantry[c]);
if (Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i] > 0) { GotTroops = true; Troops += '<div class=xtab style="padding-bottom:1px;color:'+TroopColour+'"><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TroopColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders('+i+',true);">'+TroopImage(i)+ addCommas(Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i])+'</a></div>';}
Troops += '</td><td class="xtabBRTop">';
for(c=0; c<Ranged.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Ranged[c]);
if (Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i] > 0) { GotTroops = true; Troops += '<div class=xtab style="padding-bottom:1px;color:'+TroopColour+'"><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TroopColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders('+i+',true);">'+TroopImage(i)+ addCommas(Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i])+'</a></div>';}
Troops += '</td><td class="xtabBRTop">';
for(c=0; c<Horsed.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Horsed[c]);
if (Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i] > 0) { GotTroops = true; Troops += '<div class=xtab style="padding-bottom:1px;color:'+TroopColour+'"><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TroopColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders('+i+',true);">'+TroopImage(i)+ addCommas(Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i])+'</a></div>';}
Troops += '</td><td class="xtabBRTop">';
for(c=0; c<Siege.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Siege[c]);
if (Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i] > 0) { GotTroops = true; Troops += '<div class=xtab style="padding-bottom:1px;color:'+TroopColour+'"><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TroopColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders('+i+',true);">'+TroopImage(i)+ addCommas(Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i])+'</a></div>';}
Troops += '</td><td class="xtabBRTop">';
for(c=0; c<SpellCaster.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(SpellCaster[c]);
if (Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i] > 0) { GotTroops = true; Troops += '<div class=xtab style="padding-bottom:1px;color:'+TroopColour+'"><a class="TextLink" style="color:'+TroopColour+';" onclick="btSelectDefenders('+i+',true);">'+TroopImage(i)+ addCommas(Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+i])+'</a></div>';}
Troops += '</td></tr>';
if (!GotTroops) {Troops = '<tr id=btsanctroops><td colspan=5 class="xtab" align=center><div style="opacity:0.3;color:'+TroopColour+'">'+tx('No Troops')+'</div></td></tr>';}
TroopCell += Troops + '<tr><td colspan=5 class="xtab" align=center> </td></tr></table></div>';
if (CheckForHTMLChange('DASH','btTroopCell',CityTag+TroopCell)) {
if (SelectiveDefending) {
ById('btFixTroopsChk').addEventListener ('click', function(e) {
Options.DashboardOptions.ReplaceDefendingTroops[t.Curr] = e.target.checked;
ById('btCityStatus2').addEventListener ('click', function(){t.ToggleDefenceMode (cityId);} , false);
// check if troop types dropdowns need refreshing - Defence AND Sacrifice!
CheckOptionsString = "";
for (var y in uW.unitcost) {
var tot = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['unt'+y.substr(3)]);
if ((tot > 0)) {
CheckOptionsString = CheckOptionsString + y.substr(3);
if (t.DefOptionsString != CheckOptionsString) {
if (SelectiveDefending) { t.InitPresetNumber = ById('btDefendPreset').value; }
else {
if (SelectiveDefending) { t.SelectDefTroopType (ById("btDefendTroops")); }
t.ResizeFrame = true;
// reinforcements
reinforcements = false;
reinforceMight = 0;
t.Reins = [];
var z = "";
var r = 0;
for (var k in inc){
var to = Cities.byID[inc[k].toCityId];
if ((inc[k].toCityId == cityId) && (to.tileId == inc[k].toTileId) && ((inc[k].marchStatus == 2) || (inc[k].marchType == 2)) && (inc[k].fromCityId != cityId)) {
reinforcements = true;
var a = inc[k];
var player = Seed.players['u'+a.fromPlayerId];
var fromname = player.n;
marchdir = "Return"; // always show troops remaining
var marchtime=uW.timestr(a.arrivalTime - unixTime());
if (++r % 2) { rowClass = 'evenRow'; }
else { rowClass = 'oddRow'; }
z += '<tr class="'+rowClass+'"><TD class=xtabBR><span class=xtab>'+fromname+'</span></td><td class=xtabBR>';
if (a["knightId"] > 0) z +='<span class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.knight+' (Atk:'+ a["knightCombat"]+')</span> ';
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if(a["unit"+i+marchdir] > 0) {
z += '<span class=xtab>'+ uW.unitcost['unt'+i][0] +': '+ addCommas(a["unit"+i+marchdir])+'</span> ';
reinforceMight += (a["unit"+i+marchdir]*parseInt(uW.unitmight["unt"+i]));
if ((a.marchStatus == 2) || (a.arrivalTime - unixTime() <= 0)) {
z += '</td><td class=xtab align="right"><a id="btSendHome'+a.marchId+'" class="inlineButton btButton blue14" onclick="btSendHome('+ a.marchId +')"><span>'+uW.g_js_strings.openEmbassy.senthome+'</span></a></td></tr>';
t.Reins.push(a.marchId); // for send all home logic
else {
z += '</td><td class=xtab align="right">'+marchtime+'</td></tr>';
if (!reinforcements) {
z = '<DIV><br><div style="opacity:0.3;">'+tx('No Reinforcements')+'</div><br></div>';
z = '<div align="center"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=100% height=0%><tr><td width="120" class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.from+'</b></td><td class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.troops+'</b></td><td width="40" class="xtabHD"><a id="btSendAllHome" class="inlineButton btButton red14" onclick="btSendAllHome('+cityId+')"><span>'+tx('Send All Home')+'</span></a></td></tr>'+z;
if (Options.ShowMarchMight) { z += '<tr><td colspan=4 class="xtab" style="font-size:10px;" align=center><div>'+tx('Reinforcing Might')+': '+addCommas(reinforceMight)+'</div></td></tr>'; }
z += '<tr><td class=xtab colspan="4"><div class="ErrText" align="center" id=btReinErr> </div></td></tr></table></div>';
if (CheckForHTMLChange('DASH','btReinforceCell',CityTag+z,t.serverwait)) {
t.ResizeFrame = true;
// incoming attacks
cityincoming = false;
var cityinctimes = {};
var z = "";
var r = 0;
for (var k in inc){
if ((inc[k].toCityId == cityId) && (inc[k].score)) {
var a = inc[k];
if (a.arrivalTime < unixTime()) continue; // don't display arrival times already happened
cityincoming = true;
var icon,hint,marchtime,fromname,marchdir,fromcoords;
var marchId = a.mid;
var marchScore = parseInt(a.score);
var marchType = parseInt(a.marchType);
var marchStatus = parseInt(a.marchStatus);
var marchMight = 0;
if (!a.marchType) {a.marchType = 4;}
if (!a.arrivalTime || a.arrivalTime == -1) {marchtime = '??????';}
else {marchtime=uW.timestr(a.arrivalTime - unixTime());}
cityinctimes[marchId] = marchtime;
var player = Seed.players['u'+a.pid];
fromname = "";
if (player) {fromname = player.n;}
if (!a.fromXCoord) {fromcoords = "";}
else {fromcoords = coordLink(a.fromXCoord,a.fromYCoord);}
if (fromname == "") {fromname = '('+tx('Upgrade WatchTower')+')';}
else {fromname = MonitorLink(a.pid,fromname);}
switch (marchType) {
case 3: icon=ScoutImage;hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout;break;
case 4: icon=AttackImage;hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack;break;
if (++r % 2) { rowClass = 'evenRow'; }
else { rowClass = 'oddRow'; }
z += '<tr class="'+rowClass+'"><TD class=xtab><img src='+icon+' title='+hint+'></td>';
z += '<TD class=xtabBR><span class=xtab id="citymarchtime'+marchId+'"> </span></td>';
z += '<TD class=xtabBR><span class=xtab>'+fromname+'</span> ';
if (fromcoords != "") { z+= '<span class=xtab>'+fromcoords+'</span>'; }
var zz = '';
if ((safecall.indexOf(a.pid) < 0 || trusted) && a["championInfo"]) {
t.marchchamp = '<table cellspacing=0 class=xtab><tr><td colspan=2><b>'+a["championInfo"].name+'</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.report_view.champion_stats+'</b></td></tr>';
var gotchamp = false;
if (a["championInfo"].effects[1] && !(a["championInfo"].effects[1] instanceof Array) && typeof(a["championInfo"].effects[1]) === "object") {
got202 = false;
for (var cy in a["championInfo"].effects[1]) {
// missing bonus damage?
if ((cy == '202') && gotchamp) {got202 = true;}
if ((cy == '203') && !got202) { t.marchchamp += "<tr><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.effects.name_202+"</td><td>0</td></tr>"; }
str = uW.g_js_strings.effects['name_'+cy];
if (str && str!= "") {
gotchamp = true;
t.marchchamp += "<tr><td>"+str+"</td><td>"+a["championInfo"].effects[1][cy]+"</td></tr>";
} else { break; }
if (!gotchamp) { t.marchchamp += '<tr><td colspan=2><i>'+tx('None Available')+'</i></td></tr>'; }
t.marchchamp+='<tr><td colspan=2><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.report_view.troop_stats+'</b></td></tr>';
var gottroop = false;
if (a["championInfo"].effects[2] && !(a["championInfo"].effects[2] instanceof Array) && typeof(a["championInfo"].effects[2]) === "object") {
for (var ty in a["championInfo"].effects[2]) {
str = uW.g_js_strings.effects['name_'+ty];
if (str && str!= "") {
gottroop = true;
t.marchchamp += "<tr><td>"+str+"</td><td>"+a["championInfo"].effects[2][ty]+"</td></tr>";
} else { break; }
if (!gottroop) { t.marchchamp += '<tr><td colspan=2><i>'+tx('None Available')+'</i></td></tr>'; }
zz +='<table cellspacing=0><tr><td class="xtab trimg" style="font-weight:normal;align:left;" id="btcitymarchchamp'+a.mid+'td"><input type="hidden" id="btcitymarchchamp'+a.mid+'effects" value="'+t.marchchamp+'" /><a><img id="btcitymarchchamp'+a.mid+'" onMouseover="btCreateChampionPopUp(this,'+a.toCityId+');" height=14 class=btTop src="'+ShieldImage+'"></a></td><td class=xtab>Champion: '+a["championInfo"].name+' </td></tr></table>';
if (a["knt"] && a["knt"]["cbt"]) zz +='<span class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.knight+' ('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.atk+':'+ a["knt"]["cbt"]+')</span> ';
if (a["unts"]) {
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (a["unts"]["u"+i]) {
if (a["unts"]["u"+i] > 0) { zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ uW.unitnamedesctranslated['unt'+i][0] +': '+ addCommas(a["unts"]["u"+i])+'</span> '; marchMight += (a["unts"]["u"+i]*parseInt(uW.unitmight["unt"+i])); }
else { zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ a["unts"]["u"+i]+' '+ uW.unitnamedesctranslated['unt'+i][0] +'</span> '; }
if (a["cnt"]) { zz += '<span class=xtab>'+a["cnt"]+'</span> ';}
else { zz += '<span class=xtab>('+uW.g_js_strings.attack_viewimpending_view.upgradetoseeinfo+')</span> '; }
if (local_atkinc["m"+marchId]["fromSpellType"]) {
var spell = uW.g_js_strings.spells['name_'+local_atkinc["m"+marchId]["fromSpellType"]];
if (spell) {
var spellstyle = 'color:#808;';
zz +='<br><span class=xtab style="'+spellstyle+'"><b>* '+spell+' *</b></span>'
z += '<TD ';
if (Options.ShowMarchMight && marchMight!=0) z += 'title="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.might+': '+addCommas(marchMight)+'"';
z += ' colspan=2 class=xtabBR>'+zz+'</td></tr>';
if (!cityincoming) {
z = '<DIV><br><div style="opacity:0.3;">'+tx('No Incoming Attacks')+'</div></div>';
z = '<div align="center"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=100% height=0%><tr><td width="18" class="xtabHD"> </td><td width="60" class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.time+'</b></td><td width="120" class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.from+'</b></td><td class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.troops+'</b></td></tr>'+z;
z += '</table></div>';
if (CheckForHTMLChange('DASH','btAttackCell',CityTag+z)) {
t.ResizeFrame = true;
for (var m in cityinctimes) {
mt = cityinctimes[m];
if (ById('citymarchtime'+m)) {
ById('citymarchtime'+m).innerHTML = mt;
// fortifications
GotDef = false;
t.WallDefences = [];
t.FieldDefences = [];
var d = Seed.fortifications["city" + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]];
var a = Object.keys(d);
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var f = parseInt(a[c].split("fort")[1]);
if (f < 60 || f==63) { t.WallDefences.push(a[c]) } else { t.FieldDefences.push(a[c]) }
var dt = t.Buildings[30];
var rt = t.Buildings[31];
var wall = {};
var TArcDesc = '';
var TArcEffect = '';
if (ArcanaEnabled()) {
var TArc = t.GetArcanaEffect(42001,t.Curr)+t.GetArcanaEffect(42013,t.Curr);
if (TArc!=0) {
TArcDesc = tx('Arcana Bonus');
TArcEffect = TArc+'%';
Walls = '<div align="center"><table cellSpacing=0 width="100%">';
Walls += '<tr><td width=20% class=xtab><a class=xlink onClick="btShowWalls('+t.Curr+')">'+tx('Walls')+'</a></td><td width=60% class=xtab><b>'+(wall.wallLevel?uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.level+' '+wall.wallLevel:'<span class=xtab style="color:#f00">'+tx('No Walls')+'</span>')+'</b></td><td width=20% class=xtab>'+tx('Wall Space')+'</td><td align=right class=xtab><b>'+wall.wallSpaceUsed+'/'+wall.wallSpace+'</b></td></tr>';
Walls += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.buildingcost.bdg30[0]+'</td><td class=xtab><b>'+(dt.maxLevel?'Level '+dt.maxLevel:'<span class=xtab style="color:#f00">'+tx('None')+'!</span>')+'</b></td><td class=xtab>'+tx('Field Space')+'</td><td align=right class=xtab><b>'+wall.fieldSpaceUsed+'/'+wall.fieldSpace+'</b></td></tr>';
Walls += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.buildingcost.bdg31[0]+'</td><td class=xtab><b>'+(rt.maxLevel?'Level '+rt.maxLevel:'<span class=xtab style="color:#f00">'+tx('None')+'!</span>')+'</b></td><td class=xtab>'+TArcDesc+'</td><td align=right class=xtab><b>'+TArcEffect+'</b></td></tr>';
Walls += '</table><br>';
var now = unixTime();
tatkboost = '<span style="color:#f00"><b>'+tx('No Active Boost!')+'</b></span>';
if (Seed.playerEffects.tatk2Expire >now) {
tatkboost = '<span style="color:#080"><b>50% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.tatk2Expire-now)+'</b></span>';
else {
if (Seed.playerEffects.tatkExpire >now) {
tatkboost = '<span style="color:#f80"><b>20% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.tatkExpire-now)+'</b></span>';
tlifeboost = '<span style="color:#f00"><b>'+tx('No Active Boost!')+'</b></span>';
if (Seed.playerEffects.tlife2Expire >now) {
tlifeboost = '<span style="color:#080"><b>50% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.tlife2Expire-now)+'</b></span>';
else {
if (Seed.playerEffects.tlifeExpire >now) {
tlifeboost = '<span style="color:#f80"><b>20% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.tlifeExpire-now)+'</b></span>';
tboosts = '<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>';
for (var i = 0; i < t.tBoostItemList.length; i++) {
if (uW.ksoItems[t.tBoostItemList[i]].count) {
tboosts += '<td class=xtab style="padding-right:3px;"><a onClick="cm.ItemController.use(\''+t.tBoostItemList[i]+'\')"><img height=28 src="'+IMGURL+'items/70/'+t.tBoostItemList[i]+'.jpg" title="'+itemTitle(t.tBoostItemList[i])+'"></a></td>';
tboosts += '</tr></table>';
var tStatus = '<table cellSpacing=0 width="100%">';
tStatus += '<tr><td width=20% class=xtab valign=top>'+tx('Tower Attack')+'</td><td class=xtab id=tatkboostcell> </td><td class=xtab rowspan=2 style="padding-right:0px;" align=right>'+tboosts+'</td></tr>';
tStatus += '<tr><td width=20% class=xtab valign=top>'+tx('Tower Life')+'</td><td class=xtab id=tlifeboostcell> </td></tr>';
tStatus += '</table><br>';
Defences = '<div align="center"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=100% height=0%><tr><td width=50% class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.openCastle.walldefenses+'</b></td><td width=50% class="xtabHD"><b>'+tx('Field Defenses')+'</b></td></tr>';
Defences += '<tr><td class="xtabBRTop">';
for(c=0; c<t.WallDefences.length; c++){
var f = parseInt(t.WallDefences[c].split("fort")[1]);
if (Seed.fortifications['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['fort'+f] > 0) { GotDef = true; Defences += '<span class=xtab style="display:inline-block;width:100px;">'+TroopImage(f)+ addCommas(Seed.fortifications['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['fort'+f])+'</span> ';}
Defences += '</td><td class="xtabBRTop">';
for(c=0; c<t.FieldDefences.length; c++){
var f = parseInt(t.FieldDefences[c].split("fort")[1]);
if (Seed.fortifications['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['fort'+f] > 0) { GotDef = true; Defences += '<span class=xtab style="display:inline-block;width:100px;">'+TroopImage(f)+ addCommas(Seed.fortifications['city' + Seed.cities[t.Curr][0]]['fort'+f])+'</span> ';}
Defences += '</td></tr></table>';
if (!GotDef) {Defences = '<div><br><div style="opacity:0.3;">'+tx('No Fortifications')+'</div>';}
Defences += '<br></div>';
if (CheckForHTMLChange('DASH','btWallDefenceCell',CityTag+Walls+tStatus+Defences)) {
t.ResizeFrame = true;
ById('tatkboostcell').innerHTML = tatkboost;
ById('tlifeboostcell').innerHTML = tlifeboost;
// outgoing attacks
cityoutgoing = false;
var cityouttimes = {};
var z = "";
var r = 0;
for (var k in outCity){
var a = outCity[k];
if (a.destinationUnixTime < unixTime()) continue; // don't display arrival times already happened
var icon, hint, marchtime, totile, tocity, toname, marchdir, tocoords;
var marchId = a.marchId;
var marchStatus = parseInt(a.marchStatus);
var marchType = parseInt(a.marchType);
var marchMight = 0;
if (marchType == 10) marchType=4; // Change Dark Forest type to Attack!
if (marchType != 4 && marchType != 3) continue; // attacks and scouts only
cityoutgoing = true;
var now = unixTime();
var destinationUnixTime = a["destinationUnixTime"] - now;
marchdir = "Count";
totile = "";
tocity = "";
toname = "";
totile = tileTypes[parseInt(a["toTileType"])];
if (a["toTileType"] == 51) {
if (!a["toPlayerId"]) { totile = ""; }
else { if (a["toPlayerId"] == 0) totile = tx('Barb Camp'); }
totile = 'Lvl '+a["toTileLevel"]+' '+totile;
if (a["toPlayerId"] && (a["toPlayerId"] != 0)) {
if (a.players && a.players['u'+a.toPlayerId]) {
toname = MonitorLink(a.toPlayerId,a.players['u'+a.toPlayerId].n);
else {
if (Seed.players['u'+a.toPlayerId]) {
toname = MonitorLink(a.toPlayerId,Seed.players['u'+a.toPlayerId].n);
var iconType = marchType;
if (destinationUnixTime < (60)) { marchtime = '<span style="color:#f00">'+uW.timestr(destinationUnixTime)+'</span>'; }
else { marchtime = uW.timestr(destinationUnixTime); }
cityouttimes[marchId] = marchtime;
if (!a.toXCoord || (tocity != "")) {tocoords = "";}
else {tocoords = coordLink(a.toXCoord,a.toYCoord);}
hint = "";
switch (marchType) {
case 3: hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout;break;
case 4: hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack;break;
switch (iconType) {
case 3: icon=ScoutImage;break;
case 4: icon=AttackImage;break;
hint=tx('Recall march')+" ("+marchId+")";
if (++r % 2) { rowClass = 'evenRow'; }
else { rowClass = 'oddRow'; }
z += '<tr class="'+rowClass+'"><TD class=xtab><a id="btCityRecall'+a.marchId+'" onclick="btRecall('+ a.marchId +',true)"><img src='+icon+' title='+hint+'></a></td>';
z += '<TD class=xtab id="cityoutmarchtime'+marchId+'"> </td>';
z += '<TD class=xtabBR>';
if (toname != "") { z+= '<span class=xtab>'+toname+'</span> '; }
if (totile != "") { z+= '<span class=xtab>'+totile+'</span> '; }
if (tocity != "") { z+= '<span class=xtab>'+tocity+'</span> '; }
if (tocoords != "") { z+= '<span class=xtab>'+tocoords+'</span>'; }
z += '</td>';
var zz = '';
if (a["championInfo"]) { // stats here are sort of obsolete, because it uses city champ data, but kept in for completeness...
t.marchchamp = '<table cellspacing=0 class=xtab><tr><td colspan=2><b>'+a["championInfo"].name+'</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.report_view.champion_stats+'</b></td></tr>';
var gotchamp = false;
if (a["championInfo"].effects) {
if (a["championInfo"].effects[1] && !(a["championInfo"].effects[1] instanceof Array) && typeof(a["championInfo"].effects[1]) === "object") {
got202 = false;
for (var cy in a["championInfo"].effects[1]) {
// missing bonus damage?
if ((cy == '202') && gotchamp) {got202 = true;}
if ((cy == '203') && !got202) { t.marchchamp += "<tr><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.effects.name_202+"</td><td>0</td></tr>"; }
str = uW.g_js_strings.effects['name_'+cy];
if (str && str!= "") {
gotchamp = true;
t.marchchamp += "<tr><td>"+str+"</td><td>"+a["championInfo"].effects[1][cy]+"</td></tr>";
} else { break; }
if (!gotchamp) { t.marchchamp += '<tr><td colspan=2><i>'+tx('None Available')+'</i></td></tr>'; }
t.marchchamp+='<tr><td colspan=2><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.report_view.troop_stats+'</b></td></tr>';
var gottroop = false;
if (a["championInfo"].effects[2] && !(a["championInfo"].effects[2] instanceof Array) && typeof(a["championInfo"].effects[2]) === "object") {
for (var ty in a["championInfo"].effects[2]) {
str = uW.g_js_strings.effects['name_'+ty];
if (str && str!= "") {
gottroop = true;
t.marchchamp += "<tr><td>"+str+"</td><td>"+a["championInfo"].effects[2][ty]+"</td></tr>";
} else { break; }
if (!gottroop) { t.marchchamp += '<tr><td colspan=2><i>'+tx('None Available')+'</i></td></tr>'; }
zz +='<table cellspacing=0><tr><td class="xtab trimg" style="font-weight:normal;align:left;" id="btcityoutmarchchamp'+a.marchId+'td"><input type="hidden" id="btcityoutmarchchamp'+a.marchId+'effects" value="'+t.marchchamp+'" /><a><img id="btcityoutmarchchamp'+a.marchId+'" onMouseover="btCreateChampionPopUp(this,'+a.fromCityId+',true);" height=14 class=btTop src="'+ShieldImage+'"></a></td><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.champ.champion+': '+a["championInfo"].name+' </td></tr></table>';
if ((a["knightId"] > 0) && (!a["knightCombat"])) {
for (var i in Seed.knights["city"+a.marchCityId]) {
if (i == ("knt" + a["knightId"])) {
Combat = Seed.knights["city"+a.marchCityId][i]["combat"];
if (Seed.knights["city"+a.marchCityId][i]["combatBoostExpireUnixtime"] > unixTime()) { Combat *= 1.25; }
a["knightCombat"] = Combat;
if (a["knightId"] > 0) zz +='<span class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.knight+' ('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.atk+':'+ a["knightCombat"]+')</span> ';
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if((a["unit"+i+"Count"] > 0) || (a["unit"+i+"Return"] > 0)) {
trpcol = Options.Colors.PanelText;
zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ uW.unitcost['unt'+i][0] +': <span class=xtab style="color:'+trpcol+'">'+ addCommas(a["unit"+i+marchdir])+'</span></span> ';
marchMight += (a["unit"+i+marchdir]*parseInt(uW.unitmight["unt"+i]));
if (a["fromSpellType"]) {
var spell = uW.g_js_strings.spells['name_'+a["fromSpellType"]];
if (spell) {
var spellstyle = 'color:#808;';
zz +='<br><span class=xtab style="'+spellstyle+'"><b>* '+spell+' *</b></span>'
z += '<TD ';
if (Options.ShowMarchMight && marchMight!=0) z += 'title="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.might+': '+addCommas(marchMight)+'"';
z += ' colspan=2 class=xtabBR>'+zz+'</td></tr>';
if (!cityoutgoing) {
z = '<DIV><br><div style="opacity:0.3;">'+tx('No Outgoing Attacks')+'</div></div>';
z = '<div align="center"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=100% height=0%><tr><td width="18" class="xtabHD"> </td><td width="60" class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.time+'</b></td><td width="120" class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.target+'</b></td><td class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.troops+'</b></td></tr>'+z;
z += '<tr><td class=xtab colspan="4"><div class="ErrText" align="center" id=btCityOutErr> </div></td></tr></table></div>';
if (CheckForHTMLChange('DASH','btCityAttackCell',CityTag+z)) {
t.ResizeFrame = true;
for (var m in cityouttimes) {
mt = cityouttimes[m];
if (ById('cityoutmarchtime'+m)) {
ById('cityoutmarchtime'+m).innerHTML = mt;
// toggle section displays
t.ShowHideSection("btArcana",t.ArcanaShow && ArcanaEnabled());
t.ShowHideSection("btSacrifice",t.SacrificeShow && (ascended.prestigeType == "2"));
if (t.ResizeFrame == true) { ResetFrameSize('btDash',100,t.DashWidth); }
EverySecond : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
try {
/* Reduce Delayers if they are Active */
if (t.ThroneDelay > 0) { t.ThroneDelay--; t.PaintTRPresets(); }
if (t.GuardDelay > 0) { t.GuardDelay--; t.PaintGuardianSelector(); }
if (!(Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity < 0)) {
if (((SecondLooper % t.GeneralInterval) == 1) || t.GeneralInterval == 1) {
/* check defence status, incoming status, selected guardian */
for (var cityId in Cities.byID){
var city_num = Cities.byID[cityId].idx;
if (Seed.citystats["city" + cityId].gate != 0) {
jQuery("#btCastles_" + city_num).removeClass("hiding").addClass("defending");
} else {
jQuery("#btCastles_" + city_num).removeClass("defending").addClass("hiding");
if (incCity.indexOf(city_num) >= 0) { jQuery("#btCastles_" + city_num).addClass("attack"); }
else {jQuery("#btCastles_" + city_num).removeClass("attack"); }
if (t.CurrGuardian != Seed.guardian[Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity].type) { t.PaintGuardianSelector(); }
if (Options.DashboardOptions.RefreshSeed && ((SecondLooper % RefreshSeedInterval) == 1) && !RefreshingSeed) {
setTimeout(function() {RefreshSeed();},250);
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
ToggleSanctuary : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
Options.DashboardOptions.ExpandSanctuary = !Options.DashboardOptions.ExpandSanctuary;
ShowHideSanctuary : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
var a = ById('btShowHideSanct');
if (Options.DashboardOptions.ExpandSanctuary) {
disp = '';
if (a) a.innerHTML = tx('hide');
disp = 'none';
if (a) a.innerHTML = tx('show');
ById('btsanctroops').style.display = disp;
if (ById('btsanctroopstitle')) ById('btsanctroopstitle').style.display = disp;
SetAlliArcanaDesc : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
ById('btAlliArcanaDesc').innerHTML = '';
var Arc = parseIntNan(ById('btAlliArcanaSel').value);
if (Arc != 0) {
ById('btAlliArcanaDesc').innerHTML = uW.itemlist["i"+Arc].description;
SetPersArcanaDesc : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
ById('btPersArcanaDesc').innerHTML = '';
var Arc = parseIntNan(ById('btPersArcanaSel').value);
if (Arc != 0) {
ById('btPersArcanaDesc').innerHTML = uW.itemlist["i"+Arc].description;
ArcanaHint : function (elem,itemType,timeType) {
var t = Dashboard;
if (itemType == 'a') { var Arc = ById('btAlliArcanaSel').value; }
else { var Arc = ById('btPersArcanaSel').value; }
if (Arc!=0) {
var TT = '<div align=center><b>'+tx('Cost')+'</b></div><div align=left>';
var Cost = ArcaneRequirements[Arc][itemType+"_"+timeType].cost;
if (Cost) {
for (var r in Cost) {
if (itemType=="p") { // arcane tablets only I think!
if (r=='43000') {
var resspan = '<span>';
if (parseIntNan(Cost[r])>parseIntNan(Seed.items.i43000)) { resspan = '<span class=boldRed>'; }
TT += ResourceImage(ArcaneTabletImage,uW.g_js_strings.playerGuide.ahq_14_h)+' '+resspan+addCommas(Cost[r])+'</span><br>';
else {
var restype = ArcaneResources[r];
var resicon = ArcaneResourceImages[r];
var resspan = '<span>';
TT += ResourceImage(resicon,'')+' '+resspan+addCommas(Cost[r])+'</span><br>';
else {
TT += tx('Unknown');
TT += '</div>'
if (itemType=="p") { TT += '<div align=center><b>'+tx('Owned')+'</b></div><div align=left>'+ResourceImage(ArcaneTabletImage,uW.g_js_strings.playerGuide.ahq_14_h)+' '+addCommas(parseIntNan(Seed.items.i43000))+'<br></div>'; }
jQuery(elem.parentNode).append('<span class="tooltip" style="margin-top:20px;right:0px;margin-left:-130px;white-space: pre-line; word-wrap: break-word;">'+TT+'</span>');
ArcanaHintOff : function (elem) {
GetArcanaEffect : function (item,citynum) {
var res = 0;
if (ArcanaEnabled()) {
if (Seed.activeBuffs && Seed.activeBuffs[item] && ArcaneRequirements[item]) {
var arc = Seed.activeBuffs[item];
var eff = ArcaneRequirements[item].effects;
var alliance = 0;
var personal = 0;
var now = unixTime();
var HQDist = distance(Seed.cities[citynum][2], Seed.cities[citynum][3], Seed.allianceHQ.hq_xcoord, Seed.allianceHQ.hq_ycoord);
var AuraDist = parseIntNan(Seed.allianceHQ.arcana[Seed.allianceHQ.buildings[3].buildingLevel].distance);
var time1 = arc.a_24h?arc.a_24h:0;
var time2 = arc.a_7d?arc.a_7d:0;
if (time1 > now || time2 > now) {
if (HQDist<=AuraDist) {
for (var k in eff.inAura) { alliance = eff.inAura[k]; break; }
else {
for (var k in eff.outAura) { alliance = eff.outAura[k]; break; }
var time1 = arc.p_24h?arc.p_24h:0;
var time2 = arc.p_7d?arc.p_7d:0;
if (time1 > now || time2 > now) {
for (var k in eff.personal) { personal = eff.personal[k]; break; }
if (alliance!=0 && item!=42015) { personal=personal/2; }
res = alliance+personal;
return res;
setArcanaMessage : function (msg) {
var t = Dashboard;
ById('btArcanaErr').innerHTML = msg;
ActivateArcana : function (itemId,itemType,timeType) {
var t = Dashboard;
t.setArcanaMessage(tx('Sending Request')+'...');
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.itemId = itemId;
params.itemType = itemType;
params.timeType = timeType;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/allianceHqTempleActivateBuff.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
loading: true,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
var j = CM.AHQTempleModel.buffActivated(uWCloneInto(rslt.activatedBuff));
OpenTemple(function(rslt) { Tabs.Alliance.SetBoosts(rslt);Dashboard.setArcanaMessage('');Dashboard.PaintCityInfo(Seed.cities[Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity][0]); }); // refresh seed from server
else { // error handling
if (rslt.error_code) { t.setArcanaMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+uW.g_js_strings.errorcode["err_"+rslt.error_code]+'</span>'); }
else { t.setArcanaMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+tx('Error activating arcana')+'</span>'); }
onFailure: function () { // error handling
t.setArcanaMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+tx('Server connection failed')+'.</span>');
},true); //no retry
DeactivateArcana : function (itemId,itemType,timeType) {
var t = Dashboard;
t.setArcanaMessage(tx('Sending Request')+'...');
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.itemId = itemId;
params.itemType = itemType;
params.timeType = timeType;
params.deactivate = 1;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/allianceHqTempleActivateBuff.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
loading: true,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
var j = CM.AHQTempleModel.buffDeActivated(uWCloneInto(rslt.activatedBuff));
OpenTemple(function(rslt) { Tabs.Alliance.SetBoosts(rslt);Dashboard.setArcanaMessage('');Dashboard.PaintCityInfo(Seed.cities[Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity][0]); }); // refresh seed from server
else { // error handling
if (rslt.error_code) { t.setArcanaMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+uW.g_js_strings.errorcode["err_"+rslt.error_code]+'</span>'); }
else { t.setArcanaMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+tx('Error Deactivating arcana')+'</span>'); }
onFailure: function () { // error handling
t.setArcanaMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+tx('Server connection failed')+'.</span>');
},true); //no retry
SetSpeedBoostDesc : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
ById('btBoostSpeedDesc').innerHTML = '';
var buff = parseIntNan(ById('btBoostSpeedSel').value);
if (buff != 0) {
ById('btBoostSpeedDesc').innerHTML = uW.itemlist["i"+buff].description;
SetAccuracyBoostDesc : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
ById('btBoostAccuracyDesc').innerHTML = '';
var buff = parseIntNan(ById('btBoostAccuracySel').value);
if (buff != 0) {
ById('btBoostAccuracyDesc').innerHTML = uW.itemlist["i"+buff].description;
ActivateTroopBoost : function (itemId,label) {
var t = Dashboard;
t.setTroopBoostMessage(tx('Sending Request')+'...');
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.iid = itemId;
params.label = label;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/useSpecificTroopBoost.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
CM.InventoryView.removeItemFromInventory(itemId, 1);
if (rslt.specificTroopBuffInfo) {
Seed.activeSpecificTroopBuff = rslt.specificTroopBuffInfo.b;
Seed.isSpecificTroopBuffActive = rslt.specificTroopBuffInfo.a;
} else {
var errorMsg = "Unknown Error";
if (rslt.error_code == 3102) {
errorMsg = uW.g_js_strings.errorcode.err_3102
} else {
if (rslt.error_code == 3333) {
errorMsg = "This item cannot be used."
} else {
if (rslt.error_code == 4444) {
errorMsg = "You do not have the item in your inventory."
} else {
errorMsg = "Unknown Error"
},true); //no retry
setTroopBoostMessage : function (msg) {
var t = Dashboard;
ById('btBoostErr').innerHTML = msg;
PaintQuickSac : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
if (!ById('btQuickSac')) { return; }
if ((Options.DashboardOptions.QuickSacrifice == true) && (t.allownewsacs == true))
ShowQuickSac : function (tf) {
var t = Dashboard;
var dc = jQuery('#btQuickSac').attr('class');
if (tf) {if (dc.indexOf('divHide') >= 0) jQuery('#btQuickSac').attr('class','');}
else {if (dc.indexOf('divHide') < 0) jQuery('#btQuickSac').attr('class','divHide');}
ShowNewSacrifice : function (tf) {
var t = Dashboard;
var dc = jQuery('#btNewSacrificeCell').attr('class');
if (tf) {if (dc.indexOf('divHide') >= 0) jQuery('#btNewSacrificeCell').attr('class','');}
else {if (dc.indexOf('divHide') < 0) jQuery('#btNewSacrificeCell').attr('class','divHide');}
SelectTroopType : function (sel) {
var t = Dashboard;
if ((sel.value == 0) || (sel.value == "")) {
ById('btTotalTroops').innerHTML = "";
ById('btMaxTroops').innerHTML = "";
t.TotalTroops = 0;
return false
} else {
if (SelectiveDefending) { t.TotalTroops = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity][0]]['unt'+sel.value])+parseIntNan(Seed.defunits['city' + Seed.cities[Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity][0]]['unt'+sel.value]); }
else { t.TotalTroops = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity][0]]['unt'+sel.value]); }
ById('btTotalTroops').innerHTML = ' / '+addCommas(t.TotalTroops);
ById('btMaxTroops').innerHTML = '<a id="btMaxButton" onclick="btSetMaxTroops()"><span style="font-size:9px;" align="center">max</span></a>';
// set default sac length if blank
if (Options.DashboardOptions.DefaultSacrifice) {
var elemin = ById('btRitualMinutes');
var elesec = ById('btRitualSeconds');
if ((elemin.value == "") && (elesec.value == "")) {
elemin.value = Options.DashboardOptions.DefaultSacrificeMin;
elesec.value = Options.DashboardOptions.DefaultSacrificeSec;
var elem = ById('btRitualAmount');
if (parseInt(elem.value) > t.TotalTroops) {
elem.value = t.TotalTroops;
SetMaxTroops : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
var elem = ById('btRitualAmount');
elem.value = t.SacSettings.max_amount;
if (elem.value > t.TotalTroops) {elem.value = t.TotalTroops;}
if ((elem.value > Options.DashboardOptions.SacrificeLimit) && (parseIntNan(Options.DashboardOptions.SacrificeLimit) > 0)) {elem.value = Options.DashboardOptions.SacrificeLimit;}
SetRitualLength : function (sel) {
var t = Dashboard;
sel.value = parseInt(sel.value);
if (isNaN(sel.value)) sel.value = 0;
var trp, min, sec;
if (sel.id == 'btRitualMinutes') {
min = parseIntNan(sel.value);
if (isNaN(ById('btRitualSeconds').value)) sec = 0;
else sec = parseIntNan(ById('btRitualSeconds').value);
trp = Math.round((parseIntNan(min * 60) + sec) * (t.SacSpeed / t.SacSpeedBuff)); // troops
if (sel.id == 'btRitualSeconds') {
sec = parseIntNan(sel.value);
if (isNaN(ById('btRitualMinutes').value)) min = 0;
else min = parseIntNan(ById('btRitualMinutes').value);
min += (parseIntNan( sec / 60 ));
sec = sec % 60;
trp = Math.round(((min * 60)+sec) * (t.SacSpeed / t.SacSpeedBuff)); // troops
if (sel.id == 'btRitualAmount') {
trp = parseIntNan(sel.value);
if (trp > t.TotalTroops) {trp = t.TotalTroops;}
if (trp > parseInt(t.SacSettings.max_amount)) {trp = t.SacSettings.max_amount;}
if ((trp > Options.DashboardOptions.SacrificeLimit) && (parseIntNan(Options.DashboardOptions.SacrificeLimit) > 0)) {trp = Options.DashboardOptions.SacrificeLimit;}
sec = parseIntNan(trp / (t.SacSpeed / t.SacSpeedBuff), 10); // seconds
min = parseIntNan( sec / 60 );
sec = sec % 60;
ById('btRitualAmount').value = BlankifZero(trp);
ById('btRitualMinutes').value = BlankifZero(min);
ById('btRitualSeconds').value = BlankifZero(sec);
setTroopMessage : function (msg) {
var t = Dashboard;
ById('btTroopMsg').innerHTML = msg;
ToggleDefenceMode : function (cityId) {
var t = Dashboard;
if (!SelectiveDefending) return;
t.serverwait = true;
var state = 1;
if (Seed.citystats["city" + cityId].gate != 0)
state = 0;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.cid = cityId;
params.state = state;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/gate.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
t.serverwait = false;
if (rslt.ok) {
Seed.citystats["city" + cityId].gate = state;
if (t.CurrentCityId==cityId) {t.PaintCityInfo(cityId);}
onFailure: function () { t.serverwait = false; jQuery('#btCityStatus').removeClass("disabled"); jQuery('#btCityStatus2').removeClass("disabled"); }
SelectDefenders : function (sel,def) {
var t = Dashboard;
if (!SelectiveDefending) return;
var MoveArray = [];
if (!def) { // switch to sanctuary
if (sel == "A") { // All
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
var i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
MoveArray[i] = 0 - parseIntNan(Seed.defunits['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i]);
if (sel == "I") { // Infantry
for(c=0; c<Infantry.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Infantry[c]);
MoveArray[i] = 0 - parseIntNan(Seed.defunits['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i]);
if (sel == "R") { // Ranged
for(c=0; c<Ranged.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Ranged[c]);
MoveArray[i] = 0 - parseIntNan(Seed.defunits['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i]);
if (sel == "H") { // Horsed
for(c=0; c<Horsed.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Horsed[c]);
MoveArray[i] = 0 - parseIntNan(Seed.defunits['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i]);
if (sel == "S") { // Siege
for(c=0; c<Siege.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Siege[c]);
MoveArray[i] = 0 - parseIntNan(Seed.defunits['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i]);
if (sel == "P") { // SpellCaster
for(c=0; c<SpellCaster.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(SpellCaster[c]);
MoveArray[i] = 0 - parseIntNan(Seed.defunits['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i]);
if (parseIntNan(sel) != 0) { // Troop Identifier
MoveArray[sel] = 0 - parseIntNan(Seed.defunits['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+sel]);
else { // switch to defend
if (sel == "A") { // All
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
MoveArray[i] = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i]);
if (sel == "I") { // Infantry
for(c=0; c<Infantry.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Infantry[c]);
MoveArray[i] = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i]);
if (sel == "R") { // Ranged
for(c=0; c<Ranged.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Ranged[c]);
MoveArray[i] = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i]);
if (sel == "H") { // Horsed
for(c=0; c<Horsed.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Horsed[c]);
MoveArray[i] = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i]);
if (sel == "S") { // Siege
for(c=0; c<Siege.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(Siege[c]);
MoveArray[i] = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i]);
if (sel == "P") { // SpellCaster
for(c=0; c<SpellCaster.length; c++){
var i = parseInt(SpellCaster[c]);
MoveArray[i] = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i]);
if (parseIntNan(sel) != 0) { // Troop Identifier
MoveArray[sel] = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+sel]);
t.ChangeDefendingTroops (t.CurrentCityId, MoveArray, false);
ChangeDefendingTroops : function (cityId, MoveArray, Replace, notify) {
var t = Dashboard;
t.setTroopMessage(tx('Sending Request')+'...');
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams)
params.cid = cityId;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (Replace) { params["u"+i] = parseIntNan(MoveArray[i]); }
else { params["u"+i] = parseIntNan(Seed.defunits['city' + cityId]['unt'+i]) + parseIntNan(MoveArray[i]); }
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/cityDefenseSet.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
loading: true,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
var unitsarr = [];
for (var j in uW.unitcost)
for (var i = 0; i <= unitsarr.length; i++)
if (params["u"+i])
unitsarr[i] = params["u"+i];
if (rslt.def != null) {
var unitlist = uW.seed.defunits["city" + cityId];
jQuery.each (rslt.def, function (key, val) {
var key1 = key.replace ("u", "unt");
unitlist[key1] = val
if (rslt.res != null) {
var unitlist = uW.seed.units["city" + cityId];
jQuery.each (rslt.res, function(key, val) {
var key1 = key.replace("u", "unt");
unitlist[key1] = val
t.setTroopMessage(' ');
t.SelectDefTroopType (ById("btDefendTroops"));
if (notify != null) { notify();}
else {
if (cityId==t.CurrentCityId) {
else { // error handling
if (rslt.msg) { t.setTroopMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+rslt.msg+'</span>'); }
else { t.setTroopMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+tx('Error setting defending troops')+'</span>'); }
onFailure: function () { // error handling
t.setTroopMessage('<span style="color:#f00">Server connection failed.</span>');
},true); //no retry
SelectDefTroopType : function (sel) {
var t = Dashboard;
if ((sel.value == 0) || (sel.value == "")) {
ById('btTotalDefTroops').innerHTML = "";
ById('btMaxDefTroops').innerHTML = "";
t.TotalSanctuaryTroops = 0;
return false
} else {
t.TotalSanctuaryTroops = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city' + Seed.cities[Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity][0]]['unt'+sel.value]);
ById('btTotalDefTroops').innerHTML = ' / '+addCommas(t.TotalSanctuaryTroops);
ById('btMaxDefTroops').innerHTML = '<a id="btMaxDefButton" onclick="btSetMaxDefTroops()"><span style="font-size:9px;" align="center">max</span></a>';
// set default defender amount
var elem = ById('btDefendAmount');
if ((elem.value == 0) || (elem.value == "")) { elem.value = Options.DashboardOptions.DefaultDefenceNum; }
if (parseInt(elem.value) > t.TotalSanctuaryTroops) {
elem.value = t.TotalSanctuaryTroops;
SetMaxDefTroops : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
var elem = ById('btDefendAmount');
elem.value = t.TotalSanctuaryTroops;
AddDefenders : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
var MoveArray = [];
var TT = ById('btDefendTroops');
var AM = ById('btDefendAmount');
if (!TT.value || (TT.value == 0)) {t.setTroopMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+tx('Please select troop type')+'</span>');return;}
if (!AM.value || (AM.value == 0)) {t.setTroopMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+tx('Please enter a number of troops')+'</span>');return;}
if (AM.value > t.TotalSanctuaryTroops) {t.setTroopMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+tx('You do not have enough troops')+'</span>');return;}
MoveArray[TT.value] = AM.value;
t.ChangeDefendingTroops (t.CurrentCityId, MoveArray, false);
NewDefPreset : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
if (t.ExpandDefPreset) return;
ById('btDefendPreset').value = 0;
/* Initialise Edit fields */
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
ById('btPresetTroop'+i).value = "";
ById('btDefPresetName').value = 'Defensive Preset #'+t.NextPresetNumber;
t.ExpandDefPreset = true;
ChgDefPreset : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
if (t.ExpandDefPreset) return;
var PN = ById('btDefendPreset');
if (!PN.value || (PN.value == 0) || (PN.value.substr(0,1) == 'T')) {return;}
/* Load preset details into edit fields */
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (Options.DashboardOptions.DefPresets[PN.value][i]) { ById('btPresetTroop'+i).value = Options.DashboardOptions.DefPresets[PN.value][i]; }
else { ById('btPresetTroop'+i).value = ""; }
ById('btDefPresetName').value = Options.DashboardOptions.DefPresets[PN.value][0];
t.ExpandDefPreset = true;
SetCurrentPreset : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
/* Initialise Edit fields to current values */
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (Seed.defunits["city" + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i] && (!isNaN(Seed.defunits["city" + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i])) && (parseIntNan(Seed.defunits["city" + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i]) != 0)) {
ById('btPresetTroop'+i).value = Seed.defunits["city" + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+i];
else {
ById('btPresetTroop'+i).value = "";
SaveDefPreset : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
var PN = ById('btDefendPreset');
if (PN.value.substr(0,1) == 'T') return;
if (!PN.value || (PN.value == 0)) { SavePN = t.NextPresetNumber; }
else { SavePN = PN.value; }
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
TroopVal = ById('btPresetTroop'+i).value;
if (!isNaN(TroopVal) && (TroopVal != "")) {
Options.DashboardOptions.DefPresets[SavePN][i] = TroopVal;
Options.DashboardOptions.DefPresets[SavePN][0] = ById('btDefPresetName').value;
t.ExpandDefPreset = false;
t.InitPresetNumber = SavePN;
CancelDefPreset : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
var PN = ById('btDefendPreset');
if (PN.value && (PN.value != 0)) { jQuery('#btChgDefPreset').removeClass("disabled"); }
t.ExpandDefPreset = false;
DelDefPreset : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
var PN = ById('btDefendPreset');
if (!PN.value || (PN.value == 0) || (PN.value.substr(0,1) == 'T')) return;
delete Options.DashboardOptions.DefPresets[PN.value];
t.ExpandDefPreset = false;
SelectDefPreset : function (sel) {
var t = Dashboard;
if ((sel.value == 0) || (sel.value == "") || (sel.value.substr(0,1) == 'T')) {
return false
} else {
t.InitPresetNumber = sel.value;
SetPresetDefenders : function (Replace) {
var t = Dashboard;
var MoveArray = [];
var PN = ById('btDefendPreset');
if (!PN.value || (PN.value == 0)) {t.setTroopMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+tx('Please select a defensive preset')+'</span>');return;}
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (Options.DashboardOptions.DefPresets[PN.value][i]) {
MoveArray[i] = Options.DashboardOptions.DefPresets[PN.value][i];
t.ChangeDefendingTroops (t.CurrentCityId, MoveArray, Replace);
StoreDefendingTroops : function (CityId) {
var t = Dashboard;
t.StoreArray[cityId] = [];
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
t.StoreArray[cityId][i] = parseIntNan(Seed.defunits['city' + CityId]['unt'+i]);
ResetDefendingTroops : function (CityId) {
var t = Dashboard;
t.ChangeDefendingTroops (CityId, t.StoreArray[cityId], true);
SendHome : function (marchId) {
var t = Dashboard;
t.setReinError(' ');
var march = {};
march = Seed.queue_atkinc['m'+ marchId];
if (!march) { return; }
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.mid = marchId;
params.cid = march.toCityId;
params.fromUid = march.fromPlayerId;
params.fromCid = march.fromCityId;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/kickoutReinforcements.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok){
var upkeep = 0;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
upkeep += parseInt(march["unit" + i + "Return"]) * parseInt(uW.unitupkeeps[i])
uW.seed.resources["city"+ march.toCityId].rec1[3] -= upkeep;
if (parseInt(march.fromPlayerId) == parseInt(uW.tvuid)) {
var mymarch = uW.seed.queue_atkp["city" + march.fromCityId]["m" + marchId];
var marchtime = Math.abs(parseInt(mymarch.destinationUnixTime) - parseInt(mymarch.eventUnixTime));
mymarch.returnUnixTime = unixTime() + marchtime;
mymarch.marchStatus = 8;
delete uW.seed.queue_atkinc["m" + marchId];
} else {
onFailure: function () { t.setReinError('AJAX Error'); },
setReinError : function (msg) {
var t = Dashboard;
ById('btReinErr').innerHTML = msg;
QuickSacrifice : function (tt) {
var t = Dashboard;
var sel = ById('btRitualTroops');
if (!sel) return;
sel.value = tt;
StartRitual : function (QS) {
var t = Dashboard;
t.setSacError(' ');
var unitid = parseInt(ById('btRitualTroops').value);
var numUnits = parseInt(ById('btRitualAmount').value);
if (!unitid || (unitid == 0)) {t.setSacError(tx('Please select troop type'));return;}
if (!numUnits || (numUnits == 0)) {t.setSacError(tx('Please enter a number of troops'));return;}
if (numUnits > t.TotalTroops) {t.setSacError(tx('You do not have enough troops'));return;}
// see if we need to claw back units from defending units
var clawback = uW.seed.units["city" + t.CurrentCityId]['unt'+unitid] - numUnits;
if (clawback < 0) {
var MoveArray = [];
MoveArray[unitid] = clawback;
t.ChangeDefendingTroops (t.CurrentCityId, MoveArray, false, function () { t.StartRitual(QS); });
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.cid = t.CurrentCityId;
params.type = unitid;
params.quant = numUnits;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/sacrifice.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method : "post",
parameters : params,
onSuccess : function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
uW.seed.queue_sacr["city" + t.CurrentCityId].push(uWCloneInto(rslt.queue_sacr));
uW.seed.units["city" + t.CurrentCityId] = uWCloneInto(rslt.units);
uW.seed.cityData.city[t.CurrentCityId].population = rslt.cityData_city.population;
uW.seed.cityData.city[t.CurrentCityId].populationCap = rslt.cityData_city.populationCap;
t.setSacError(' ');
ById('btRitualTroops').value = 0;
ById('btTotalTroops').innerHTML = "";
ById('btMaxTroops').innerHTML = "";
if (!QS) {
ById('btRitualAmount').value = "";
ById('btRitualMinutes').value = "";
ById('btRitualSeconds').value = "";
} else {
onFailure: function () {
t.setSacError('AJAX Error');
setSacError : function (msg) {
var t = Dashboard;
ById('btSacErr').innerHTML = msg;
StopRitual : function (sacNo, notify){
var t = Dashboard;
var queue = uW.seed.queue_sacr["city" + t.CurrentCityId][sacNo];
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
var cityId = t.CurrentCityId;
params.cid = cityId;
params.type = queue.unitType;
params.quant = queue.quantity;
params.start = queue.start;
params.eta = queue.eta;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/cancelSacrificing.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method : "post",
parameters : params,
onSuccess : function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
uW.seed.queue_sacr["city" + t.CurrentCityId].splice(sacNo, 1);
if (t.CurrentCityId==cityId) {t.PaintCityInfo(cityId);}
onFailure: function () {
if (notify != null)
notify('AJAX Error');
SwitchGuardianResult : function(cityId,type,ok,summonFinishTime) {
var t = Dashboard;
// need to delay 8 seconds before allowing again
if (ok) {
t.GuardDelay = 8;
else {
t.GuardDelay = 0;
t.setGuardMessage('<span style="color:#f00">'+tx('Could not change Guardian')+'.</span>');
SwitchGuardian : function (elem) {
var t = Dashboard;
var type = guardTypes[elem.id.substr(9)-1];
if (type == t.CurrGuardian) { return; }
var level = Seed.guardian[Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity].cityGuardianLevels[type];
level = level ? level : 0;
if (level == 0) { return; }
t.GuardDelay = 999;
t.setGuardMessage(tx('Sending Request')+'...');
SwitchThroneRoom : function (elem) {
var t = Dashboard;
var NewPreset = parseIntNan(elem.id.substr(6));
if (NewPreset == Seed.throne.activeSlot) { return; }
t.ThroneDelay = 999;
t.setThroneMessage(tx('Sending Request')+'...');
PaintTRPresets : function () {
if (uW.isNewServer()) { return; }
var t = Dashboard;
var fontratio = Options.MonitorOptions.MonitorFontSize / 11;
if (!(ById('btTRWidget')) && !(ById('btTRPresets')) && !(ById('btMonTRPresets')) && !(ById('trpresetopt1'))) { return; }
if (t.ThroneDelay > 10) { return; }
if ((ById('btTRPresets')) && !Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetChange) { ById('btTRPresets').innerHTML = ""; }
if ((ById('btMonTRPresets')) && !Options.MonitorOptions.MonPresetChange) { ById('btMonTRPresets').innerHTML = ""; }
if ((ById('btTRWidget')) && !Options.TRWidget) { ById('btTRWidget').innerHTML = ""; }
var m = '<div class="xtab" style="opacity:0.6; align="center" id=btThroneMsg> </div><TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style="padding-bottom: 10px;" align=center><TR>';
var n = '<div class="xtab" style="opacity:0.6;font-size:'+Options.MonitorOptions.MonitorFontSize+'px;" align="center" id=btMonThroneMsg> </div><TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style="padding-bottom: 10px;" align=center><TR>';
var o = '<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style="padding-bottom: 10px;" align=center><TR>';
if (Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetByName) { m+='<td class="xtabBR" align=center>'; }
if (Options.MonitorOptions.TRMonPresetByName) { n+='<td class="xtabBR" align=center>'; }
var numrows = Math.ceil(Seed.throne.slotNum/16);
var perrow = Math.ceil(Seed.throne.slotNum/numrows);
var nummonrows = Math.ceil(Seed.throne.slotNum/12);
var permonrow = Math.ceil(Seed.throne.slotNum/nummonrows);
if (Options.TRFixPresetWidth) {
perrow = 8;
permonrow = 8;
for (var i=1;i<=Seed.throne.slotNum;i++) {
if (Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetByName) {
m+='<div id="trpresetcell'+i+'" class="xtabBR trimg" style="display:inline-block"><a class="inlineButton btButton brown11" id="trlink'+i+'"><span style="width:85px;font-size:10px;" id="trpreset'+i+'"><center>'+(Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresets[i]?Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresets[i].name:'Preset '+i)+'</center></span></a></div> ';
else {
if ((i % perrow)==1) {
m+='<TD id="trpresetcell'+i+'" class="xtab trimg" style="padding-right: 0px;"><a style="text-decoration:none;" id="trlink'+i+'"><div id="trpreset'+i+'" class="presetBut presetButNon"><center>'+i+'</center></div></a></td>';
if (Options.MonitorOptions.TRMonPresetByName) {
n+='<div id="tmpresetcell'+i+'" class="xtabBR trimg" style="display:inline-block"><a class="inlineButton btButton brown11" id="tmlink'+i+'"><span style="width:'+Math.floor(85*fontratio)+'px;font-size:'+(Options.MonitorFontSize<10?Options.MonitorFontSize:10)+'px;" id="tmpreset'+i+'"><center>'+(Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresets[i]?Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresets[i].name:'Preset '+i)+'</center></span></a></div> ';
else {
if ((i % permonrow)==1) {
n+='<TD id="tmpresetcell'+i+'" class="xtab trimg" style="padding-right: 0px;"><a style="text-decoration:none;" id="tmlink'+i+'"><div id="tmpreset'+i+'" class="presetBut presetButNon"><center>'+i+'</center></div></a></td>';
if (((i % perrow)==1 && !Options.ThroneHUD) || (Options.ThroneHUD && i==25)) {
o+='<TD id="trwidgetcell'+i+'" class="xtab trimg" style="padding-right: 0px;"><a style="text-decoration:none;" id="twlink'+i+'"><div id="trwidget'+i+'" class="presetBut presetButNon"><center>'+i+'</center></div></a></td>';
if (Options.TRFixPresetWidth) {
while ((i % perrow)!=1) {
if (!Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetByName) {
m+='<TD class="xtab trimg" style="padding-right: 0px;"><a style="text-decoration:none;"><div class="presetBut presetButLck"></div></a></td>';
if (!Options.MonitorOptions.TRMonPresetByName) {
n+='<TD class="xtab trimg" style="padding-right: 0px;"><a style="text-decoration:none;"><div class="presetBut presetButLck"></div></a></td>';
o+='<TD class="xtab trimg" style="padding-right: 0px;"><a style="text-decoration:none;"><div class="presetBut presetButLck"></div></a></td>';
if (Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetByName) { m+='</td>'; }
if (Options.MonitorOptions.TRMonPresetByName) { n+='</td>'; }
m += '</tr></table>';
n += '</tr></table>';
o += '</tr></table>';
if ((ById('btTRPresets')) && Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetChange) { ById('btTRPresets').innerHTML = m; ResetFrameSize('btDash',100,t.DashWidth); }
if ((ById('btMonTRPresets')) && Options.MonitorOptions.MonPresetChange) { ById('btMonTRPresets').innerHTML = n; ResetFrameSize('btMonitor',Tabs.Monitor.MonHeight,Tabs.Monitor.MonWidth); }
if ((ById('btTRWidget')) && Options.TRWidget) { ById('btTRWidget').innerHTML = o; WideScreen.CheckChatPosition(); }
if (t.ThroneDelay != 0) { t.setThroneMessage('<span style="color:#080">'+tx('Throne Room changed! Change again in')+' '+t.ThroneDelay+' '+tx('secs')+'...</span>'); }
else { t.setThroneMessage(' '); }
CurrPreset = Seed.throne.activeSlot;
for (var i=1;i<=Seed.throne.slotNum;i++) {
if ((ById('btTRPresets')) && Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetChange) {
ById('trlink'+i).addEventListener ('click', function(){t.SwitchThroneRoom(this);},false);
ById('trpreset'+i).addEventListener ('mouseover', function(){t.BuildTRPresetStats(this.id.substring(8));},false);
if ((ById('btMonTRPresets')) && Options.MonitorOptions.MonPresetChange) {
ById('tmlink'+i).addEventListener ('click', function(){t.SwitchThroneRoom(this);},false);
ById('tmpreset'+i).addEventListener ('mouseover', function(){t.BuildTRPresetStats(this.id.substring(8));},false);
if ((ById('btTRWidget')) && Options.TRWidget) {
ById('twlink'+i).addEventListener ('click', function(){t.SwitchThroneRoom(this);},false);
ById('trwidget'+i).addEventListener ('mouseover', function(){t.BuildTRPresetStats(this.id.substring(8));},false);
if (ById('trpresetopt1')) {
ById('trpresetopt'+i).addEventListener ('mouseover', function(){t.BuildTRPresetStats(this.id.substring(11));},false);
if (i==CurrPreset) {
if ((ById('btTRPresets')) && Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetChange) {
if (Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetByName) { jQuery("#trlink"+i).removeClass("brown11").addClass("blue11"); }
else { jQuery("#trpreset"+i).removeClass("presetButNon").addClass("presetButSel"); }
if ((ById('btMonTRPresets')) && Options.MonitorOptions.MonPresetChange) {
if (Options.MonitorOptions.TRMonPresetByName) { jQuery("#tmlink"+i).removeClass("brown11").addClass("blue11"); }
else { jQuery("#tmpreset"+i).removeClass("presetButNon").addClass("presetButSel"); }
if ((ById('btTRWidget')) && Options.TRWidget) {
BuildTRPresetStats : function (slot){
var t = Dashboard;
var StatEffects = GenerateTRPresetStats(slot);
var Tiers = GenerateTRPresetTiers(slot);
var presetname = (Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresets[slot]?Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresets[slot].name:'Preset '+slot);
if (ById('trpresetopt'+slot)) { createToolTip(presetname,ById('trpresetopt'+slot),StatEffects.slice(),Tiers.slice()); }
if ((ById('btTRPresets')) && Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetChange) { createToolTip(presetname,ById('trpresetcell'+slot),StatEffects.slice(),Tiers.slice()); }
if ((ById('btMonTRPresets')) && Options.MonitorOptions.MonPresetChange) { createToolTip(presetname,ById('tmpresetcell'+slot),StatEffects.slice(),Tiers.slice()); }
if ((ById('btTRWidget')) && Options.TRWidget) { createToolTip(presetname,ById('trwidgetcell'+slot),StatEffects.slice(),Tiers.slice()); }
setThroneMessage : function (msg) {
var t = Dashboard;
if (ById('btThroneMsg') && Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetChange) { ById('btThroneMsg').innerHTML = msg; }
if (ById('btMonThroneMsg') && Options.MonitorOptions.MonPresetChange) { ById('btMonThroneMsg').innerHTML = msg; }
setGuardMessage : function (msg) {
var t = Dashboard;
if (popDash) {ById('btGuardMsg').innerHTML = msg; }
setChampMessage : function (msg) {
var t = Dashboard;
if (popDash && ById('btChampMsg')) {ById('btChampMsg').innerHTML = msg; }
CancelMarshall : function() {
var t = Dashboard;
t.ExpandMarshall = false;
ChangeMarshall : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
t.ExpandMarshall = true;
SetMarshall : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
var pos = '13';
var kid = ById('btKnightList').value;
if (kid == "") {kid = "0";}
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.pos = pos;
params.kid = kid;
params.cid = uW.currentcityid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/assignknight.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method : "post",
parameters : params,
onSuccess : function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
if (kid == 0) {
uW.seed.leaders["city" + uW.currentcityid].combatKnightId = "0";
} else {
uW.seed.leaders["city" + uW.currentcityid].combatKnightId = kid.toString();
t.ExpandMarshall = false;
onFailure : function () { jQuery('#btSetMarshall').removeClass("disabled"); }
},true); // noretry
BoostMarshall : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
var item = 'i221';
var kid = Seed.leaders["city" + uW.currentcityid].combatKnightId;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.iid = item.substring(1);
params.cid = uW.currentcityid;
params.kid = kid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/boostKnight.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method : "post",
parameters : params,
onSuccess : function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
uW.seed.knights["city" + uW.currentcityid]["knt" + kid].combatBoostExpireUnixtime = rslt.expiration.toString();
uW.seed.items[item] = parseInt(uW.seed.items[item]) - 1;
CM.MixPanelTracker.track("item_use", {
item : uW.itemlist[item].name,
usr_gen : Seed.player.g,
usr_byr : Seed.player.y,
usr_ttl : uW.titlenames[Seed.player.title],
distinct_id : uW.tvuid
onFailure : function () { jQuery('#btBoostMarshall').removeClass("disabled"); }
},true); // noretry
CancelChampion : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
t.ExpandChampion = false;
ChangeChampion : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
t.ExpandChampion = true;
FreeChampion : function (champId,ButtonClick) {
var t = Dashboard;
t.setChampMessage(tx('Sending Request')+'...');
if (ButtonClick) jQuery('#btFreeChampion').addClass("disabled");
t.AssignChampion(champId, 0);
SetChampion : function (champId,ButtonClick) {
var t = Dashboard;
t.setChampMessage(tx('Sending Request')+'...');
if (ButtonClick) jQuery('#btSetChampion'+champId).addClass("disabled");
t.AssignChampion(champId, uW.currentcityid);
AssignChampionResult : function(rslt) {
var t = Dashboard;
if (rslt.ok) { t.PaintCityInfo(Seed.cities[Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity][0]); }
else { t.setChampMessage(tx('Error Assigning Champion')+'!'); }
AssignChampion : function (champId,cityId) {
var t = Dashboard;
PaintChampionSelector : function (cityId) {
var t = Dashboard;
if (!popDash) { return; }
var Curr = Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity;
var m = '<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><TR>';
var allowclick = true;
chkchamp = getCityChampion(cityId);
if (chkchamp.championId && chkchamp.status == '10') {
allowclick = false;
for (var y in Seed.champion.champions) {
chkchamp = Seed.champion.champions[y];
if (chkchamp.championId) {
var outlineclass = 'champButNon';
var opacity = '0.6';
var onclick = 'onclick="btSetChampion('+chkchamp.championId+',false)"';
if (chkchamp.assignedCity && chkchamp.assignedCity == cityId) {
outlineclass = 'champButSel';
opacity = '1.0';
onclick = 'onclick="btFreeChampion('+chkchamp.championId+',false)"';
if (chkchamp.status == '10') {
outlineclass = 'champButMarch';
if (chkchamp.status == '10' || !allowclick) {
onclick = '';
m+='<TD id="ChampStatsBtn'+chkchamp.championId+'td" class="xtab trimg"><a style="text-decoration:none;" id="champlink'+chkchamp.championId+'"><div id="champimg'+chkchamp.championId+'" class="champBut '+outlineclass+'"><img class=btTop style="width:31px;height:33px;opacity:'+opacity+';" id="ChampStatsBtn'+chkchamp.championId+'" '+onclick+' onMouseover="btCreateChampionPopUp(this,'+(chkchamp.assignedCity?chkchamp.assignedCity:0)+',true,'+chkchamp.championId+',false,true);" src="'+ChampImagePrefix+chkchamp.avatarId+ChampImageSuffix+'"></div></a></td>';
m += '<td class="xtab" style="opacity:0.6; align="left" id=btChampMsg> </td></tr></table>';
return m;
PaintGuardianSelector : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
if (!popDash) { return; }
if (t.GuardDelay > 10) { return; }
var Curr = Options.DashboardOptions.CurrentCity;
var y_offset = {wood: " 47% ", ore: " 72.5% ", food: " 59.5% ", stone: " 85% "};
var x_offset = {plate: 20, junior: 134, teenager: 248, adult: 362, adult2: 476, adult3: 590};
var x_by_level = {0: x_offset.plate, 1: x_offset.junior, 2: x_offset.junior, 3: x_offset.junior, 4: x_offset.teenager, 5: x_offset.teenager, 6: x_offset.adult, 7: x_offset.adult, 8: x_offset.adult, 9: x_offset.adult, 10: x_offset.adult2, 11: x_offset.adult3, 12: x_offset.adult3, 13: x_offset.adult3, 14: x_offset.adult3, 15: x_offset.adult3};
var m = '<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><TR>';
for (var i=1;i<=4;i++) {
var level = Seed.guardian[Curr].cityGuardianLevels[guardTypes[i-1]];
level = level ? level : "";
m+='<TD id="guardcell'+i+'" class="xtab tooldesc"><a style="text-decoration:none;" id="guardlink'+i+'"><div id="guardimg'+i+'" class="guardBut guardButNon trimg"><center>'+level+'</center></div></a><span class="tooltip" style="white-space: pre-line; word-wrap: break-word;">'+uW.g_js_strings.guardian["tooltipSummon_" + guardTypes[i-1]]+'</span></td>';
m += '<td class="xtab" style="opacity:0.6; align="left" id=btGuardMsg> </td></tr></table>';
ById('btGuardianSelector').innerHTML = m;
if (t.GuardDelay != 0) { t.setGuardMessage('<span style="color:#080">'+tx('Guardian changed')+'!<br>'+tx('Change again in')+' '+t.GuardDelay+' '+tx('secs')+'...</span>'); }
else { t.setGuardMessage(' '); }
t.CurrGuardian = Seed.guardian[Curr].type;
for (var i=1;i<=4;i++) {
/* show correct portion of image */
var level = Seed.guardian[Curr].cityGuardianLevels[guardTypes[i-1]];
level = level ? level : 0;
var bg_offset = x_by_level[level]/776*100 + "% " + y_offset[guardTypes[i-1]];
jQuery("#guardimg"+i).css('background-position', bg_offset);
if (popDash) {
ById('guardlink'+i).addEventListener ('click', function(){t.SwitchGuardian(this);},false);
if ((guardTypes[i-1]==(t.CurrGuardian)) && (Seed.guardian[Curr]['level'] != 0)) {
Recall : function (marchId,cityview) {
var t = Dashboard;
t.setOutError(' ',cityview);
var ajaxtype = 'undefend';
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
for (var k in out) {
if (out[k].marchId == marchId) {
params.cid = out[k].marchCityId;
if (out[k].marchStatus != 2) {
ajaxtype = 'cancelMarch';
params.mid = marchId;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/"+ajaxtype+".php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok){
var march = uW.seed.queue_atkp["city" + params.cid]["m" + params.mid];
var marchtime = parseInt(march.returnUnixTime) - parseInt(march.destinationUnixTime);
var ut = uW.unixtime();
if (Seed.playerEffects.returnExpire > ut) { marchtime *= 0.5 }
march.destinationUnixTime = rslt.destinationUnixTime || ut;
march.returnUnixTime = Math.floor(rslt.returnUnixTime || ut + marchtime * rslt.returnMultiplier);
march.marchStatus = 8;
if (ajaxtype == 'cancelMarch') {
for (var j in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
Seed.queue_atkp["city" + params.cid]["m" + params.mid]["unit" + j + "Return"] = parseInt(Seed.queue_atkp["city" + params.cid]["m" + params.mid]["unit" + j + "Count"])
t.setOutError('March Recalled',cityview);
else {
if (rslt.error_code == 253)
t.setOutError(tx('Unable to recall march'),cityview);
onFailure: function () { t.setOutError(tx('Unable to recall march'),cityview); },
setOutError : function (msg,cityview) {
var t = Dashboard;
var elem = ById('btOutErr');
if (cityview)
elem = ById('btCityOutErr');
if (elem)
elem.innerHTML = msg;
ShowHideSection : function (div,tf) {
var t = Dashboard;
var dh = ById(div+'Header');
if (dh) {
if (tf && jQuery('#'+div+'Header').hasClass('divHide')) { jQuery('#'+div+'Header').removeClass('divHide'); t.ResizeFrame = true; }
if (!tf && !jQuery('#'+div+'Header').hasClass('divHide')) { jQuery('#'+div+'Header').addClass('divHide'); t.ResizeFrame = true;}
ShowHideRow : function (div,tf) {
var t = Dashboard;
var dh = ById(div);
if (dh) {
if (tf && jQuery('#'+div).hasClass('divHide')) { jQuery('#'+div).removeClass('divHide'); t.ResizeFrame = true; }
if (!tf && !jQuery('#'+div).hasClass('divHide')) { jQuery('#'+div).addClass('divHide'); t.ResizeFrame = true; }
ForceUpdateSeed : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
if (uW.g_update_seed_ajax_do && (t.ForceTries < 10)) { // refresh seed is occurring? But we need to make sure this runs, so delay for 1 second and try up to 10 times ...
t.ForceTries = t.ForceTries + 1;
logit('force update seed - waiting for server to be ready ('+t.ForceTries+')');
setTimeout(function() {t.ForceUpdateSeed();}, 1000);
logit('force update seed - request sent to server');
var retfunc = function () {
var t = Dashboard;
logit('force update seed - response received from server');
if (Options.DashboardOptions.ReplaceDefendingTroops[Cities.byID[t.AttackedCity].idx]) { t.ResetDefendingTroops(t.AttackedCity); }
uW.g_update_seed_ajax_force = true;
setTimeout(function() {uW.update_seed_ajax(true, uW.btretfunc, false);}, 250);
ToggleAutoRefresh : function () {
var t = Dashboard;
Options.DashboardOptions.RefreshSeed = !Options.DashboardOptions.RefreshSeed;
if (Options.DashboardOptions.RefreshSeed) {
ById('btAutoRefresh').innerHTML = '<span style="width:30px;display:inline-block;text-align:center;">Off</span>';
else {
ById('btAutoRefresh').innerHTML = '<span style="width:30px;display:inline-block;text-align:center;">Auto</span>';
UpdatePresetLabel: function (elem,entry) {
var t = Dashboard;
if (KeyTimer) { clearTimeout(KeyTimer); }
if (!Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresets[entry]) { Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresets[entry] = {};}
if (elem.value == "") { elem.value = 'Preset '+entry; }
Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresets[entry].name = elem.value;
CheckDefaultRitual : function (sel) {
sel.value = parseInt(sel.value);
if (isNaN(sel.value)) sel.value = 0;
var min, sec;
if (sel.id == 'btDefaultRitualMinutes') {
min = parseIntNan(sel.value);
if (isNaN(ById('btDefaultRitualSeconds').value)) sec = 0;
else sec = parseIntNan(ById('btDefaultRitualSeconds').value);
if (sel.id == 'btDefaultRitualSeconds') {
sec = parseIntNan(sel.value);
if (isNaN(ById('btDefaultRitualMinutes').value)) min = 0;
else min = parseIntNan(ById('btDefaultRitualMinutes').value);
min += (parseIntNan( sec / 60 ));
sec = sec % 60;
ById('btDefaultRitualMinutes').value = BlankifZero(min);
ById('btDefaultRitualSeconds').value = BlankifZero(sec);
Options.DashboardOptions.DefaultSacrificeMin = BlankifZero(min);
Options.DashboardOptions.DefaultSacrificeSec = BlankifZero(sec);
/** Might Breakdown Popup **/
function ShowMightBreakdown () {
function PlayerCourtCallBack (rslt) {
var MightPop = null;
var m = '<table class=xtab align=center>';
if (rslt.playerInfo) {
m += '<tr><TD>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.might+': </td><TD><b>' + addCommas(Math.round(rslt.playerInfo.might)) + '</b></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><TD>'+tx('Classic Might')+': </td><TD><b>' + addCommas(Math.round(rslt.playerInfo.mightClassic)) + '</b></td></tr>';
if (Options.ShowGloryMight) {
m += '<tr><TD>'+tx('Glory Might')+': </td><TD><b>' + addCommas(Math.round(rslt.playerInfo.mightGlory)) + '</b></td></tr>';
else {
m += '<tr><td>'+(rslt.errorMsg||tx('No Data'))+'</td></tr>';
m += '</table>'
// cities
var rownum = 1;
m += '<div class="divHeader" align="center">'+tx('CITIES')+'</div>';
m += '<div><br>';
var u = '<TABLE align=center cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0>\
<TR align=center><TD class=xtab><B></B></td><TD class=xtabHL colspan=4><B>'+tx('BUILDINGS')+'</b></td><TD class=xtabHL colspan=3><B>'+tx('TROOPS')+'</b></td><TD class=xtabHL><B>'+tx('TOTAL')+'</b></td></tr>\
<TR valign=bottom align=right><TD class=xtab></td><TD class=xtabHL>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.buildings+'</td><TD class=xtabH>'+tx('Fortifications')+'</td><TD class=xtabH>'+tx('Def. Tower')+'</td><TD class=xtabH>'+tx('Redoubt Tower')+'</td>\
<TD class=xtabHL>'+tx('Sanctuary')+'</td><TD class=xtabH>'+tx('Defending')+'</td><TD class=xtabH>'+tx('Marching')+'</td><TD class=xtabHL> </td></tr>\
<TR style="height:1px;"><TD style="padding:0px; spacing:0px; height:1px; border-color:black; border-width: 1px; border-style: none none solid none" colspan=9></td></tr>';
var mightarray = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
var totalarray = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
for (var i = 1; i <= Cities.numCities; i++) {
var cityId = Cities.cities[i-1].id;
var afactor = 1;
if (Seed.cityData.city[cityId].isPrestigeCity) {
var l = Seed.cityData.city[cityId].prestigeInfo.prestigeLevel;
if (l > 0) { afactor = Math.pow(CM.PrestigeModel.buildingBoost, l); }
if (++rownum % 2) { rsty = 'evenRow'; }
else { rsty = 'oddRow'; }
mightarray = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
for (var y in Seed.buildings['city'+cityId]) {
var b = Seed.buildings['city'+cityId][y];
var btype = parseInt(b[0]);
var blvl = parseInt(b[1]);
var bpos = parseInt(b[2]);
var might = 0;
if (uW.buildingmight[btype]) {
for (var l in uW.buildingmight[btype]) {
if (l<blvl) {
might += Math.ceil(uW.buildingmight[btype][l] * afactor);
if (bpos==99) {
mightarray[2] += might;
else {
if (bpos==98) {
mightarray[3] += might;
else {
mightarray[0] += might;
mightarray[7] += might;
for (var tt in Seed.fortifications['city'+cityId]) {
var might = parseIntNan(Seed.fortifications['city'+cityId][tt]) * parseInt(fortmight["f"+tt.split("fort")[1]]);
mightarray[1] += might;
mightarray[7] += might;
for (var tt in Seed.units['city'+cityId]) {
var might = parseIntNan(Seed.units['city'+cityId][tt]) * parseInt(uW.unitmight[tt]);
mightarray[4] += might;
mightarray[7] += might;
if (SelectiveDefending) {
for (var tt in Seed.defunits['city'+cityId]) {
var might = parseIntNan(Seed.defunits['city'+cityId][tt]) * parseInt(uW.unitmight[tt]);
mightarray[5] += might;
mightarray[7] += might;
for (var k in Seed.queue_atkp['city'+cityId]) { // each march from city
var march = local_atkp[k];
if (typeof (march) == 'object') {
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
ii = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
var might = parseIntNan(march['unit' + ii + 'Count']) * parseInt(uW.unitmight['unt' + ii]);
mightarray[6] += might;
mightarray[7] += might;
u += '<TR class="'+rsty+'" align=right><TD class=xtab align=left><B>' + Cities.cities[i-1].name.substring(0, 12) + '</b></td><TD class=xtabL>' + addCommas(mightarray[0]) + '</td><TD class=xtab>' + addCommas(mightarray[1]) + '</td>\
<TD class=xtab>' + addCommas(mightarray[2]) + '</td><TD class=xtab>' + addCommas(mightarray[3]) + '</td><TD class=xtabL>' + addCommas(mightarray[4]) + '</td><TD class=xtab>' + addCommas(mightarray[5]) + '</td><TD class=xtab>' + addCommas(mightarray[6]) + '</td><TD class=xtabL>' + addCommas(mightarray[7]) + '</td></tr>';
for (var t in totalarray) {
u += '<TR class=xtabLine><TD colspan=9 class=xtabLine></td></tr>';
if (++rownum % 2) { rsty = 'evenRow'; }
else { rsty = 'oddRow'; }
u += '<TR class="'+rsty+'" align=right><TD class=xtab align=left><B>'+tx('TOTAL')+'</b></td><TD class=xtabL>' + addCommas(totalarray[0]) + '</td><TD class=xtab>' + addCommas(totalarray[1]) + '</td>\
<TD class=xtab>' + addCommas(totalarray[2]) + '</td><TD class=xtab>' + addCommas(totalarray[3]) + '</td><TD class=xtabL>' + addCommas(totalarray[4]) + '</td><TD class=xtab>' + addCommas(totalarray[5]) + '</td><TD class=xtab>' + addCommas(totalarray[6]) + '</td><TD class=xtabL>' + addCommas(totalarray[7]) + '</td></tr>';
u += '<TR class=xtabLine><TD colspan=9 class=xtabLine></td></tr>';
m += u + '</table></div><br>';
var rownum = 1;
var champs = {};
mightarray = [];
var totalmight = 0;
for (var y in Seed.champion.champions) {
if (Seed.champion.champions[y].championId) {
champs[Seed.champion.champions[y].championId] = y;
mightarray.push(0); // unassigned
mightarray.push(0); // broken
for (var z in uW.kocChampionItems) {
var item = uW.kocChampionItems[z];
if (!item.quality) item.quality = parseIntNan(item.rarity);
item.level = parseIntNan(item.level);
var might = CardMight(item,true);
if (item.status==1) {
if (item.equippedTo && champs[item.equippedTo]) {
mightarray[champs[item.equippedTo]] += might;
else {
mightarray[mightarray.length-2] += might; // unassigned
else {
mightarray[mightarray.length-1] += might; // broken
totalmight += might;
m += '<div class="divHeader" align="center">'+tx('CHAMPION HALL')+'</div>';
m += '<div><br>';
var u = '<TABLE align=center cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 style="border-collapse:collapse;"><tr align=center valign=top>';
for (var y in Seed.champion.champions) {
if (Seed.champion.champions[y].championId) {
var champcity = '<i>Unassigned</i>';
if (Seed.champion.champions[y].assignedCity && Cities.byID[Seed.champion.champions[y].assignedCity]) {
champcity = Cities.byID[Seed.champion.champions[y].assignedCity].name;
u += '<td class=xtabBorder nowrap><b>'+Seed.champion.champions[y].name+'</b><br>'+champcity+'</td>';
u += '<td class=xtabBorder><b>'+tx('Unassigned')+'</b></td><td class=xtabBorder><b>'+tx('Broken')+'</b></td><td class=xtabBorder><b>'+tx('Total')+'</b></td></tr><tr align=center>';
for (var y in Seed.champion.champions) {
if (Seed.champion.champions[y].championId) {
u += '<td class=xtabBorder>'+addCommas(mightarray[y])+'</td>';
u += '<td class=xtabBorder>'+addCommas(mightarray[mightarray.length-2])+'</td><td class=xtabBorder><span class=boldRed>'+addCommas(mightarray[mightarray.length-1])+'</span></td><td class=xtabBorder>'+addCommas(totalmight)+'</td></tr>';
m += u + '</table></div><br>';
var rownum = 1;
var throne = {};
mightarray = [];
var totalmight = 0;
var numslots = Seed.throne.slotNum;
for (var y=1;y<=numslots;y++) {
mightarray.push(0); // unassigned
mightarray.push(0); // broken
if (matTypeof(Seed.throne.inventory) == 'object') {
for (var z in Seed.throne.inventory) {
var item = Seed.throne.inventory[z];
var might = CardMight(item);
if (item.status==1) {
var InPreset = false;
for (var y in Seed.throne.slotEquip) {
if (Seed.throne.slotEquip[y].indexOf(item.id)!= -1) {
InPreset = true;
mightarray[y-1] += might;
if (!InPreset) {
mightarray[mightarray.length-2] += might; // unassigned
else {
mightarray[mightarray.length-1] += might; // broken
totalmight += might;
m += '<div class="divHeader" align="center">'+tx('THRONE ROOM')+'</div>';
m += '<div><br>';
var u = '<TABLE align=center cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 style="border-collapse:collapse;"><tr align=center valign=top>';
u += '<td class=xtabBorder><b>'+tx('Unassigned')+'</b></td><td class=xtabBorder><b>'+tx('Broken')+'</b></td><td class=xtabBorder><b>'+tx('Total')+'</b></td></tr><tr align=center valign=top>';
u += '<td class=xtabBorder>'+addCommas(mightarray[mightarray.length-2])+'</td><td class=xtabBorder><span class=boldRed>'+addCommas(mightarray[mightarray.length-1])+'</span></td><td class=xtabBorder>'+addCommas(totalmight)+'</td></tr>';
u += '</table><br><TABLE align=center cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 style="border-collapse:collapse;"><tr align=center valign=top>';
var startslot = 1;
var numrow = 6;
while (startslot < numslots) {
for (var y=startslot;y<=numslots;y++) {
if (y>startslot+numrow) { break; }
var presetname = (Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresets[y]?Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresets[y].name:'Preset '+y);
var active = '';
if (y==Seed.throne.activeSlot) active = '<span class=boldGreen>('+tx('Active')+')</span>';
u += '<td class=xtabBorder nowrap><b>'+presetname+'</b><br>'+active+'</td>';
u += '</tr><tr align=center valign=top>';
for (var y=startslot;y<=numslots;y++) {
if (y>startslot+numrow) {
startslot = y;
u += '<td class=xtabBorder>'+addCommas(mightarray[y-1])+'</td>';
u += '</tr><tr align=center valign=top><td class=xtab colspan='+numrow+' style="border:none;"> </td></tr>';
if (y>=numslots) { startslot=numslots; } else { u += '<tr align=center valign=top>'; }
m += u + '</table></div>';
m += '<div class="divHeader" align="center">'+tx('OTHER MIGHT')+'</div>';
m += '<div><br>';
var QM = 0;
for (var q in Seed.quests) {
if (Seed.quests[q]==1) {
var R = uW.questlist[q].reward;
if (parseInt(R[3][1]) != 0) {
QM += parseInt(R[3][1]);
var u = '<TABLE align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr align=center valign=top>';
u += '<td class=xtab align=right><b>'+tx('Quest Rewards')+': </b></td><td class=xtab align=left>'+addCommas(QM)+'</td></tr></table>';
m += u + '</div>';
m += '<div align=center><br>'+strButton20(tx('Refresh'), 'id=ptmightrefresh')+'<br></div>';
var off = getAbsoluteOffsets(ById('btMightPop'));
MightPop = new CPopup('btShowMight', off.left, off.top, 600, 500, true);
MightPop.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<DIV align=center><B>'+tx('Might Breakdown')+'</B></DIV>';
MightPop.getMainDiv().innerHTML = m;
ById('ptmightrefresh').addEventListener('click',ShowMightBreakdown, false);
// get court might values from server
fetchPlayerCourt(uW.tvuid, PlayerCourtCallBack);
/** Battle Popup **/
var Battle = {
userobj : {},
ReqSent : {},
dat : [],
playerpos : {x: -999, y: -999},
SearchUID : false,
init : function () {
var t = Battle;
uWExportFunction('ptBatClickSort', Battle.ClickSort);
if (GlobalOptions.BattleToggle) {
AddPowerBarLink(tx('Battle'), 'PBPBatButton', Battle.ToggleBattle,function(me) {ResetWindowPos (me,'main_engagement_tabs',popBat);});
ToggleBattle : function () {
var t = Battle;
if (popBat) {
else {
var initvalue = Options.MonitorOptions.LastMonitored;
if (t.SearchUID) {
initvalue = Options.MonitorOptions.LastMonitoredUID;
if (initvalue==0) { initvalue = ""; }
m = '<br>';
m += '<div align="center">'+tx('Enemy')+': <INPUT id=btBatPlayer size=20 type=text value="'+initvalue+'"/> '+tx('Search UID')+'<INPUT id=btBatUID type=checkbox '+(t.SearchUID?'CHECKED':'')+' /></div>';
m += '<div class="ErrText" align="center" id=btBatPlayErr> </div><div align="center">';
if (!uW.isNewServer()) { m += '<a id=btBatMonitor class="inlineButton btButton blue20"><span>'+tx('Monitor')+'</span></a> '; }
m += '<a id=btBatDetails class="inlineButton btButton blue20"><span>'+tx('Details')+'</span></a> ';
if (!uW.isNewServer()) { m += '<a id=btBatChamp class="inlineButton btButton blue20"><span>'+tx('Champions')+'</span></a><br> </div>'; }
popBat = new CPopup('btBattle', Options.btBatPos.x, Options.btBatPos.y, 420, 100, true, Battle.close);
popBat.getMainDiv().innerHTML = m;
popBat.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<DIV align=center><B> '+tx('Battle')+'</B></DIV>';
ById('btBatUID').addEventListener('change', function() {
t.SearchUID = (ById('btBatUID').checked);
if (!uW.isNewServer()) {
ById('btBatMonitor').addEventListener('click', function(){ t.BattleClick(1); },false);
ById('btBatChamp').addEventListener('click', function(){ t.BattleClick(2); },false);
ById('btBatDetails').addEventListener('click', function(){ t.BattleClick(3); },false);
close : function () {
Options.btBatPos = popBat.getLocation();
setError : function (msg) {
ById('btBatPlayErr').innerHTML = msg;
BattleClick : function (funtype) {
var t = Battle;
t.setError(' ');
var name = ById('btBatPlayer').value;
name = name.replace(/\'/g,"_").replace(/\,/g,"_").replace(/\-/g,"_");
if (name.toUpperCase() == Seed.player.name.toUpperCase()) {
if (funtype==1) {
Tabs.Monitor.initMonitor (uW.tvuid, false)
if (funtype==2) {
Tabs.Player.ViewChamps (uW.tvuid, Seed.player.name, popBat.getMainDiv())
if (funtype==3) {
if (t.SearchUID) {
if (funtype==1) {
Tabs.Monitor.initMonitor (name, false);
if (funtype==2) {
t.getPlayerName(name, Tabs.Player.ViewChamps, popBat.getMainDiv());
if (funtype==3) {
if (getMyAlliance()[0] == 0) {
if (name.length < 3){
// Get User details.. need to use alliance search to get UserID from name
if (funtype==1) {
fetchPlayerList(name, t.eventMatchNameMonitor);
if (funtype==2) {
fetchPlayerList(name, t.eventMatchNameChamp);
if (funtype==3) {
fetchPlayerList(name, t.eventMatchNameDetails);
eventMatchNameMonitor : function (rslt){
var t = Battle;
if (!rslt.ok){ t.setError(rslt.msg); return; }
var matchname = ById('btBatPlayer').value;
var uid = "";
for (var k in rslt.matchedUsers) {
if (rslt.matchedUsers[k].name.toUpperCase() == matchname.toUpperCase()) {uid = rslt.matchedUsers[k].userId;}
if (uid==""){
t.setError(tx('User not found')+'!');
Tabs.Monitor.initMonitor (uid, false);
eventMatchNameChamp : function (rslt){
var t = Battle;
if (!rslt.ok){ t.setError(rslt.msg); return; }
var matchname = ById('btBatPlayer').value;
var uid = "";
var name = "";
for (var k in rslt.matchedUsers) {
if (rslt.matchedUsers[k].name.toUpperCase() == matchname.toUpperCase()) {
uid = rslt.matchedUsers[k].userId;
name = rslt.matchedUsers[k].name;
if (uid==""){
t.setError(tx('User not found')+'!');
Tabs.Player.ViewChamps (uid, name, popBat.getMainDiv());
eventMatchNameDetails : function (rslt){
var t = Battle;
if (!rslt.ok){ t.setError(rslt.msg); return; }
var matchname = ById('btBatPlayer').value;
var uid = "";
for (var k in rslt.matchedUsers) {
if (rslt.matchedUsers[k].name.toUpperCase() == matchname.toUpperCase()) { uid = rslt.matchedUsers[k].userId; }
if (uid==""){
t.setError(tx('User not found')+'!');
getPlayerName : function (uid, notify){
var t = Battle;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.uid = uid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getUserGeneralInfo.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rsltInfo) {
if (!rsltInfo.ok) {
t.setError('Unknown UID');
onFailure: function () {
t.setError ('AJAX error (server not responding)');
fetchPlayerInfo : function (uid, notify){
var t = Battle;
if (t.popPlayer) {
if (t.popPlayer.onClose) t.popPlayer.onClose();
t.popPlayer = null;
t.popPlayer = new CPopup('btPlayerPop', t.playerpos.x, t.playerpos.y, 500, 100, true, function () { t.playerpos = t.popPlayer.getLocation(); clearTimeout(1000); });
if ((t.playerpos.x == -999) && (t.playerpos.y == -999)) {
if (popBat) { t.popPlayer.centerMe(popBat.getMainDiv()); }
else { t.popPlayer.centerMe(mainPop.getMainDiv()); }
t.popPlayer.getMainDiv().innerHTML = '<div align=center>'+tx('Loading')+'...</div>';
t.popPlayer.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<DIV style="white-space:nowrap;" align=center> <B>'+tx('Player Details')+'</B> </DIV>';
var uList = [];
getOnline(uList, function (r) {
if (!r.ok) { t.setError(rslt.errorMsg);return; }
else { notify(uid,r.data[uid]);}
clickedPlayerDetails : function (uid,online) {
var t = Battle;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.uid = uid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getUserGeneralInfo.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
t.userobj = {};
t.userobj[uid] = rslt.userInfo[0];
t.userobj[uid].might = Math.round(t.userobj[uid].might);
t.userobj[uid].online = (online?true:false);
fetchPlayerCourt(uid, function (rslt2) {
if (rslt2.ok) {
u = unixTime();
f = convertTime(new Date(rslt2.playerInfo.fogExpireTimestamp.replace(" ","T")+"Z"));
t.userobj[uid].misted = (f >= u);
t.userobj[uid].fogExpireTimestamp = rslt2.playerInfo.fogExpireTimestamp;
t.userobj[uid].warStatus = rslt2.playerInfo.warStatus;
t.userobj[uid].truceExpireTimestamp = rslt2.playerInfo.truceExpireTimestamp;
t.userobj[uid].cityCount = rslt2.playerInfo.cityCount;
t.userobj[uid].mightClassic = rslt2.playerInfo.mightClassic;
t.userobj[uid].mightGlory = rslt2.playerInfo.mightGlory;
t.userobj[uid].fbuid = parseInt(rslt2.playerInfo.fbuid);
t.userobj[uid].lastLogin = rslt2.playerInfo.lastLogin;
t.fetchPlayerLeaderboard(uid, function (r) { t.gotPlayerLeaderboard(r, uid) });
else {
else {
onFailure: function () {t.setError(uW.g_js_strings.errorcode.err_602);},
fetchPlayerLeaderboard: function (uid, notify) {
var t = Battle;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.userId = uid;
params.type = "might";
params.page = 1;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getUserLeaderboard.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify(rslt); },
onFailure: function () { notify({errorMsg: 'AJAX error'});},
gotPlayerLeaderboard : function (rslt,uid) {
var t = Battle;
if (!rslt.ok) { t.setError(rslt.errorMsg); return; }
t.dat = [];
var prestige = "";
var aid = getMyAlliance()[0];
if (rslt.totalResults == 0) {
var p = rslt.results[0];
for (var c = 0; c < p.cities.length; c++) {
var pt = p.cities[c].prestigeType;
var prestige = getFactionName(pt);
if (prestige == "") { prestigelvl = ""; }
else { prestigelvl = " (" + p.cities[c].prestigeLevel + ")"; }
ExpTime = convertTime(new Date(p.cities[c].prestigeBuffExpire.replace(" ", "T")+"Z"));
if ((ExpTime + (3600 * 24) < unixTime()) || isNaN(ExpTime)) {
prestigeexp = "";
} else {
prestigeexp = Tabs.Player.getDuration(p.cities[c].prestigeBuffExpire);
t.dat.push([p.displayName, parseInt(p.might), p.officerType, parseInt(p.numCities), parseInt(p.cities[c].tileLevel),
parseInt(p.cities[c].xCoord), parseInt(p.cities[c].yCoord), p.cities[c].cityName, 0, t.userobj[uid].online, '--',
p.cities[c].cityId, prestige, p.userId, prestigelvl, prestigeexp, p.cities[c].prestigeBuffExpire, prestige + prestigelvl, p.cities[c].blessing,false]);
displayPlayer: function (uid,locations) {
var t = Battle;
var u = t.userobj[uid];
var n = '<div>';
n += '<div style="width:500px;padding:5px;"><table style="padding-right:0px;" class=xtab cellspacing=0 width=100%>';
if (u.allianceId && u.allianceId != 0) {
n += '<tr><td>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.alliance+': </td><td colspan=2><b>' + u.allianceName + FormatDiplomacy(u.allianceId) + '</b></td></tr>';
else {
n += '<tr><td>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.alliance+': </td><td colspan=2><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.none+'!</b></td></tr>';
if (!u.online) {
n += ' <tr><TD>'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_messages_viewreports_view.lastlogin+': </td><TD colspan=2><b>'+ Tabs.Player.getLastLogDuration(u.lastLogin) +'</b></td></tr>';
else {
n += ' <tr><TD>'+tx('Last login')+': </td><TD colspan=2><b><span style="color:#800">'+tx('ONLINE')+'</span></b></td></tr>';
if (u.misted)
n += '<tr><TD>'+tx('Misted')+': </td><TD colspan=2><b>' + Tabs.Monitor.getDuration(u.fogExpireTimestamp) + '</b></td></tr>';
n += '<tr><TD>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.status+': </td><TD colspan=2><b>' + Tabs.Monitor.GetStatusText(u.warStatus,u.truceExpireTimestamp) + '</b></td></tr>';
n += '<tr><TD>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.might+': </td><TD colspan=2><b>' + addCommas(Math.round(u.might)) + '</b></td></tr>';
n += '<tr><TD>'+tx('Classic Might')+': </td><TD colspan=2><b>' + addCommas(Math.round(u.mightClassic)) + '</b></td></tr>';
if (Options.ShowGloryMight) {
n += '<tr><TD>'+tx('Glory Might')+': </td><TD colspan=2><b>' + addCommas(Math.round(u.mightGlory)) + '</b></td></tr>';
n += '<TR><TD>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.glory+': </td><TD width=50><b><DIV id=ptBatPaintGlory></div></b></td><td valign=middle rowspan=3 id=ptBatGloryIcon> </td></tr>';
n += '<TR><TD>'+tx('Maximum Glory')+': </td><TD><b><DIV id=ptBatPaintMaxGlory></div></b></td></tr>';
n += '<TR><TD>'+tx('Lifetime Glory')+': </td><TD><b><DIV id=ptBatPaintLifetimeGlory></div></b></td></tr>';
var pids = u.provinceIds.split(',');
var p = [];
for (var i = 0; i < pids.length; i++) {
p.push(uW.provincenames['p' + pids[i]]);
n += '<tr><td>'+tx('Provinces')+': </td><td colspan=2><div class="wrap" style="width:350px;">'+p.join(', ')+'</div></td></tr>';
// create notes link
var notes = "";
if (Tabs.Notes && Tabs.Notes.noteValues[uid]) {
notes = Tabs.Notes.noteValues[uid];
notes = notes.text;
if (notes != "") {
n += '<TR><TD class=xtab valign=top>'+tx('Player Notes')+':</td><TD colspan=2 id=ptBatplayernotes class=xtabBRTop><div class="wrap" style="width:350px;">' + notes + '</div></td></tr>';
n += '</table></div>';
n += '<div id=BatCitySelect style="display:none;padding:5px;"><hr>';
n += '<table class=xtab width=100%>';
n += '<TR><TD>';
if (Tabs.BulkScout) n += strButton20(tx('Add to Scout List'), 'id=BatScoutExport')+' ';
if (Tabs.BulkAttack) n += strButton20(tx('Add to Attack List'), 'id=BatBulkAttackExport')+' ';
n += strButton20(tx('Highlight Defending Cities'),'id=BatHighDefenders')+'</td></tr></table>'
n += '</div>';
n+= '<DIV class=divHeader style="padding-right:0px;"><TABLE width=100% cellspacing=0>';
if (!locations) {
n += '<TR><TD class=xtab align=center>'+tx('City locations unavailable')+'</td></tr>';
else {
n += '<TR><TD class=xtab align=center>'+tx('City Locations')+'</td></tr>';
n += '</table></div>';
if (locations) {
n += '<div style="padding-right:6px;width:500px;overflow-x:auto;height:200px;overflow-y:auto;"><TABLE id=tabBatAllMembers align=left cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%>';
n += '<TR><TD nowrap><A id=clickBat7 onclick="ptBatClickSort(this)" class="buttonv2 std blue" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;"><span style="display:inline-block;width:100%;"> '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.city+' </span></a></td>\
<TD nowrap><A id=clickBat4 onclick="ptBatClickSort(this)" class="buttonv2 std blue" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;"><span style="display:inline-block;width:100%;"> '+tx('Lvl')+' </span></a></td>\
<TD nowrap><A id=clickBat17 onclick="ptBatClickSort(this)" class="buttonv2 std blue" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;"><span style="display:inline-block;width:100%;"> '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.faction+' </span></a></td>\
<TD nowrap><A id=clickBat16 onclick="ptBatClickSort(this)" class="buttonv2 std blue" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;"><span style="display:inline-block;width:100%;"> '+tx('Protection Left')+' </span></a></td>\
<TD nowrap><a id=clickBat9 class="buttonv2 std blue" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;"><span style="padding-right:10px;vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block;width:100%;"><INPUT id=BatToggleScoutCheckbox type=checkbox></span></a></td>\
<TD nowrap><A id=clickBat5 onclick="ptBatClickSort(this)" class="buttonv2 std blue" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;"><span style="display:inline-block;width:100%;"> '+tx('Co-ords')+' </span></a></td>\
n += '<TBODY id=BatBody></tbody></table></div>';
n += '</div><br>';
t.popPlayer.getMainDiv().innerHTML = n;
if (locations) {
if (ById('clickBat' + Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum)) {
ById('clickBat' + Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum).className = 'buttonv2 std green';
ById('BatToggleScoutCheckbox').addEventListener('change', t.doSelectall, false);
if (ById('BatScoutExport')) ById('BatScoutExport').addEventListener('click', t.ExportScoutList, false);
if (ById('BatBulkAttackExport')) ById('BatBulkAttackExport').addEventListener('click', t.ExportAttackList, false);
ById('BatHighDefenders').addEventListener('click', t.HighlightDefenders, false);
t.popPlayer.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<DIV style="white-space:nowrap;" align=center> <B>'+u.name+' ('+uid+')</B> </DIV>';
ClickSort : function (e) {
var t = Battle;
var newColNum = e.id.substr(8);
if (ById('clickBat' + Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum))
ById('clickBat' + Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum).className = 'buttonv2 std blue';
e.className = 'buttonv2 std green';
if (newColNum == Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum) { Options.PlayerOptions.sortDir *= -1; }
else { Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum = newColNum; }
PaintGlory: function (uid) {
var t = Battle;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.userId = uid;
params.ctrl = 'PlayerProfile';
params.action = 'get';
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/_dispatch.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
ById('ptBatPaintGlory').innerHTML = addCommas(rslt.profile.glory);
ById('ptBatPaintMaxGlory').innerHTML = addCommas(rslt.profile.maxGlory);
ById('ptBatPaintLifetimeGlory').innerHTML = addCommas(parseIntNan(rslt.profile.lifetimeGlory));
ById('ptBatGloryIcon').innerHTML = '<img src="'+IMGURL+'chat_'+rslt.profile.gloryIconId+'.png">';
else {
ById('ptBatPaintGlory').innerHTML = '(error)';
ById('ptBatPaintMaxGlory').innerHTML = '(error)';
ById('ptBatPaintLifetimeGlory').innerHTML = '(error)';
ById('ptBatGloryIcon').innerHTML = ' ';
doSelectall: function () {
var t = Battle;
var city = "";
for (var k = 0; k < t.dat.length; k++) {
city = t.dat[k][11].toString();
if (ById('BatToggleScoutCheckbox').checked) ById('ptBatScout_' + city).checked = true;
else ById('ptBatScout_' + city).checked = false;
RepaintList: function () {
var t = Battle;
function sortFunc(a, b) {
var t = Battle;
if (typeof (a[Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum]) == 'number') {
if (Options.PlayerOptions.sortDir > 0)
return a[Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum] - b[Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum];
return b[Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum] - a[Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum];
} else if (typeof (a[Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum]) == 'boolean') {
return 0;
} else {
if (Options.PlayerOptions.sortDir > 0)
return a[Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum].localeCompare(b[Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum]);
return b[Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum].localeCompare(a[Options.PlayerOptions.sortColNum]);
var m = '';
var RowId = "";
var r = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < t.dat.length; i++) {
RowId = 'bat_'+t.dat[i][5].toString()+'_'+t.dat[i][6].toString();
var bless = showBlessings(t.dat[i][18]);
if (bless != "") {
var bless = '<a class=trimg><img style="vertical-align:bottom" src="'+IMGURL+'bonus_prestige.png"><SPAN class=trtip><table width=200 class=xtab>'+bless+'</table></span></a>';
var status = '<img title="Offline" style="vertical-align:bottom" src="'+OFFLINE+'"/>';
if (t.dat[i][9] == 1) status = '<img title="Online" style="vertical-align:bottom" src="'+ONLINE+'"/>';
if (++r % 2) { rowClass = 'evenRow'; }
else { rowClass = 'oddRow'; }
if (t.dat[i][19]) rowClass += ' highRow';
m += '<TR id="'+RowId+'" class="'+rowClass+'" style="max-height:30px"><TD class=xtab nowrap>'+t.dat[i][7]+'</td>';
m += '<TD class=xtab align=right>'+t.dat[i][4]+'</td>';
m += '<TD class=xtab align=left nowrap>'+bless+t.dat[i][12]+t.dat[i][14]+'</td>';
m += '<TD class=xtab align=center>'+t.dat[i][15]+'</td>';
m += '<TD class=xtab align=center style="padding-left:4px;padding-right:0px;"><INPUT id=ptBatScout_'+t.dat[i][11]+' type=checkbox></td>';
m += '<TD class=xtab align=center onclick="btGotoMap('+t.dat[i][5]+','+t.dat[i][6]+')"><A class=xlink>'+t.dat[i][5]+','+t.dat[i][6]+'</a></td>';
if (ById('BatBody')) {
ById('BatBody').innerHTML = m;
ExportScoutList : function () {
var t = Battle;
var coordlist = t.getSelected();
if (coordlist != "") {
Tabs.BulkScout.ImportCoords(coordlist.split(" "));
ExportAttackList : function () {
var t = Battle;
var coordlist = t.getSelected();
if (coordlist != "") {
Tabs.BulkAttack.ImportCoords(coordlist.split(" "));
getSelected : function () {
var t = Battle;
var coordlist = "";
var city = "";
for (var k = 0; k < t.dat.length; k++) {
city = t.dat[k][11].toString();
if (ById('ptBatScout_' + city).checked) {
coordlist += t.dat[k][5].toString()+','+t.dat[k][6].toString()+' ';
ById('ptBatScout_' + city).checked = false;
return coordlist;
HighlightDefenders : function () {
var t = Battle;
var delayer = 0;
ById('BatHighDefenders').outerHTML = '<span id=BatHighDefendersProg> </span>';
for (var k = 0; k < t.dat.length; k++) {
if (!t.ReqSent[t.dat[k][5]+'_'+t.dat[k][6]] || t.ReqSent[t.dat[k][5]+'_'+t.dat[k][6]]==0) {
delayer = delayer + 1;
function ClearAtEnd () {
if (ById('BatHighDefendersProg')) {
ById('BatHighDefendersProg').outerHTML = strButton20(tx('Highlight Defending Cities'),'id=BatHighDefenders');
ById('BatHighDefenders').addEventListener('click', t.HighlightDefenders, false);
setTimeout (ClearAtEnd,(250*delayer));
UpdateDefendStatus : function (rslt,x,y,k) {
var t = Battle;
var div = ById('bat_'+x+'_'+y);
var city = t.dat[k][11].toString();
if (rslt.ok && rslt.ok=="true") {
t.dat[k][19] = true;
if (div) jQuery(div).addClass("highRow");
if (ById('ptBatScout_' + city)) ById('ptBatScout_' + city).checked = true;
else {
t.dat[k][19] = false;
if (div) jQuery(div).removeClass("highRow");
if (ById('ptBatScout_' + city)) ById('ptBatScout_' + city).checked = false;
/** Incoming Marches Popup **/
var Incoming = {
Options : {
IncomingStartState : false,
IncAttack : true,
IncScout : true,
IncReinforce : true,
IncReassign : false,
IncTransport : false,
IncWilds : false,
IncYours : false,
IncResources : true,
init : function () {
var t = Incoming;
if (GlobalOptions.InOutToggle) {
AddPowerBarLink(tx('Incoming'), 'PBPIncButton', Incoming.ToggleIncoming,function(me) {ResetWindowPos (me,'main_engagement_tabs',popInc);});
HTMLRegister['INC']= {};
if (!Options.IncomingOptions) {
Options.IncomingOptions = t.Options;
else {
for (var y in t.Options) {
if (!Options.IncomingOptions.hasOwnProperty(y)) {
Options.IncomingOptions[y] = t.Options[y];
if (Options.IncomingOptions.IncomingStartState) {t.ToggleIncoming();}
ToggleIncoming : function () {
var t = Incoming;
if (popInc) {
Options.IncomingOptions.IncomingStartState = popInc.toggleHide(popInc)
else {
m = '<div id=btIncomingButtons align="center"><TABLE width="100%"><tr>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=IncAttackChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=IncScoutChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=IncReinforceChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reassign+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=IncReassignChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.transport+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=IncTransportChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+tx('To Wilds')+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=IncWildsChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+tx('From You')+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=IncYoursChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.resources+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=IncResChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '</tr></table></div><div style="max-height:700px; overflow-y:scroll" id=btIncomingMain></div><br>';
popInc = new CPopup('btIncoming', Options.btIncPos.x, Options.btIncPos.y, 720, 200, true, Incoming.close);
popInc.getMainDiv().innerHTML = m;
popInc.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<DIV align=center><B> '+tx('Incoming Marches')+'</B></DIV>';
Options.IncomingOptions.IncomingStartState = true;
close : function () {
Options.IncomingOptions.IncomingStartState = false;
Options.btIncPos = popInc.getLocation();
PaintIncoming : function () {
var t = Incoming;
var z = '';
var r = 0;
var incomingshow = false;
var incomingfiltered = false;
var inctimes = {};
var bclass = "brown11";
if (RefreshingSeed || Options.DashboardOptions.RefreshSeed) bclass += " disabled";
var z = '<div align="center"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=98% height=0%><tr><td width="18" class="xtabHD"> </td><td width="60" class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.time+'</b></td><td width="120" class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.target+'</b></td><td width="120" class="xtabHD"><b>'+tx('From')+'</b></td>';
z += '<td class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.troops+'</b></td><td class="xtabHD" align="right"><a id=btRefreshSeedInc class="inlineButton btButton '+bclass+'"><span>'+tx('Refresh')+'</span></a></td></tr>';
for(n in inc) {
var a = inc[n];
var icon, hint, marchtime, targetcity, targetcoords, fromname, marchdir, fromcoords;
var marchScore = parseInt(a.score);
var marchType = parseInt(a.marchType);
var marchStatus = parseInt(a.marchStatus);
var marchMight = 0;
var to = Cities.byID[a.toCityId];
if (to) {
if ( to.tileId == a.toTileId ) {targetcity = CityLink(to);targetcoords = "";}
else {targetcity = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.wilderness;targetcoords = coordLink(a.toXCoord,a.toYCoord);}
else {
targetcity = "";targetcoords = coordLink(a.toXCoord,a.toYCoord);
fromname = "";
if (a.score) {
if (a.arrivalTime < unixTime()) continue; // don't display arrival times already happened
var marchId = a.mid;
var pid = a.pid;
if (!a.marchType) {a.marchType = 4;}
if (!a.arrivalTime || a.arrivalTime == -1) {marchtime = '??????';}
else {marchtime=uW.timestr(a.arrivalTime - unixTime());}
if (a.players && a.players['u'+a.pid]) {fromname = a.players['u'+a.pid].n;}
else if (Seed.players['u'+a.pid]) {fromname = Seed.players['u'+a.pid].n;}
var marchId = a.marchId;
var pid = a.fromPlayerId;
if ((a.arrivalTime - unixTime()) < 0) continue;
marchtime=uW.timestr(a.arrivalTime - unixTime());
player = Seed.players['u'+a.fromPlayerId];
if (Seed.players['u'+a.fromPlayerId]) {fromname = Seed.players['u'+a.fromPlayerId].n;}
else if (a.players && a.players['u'+a.fromPlayerId]) {fromname = a.players['u'+a.fromPlayerId].n;}
inctimes[marchId] = marchtime;
if (!a.fromXCoord) {fromcoords = "";}
else {fromcoords = coordLink(a.fromXCoord,a.fromYCoord);}
if (fromname.toUpperCase() == Seed.player.name.toUpperCase()) {
fromname = tx('Yourself');
var fr = Cities.byID[a.fromCityId];
fromcoords = ' ('+CityLink(fr)+')';
if (fromname == "") { if (a.score) {fromname = '('+uW.g_js_strings.attack_viewimpending_view.upgradetoseeinfo+')';} else {fromname = '('+tx('Unknown')+')';}}
else {fromname = MonitorLink(pid,fromname);}
icon = "";
switch (marchType) {
case 1: icon=TransportImage;hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.transport;break;
case 2: icon=ReinforceImage;hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce;break;
case 3: icon=ScoutImage;hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout;break;
case 4: icon=AttackImage;hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack;break;
case 5: icon=ReassignImage;hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reassign;break;
if(icon=="")continue; // tampermonkey fix
incomingfiltered = true;
/* Apply Filters */
if ((marchType == 1) && !Options.IncomingOptions.IncTransport) continue;
if ((marchType == 2) && !Options.IncomingOptions.IncReinforce) continue;
if ((marchType == 5) && !Options.IncomingOptions.IncReassign) continue;
if ((marchType == 3) && !Options.IncomingOptions.IncScout) continue;
if (((marchType == 4) || (!marchType && marchScore)) && !Options.IncomingOptions.IncAttack) continue;
if ((targetcity == "Wilderness") && !Options.IncomingOptions.IncWilds) continue;
if ((fromname == "Yourself") && !Options.IncomingOptions.IncYours) continue;
incomingshow = true;
if (++r % 2) { rowClass = 'evenRow'; }
else { rowClass = 'oddRow'; }
z += '<tr class="'+rowClass+'"><TD class=xtab><img src='+icon+' title='+hint+'></td>';
z += '<TD class=xtab id="marchtime'+marchId+'"> </td>';
z += '<TD class=xtabBR>';
if (targetcity != "") z += '<span class=xtab>'+targetcity+'</span> ';
if (targetcoords != "") z += '<span class=xtab>'+targetcoords+'</span>';
z += '</td>';
z += '<TD class=xtabBR><span class=xtab>'+fromname+'</span> ';
if (fromcoords != "") { z+= '<span class=xtab>'+fromcoords+'</span>'; }
z += '</td>';
if (a.destinationUnixTime < unixTime() || marchStatus == 8)
marchdir = "Return";
marchdir = "Count";
var zz = '';
if (marchType == 3 || marchType == 4){
if ((safecall.indexOf(a.pid) < 0 || trusted) && a["championInfo"]) {
marchchamp = "<table cellspacing=0 class=xtab><tr><td colspan=2><b>"+a["championInfo"].name+"</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><b>"+uW.g_js_strings.report_view.champion_stats+"</b></td></tr>";
var gotchamp = false;
if (a["championInfo"].effects[1] && !(a["championInfo"].effects[1] instanceof Array) && typeof(a["championInfo"].effects[1]) === "object") {
got202 = false;
for (var cy in a["championInfo"].effects[1]) {
// missing bonus damage?
if ((cy == '202') && gotchamp) {got202 = true;}
if ((cy == '203') && !got202) { marchchamp += "<tr><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.effects.name_202+"</td><td>0</td></tr>"; }
str = uW.g_js_strings.effects['name_'+cy];
if (str && str!= "") {
gotchamp = true;
marchchamp += "<tr><td>"+str+"</td><td>"+a["championInfo"].effects[1][cy]+"</td></tr>";
} else { break; }
if (!gotchamp) { marchchamp += '<tr><td colspan=2><i>'+tx('None Available')+'</i></td></tr>'; }
marchchamp+="<tr><td colspan=2><b>"+uW.g_js_strings.report_view.troop_stats+"</b></td></tr>";
var gottroop = false;
if (a["championInfo"].effects[2] && !(a["championInfo"].effects[2] instanceof Array) && typeof(a["championInfo"].effects[2]) === "object") {
for (var ty in a["championInfo"].effects[2]) {
str = uW.g_js_strings.effects['name_'+ty];
if (str && str!= "") {
gottroop = true;
marchchamp += "<tr><td>"+str+"</td><td>"+a["championInfo"].effects[2][ty]+"</td></tr>";
} else { break; }
if (!gottroop) { marchchamp += '<tr><td colspan=2><i>'+tx('None Available')+'</i></td></tr>'; }
zz +='<table cellspacing=0><tr><td class="xtab trimg" style="font-weight:normal;align:left;" id="btmarchchamp'+a.mid+'td"><input type="hidden" id="btmarchchamp'+a.mid+'effects" value="'+marchchamp+'" /><a><img id="btmarchchamp'+a.mid+'" onMouseover="btCreateChampionPopUp(this,'+a.toCityId+');" height=14 class=btTop src="'+ShieldImage+'"></a></td><td class=xtab>'+tx('Champion')+': '+a["championInfo"].name+' </td></tr></table>';
if (a["knt"] && a["knt"]["cbt"]) zz +='<span class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.knight+' (Atk:'+ a["knt"]["cbt"]+')</span> ';
if (a["unts"]) {
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (a["unts"]["u"+i]) {
if (a["unts"]["u"+i] > 0) { zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ uW.unitcost['unt'+i][0] +': '+ addCommas(a["unts"]["u"+i])+'</span> '; marchMight += (a["unts"]["u"+i]*parseInt(uW.unitmight["unt"+i])); }
else { zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ a["unts"]["u"+i]+' '+ uW.unitcost['unt'+i][0] +'</span> '; }
if (a["cnt"]) { zz += '<span class=xtab>'+a["cnt"]+'</span> ';}
else { zz += '<span class=xtab>('+uW.g_js_strings.attack_viewimpending_view.upgradetoseeinfo+')</span> '; }
if (a["knightId"] > 0) zz +='<span class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.knight+' (Atk:'+ a["knightCombat"]+')</span> ';
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if(a["unit"+i+marchdir] > 0) {
zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ uW.unitcost['unt'+i][0] +': '+ addCommas(a["unit"+i+marchdir])+'</span> ';
marchMight += (a["unit"+i+marchdir]*parseInt(uW.unitmight["unt"+i]));
if (local_atkinc["m"+marchId]["fromSpellType"]) {
var spell = uW.g_js_strings.spells['name_'+local_atkinc["m"+marchId]["fromSpellType"]];
if (spell) {
var spellstyle = 'color:#808;';
zz +='<br><span class=xtab style="'+spellstyle+'"><b>* '+spell+' *</b></span>'
if (Options.IncomingOptions.IncResources) {
if ((a["gold"] > 0) || (a["resource1"] > 0) || (a["resource2"] > 0) || (a["resource3"] > 0) || (a["resource4"] > 0) || (local_atkinc["m"+marchId]["resource5"] > 0)) {
if (a["gold"] > 0) zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ResourceImage(GoldImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.gold) + addCommas(a["gold"]) +'</span> ';
if (a["resource1"] > 0) zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ResourceImage(FoodImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.food) + addCommas(a["resource1"]) +'</span> ';
if (a["resource2"] > 0) zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ResourceImage(WoodImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.wood) + addCommas(a["resource2"]) +'</span> ';
if (a["resource3"] > 0) zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ResourceImage(StoneImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.stone) + addCommas(a["resource3"]) +'</span> ';
if (a["resource4"] > 0) zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ResourceImage(OreImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.ore) + addCommas(a["resource4"]) +'</span> ';
if (local_atkinc["m"+marchId]["resource5"] > 0) zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ResourceImage(AetherImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.aetherstone) + addCommas(local_atkinc["m"+marchId]["resource5"]) +'</span> ';
z += '<TD ';
if (Options.ShowMarchMight && marchMight!=0) z += 'title="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.might+': '+addCommas(marchMight)+'"';
z += ' colspan=2 class=xtabBR>'+zz+'</td></tr>';
if (!incomingshow) {
if (!incomingfiltered)
z += '<tr><td colspan=6 class=xtab><div align="center"><br><br>'+tx('No incoming marches')+'</div></td></tr>';
z += '<tr><td colspan=6 class=xtab><div align="center"><br><br>'+tx('No incoming marches matching search parameters')+'</div></td></tr>';
z += '</table></div><br>';
if (CheckForHTMLChange('INC','btIncomingMain',z)) {
if (Options.DashboardOptions.RefreshSeed) jQuery('#btRefreshSeedInc').addClass("disabled");
else ById('btRefreshSeedInc').addEventListener ('click', function() {setTimeout(function() {RefreshSeed();},250);}, false);
for (var m in inctimes) {
mt = inctimes[m];
if (ById('marchtime'+m)) {
ById('marchtime'+m).innerHTML = mt;
EverySecond : function () {
var t = Incoming;
try {
if (((SecondLooper % Dashboard.GeneralInterval) == 1) || Dashboard.GeneralInterval == 1) {
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
/** Outgoing Marches Popup **/
var Outgoing = {
Options : {
OutgoingStartState : false,
OutAttack : true,
OutScout : true,
OutReinforce : true,
OutReassign : false,
OutTransport : false,
OutYours : false,
OutReturning : false,
OutResources : false,
init : function () {
var t = Outgoing;
if (GlobalOptions.InOutToggle) {
AddPowerBarLink(tx('Outgoing'), 'PBPOutButton', Outgoing.ToggleOutgoing,function(me) {ResetWindowPos (me,'main_engagement_tabs',popOut);});
HTMLRegister['OUT']= {};
if (!Options.OutgoingOptions) {
Options.OutgoingOptions = t.Options;
else {
for (var y in t.Options) {
if (!Options.OutgoingOptions.hasOwnProperty(y)) {
Options.OutgoingOptions[y] = t.Options[y];
if (Options.OutgoingOptions.OutgoingStartState) {t.ToggleOutgoing();}
ToggleOutgoing : function () {
var t = Outgoing;
if (popOut) {
Options.OutgoingOptions.OutgoingStartState = popOut.toggleHide(popOut)
m = '<div id=btOutgoingButtons align="center"><TABLE width="100%"><tr>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=OutAttackChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=OutScoutChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=OutReinforceChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reassign+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=OutReassignChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.transport+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=OutTransportChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.returning+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=OutReturningChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+tx('To You')+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=OutYoursChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '<td align="right" class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.resources+'</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=OutResChk type=checkbox /></td>';
m += '</tr></table></div><div style="max-height:700px; overflow-y:scroll" id=btOutgoingMain></div><br>';
popOut = new CPopup('btOutgoing', Options.btOutPos.x, Options.btOutPos.y, 720, 200, true, Outgoing.close);
popOut.getMainDiv().innerHTML = m;
popOut.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<DIV align=center><B> '+tx('Outgoing Marches')+'</B></DIV>';
Options.OutgoingOptions.OutgoingStartState = true;
close : function () {
Options.OutgoingOptions.OutgoingStartState = false;
Options.btOutPos = popOut.getLocation();
PaintOutgoing : function () {
var t = Outgoing;
var z = '';
var r = 0;
var outgoingshow = false;
var outgoingfiltered = false;
var outtimes = {};
var bclass = "brown11";
if (RefreshingSeed || Options.DashboardOptions.RefreshSeed) bclass += " disabled";
var z = '<div align="center"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=98% height=0%><tr><td width="18" class="xtabHD"> </td><td width="60" class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.time+'</b></td><td width="120" class="xtabHD"><b>'+tx('From')+'</b></td><td width="120" class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.target+'</b></td><td class="xtabHD"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.troops+'</b></td><td class="xtabHD" style="opacity:1.0"; align="right"><a id=btRefreshSeedOut class="inlineButton btButton '+bclass+'"><span>'+tx('Refresh')+'</span></a></td></tr>';
for(n in out) {
var a = out[n];
var icon, hint, marchtime, fromcity, totile, tocity, toname, marchdir, tocoords;
var marchId = a.marchId;
var marchStatus = parseInt(a.marchStatus);
var marchType = parseInt(a.marchType);
var marchMight = 0;
if (marchType == 10) marchType=4; // Change Dark Forest type to Attack!
var from = Cities.byID[a.marchCityId];if(!from)continue; // tampermonkey fix
fromcity = CityLink(from);
var now = unixTime();
var destinationUnixTime = a["destinationUnixTime"] - now;
var returnUnixTime = a["returnUnixTime"] - now;
if ((returnUnixTime <= 0) && ((marchStatus == 8) || (marchStatus == 0))) continue; // never show returned march once completed
if ((destinationUnixTime < 0) || (marchStatus == 8) || (marchStatus == 2))
marchdir = "Return";
marchdir = "Count";
totile = "";
tocity = "";
toname = "";
for (var i=0; i<Seed.cities.length;i++) {
if (Seed.cities[i][2] == parseInt(a["toXCoord"]) && Seed.cities[i][3] == parseInt(a["toYCoord"])) {tocity = CityLink(Cities.byID[Seed.cities[i][0]]);break; }
if (tocity == "") {
totile = tileTypes[parseInt(a["toTileType"])];
if (a["toTileType"] == 51) {
if (!a["toPlayerId"]) { totile = ""; }
else { if (a["toPlayerId"] == 0) totile = tx('Barb Camp'); }
totile = 'Lvl '+a["toTileLevel"]+' '+totile;
if (a["toPlayerId"] && (a["toPlayerId"] != 0)) {
if (a["toPlayerId"] == uW.tvuid) {
if (tocity == 0) {toname = tx('Yourself')}
else {
if (a.players && a.players['u'+a.toPlayerId]) {
toname = MonitorLink(a.toPlayerId,a.players['u'+a.toPlayerId].n);
else {
if (Seed.players['u'+a.toPlayerId]) {
toname = MonitorLink(a.toPlayerId,Seed.players['u'+a.toPlayerId].n);
if (toname == "") { updatePlayers (a.toPlayerId); } // let's fix it!
var iconType = marchType;
if (destinationUnixTime >= 0) {
if (destinationUnixTime < (60)) { marchtime = '<span style="color:#f00">'+uW.timestr(destinationUnixTime)+'</span>'; }
else { marchtime = uW.timestr(destinationUnixTime); }
else {
if (marchStatus == 2) {
marchtime = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.encamped;
iconType = 102;
else {
if (marchStatus == 8) {
marchtime = uW.timestr(returnUnixTime);
iconType = 8;
else {
marchtime = tx("Waiting");
iconType = 102;
outtimes[marchId] = marchtime;
if (!a.toXCoord || (tocity != "")) {tocoords = "";}
else {tocoords = coordLink(a.toXCoord,a.toYCoord);}
hint = "";
switch (marchType) {
case 1: hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.transport;break;
case 2: hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce;break;
case 3: hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout;break;
case 4: hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack;break;
case 5: hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reassign;break;
switch (iconType) {
case 1: icon=TransportImage;break;
case 2: icon=ReinforceImage;break;
case 3: icon=ScoutImage;break;
case 4: icon=AttackImage;break;
case 5: icon=ReassignImage;break;
case 8: icon=ReturnImage;break;
case 102: icon=ReinforceImage;break;
hint=tx('Recall March')+" ("+marchId+")";
outgoingfiltered = true;
/* Apply Filters */
if ((marchType == 1) && !Options.OutgoingOptions.OutTransport) continue;
if ((marchType == 2) && !Options.OutgoingOptions.OutReinforce) continue;
if ((marchType == 5) && !Options.OutgoingOptions.OutReassign) continue;
if ((marchType == 3) && !Options.OutgoingOptions.OutScout) continue;
if ((marchType == 4) && !Options.OutgoingOptions.OutAttack) continue;
if (((marchdir == "Return") && (marchStatus != 2) && (marchtime != "Waiting")) && !Options.OutgoingOptions.OutReturning) continue;
if (((toname == "Yourself") || (tocity != 0)) && !Options.OutgoingOptions.OutYours && marchType != 5) continue; // irrelevent for reassigns!
outgoingshow = true;
if (++r % 2) { rowClass = 'evenRow'; }
else { rowClass = 'oddRow'; }
z += '<tr class="'+rowClass+'"><TD class=xtab><a id="btRecall'+a.marchId+'" onclick="btRecall('+ a.marchId +')"><img src='+icon+' title='+hint+'></a></td>';
z += '<TD class=xtab id="omarchtime'+marchId+'"> </td>';
z += '<TD class=xtabBR>';
if (fromcity != "") z += '<span class=xtab>'+fromcity+'</span> ';
z += '</td><TD class=xtabBR>';
if (toname != "") { z+= '<span class=xtab>'+toname+'</span> '; }
if (totile != "") { z+= '<span class=xtab>'+totile+'</span> '; }
if (tocity != "") { z+= '<span class=xtab>'+tocity+'</span> '; }
if (tocoords != "") { z+= '<span class=xtab>'+tocoords+'</span>'; }
z += '</td>';
var zz = '';
if (a["championInfo"]) { // stats here are sort of obsolete, because it uses city champ data, but kept in for completeness...
marchchamp = "<table cellspacing=0 class=xtab><tr><td colspan=2><b>"+a["championInfo"].name+"</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><b>"+uW.g_js_strings.report_view.champion_stats+"</b></td></tr>";
var gotchamp = false;
if (a["championInfo"].effects) {
if (a["championInfo"].effects[1] && !(a["championInfo"].effects[1] instanceof Array) && typeof(a["championInfo"].effects[1]) === "object") {
got202 = false;
for (var cy in a["championInfo"].effects[1]) {
// missing bonus damage?
if ((cy == '202') && gotchamp) {got202 = true;}
if ((cy == '203') && !got202) { marchchamp += "<tr><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.effects.name_202+"</td><td>0</td></tr>"; }
str = uW.g_js_strings.effects['name_'+cy];
if (str && str!= "") {
gotchamp = true;
marchchamp += "<tr><td>"+str+"</td><td>"+a["championInfo"].effects[1][cy]+"</td></tr>";
} else { break; }
if (!gotchamp) { marchchamp += '<tr><td colspan=2><i>'+tx('None Available')+'</i></td></tr>'; }
marchchamp+="<tr><td colspan=2><b>"+uW.g_js_strings.report_view.troop_stats+"</b></td></tr>";
var gottroop = false;
if (a["championInfo"].effects[2] && !(a["championInfo"].effects[2] instanceof Array) && typeof(a["championInfo"].effects[2]) === "object") {
for (var ty in a["championInfo"].effects[2]) {
str = uW.g_js_strings.effects['name_'+ty];
if (str && str!= "") {
gottroop = true;
marchchamp += "<tr><td>"+str+"</td><td>"+a["championInfo"].effects[2][ty]+"</td></tr>";
} else { break; }
if (!gottroop) { marchchamp += '<tr><td colspan=2><i>'+tx('None Available')+'</i></td></tr>'; }
zz +='<table cellspacing=0><tr><td class="xtab trimg" style="font-weight:normal;align:left;" id="btoutmarchchamp'+a.marchId+'td"><input type="hidden" id="btoutmarchchamp'+a.marchId+'effects" value="'+marchchamp+'" /><a><img id="btoutmarchchamp'+a.marchId+'" onMouseover="btCreateChampionPopUp(this,'+a.fromCityId+',true);" height=14 class=btTop src="'+ShieldImage+'"></a></td><td class=xtab>'+tx('Champion')+': '+a["championInfo"].name+' </td></tr></table>';
if ((a["knightId"] > 0) && (!a["knightCombat"])) {
for (var i in Seed.knights["city"+a.marchCityId]) {
if (i == ("knt" + a["knightId"])) {
Combat = Seed.knights["city"+a.marchCityId][i]["combat"];
if (Seed.knights["city"+a.marchCityId][i]["combatBoostExpireUnixtime"] > unixTime()) { Combat *= 1.25; }
a["knightCombat"] = Combat;
if (a.btIncomplete == true && a.marchType!=9 && Options.FetchMarchInfo) {marchdir = "Count"; } // no return info yet
if (a["knightId"] > 0) zz +='<span class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.knight+' (Atk:'+ a["knightCombat"]+')</span> ';
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if((a["unit"+i+"Count"] > 0) || (a["unit"+i+"Return"] > 0)) {
trpcol = Options.Colors.PanelText;
if ((marchdir == "Return") && (a["unit"+i+"Return"] < a["unit"+i+"Count"])) { trpcol = '#f00'; }
zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ uW.unitcost['unt'+i][0] +': <span class=xtab style="color:'+trpcol+'">'+ addCommas(a["unit"+i+marchdir])+'</span></span> ';
marchMight += (a["unit"+i+marchdir]*parseInt(uW.unitmight["unt"+i]));
if (a["fromSpellType"]) {
var spell = uW.g_js_strings.spells['name_'+a["fromSpellType"]];
if (spell) {
var spellstyle = 'color:#808;';
zz +='<br><span class=xtab style="'+spellstyle+'"><b>* '+spell+' *</b></span>'
if (Options.OutgoingOptions.OutResources) {
if ((a["gold"] > 0) || (a["resource1"] > 0) || (a["resource2"] > 0) || (a["resource3"] > 0) || (a["resource4"] > 0) || (a["resource5"] > 0)) {
if (a["gold"] > 0) zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ResourceImage(GoldImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.gold) + addCommas(a["gold"]) +'</span> ';
if (a["resource1"] > 0) zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ResourceImage(FoodImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.food) + addCommas(a["resource1"]) +'</span> ';
if (a["resource2"] > 0) zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ResourceImage(WoodImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.wood) + addCommas(a["resource2"]) +'</span> ';
if (a["resource3"] > 0) zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ResourceImage(StoneImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.stone) + addCommas(a["resource3"]) +'</span> ';
if (a["resource4"] > 0) zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ResourceImage(OreImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.ore) + addCommas(a["resource4"]) +'</span> ';
if (a["resource5"] > 0) zz += '<span class=xtab>'+ResourceImage(AetherImage,uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.aetherstone) + addCommas(a["resource5"]) +'</span> ';
z += '<TD ';
if (Options.ShowMarchMight && marchMight!=0) z += 'title="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.might+': '+addCommas(marchMight)+'"';
z += ' colspan=2 class=xtabBR>'+zz+'</td></tr>';
if (!outgoingshow) {
if (!outgoingfiltered)
z += '<tr><td colspan=6 class=xtab><div align="center"><br><br>'+tx('No outgoing marches')+'</div></td></tr>';
z += '<tr><td colspan=6 class=xtab><div align="center"><br><br>'+tx('No outgoing marches matching search parameters')+'</div></td></tr>';
z += '<tr><td class=xtab colspan="6"><div class="ErrText" align="center" id=btOutErr> </div></td></tr></table></div><br>';
if (CheckForHTMLChange('OUT','btOutgoingMain',z)) {
if (Options.DashboardOptions.RefreshSeed) jQuery('#btRefreshSeedOut').addClass("disabled");
else ById('btRefreshSeedOut').addEventListener ('click', function() {setTimeout(function() {RefreshSeed();},250);}, false);
for (var m in outtimes) {
mt = outtimes[m];
if (ById('omarchtime'+m)) {
ById('omarchtime'+m).innerHTML = mt;
EverySecond : function () {
var t = Outgoing;
try {
if (((SecondLooper % Dashboard.GeneralInterval) == 1) || Dashboard.GeneralInterval == 1) {
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
QuickScout = {
init : function () {
var t = QuickScout;
try {
// add new options to the context menu
if (Options.OneClickAttack)
if (Options.OneClickAttack)
var wildContext;
wildContext = CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus.EnemyWilderness;
for (var wild in wildContext) {
if (Options.OneClickAttack)
wildContext = CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus.Wilderness;
for (var wild in wildContext) {
if (Options.OneClickAttack)
wildContext = CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus.FriendlyWilderness;
for (var wild in wildContext) {
if (Options.OneClickAttack)
// add actions to the menu item
var mod = new CalterUwFunc('cm.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.calcButtonInfo',
[['default:', 'case "qqmod":' +
' b.text = "'+tx('QuickScout')+'"; b.color = "green"; ' +
' b.action = function () { ' +
' quickscout(e); ' +
' }; ' +
' d.push(b); break; ' +
'case "qamod":' +
' b.text = "'+tx('QuickAttack')+'"; b.color = "red"; ' +
' b.action = function () { ' +
' quickattack(e); ' +
' }; ' +
' d.push(b); break; ' +
'case "aamod":' +
' b.text = "'+tx('Auto Attack')+'"; b.color = "blue"; ' +
' b.action = function () { ' +
' autoattack(e); ' +
' }; ' +
' d.push(b); break; ' +
' default: ']]);
function FNQuickScout(e) {
// send 1 scout
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.cid = uW.currentcityid;
params.type = 3
params.kid = 0
params.xcoord = e.tile.x;
params.ycoord = e.tile.y;
params["u"+Options.QuickScoutTroops] = 1;
params.gold = 0;
params.r1 = 0;
params.r2 = 0;
params.r3 = 0;
params.r4 = 0;
params.r5 = 0;
March.addMarch(params, function(rslt){
if (rslt.ok) {
if (e.tile.level == 0 && (Options.FetchMarchInfo)) QuickScout.fetchmarch(rslt.marchId,QuickScout.PlayerPopup); // mist scout
else {
uW.Modal.showAlert(uW.printLocalError(rslt.error_code, rslt.msg, rslt.feedback));
}, true); // force march so it never gets queued
uWExportFunction('quickscout', FNQuickScout);
function FNQuickScoutSearch (x,y,cid,auto) {
// if auto check rally slots
if (auto) {
var marches = parseIntNan(March.getMarchSlots(cid));
var maxmarches = parseIntNan(March.getTotalSlots(cid));
var keepfree = Number(Options.FreeRallySlots);
if ((marches+keepfree) >= maxmarches) {
divid = 'pbsrch_'+x+'_'+y;
if (ById(divid)) {
msg = '<span style="color:#800;"> '+tx('Rally Point Full')+'!</span> <SPAN onclick="quickscoutsearch('+x+','+y+','+cid+');return false;"><A class=xlink>'+tx("QuickScout")+'</a></span>';
ById(divid).innerHTML = msg;
if (Tabs.Search) { Tabs.Search.QSMarching[x+'_'+y] = 0; }
// send 1 scout
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
if (cid==null)
params.cid = uW.currentcityid;
params.cid = cid;
params.type = 3
params.kid = 0
params.xcoord = x;
params.ycoord = y;
params["u"+Options.QuickScoutTroops] = 1;
params.gold = 0;
params.r1 = 0;
params.r2 = 0;
params.r3 = 0;
params.r4 = 0;
params.r5 = 0;
March.addMarch(params, function(rslt){
if (rslt.ok) {
QuickScout.fetchmarch(rslt.marchId,QuickScout.FillSearchDiv); // mist scout
else {
divid = 'pbsrch_'+x+'_'+y;
if (!ById(divid)) return;
var msg = '<span style="color:#800;"> '+tx('Error Code')+' - '+rslt.error_code+'</span> <SPAN onclick="quickscoutsearch('+x+','+y+','+cid+');return false;"><A class=xlink>'+tx("QuickScout")+'</a></span>';
if(rslt.error_code == 208 || rslt.error_code == 207) { // errors that mean you can never scout
if (rslt.error_code == 208) {
msg = '<span style="color:#800;"> '+tx('Target is truced - Cannot scout')+'!</span>';
else {
msg = '<span style="color:#800;"> '+tx('You are truced - Cannot scout another player')+'!</span>';
// update search results .. find correct row
var t = Tabs.Search;
if (t) {
var numRows = t.mapDat.length;
for (var i=0; i<numRows; i++){
if (t.mapDat[i][0] == x && t.mapDat[i][1] == y) {
t.mapDat[i][6] = 0;
t.mapDat[i][8] = msg;
if(rslt.error_code == 210) { // errors that mean you may be able to scout in a bit!
msg = '<span style="color:#800;"> '+tx('Rally Point Full')+'!</span> <SPAN onclick="quickscoutsearch('+x+','+y+','+cid+');return false;"><A class=xlink>'+tx("QuickScout")+'</a></span>';
ById(divid).innerHTML = msg;
if (Tabs.Search) {
if (Tabs.Search) { Tabs.Search.QSMarching[x+'_'+y] = 0; }
uWExportFunction('quickscoutsearch', FNQuickScoutSearch);
function FNQuickAttack (e) {
if (Options.OneClickAttackPreset == 0 || !Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[Options.OneClickAttackPreset]) {
// send selected preset on attack
var knt = getAvailableKnights(uW.currentcityid);
if (!knt[0]) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.cid = uW.currentcityid;
params.type = 4;
params.kid = knt[0].ID;
if (e.tile.type=="megalith") { params.kid = 0; }
params.xcoord = e.tile.x;
params.ycoord = e.tile.y;
params.gold = 0;
params.r1 = 0;
params.r2 = 0;
params.r3 = 0;
params.r4 = 0;
params.r5 = 0;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
var i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
params["u"+i] = 0;
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[Options.OneClickAttackPreset][i]) {
params["u"+i] = parseIntNan(Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[Options.OneClickAttackPreset][i]);
var iused = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < QuickMarch.ItemList.length; i++) {
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[Options.OneClickAttackPreset]["item"+QuickMarch.ItemList[i]] == true && Seed.items["i"+QuickMarch.ItemList[i]]) {
params.items = iused.join(",");
params.champid = 0;
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoChamp) {
citychamp = getCityChampion(uW.currentcityid);
if (citychamp.championId && citychamp.status != "10") { params.champid = citychamp.championId; }
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoSpell) {
var spells = getSpellData(uW.currentcityid);
if (spells.spellavailable && !spells.cooldownactive) {
params.bs = SpellTypes[faction];
March.addMarch(params, function(rslt){
if (!rslt.ok) {
uW.Modal.showAlert(uW.printLocalError(rslt.error_code, rslt.msg, rslt.feedback));
}, true); // force march so it never gets queued
uWExportFunction('quickattack', FNQuickAttack);
function FNAutoAttack (e) {
Tabs.Attack.RouteObject = null; // clear route object
uWExportFunction('autoattack', FNAutoAttack);
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
fetchmarch : function (mid,notify) {
var t = QuickScout;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.rid = mid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/fetchMarch.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (!rslt.ok){ return; }
if (rslt.march.toPlayerId != 0) {
t.fetchmarchPlayerInfo(rslt.march.toPlayerId, notify, rslt.march)
else {
notify({errorMsg:"<div>"+tx('There is no longer a city at this location')+"</div>"}, rslt.march);
onFailure: function () {notify ({errorMsg:'AJAX error'});}
fetchmarchPlayerInfo : function (uid, notify, march) {
var t = QuickScout;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.uid = uid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getUserGeneralInfo.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify (rslt,march); },
onFailure: function () { notify ({errorMsg:'AJAX error'}); },
PlayerPopup : function (rslt,march) {
var t = QuickScout;
if(rslt.errorMsg) {
var u = rslt.userInfo[0];
var a = 'None';
if (u.allianceName)
a = u.allianceName +' ('+ getDiplomacy(u.allianceId) + ')';
var n = '<div> <b>Name:</b> ' + u.genderAndName + '<br/><b>Might:</b> ' + addCommas(parseInt(u.might)) +
'<br/><b>' + uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.alliance+':</b> '+ a +
'<br/><b>'+tx('City Co-ords')+':</b> ('+ march.toXCoord + ',' + march.toYCoord + ')' +
'<br/><b>'+tx('City Level')+':</b> '+ march.toTileLevel +
buttons: [{
txt: "Recall Scout",
exe: function () {
uW.attack_recall(march.marchId, 2, uW.currentcityid);
}, {
txt: "Post to Chat",
exe: function () {
cText = 'Name: ' + u.genderAndName + '||UID: ' + enFilter(u.userId)+'||Might: ' + addCommas(parseInt(u.might)) +
'||' + uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.alliance+': '+ a +
'||City Co-ords: ('+ march.toXCoord + ',' + march.toYCoord + ')' +
'||City Level: '+ march.toTileLevel;
cText = ":::. |QuickScout Report|| "+ cText;
sendChat ("/a "+cText);
}, {
txt: "Monitor",
exe: function () {
}, {
txt: uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.cancel,
exe: function () {
body: n,
title: "QuickScout Result"
FillSearchDiv : function (rslt,march) {
setTimeout (Dashboard.Recall,2000,march.marchId);
divid = 'pbsrch_'+march.toXCoord+'_'+march.toYCoord;
if (!ById(divid)) return;
if(rslt.errorMsg) {
var n = ' Misted Plain';
ById(divid).innerHTML = n;
// update search results .. find correct row
var t = Tabs.Search;
if (t) {
var numRows = t.mapDat.length;
for (var i=0; i<numRows; i++){
if (t.mapDat[i][0] == march.toXCoord && t.mapDat[i][1] == march.toYCoord) {
t.mapDat[i][4] = parseIntNan(march.toTileLevel);
t.mapDat[i][6] = 0;
t.mapDat[i][8] = n;
t.mapDat[i][9] = 0;
t.mapDat[i][10] = '';
t.mapDat[i][11] = 0;
var rowStyle = 'style="opacity:0.5;"'; // misted
var status = '<img title="Offline" style="vertical-align:bottom" src="'+OFFLINE+'"/>';
var u = rslt.userInfo[0];
var alli = '---';
var aID = parseIntNan(u.allianceId);
if (aID!=0) {
alli = u.allianceName;
var n = '<td '+rowStyle+' class=xtab nowrap>'+status+PlayerLink(u.userId,u.name)+'</td><td '+rowStyle+' class=xtab> </td><td '+rowStyle+' class=xtab align=right>'+addCommas(parseIntNan(u.might))+'</span></td><td '+rowStyle+' class=xtab><span style='+DiplomacyColours(aID)+'>'+alli+'</span></td>';
ById(divid).outerHTML = n;
// update search results .. find correct row
var t = Tabs.Search;
if (t) {
var numRows = t.mapDat.length;
for (var i=0; i<numRows; i++){
if (t.mapDat[i][0] == march.toXCoord && t.mapDat[i][1] == march.toYCoord) {
t.mapDat[i][4] = parseIntNan(march.toTileLevel);
t.mapDat[i][5] = march.toCityId;
t.mapDat[i][6] = u.userId;
t.mapDat[i][8] = u.name;
t.mapDat[i][9] = parseIntNan(u.might);
t.mapDat[i][10] = alli;
t.mapDat[i][11] = aID;
// fire off player online query
var uList = [];
getOnline(uList,function(r) {
var t = Tabs.Search;
var numRows = t.mapDat.length;
for (var u in r.data) {
for (var i=0; i<numRows; i++) {
if (t.mapDat[i][6] == u) { t.mapDat[i][12] = r.data[u]?1:0;}
t.dispMapTable ();
/** Quick March Popup **/
var QuickMarch = {
LoopCounter : 0,
Options : {
QuickMarchStartState : false,
StartCoords : {x:'',y:''},
AutoKnight : false,
AutoChamp : false,
AutoSpell : false,
AllTroops : false,
MarchPresets : {},
SourceCity: {},
MapX : null,
MapY : null,
MapC : null,
MapLaunch : false,
DestLookup : false,
MapAjax : new CMapAjax(),
Blocks : [],
targetType : null,
dcp0 : null,
dcp1 : null,
ItemList : [55, 57, 58, 931, 932, 59, 293, 294, 299],
MaxTroops : 0,
MaxLoad : 0,
NextPresetNumber : 0,
InitPresetNumber : 0,
distance : 0,
Food : 0,
Wood : 0,
Stone : 0,
Ore : 0,
Gold : 0,
Aether : 0,
init : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
if (GlobalOptions.MarchPlusToggle) {
AddPowerBarLink(tx('March+'), 'PBPMarchButton', function() { QuickMarch.ToggleQuickMarch(false); },function(me) {ResetWindowPos (me,'main_engagement_tabs',popMarch);});
// add new options to the context menu
CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus.City["5"].push("portal"); // add portal to mists
for (var a in CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus) {
for (var b in CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus[a]) {
var mod = new CalterUwFunc('cm.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.calcButtonInfo',
[['default:', 'case "qmmod":' +
' b.text = "'+tx('March+')+'"; b.color = "green"; ' +
' b.action = function () { ' +
' quickmarch(e); ' +
' }; ' +
' d.push(b); break; ' +
' default: ']]);
if (mod.isAvailable()) {
// fix duplicate trade button
var mod2 = new CalterUwFunc('cm.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.calcButtonTypes', [['d.buttons[0]', 'd.buttons[1]'],['d.buttons.splice(0', 'd.buttons.splice(1']]);
function FNQuickMarch (e) {
function ApplyingBoost() {
var div = ById('btboostmsg');
if (div) { div.innerHTML = tx('Applying Boost')+'...'; }
uWExportFunction('quickmarch', FNQuickMarch);
uWExportFunction('btApplyingBoost', ApplyingBoost);
if (!Options.QuickMarchOptions) {
Options.QuickMarchOptions = t.Options;
else {
for (var y in t.Options) {
if (!Options.QuickMarchOptions.hasOwnProperty(y)) {
Options.QuickMarchOptions[y] = t.Options[y];
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.QuickMarchStartState) {
t.MapX = Options.QuickMarchOptions.StartCoords.x;
t.MapY = Options.QuickMarchOptions.StartCoords.y;
t.MapLaunch = true;
ToggleQuickMarch : function (init) {
var t = QuickMarch;
if (popMarch) {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.QuickMarchStartState = popMarch.toggleHide(popMarch)
else {
t.Food = 0;
t.Wood = 0;
t.Stone = 0;
t.Ore = 0;
t.Gold = 0;
t.Aether = 0;
m = '<div id=btMarchCoords align="center">';
m += '<table align=center width=98% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2 class=xtab style="padding-right:0px;"><tr><td style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;"><div class=divHeader> '+tx('FROM')+'</div></td><td style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;"><div class=divHeader> '+tx('TO')+'</div></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td width=50% style="border:1px solid;vertical-align:top;"><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% class=xtab style="padding-left:6px;padding-right:0px;"><tr height=20><td colspan=3><span id=QMFromCity> </span></td></tr>';
m += '<tr height=20><td colspan=3><a class=xlink id=QMSelClosest>'+tx('Select Closest City to Destination')+'</a></td></tr>';
m += '<tr height=20><td colspan=2>'+tx('Rally Point')+': <span id=QMRP> </span></td><td align=right>'+tx('Auto')+'</td></tr>';
m += '<tr height=20><td width=50>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.knight+' </td><td><SELECT id=QMKnight class=btInput style="max-width:160px;"></select></td><td align=right><INPUT type=checkbox id=QMAutoKnight '+(Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoKnight?'CHECKED':'')+' /></td></tr>';
m += '<tr height=20><td>'+tx('Champ')+' </td><td><span id=QMChampSpan><SELECT id=QMChamp class=btInput style="max-width:160px;"></select></span><span id=QMNoChampSpan class=divHide> </span></td><td align=right><INPUT type=checkbox id=QMAutoChamp '+(Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoChamp?'CHECKED':'')+' /></td></tr>';
m += '<tr height=40><td style="padding-top:2px;vertical-align:top;">'+tx('Spell')+' </td><td style="padding-top:2px;vertical-align:top;"><span id=QMSpellSpan><SELECT id=QMSpell class=btInput style="max-width:160px;"></select></span><span id=QMNoSpellSpan class=divHide> </span></td><td style="padding-top:2px;vertical-align:top;" align=right><INPUT type=checkbox id=QMAutoSpell '+(Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoSpell?'CHECKED':'')+' /></td></tr>';
m += '</table></td><td width=50% style="border:1px solid;vertical-align:top;"><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% class=xtab style="padding-left:6px;padding-right:0px;"><tr height=20><td>X:<input type=text class=btInput id=QMToX size=3> Y:<input type=text class=btInput id=QMToY size=3></td><td>'+tx('Dist')+': <b><span id=QMDist> <span></b></td><td align=right><div id=QMLookupButtonDiv><a id=QMLookupButton class="inlineButton btButton brown8"><span>'+tx('Lookup')+'</span></a> <a id=QMMapButton class="inlineButton btButton brown8"><span>'+tx('Map')+'</span></a></div></td></tr>';
m += '<tr height=20><td colspan=3 id=QMLookupInfo> </td></tr>';
m += '<tr height=20><td colspan=3 id=QMTime> </td></tr>';
m += '<tr height=20><td colspan=3><b>'+tx('Quick Links')+':</b></td></tr>';
m += '<tr height=20><td colspan=3><span id=QMToCity> </span></td></tr>';
m += '<tr height=20><td width=50><a class=xlink title="'+tx('click to load bookmarks')+'" id=QMFetchBookmarks>'+tx('Bookmarks')+':</a></td><td colspan=2><select title="'+tx('click text to load bookmarks')+'" id=QMBookmarks class=btInput style="max-width:180px;"></select></td></tr>';
m += '<tr height=20><td><a class=xlink title="'+tx('click to load alliance city co-ords')+'" id=QMFetchAlliance>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.alliance+':</a></td><td colspan=2><select title="'+tx('click text to load alliance city co-ords')+'" id=QMAlliance class=btInput style="max-width:180px;"></select></td></tr>';
m += '</table></td></tr></table></div>';
m += '<div id=btMarchMessages align="center" style="height:30px;max-height:30px;overflow-y:auto;"> </div>';
m += '<div id=btMarchAction align="center"><input type=button id=QMScout value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout+'"> <input type=button id=QMAttack value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack+'"> <input type=button id=QMReassign value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reassign+'"> <input type=button id=QMReinforce value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce+'"> <input type=button id=QMReinforceFood value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce+' + '+tx("Max Food")+'"> <input type=button id=QMTransport value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.transport+'"> <input type=button id=QMRaid value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.raid+'"></div>';
m += '<div id=btMarchPresets align="center" class=divHeader>'+tx('MARCH PRESETS')+'</div>';
m +='<div><table class=xtab width=100%><tr><td><SELECT class="btSelector" style="width:190px;" id="QMMarchPreset" onchange="btSelectMarchPreset(this);"></select> <a id="btDeleteMarchPreset" class="inlineButton btButton brown8 disabled" onclick="btDelMarchPreset()"><span>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.deletetx+'</span></a></td><td align=right>';
m +=tx('New Name')+': <INPUT class=btInput id=QMPresetName type=text style="width:190px;" maxlength=20 value=""\> <a id="btSaveMarchPreset" class="inlineButton btButton brown8" onclick="btSaveMarchPreset()"><span>'+tx('Save')+'</span></a></td></tr></table></div>';
m += '<div id=btMarchMain align="center"><table align=center width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 class=xtab style="padding-right:0px;"><tr><td style="padding-left:0px;"><div class=divHeader><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% class=xtab><tr><td align=left>'+tx('TROOPS')+'</td><td id=QMTroopHeader align=right> </td></tr></table></div></td><td style="padding-left:0px;"><div class=divHeader><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% class=xtab><tr><td align=left>'+tx('RESOURCES')+'</td><td id=QMResourceHeader align=right> </td></tr></table></div></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td width=50% style="vertical-align:top;"><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=98% class=xtab>';
var r = 0;
var QMTroops = '<div id=QMMarchMightDiv style="text-align:center;" class=divHide>'+tx('Selected Troop Might')+': <span id=QMMarchMight> </span></div><table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 class=xtab align=left><tr><td colspan=2><input type=checkbox id=QMAllTroops '+(Options.QuickMarchOptions.AllTroops?'CHECKED':'')+' /><b>'+tx("All Troops")+'</b></td><td><a class=xlink id=QMResetTroops>'+tx('Reset Troops')+'</a></td></tr>';
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (++r % 2) { rowClass = 'evenRow'; }
else { rowClass = 'oddRow'; }
QMTroops += '<tr id="QMTroopRow'+i+'" class="'+rowClass+'"><td style="padding-left:0px;width:20px;" align=right>'+TroopImage(i)+'</td><td style="width:100px;" id="QMTotalUnit'+i+'" align=left> </td><td align=left><input style="width:60px;" class=btInput id="QMMarchUnit'+i+'" type=text maxlength=7 value=0 ></td><td align=left><input style="height:20px;font-size:9px;" id="QMMaxUnit'+i+'" type=button value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.max+'"></td></tr>';
m += '</table><tr><td style="padding-left:5px;vertical-align:top;">'+QMTroops+'</td></tr>';
m += '</table></td><td width=50% style="vertical-align:top;padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;"><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=98% class=xtab>';
var QMRes = '<table class=xtab align=center><tr><td> </td><td><a class=xlink id=QMResetResources>'+tx('Reset Resources')+'</a></td></tr>';
QMRes += '<tr><td rowspan=2><img src="'+GoldImage+'" /></td><td><span id=QMTotalGold> </span></td></tr>';
QMRes += '<tr style="height:30px;vertical-align:top;"><td><INPUT class=btInput id=QMMarchGold type=text size=11 maxlength=20 value=0\><input style="height:20px;font-size:9px;" id=QMMaxGold type=button value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.max+'"></td></tr>';
QMRes += '<tr><td rowspan=2><img src="'+FoodImage+'" /></td><td><span id=QMTotalFood> </span></td></tr>';
QMRes += '<tr style="height:30px;vertical-align:top;"><td><INPUT class=btInput id=QMMarchFood type=text size=11 maxlength=20 value=0\><input style="height:20px;font-size:9px;" id=QMMaxFood type=button value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.max+'"></td></tr>';
QMRes += '<tr><td rowspan=2><img src="'+WoodImage+'" /></td><td><span id=QMTotalWood> </span></td></tr>';
QMRes += '<tr style="height:30px;vertical-align:top;"><td><INPUT class=btInput id=QMMarchWood type=text size=11 maxlength=20 value=0\><input style="height:20px;font-size:9px;" id=QMMaxWood type=button value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.max+'"></td></tr>';
QMRes += '<tr><td rowspan=2><img src="'+StoneImage+'" /></td><td><span id=QMTotalStone> </span></td></tr>';
QMRes += '<tr style="height:30px;vertical-align:top;"><td><INPUT class=btInput id=QMMarchStone type=text size=11 maxlength=20 value=0\><input style="height:20px;font-size:9px;" id=QMMaxStone type=button value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.max+'"></td></tr>';
QMRes += '<tr><td rowspan=2><img src="'+OreImage+'" /></td><td><span id=QMTotalOre> </span></td></tr>';
QMRes += '<tr style="height:30px;vertical-align:top;"><td><INPUT class=btInput id=QMMarchOre type=text size=11 maxlength=20 value=0\><input style="height:20px;font-size:9px;" id=QMMaxOre type=button value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.max+'"></td></tr>';
QMRes += '<tr><td rowspan=2><img src="'+AetherImage+'" /></td><td><span id=QMTotalAether> </span></td></tr>';
QMRes += '<tr style="height:30px;vertical-align:top;"><td><INPUT class=btInput id=QMMarchAether type=text size=11 maxlength=20 value=0\><input style="height:20px;font-size:9px;" id=QMMaxAether type=button value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.max+'"></td></tr>';
QMRes += '</table>';
m += '<tr><td style="vertical-align:top;">'+QMRes+'</td></tr>';
m += '</table><div class=divHeader> '+tx('BOOSTS')+'</div>';
var QMBoosts = '<table width=100% class=xtab align=left cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td align=left> '+tx('March Speed')+': <b><span id=QMMarchSpeed> </span></b></td><td align=right> '+tx('March Size')+': <b><span id=QMMarchSize> </span></b></td></tr></table>';
QMBoosts += '<table class=xtab align=left cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>';
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
QMBoosts += '<td rowspan=2><img height=28 src="'+IMGURL+'items/30/'+t.ItemList[i]+'.jpg" title="'+itemTitle(t.ItemList[i],true)+'" /></td><td> </td>';
QMBoosts += '</tr><tr>';
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
QMBoosts += '<td><input type=checkbox id="QMItem'+t.ItemList[i]+'"></td>';
QMBoosts += '</tr><tr>';
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
QMBoosts += '<td colspan=2><span id="QMItemCount'+t.ItemList[i]+'">('+uW.ksoItems[t.ItemList[i]].count+')</span></td>';
QMBoosts += '</tr></table>';
QMBoosts += '<table class=xtab align=left cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>';
for (var i = 5; i < t.ItemList.length; i++) {
if (uW.itemlist["i"+t.ItemList[i]]) {
QMBoosts += '<td rowspan=2><img height=28 src="'+IMGURL+'items/30/'+t.ItemList[i]+'.jpg" title="'+itemTitle(t.ItemList[i],true)+'" /></td><td> </td>';
QMBoosts += '</tr><tr>';
for (var i = 5; i < t.ItemList.length; i++) {
if (uW.itemlist["i"+t.ItemList[i]]) {
QMBoosts += '<td><input type=checkbox id="QMItem'+t.ItemList[i]+'"></td>';
QMBoosts += '</tr><tr>';
for (var i = 5; i < t.ItemList.length; i++) {
if (uW.itemlist["i"+t.ItemList[i]]) {
QMBoosts += '<td colspan=2><span id="QMItemCount'+t.ItemList[i]+'">('+uW.ksoItems[t.ItemList[i]].count+')</span></td>';
QMBoosts += '</tr></table>';
QMBoosts += '<table width=100% class=xtab cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=left><tr><td style="padding-right:0px;"><div id=QMTimedBoosts> </div></td></tr></table>';
m += QMBoosts+'</td></tr></table></div><br>';
popMarch = new CPopup('btQuickMarch', Options.btMarchPos.x, Options.btMarchPos.y, 620, 870, true, QuickMarch.close);
popMarch.getMainDiv().innerHTML = m;
popMarch.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<DIV align=center><B> '+tx('March+')+'</B></DIV>';
ById("QMAutoKnight").addEventListener('click', function () {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoKnight = this.checked;
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoKnight)
}, false);
ById("QMAutoChamp").addEventListener('click', function () {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoChamp = this.checked;
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoChamp)
}, false);
ById("QMAutoSpell").addEventListener('click', function () {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoSpell = this.checked;
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoSpell)
}, false);
ById("QMSpell").addEventListener('click', function () {
var FromCityId = uW.currentcityid;
if (init && Cities.byID[InitialCityId]) {
FromCityId = InitialCityId;
t.dcp0 = new CdispCityPicker('QMCastles0', ById('QMFromCity'), true, t.FromCityClick, Cities.byID[FromCityId].idx);
t.dcp1 = new CdispCityPicker('QMCastles1', ById('QMToCity'), true, t.DestinationChanged).bindToXYboxes(ById("QMToX"), ById("QMToY"));
for (var i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
ById('QMCastles0_'+i).addEventListener('mouseover',function (){CityResourceHint(this,this.id.substring(11));},false);
ById('QMCastles0_'+i).addEventListener('mouseout',function (){CityResourceHintOff(this);},false);
ById('QMCastles1_'+i).addEventListener('mouseover',function (){CityResourceHint(this,this.id.substring(11));},false);
ById('QMCastles1_'+i).addEventListener('mouseout',function (){CityResourceHintOff(this);},false);
ById('QMToX').addEventListener('change', t.DestinationChanged, false);
ById('QMToY').addEventListener('change', t.DestinationChanged, false);
ById('QMSelClosest').addEventListener('click',t.SelectClosest, false);
ById('QMLookupButton').addEventListener('click',t.LookupMapTile, false);
ById('QMMapButton').addEventListener('click',t.GotoMapTile, false);
ById('QMFetchAlliance').addEventListener('click', function() {
var myA = getMyAlliance();
if (myA[0] != 0) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.page = 1;
params.perPage = 100;
params.allianceId = myA[0];
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getUserLeaderboard.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
var m = "";
for (var i = 0; i < rslt.results.length; i++) {
p = rslt.results[i];
if (p.userId != 0) {
for (var c = 0; c < p.cities.length; c++) {
if (Seed.player.name != p.displayName) {
m += "<option value='" + p.cities[c].xCoord + "," + p.cities[c].yCoord + "'>" + p.displayName + " - " + p.cities[c].cityName + " (" + p.cities[c].xCoord + "," + p.cities[c].yCoord + ")</option>";
ById('QMAlliance').innerHTML = "<option value=''>-- "+tx('Select Member')+" --</option>" + m;
onFailure: function () { ById('QMAlliance').innerHTML = "<option>"+tx('Server Error')+"</option>"; },
} else {
ById('QMAlliance').innerHTML = "<option>"+tx('No Alliance')+"!</option>";
}, false);
ById('QMAlliance').addEventListener('change', function () {
if (this.value != '') {
var val = this.value;
var x = val.substr(0, val.lastIndexOf(','));
var y = val.substr(val.lastIndexOf(',') + 1, val.length);
ById('QMToX').value = x;
ById('QMToY').value = y;
}, false);
ById('QMFetchBookmarks').addEventListener('click', function () {
ById('QMBookmarks').addEventListener('change', function () {
if (this.value != '') {
var val = this.value;
var x = val.substr(0, val.lastIndexOf(','));
var y = val.substr(val.lastIndexOf(',') + 1, val.length);
ById('QMToX').value = x;
ById('QMToY').value = y;
}, false);
if (t.MapLaunch) {
ById('QMToX').value = t.MapX;
ById('QMToY').value = t.MapY;
if (t.MapC) { t.dcp0.selectBut(t.MapC); }
else {
if (ById('maparea_map').style.display != "none") {
ById('QMToX').value = ById('mapXCoor').value;
ById('QMToY').value = ById('mapYCoor').value;
var x = parseInt(ById('QMToX').value);
var y = parseInt(ById('QMToY').value);
if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) { ById('QMLookupButtonDiv').style.display = 'none'; }
ById("QMAllTroops").addEventListener('click', function() {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.AllTroops = this.checked;
}, false);
ById("QMResetTroops").addEventListener('click', function () {
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) ById("QMMarchUnit" + CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui]).value = 0;
}, false);
ById("QMResetResources").addEventListener('click', function () {
ById('QMMarchGold').value = 0;
ById('QMMarchFood').value = 0;
ById('QMMarchWood').value = 0;
ById('QMMarchStone').value = 0;
ById('QMMarchOre').value = 0;
ById('QMMarchAether').value = 0;
t.Food = 0;
t.Wood = 0;
t.Stone = 0;
t.Ore = 0;
t.Gold = 0;
t.Aether = 0;
}, false);
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
ById("QMMaxUnit"+i).addEventListener('click', function () {
var MarchUnit = this.id.replace("QMMaxUnit", "QMMarchUnit");
var TotalUnits = parseIntNan(Seed.units["city"+t.SourceCity.id]['unt'+this.id.split("QMMaxUnit")[1]]);
ById(MarchUnit).value = 0;
var NumUnits = 0;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
NumUnits += parseIntNan(ById("QMMarchUnit"+CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui]).value);
var FreeUnits = parseInt(t.MaxTroops - NumUnits);
if (FreeUnits<0) FreeUnits=0;
if (TotalUnits >= FreeUnits) {
ById(MarchUnit).value = FreeUnits;
} else {
ById(MarchUnit).value = TotalUnits;
}, false);
ById("QMMarchUnit"+i).addEventListener('change', function () {
}, false);
ById('QMMaxGold').addEventListener('click', function () {
t.Gold = Math.min(t.MaxLoad - (t.Food + t.Wood + t.Stone + t.Ore + t.Aether),t.MaxGold);
ById('QMMarchGold').value = t.Gold;
}, false);
ById('QMMaxFood').addEventListener('click', function () {
t.Food = Math.min(t.MaxLoad - (t.Wood + t.Stone + t.Ore + t.Gold + t.Aether),t.MaxFood);
ById('QMMarchFood').value = t.Food;
}, false);
ById('QMMaxWood').addEventListener('click', function () {
t.Wood = Math.min(t.MaxLoad - (t.Food + t.Stone + t.Ore + t.Gold + t.Aether),t.MaxWood);
ById('QMMarchWood').value = t.Wood;
}, false);
ById('QMMaxStone').addEventListener('click', function () {
t.Stone = Math.min(t.MaxLoad - (t.Food + t.Wood + t.Ore + t.Gold + t.Aether),t.MaxStone);
ById('QMMarchStone').value = t.Stone;
}, false);
ById('QMMaxOre').addEventListener('click', function () {
t.Ore = Math.min(t.MaxLoad - (t.Food + t.Wood + t.Stone + t.Gold + t.Aether),t.MaxOre);
ById('QMMarchOre').value = t.Ore;
}, false);
ById('QMMaxAether').addEventListener('click', function () {
t.Aether = Math.min(t.MaxLoad - (t.Food + t.Wood + t.Stone + t.Ore + t.Gold),t.MaxAether*5);
ById('QMMarchAether').value = Math.floor(t.Aether/5);
}, false);
ById('QMMarchGold').addEventListener('change', function () {
t.Gold = parseIntNan(ById('QMMarchGold').value);
}, false);
ById('QMMarchFood').addEventListener('change', function () {
t.Food = parseIntNan(ById('QMMarchFood').value);
}, false);
ById('QMMarchWood').addEventListener('change', function () {
t.Wood = parseIntNan(ById('QMMarchWood').value);
}, false);
ById('QMMarchStone').addEventListener('change', function () {
t.Stone = parseIntNan(ById('QMMarchStone').value);
}, false);
ById('QMMarchOre').addEventListener('change', function () {
t.Ore = parseIntNan(ById('QMMarchOre').value);
}, false);
ById('QMMarchAether').addEventListener('change', function () {
t.Aether = parseIntNan(ById('QMMarchAether').value)*5;
}, false);
ById("QMItem931").addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (e.target.checked) {
ById("QMItem932").checked = false;
}, false);
ById("QMItem932").addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (e.target.checked) {
ById("QMItem931").checked = false;
}, false);
ById("QMItem59").addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (e.target.checked) {
ById("QMItem58").checked = false;
ById("QMItem57").checked = false;
ById("QMItem55").checked = false;
}, false);
ById("QMItem58").addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (e.target.checked) {
ById("QMItem59").checked = false;
ById("QMItem57").checked = false;
ById("QMItem55").checked = false;
}, false);
ById("QMItem57").addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (e.target.checked) {
ById("QMItem59").checked = false;
ById("QMItem58").checked = false;
ById("QMItem55").checked = false;
}, false);
ById("QMItem55").addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (e.target.checked) {
ById("QMItem59").checked = false;
ById("QMItem58").checked = false;
ById("QMItem57").checked = false;
}, false);
ById("QMItem293").addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (e.target.checked) {
// ById("QMItem294").checked = false;
}, false);
ById("QMItem294").addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (e.target.checked) {
// ById("QMItem293").checked = false;
}, false);
ById("QMTransport").addEventListener('click', function () {
}, false);
ById("QMReinforce").addEventListener('click', function () {
}, false);
ById("QMReinforceFood").addEventListener('click', function () {
}, false);
ById("QMScout").addEventListener('click', function () {
}, false);
ById("QMAttack").addEventListener('click', function () {
}, false);
ById("QMReassign").addEventListener('click', function () {
}, false);
ById("QMRaid").addEventListener('click', function () {
}, false);
if (Options.ShowMarchMight) {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.QuickMarchStartState = true;
t.MapLaunch = false;
close : function () {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.QuickMarchStartState = false;
Options.btMarchPos = popMarch.getLocation();
GotoMapTile : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
var x = parseInt(ById('QMToX').value);
var y = parseInt(ById('QMToY').value);
if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) return;
GotoMap (x,y);
LookupMapTile : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
t.targetType = null;
ById("QMLookupInfo").innerHTML = '';
var x = parseInt(ById('QMToX').value);
var y = parseInt(ById('QMToY').value);
if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) return;
ById("QMLookupInfo").innerHTML = tx('Searching')+'...';
t.Blocks = t.MapAjax.generateBlockList(x,y,1);
var blockString = t.Blocks.join("%2C");
t.MapAjax.LookupMap (blockString, function(rslt) {
t.DestLookup = false;
if (!rslt.ok) {
if (rslt.BotCode && rslt.BotCode==999) { ById("QMLookupInfo").innerHTML = 'Captcha!'; }
else { ById("QMLookupInfo").innerHTML = 'Error!'; }
var map = rslt.data;
for (var k in map){
if (x==map[k].xCoord && y==map[k].yCoord) {
var m = "";
var uid=map[k].tileUserId;
var cid=map[k].tileCityId;
var typeid = map[k].tileType;
t.targetType = typeid;
t.CalcMarchTime(); // for megaliths march time is different
var tiletype = tileTypes[parseInt(typeid)];
var subtype = map[k].premiumTile;
if (typeid==50 && subtype==1) {
m = tx('Alliance HQ')+' ('+map[k].allianceHq.allianceName+')';
ById("QMLookupInfo").innerHTML = m;
else {
var misted = map[k].misted;
var lvl = parseIntNan(map[k].tileLevel);
if (!uid || uid==0 || uid=="0") {
if (typeid==51) { tiletype = tx('Barb Camp'); }
m = tiletype;
if (misted) {
m = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.level+' '+lvl+' '+m+' ('+tx('Owner Misted')+')';
ById("QMLookupInfo").innerHTML = m;
else {
if (typeid==53) {
m += ' '+tx('or plain')+' <span id=QMDefendStatus> </span>';
ById("QMLookupInfo").innerHTML = m;
else {
if (lvl!=0) {
m = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.level+' '+lvl+' '+m;
ById("QMLookupInfo").innerHTML = m;
else { // lookup user
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.checkArr = uid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getOnline.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
var p = rslt.data;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.pid = uid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/viewCourt.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
m = MonitorLink(rslt.playerInfo.userId,rslt.playerInfo.displayName);
if (p[uid])
m+= ' <span style="color:#f00;"><b>('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.online.toUpperCase()+')</b></span>';
if (typeid==51) {
m += ' <span id=QMDefendStatus> </span>';
ById("QMLookupInfo").innerHTML = m;
else {
m += ' '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.level+' '+lvl+' '+tiletype;
ById("QMLookupInfo").innerHTML = m;
ById("QMLookupInfo").innerHTML = 'No Data';
},true); // ignore delay
RefreshItemCounts : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
for (var i = 0; i < t.ItemList.length; i++) {
if (ById('QMItemCount'+t.ItemList[i])) ById('QMItemCount'+t.ItemList[i]).innerHTML = '('+uW.ksoItems[t.ItemList[i]].count+')';
RefreshTimedBoosts : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
ById('QMMarchSpeed').innerHTML = Math.floor(equippedthronestats(67)+equippedthronestats(163))+'%';
ById('QMMarchSize').innerHTML = Math.floor(equippedthronestats(66)+equippedthronestats(163))+'%';
var now = unixTime();
Bags = Seed.items.i276;
SturdyBags = Seed.items.i277;
HeavyBags = Seed.items.i278;
var loadboost = '<span style="color:#f00"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.none+'!</b></span>';
if (Seed.playerEffects.loadExpire >now) {
loadboost = '<span style="color:#080"><b>25% for '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.loadExpire-now)+'</b></span>';
var QMLoad = '<table width=100% align=left class=xtab><tr><td>'+tx('Load')+': </td><td>'+loadboost+'</td><td align=right style="padding-right:0px;"><table class=xtab style="padding-right:0px;" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1><tr>';
if (Bags) {
QMLoad += '<td><a onClick="btApplyingBoost();cm.ItemController.use(\'276\')"><img height=28 class=btTop src="'+BagImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(276)+'"></a></td>';
if (SturdyBags) {
QMLoad += '<td><a onClick="btApplyingBoost();cm.ItemController.use(\'277\')"><img height=28 class=btTop src="'+SturdyBagImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(277)+'"></a></td>';
if (HeavyBags) {
QMLoad += '<td><a onClick="btApplyingBoost();cm.ItemController.use(\'278\')"><img height=28 class=btTop src="'+HeavyBagImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(278)+'"></a></td>';
QMLoad += '</tr></table></td></tr>';
Authority = Seed.items.i285;
Dominion = Seed.items.i286;
var sizeboost = '<span style="color:#f00"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.none+'!</b></span>';
ById("QMItem931").disabled = false;
ById("QMItem932").disabled = false;
if (Seed.playerEffects.auras2Expire && Seed.playerEffects.auras2Expire >now) {
sizeboost = '<span style="color:#080"><b>30% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.auras2Expire-now)+'</b></span>';
ById("QMItem931").checked = false;
ById("QMItem932").checked = false;
ById("QMItem931").disabled = true;
ById("QMItem932").disabled = true;
else {
if (Seed.playerEffects.aurasExpire && Seed.playerEffects.aurasExpire >now) {
sizeboost = '<span style="color:#f80"><b>15% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.aurasExpire-now)+'</b></span>';
ById("QMItem931").checked = false;
ById("QMItem932").checked = false;
ById("QMItem931").disabled = true;
ById("QMItem932").disabled = true;
QMLoad += '<tr><td>'+tx('Size')+': </td><td>'+sizeboost+'</td><td style="padding-right:0px;" align=right><table class=xtab style="padding-right:0px;" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1><tr>';
if (Authority) {
QMLoad += '<td><a onClick="btApplyingBoost();cm.ItemController.use(\'285\')"><img height=28 class=btTop src="'+AuthorityImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(285)+'"></a></td>';
if (Dominion) {
QMLoad += '<td><a onClick="btApplyingBoost();cm.ItemController.use(\'286\')"><img height=28 class=btTop src="'+DominionImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(286)+'"></a></td>';
QMLoad += '</tr></table></td></tr>';
BlueEagle = Seed.items.i279;
var speedboost = '<span style="color:#f00"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.none+'!</b></span>';
if (Seed.playerEffects.returnExpire && Seed.playerEffects.returnExpire >now) {
speedboost = '<span style="color:#080"><b>50% '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.fortxl+' '+uW.timestr(Seed.playerEffects.returnExpire-now)+'</b></span>';
QMLoad += '<tr><td>'+tx('Return')+': </td><td>'+speedboost+'</td><td style="padding-right:0px;" align=right><table class=xtab style="padding-right:0px;" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1><tr>';
if (BlueEagle) {
QMLoad += '<td><a onClick="btApplyingBoost();cm.ItemController.use(\'279\')"><img height=28 class=btTop src="'+BlueEagleImage+'" title="'+itemTitle(279)+'"></a></td>';
QMLoad += '</tr></table></td></tr>';
QMLoad += '</table>';
ById('QMTimedBoosts').innerHTML = '<div align=center id=btboostmsg> </div>'+QMLoad;
// check champ status
if (jQuery('#QMChampSpan').hasClass('divHide')) {
citychamp = getCityChampion(t.SourceCity.id);
if (citychamp.championId && citychamp.status!="10") {
// check spell cooldown
if (jQuery('#QMSpellSpan').hasClass('divHide')) {
var spells = getSpellData(t.SourceCity.id);
if (spells.spellavailable) {
if (spells.cooldownactive) {
if (ById('QMCoolTime')) { ById('QMCoolTime').innerHTML = spells.cooldown; }
else { t.BuildSpellSelect(); }
GetMaxMarchSize : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
var e = 1;
var f = uW.unixtime();
var koth = false;
if (t.targetType==57) { koth=true; }
var elem = ById("QMItem931");
var elem2 = ById("QMItem932");
if (elem2 && elem2.checked && parseInt(Seed.items["i932"]) > 0) { e = 1.5; }
else {
if (elem && elem.checked && parseInt(Seed.items["i931"]) > 0) { e = 1.25; }
// timed auras take priority
if (Seed.playerEffects.auras2Expire && Seed.playerEffects.auras2Expire > f) { e = 1.3 }
else {
if (Seed.playerEffects.aurasExpire && Seed.playerEffects.aurasExpire > f) { e = 1.15 }
//(var trmarchsizebuff = Math.min(equippedthronestats(66),uW.cm.thronestats.boosts.MarchSize.Max);
var trmarchsizebuff = Math.min(equippedthronestats(66)+equippedthronestats(163),uW.cm.thronestats.boosts.MarchSize.Max);
if (trmarchsizebuff > 0)
e *= (1 + trmarchsizebuff / 100);
if (Seed.cityData.city[t.SourceCity.id].isPrestigeCity) {
var b = Seed.cityData.city[t.SourceCity.id].prestigeInfo.prestigeLevel;
var r = CM.WorldSettings.getSetting("ASCENSION_RALLYPOINT_BOOST");
var m = JSON.parse(r);
var u = 1;
if (m.values[b-1]) {
u = m.values[b-1][1];
var k = parseFloat(u);
e *= k
if (Seed.cityData.city[t.SourceCity.id].prestigeInfo.blessings.indexOf(207) != -1) { e *= 1.1; }
if (koth) { e=1; }
var RallyPointLevel = parseInt(getUniqueCityBuilding(t.SourceCity.id, 12).maxLevel);
t.MaxTroops = Math.round(RallyPointLevel * 10000 * e - 0.001);
if (RallyPointLevel == 11) { t.MaxTroops = Math.round(150000 * e - 0.001); }
if (RallyPointLevel == 12) { t.MaxTroops = Math.round(200000 * e - 0.001); }
if (RallyPointLevel == 13) { t.MaxTroops = Math.round(215000 * e - 0.001); }
if (RallyPointLevel == 14) { t.MaxTroops = Math.round(250000 * e - 0.001); }
if (RallyPointLevel == 15) { t.MaxTroops = Math.round(275000 * e - 0.001); }
var domainBoosterBonus = 1;
if(CM.WorldSettings.hasSetting('DOMAIN_BOOST_RALLYPIONT')) {
domainBoosterBonus = parseInt(CM.WorldSettings.getSetting("DOMAIN_BOOST_RALLYPIONT"));
t.MaxTroops *= domainBoosterBonus;
PaintMarchSizeInfo : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
var NumUnits = 0;
var MarchMight = 0;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
var TroopUnits = parseIntNan(ById("QMMarchUnit"+i).value);
NumUnits += TroopUnits;
MarchMight += (TroopUnits*parseInt(uW.unitmight["unt"+i]));
if (NumUnits > t.MaxTroops)
ById('QMTroopHeader').innerHTML = '<SPAN class=boldRed><B>' + addCommas(NumUnits) + ' / ' + addCommas(t.MaxTroops) + '</b></span>';
ById('QMTroopHeader').innerHTML = addCommas(NumUnits) + ' / ' + addCommas(t.MaxTroops);
ById('QMMarchMight').innerHTML = addCommas(MarchMight);
PaintLoadInfo : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
var Resources = t.Food + t.Wood + t.Stone + t.Ore + t.Gold + t.Aether;
if (Resources > t.MaxLoad)
ById('QMResourceHeader').innerHTML = '<SPAN class=boldRed><B>' + addCommas(Resources) + ' / ' + addCommas(t.MaxLoad) + '</b></span>';
ById('QMResourceHeader').innerHTML = addCommas(Resources) + ' / ' + addCommas(t.MaxLoad);
PaintRallyPoint : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
cityId = t.SourceCity.id;
var marches = March.getMarchSlots(cityId);
var maxmarches = March.getTotalSlots(cityId);
if (marches >= maxmarches)
ById('QMRP').innerHTML = '<SPAN class=boldRed><B>' + marches + '/' + maxmarches + '</b></span>';
ById('QMRP').innerHTML = marches + '/' + maxmarches;
RepaintMarchData : function (ignoreTT) {
var t = QuickMarch;
var r = 0;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
var i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
var troopnum = parseIntNan(Seed.units["city"+t.SourceCity.id]['unt'+i]);
if (troopnum > 0) {
var ritual = false;
for (var sacIndex = 0; sacIndex < Seed.queue_sacr["city" + t.SourceCity.id].length; sacIndex++) {
if (Seed.queue_sacr["city" + t.SourceCity.id][sacIndex]["unitType"] == i) {
ritual = true;
if (ritual) {
ById('QMTotalUnit'+i).innerHTML = '<SPAN style="color:#080"><B>'+addCommas(troopnum)+'</B></SPAN>';
else {
ById('QMTotalUnit'+i).innerHTML = addCommas(troopnum);
if (++r % 2) { rowClass = 'evenRow'; }
else { rowClass = 'oddRow'; }
else {
ById('QMTotalUnit'+i).innerHTML = '';
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.AllTroops || parseIntNan(ById('QMMarchUnit'+i).value) != 0) {
if (++r % 2) { rowClass = 'evenRow'; }
else { rowClass = 'oddRow'; }
else { rowClass = 'divHide'; }
ById('QMTroopRow'+i).className = rowClass;
t.MaxFood = parseInt(Seed.resources["city"+t.SourceCity.id]['rec1'][0] / 3600);
t.MaxWood = parseInt(Seed.resources["city"+t.SourceCity.id]['rec2'][0] / 3600);
t.MaxStone = parseInt(Seed.resources["city"+t.SourceCity.id]['rec3'][0] / 3600);
t.MaxOre = parseInt(Seed.resources["city"+t.SourceCity.id]['rec4'][0] / 3600);
t.MaxAether = parseInt(Seed.resources["city"+t.SourceCity.id]['rec5'][0]);
t.MaxGold = parseInt(Seed.citystats["city"+t.SourceCity.id]['gold'][0]);
ById('QMTotalGold').innerHTML = addCommas(t.MaxGold);
ById('QMTotalFood').innerHTML = addCommas(t.MaxFood);
ById('QMTotalWood').innerHTML = addCommas(t.MaxWood);
ById('QMTotalStone').innerHTML = addCommas(t.MaxStone);
ById('QMTotalOre').innerHTML = addCommas(t.MaxOre);
ById('QMTotalAether').innerHTML = addCommas(t.MaxAether);
var cityExpTime = Seed.cityData.city[t.SourceCity.id].prestigeInfo.prestigeBuffExpire;
if (cityExpTime && cityExpTime > unixTime()) {
ById("QMAttack").style.color = '#f00';
ById("QMScout").style.color = '#f00';
else {
ById("QMAttack").style.color = '#000';
ById("QMScout").style.color = '#000';
FromCityClick : function (city, force) {
var t = QuickMarch;
if (t.SourceCity != city || force) {
t.SourceCity = city;
CheckMarchNumbers : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
var i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
var troopnum = parseIntNan(Seed.units["city"+t.SourceCity.id]['unt'+i]);
if (ById('QMMarchUnit'+i).value > troopnum) { ById('QMMarchUnit'+i).style.color = '#f00'; }
else { ById('QMMarchUnit'+i).style.color = '#000'; }
if (t.MaxGold < t.Gold) { ById('QMMarchGold').style.color = '#f00'; }
else { ById('QMMarchGold').style.color = '#000'; }
if (t.MaxFood < t.Food) { ById('QMMarchFood').style.color = '#f00'; }
else { ById('QMMarchFood').style.color = '#000'; }
if (t.MaxWood < t.Wood) { ById('QMMarchWood').style.color = '#f00'; }
else { ById('QMMarchWood').style.color = '#000'; }
if (t.MaxStone < t.Stone) { ById('QMMarchStone').style.color = '#f00'; }
else { ById('QMMarchStone').style.color = '#000'; }
if (t.MaxOre < t.Ore) { ById('QMMarchOre').style.color = '#f00'; }
else { ById('QMMarchOre').style.color = '#000'; }
if (t.MaxAether < t.Aether) { ById('QMMarchAether').style.color = '#f00'; }
else { ById('QMMarchAether').style.color = '#000'; }
DestinationChanged : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
if (t.DestLookup) { return; } // don't duplicate lookups
t.DestLookup = true;
Options.QuickMarchOptions.StartCoords.x = ById('QMToX').value;
Options.QuickMarchOptions.StartCoords.y = ById('QMToY').value;
var x = parseInt(ById('QMToX').value);
var y = parseInt(ById('QMToY').value);
if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) { ById('QMLookupButtonDiv').style.display = 'none'; }
else { ById('QMLookupButtonDiv').style.display = ''; }
ById("QMLookupInfo").innerHTML = '';
CalcDistance : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
ById("QMDist").innerHTML = '';
t.distance = 0;
var x1 = parseInt(t.SourceCity.x);
var x2 = parseInt(ById('QMToX').value);
var y1 = parseInt(t.SourceCity.y);
var y2 = parseInt(ById('QMToY').value);
if(isNaN(x1) || isNaN(y1) || isNaN(x2) || isNaN(y2)) return;
t.distance = distance(x1, y1, x2, y2);
ById("QMDist").innerHTML = t.distance;
SelectClosest : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
var closestdist = 999999;
var closestcity;
var x2 = parseInt(ById('QMToX').value);
var y2 = parseInt(ById('QMToY').value);
if(isNaN(x2) || isNaN(y2)) return;
for (var i = 0; i < Cities.numCities; i++) {
var cityId = Cities.cities[i].id;
var x1 = parseInt(Cities.cities[i].x);
var y1 = parseInt(Cities.cities[i].y);
if (x1 != x2 || y1 != y2) { // if one of your cities, pick the nearest other city!
var dist = distance(x1, y1, x2, y2);
if (dist < closestdist) {
closestdist = dist;
closestcity = i;
BuildKnightSelect : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
var knt = getAvailableKnights(t.SourceCity.id);
ById('QMKnight').options.length = 0;
var o = document.createElement("option");
o.text = "-- "+tx('Select Knight')+" --"
o.value = 0;
for (var k in knt) {
if (knt[k]["Name"] != undefined) {
var o = document.createElement("option");
o.text = (knt[k]["Name"] + ' (' + knt[k]["Combat"] + ')')
o.value = knt[k]["ID"];
if (ById('QMKnight').options.length > 1) {
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoKnight)
ById('QMKnight').selectedIndex = 1;
BuildChampSelect : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
ById('QMChamp').options.length = 0;
var o = document.createElement("option");
o.text = "-- "+tx('Select Champion')+" --";
o.value = 0;
var citychamp;
var NoChampText = '<SPAN class=boldRed><B>'+uW.g_js_strings.champ.no_champ+'!</b></span>';
citychamp = getCityChampion(t.SourceCity.id);
if (citychamp.championId) {
var champname = citychamp.name;
var champstatus = citychamp.status;
if (champstatus != "10") {
var o = document.createElement("option");
o.text = champname;
o.value = citychamp.championId;
else {
NoChampText = '<SPAN class=boldRed><B>'+champname+' '+tx('is Marching')+'!</b></span>';
if (ById('QMChamp').options.length > 1) {
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoChamp)
ById('QMChamp').selectedIndex = 1;
else {
ById('QMNoChampSpan').innerHTML = NoChampText;
BuildSpellSelect : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
var spells = getSpellData(t.SourceCity.id);
var faction = spells.faction;
ById('QMSpell').options.length = 0;
var o = document.createElement("option");
o.text = "-- "+tx('Select Battle Spell')+" --";
o.value = 0;
var NoSpellText = '<SPAN class=boldRed><B>'+tx('No Spell')+'!</b></span>';
if (spells.spellavailable) {
var SpellName = uW.g_js_strings.spells["name_"+SpellTypes[faction]];
if (!spells.cooldownactive) {
var o = document.createElement("option");
o.text = SpellName;
o.value = SpellTypes[faction];
else {
NoSpellText = '<SPAN class=boldRed><B>'+SpellName+' (<span id=QMCoolTime>'+spells.cooldown+'</span>)</b></span>';
var Squire = parseIntNan(Seed.items.i1);
var Knight = parseIntNan(Seed.items.i2);
var Guinevere = parseIntNan(Seed.items.i3);
var Morgana = parseIntNan(Seed.items.i4);
var Arthur = parseIntNan(Seed.items.i5);
var Merlin = parseIntNan(Seed.items.i6);
var Speedups = '';
Speedups += t.dspHG(t.SourceCity.id,faction,1,Squire);
Speedups += t.dspHG(t.SourceCity.id,faction,2,Knight);
Speedups += t.dspHG(t.SourceCity.id,faction,3,Guinevere);
Speedups += t.dspHG(t.SourceCity.id,faction,4,Morgana);
Speedups += t.dspHG(t.SourceCity.id,faction,5,Arthur);
Speedups += t.dspHG(t.SourceCity.id,faction,6,Merlin);
if (Speedups != "") Speedups = "<table align=left cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>" + Speedups + "</tr></table>";
NoSpellText = NoSpellText+'<div>'+Speedups+'</div>';
if (ById("QMSpell").options.length > 1) {
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoSpell) {
ById("QMSpell").selectedIndex = 1;
else {
ById('QMNoSpellSpan').innerHTML = NoSpellText;
dspHG : function (cityId, faction, item, count) {
var t = QuickMarch;
var n = '';
if (count>0) {
n += '<td class=xtab style="padding-right:2px"><a onClick="QMspeedupSpell('+cityId+', '+item+','+SpellTypes[faction]+')"><img height=18 class="btTop btFaint" src="'+IMGURL+'items/70/'+item+'.jpg" title="'+itemTitle(item)+'"></a></td>';
return n;
speedupSpell : function (cityId,item,spell) {
var t = QuickMarch;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.cid = cityId;
params.iid = item;
params.sid = spell;
params.apothecary = false;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/speedupBattleSpellCooldown.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
if (rslt.endDate) {
Seed.cityData.city[cityId].spells = uWCloneInto({});
Seed.cityData.city[cityId].spells[spell] = uWCloneInto({ endDate : rslt.endDate });
Seed.items["i"+item] = Number(parseInt(Seed.items["i"+item])-1);
if (cityId == uW.currentcityid) uW.update_queue();
MapClick : function (x,y,c) {
var t = QuickMarch;
if (popMarch) {
ById('QMToX').value = x;
ById('QMToY').value = y;
if (c) { t.dcp0.selectBut(c); }
else {
t.MapX = x;
t.MapY = y;
if (c) { t.MapC = c; } else { t.MapC = null; }
t.MapLaunch = true;
CalcMaxLoad : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
t.MaxLoad = 0;
var featherweight = parseInt(Seed.tech.tch10) * 0.1;
var loadEffectBoost = 0;
if (Seed.playerEffects.loadExpire > uW.unixtime()) {
loadEffectBoost = 0.25;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
var loadBoostBase = (Math.floor(CM.ThroneController.effectBonus(6)) * 0.01) + loadEffectBoost;
if (CM.unitFrontendType[i] == "siege") {
loadBoostBase += (CM.ThroneController.effectBonus(59) * 0.01)
if (CM.unitFrontendType[i] == "horsed") {
loadBoostBase += (CM.ThroneController.effectBonus(48) * 0.01);
var Load = parseInt(uW.unitstats['unt'+i]['5']);
var LoadSac = "";
if (uW.seed.queue_sacr["city"+t.SourceCity.id]) {
for(var sacIndex = 0; sacIndex < uW.seed.queue_sacr["city"+t.SourceCity.id].length; sacIndex ++ ) {
if(uW.seed.queue_sacr["city"+t.SourceCity.id][sacIndex]["unitType"] == i) {
Load *= uW.seed.queue_sacr["city"+t.SourceCity.id][sacIndex]["multiplier"][0];
if (loadBoostBase > Number(uW.cm.thronestats.boosts.Load.Max)/100) {
loadBoostBase = Number(uW.cm.thronestats.boosts.Load.Max)/100;
loadBoostBase += featherweight; //Should be done after throne room max check to get max boost?
loadBoostBase += 1;
var LoadUnit = Math.floor(loadBoostBase*Load);
t.MaxLoad += parseInt(LoadUnit * ById("QMMarchUnit" + i).value);
if (t.MaxLoad > 0) t.MaxLoad = t.MaxLoad - 1; // reduce max by 1 to avoid load capacity errors due to roundoff
LoadMarchPresets : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
ById('QMMarchPreset').options.length = 0;
var o = document.createElement("option");
o.text = "-- "+tx('Select Preset')+" --"
o.value = 0;
for (var y in Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets) {
var o = document.createElement("option");
o.text = Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[y][0];
o.value = y;
t.NextPresetNumber = parseIntNan(y) + 1;
if (t.InitPresetNumber != 0) {
ById('QMMarchPreset').value = t.InitPresetNumber;
t.InitPresetNumber = 0;
SelectMarchPreset : function (sel) {
var t = QuickMarch;
var PN = sel.value;
if ((PN == 0) || (PN == "")) {
return false
} else {
/* Load preset details into edit fields */
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN][i]) { ById('QMMarchUnit'+i).value = Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN][i]; }
else { ById('QMMarchUnit'+i).value = "0"; }
t.Food = 0;
t.Wood = 0;
t.Stone = 0;
t.Ore = 0;
t.Gold = 0;
t.Aether = 0;
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN].Gold) { t.Gold = Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN].Gold; }
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN].Food) { t.Food = Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN].Food; }
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN].Wood) { t.Wood = Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN].Wood; }
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN].Stone) { t.Stone = Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN].Stone; }
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN].Ore) { t.Ore = Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN].Ore; }
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN].Aether) { t.Aether = Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN].Aether; }
ById('QMMarchGold').value = t.Gold;
ById('QMMarchFood').value = t.Food;
ById('QMMarchWood').value = t.Wood;
ById('QMMarchStone').value = t.Stone;
ById('QMMarchOre').value = t.Ore;
ById('QMMarchAether').value = t.Aether;
for (var i = 0; i < t.ItemList.length; i++) {
var elem = ById("QMItem"+t.ItemList[i]);
if (elem) {
elem.checked = (Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN]["item"+t.ItemList[i]] == true);
SaveMarchPreset : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = ""; // need to induce a flicker or something, so they know something has happened..
var PN = ById('QMMarchPreset');
var NewName = ById('QMPresetName').value.trim();
var OldName = "";
if (!PN.value || (PN.value == 0)) {
if (NewName == "") {
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = "<FONT COLOR=#800>"+tx('Please enter a name for the march preset')+"</font>";
return false;
SavePN = t.NextPresetNumber;
else {
if (NewName != "") {
SavePN = t.NextPresetNumber;
else {
SavePN = PN.value;
OldName = Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[SavePN][0];
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
TroopVal = ById('QMMarchUnit'+i).value;
if (!isNaN(TroopVal) && (TroopVal != "")) {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[SavePN][i] = TroopVal;
if (!isNaN(t.Gold) && (t.Gold != 0)) {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[SavePN].Gold = t.Gold;
if (!isNaN(t.Food) && (t.Food != 0)) {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[SavePN].Food = t.Food;
if (!isNaN(t.Wood) && (t.Wood != 0)) {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[SavePN].Wood = t.Wood;
if (!isNaN(t.Stone) && (t.Stone != 0)) {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[SavePN].Stone = t.Stone;
if (!isNaN(t.Ore) && (t.Ore != 0)) {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[SavePN].Ore = t.Ore;
if (!isNaN(t.Aether) && (t.Aether != 0)) {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[SavePN].Aether = t.Aether;
for (var i = 0; i < t.ItemList.length; i++) {
var elem = ById("QMItem"+t.ItemList[i]);
if (elem && elem.checked) {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[SavePN]["item"+t.ItemList[i]] = true;
Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[SavePN][0] = OldName;
if (NewName != "") {
Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[SavePN][0] = NewName;
t.InitPresetNumber = SavePN;
ById('QMPresetName').value = "";
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = tx("March Preset Saved");
DelMarchPreset : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
var PN = ById('QMMarchPreset');
if (!PN.value || (PN.value == 0)) return;
delete Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN.value];
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = tx("March Preset Deleted");
DoMarch: function (MarchType, SendMaxFood) {
var t = QuickMarch;
var koth = false;
if (t.targetType==57) { koth=true; }
var totalunit = 0;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (MarchType != 3 || i==3 || i==46) { totalunit = totalunit + parseIntNan(ById("QMMarchUnit"+i).value); }
var x = ById("QMToX").value;
var y = ById("QMToY").value;
if (ById("QMKnight").value == 0 && MarchType == 4 && !koth) { // attack, try to automatically select knight if none assigned
if (ById('QMKnight').options.length > 1) {
ById('QMKnight').selectedIndex = 1;
var errMsg = "";
if (x=="" || y=="" || isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || x < 0 || x > 749 || y < 0 || y > 749) { errMsg += tx("Map co-ordinates must be between 0 and 749")+"!<BR>"; }
if (ById("QMKnight").value == 0 && MarchType == 4 && !koth) { errMsg += tx("No knight selected")+"!<BR>"; }
if (MarchType != 3 && MarchType != 4 && !SendMaxFood) {
if ((t.Food + t.Wood + t.Stone + t.Ore + t.Gold + t.Aether) > t.MaxLoad) { errMsg += tx("Too much to carry")+"!<BR>"; }
if (MarchType == 1 && (t.Food + t.Wood + t.Stone + t.Ore + t.Gold + t.Aether) <= 0) { errMsg += tx("You must transport something")+"!<BR>"; }
if (totalunit == 0 && MarchType != 3) { errMsg += tx("You must select some troops")+"!<br>"; }
if (totalunit > t.MaxTroops) { errMsg += tx("You can only send")+" "+t.MaxTroops+" "+tx("units")+".<br>"; }
if (errMsg != "") {
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = "<FONT COLOR=#800>"+errMsg+"</font>";
// if we get this far we are good to march...
var iused = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < t.ItemList.length; i++) {
var elem = ById("QMItem"+t.ItemList[i]);
if (elem && elem.checked && parseInt(Seed.items["i"+t.ItemList[i]]) > 0) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.r1 = 0;
params.r2 = 0;
params.r3 = 0;
params.r4 = 0;
params.r5 = 0;
params.gold = 0;
var res = 0;
if (SendMaxFood) {
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
res += Tabs.Transport.getLoadUnit(i,t.SourceCity.id) * ById("QMMarchUnit"+i).value;
res = res - 1;
params.r1 = res;
params.items = iused.join(",");
params.cid = t.SourceCity.id;
params.type = MarchType; // 5 Reassign, 4 Attack, 3 Scout, 2 Reinforce, 1 Transport
params.xcoord = x;
params.ycoord = y;
if (koth) { params.kid = 0; }
else { params.kid = ById("QMKnight").value; }
if (MarchType != 3 && MarchType != 4 && !SendMaxFood) {
params.r1 = Math.min(t.Food,t.MaxFood);
params.r2 = Math.min(t.Wood,t.MaxWood);
params.r3 = Math.min(t.Stone,t.MaxStone);
params.r4 = Math.min(t.Ore,t.MaxOre);
params.r5 = Math.floor(Math.min(t.Aether/5,t.MaxAether));
params.gold = Math.min(t.Gold,t.MaxGold);
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) { params["u"+CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui]] = 0; }
if (MarchType != 3) {
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (ById("QMMarchUnit"+i).value > 0) {params["u"+i] = parseIntNan(ById("QMMarchUnit"+i).value);}
} else {
params.u46 = parseIntNan(ById("QMMarchUnit46").value);
if (params.u46==0) {
params.u3 = parseIntNan(ById("QMMarchUnit3").value);
if (params.u3==0) { params.u3=1; }
params.champid = 0;
if (MarchType == 4) {
if (ById('QMChamp').value != 0 && ById('QMChamp').value != "") {
var championidx = "";
for (var i = 0; i < Seed.champion.champions.length; i++) {
if (Seed.champion.champions[i].championId == ById('QMChamp').value) championidx = i;
params.champid = ById('QMChamp').value;
if (ById('QMSpell').value != 0 && ById('QMSpell').value != "") {
if (MarchType == 4 || ById('QMSpell').value != "21") {
params.bs = ById('QMSpell').value;
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = "<i><b>"+tx('Sending march')+"....</b></i>";
March.addMarch(params, function(rslt){
if (rslt.ok) {
var ReturnMessage = "";
switch (MarchType) {
case 1: ReturnMessage = tx("Transport successful"); break;
case 2: ReturnMessage = tx("Reinforce successful"); break;
case 3: ReturnMessage = tx("Scout successful"); break;
case 4: ReturnMessage = tx("Attack successful"); break;
case 5: ReturnMessage = tx("Reassign successful"); break;
default: ReturnMessage = tx("March successful");
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = ReturnMessage;
t.FromCityClick(t.SourceCity,true); // force update
} else {
if (rslt.msg) {
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = "<FONT COLOR=#800><b>" + rslt.msg + "</b></font>";
} else {
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = "<FONT COLOR=#800><b>"+tx('Error sending march')+"!</b></font>";
}, true);
AddRaid : function (){
var t = QuickMarch;
var totalunit = 0;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
totalunit = totalunit + parseIntNan(ById("QMMarchUnit"+i).value);
var x = ById("QMToX").value;
var y = ById("QMToY").value;
if (ById("QMKnight").value == 0) { // attack, try to automatically select knight if none assigned
if (ById('QMKnight').options.length > 1) {
ById('QMKnight').selectedIndex = 1;
var errMsg = "";
if (x=="" || y=="" || isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || x < 0 || x > 749 || y < 0 || y > 749) { errMsg += tx("Map co-ordinates must be between 0 and 749")+"!<BR>"; }
if (ById("QMKnight").value == 0) { errMsg += tx("No knight selected")+"!<BR>"; }
if (totalunit == 0) { errMsg += tx("You must select some troops")+"!<br>"; }
if (totalunit > t.MaxTroops) { errMsg += tx("You can only send")+" "+t.MaxTroops+" "+tx("units")+".<br>"; }
if (errMsg != "") {
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = "<FONT COLOR=#800>"+errMsg+"</font>";
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.pf = 0;
params.ctrl = 'BotManager';
params.action = 'saveMarch';
params.settings = {};
params.queue = {0:{botMarches:{botMarchStatus:1,botState:1},cityMarches:{}}};
params.settings.cityId = t.SourceCity.id;
params.queue[0].cityMarches.knightId = ById("QMKnight").value;
params.queue[0].cityMarches.toXCoord = x;
params.queue[0].cityMarches.toYCoord = y;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
var i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
params.queue[0]['cityMarches']['unit'+i+'Count'] = parseIntNan(ById("QMMarchUnit"+i).value);
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = "<i><b>"+tx("Adding Raid")+"....</b></i>";
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/_dispatch.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
loading: true,
onSuccess: function(rslt){
var t = QuickMarch;
if (rslt.ok) {
setTimeout(uW.update_seed_ajax, 250);
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = tx("Raid Added Successfully");
Seed.knights['city' +params.settings.cityId]['knt' + params.queue[0].cityMarches.knightId].knightStatus = 10; // update knight instantly!
t.FromCityClick(t.SourceCity,true); // force update
} else {
if (rslt.msg) {
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = "<FONT COLOR=#800><b>" + rslt.msg + "</b></font>";
} else {
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = "<FONT COLOR=#800><b>"+tx("Error setting raid")+"!</b></font>";
onFailure: function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
ById('btMarchMessages').innerHTML = "<FONT COLOR=#800><b>"+tx("Error communicating with server")+"!</b></font>";
DisableButtons : function (tf) {
ById("QMTransport").disabled = tf;
ById("QMReinforce").disabled = tf;
ById("QMReinforceFood").disabled = tf;
ById("QMScout").disabled = tf;
ById("QMAttack").disabled = tf;
ById("QMReassign").disabled = tf;
CalcMarchTime : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
var unit_types = {};
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
var troop_number = parseIntNan(ById("QMMarchUnit"+i).value);
if (troop_number > 0) { unit_types[ui] = i; }
var phoenix_wings_used = false;
var thunder_wings_used = false;
var red_wings_used = false;
var green_wings_used = false;
var elem = ById("QMItem59");
if (elem && elem.checked && parseInt(Seed.items["i59"]) > 0) {
phoenix_wings_used = true;
else {
elem = ById("QMItem58");
if (elem && elem.checked && parseInt(Seed.items["i58"]) > 0) {
thunder_wings_used = true;
else {
elem = ById("QMItem57");
if (elem && elem.checked && parseInt(Seed.items["i57"]) > 0) {
red_wings_used = true;
else {
elem = ById("QMItem55");
if (elem && elem.checked && parseInt(Seed.items["i55"]) > 0) {
green_wings_used = true;
var MarchTime = March.getMarchTime(t.SourceCity.id,unit_types,t.distance,ById("QMSpell").value,phoenix_wings_used,thunder_wings_used,red_wings_used,green_wings_used,(t.targetType==57));
if (MarchTime.foe==0) {
ById("QMTime").innerHTML = "";
ById("QMTime").innerHTML = tx("Est. Time")+": "+uW.timestr(MarchTime.friend)+" ("+tx("Friend")+"), "+uW.timestr(MarchTime.foe)+" ("+tx("Foe")+")";
EverySecond : function () {
var t = QuickMarch;
t.LoopCounter = t.LoopCounter + 1;
if (t.LoopCounter >= 3) { // refresh display every 3 seconds
t.LoopCounter = 0;
if (t.SourceCity) {
var anticd = {
isInited: false,
KOCversion: '?',
init: function () {
try {
if (this.isInited)
return this.KOCversion;
var nullfunc = function () { return; };
if (typeof exportFunction == 'function') {
exportFunction(nullfunc,CM.cheatDetector, {defineAs:"detect"});
else { CM.cheatDetector.detect = nullfunc; };
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
if (scripts[i].src.indexOf('camelotmain') >= 0) {
if (i < scripts.length) {
var m = scripts[i].src.match(/camelotmain[_]{0,1}[a-z]{0,2}-(.*).js/);
if (m) this.KOCversion = m[1];
this.isInited = true;
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
getKOCversion: function () {
return this.KOCversion;
var TreasureChestClick = {
clickTreasureChest : null,
init : function (){
t = TreasureChestClick;
try {
uWExportFunction ('treasure_chest_post_hook', t.hook);
t.clickTreasureChest = new CalterUwFunc ('pop_treasure_chest_modal', [[/if/im, 'treasure_chest_post_hook(a); return; if']]);
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
setEnable : function (tf){
var t = TreasureChestClick;
t.clickTreasureChest.setEnable (tf);
isAvailable : function (){
var t = TreasureChestClick;
return t.clickTreasureChest.isAvailable();
hook : function (tid) {
var mid = tid;
var city = null;
var coords = "";
var tileName = "Barbarian Camp";
var logTile = "";
for (var k in Seed.queue_atkp) {
if (Seed.queue_atkp[k]['m'+mid]) {
city = k;
coords = ' ('+Seed.queue_atkp[k]['m'+mid].toXCoord+','+Seed.queue_atkp[k]['m'+mid].toYCoord+')';
if (city) {
try {
tileName = (Seed.queue_atkp[city]["m" + mid].toTileType == 51) ? "Barbarian Camp" : capitalize(uW.g_mapObject.types[parseInt(Seed.queue_atkp[city]["m" + mid].toTileType)]);
logTile = ' in '+tileName+' Level '+Seed.queue_atkp[city]["m" + mid].toTileLevel;
if (tileName=="Boss") { // DF!!
if (DeleteReports.ReportLog.ItemsFoundDF["T"]) { DeleteReports.ReportLog.ItemsFoundDF["T"] += 1; }
else { DeleteReports.ReportLog.ItemsFoundDF["T"] = 1; }
else {
for (var i in Options.AttackOptions.Routes) {
var a = Options.AttackOptions.Routes[i];
if (Seed.queue_atkp[city]['m'+mid].toXCoord == a.target_x && Seed.queue_atkp[city]['m'+mid].toYCoord == a.target_y && Seed.queue_atkp[city]['m'+mid].marchType==4) {
if (DeleteReports.ReportLog.ItemsFound["T"]) { DeleteReports.ReportLog.ItemsFound["T"] += 1; }
else { DeleteReports.ReportLog.ItemsFound["T"] = 1; }
catch(e) { };
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.tid = tid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/postFriendVictoryTokenShare.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
if (UserOptions.BankTreasureChests && UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.length < UserOptions.MaxBankedTreasureChests) {
var post_link = 'convert.php?pl=1&ty=3&si=118&wccc=fcf-feed-118&ln=31&da='+yyyymmdd(new Date())+'&in=' + uW.tvuid + '&ex=s%3A' + getServerId() + '%7Cf%3A' + rslt.feedId + '%7Cm%3A' + rslt.tokenId + '%7Cimg%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2F'+GameURL+'%2Ffb%2Fe2%2Fsrc%2Fimg%2Fbronze_vip.png%7C&page=convert';
UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.push({tokenId:rslt.tokenId, feedId:rslt.feedId, serverId:getServerId(), playerId:uW.tvuid, tileName:tileName, unixTime_taken:unixTime(), link:post_link});
actionLog('Chest found'+logTile+coords+' - Link Stored','TREASURE');
else {
var reparr = new Array();
reparr.push(["REPLACE_TiLeNaMe", tileName]);
reparr.push(["REPLACE_fEeDiD", rslt.feedId]);
reparr.push(["REPLACE_tOkEnId", rslt.tokenId]);
uW.common_postToProfile("118", uWCloneInto(reparr));
actionLog('Chest found'+logTile+coords+' - Link Posted to FB','TREASURE');
} else {
actionLog('Chest found'+logTile+coords+' - Error: ' +rslt.error_code+ ',' +rslt.msg+ ',' +rslt.feedback,'TREASURE')
onFailure: function () {
actionLog('Chest found'+logTile+coords+' - AJAX Error','TREASURE')
var KillBox = {
kboxtime : 1,
init:function () {
var t = KillBox;
t.kboxtime += 1;
if(!Options.MagicBox) { return; }
if (t.kboxtime > 50) { return; }
if (Number(uW.seed.items.i599) == 0) { return; }
if (!ById('modal_mmb')) {
else {
var FairieKiller = {
saveFunc : null,
init : function (tf){
try {
FairieKiller.saveFunc = uW.Modal.showModalUEP;
FairieKiller.setEnable (tf);
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
setEnable : function (tf){
if (tf)
uW.Modal.showModalUEP = eval ('function FairieKiller (a,b,c) {actionLog ("Blocked Faire popup");}');
uW.Modal.showModalUEP = FairieKiller.saveFunc;
function fixgamelag () {
var kfutime = Number(uW.unixtime()+30);
for (var city in Seed.queue_atkp) {
var knighthashX = [];
if(Seed.queue_atkp[city] != "") {
for (var march in Seed.queue_atkp[city]) {
if(Seed.queue_atkp[city][march].marchType) {
if(!Seed.queue_atkp[city][march].botMarchStatus && Seed.queue_atkp[city][march].marchStatus == 5) {
if (Seed.queue_atkp[city][march].returnUnixTime < kfutime) {
actionLog(Cities.byID[String(city).replace(/city/,'')].name+': Fixing march '+march, 'MARCH');
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
var i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (Seed.queue_atkp[city][march]['unit'+i+'Count'] > 0) {
if(Seed.queue_atkp[city][march]['unit'+i+'Return'] == 0 || Seed.queue_atkp[city][march]['unit'+i+'Return'] == undefined) {
Seed.queue_atkp[city][march]['unit'+i+'Return'] = Seed.queue_atkp[city][march]['unit'+i+'Count'];
Seed.queue_atkp[city][march].hasUpdated = true;
Seed.queue_atkp[city][march].marchStatus = 8;
} else { knighthashX.push(Seed.queue_atkp[city][march].knightId); }
} else { knighthashX.push(Seed.queue_atkp[city][march].knightId); }
for (var knight in Seed.knights[city]) {
if(Seed.knights[city][knight].knightStatus != 1) {
if(knighthashX.indexOf(Seed.knights[city][knight].knightId) == -1) {
Seed.knights[city][knight].knightStatus = 1;
actionLog(Cities.byID[String(city).replace(/city/,'')].name+': Fixing knight '+Seed.knights[city][knight].knightName, 'MARCH');
var ChampLagFix = {
LagFix1: null,
LagFix2: null,
init: function () {
t = ChampLagFix;
try {
uWExportFunction('btGetTierEffects', function (T) {
var U = +T.id || 0,
R = +T.tier || 0,
S = U + "," + R;
if (!V[S]) {
if (R > 1) {
CM.log.error(2, CM.ERROR_TYPE.INFORMATION_MISSING, "Champion equipment tier {tier} doesn't exist for Effect ID {effectId}. Trying the next tier down.".replace("{effectId}", U).replace("{tier}", R));
return uW.btGetTierEffects({
id : U,
tier : R - 1
} else {
CM.log.error(1, CM.ERROR_TYPE.INFORMATION_MISSING, "Champion equipment tier doesn't exist for Effect ID {effectId}. All tiers attempted.".replace("{effectId}", U));
return {}
return V[S]
t.LagFix1 = new CalterUwFunc("cm.ChampionManager.getEffectAmount",[['o(U),','btGetTierEffects(U),']]);
t.LagFix2 = new CalterUwFunc("cm.ChampionManager.getEffect",[['L(R,','cm.ChampionManager.getEffectAmount(R,'],['e(R','cm.ChampionManager.getEffectName(R']]);
if (ChampLagFix.isAvailable()) {
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
setEnable: function (tf) {
var t = ChampLagFix;
isAvailable: function () {
var t = ChampLagFix;
return (t.LagFix1.isAvailable() && t.LagFix2.isAvailable());
var CollectGold = {
colCity : null,
colHappy : 0,
init : function (){
var t = CollectGold;
for (var c=0; c < Cities.numCities; c++) {
if (!Options.lastCollect[Cities.cities[c].id]) {
Options.lastCollect[Cities.cities[c].id] = 0;
tick : function (){
var t = CollectGold;
for (var c=0; c<Cities.numCities; c++){
var city = Cities.cities[c];
var happy = Seed.citystats['city'+ city.id].pop[2];
var since = unixTime() - Options.lastCollect[city.id];
if ((happy >= parseIntNan(Options.pbGoldHappy)) && (since > 15*60)) { // KoC Restriction 15 mins!
t.colCity = city;
t.colHappy = happy;
t.ajaxCollectGold (city, t.e_ajaxDone);
e_ajaxDone : function (rslt){
var t = CollectGold;
Options.lastCollect[t.colCity.id] = unixTime();
if (rslt.ok) {
actionLog (t.colCity.name+': Collected '+ rslt.goldGained +' gold (Happiness was '+ t.colHappy +'%)','GOLD');
else { actionLog (t.colCity.name+': Error collecting gold ('+rslt.errorMsg+')','GOLD'); }
ajaxCollectGold : function (city, notify){
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.cid = city.id;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/levyGold.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); },
onFailure: function () { notify ({errorMsg:'AJAX error'}); },
var FoodAlerts = {
init : function (){
var t = FoodAlerts;
for (var c=0; c < Cities.numCities; c++) {
if (!Options.lastAlert[Cities.cities[c].id]) {
Options.lastAlert[Cities.cities[c].id] = 0;
if (!Options.countAlert[Cities.cities[c].id]) {
Options.countAlert[Cities.cities[c].id] = 0;
tick : function (){
var t = FoodAlerts;
var now = unixTime();
var trupkeepreduce = 0;
trupkeepreduce = Math.min(equippedthronestats(79), uW.cm.thronestats.boosts.Upkeep.Max);
var trprodres = Math.min(equippedthronestats(82),uW.cm.thronestats.boosts.ResourceProduction.Max);
var trprod = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
trprod[1] = Math.min(equippedthronestats(83), uW.cm.thronestats.boosts.ResourceProduction.Max)+trprodres;
if (Options.pbFoodAlertInt < 1) Options.pbFoodAlertInt = 1;
for(i=0; i < Cities.numCities; i++) {
var cityId = Cities.cities[i].id;
if (isNaN(Seed.resources["city" + cityId]['rec1'][0])) continue; // no alert if can't read the amount...
var rp = getResourceProduction(cityId);
var usage = parseIntNan(Seed.resources['city'+cityId]['rec1'][3]);
var bp = CM.Resources.getProductionBase(1,cityId);
usage = parseIntNan(rp[1] - usage + bp * trprod[1] / 100);
var foodleft = parseInt(Seed.resources["city" + cityId]['rec1'][0])/3600;
if (usage!=0) {
var timeLeft = parseInt(Seed.resources["city" + cityId]['rec1'][0]) / 3600 / (0-usage) * 3600;
var msg = '';
if (usage < 0) {
var since = unixTime() - Options.lastAlert[cityId];
if ((timeLeft < (Options.pbFoodAlertInt*3600)) && (since > 15*60)) {
if (Options.countAlert[cityId]>3) { // only post alert if more than 3 positive results in a row
msg += tx('My city')+' '+Cities.cities[i].name.substring(0,10)+' ('+Cities.cities[i].x+','+Cities.cities[i].y+')';
msg += ' '+tx('is low on food. Remaining')+': '+addCommas(foodleft,true)+' ('+timestrShort(timeLeft)+') '+tx('Upkeep')+': '+addCommas(usage);
sendChat ("/a " + msg);
Options.lastAlert[cityId] = unixTime();
else {
Options.countAlert[cityId] = 0;
else {
Options.countAlert[cityId] = 0;
else {
Options.countAlert[cityId] = 0;
var RefreshEvery = {
timer : null,
PaintTimer : null,
NextRefresh : 0,
box : null,
target : null,
init : function (){
var t = RefreshEvery;
if (Options.btEveryMins < 1)
Options.btEveryMins = 1;
creatediv : function(){
var t = RefreshEvery;
t.target = ById('comm_tabs');
if(t.target == null){
setTimeout(t.creatediv, 2000);
t.box = document.createElement('div');
t.box.addEventListener('click', function () {t.setEnable(Options.btEveryEnable)}, false);
setEnable : function (tf){
var t = RefreshEvery;
clearTimeout (t.timer);
if (tf) {
t.NextRefresh = unixTime() + (Options.btEveryMins*60);
t.timer = setTimeout (t.Paint, 1000);
} else {
t.timer = null;
t.NextRefresh = 0;
t.box.innerHTML = '<span style="Line-Height:35px;"><FONT color=white><B> '+ getMyAlliance()[1] + ' (' + getServerId() +')</b></font></span>';
doit : function (){
var t = RefreshEvery;
t.box.innerHTML = '<span style="Line-Height:35px;"><FONT color=#f80><B> '+tx("Reloading Now!")+'</b></font></span></div>';
actionLog ('Refreshing ('+ Options.btEveryMins +' minutes expired)');
setTimer : function (){
var t = RefreshEvery;
clearTimeout (t.timer);
if (Options.btEveryMins < 1) Options.btEveryMins = 1;
RefreshEvery.setEnable (Options.btEveryEnable);
Paint : function(){
var t = RefreshEvery;
if (t.timer == null) return;
now = unixTime();
var text = '';
var Left = parseInt(t.NextRefresh - now);
var txtbox = ById('modal_msg_write_txt');
if ((Left < 0) && (!txtbox || txtbox.value=="") && (!Options.detAFK || afkdetector.isAFK)) {
clearTimeout (t.timer);
Left = 0;
if (Left <= -1) text += '<span style="Line-Height:35px;"><FONT color=#f80><B> '+tx("Ready to Reload...")+'</b></font></span></div>';
else if (Left < 60 && (!Options.detAFK || afkdetector.isAFK)) text += '<span style="Line-Height:35px;"><FONT color=white><B> '+tx("Next refresh in")+': </font><FONT color=#f80><B>'+ timestr(Left) +'</b></font></span></div>';
else text += '<span style="Line-Height:35px;"><FONT color=white><B> '+tx("Next refresh in")+': <B>'+ timestr(Left) +'</b></font></span></div>';
t.box.innerHTML = '<a title="Click to reset countdown timer">'+text+'</a>';
t.timer = setTimeout (t.Paint, 1000);
function ChatComOverlay () {
thebutton = ByCl('postaction')[0].getElementsByClassName('button20')[0];
var overlay = document.createElement("div");
var mod_comm_input = ById('mod_comm_input');
var mod_comm_forum = ByCl('mod_comm_forum')[0];
var mod_comm_list1 = ById('mod_comm_list1');
var mod_comm_list2 = ById('mod_comm_list2');
mod_comm_forum.style.position = 'absolute';
mod_comm_forum.style.height = '30px';
mod_comm_forum.style.top = '30px';
mod_comm_list1.style.top = '20px';
mod_comm_list2.style.top = '20px';
overlay.setAttribute("class", "overlay");
overlay.innerHTML = '<input id="bot_comm_input" type="text" autocorrect="on" autocomplete="off"></input>';
var bot_comm_input = ById('bot_comm_input');
bot_comm_input.style.width = "75%";
bot_comm_input.style.float = "left";
bot_comm_input.addEventListener ('keypress', function(e) {if(e.which == 13)OSendChat();}, false);
var x = new CalterUwFunc("Chat.whisper",[[/mod.comm.input/ig,'bot_comm_input']]);
if (Options.ChatOptions.Emoticons) {
var ab = document.createElement('a');
ab.style.paddingLeft = '0px';
ab.addEventListener ('click', ChatStuff.SmileyHelp, false);
function OSendChat () {
ById('mod_comm_input').value = BtFilter(ById('bot_comm_input'));
ById('mod_comm_input').value = ById('bot_comm_input').value;
ById('bot_comm_input').value = "";
function BtFilter(e) {
var whisper = "";
var firstindex = 0;
var enctype = 0;
if(e.value.charAt(0) == "\\") {
e.value = String(e.value).slice(1);
enctype = 1;
if(e.value.charAt(0) == "/" || e.value.charAt(0) == "@") {
firstindex = e.value.indexOf(" ");
whisper = e.value.slice(0,firstindex)+' ';
var m = e.value.substr(firstindex,e.value.length);
if(enctype == 1) {
var unicodeString = '';
for (var i=0; i < m.length; i++) {
var theUnicode = m.charCodeAt(i);;;
theUnicode = '&#' + theUnicode+';';
unicodeString += theUnicode;
m = unicodeString;
if(enctype == 0) {
var m = e.value.substr(firstindex,e.value.length);
var x = Filter[Options.ChatOptions.fchar];
m = m.replace(/Fa/g,'F'+x+'a').replace(/fA/g,'f'+x+'A').replace(/FA/g,'F'+x+'A').replace(/fa/g,'f'+x+'a');
m = m.replace(/Gr/g,'G'+x+'r').replace(/gR/g,'g'+x+'R').replace(/GR/g,'G'+x+'R').replace(/gr/g,'g'+x+'r');
m = m.replace(/Ri/g,'R'+x+'i').replace(/rI/g,'r'+x+'I').replace(/RI/g,'R'+x+'I').replace(/ri/g,'r'+x+'i');
m = m.replace(/Na/g,'N'+x+'a').replace(/nA/g,'n'+x+'A').replace(/NA/g,'N'+x+'A').replace(/na/g,'n'+x+'a');
m = m.replace(/885/g,'8'+x+'8'+x+'5').replace(/80085/g,'8'+x+'0'+x+'0'+x+'8'+x+'5');
// strip http:// and https://
m = m.replace('https://','');
m = m.replace('http://','');
function enFilter(e) {
var x = Filter["Null"];
var m = String(e);
m = m.replace(/885/g,'8'+x+'8'+x+'5').replace(/80085/g,'8'+x+'0'+x+'0'+x+'8'+x+'5');
return m;
function deFilter(e) {
var x = Filter["Null"];
var m = String(e);
m = m.replace(new RegExp(x, 'g'),'');
return m;
var ChatPane = {
init : function(){
var t = ChatPane;
t.myregexp1 = new RegExp(tx("You are # [0-9]+ of [0-9]+ to help"),"i");
t.myregexp2 = new RegExp(tx("\'s Kingdom does not need help\."),"i");
t.myregexp3 = new RegExp(tx("\'s project has already been completed\."),"i");
t.myregexp4 = new RegExp(tx("\'s project has received the maximum amount of help\."),"i");
t.myregexp5 = new RegExp(tx("You already helped with (.*?)\'s project\."),"i");
t.myregexp6 = new RegExp(tx("is low on food. Remaining:"),"i");
t.myregexp7 = new RegExp(tx("\> "+uW.g_js_strings.getChat.saystoalliance+"\:\<\/b\>"),"i");
t.myregexp8 = new RegExp(tx("\> "+uW.g_js_strings.sendChat.saystoalliance+"\:\<\/b\>"),"i");
t.myregexp9 = new RegExp("[(]spam[)]","i");
t.myregexp10 = new RegExp("[{]spam[}]","i");
t.myregexp11 = new RegExp("[-]spam[-]","i");
t.myregexp12 = new RegExp("ptChatAttack","i");
t.myregexp13 = new RegExp("ptChatScout","i");
t.myregexp14 = new RegExp(tx("has been")+" "+tx("attacked")+" "+tx("by"),"i");
t.myregexp15 = new RegExp(tx("has been")+" "+tx("scouted")+" "+tx("by"),"i");
setInterval(t.HandleChatPane, 2500);
HandleChatPane : function() {
var t = ChatPane;
var DisplayName = GetDisplayName();
var AllianceChatBox=ById('mod_comm_list2');
var GlobalChatBox=ById('mod_comm_list1');
var chatPosts = document.evaluate(".//div[contains(@class,'chatwrap')]", AllianceChatBox, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
for (var i = 0; i < chatPosts.snapshotLength; i++) {
thisPost = chatPosts.snapshotItem(i);
var postAuthor = document.evaluate('.//*[@class="nm"]', thisPost, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
var postAuthorName = postAuthor.snapshotItem(0).innerHTML;
if(postAuthorName != DisplayName){
var helpAllianceLinks=document.evaluate(".//a[contains(@onclick,'claimAllianceChatHelp')]", thisPost, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
for (var j = 0; j < helpAllianceLinks.snapshotLength; j++) {
thisLink = helpAllianceLinks.snapshotItem(j);
var alreadyClicked = thisLink.getAttribute("clicked");
thisLink.setAttribute('clicked', 'true');
var myregexp = /(claimAllianceChatHelp\(.*\);)/;
var match = myregexp.exec(thisLink.getAttribute("onclick"));
if (match != null) {
onclickCode = match[0];
if(Options.ChatOptions.DeleteAllianceSpam){ // hide alli spam in alli chat
if (thisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp9) || thisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp10) || thisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp11)) {
// delete alliance chats from global chat if required
if(Options.ChatOptions.DeleteRequest || Options.ChatOptions.DeleteFood || Options.ChatOptions.DeleteAlert || Options.ChatOptions.DeleteReport || Options.ChatOptions.DeletegAl) {
var gchatPosts = document.evaluate(".//div[contains(@class,'chatwrap')]", GlobalChatBox, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
if(gchatPosts) {
for (var i = 0; i < gchatPosts.snapshotLength; i++) {
var gthisPost = gchatPosts.snapshotItem(i);
if (Options.ChatOptions.DeleteRequest) { // Hide alliance request reports in chat - note they don't say "says to the alliance" :/
if (gthisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp1) || gthisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp2) || gthisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp3) || gthisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp4) || gthisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp5)) {
if(Options.ChatOptions.DeletegAl) { // hide alliance chat from global chat
if (gthisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp7) || gthisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp8))
else {
// check for global spam
var gchatPosts = document.evaluate(".//div[contains(@class,'chatwrap')]", GlobalChatBox, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
if(gchatPosts) {
for (var i = 0; i < gchatPosts.snapshotLength; i++) {
var gthisPost = gchatPosts.snapshotItem(i);
if (!gthisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp7) && !gthisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp8) && (gthisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp9) || gthisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp10) || gthisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp11))) { // hide spam from global
HidePostOptions : function (thisPost,DisplayName) {
var t = ChatPane;
if(Options.ChatOptions.DeleteRequest){ // Hide alliance requests in alli chat
var helpAllianceLinks=document.evaluate(".//a[contains(@onclick,'claimAllianceChatHelp')]", thisPost, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
for (var j = 0; j < helpAllianceLinks.snapshotLength; j++) {
thisLink = helpAllianceLinks.snapshotItem(j);
// Hide alliance request reports in alli chat
if (thisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp1) || thisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp2) || thisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp3) || thisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp4) || thisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp5)) {
if(Options.ChatOptions.DeleteFood){ // hide food alerts in alli chat
var NameArray = [];
if (Options.ChatOptions.DeleteFoodUsers.trim() != "")
NameArray = Options.ChatOptions.DeleteFoodUsers.trim().toUpperCase().split(",");
var postAuthor = document.evaluate('.//*[@class="nm"]', thisPost, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
var postAuthorName = postAuthor.snapshotItem(0).innerHTML;
if(postAuthorName != DisplayName && ((NameArray.indexOf(postAuthorName.split(" ")[1].toUpperCase()) != -1) || NameArray.length==0)){
if (thisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp6)) {
if(Options.ChatOptions.DeleteAlert){ // hide tower attack alerts in alli chat
var NameArray = [];
if (Options.ChatOptions.DeleteAlertUsers.trim() != "")
NameArray = Options.ChatOptions.DeleteAlertUsers.trim().toUpperCase().split(",");
var postAuthor = document.evaluate('.//*[@class="nm"]', thisPost, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
var postAuthorName = postAuthor.snapshotItem(0).innerHTML;
if(postAuthorName != DisplayName && ((NameArray.indexOf(postAuthorName.split(" ")[1].toUpperCase()) != -1) || NameArray.length==0)){
if (thisPost.outerHTML.match(t.myregexp12)) {
if(Options.ChatOptions.DeleteReport){ // hide reports in alli chat
var postAuthor = document.evaluate('.//*[@class="nm"]', thisPost, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
if (postAuthor.snapshotItem(0)){
var postAuthorName = postAuthor.snapshotItem(0).innerHTML;
if (postAuthorName != DisplayName){
if (thisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp14) || thisPost.innerHTML.match(t.myregexp15)) {
if(Options.ChatOptions.DeleteScout){ // hide tower scout alerts in alli chat
var NameArray = [];
if (Options.ChatOptions.DeleteScoutUsers.trim() != "")
NameArray = Options.ChatOptions.DeleteScoutUsers.trim().toUpperCase().split(",");
var postAuthor = document.evaluate('.//*[@class="nm"]', thisPost, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
var postAuthorName = postAuthor.snapshotItem(0).innerHTML;
if(postAuthorName != DisplayName && ((NameArray.indexOf(postAuthorName.split(" ")[1].toUpperCase()) != -1) || NameArray.length==0)){
if (thisPost.outerHTML.match(t.myregexp13)) {
var ChatStuff = {
chatDivContentFunc: null,
getChatFunc: null,
leaders: {},
ChatIcons : {},
Colors : {
ChatLeaders: '#B8B8B8',
ChatGlobal: '#CCCCFF',
ChatAll: '#99CCFF',
ChatAtt: '#FF4D4D',
ChatScout: '#FF8800',
ChatRecall: '#6B8E23',
ChatWhisper: '#FF4D4D',
ChatVC: '#00FF00',
ChatChancy: '#F8E151',
marchtimer : null,
marchETA : null,
marchDIR : '',
BAOAttack : ['Type : ATTAQUE','Type: ATTACK','Tipo: ATTACCO','TYP: ANGRIFF','Tipo : ATACAR'],
BAOScout : ['Type : ECLAIREUR','Type: SCOUT','Tipo: ESPLORAZIONE','TYP: Anerkennung','Tipo : EXPLORACION'],
init: function () {
var t = ChatStuff;
try {
if (getMyAlliance()[0] > 0) {
t.chatDivContentFunc = new CalterUwFunc('Chat.chatDivContent', [['return f.join("")', 'var msg = f.join("");\n msg=chatDivContent_hook(msg,d);\n return msg;']]);
uWExportFunction ('chatDivContent_hook', t.chatDivContentHook);
uWExportFunction ('chatDivContent_hook2', t.chatDivContentHook2);
uWExportFunction ('ptChatIconClicked', t.e_iconClicked);
uWExportFunction ('ptChatReportClicked', Rpt.FindReport);
uWExportFunction ('ptfetchmarch', t.fetchmarchcaller);
uWExportFunction('btSelectSmiley', ChatStuff.SelectSmiley);
uWExportFunction('btSelectText', SelectText);
if (Options.ChatOptions.chatGlobal) {
ById('mod_comm_list1').className += ' ptChatGlobal ';
if (Options.ChatOptions.chatAlliance) {
ById('mod_comm_list2').className += ' ptChatAlliance ';
ChatComOverlay(); // enable chat filter buster!
ChatPane.init(); // initialise chat hide functions
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
isAvailable: function () {
var t = ChatStuff;
setEnable: function (tf) {
var t = ChatStuff;
e_iconClicked: function (name) {
if (ById('bot_comm_input'))
var e = ById('bot_comm_input');
var e = ById('mod_comm_input');
name = name.replace(/°°/g, "'");
e.value = '@' + name + ' ';
chatDivContentHook2: function (msg) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = msg;
div.innerText = div.innerHTML;
msg = div.innerHTML.toString();
return msg.htmlSpecialCharsDecode();
chatDivContentHook: function (msg, type) {
function FormatChatTable (msg) {
var f = msg.indexOf('<div class=\'tx\'>');
if (f >= 0) {
msg = msg.replace(/<div class=\'tx\'>/, '</td></tr><div class=\'tx\'><center><table border="1" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>')
msg = msg.replace(/\|\|/g, '</td></tr><tr><td>');
var a = msg.indexOf('</div>', f);
msg = msg.slice(0, a) + '</td></tr></table><a onclick="this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = \'none\';"><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">'+tx('hide')+'</span></a></center>' + msg.slice(a);
return msg;
var t = ChatStuff;
var element_class = '';
var alliance = false;
var whisper = false;
var whisper2 = false;
var m = /div class=\'info\'>.*<\/div>/im.exec(msg);
if (m == null) return msg;
if (type != null) {
if (type.indexOf(uW.g_js_strings.getChat.saystoalliance) > 0) {
alliance = true;
if (type.indexOf(uW.g_js_strings.getChat.whisperstoyou) > 0) {
whisper = true;
if (type.indexOf(uW.g_js_strings.sendChat.whispersto) > 0) { // when local whisper it says your name! need this for tower alert whisper
whisper2 = true;
var whisp = m[0];
if (whisper) {
if (Options.ChatOptions.chatWhisper) {
element_class += ' ptChatWhisper ';
} else { //Global & Alliance
if (Options.ChatOptions.chatBold)
element_class += ' ptChatBold ';
var suid = /viewProfile\(this,([0-9]+),/i.exec(m[0]);
if (!suid) { suid = uW.tvuid; }
else { suid = suid[1]; }
if (Options.ChatOptions.chatLeaders) {
if (t.leaders[suid]) element_class += ' ptChat' + t.leaders[suid];
var glorytitle = '';
var aid = getMyAlliance()[0];
if (Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeader && Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeaderAID==aid && Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeaderUID==suid) {
element_class += ' ptChatGLORY';
glorytitle = "title='Glory: "+addCommas(Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeaderGlory)+"'";
if (Options.ChatOptions.Rainbow && suid==uW.tvuid) {
element_class += ' ptChatRAINBOW';
if (Options.ChatOptions.chatIcons) {
if (t.ChatIcons[suid]) { msg = msg.replace(/\bhttps\:\/\/[-a-z].*\'\/\>/i, "https://graph.facebook.com/" + t.ChatIcons[suid] + "/picture\'\/\>"); }
else { t.getfbid(suid); }
msg = msg.replace("class='chatIcon'", " class='chatIcon' title='"+tx('Click to send a message')+"' onclick='getMessageWindow("+suid+",\"UID:"+suid+"\");return false;' ");
var fchar = new RegExp(atob('rQ=='), "g");
msg = msg.replace(fchar, "").replace(/\&\#8232\;/g, "");
if ((alliance || whisper2) && Options.ChatOptions.chatAttack) {
//barcode style catch
if (m[0].indexOf('.::.') >= 0) {
element_class = ' ptChatRecall';
msg = FormatChatTable(msg);
msg = msg.replace('.::.', '');
if (m[0].indexOf('.:..') >= 0) {
element_class = ' ptChatScout';
msg = FormatChatTable(msg);
msg = msg.replace('.:..', '');
if (m[0].indexOf('..:.') >= 0) {
element_class = ' ptChatAttack';
msg = FormatChatTable(msg);
msg = msg.replace('..:.', '');
// legacy
if (m[0].indexOf(uW.g_js_strings.modal_messages_viewreports_view.scoutingat) >= 0)
element_class = ' ptChatScout';
// detect BAO alerts
for (var a=0;a<t.BAOAttack.length;a++) {
if (m[0].indexOf(t.BAOAttack[a]) >= 0) {
element_class = ' ptChatAttack';
for (var a=0;a<t.BAOScout.length;a++) {
if (m[0].indexOf(t.BAOScout[a]) >= 0) {
element_class = ' ptChatScout';
//general use tables
if (m[0].indexOf(':::.') >= 0) {
msg = FormatChatTable(msg);
msg = msg.replace(':::.', '');
msg = msg.replace(/\|/g, '<br>');
msg = msg.replace("class=\'content\'", "class='content " + element_class + "' "+glorytitle);
msg = msg.replace(/<div class=\'tx\'>/, '<div ondblclick="btSelectText(this);" class=\'tx\'>')
if (m[0].indexOf('Report No:') && Options.ReportOptions.NoDuplicateReports){
var rid = /(\bReport\sNo:\s([0-9]+))/g.exec(msg);
if (rid) {AllianceReportsCheck.addAllianceReport({reportId:rid[2], reportUnixTime:unixTime()});}
msg = msg.replace(/(\bReport\sNo\:\s([0-9]+))/g, '<a onclick=\'ptChatReportClicked($2,0)\'>$1</a>');
msg = msg.replace(/(\bRpt\:([0-9]+))/g, '<a onclick=\'ptChatReportClicked($2,0)\'>$1</a>');
msg = msg.replace(/#([0-9]+)#/g, '<a onclick=\'ptChatReportClicked($1,0)\'>$1</a>');
if (m[0].indexOf('UID:')){ msg = msg.replace (/(\bUID:\s([0-9]+))/g, 'UID: $2 <a onclick=\'btMonitorExternalCallUID($2)\'>(Monitor)</a>'); }
if (m[0].indexOf('TRC:')){ msg = msg.replace (/(\bTRC:\s([0-9]+))/g, 'UID: $2 <a onclick=\'btMonitorExternalCallUID($2)\'>(Monitor)</a>'); }
if (m[0].indexOf('March id:') && Options.FetchMarchInfo){
var mid = /(\bMarch\sid:\s([0-9]+))/g.exec(msg);
if (mid && Tabs.MarchCrawl && Tabs.MarchCrawl.CrawlResult) {t.fetchmarch(mid[2],Tabs.MarchCrawl.CrawlResult);}
msg = msg.replace (/(\bMarch\sid:\s([0-9]+))/g, '<a onclick=\'ptfetchmarch($2)\'>'+tx('Additional March details')+' ---></a>');
msg = msg.replace(/(\byoutube([0-9a-z\.\?\/\=\-\_]+))/gi, '<a onclick=\"window.open\(\'http\:\/\/www\.$1\',\'_blank\'\)\">$1</a>');
msg = msg.replace(/(\byoutu\.be([0-9a-z\.\?\/\=\-\_]+))/gi, '<a onclick=\"window.open\(\'http\:\/\/www\.$1\',\'_blank\'\)\">$1</a>');
msg = msg.replace(/(\btinyurl([0-9a-z\.\?\/\=\-\_]+))/gi, '<a onclick=\"window.open\(\'http\:\/\/www\.$1\',\'_blank\'\)\">$1</a>');
msg = msg.replace(/(\W)(bot)(\W)/gi, '$1<a onclick=window.open("https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/399012-koc-power-bot-plus")>$2</a>$3');
msg = msg.replace(/(\W)(PB+)(\W)/gi, '$1<a onclick=window.open("http:///www.facebook.com/PowerBotPlus/")>$2</a>$3');
if (KOCMON_ON) {
msg = msg.replace(/(\W)(kocmon)(\W)/gi, '$1<a onclick=window.open("http://www.rycamelot.com/")>$2</a>$3');
msg = msg.replace(/(\W)(kocinfo)(\W)/gi, '$1<a onclick=window.open("http://www.facebook.com/groups/SolarsKOCinfoPage/")>$2</a>$3');
var m = /(Lord|Lady) (.*?)</im.exec(msg);
if (m != null)
m[2] = m[2].replace(/\'/g, "\\\'");
msg = msg.replace(/<img (.*?>)/img, '<A onclick=\"ptChatIconClicked(\'' + m[2] + '\')\"><img class=\"ptChatIcon\" $1</a>');
if (Options.ChatOptions.ImagePreviews) { msg = msg.replace(/(\bi.imgur([0-9a-z\.\?\/\=\-\_]+))/gi, '<a onclick=\"window.open\(\'http\:\/\/$1\',\'_blank\'\)\"><img style="width:initial;height:initial;max-width:100%;float:none" src="http\:\/\/$1"></a><center><a onclick="this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = \'none\';"><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">'+tx('hide')+'</span></a></center>'); }
else { msg = msg.replace(/(\bi.imgur([0-9a-z\.\?\/\=\-\_]+))/gi, '<a onclick=\"window.open\(\'http\:\/\/$1\',\'_blank\'\)\">$1</a>'); }
if (Options.ChatOptions.ImagePreviews) { msg = msg.replace(/(\bi.giphy([0-9a-z\.\?\/\=\-\_]+))/gi, '<a onclick=\"window.open\(\'http\:\/\/$1\',\'_blank\'\)\"><img style="width:initial;height:initial;max-width:100%;float:none" src="http\:\/\/$1"></a><center><a onclick="this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = \'none\';"><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">'+tx('hide')+'</span></a></center>'); }
else { msg = msg.replace(/(\bi.giphy([0-9a-z\.\?\/\=\-\_]+))/gi, '<a onclick=\"window.open\(\'http\:\/\/$1\',\'_blank\'\)\">$1</a>'); }
if (Options.ChatOptions.ImagePreviews) { msg = msg.replace(/(\bi[0-9]+.tinypic([0-9a-z\.\?\/\=\-\_]+))/gi, '<a onclick=\"window.open\(\'http\:\/\/$1\',\'_blank\'\)\"><img style="width:initial;height:initial;max-width:100%;float:none" src="http\:\/\/$1"></a><center><a onclick="this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = \'none\';"><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">'+tx('hide')+'</span></a></center>'); }
else { msg = msg.replace(/(\bi[0-9]+.tinypic([0-9a-z\.\?\/\=\-\_]+))/gi, '<a onclick=\"window.open\(\'http\:\/\/$1\',\'_blank\'\)\">$1</a>'); }
if (Options.ChatOptions.ImagePreviews) { msg = msg.replace(/(\bs[0-9]+.postimg([0-9a-z\.\?\/\=\-\_]+))/gi, '<a onclick=\"window.open\(\'http\:\/\/$1\',\'_blank\'\)\"><img style="width:initial;height:initial;max-width:100%;float:none" src="http\:\/\/$1"></a><center><a onclick="this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = \'none\';"><span style="font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;">'+tx('hide')+'</span></a></center>'); }
else { msg = msg.replace(/(\bs[0-9]+.postimg([0-9a-z\.\?\/\=\-\_]+))/gi, '<a onclick=\"window.open\(\'http\:\/\/$1\',\'_blank\'\)\">$1</a>'); }
if (Options.ChatOptions.Emoticons) {
for (k in Smileys) {
msg=replaceAll(msg,k, '<img class=smileyimage src=\"'+Smileys[k]+'\">',false); // no ignore case!
for (k in ChatStyles) {
if (Options.ChatOptions.Styles) { msg=replaceAll(msg,k, '<span style="'+ChatStyles[k]+'">',true); }
else { msg=replaceAll(msg,k, '',true); }
if (Options.ChatOptions.Styles) { msg=replaceAll(msg,'[#]', '</span>',true); }
else { msg=replaceAll(msg,'[#]', '',true); }
if (whisper && Options.ChatOptions.enableWhisperAlert) {
AudioManager.setSource(eval('SOUND_FILES.' + Options.ChatOptions.WhisperPlay));
AudioManager.stoptimer = setTimeout(function () { AudioManager.stop(); }, 2500);
if ((element_class == ' ptChatAttack') && Options.ChatOptions.enableTowerAlert) {
var SoundAlert = true;
if (Options.ChatOptions.DeleteAlert){
var NameArray = [];
if (Options.ChatOptions.DeleteAlertUsers.trim() != "")
NameArray = Options.ChatOptions.DeleteAlertUsers.trim().toUpperCase().split(",");
if ((NameArray.indexOf(m[2].toUpperCase()) != -1) || NameArray.length==0){
SoundAlert = false;
if (SoundAlert) {
AudioManager.setSource(eval('SOUND_FILES.' + Options.ChatOptions.TowerPlay));
AudioManager.stoptimer = setTimeout(function () { AudioManager.stop(); }, 5000);
if ((element_class == ' ptChatScout') && Options.ChatOptions.enableScoutAlert) {
var SoundAlert = true;
if (Options.ChatOptions.DeleteScout){
var NameArray = [];
if (Options.ChatOptions.DeleteScoutUsers.trim() != "")
NameArray = Options.ChatOptions.DeleteScoutUsers.trim().toUpperCase().split(",");
if ((NameArray.indexOf(m[2].toUpperCase()) != -1) || NameArray.length==0){
SoundAlert = false;
if (SoundAlert) {
AudioManager.setSource(eval('SOUND_FILES.' + Options.ChatOptions.ScoutPlay));
AudioManager.stoptimer = setTimeout(function () { AudioManager.stop(); }, 5000);
return msg;
getAllianceLeaders: function () {
var t = ChatStuff;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/allianceGetLeaders.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
loading: true,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.officers) {
for (var uid in rslt.officers) {
var user = rslt.officers[uid];
t.leaders[user.userId] = user.type.substr(0, 4);
getfbid: function (uid) {
fetchPlayerCourt(uid, ChatStuff.addfbuid);
addfbuid: function (rslt) {
var t = ChatStuff;
if (rslt.ok) {
var uid = parseInt(rslt.playerInfo.userId);
var fbid = parseInt(rslt.playerInfo.fbuid);
t.ChatIcons[uid] = fbid;
readChatIcons : function () {
var t = ChatStuff;
s = GM_getValue('ChatIcons');
if (s != null) {
opts = JSON2.parse(s);
for (var k in opts) {
t.ChatIcons[k] = opts[k];
saveChatIcons : function () {
var t = ChatStuff;
GM_setValue('ChatIcons', JSON2.stringify(t.ChatIcons));
fetchmarchcaller : function(mid) {
var t = ChatStuff;
fetchmarch : function (mid,notify,qc) {
var t = ChatStuff;
if(!mid) { notify({}); return; }
if (ById('ptfetchmarch')) ById('ptfetchmarch').innerHTML = tx("Fetching March")+"...";
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.rid = mid;
var atimer = setTimeout(function() {notify ({errorMsg:'Fetch march timed out (March ID '+mid+')'});}, 6000);
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/fetchMarch.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok){
if (qc) {
var ui = [];
var n = {name:'???'}
notify ({userInfo:ui},{userInfo:ui},rslt.march);
else {
t.fetchmarchPlayerInfo(rslt.march.fromPlayerId, rslt.march.toPlayerId, notify, rslt.march);
else {
notify ({errorMsg:'Fetch march error (March ID '+mid+')'});
onFailure: function () {
notify ({errorMsg:'AJAX error'});
fetchmarchPlayerInfo : function (uid, uid2, notify, march, uidrslt) {
var t = ChatStuff;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.uid = uid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getUserGeneralInfo.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (uid2 && uid2 != 0) {
else {
if (!uidrslt) {
notify (rslt,uidrslt,march);
else {
notify (uidrslt,rslt,march);
onFailure: function () { notify ({errorMsg:'AJAX error'}); },
UpdateMarchTime : function () {
var t = ChatStuff;
var now = unixTime();
var arrivalTime = t.marchETA - now;
if (arrivalTime >= 0) {
marchtime = uW.timestr(arrivalTime);
t.marchtimer = setTimeout(t.UpdateMarchTime, 1000);
else {
if (t.marchDIR == "") {
marchtime = tx('Landed! (Please Refresh)');
else {
marchtime = tx("Completed.");
if (ById('ptmarchtime')) {
ById('ptmarchtime').innerHTML = marchtime+t.marchDIR;
MarchPopup : function (rslt,rslt2,march) {
var t = ChatStuff;
var n = '<table align=center width=95% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtabBR colspan=2> </td></tr>';
if (rslt.userInfo) {
if (Tabs.MarchCrawl && Tabs.MarchCrawl.catalogMarch) setTimeout( function () {Tabs.MarchCrawl.catalogMarch(rslt,rslt2,march);},0);
var u = rslt.userInfo[0];
var alli = 'None';
if (u.allianceName)
alli = u.allianceName + FormatDiplomacy(u.allianceId);
var u2;
if (rslt2 && rslt2.userInfo) {
u2 = rslt2.userInfo[0];
var alli2 = 'None';
if (u2.allianceName)
alli2 = u2.allianceName + FormatDiplomacy(u2.allianceId);
var a = march;
n += '<tr><td class=xtabBR width=150>'+tx('March ID')+'</td><td class=xtab><b><input type=text id=ptmid value="'+a.marchId+'" '+(trusted?"":"disabled")+'> <a id=ptfetchmarch>'+tx('Refresh')+'</a></b></td></tr>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtabBR colspan=2> </td></tr>';
var marchStatus = parseInt(a.marchStatus);
var now = unixTime();
var destinationUnixTime = convertTime(new Date(a["destinationEta"].replace(" ", "T")+"Z")) - now;
var returnUnixTime = convertTime(new Date(a["returnEta"].replace(" ", "T")+"Z")) - now;
if ((destinationUnixTime < 0) || (marchStatus == 8) || (marchStatus == 2))
marchdir = "Return";
marchdir = "Count";
if (destinationUnixTime >= 0) {
marchtime = uW.timestr(destinationUnixTime);
t.marchETA = convertTime(new Date(a["destinationEta"].replace(" ", "T")+"Z"));
t.marchDIR = '';
t.marchtimer = setTimeout(t.UpdateMarchTime, 1000);
else {
if (marchStatus == 2) {
marchtime = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.encamped;
else {
if (returnUnixTime < 0) {
marchtime = tx("Completed")+" ("+uW.timestr(returnUnixTime*(-1)) +" "+tx('ago')+")";
else {
if (marchStatus == 8) {
marchtime = uW.timestr(returnUnixTime)+' ('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.returning+')';
t.marchETA = convertTime(new Date(a["returnEta"].replace(" ", "T")+"Z"));
t.marchDIR = ' ('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.returning+')';
t.marchtimer = setTimeout(t.UpdateMarchTime, 1000);
else {
marchtime = tx("Waiting");
n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+tx('Time/Status')+'</td><td class=xtabBR id=ptmarchtime><b>'+marchtime+'</b></td></tr>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtabBR colspan=2> </td></tr>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.nametx+'</td><td class=xtabBR><b>' + u.genderAndName + '</b><td></tr>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtab>UID</td><td class=xtabBR><b>' + MonitorLinkUID(a.fromPlayerId)+'</b></td></tr>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.might+'</td><td class=xtabBR>' + addCommas(parseInt(u.might))+'</td></tr>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.alliance+'</td><td class=xtabBR>'+ alli +'</td></tr>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtabBR colspan=2> </td></tr>';
var marchType = parseInt(a.marchType);
if (marchType == 10) marchType=4; // Change Dark Forest type to Attack!
var hint = "";
switch (marchType) {
case 1: hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.transport;break;
case 2: hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce;break;
case 3: hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout;break;
case 4: hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack;break;
case 5: hint=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reassign;break;
n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+tx('March Type')+'</td><td class=xtabBR><b>'+hint+'</b></td></tr>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+tx('From')+'</td><td class=xtabBR><b>'+coordLink(a.fromXCoord,a.fromYCoord)+'</b></td></tr>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+tx('CityID')+'</td><td class=xtabBR>'+a.fromCityId+'</td></tr>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtabBR colspan=2> </td></tr>';
var totile = tileTypes[parseInt(a["toTileType"])];
if (a["toTileType"] == 51) {
if (!a["toPlayerId"]) { totile = "???"; }
else { if (a["toPlayerId"] == 0) totile = 'Barb Camp'; }
totile = 'Lvl '+a["toTileLevel"]+' '+totile;
n += '<tr><td class=xtab>To</td><td class=xtabBR><b>'+coordLink(a.toXCoord,a.toYCoord)+' '+totile+'</b></td></tr>';
if (a["toCityId"] != 0) n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+tx('CityID')+'</td><td class=xtabBR>'+a.toCityId+'</td></tr>';
if (a["toPlayerId"] != 0 && a["toPlayerId"] != a["fromPlayerId"]) n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.nametx+'</td><td class=xtabBR><b>'+u2.genderAndName+'</b></td></tr>';
if (a["toPlayerId"] != 0 && a["toPlayerId"] != a["fromPlayerId"]) n += '<tr><td class=xtab>UID</td><td class=xtabBR><b>'+MonitorLinkUID(a.toPlayerId)+'</b></td></tr>';
if (a["toPlayerId"] != 0 && a["toPlayerId"] != a["fromPlayerId"]) n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.might+'</td><td class=xtabBR>' + addCommas(parseInt(u2.might))+'</td></tr>';
if (a["toPlayerId"] != 0 && a["toPlayerId"] != a["fromPlayerId"]) n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.alliance+'</td><td class=xtabBR>'+ alli2 +'</td></tr>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtabBR colspan=2> </td></tr>';
if (a["championId"] && a["championId"] != 0) {
n +='<tr><td class=xtab>'+tx('Champion')+'</td><td class=xtabBR>'+tx('Champion ID')+':'+a["championId"]+'</td></tr>'; // this is all we can get from march :/
if (a["knightId"] > 0) n +='<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.knight+'</td><td class=xtabBR>'+a.knightName+' (Atk:'+ a["knightCombat"]+')</td></tr>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.troops+'</td><td class=xtabBR>';
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if((a["unit"+i+"Count"] > 0) || (a["unit"+i+"Return"] > 0)) {
trpcol = Options.Colors.PanelText;
original = '';
if ((marchdir == "Return") && (a["unit"+i+"Return"] < a["unit"+i+"Count"])) { trpcol = '#f00'; original = ' </span><span>('+addCommas(a["unit"+i+"Count"])+')'}
n += '<span class=xtab>'+ uW.unitcost['unt'+i][0] +': <span class=xtab style="color:'+trpcol+'">'+ addCommas(a["unit"+i+marchdir])+original+'</span></span> ';
n += '</td></tr>';
if (a["fromSpellType"]) {
var spell = uW.g_js_strings.spells['name_'+a["fromSpellType"]];
if (spell) {
n +='<tr><td class=xtab>'+tx('Battle Spell')+'</td><td class=xtab><b>'+spell+'</b></td></tr>';
if (a["gold"] > 0) n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.gold+'</td><td class=xtabBR>'+ addCommas(a["gold"]) +'</td></tr>';
if (a["resource1"] > 0) n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.food+'</td><td class=xtabBR>'+ addCommas(a["resource1"]) +'</td></tr>';
if (a["resource2"] > 0) n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.wood+'</td><td class=xtabBR>'+ addCommas(a["resource2"]) +'</td></tr>';
if (a["resource3"] > 0) n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.stone+'</td><td class=xtabBR>'+ addCommas(a["resource3"]) +'</td></tr>';
if (a["resource4"] > 0) n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.ore+'</td><td class=xtabBR>'+ addCommas(a["resource4"]) +'</td></tr>';
if (a["resource5"] > 0) n += '<tr><td class=xtab>'+tx('Aether')+'</td><td class=xtabBR>'+ addCommas(a["resource5"]) +'</td></tr>';
else {
n += '<tr><td class=xtab width=150>'+tx('March ID')+'</td><td class=xtabBR><b><input type=text id=ptmid value="" '+(trusted?"":"disabled")+'> <a id=ptfetchmarch>'+tx('Fetch')+'</a></b></td></tr>';
if (rslt.errorMsg) {
n += '<tr><td class=xtabBR colspan=2> </td></tr>';
n += '<tr><td class=xtabBR colspan=2>'+rslt.errorMsg+'</td></tr>';
n += '</table>';
var MarchPop = null;
var off = getAbsoluteOffsets(ById('mod_comm_list2'));
if (off.top<=0) { off.top = 0; }
MarchPop = new CPopup('ptShowMarch', off.left, off.top, 500, 500, true, function () {
MarchPop.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<DIV align=center><B>'+tx('MARCH DETAILS')+'</B></DIV>';
MarchPop.getMainDiv().innerHTML = n;
ById('ptfetchmarch').addEventListener('click', function () { uW.ptfetchmarch(ById('ptmid').value) }, false);
SelectSmiley: function(what) {
function insertAtCaret(areaId, text) {
var txtarea = ById(areaId);
var scrollPos = txtarea.scrollTop;
var caretPos = txtarea.selectionStart;
var front = (txtarea.value).substring(0, caretPos);
var back = (txtarea.value).substring(txtarea.selectionEnd, txtarea.value.length);
txtarea.value = front + text + back;
caretPos = caretPos + text.length;
txtarea.selectionStart = caretPos;
txtarea.selectionEnd = caretPos;
txtarea.scrollTop = scrollPos;
insertAtCaret("bot_comm_input"," "+what+" ");return;
SmileyHelp : function (){
var t = ChatStuff;
if (t.smileypop) {
if (t.smileypop.onClose) t.smileypop.onClose();
t.smileypop = null;
var helpText = '<DIV style="max-height:400px; height:400px; overflow-y:auto">';
helpText += '<TABLE width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 class=xtab><tr>';
var row=0;
for (k in Smileys) {
helpText += '<TR><TD align=right><a><img title="'+tx("click to insert to chat")+'" class=smileyimage src=\"'+Smileys[k]+'\" onclick="btSelectSmiley(\''+k+'\')"></a></td><TD align=right><font size=1>'+k+'</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD align=right><b>'+tx('Text Styles')+'</b></td><TD align=right> </td></tr>';
for (k in ChatStyles) {
helpText += '<TR><TD align=right><a onclick="btSelectSmiley(\''+k+'\');">'+ChatStyles[k]+'</a></td><TD align=right><font size=1>'+k+'</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD align=right><a onclick="btSelectSmiley(\'[#]\');">'+tx('end style')+'</a></td><TD align=right><font size=1>[#]</td></tr>';
helpText += '</table></div><br>';
var off = getOffset(ById('btEmoticonLink'));
t.smileypop = new CPopup('BotHelp', off.left, off.top+20, 200, 400, true);
t.smileypop.getMainDiv().innerHTML = helpText;
t.smileypop.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<CENTER><B>'+tx("Emoticons")+'</b></center>';
t.smileypop.show (true);
var Rpt = {
reportpos:{x: -999, y: -999},
FindReport: function (rpId, pageNum) {
var t = Rpt;
FetchReport(rpId,function(rslt) {
if (!rslt.ok) {
var a = document.createElement("div");
a.className = "chatwrap clearfix noalliance";
a.innerHTML = "<div>" + rslt.msg + "</div>";
jQuery("#mod_comm_list" + uW.Chat.chatType).prepend(a);
else {
var rpt = rslt['index'];
rpt.Side0PlayerId = rslt['index']['side0PlayerId'];
rpt.Side0AllianceId = rslt['index']['side0AllianceId'];
rpt.Side1PlayerId = rslt['index']['side1PlayerId'];
t.GetNames(rpId, rpt);
GetNames: function (rpId, rpt) {
var t = Rpt;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.uid = rpt.Side1PlayerId;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getUserGeneralInfo.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
rpt.side1Name = rslt['userInfo']['0']['name'];
rpt.side1AllianceName = rslt['userInfo']['0']['allianceName'];
if (rpt.Side0PlayerId && rpt.Side0PlayerId != 0) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.uid = rpt.Side0PlayerId;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getUserGeneralInfo.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
rpt.side0Name = rslt['userInfo']['0']['name'];
rpt.side0AllianceName = rslt['userInfo']['0']['allianceName'];
t.GetReport(rpId, rpt);
}, false);
} else {
rpt.side0Name = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.enemy;
t.GetReport(rpId, rpt);
}, true);
GetReport: function (rpId, rpt) {
var t = Rpt;
var side = 1;
if (rpt.Side0PlayerId == uW.tvuid) {
side = 0;
} else {
if (rpt.Side1PlayerId == uW.tvuid) {
side = 1;
} else {
if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies) {
if (parseInt(rpt.side0AllianceId) == parseInt(Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceId)) {
side = 0;
rpt.sideId = side;
FetchReportDetail(rpId,side,function(rslt) {
if (!rslt || rslt.error_code)
actionLog('Unable to display report','REPORTS');
t.ReportPopup(rslt, rpt, rpId);
ReportPopup : function (rslt, rpt, reportId) {
var t = Rpt;
var m = '';
var unitImg = [];
var unitName = [];
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
unitName[i] = uW.unitcost['unt' + i][0];
unitImg[i] = '<img src="'+TroopImagePrefix + i + TroopImageSuffix + '" title="'+unitName[i]+'">';
unitName[53] = tx('Crossbows');
unitName[55] = tx('Trebuchet');
unitName[60] = uW.fortcost.frt60[0];
unitName[61] = uW.fortcost.frt61[0];
unitName[62] = uW.fortcost.frt62[0];
unitName[63] = uW.fortcost.frt63[0];
unitName[99] = uW.buildingcost.bdg31[0];
unitName[100] = uW.buildingcost.bdg30[0];
unitImg[53] = '<img src="'+IMGURL+'units/unit_53_30.jpg" title="'+unitName[53]+'">';
unitImg[55] = '<img src="'+IMGURL+'units/unit_55_30.jpg" title="'+unitName[55]+'">';
unitImg[60] = '<img src="'+IMGURL+'units/unit_60_30.jpg" title="'+unitName[60]+'">';
unitImg[61] = '<img src="'+IMGURL+'units/unit_61_30.jpg" title="'+unitName[61]+'">';
unitImg[62] = '<img src="'+IMGURL+'units/unit_62_30.jpg" title="'+unitName[62]+'">';
unitImg[63] = '<img src="'+IMGURL+'units/unit_63_30.jpg" title="'+unitName[63]+'">';
unitImg[99] = '<img src="'+IMGURL+'units/redoubt_30.jpg" title="'+unitName[99]+'" width=30>';
unitImg[100] = '<img src="'+IMGURL+'units/tower_30.jpg" title="'+unitName[100]+'" width=30>';
for (var i = 101; i < 111; i++) {
unitName[i] = uW.g_js_strings.monsterUnitsNames["m" + i];
unitImg[i] = '<img src="'+TroopImagePrefix + i + TroopImageSuffix + '" title="'+unitName[i]+'">';
var trEffect = [];
for (var k in uW.cm.thronestats.tiers)
trEffect[k] = uW.g_js_strings.effects["name_" + k].replace("%1$s", "nn% ");
var chEffect = ["hpm", "hpr", "dam", "arm", "str", "dex", "con", "hit", "cri", "blk"];
var chEffectName = [uW.g_js_strings.champion_stats.hp, uW.g_js_strings.report_view.hp_remaining, uW.g_js_strings.champion_stats.damage, uW.g_js_strings.effects.name_203, uW.g_js_strings.effects.name_204, uW.g_js_strings.effects.name_205, uW.g_js_strings.effects.name_206, uW.g_js_strings.effects.name_207, uW.g_js_strings.effects.name_208, uW.g_js_strings.effects.name_209];
rpt.marchName = '?';
if (rpt.marchType == 0)
rpt.marchName = tx('Desertion');
else if (rpt.marchType == 1)
rpt.marchName = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.transport;
else if (rpt.marchType == 2)
rpt.marchName = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce;
else if (rpt.marchType == 3) {
if (rpt.sideId == 0)
rpt.marchName = tx('Anti-Scout');
rpt.marchName = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout;
} else if (rpt.marchType == 4) {
if (rpt.sideId == 0)
rpt.marchName = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.defend;
rpt.marchName = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack;
} else if (rpt.marchType == 9)
rpt.marchName = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.raid;
else if (rpt.marchType == 10)
rpt.marchName = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.darkForest;
if (parseInt(rpt.side0TileType) <= 50)
rpt.side0TileTypeText = tileTypes[parseInt(rpt.side0TileType)];
else if (parseInt(rpt.side0TileType) == 57)
rpt.side0TileTypeText = tx('Runic Megalith');
else if (parseInt(rpt.side0CityId) == 0)
rpt.side0TileTypeText = tx('Barb Camp');
rpt.side0TileTypeText = tx('City');
var koth=false;
if (parseInt(rpt.side0TileType) == 57) koth=true;
function buildHeader() {
var h = '<div id=reportHeader style="width:100%;">';
h += '<div id=reportHeaderLeft style="float:left;width:30%;text-align:left;">';
h += formatUnixTime(rpt.reportUnixTime);
h += '<br>';
h += '<b>'+tx('Glory Gained')+': ';
if (parseInt(rpt.side0TileType) == 57){ if(rpt.sideId == 0){ h += rslt['fght']["s0"]["glory"];}if(rpt.sideId == 1){ h += rslt['fght']["s1"]["glory"];}} else{ if (rslt['glory']) h += addCommas(rslt['glory']);else h += '0';}
h += '</b></div>';
h += '<div id=reportHeaderCenter style="float:left;width:40%;text-align:center;">';
if (rpt.side0TileTypeText != tx('City') && rpt.side0TileTypeText != tx('Barb Camp') && rpt.marchType == 4) {
if (rpt.sideId == 0) {
if (rslt['conquered'] != 0) { h += '<FONT color="#CC0000"><B>'+tx('Conquered')+'</B></font>'; }
else { h += '<FONT color="#080"><B>'+tx('Secured')+'</B></font>'; }
else {
if (rslt['conquered'] != 0) { h += '<FONT color="#080"><B>'+tx('Conquered')+'</B></font>'; }
else { h += '<FONT color="#CC0000"><B>'+tx('Secured')+'</B></font>'; }
} else if ((rslt['winner'] == 1 && rpt.sideId == 0) || (rslt['winner'] == 0 && rpt.sideId == 1)) {
if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout)
h += '<FONT color="#CC0000"><B>'+tx('Scouting Failed')+'</B></font>';
h += '<FONT color="#CC0000"><B>'+tx('You were defeated')+'</B></font>';
} else if (rslt['winner'] == 0 && rpt.sideId == 0)
h += '<FONT color="#080"><B>'+tx('You defended successfully')+'!</B></font>';
else if (rslt['winner'] == 1 && rpt.sideId == 1) {
if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout)
h += '<FONT color="#080"><B>'+tx('Scouting Report')+'</B></font>';
h += '<FONT color="#080"><B>'+tx('You were victorious')+'!</B></font>';
h += '</div>';
h += '<div id=reportHeaderRight style="float:right;width:30%;text-align:right;">';
h += 'Report No: ' + reportId;
h += '<br><input id=ptpostreportid onclick="Chat.sendChat(\'/a Report No: ' + enFilter(reportId) + '\')" style="font-size:9px" type="submit" value="'+tx('Post To Chat')+'">';
if ((rpt.side1PlayerId && (rpt.side1PlayerId == uW.tvuid)) || (rpt.side0PlayerId && (rpt.side0PlayerId == uW.tvuid))) { h += ' <input id=ptDeleteReport style="color:#f00;font-size:9px" type="submit" value="'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.deletetx+'">'; } //Delete button for own reports
h += '</div></div><div style="clear:both;"></div>';
return h;
function formatTroopLine(side,unit_type,overwhelmed,fought,survived) {
var t = Rpt;
var n = '';
n += '<TR><TD>'+unitImg[unit_type]+'</td><td>'+unitName[unit_type]+'</td>';
if (overwhelmed) {
n += '<TD align=center>???</td>';
n += '<TD align=center>???</td>';
if (fought > 0) {
n += '<TD align=center><FONT color="#CC0000">(' + addCommas(fought) + ')</FONT></td></tr>';
if (side=="s0" && unit_type<50) { t.defmight += parseInt(uW.unitmight['unt'+unit_type] * fought); }
if (side=="s0" && unit_type>=50 && unit_type<99) {
var fm = parseIntNan(fortmight['f'+unit_type]);
t.defmight += parseInt(fm * fought);
} else {
n += '<TD align=center>0</td></tr>';
else {
var killed = parseInt(fought)-parseInt(survived);
if (killed > 0) {
n += '<TD align=center>' + addCommas(fought) + '</td>';
n += '<TD align=center><FONT color="#CC0000">' + addCommas(survived) + '</FONT></td>';
n += '<TD align=center><FONT color="#CC0000">(' + addCommas(killed) + ')</FONT></td></tr>';
if (side=="s1") { t.atkmight += parseInt(uW.unitmight['unt'+unit_type] * killed); }
if (side=="s0" && unit_type<51) { t.defmight += parseInt(uW.unitmight['unt'+unit_type] * killed); }
if (side=="s0" && unit_type>=51 && unit_type<99) {
var fm = parseIntNan(fortmight['f'+unit_type]);
t.defmight += parseInt(fm * killed);
} else {
n += '<TD align=center>' + addCommas(fought) + '</td>';
n += '<TD align=center>' + addCommas(survived) + '</td></tr>';
return n;
function buildBattle() {
var t = Rpt;
var m = '';
t.atkmight = 0;
t.defmight = 0;
m += '<div class="divHeader" align=left>'+tx('Battle Results').toUpperCase()+'</div>';
m += '<div id=battleSummaryContainer>';
//summary - attacker
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m += '<B>'+tx('Attackers')+':</B> '+rpt.side1Name+' (<A class=xlink onclick="btGotoMapRpt('+rpt.side1XCoord+','+rpt.side1YCoord+')">'+rpt.side1XCoord+','+rpt.side1YCoord+'</a>) ';
if (rslt['winner'] == 1)
m += '<FONT color="#CC0000"><B> '+tx('Winner')+'</B></FONT>';
m += '<br>';
if (rpt.side1AllianceId && (rpt.side1AllianceId != 0)) m += uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.alliance+': <span style='+DiplomacyColours(rpt.side1AllianceId)+'>'+rpt.side1AllianceName+'</span><br>';
if (rpt.side1PlayerId && (rpt.side1PlayerId != 0)) m += 'UID: '+MonitorLinkUID(rpt.side1PlayerId)+'<br>';
if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack || rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.defend)
m += tx('Knight Combat Skill')+': '+rslt['s1KCombatLv']+'<br>';
if (rslt['s1spell'] && (rslt['s1spell'] != "0")) {
m += tx('Spell Used')+': <b>'+uW.g_js_strings.spells['name_' + rslt['s1spell']]+'</b><br>';
m += '<span id=atkmightlost> </span></div>';
//summary - defender
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m += '<B>'+tx('Defenders')+'</B> ' + rpt.side0Name + ' (<A class=xlink onclick="btGotoMapRpt(' + rpt.side0XCoord + ',' + rpt.side0YCoord + ')">' + rpt.side0XCoord + ',' + rpt.side0YCoord + '</a>) ';
if (rslt['winner'] == 0)
m += '<FONT color="#CC0000"><B> '+tx('Winner')+'</B></FONT>';
m += '<br>';
if (rpt.side0AllianceId && (rpt.side0AllianceId != 0)) m += uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.alliance+': <span style='+DiplomacyColours(rpt.side0AllianceId)+'>' + rpt.side0AllianceName + '</span><br>';
if (rpt.side0PlayerId && (rpt.side0PlayerId != 0)) m += 'UID:' + MonitorLinkUID(rpt.side0PlayerId) + '<br>';
if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack || rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.defend)
m += tx('Knight Combat Skill')+': ' + rslt['s0KCombatLv'] + '<br>';
if (rslt['s0spell'] && (rslt['s0spell'] != "0")) {
m += tx('Spell Used')+': <b>' + uW.g_js_strings.spells['name_' + rslt['s0spell']] + '</b><br>';
if (rslt['fght']["s0"] && rpt.side0PlayerId && (rpt.side0PlayerId != 0)) {
m += '<span id=defmightlost> </span><br>';
if (rslt['rnds']) m += tx('Rounds')+': ' + rslt['rnds'] + '<br>';
if (rslt['darkForestConflict']) {
m += uW.g_js_strings.report_view.darkForestConflict;
} else {
if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack || rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.defend) {
if (rpt.side0TileTypeText != tx('City') && rpt.side0TileTypeText != tx('Barb Camp')) {
if (rslt['conquered'] != 0)
m += tx('Attackers conquered the')+' '+rpt.side0TileTypeText+'.';
else if (rslt['conquered'] == 0)
m += tx('Attackers did not conquer the')+' '+rpt.side0TileTypeText+'.';
} else {
if (rslt['wall']) {
if (rslt['wall'] == 100)
m += tx('Attackers breached the walls')+'.';
m += tx('Attackers did not breach the walls')+'. '+tx('The walls are')+' ' + rslt['wall'] + '% '+tx('damaged');
m += '</div>';
m += '</div>'; //end battlesummary div
m += '<div id=battleTroopsContainer style="clear:both">';
//troops - attacker
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;"><TABLE cellspacing=0 class=ptTab width=100%>';
if (rslt['fght']["s1"]) {
m += '<TR><TH class=xtabHD></TH><TH class=xtabHD align=left>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.troops+'</TH><TH class=xtabHD align=center>'+tx('Fought')+'</TH><TH class=xtabHD align=center>'+tx('Survived')+'</TH><TH class=xtabHD align=center>'+tx('Killed')+'</TH></TR>';
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (rslt['fght']["s1"]['u'+i]) {
m += formatTroopLine("s1",i,false,rslt['fght']["s1"]['u'+i][0],rslt['fght']["s1"]['u'+i][1]);
m += '</table></div>';
//troops - defender
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m += '<TABLE cellspacing=0 class=ptTab width=100%>';
if (rslt['fght']["s0"]) {
m += '<TR><TH class=xtabHD></TH><TH class=xtabHD align=left>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.troops+'</TH><TH class=xtabHD align=center>'+tx('Fought')+'</TH><TH class=xtabHD align=center>'+tx('Survived')+'</TH><TH class=xtabHD align=center>'+tx('Killed')+'</TH></TR>';
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (rslt['fght']["s0"]['u'+i] && rslt['fght']["s0"]['u'+i][0]!=null) {
m += formatTroopLine("s0",i,rslt.overwhelmed,rslt['fght']["s0"]['u'+i][0],rslt['fght']["s0"]['u'+i][1]);
for (var i = 53; i <= 55; i++) {
if (rslt['fght']["s0"]['f'+i]) {
m += formatTroopLine("s0",i,rslt.overwhelmed,rslt['fght']["s0"]['f'+i][0],rslt['fght']["s0"]['f'+i][1]);
for (var i = 60; i <= 63; i++) {
if (rslt['fght']["s0"]['f'+i]) {
m += formatTroopLine("s0",i,rslt.overwhelmed,rslt['fght']["s0"]['f'+i][0],rslt['fght']["s0"]['f'+i][1]);
for (var i = 99; i <= 100; i++) {
if (rslt['fght']["s0"]['u'+i] && rslt['fght']["s0"]['u'+i][0]!=null) {
m += formatTroopLine("s0",i,rslt.overwhelmed,rslt['fght']["s0"]['u'+i][0],rslt['fght']["s0"]['u'+i][1]);
for (var i = 101; i <= 110; i++) {
if (rslt['fght']["s0"]['m'+i]) {
m += formatTroopLine("s0",i,rslt.overwhelmed,rslt['fght']["s0"]['m'+i][0],rslt['fght']["s0"]['m'+i][1]);
else {
m += '<TR><TD>'+tx('No Troops Defended')+'</TD></TR>';
m += '</table>';
m += '</div>';
m += '</div>'; //end troops div
m += '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
return m;
function formatTroopStat(Attr,name,spelltitle,unitId,pulseHits) {
var TroopString = '';
var TroopStyle = '';
var TroopTitle = '';
if (Attr) {
if (Attr[0] < Attr[1]) TroopStyle = 'color:green';
if (Attr[1] < Attr[0]) TroopStyle = 'color:red';
if (Attr[1]!=Attr[0] && Attr[0]!=0) TroopTitle = 'title="'+Math.round((Attr[1]-Attr[0])/Math.round(Attr[0])*100*100)/100+'%"';
if (spelltitle) {
if (unitId==38 || unitId==49) {
TroopTitle = 'title="'+uW.g_js_strings.report_view["spellcaster" + unitId].replace("%2$s", addCommas(Math.round(Attr[1] * 100) / 100))+'"';
if (unitId==38) { TroopTitle = TroopTitle.replace("%1$s%", pulseHits); }
else { TroopTitle = TroopTitle.replace("%1$s", pulseHits); }
else {
if (unitId==41) {
TroopTitle = 'title="'+uW.g_js_strings.report_view["spellcaster" + unitId].replace("%2$s", addCommas(Math.round(Attr[1] * 100) / 100))+'"';
TroopTitle = TroopTitle.replace("%1$s", addCommas(Math.round(pulseHits * 100) / 100));
else {
if (unitId==39 || unitId==40 || unitId==43) {
TroopTitle = 'title="'+uW.g_js_strings.report_view["spellcaster" + unitId].replace("%1$s%", addCommas(pulseHits))+'"';
else {
TroopTitle = 'title="'+uW.g_js_strings.report_view["spellcaster" + unitId].replace("%1$s", addCommas(Math.round(Attr[1] * 100) / 100))+'"';
if (unitId==38 || unitId==49) { TroopString = '<td style="width:33%;" align=left '+TroopTitle+'><font size="1"><b>'+tx(name)+': </b><span style="'+TroopStyle+'">' + pulseHits + ' / '+addCommas(Math.round(Attr[1] * 100) / 100) + '%</span></font></td>'; }
else {
if (unitId==41) { TroopString = '<td style="width:33%;" align=left '+TroopTitle+'><font size="1"><b>'+tx(name)+': </b><span style="'+TroopStyle+'">' + addCommas(Math.round(pulseHits * 100) / 100) + '% / '+addCommas(Math.round(Attr[1] * 100) / 100)+'%</span></font></td>'; }
else {
if (unitId==39 || unitId==40 || unitId==43) { TroopString = '<td style="width:33%;" align=left '+TroopTitle+'><font size="1"><b>'+tx(name)+': </b><span style="'+TroopStyle+'">' + addCommas(pulseHits) + '</span></font></td>'; }
else { TroopString = '<td style="width:33%;" align=left '+TroopTitle+'><font size="1"><b>'+tx(name)+': </b><span style="'+TroopStyle+'">' + addCommas(Math.round(Attr[1] * 100) / 100) + '</span></font></td>'; }
return TroopString;
function buildTroopStats() {
var m = '';
if (rslt['bonus']) {
m += '<a id=reportTroopStatsHdr class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align=left><img id=reportTroopStatsArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+uW.g_js_strings.report_view.troop_stats.toUpperCase()+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=reportTroopStats class="divHide">';
//troops - attacker - stats
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
if (rslt['fght']["s1"]) {
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (rslt['fght']["s1"]['u'+i] && rslt['bonus']['mod']["s1"]['u'+i]) {
m += '<div style="float:left;width:10%;clear:both;">' + unitImg[i] + '</div>';
m += '<div style="float:left;width:90%;"><table class=ptTab width=100%><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['hp'],'HP');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['atk'],'Atk');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['def'],'Def');
m += '</tr><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['spd'],'Spd');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['rng'],'Rng');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['ld'],'Ld');
m += '</tr><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['sp'],'Spell');
if(i==38) {
m += formatTroopStat([rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['pulseBuff'],rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['pulseBuff']],'Effect',true,i,rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['pulseHits']);
else {
if(i==41) {
m += formatTroopStat([rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['troopSpeedBuff'],rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['troopSpeedBuff']],'Effect',true,i,rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['troopLoadBuff']);
else {
if(i==39) {
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['spellEffect'],'Effect',true,i,rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['lWitchHits']);
else {
if(i==40) {
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['spellEffect'],'Effect',true,i,rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['draHits']);
else {
if(i==43) {
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['spellEffect'],'Effect',true,i,rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['giantHits']);
else {
if(i==49) {
m += formatTroopStat([rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['curseBuff'],rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['curseBuff']],'Effect',true,i,rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['curseHits']);
else {
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s1']['u'+i]['spellEffect'],'Effect',true,i);
m += '</tr></table></div>';
m += '</div>';
//troops - defender - stats
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
if (rslt['fght']["s0"]) {
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (rslt['fght']["s0"]['u'+i] && rslt['bonus']['mod']["s0"]['u'+i]) {
m += '<div style="float:left;width:10%;clear:both;">' + unitImg[i] + '</div>';
m += '<div style="float:left;width:90%;"><table class=ptTab width=100%><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['hp'],'HP');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['atk'],'Atk');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['def'],'Def');
m += '</tr><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['spd'],'Spd');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['rng'],'Rng');
m += '</tr><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['sp'],'Spell');
if(i==38) {
m += formatTroopStat([rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['pulseBuff'],rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['pulseBuff']],'Effect',true,i,rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['pulseHits']);
else {
if(i==41) {
m += formatTroopStat([rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['troopSpeedBuff'],rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['troopSpeedBuff']],'Effect',true,i,rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['troopLoadBuff']);
else {
if(i==39) {
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['spellEffect'],'Effect',true,i,rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['lWitchHits']);
else {
if(i==40) {
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['spellEffect'],'Effect',true,i,rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['draHits']);
else {
if(i==43) {
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['spellEffect'],'Effect',true,i,rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['giantHits']);
else {
if(i==49) {
m += formatTroopStat([rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['curseBuff'],rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['curseBuff']],'Effect',true,i,rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['curseHits']);
else {
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['spellEffect'],'Effect',true,i);
m += '</tr></table></div>';
for (var i = 53; i <= 55; i++) {
if (rslt['fght']["s0"]['f'+i] && rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['f'+i]) {
m += '<div style="float:left;width:10%;clear:both;">' + unitImg[i] + '</div>';
m += '<div style="float:left;width:90%;"><table class=ptTab width=100%><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['f'+i]['hp'],'HP');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['f'+i]['atk'],'Atk');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['f'+i]['def'],'Def');
m += '</tr><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['f'+i]['spd'],'Spd');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['f'+i]['rng'],'Rng');
m += '</tr></table></div>';
for (var i = 60; i <= 63; i++) {
if (rslt['fght']["s0"]['f'+i] && rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['f'+i]) {
m += '<div style="float:left;width:10%;clear:both;">' + unitImg[i] + '</div>';
m += '<div style="float:left;width:90%;"><table class=ptTab width=100%><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['f'+i]['hp'],'HP');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['f'+i]['atk'],'Atk');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['f'+i]['def'],'Def');
m += '</tr><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['f'+i]['spd'],'Spd');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['f'+i]['rng'],'Rng');
m += '</tr></table></div>';
for (var i = 99; i <= 100; i++) {
if (rslt['fght']["s0"]['u'+i] && rslt['bonus']['mod']["s0"]['u'+i]) {
m += '<div style="float:left;width:10%;clear:both;">' + unitImg[i] + '</div>';
m += '<div style="float:left;width:90%;"><table class=ptTab width=100%><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['hp'],'HP');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['atk'],'Atk');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['def'],'Def');
m += '</tr><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['spd'],'Spd');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['u'+i]['rng'],'Rng');
m += '</tr></table></div>';
for (var i = 101; i <= 110; i++) {
if (rslt['fght']["s0"]['m'+i] && rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['m'+i]) {
m += '<div style="float:left;width:10%;clear:both;">' + unitImg[i] + '</div>';
m += '<div style="float:left;width:90%;"><table class=ptTab width=100%><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['m'+i]['hp'],'HP');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['m'+i]['atk'],'Atk');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['m'+i]['def'],'Def');
m += '</tr><tr>';
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['m'+i]['spd'],'Spd');
m += formatTroopStat(rslt['bonus']['mod']['s0']['m'+i]['rng'],'Rng');
m += '</tr></table></div>';
m += '</div>';
m += '<div style="clear:both"> </div>';
m += '</div>'; //end reportTroopStats div
return m;
function buildChampDuel() {
var m = '';
if (rslt['champion_stats']) {
s1name = rslt.champion_stats['s1'].nam;
s1win = rslt.champion_stats['s1'].won;
s1percent = Math.round(1000*parseIntNan(rslt.champion_stats['s1'].hpr)/parseIntNan(rslt.champion_stats['s1'].hpm))/10;
s0name = rslt.champion_stats['s0'].nam;
s0win = rslt.champion_stats['s0'].won;
s0percent = Math.round(1000*parseIntNan(rslt.champion_stats['s0'].hpr)/parseIntNan(rslt.champion_stats['s0'].hpm))/10;
if ((s1name != '') || (s0name != '') || s1win || s0win) {
m += '<a id=reportChampDuelHdr class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align=left><img id=reportChampDuelArrow height="10" src="'+DownArrow+'"> '+tx('Champion Duel').toUpperCase()+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=reportChampDuel>';
m += '<div id=ChampStatContainer>';
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
if ((s1name == '') && (s1win || s0win)) {
s1name = uW.g_js_strings.champ.no_champ;
if (s1win) {
s1name += ' ('+tx('Winner')+')';
m += '<b>' + s1name + '</b><br>';
for (var i = 1; i < chEffect.length; i++) {
if (rslt.champion_stats['s1'][chEffect[i]]) {
m += chEffectName[i] + ': ' + rslt.champion_stats['s1'][chEffect[i]];
if (i==1&&s1win) m += ' <span class=boldGreen>('+s1percent+'%)</span>';
m += '<br>';
m += '</div>'; //attacker
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
if ((s0name == '') && (s1win || s0win)) {
s0name = uW.g_js_strings.champ.no_champ;
if (s0win) {
s0name += ' ('+tx('Winner')+')';
m += '<b>' + s0name + '</b><br>';
for (var i = 1; i < chEffect.length; i++) {
if (rslt.champion_stats['s0'][chEffect[i]]) {
m += chEffectName[i] + ': ' + rslt.champion_stats['s0'][chEffect[i]];
if (i==1&&s0win) m += ' <span class=boldGreen>('+s0percent+'%)</span>';
m += '<br>';
m += '</div>'; //defender
m += '</div>'; //ChampStatContainer
m += '<div style="clear:both"> </div>';
if (rslt.bonus) {
if (rslt.bonus['chp']) {
m+='<div id=ChampAdjContainer style="clear:both">';
m+='<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m+='<b>'+tx('Champion Adjustments')+'</b><br><TABLE class=ptTab width=100%>';
if (rslt.bonus['chp']['s0'] || rslt.bonus['chp']['s1']) {
for (var i in uW.cm.thronestats.tiers) {
trEffect[i] = uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom["effectName_" + i];
var TRStyles = getTREffectStyle(i);
if (rslt.bonus['chp']['s1'] && rslt.bonus['chp']['s1'][0][i]) {
m+='<TR><TD colspan=4>' + TRStyles.LineStyle + trEffect[i] +': ' + (Math.round(rslt.bonus['chp']['s1'][0][i]*100)/100) + TRStyles.EndStyle + '</TD></TR>';
if (rslt.bonus['chp']['s0'] && rslt.bonus['chp']['s0'][1][i]) {
m+='<TR><TD colspan=4>' + TRStyles.LineStyle + trEffect[i] +': ' + (Math.round(rslt.bonus['chp']['s0'][1][i]*100)/100) + TRStyles.EndStyle + '</TD></TR>';
m+='<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m+='<b>'+tx('Champion Adjustments')+'</b><br><TABLE class=ptTab width=100%>';
if (rslt.bonus['chp']['s0'] || rslt.bonus['chp']['s1']) {
for (var i in uW.cm.thronestats.tiers) {
trEffect[i] = uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom["effectName_" + i];
var TRStyles = getTREffectStyle(i);
if (rslt.bonus['chp']['s0'] && rslt.bonus['chp']['s0'][0][i]) {
m+='<TR><TD colspan=4>' + TRStyles.LineStyle + trEffect[i] +': ' + (Math.round(rslt.bonus['chp']['s0'][0][i]*100)/100) + TRStyles.EndStyle + '</TD></TR>';
if (rslt.bonus['chp']['s1'] && rslt.bonus['chp']['s1'][1][i]) {
m+='<TR><TD colspan=4>' + TRStyles.LineStyle + trEffect[i] +': ' + (Math.round(rslt.bonus['chp']['s1'][1][i]*100)/100) + TRStyles.EndStyle + '</TD></TR>';
m+='<div style="clear:both"> </div>';
m += '</div>'; //reportChampDuel
return m;
function buildThroneStats() {
var m = '';
m += '<a id=reportThroneHdr class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align=left><img id=reportThroneArrow height="10" src="'+DownArrow+'"> '+tx('Throne Stats').toUpperCase()+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=reportThrone>';
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
var SortOrder = [];
if (Options.AlternateSortOrder) { for (var z in AlternateSortOrder) SortOrder.push(AlternateSortOrder[z]); }
else { for (var z in trEffect) SortOrder.push(z); }
if (rslt['s1ThroneRoomBoosts']) {
for (var id in rslt['s1ThroneRoomBoosts']) {
if (CompositeEffects.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
var Composite = CompositeEffects[id]
for (var e=0;e<Composite.length;e++) {
if (!rslt['s1ThroneRoomBoosts'][Composite[e]]) rslt['s1ThroneRoomBoosts'][Composite[e]] = 0;
rslt['s1ThroneRoomBoosts'][Composite[e]] += rslt['s1ThroneRoomBoosts'][id];
delete rslt['s1ThroneRoomBoosts'][id];
for (var z in SortOrder) {
var i = SortOrder[z];
if (rslt['s1ThroneRoomBoosts'][i]) {
var TRStyles = getTREffectStyle(i);
m += TRStyles.LineStyle + trEffect[i] + ': ' + rslt['s1ThroneRoomBoosts'][i] + '%' + TRStyles.EndStyle + '</span><br>';
else { m += ' '; }
m += '</div>'; //attacker
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
if (rslt['s0ThroneRoomBoosts']) {
for (var id in rslt['s0ThroneRoomBoosts']) {
if (CompositeEffects.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
var Composite = CompositeEffects[id]
for (var e=0;e<Composite.length;e++) {
if (!rslt['s0ThroneRoomBoosts'][Composite[e]]) rslt['s0ThroneRoomBoosts'][Composite[e]] = 0;
rslt['s0ThroneRoomBoosts'][Composite[e]] += rslt['s0ThroneRoomBoosts'][id];
delete rslt['s0ThroneRoomBoosts'][id];
for (var z in SortOrder) {
var i = SortOrder[z];
if (rslt['s0ThroneRoomBoosts'][i]) {
var TRStyles = getTREffectStyle(i);
m += TRStyles.LineStyle + trEffect[i] + ': ' + rslt['s0ThroneRoomBoosts'][i] + '%' + TRStyles.EndStyle + '</span><br>';
else { m += ' '; }
m += '</div>'; //defender
m += '<div style="clear:both"> </div>';
m += '</div>'; //throne container
return m;
function buildBoosts() {
var m = '';
m += '<a id=reportBoostsHdr class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align=left><img id=reportBoostsArrow height="10" src="'+DownArrow+'"> '+tx('Troop Adjustments').toUpperCase()+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=reportBoosts>';
if (rslt['s1atkBoost'] || rslt['s1defBoost'] || rslt['s1lifeBoost'] || rslt['s0atkBoost'] || rslt['s0defBoost'] || rslt['s0lifeBoost']) {
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m += '<b>'+tx('Item Boosts')+'</b><br>';
if (rslt['s1atkBoost'])
m += tx('Attack Boosted')+': ' + 100 * rslt['s1atkBoost'] + '%<br>';
if (rslt['s1defBoost'])
m += tx('Defence Boosted')+': ' + 100 * rslt['s1defBoost'] + '%<br>';
if (rslt['s1lifeBoost'])
m += tx('Health Boosted')+': ' + 100 * rslt['s1lifeBoost'] + '%<br>';
m += '</div>'; //attacker
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m += '<b>'+tx('Item Boosts')+'</b><br>';
if (rslt['s0atkBoost'])
m += tx('Attack Boosted')+': ' + 100 * rslt['s0atkBoost'] + '%<br>';
if (rslt['s0defBoost'])
m += tx('Defence Boosted')+': ' + 100 * rslt['s0defBoost'] + '%<br>';
if (rslt['s0lifeBoost'])
m += tx('Health Boosted')+': ' + 100 * rslt['s0lifeBoost'] + '%<br>';
m += '</div>'; //defender
m += '<div style="clear:both"> </div>';
if (rslt['arcaneBonus'] && (rslt['arcaneBonus']['s0AllianceBonus'] || rslt['arcaneBonus']['s1AllianceBonus'])) {
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m += '<b>'+tx('Arcane Temple Boosts')+' ('+tx('Alliance')+')</b><br>';
if (rslt['arcaneBonus']['s1AllianceBonus']) {
var ArcBonus = rslt['arcaneBonus']['s1AllianceBonus'];
for (var z in ArcBonus) {
if (ArcBonus.hasOwnProperty(z)) {
var ArcName = uW.itemlist['i'+ArcBonus[z].itemId].name + ' - ' + uW.itemlist['i'+ArcBonus[z].itemId].description;
m += ArcName + ': ' + ArcBonus[z].effect + '%<br>';
m += '</div>'; //attacker
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m += '<b>'+tx('Arcane Temple Boosts')+' ('+tx('Alliance')+')</b><br>';
if (rslt['arcaneBonus']['s0AllianceBonus']) {
var ArcBonus = rslt['arcaneBonus']['s0AllianceBonus'];
for (var z in ArcBonus) {
if (ArcBonus.hasOwnProperty(z)) {
var ArcName = uW.itemlist['i'+ArcBonus[z].itemId].name + ' - ' + uW.itemlist['i'+ArcBonus[z].itemId].description;
m += ArcName + ': ' + ArcBonus[z].effect + '%<br>';
m += '</div>'; //defender
m += '<div style="clear:both"> </div>';
if (rslt['arcaneBonus'] && (rslt['arcaneBonus']['s0PersonalBonus'] || rslt['arcaneBonus']['s1PersonalBonus'])) {
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m += '<b>'+tx('Arcane Temple Boosts')+' ('+tx('Personal')+')</b><br>';
if (rslt['arcaneBonus']['s1PersonalBonus']) {
var ArcBonus = rslt['arcaneBonus']['s1PersonalBonus'];
for (var z in ArcBonus) {
if (ArcBonus.hasOwnProperty(z)) {
var ArcName = uW.itemlist['i'+ArcBonus[z].itemId].name + ' - ' + uW.itemlist['i'+ArcBonus[z].itemId].description;
m += ArcName + ': ' + ArcBonus[z].effect + '%<br>';
m += '</div>'; //attacker
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m += '<b>'+tx('Arcane Temple Boosts')+' ('+tx('Personal')+')</b><br>';
if (rslt['arcaneBonus']['s0PersonalBonus']) {
var ArcBonus = rslt['arcaneBonus']['s0PersonalBonus'];
for (var z in ArcBonus) {
if (ArcBonus.hasOwnProperty(z)) {
var ArcName = uW.itemlist['i'+ArcBonus[z].itemId].name + ' - ' + uW.itemlist['i'+ArcBonus[z].itemId].description;
m += ArcName + ': ' + ArcBonus[z].effect + '%<br>';
m += '</div>'; //defender
m += '<div style="clear:both"> </div>';
if (rslt['s1guardianAtkBoost'] || rslt['s1guardianDefBoost'] || rslt['s1guardianMarchBoost'] || rslt['s1guardianTrainBoost'] || rslt['s0guardianAtkBoost'] || rslt['s0guardianDefBoost'] || rslt['s0guardianMarchBoost'] || rslt['s0guardianTrainBoost']) {
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m += '<b>'+tx('Guardian Boosts')+'</b><br>';
if (rslt['s1guardianAtkBoost'])
m += tx('Guardian Attack Boost')+': ' + parseFloat(100 * rslt['s1guardianAtkBoost']).toFixed(1) + '%<br>';
if (rslt['s1guardianDefBoost'])
m += tx('Guardian Life Boost')+': ' + parseFloat(100 * rslt['s1guardianDefBoost']).toFixed(1) + '%<br>';
if (rslt['s1guardianMarchBoost'])
m += tx('Guardian March Speed Boost')+': ' + parseFloat(100 * rslt['s1guardianMarchBoost']).toFixed(1) + '%<br>';
if (rslt['s1guardianTrainBoost'])
m += tx('Guardian Training Boost')+': ' + parseFloat(100 * rslt['s1guardianTrainBoost']).toFixed(1) + '%<br>';
m += '</div>'; //attacker
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m += '<b>'+tx('Guardian Boosts')+'</b><br>';
if (rslt['s0guardianAtkBoost'])
m += tx('Guardian Attack Boost')+': ' + parseFloat(100 * rslt['s0guardianAtkBoost']).toFixed(1) + '%<br>';
if (rslt['s0guardianDefBoost'])
m += tx('Guardian Life Boost')+': ' + parseFloat(100 * rslt['s0guardianDefBoost']).toFixed(1) + '%<br>';
if (rslt['s0guardianMarchBoost'])
m += tx('Guardian March Speed Boost')+': ' + parseFloat(100 * rslt['s0guardianMarchBoost']).toFixed(1) + '%<br>';
if (rslt['s0guardianTrainBoost'])
m += tx('Guardian Training Boost')+': ' + parseFloat(100 * rslt['s0guardianTrainBoost']).toFixed(1) + '%<br>';
m += '</div>'; //defender
m += '<div style="clear:both"> </div>';
if (rslt.bonus) {
if (rslt.bonus['tch'] || rslt.bonus['tch2']) {
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m += '<b>'+tx('Research')+'</b><br>';
if (rslt.bonus['tch']) {
for (var t1l in rslt.bonus.tch.s1) {
var normaltech = '';
if (t1l == 'hp') normaltech = tx('Health');
if (t1l == 'atk') normaltech = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack;
if (t1l == 'def') normaltech = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.defense;
if (t1l == 'spd') normaltech = tx('Speed');
if (t1l == 'rng') normaltech = tx('Range');
if (t1l == 'ld') normaltech = tx('Load');
if (normaltech != '')
m += normaltech + ': ' + parseFloat(rslt.bonus.tch.s1[t1l] * 100).toFixed(0) + '%<br>';
if (rslt.bonus['tch2']) {
for (var t2l in rslt.bonus.tch2.s1) {
var britontech = '';
if (t2l == 'ic') britontech = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.improved;
if (t2l == 'id') britontech = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.improved_def;
if (t2l == 'sr') britontech = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.strengthen_ranks;
if (t2l == 'if') britontech = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.improved_fletching;
if (britontech != '')
m += britontech + ': ' + parseFloat(rslt.bonus.tch2.s1[t2l] * 100).toFixed(0) + '%<br>';
m += '</div>'; //attacker
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
m += '<b>'+tx('Research')+'</b><br>';
if (rslt.bonus['tch']) {
for (var t1l in rslt.bonus.tch.s0) {
var normaltech = '';
if (t1l == 'hp') normaltech = tx('Health');
if (t1l == 'atk') normaltech = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack;
if (t1l == 'def') normaltech = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.defense;
if (t1l == 'spd') normaltech = tx('Speed');
if (t1l == 'rng') normaltech = tx('Range');
if (normaltech != '')
m += normaltech + ': ' + parseFloat(rslt.bonus.tch.s0[t1l] * 100).toFixed(0) + '%<br>';
if (rslt.bonus['tch2']) {
for (var t2l in rslt.bonus.tch2.s0) {
var britontech = '';
if (t2l == 'ic') britontech = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.improved;
if (t2l == 'id') britontech = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.improved_def;
if (t2l == 'sr') britontech = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.strengthen_ranks;
if (t2l == 'if') britontech = uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.improved_fletching;
if (britontech != '')
m += britontech + ': ' + parseFloat(rslt.bonus.tch2.s0[t2l] * 100).toFixed(0) + '%<br>';
m += '</div>'; //defender
m += '<div style="clear:both"> </div>';
m += '</div>'; //boosts
m += '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
return m;
function handleLoot() {
var m = '';
if (rslt['loot'] || rslt['throneRoomDrop'] || rslt['equipmentDrop'] || rslt['lootJewel']) {
m += '<div class="divHeader" align=left>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.loot.toUpperCase()+'</div>';
if (rslt['loot']) {
m += '<TABLE style="width:100%;" class=ptTab>';
m += '<TR><TD style="width:18%">'+GameIcons.goldImgTiny+' ';
if (rslt['loot'][0] > 0)
m += addCommas(parseFloat(rslt['loot'][0]).toFixed(0)) + '</TD>';
m += '0</td>'
m += '<TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.foodImgTiny+' ';
if (rslt['loot'][1] > 0)
m += addCommas(parseFloat(rslt['loot'][1]).toFixed(0)) + '</TD>';
m += '0</TD>';
m += '<TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.woodImgTiny+' ';
if (rslt['loot'][2] > 0)
m += addCommas(parseFloat(rslt['loot'][2]).toFixed(0)) + '</TD>';
m += '0</td>'
m += '<TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.stoneImgTiny+' ';
if (rslt['loot'][3] > 0)
m += addCommas(parseFloat(rslt['loot'][3]).toFixed(0)) + '</TD>';
m += '0</TD>';
m += '<TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.oreImgTiny+' ';
if (rslt['loot'][4] > 0)
m += addCommas(parseFloat(rslt['loot'][4]).toFixed(0)) + '</TD>';
m += '0</td>'
m += '<TD style="width:15%">' + GameIcons.astoneImgTiny+' ';
if (rslt['loot'][6] > 0)
m += addCommas(parseFloat(rslt['loot'][6]).toFixed(0)) + '</TD>';
else {
m += '0</TD>';
m += '</tr>'
if ((rslt['loot'] && rslt['loot'][5]) || rslt['throneRoomDrop'] || rslt['equipmentDrop'] || rslt['lootJewel']) {
var itemdetails = '';
var thronedetails = '';
var equipdetails = '';
var jeweldetails = '';
if (rslt['loot'] && rslt['loot'][5] && JSON2.stringify(rslt['loot'][5]) != '[]') { // crapola
var D = true;
if (parseInt(rpt.side0TileType) == 57) {
D = ((rslt['winner'] == 1 && rpt.sideId == 1) || (rslt['winner'] == 0 && rpt.sideId == 0));
if (D) {
for (var item in rslt['loot'][5]) {
var amt="";
if (rslt['loot'][5][item] != 1) { amt = ' ('+rslt['loot'][5][item]+')';}
var itemurl = parseInt(item);
if (itemurl > 30669 && itemurl < 32111) itemurl = 30303;
itemdetails += '<img class=btIcon style="width:20px;" src="'+getItemImageURL(itemurl)+'"> ' + uW.itemlist['i' + item].name + amt +' ';
if (rslt['throneRoomDrop']) {
var TR = rslt['throneRoomDrop'];
var thronename = CardQuality(TR.quality)+" "+uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom[TR.type]+" "+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.of+" "+uW.g_js_strings.effects["suffix_"+TR.effects.slot5.id]+" ("+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr[TR.faction]+")";
var TRCard = {};
TRCard.id = TR.id;
TRCard.name = CardQuality(TR.quality)+" "+uW.g_js_strings.throneRoom[TR.type]+" "+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.of+" "+uW.g_js_strings.effects["suffix_"+TR.effects.slot5.id];
TRCard.faction = TR.faction;
TRCard.type = TR.type;
TRCard.unique = parseIntNan(TR.unique);
TRCard.level = TR.level;
TRCard.quality = TR.quality;
TRCard.createPrefix = function () { return ""; };
TRCard.createSuffix = function () { return ""; };
TRCard.effects = {};
var slot = 0;
for (var k in TR.effects) {
TRCard.effects["slot"+slot] = {};
TRCard.effects["slot"+slot].id = TR.effects[k].id;
TRCard.effects["slot"+slot].tier = TR.effects[k].tier;
thronedetails += '<span class=tooldesc><img class=btIcon style="width:20px;" src="'+IMGURL+'throne/icons/30/' + TR.faction + '/' + TR.faction + '_'+ TR.type +'_normal_1_'+ TR.quality+'.png" > ' + thronename + '<span class="tooltip" style="white-space: pre-line; word-wrap: break-word;">'+Tabs.Reference.DisplayTRCard(TRCard,false)+'</span></span> ';
if (rslt['equipmentDrop']) {
var EQ = rslt['equipmentDrop'];
var equipname = CardQuality(EQ.rarity)+" "+uW.g_js_strings.champ[chTypeStrings[parseInt(EQ.type)-1]]+" "+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.of+" "+uW.g_js_strings.effects["suffix_"+EQ["effects"][5]["id"]]+" ("+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr[cardFaction[EQ.faction-1]]+")";
var CHCard = {};
CHCard.id = EQ.equipmentId;
CHCard.name = CardQuality(EQ.rarity)+" "+uW.g_js_strings.champ[chTypeStrings[parseInt(EQ.type)-1]]+" "+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.of+" "+uW.g_js_strings.effects["suffix_"+EQ["effects"][5]["id"]];
CHCard.faction = EQ.faction;
CHCard.type = EQ.type;
CHCard.unique = parseIntNan(EQ.itemId);
CHCard.level = EQ.level;
CHCard.rarity = EQ.rarity;
CHCard.createPrefix = function () { return ""; };
CHCard.createSuffix = function () { return ""; };
CHCard.effects = {};
var slot = 0;
for (var k in EQ.effects) {
CHCard.effects["slot"+slot] = {};
CHCard.effects["slot"+slot].id = EQ.effects[k].id;
CHCard.effects["slot"+slot].tier = EQ.effects[k].tier;
equipdetails += '<span class=tooldesc><img class=btIcon style="width:20px;" src="'+IMGURL+'champion_hall/' + cardQuality[EQ.rarity].toLowerCase() + '_' + champImageTypes[EQ.type-1] + '_' + cardFaction[EQ.faction-1] + '_30x30.png"> ' + equipname + '<span class="tooltip" style="white-space: pre-line; word-wrap: break-word;">'+Tabs.Reference.DisplayCHCard(CHCard,false)+'</span></span> ';
if (rslt['lootJewel'] && JSON2.stringify(rslt['lootJewel']) != '[]') {
item = rslt['lootJewel'];
var amt="";
if (item.quantity != 1) { amt = ' ('+item.quantity+')';}
jeweldetails += '<img class=btIcon style="width:20px;" src="'+IMGURL+'throne/icons/70/jewel_' + jewelTypes[CM.ThroneController.jewelType(item)] + '_' + jewelQuality[item.quality-1] + '.jpg"> ' + CM.ThroneController.jewelQualityName(item.quality)+" "+CM.ThroneController.getEffectName(item.id)+" "+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.jewel + amt +' ';
m += '<tr><td colspan=6>'+itemdetails+thronedetails+equipdetails+jeweldetails+'</TD></TR>';
m += '</TABLE><br>';
return m;
function handleTransportLoot() {
var m = '';
m += '<div class="divHeader" align=left>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.loot.toUpperCase()+'</div><TABLE style="width:100%;" class=ptTab>';
m += '<TR><TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.goldImgTiny;
if (rslt['gold'] > 0)
m += addCommas(rslt['gold']) + '</TD>';
m += '0</td>'
m += '<TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.foodImgTiny;
if (rslt['resource1'] > 0)
m += addCommas(rslt['resource1']) + '</TD>';
m += '0</TD>';
m += '<TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.woodImgTiny;
if (rslt['resource2'] > 0)
m += addCommas(rslt['resource2']) + '</TD>';
m += '0</td>'
m += '<TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.stoneImgTiny;
if (rslt['resource3'] > 0)
m += addCommas(rslt['resource3']) + '</TD>';
m += '0</TD>';
m += '<TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.oreImgTiny;
if (rslt['resource4'] > 0)
m += addCommas(rslt['resource4']) + '</TD>';
m += '0</td>'
m += '<TD style="width:15%">' + GameIcons.astoneImgTiny;
if (rslt['resource5'] > 0)
m += addCommas(rslt['resource5']) + '</TD>';
m += '0</TD>';
m += '</tr>'
m += '</TABLE><br>';
return m;
function deleteThisRpt(testing) {
var side0 = '';
var side1 = '';
if (rpt.sideId == 1) side1 = rpt.marchReportId;
if (rpt.sideId == 0) side0 = rpt.marchReportId;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.s0rids = side0;
params.s1rids = side1;
params.cityrids = '';
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/deleteCheckedReports.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
delete ReportCache[rpt.marchReportId];
delete ReportDetailCache[rpt.marchReportId];
if (ById('modal_msg_tabs_report') && jQuery('#modal_msg_tabs_report').hasClass('selected')) {
if (Tabs.Messages && (Options.MessagesOptions.rptType == 'alliance' || Options.MessagesOptions.rptType == 'player')) {
var ind = Tabs.Messages.DisplayIdArray.indexOf(parseInt(rpt.marchReportId));
if (ind>=0) {
delete Tabs.Messages.report[rpt.marchReportId];
onFailure: function () {
if (notify) {
notify('AJAX ERROR');
function handleunts() { // Troops sent to Reinforce or troops found on a Scout (also show destination for transports)
var m = '';
if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce)
m += '<div class="divHeader" align=left>'+tx('Reinforcement').toUpperCase()+'</div>';
if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.transport)
m += '<div class="divHeader" align=left>'+tx('Destination').toUpperCase()+'</div>';
m += '<div class="divHeader" align=left>'+tx('Scout Report').toUpperCase()+'</div>';
m += '<div id=scoutSummaryContainer>';
//summary - troops
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce)
m += '<B>'+tx('Ally')+':</B> ' + rpt.side1Name + ' (<A onclick="btGotoMapRpt(' + rpt.side1XCoord + ',' + rpt.side1YCoord + ')">' + rpt.side1XCoord + ',' + rpt.side1YCoord + '</a>)<br>';
if (rslt['unts'] != undefined) {
m += '<TABLE class=ptTab>';
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (rslt['unts']['u'+i] && parseIntNan(rslt['unts']['u'+i]) != 0)
m += '<TR><TD>'+unitImg[i]+'</TD><TD>'+unitName[i]+'</TD><TD align=right>' + addCommas(rslt['unts']['u' + i]) + '</TD></TR>';
m += '</TABLE>';
m += ' </div>';
//summary - city and defences
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
if ((rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce) || (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.transport))
m += '<B>'+tx('Destination')+'</B> ' + rpt.side0Name + ' (<A onclick="btGotoMapRpt(' + rpt.side0XCoord + ',' + rpt.side0YCoord + ')">' + rpt.side0XCoord + ',' + rpt.side0YCoord + '</a>)<br>';
else {
m += '<TABLE class=ptTab width=100%>';
m += '<TR><TD>' + rpt.side0Name + ' (<A onclick="btGotoMapRpt(' + rpt.side0XCoord + ',' + rpt.side0YCoord + ')">' + rpt.side0XCoord + ',' + rpt.side0YCoord + '</a>)</td></tr>';
if (rpt.side0AllianceId && (rpt.side0AllianceId != 0)) m += '<TR><TD>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.alliance+': <span style='+DiplomacyColours(rpt.side0AllianceId)+'>' + rpt.side0AllianceName + '</span></td></tr>';
if (rpt.side0PlayerId && (rpt.side0PlayerId != 0)) m += '<TR><TD>UID: ' + MonitorLinkUID(rpt.side0PlayerId)+'</td></tr>';
if (rslt['lstlgn']) {
if (!rslt['lstlgn'])
m += '<TR><TD>'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_messages_viewreports_view.lastlogin+': '+tx('Not recorded')+'</TD></TR>';
m += '<TR><TD>'+uW.g_js_strings.modal_messages_viewreports_view.lastlogin+': ' + formatUnixTime(rslt['lstlgn']) + '</TD></TR>';
m += '<TR><TD>'+tx('Marshall Combat')+': ';
if (rslt['knt'] && rslt['knt']['cbt'])
m += rslt['knt']['cbt'];
m += uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.none;
m += '</TD></TR>';
if (rslt['pop'])
m += '<TR><TD>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.population+': ' + addCommas(rslt['pop']) + '</TD></TR>';
if (rslt['hap'])
m += '<TR><TD>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.happiness+': ' + addCommas(rslt['hap']) + '</TD></TR></TABLE>';
m += '</TD></TR></TABLE><br>';
m += handlefrt();
m += '</div>';
m += '</div>'; //end scoutsummary div
m += '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
return m;
function buildResearch() {
var m = '';
m += '<a id=reportResearchHdr class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align=left><img id=reportResearchArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx('Buildings and Research').toUpperCase()+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=reportResearch class=divHide>';
if (rslt['blds']) {
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
if (rslt['blds']) {
m += '<TABLE cellspacing=0 class=ptTab><TR><TH class=xtabHD colspan=2 align=left>'+tx('Buildings')+'</TH></TR>';
for (var bi in rslt['blds'])
if ((bi != 'b1') && (bi != 'b2') && (bi != 'b3') && (bi != 'b4')) {
m += handleblds(bi.split("b")[1]);
m += '</TABLE>';
if (rslt['blds']['b1'] || rslt['blds']['b2'] || rslt['blds']['b3'] || rslt['blds']['b4']) {
m += '<TABLE cellspacing=0 class=ptTab><TR><TH class=xtabHD colspan=2 align=left>'+tx('Fields')+'</TH></TR>';
for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++)
if (rslt['blds']['b' + i])
m += handleblds(i);
m += '</TABLE>';
m += '</div>';
if (rslt['tch'] || rslt['tch2']) {
m += '<div style="width:50%;float:left;">';
if (rslt['tch']) {
m += '<TABLE cellspacing=0 class=ptTab><TR><TH class=xtabHD colspan=2 align=left>'+tx('Research')+'</TH></TR>';
for (var tl in rslt.tch) {
tid = /[0-9]+/.exec(tl);
m += '<TR><TD>' + uW.techcost['tch' + tid[0]][0] + '</TD><TD align=right>' + rslt.tch[tl] + '</TD></TR>';
m += '</TABLE>';
if (rslt['tch2']) {
m += '<TABLE cellspacing=0 class=ptTab><TR><TH class=xtabHD colspan=2 align=left>'+tx('Briton Research')+'</TH></TR>';
for (var tl in rslt.tch2) {
tid = /[0-9]+/.exec(tl);
m += '<TR><TD>' + uW.techcost2['tch' + tid[0]][0] + '</TD><TD align=right>' + rslt.tch2[tl] + '</TD></TR>';
m += '</TABLE>';
m += '</div>';
m += '<div style="clear:both"> </div>';
m += '</div>';
return m;
function handlersc(scout) { // Resources brought with reinforcements or found on a Scout
var m = '';
if (rslt['rsc'] != undefined) {
if (rslt['rsc']['r1'] > 0 || rslt['rsc']['r2'] > 0 || rslt['rsc']['r3'] > 0 || rslt['rsc']['r4'] > 0) {
if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce)
m += '<div class="divHeader" align=left>'+tx('Goodies Brought').toUpperCase()+'</div><TABLE style="width:100%;" class=ptTab>';
m += '<div class="divHeader" align=left>'+tx('Goodies Found').toUpperCase()+'</div><TABLE style="width:100%;" class=ptTab>';
m += '<TR><TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.goldImgTiny;
if (rslt['gld'] > 0)
m += addCommas(parseFloat(rslt['gld']).toFixed(0)) + '</TD>';
m += '0</td>';
m += '<TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.foodImgTiny;
if (rslt['rsc']['r1'] > 0)
m += addCommas(parseFloat(rslt['rsc']['r1']).toFixed(0)) + '</TD>';
m += '0</td>';
m += '<TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.woodImgTiny;
if (rslt['rsc']['r2'] > 0)
m += addCommas(parseFloat(rslt['rsc']['r2']).toFixed(0)) + '</TD>';
m += '0</td>';
m += '<TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.stoneImgTiny;
if (rslt['rsc']['r3'] > 0)
m += addCommas(parseFloat(rslt['rsc']['r3']).toFixed(0)) + '</TD>';
m += '0</td>';
m += '<TD style="width:18%">' + GameIcons.oreImgTiny;
if (rslt['rsc']['r4'] > 0)
m += addCommas(parseFloat(rslt['rsc']['r4']).toFixed(0)) + '</TD>';
m += '0</td>';
if (rslt['rsc']['r5'] > 0) {
m += '<TD style="width:15%">' + GameIcons.astoneImgTiny;
m += addCommas(parseFloat(rslt['rsc']['r5']).toFixed(0)) + '</TD>';
else {
if (scout != true) {
m += '<TD style="width:15%">' + GameIcons.astoneImgTiny + '0</td>';
m += '</TABLE>';
return m;
function handlefrt() { // Fortifications found on a Scout
var m = '';
if (rslt['frt'] || (rslt['blds'] && rslt['blds']['b30'])|| (rslt['blds'] && rslt['blds']['b31'])) {
if (rslt['frt']['f53'] != undefined || rslt['frt']['f55'] != undefined || rslt['frt']['f60'] != undefined || rslt['frt']['f61'] != undefined || rslt['frt']['f62'] != undefined || rslt['frt']['f63'] != undefined || (rslt['blds'] && rslt['blds']['b30']) || (rslt['blds'] && rslt['blds']['b31'])) {
m = '<TABLE cellspacing=0 class=ptTab><TR><TH class=xtabHD colspan=3 align=left>'+tx('Defences Found')+'</TH></TR>';
if (rslt['frt']['f53'] != undefined)
m += '<TR><TD>' + unitImg[53] + '</TD><TD>'+unitName[53]+'</TD><TD align=right>' + addCommas(rslt['frt']['f53']) + '</TD></TR>';
if (rslt['frt']['f55'] != undefined)
m += '<TR><TD>' + unitImg[55] + '</TD><TD>'+unitName[55]+'</TD><TD align=right>' + addCommas(rslt['frt']['f55']) + '</TD></TR>';
if (rslt['frt']['f60'] != undefined)
m += '<TR><TD>' + unitImg[60] + '</TD><TD>'+unitName[60]+'</TD><TD align=right>' + addCommas(rslt['frt']['f60']) + '</TD></TR>';
if (rslt['frt']['f61'] != undefined)
m += '<TR><TD>' + unitImg[61] + '</TD><TD>'+unitName[61]+'</TD><TD align=right>' + addCommas(rslt['frt']['f61']) + '</TD></TR>';
if (rslt['frt']['f62'] != undefined)
m += '<TR><TD>' + unitImg[62] + '</TD><TD>'+unitName[62]+'</TD><TD align=right>' + addCommas(rslt['frt']['f62']) + '</TD></TR>';
if (rslt['frt']['f63'] != undefined)
m += '<TR><TD>' + unitImg[63] + '</TD><TD>'+unitName[63]+'</TD><TD align=right>' + addCommas(rslt['frt']['f63']) + '</TD></TR>';
if (rslt['blds'] && rslt['blds']['b31'])
m += '<TR><TD>' + unitImg[99] + '</TD><TD>'+unitName[99]+'</TD><TD align=right>('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.level+' ' + rslt['blds']['b31'] + ')</TD></TR>';
if (rslt['blds'] && rslt['blds']['b30'])
m += '<TR><TD>' + unitImg[100] + '</TD><TD>'+unitName[100]+'</TD><TD align=right>('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.level+' ' + rslt['blds']['b30'] + ')</TD></TR>';
m += '</TABLE>';
return m;
function handleblds(bType) {
if (rslt['blds']) {
var blds = rslt['blds']['b' + bType];
var maxlvl = uW.buildingmaxlvl[bType]||12;
var b = '<TR><TD>';
arField = [], firstbld = true;
b += uW.buildingcost['bdg'+bType][0];
b += '</TD><TD>';
for (var i = 1; i <= maxlvl; i++)
arField[i] = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < blds.length; i++)
for (var i = maxlvl; i > 0; i--) {
if (arField[i] > 0) {
if (firstbld)
firstbld = false;
b += ', ';
if (arField[i] > 1)
b += arField[i] + ' x ';
b += ' ' + i;
b += '</TD></TR>';
return b;
if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce) {
t.popReport = new CPopup('btReportPopup', t.reportpos.x, t.reportpos.y, 750, 240, true, function () {
t.reportpos = t.popReport.getLocation();
m += '<DIV style="height:180px">';
} else if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.transport) {
t.popReport = new CPopup('btReportPopup', t.reportpos.x, t.reportpos.y, 750, 240, true, function () {
t.reportpos = t.popReport.getLocation();
m += '<DIV style="height:180px">';
} else if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout && rslt['winner'] == 1 && rpt.sideId == 1) {
t.popReport = new CPopup('btReportPopup', t.reportpos.x, t.reportpos.y, 750, 800, true, function () {
t.reportpos = t.popReport.getLocation();
m += '<DIV style="max-height:760px; height:760px; overflow-y:scroll">';
} else {
t.popReport = new CPopup('btReportPopup', t.reportpos.x, t.reportpos.y, 750, 800, true, function () {
t.reportpos = t.popReport.getLocation();
m += '<DIV style="max-height:760px; height:760px; overflow-y:scroll">';
if ((t.reportpos.x == -999) && (t.reportpos.y == -999)) {
m += buildHeader();
if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.transport) { // Transport
m += handleTransportLoot();
m += handleunts();
m += handleLoot();
if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.reinforce) {
m += handlersc(false);
m += handleunts();
if (rpt.marchName == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout && rslt['winner'] == 1) {
m += handlersc(true);
m += handleunts();
m += buildResearch();
if (rslt['fght']) {
m += buildBattle();
m += buildTroopStats();
if (!koth) {
m += buildChampDuel();
m += buildThroneStats();
m += buildBoosts();
m += '</DIV>';
t.popReport.getMainDiv().innerHTML = m;
if (ById('atkmightlost')) { ById('atkmightlost').innerHTML = tx('Might Lost')+': ' + addCommas(t.atkmight); }
if (ById('defmightlost')) { ById('defmightlost').innerHTML = tx('Might Lost')+': ' + addCommas(t.defmight); }
if (ById('ptDeleteReport')) {
ById('ptDeleteReport').addEventListener('click', function () {
deleteThisRpt(rslt, rpt);
}, false);
t.popReport.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<DIV align=center><B>'+rpt.marchName+' '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.report+'</B></DIV>';
if (ById('reportTroopStatsHdr')) { ById('reportTroopStatsHdr').addEventListener('click', function () { ToggleDivDisplay(false, 500, 500, "reportTroopStats"); }, false); }
if (ById('reportChampDuelHdr')) { ById('reportChampDuelHdr').addEventListener('click', function () { ToggleDivDisplay(false, 500, 500, "reportChampDuel"); }, false); }
if (ById('reportThroneHdr')) { ById('reportThroneHdr').addEventListener('click', function () { ToggleDivDisplay(false, 500, 500, "reportThrone"); }, false); }
if (ById('reportBoostsHdr')) { ById('reportBoostsHdr').addEventListener('click', function () { ToggleDivDisplay(false, 500, 500, "reportBoosts"); }, false); }
if (ById('reportResearchHdr')) { ById('reportResearchHdr').addEventListener('click', function () { ToggleDivDisplay(false, 500, 500, "reportResearch"); }, false); }
CloseReport : function () {
var t = Rpt;
if (t.popReport) {
if (t.popReport.onClose) t.popReport.onClose();
t.popReport = null;
var ChatTimeFix = {
ChatTime: null,
init: function () {
t = ChatTimeFix;
try {
uWExportFunction('ptConvertTime', t.TimeFix);
t.ChatTime = new CalterUwFunc("Chat.getChat", [
['rslt.data.newChats[i][j][1],', 'ptConvertTime(rslt.data.newChats[i][j][1]),'],
['rslt.data.newChats[i][j][1],', 'ptConvertTime(rslt.data.newChats[i][j][1]),']
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
TimeFix : function (timestr) {
time = timestr.split(/:/);
var AddMins = 480 - parseInt(getDST(new Date()) / 60) - (new Date().getTimezoneOffset()); // convert from local pacific time
var min = (parseInt(time[0]) * 60) + parseInt(time[1]) + AddMins;
if (min >= 1440) {
min = min - 1440;
return parseInt(min / 60) + ':' + ('00' + parseInt(min % 60).toString()).slice(-2);
setEnable: function (tf) {
var t = ChatTimeFix;
isAvailable: function () {
var t = ChatTimeFix;
return t.ChatTime.isAvailable();
var AttackDialog = {
hideAttackEffortsState : true,
init: function () {
var t = AttackDialog;
t.hideAttackEffortsState = Options.hideAttackEfforts;
try {
t.modal_attackFunc = new CalterUwFunc('modal_attack', [
[/}\s*$/, '; attackDialog_hook(); }']
uWExportFunction('attackDialog_hook', t.modalAttackHook);
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
setEnable: function () {},
isAvailable: function () {
var t = AttackDialog;
return t.modal_attackFunc.isAvailable();
modalAttackHook: function () {
var t = AttackDialog;
if (Options.fixKnightSelect || Options.attackCityPicker) {
for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++)
ById('modal_attack_tab_' + i).addEventListener('click', t.e_changeMarchType, false);
if (Options.attackCityPicker) {
setTimeout(t.initCityPicker, 0);
if (Options.DontFilterTransportTroops) {
var sf = ById('modal_attack_supplyfilter_checkbox');
if (sf) { if (sf.checked) { sf.click(); }}
var divContainer = ById('modal_attack_speed_boost');
HideAttackEfforts: function () {
var t = AttackDialog;
if (!ById('modal_attack_march_boost')) { return; }
var span = document.createElement('span');
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.innerHTML = tx('Show Attack/Speed Boosts');
a.id = 'ptShowBoosts';
if (t.hideAttackEffortsState) {
a.addEventListener('click', function (evt) {
t.hideAttackEffortsState = !t.hideAttackEffortsState;
}, false);
for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
ById('modal_attack_tab_' + i).addEventListener('click', hideshow, false);
return span;
function hideshow() {
var a = ById('ptShowBoosts');
if (t.hideAttackEffortsState) {
disp = 'none';
if (a) a.innerHTML = tx('Show Attack/Speed Boosts');
disp = 'block';
if (a) a.innerHTML = tx('Hide Attack/Speed Boosts');
ById('modal_attack_march_boost').style.display = disp;
ById('modal_attack_attack_boost').style.display = disp;
ById('modal_attack_defense_boost').style.display = disp;
var div = ById('modal_attack_speed_boost');
for (var i = 0; i < i < div.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (div.childNodes[i].className == 'section_title'){
div.childNodes[i].style.display = disp;
if (div.childNodes[i].className == 'section_content') {
div = div.childNodes[i];
for (var i = 0; i < div.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (div.childNodes[i].style != undefined && div.childNodes[i].className != 'estimated') {
div.childNodes[i].style.display = disp;
initCityPicker: function () {
var t = AttackDialog;
var div = ById('modal_attack_target_numflag'); // as of KofC version 96;
var mySpan;
if (div) {
div.parentNode.innerHTML += ' <SPAN id=modal_attack_citybuts></span>';
} else {
var span = ById('modal_attack_target_coords'); // KofC version 116+;
span.parentNode.parentNode.firstChild.innerHTML += ' <SPAN id=modal_attack_citybuts></span>';
var disabled = [];
for (var cid in Cities.byID){
var x = Cities.byID[cid].idx;
disabled[x] = (Cities.byID[uW.currentcityid].idx==x)?true: false;
new CdispCityPicker('ptatp', ById('modal_attack_citybuts'), false, t.e_CityButton,null,disabled);
for (var i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
ById('ptatp_'+i).addEventListener('mouseover',function (){CityResourceHint(this,this.id.substring(6));},false);
ById('ptatp_'+i).addEventListener('mouseout',function (){CityResourceHintOff(this);},false);
if (ById('modal_attack_tab_4').className == 'selected' || ById('modal_attack_tab_3').className == 'selected') // don't do for attack or scout
ById('modal_attack_citybuts').style.display = 'none';
e_CityButton: function (city) {
ById('modal_attack_target_coords_x').value = city.x;
ById('modal_attack_target_coords_y').value = city.y;
e_changeMarchType: function (evt) {
var t = AttackDialog;
var marchType = parseInt(evt.target.id.substr(17));
if (Options.attackCityPicker) {
if (marchType == 3 || marchType == 4)
ById('modal_attack_citybuts').style.display = 'none';
ById('modal_attack_citybuts').style.display = 'inline';
if (Options.fixKnightSelect) {
var knightVal = 0;
var selector = ById('modal_attack_knight');
if (selector.length > 1 && (marchType == 4 || marchType == 2)) // if 'attack' or 'reinforce'
knightVal = 1;
selector.selectedIndex = knightVal;
selector.disabled = false;
if (Options.DontFilterTransportTroops) {
var sf = ById('modal_attack_supplyfilter_checkbox');
if (sf) { if (sf.checked) { sf.click(); }}
var battleReports = {
init: function () {
var t = battleReports;
try {
t.getReportDisplayFunc = new CalterUwFunc('getReportDisplay', [
['return K.join("")', 'var themsg=K.join(""); themsg=getReportDisplay_hook(themsg, arguments[1]); return themsg']
]); //Alliance report battle rounds function
uWExportFunction('getReportDisplay_hook', t.hook);
t.renderBattleReportFunc = new CalterUwFunc('Messages.viewMarchReport', [
[/\$\("modal_msg_list"\)\.innerHTML\s*=\s*cm\.MarchReportController\.getMarchReport\(c,\s*y\)/, 'var msg = cm.MarchReportController.getMarchReport(c, y); $("modal_msg_list").innerHTML = renderBattleReport_hook(msg,c,y);']
]); //March reports battle rounds function
uWExportFunction('renderBattleReport_hook', t.hook2);
uWExportFunction('deleteAreport', t.e_deleteReport);
uWExportFunction('PostReport', t.e_PostReport);
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
setEnable: function () {},
isRoundsAvailable: function () {
var t = battleReports;
return t.getReportDisplayFunc.isAvailable() || t.renderBattleReportFunc.isAvailable();
e_deleteReport: function (rptid) {
var t = battleReports;
e_PostReport: function (rptid) {
var msg = 'Report No: ' + enFilter(rptid);
sendChat("/a " + msg);
ajaxDeleteMyReport: function (rptid, isUnread, side, isCityReport, notify) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.s0rids = rptid;
params.s1rids = '';
params.cityrids = '';
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/deleteCheckedReports.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
delete ReportCache[rptid];
delete ReportDetailCache[rptid];
if (isUnread) {
uW.seed.newReportCount = parseInt(seed.newReportCount) - 1;
if (notify) notify(rslt.errorMsg);
hook2: function (msg, args, rslt) {
if (rslt.rnds && Options.dispBattleRounds) {
msg = msg.replace(/<\/ul>.*\s*<\/div>.*\s*<div class="unitsContainer">/im, '<li><span class=\'label\'>Rounds: </span><span class=\'value\'>' + rslt.rnds + '</span></li></ul></div><div class="unitsContainer">');
if (Options.reportDeleteButton) {
msg = msg.replace(/Reports<\/span><\/a>/im, 'Reports</span></a><a class=\'button20\' onclick=\'PostReport(' + args[0] + ',false)\'><span>Post To Chat</span></a>'); //Post to Chat button
msg = msg.replace(/Reports<\/span><\/a>/im, 'Reports</span></a><a class=\'button20\' onclick=\'MoreReport(' + args[0] + ',' + args[1] + ',false)\'><span>More</span></a>'); //More button
msg = msg.replace(/Reports<\/span><\/a>/im, 'Reports</span></a><a class=\'button20\' onclick=\'deleteAreport(' + args[0] + ',false)\'><span>' + uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.deletetx + '</span></a>'); //Delete button
return msg;
hook: function (msg, rslt) {
msg = msg.replace(/(\bReport\sNo\:\s([0-9]+))/g, '<a onclick=\'ptChatReportClicked($2,0)\'>$1</a>');
if (rslt.rnds && Options.dispBattleRounds) {
msg = msg.replace(/(Attackers <span.*?)<\/div>/im, '$1<BR>Rounds: ' + rslt.rnds + '</div>');
return msg;
var MapDistanceFix = {
popSlotsFunc: null,
init: function () {
var t = MapDistanceFix;
try {
t.popSlotsFunc = new CalterUwFunc('MapObject.prototype.populateSlots', [
['this.distance', 'fixMapDistance_hook']
if (t.isAvailable()) {
uWExportFunction('fixMapDistance_hook', MapDistanceFix.fixMapDistance_hook);
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
fixMapDistance_hook: function (cityX, cityY, tileX, tileY) {
var city = Cities.byID[uW.currentcityid];
return distance(city.x, city.y, tileX, tileY);
enable: function (tf) {
var t = MapDistanceFix;
isAvailable: function () {
var t = MapDistanceFix;
return t.popSlotsFunc.isAvailable();
var mapinfoFix = {
init: function () {
var t = mapinfoFix;
try {
t.calcButtonInfo = new CalterUwFunc('cm.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.calcButtonInfo', [
'case "reassign":b.text=g_js_strings.commonstr.reassign;b.color="blue";b.action=function(){modal_attack(5,e.tile.x,e.tile.y);};d.push(b);break;'
t.bookMarkMod = new CalterUwFunc('cm.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.calcButtonInfo', [
[/case\s*"bookmark":/, 'case "bookmark": try { if (e.city && cm.tileInfo[e.tile.id] && cm.tileInfo[e.tile.id].cityName ) {e.tile.name = e.user.username + "/" + cm.tileInfo[e.tile.id].cityName;}} catch (err1) {} ']
t.MapContextMenus = new CalterUwFunc('cm.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.calcCityType', [
['return c', 'c = calcCityTypeFix(c,d);return c']
CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus.City["2"].splice(4, 0, "reassign");
// add reinforce alliance wilds
for (var jj in CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus.AllianceWilderness) {
CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus.AllianceWilderness[jj] = ["profile", "throne", "reinforce", "reinforcements", "message", "bookmark"];
// add megaliths to wild types
CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus.OwnedWilderness.megalith = ["bookmark"];
CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus.OwnedWildernessNoDefend.megalith = ["bookmark"];
CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus.AllianceWilderness.megalith = ["profile","bookmark"];
CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus.FriendlyWilderness.megalith = ["profile", "attack_koth", "scout_koth", "bookmark"];
CM.ContextMenuMapController.prototype.MapContextMenus.EnemyWilderness.megalith = ["profile", "attack_koth", "scout_koth", "bookmark"];
uWExportFunction('calcCityTypeFix', t.calcCityType_hook);
// add the province and the city status (Normal/Truce) to the tooltips
if (!NoRegEx) {
t.dispStatusMod = new CalterUwFunc('MapObject.prototype.populateSlots', [
[/var\s*h\s*=""/, 'var h = ""; h+="<div class=divHide>"+U.tileUserId+"</div><div class=thead align=center><b>"+provincenames["p" + U.tileProvinceId]+"</b></div>";if (M) h += "<div>"+g_js_strings.commonstr.status+": "+M+"</div>";']
else {
t.dispStatusMod = new CalterUwFunc('MapObject.prototype.populateSlots', [
['var h = "";', 'var h = ""; h+="<div class=divHide>"+U.tileUserId+"</div><div class=thead align=center><b>"+provincenames["p" + U.tileProvinceId]+"</b></div>";if (M) h += "<div>"+g_js_strings.commonstr.status+": "+M+"</div>";']
t.MapContextMenuAdd = new CalterUwFunc ('modal_maptile', [[/}\s*$/, ';setTimeout(function() { MapContextMenuAdd_hook(j,k,m,a,h,f,o,e); },0); }']]);
uWExportFunction('MapContextMenuAdd_hook', mapinfoFix.MapContextMenu);
t.MapContextMenuAdd.setEnable (Options.mapMenuInfo);
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
setEnable: function (tf) {
var t = mapinfoFix;
setEnable2: function (tf) {
var t = mapinfoFix;
setEnable3: function (tf) {
var t = mapinfoFix;
setMenuEnable: function (tf) {
var t = mapinfoFix;
setEnableDispStatus: function (tf) {
var t = mapinfoFix;
calcCityType_hook: function (c, d) {
if (Cities.byID[d.city.id] && c != 1)
return c;
isAvailable: function () {
var t = mapinfoFix;
return t.calcButtonInfo.isAvailable();
isAvailable2: function () {
var t = mapinfoFix;
return t.MapContextMenus.isAvailable();
isAvailable3: function () {
var t = mapinfoFix;
return t.bookMarkMod.isAvailable();
isMenuAvailable: function () {
var t = mapinfoFix;
return t.MapContextMenuAdd.isAvailable();
isAvailableDispStatus: function () {
var t = mapinfoFix;
return t.dispStatusMod.isAvailable();
MapSelMarchPreset : function () {
Options.OneClickAttackPreset = ById('ptMapOneClickAttackPreset').value;
MapContextMenu : function(uid,x,y,a,h,f,o,e) {
var t = mapinfoFix;
var div = ById('contextMenu');
var MarchPresets = {0:"-- "+tx('Select March Preset')+" --"};
for (var PN in Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets) {
MarchPresets[PN] = Options.QuickMarchOptions.MarchPresets[PN][0];
var HQ = false;
if (CM.FoundingModel) HQ = CM.FoundingModel.get_hq(x,y);
var DefendStat = '';
var citytile = ((e.indexOf("city") > -1 && uid!=null && uid!=0 && uid!="0") || e.indexOf("mist") > -1);
if (citytile) { DefendStat = '<div style="margin-top:6px;" align=center id=ptDefendStatus> </div>';}
if ((citytile || (uid!=null && uid!=0 && uid!="0")) && (!uid || uid!=uW.tvuid)) {
var ascended = getAscensionValues(uW.currentcityid);
if (ascended.isPrestigeCity) {
var cityExpTime = ascended.prestigeBuffExpire;
if (cityExpTime && cityExpTime > unixTime()) {
var AP = document.createElement('div');
AP.innerHTML = '<center><span class=boldRed><b>'+tx('ASCENSION')+'<br>'+tx('PROTECTION')+'<br>'+tx('WARNING')+'!</b></span></center>';
uWExportFunction('ptMapSelMarchPreset', t.MapSelMarchPreset);
var QAPreset = '<div align=center>'+htmlSelector(MarchPresets, Options.OneClickAttackPreset, 'id=ptMapOneClickAttackPreset class=btInput onChange="ptMapSelMarchPreset();" onMouseMove="ptStopProp(event);" onMouseOut="ptStopProp(event);" onClick="ptStopProp(event);" onMouseUp="ptStopProp(event);"')+'</div>';
var champ = false;
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoChamp) {
citychamp = getCityChampion(uW.currentcityid);
if (citychamp.championId) {
champ = true;
if (citychamp.status != "10") { QAPreset += '<div align=center style="font-size:10px;color:#080"><b>'+tx('Champion Ready')+'!</b></div>'; }
else {QAPreset += '<div align=center style="font-size:10px;color:#800"><b>Champion Unavailable!</b></div>';}
if (!champ) { QAPreset += '<div align=center style="font-size:10px;color:#800"><b>'+uW.g_js_strings.champ.no_champ+'!</b></div>'; }
if (Options.QuickMarchOptions.AutoSpell) {
var faction = '';
var spellavailable = false;
var cooldownactive = false;
if (Seed.cityData.city[uW.currentcityid].isPrestigeCity) {
faction = parseInt(Seed.cityData.city[uW.currentcityid].prestigeInfo.prestigeType);
spellavailable = (Seed.cityData.city[uW.currentcityid].prestigeInfo.blessings.indexOf(SpellBlessings[faction]) != -1)
cooldownactive = (Seed.cityData.city[uW.currentcityid].spells && Seed.cityData.city[uW.currentcityid].spells[SpellTypes[faction]] && parseInt(Seed.cityData.city[uW.currentcityid].spells[SpellTypes[faction]].endDate) > uW.unixtime());
if (spellavailable) {
if (!cooldownactive) {
QAPreset += '<div align=center style="font-size:10px;"><span class=boldMagenta>'+uW.g_js_strings.spells['name_'+SpellTypes[faction]]+' '+tx('Ready')+'!</span></div>';
else {
QAPreset += '<div align=center style="font-size:10px;"><span class=boldRed>'+uW.g_js_strings.spells['name_'+SpellTypes[faction]]+' '+tx('Regenerating')+'!</span></div>';
else {
QAPreset += '<div align=center style="font-size:10px;"><span class=boldRed>'+tx('No Spell Available')+'!</span></div>';
if (uid!=null && uid!=0 && uid!="0") {
var scr = document.createElement('div');
if ((h!=0 && h == getMyAlliance()[0]) || uid == uW.tvuid || !Options.OneClickAttack || HQ) {
var QAPreset = '';
scr.innerHTML = QAPreset+'<div align=center><b>'+tx('Loading')+'...</b></div>';
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.checkArr = uid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getOnline.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
var p = rslt.data;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.pid = uid;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/viewCourt.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
var u = unixTime();
var f = convertTime(new Date(rslt.playerInfo.fogExpireTimestamp.replace(" ","T")+"Z"));
var truce = "";
if (rslt.playerInfo.warStatus != "1") {
truce = " ("+Tabs.Monitor.getDuration(rslt.playerInfo.truceExpireTimestamp)+")";
var misted = (f >= u);
m = '<TABLE width="100%" class=ptTab style="font-size:11px"><tr><td align="center"><div style="font-size:12px"><b>' + rslt.playerInfo.displayName +'</b></div></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><TD align="center"><a id=btMapDetails>' + parseInt(rslt.playerInfo.userId)+'</a></td></tr>';
var g=uW.g_js_strings.commonstr,h={1:g.normal,2:uW.g_js_strings.MapObject.begprotect,3:g.truce,4:g.vacation};
m += '<tr><TD align="center"><B>' + h[rslt.playerInfo.warStatus]+truce+'</b></td></tr>';
if (!p[uid])
m+= '<tr><TD align="center">'+ t.getLastLogDuration(rslt.playerInfo.lastLogin) +'</td></tr>';
m+= '<tr><TD align="center"><span style="color:#f00;"><b>('+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.online.toUpperCase()+')</b></span></td></tr>';
if (misted)
m += '<tr><TD align="center"><B>*** '+tx("MISTED")+' ***</b></td></tr>';
scr.innerHTML = QAPreset+m + '</table>'+DefendStat;
ById('btMapDetails').addEventListener('click', function(){ Battle.fetchPlayerInfo(rslt.playerInfo.userId,Battle.clickedPlayerDetails); },false);
var MenuHeight = parseInt(div.offsetHeight);
div.style.height = MenuHeight + 'px';
div.style.overflow = 'visible';
scr.style.height = '500px';
scr.style.background = '';
if (citytile) {getDefendStatus(x,y,ById('ptDefendStatus'),true);}
else {
if (HQ || !Options.OneClickAttack) {
var QAPreset = '';
var scr = document.createElement('div');
scr.innerHTML = QAPreset+DefendStat;
var MenuHeight = parseInt(div.offsetHeight);
div.style.height = MenuHeight + 'px';
div.style.overflow = 'visible';
scr.style.height = '500px';
scr.style.background = '';
if (citytile) {getDefendStatus(x,y,ById('ptDefendStatus'),true);}
getLastLogDuration: function (datestr){
if (!datestr) return;
var Interval = convertTime(new Date(datestr.replace(" ","T")+"Z")) - unixTime();
if (Interval < 0) return uW.timestr(Interval*(-1));
else return tx('minutes ago');
var GMTclock = {
span: null,
timer: null,
init: function () {
this.span = document.createElement('span');
this.span.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
setEnable: function (tf) {
var t = GMTclock;
if (tf) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
} else {
t.span.innerHTML = '';
EverySecond: function () {
var t = GMTclock;
var now = new Date();
if (Options.gmtClockType == 1) {
now.setTime(now.getTime() + (now.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000) - (480*60000) + parseInt(getDST(now)*1000) + (uW.g_timeoff*1000));
else {
now.setTime(now.getTime() + (now.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000));
GMTclock.span.innerHTML = ' (' + formatGMTClock(now) + ')';
if (Options.gmtClock) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
} else {
GMTclock.span.innerHTML = '';
var DeleteReports = {
deleting : false,
pageNo : 1,
maxpages : 10,
scandelay : 30, // 30 secs between scans
UIDArray : [],
ReportLog : {
ItemsFound : {},
ThroneItemsFound : {},
ChampItemsFound : {},
JewelItemsFound : {},
ItemsFoundDF : {},
ThroneItemsFoundDF : {},
ChampItemsFoundDF : {},
JewelItemsFoundDF : {},
DFCount : 0,
init : function(){
var t = DeleteReports;
setTimeout(t.startdeletereports, 20*1000); // start in 20 seconds
loadLog : function () {
var t = DeleteReports;
var serverID = getServerId();
s = GM_getValue ('ReportLog_'+serverID+'_'+uW.tvuid);
if (s != null){
opts = JSON2.parse (s);
for (var k in opts)
t.ReportLog[k] = opts[k];
saveLog : function () {
var t = DeleteReports;
setTimeout(function () { GM_setValue ('ReportLog_'+getServerId()+'_'+uW.tvuid, JSON2.stringify(t.ReportLog));} ,0); // get around GM_SetValue uW error
startdeletereports : function(){
var t = DeleteReports;
if(!t.deleting) {
if (Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptbc || Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRpttr || Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptwl || Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptaa || Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptfr || Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptid || Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptdf || Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptsc){
t.deleting = true;
t.listreports(t.pageNo, t.checkreports);
else {
t.deleting = false;
t.pageNo = 1;
setTimeout(t.startdeletereports, t.scandelay*1000);
listreports : function(pageNo, callback){
var t = DeleteReports;
t.pageNo = pageNo;
if (!Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptbc && !Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRpttr && !Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptwl && !Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptaa && !Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptfr && !Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptid && !Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptdf && !Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptsc){
t.deleting = false;
t.pageNo = 1;
setTimeout(t.startdeletereports, t.scandelay*1000);
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
if (t.pageNo >= 1) params.pageNo = t.pageNo;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/listReports.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) { callback(rslt); },
onFailure: function () { callback({ok:false}); },
checkreports : function(rslt){
var t = DeleteReports;
if(!rslt.ok || (rslt.arReports.length < 1)){ // no results or no reports
t.deleting = false;
t.pageNo = 1;
setTimeout(t.startdeletereports, t.scandelay*1000);
var reports = rslt.arReports;
var players = rslt.arPlayerNames;
var totalPages = rslt.totalPages;
if (rslt.totalPages > t.maxpages) var totalPages = t.maxpages;
var deletes1 = new Array();
var deletes0 = new Array();
for(k in reports){
if (reports[k].reportType == 0) {
var reportUnixTime = Number(reports[k].reportUnixTime);
if((reports[k].marchType==4 || reports[k].marchType==9) && reports[k].side0PlayerId==0 && reports[k].side0TileType == 51) {
if (deletes1.indexOf(k.substr(2)) == -1) deletes1.push(k.substr(2));
else if(reports[k].marchType==1 && isMyself(reports[k].side1PlayerId)) {
if (deletes1.indexOf(k.substr(2)) == -1) deletes1.push(k.substr(2));
if (Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRpttr){
if(reports[k].marchType==1 && isMyself(reports[k].side0PlayerId)) {
if (deletes0.indexOf(k.substr(2)) == -1) deletes0.push(k.substr(2));
if (Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptwl){
if(reports[k].side0TileType <= 50 && reports[k].side0PlayerId==0) {
if (deletes1.indexOf(k.substr(2)) == -1) deletes1.push(k.substr(2));
if (Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptdf){
if(reports[k].side0TileType==54 && reports[k].side0PlayerId==0) {
if (deletes1.indexOf(k.substr(2)) == -1) deletes1.push(k.substr(2));
if (Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptaa && Options.AttackOptions && Options.AttackOptions.Routes){
for(var i in Options.AttackOptions.Routes) {
var a = Options.AttackOptions.Routes[i];
if(reports[k].side0XCoord == a.target_x && reports[k].side0YCoord == a.target_y && reports[k].marchType==4 && isMyself(reports[k].side1PlayerId)) {
if(reports[k].side0PlayerId!=0) { // don't delete deleted crests on other players
else {
if (deletes1.indexOf(k.substr(2)) == -1) deletes1.push(k.substr(2));
if (Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptfr){
for (var l in uW.seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendlyToThem) {
if(reports[k].side1AllianceId == uW.seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendlyToThem[l].allianceId) {
if (deletes1.indexOf(k.substr(2)) == -1) deletes1.push(k.substr(2));
for (var l in uW.seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendly) {
if(reports[k].side1AllianceId == uW.seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendly[l].allianceId) {
if (deletes1.indexOf(k.substr(2)) == -1) deletes1.push(k.substr(2));
if (Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptid){
if (Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptUID != "") {
// split string by commas
t.UIDArray = Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptUID.split(",");
if (t.UIDArray.indexOf(reports[k].side1PlayerId) != -1) {
if (deletes1.indexOf(k.substr(2)) == -1) {
if (Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptidType==0 || Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptidType==reports[k].marchType) {
if (Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptsc){
if(reports[k].marchType==3 && isMyself(reports[k].side0PlayerId)) {
if (deletes1.indexOf(k.substr(2)) == -1) deletes1.push(k.substr(2));
if(deletes1.length > 0 || deletes0.length > 0){
t.deleteCheckedReports(deletes1, deletes0);
} else {
if (t.pageNo <= totalPages) {
t.deleting = false;
setTimeout(t.startdeletereports, 5*1000); // next page in 5 seconds
else {
t.deleting = false;
t.pageNo = 1;
setTimeout(t.startdeletereports, t.scandelay*1000);
deleteCheckedReports : function(deletes1, deletes0){
var t = DeleteReports;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.s1rids = deletes1.join(",");
params.s0rids = deletes0.join(",");
params.cityrids = '';
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/deleteCheckedReports.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (deletes0.length>0) {
for (var j=0;j<deletes0.length;j++) {
delete ReportCache[deletes0[j]];
delete ReportDetailCache[deletes0[j]];
if (deletes1.length>0) {
for (var j=0;j<deletes1.length;j++) {
delete ReportCache[deletes1[j]];
delete ReportDetailCache[deletes1[j]];
Seed.newReportCount = parseInt(Seed.newReportCount) - parseInt(deletes1.length) - parseInt(deletes0.length);
if (GlobalOptions.ExtendedDebugMode) actionLog('Deleted: ' +parseInt(deletes1.length + deletes0.length)+' reports','REPORTS');
t.deleting = false;
setTimeout(t.startdeletereports, 5*1000); // next page in 5 seconds
else {
t.deleting = false;
t.pageNo = 1;
setTimeout(t.startdeletereports, t.scandelay*1000); // error - start again
onFailure: function () {
t.deleting = false;
t.pageNo = 1;
setTimeout(t.startdeletereports, t.scandelay*1000); // error - start again
checkreportforitems: function(rpId,deletewinner) {
var t = DeleteReports;
FetchReportDetail(rpId,1,function(rslt) {
if (rslt && rslt.winner) {
var darkforest = false;
if (rslt.fght && rslt.fght.s0 && (rslt.fght.s0.m101 || rslt.fght.s0.m102 || rslt.fght.s0.m103 || rslt.fght.s0.m104 || rslt.fght.s0.m105 || rslt.fght.s0.m106 || rslt.fght.s0.m107 || rslt.fght.s0.m108 || rslt.fght.s0.m109 || rslt.fght.s0.m10))
darkforest = true;
if(rslt.loot && rslt.loot[5]) {
var loot = rslt.loot[5];
if (matTypeof(loot) == 'object') {
for (var z in loot) {
if (darkforest) {
if(t.ReportLog.ItemsFoundDF[z]) { t.ReportLog.ItemsFoundDF[z] += parseInt(loot[z]); }
else { t.ReportLog.ItemsFoundDF[z] = parseInt(loot[z]);}
} else {
if(t.ReportLog.ItemsFound[z]) { t.ReportLog.ItemsFound[z] += parseInt(loot[z]); }
else { t.ReportLog.ItemsFound[z] = parseInt(loot[z]); }
if (rslt.throneRoomDrop) {
var TR = rslt.throneRoomDrop;
var z = ""+TR.type+TR.quality;
if (darkforest) {
if(t.ReportLog.ThroneItemsFoundDF[z]) { t.ReportLog.ThroneItemsFoundDF[z].amount += 1; }
else {
var NewObj = {};
NewObj.type = TR.type;
NewObj.quality = TR.quality;
NewObj.amount = 1;
t.ReportLog.ThroneItemsFoundDF[z] = NewObj;
} else {
if(t.ReportLog.ThroneItemsFound[z]) { t.ReportLog.ThroneItemsFound[z].amount += 1; }
else {
var NewObj = {};
NewObj.type = TR.type;
NewObj.quality = TR.quality;
NewObj.amount = 1;
t.ReportLog.ThroneItemsFound[z] = NewObj;
if (rslt.equipmentDrop) {
var EQ = rslt.equipmentDrop;
var z = ""+EQ.subtype+EQ.rarity;
if (darkforest) {
if(t.ReportLog.ChampItemsFoundDF[z]) { t.ReportLog.ChampItemsFoundDF[z].amount += 1; }
else {
var NewObj = {};
NewObj.type = EQ.subtype;
NewObj.quality = EQ.rarity;
NewObj.amount = 1;
t.ReportLog.ChampItemsFoundDF[z] = NewObj;
} else {
if(t.ReportLog.ChampItemsFound[z]) { t.ReportLog.ChampItemsFound[z].amount += 1; }
else {
var NewObj = {};
NewObj.type = EQ.subtype;
NewObj.quality = EQ.rarity;
NewObj.amount = 1;
t.ReportLog.ChampItemsFound[z] = NewObj;
if (rslt.lootJewel) {
var item = rslt.lootJewel;
if (matTypeof(item) == 'object') {
var z = item.quality;
if (darkforest) {
if(t.ReportLog.JewelItemsFoundDF[z]) { t.ReportLog.JewelItemsFoundDF[z] += parseInt(item.quantity); }
else { t.ReportLog.JewelItemsFoundDF[z] = parseInt(item.quantity);}
} else {
if(t.ReportLog.JewelItemsFound[z]) { t.ReportLog.JewelItemsFound[z] += parseInt(item.quantity); }
else { t.ReportLog.JewelItemsFound[z] = parseInt(item.quantity); }
if (deletewinner) {
var DispReport = {
init: function () {
var t = DispReport;
try {
t.modal_MessageButtons = new CalterUwFunc('modal_messages', [[/}\s*$/, ';setTimeout(function() { AddMsgButtons(); },0); }']]);
uWExportFunction('AddMsgButtons', DispReport.AddMsgButtons);
t.modal_InboxFunc = new CalterUwFunc ('modal_messages_listshow', [['msghtml.join("");', 'msghtml.join("");dispInbox_hook(rslt,boxType,msghtml);'],
['reverse()','sort(function(aaa, bbb){return bbb-aaa})']]);
uWExportFunction('dispInbox_hook', DispReport.ModalInboxHook);
t.modal_InboxFunc.setEnable (true);
t.modal_RptFunc = new CalterUwFunc('Messages.handleListReports', [['n.join("");', 'n.join("");dispRpt_hook(l,n);']]);
uWExportFunction('dispRpt_hook', DispReport.ModalReportListHook);
t.modal_MessageText = new CalterUwFunc('modal_messages_view', [[/<div class='bodytext'>/, "<div class='bodytext' ondblclick='btSelectText(this);'>"],[/backButtonHtml;/,"backButtonHtml;parseLinks();"]]);
uWExportFunction('parseLinks', DispReport.parseLinks);
uWExportFunction('makeReportLink', makeReportLink);
uWExportFunction('makeReportPopup', makeReportPopup);
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
setEnable: function (tf) {
var t = DispReport;
isDispReportAvailable: function () {
var t = DispReport;
return t.modal_InboxFunc.isAvailable();
AddMsgButtons :function() {
var t = DispReport;
if (ById('modal_msg_links')) ById('modal_msg_links').style.top = '8px';
msgBody = ByCl('messageDeletes');
var div = msgBody[0];
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.className = 'inlineButton brown20';
a.style.marginRight = '6px';
a.innerHTML = '<span>'+tx('Delete Gift Report')+'</span>';
a.addEventListener('click', function(){t.checkinbox(1);}, false);
msgBody = ByCl('reportDeletes');
var div = msgBody[0];
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.className = 'buttonDown20';
a.innerHTML = '<span>'+tx('Delete Wild/Barb/Transport')+'</span>';
a.style.float = 'left';
a.addEventListener('click', t.checkreportlist, false);
ModalInboxHook : function (rslt,boxType,msghtml){
var t = DispReport;
var div = ById('ptPageNavBar');
if (div) div.style.marginLeft = '20px';
// fix outbox buttons.... game bug!
if (boxType == 'outbox') {
if (ById('modal_msg_view_body')) {
var msgdiv = ById('modal_msg_view_body').getElementsByClassName('bodytext')[0];
if (msgdiv) {
msgdiv.addEventListener('dblclick', function () { SelectText(msgdiv); },false);
parseLinks: function() {
var t = DispReport;
if (ById('modal_msg_view_body')) {
var msgdiv = ById('modal_msg_view_body').getElementsByClassName('bodytext')[0];
if (msgdiv) {
msgdiv.innerHTML = msgdiv.innerHTML.replace(/(\bReport\sNo\:\s([0-9]+))/g, '<a onclick=\'ptChatReportClicked($2,0)\'>$1</a>');
msgdiv.innerHTML = msgdiv.innerHTML.replace(/(\bRpt\:([0-9]+))/g, '<a onclick=\'ptChatReportClicked($2,0)\'>$1</a>');
msgdiv.innerHTML = msgdiv.innerHTML.replace(/#([0-9]+)#/g, '<a onclick=\'ptChatReportClicked($1,0)\'>$1</a>');
checkinbox: function (what) {
var t = DispReport;
var body = ById('tbl_messages');
if (!body) return;
var trs = body.getElementsByTagName('tr');
var reports = [];
for (var i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
var tds = trs[i].getElementsByTagName('td');
for (var j = 0; j < tds.length; j++) {
if(tds[j].className == 'chkcol') var checkbox = tds[j];
if(tds[j].className == 'dtcol') var date = tds[j];
if(tds[j].className == 'nmcol') var sender = tds[j];
if(tds[j].className == 'subjcol') var subject = tds[j];
reports.push({ checkbox: checkbox, date:date, sender: sender, subject: subject });
if (what==1) t.parseGiftReport(reports);
parseGiftReport: function (rpts) {
var t = DispReport;
for (var i = 0; i < rpts.length; i++) {
var GiftMessage = false;
for (var j in GiftText) {
if (rpts[i].subject.innerHTML.indexOf(GiftText[j]) != -1) {
GiftMessage = true;
if(rpts[i].sender.innerHTML.indexOf('Kingdoms Of Camelot') >= 0 && GiftMessage){
rpts[i].checkbox.firstChild.checked = true;
uW.messages_action("delete", "tbl_messages");
ModalReportListHook: function (rslt, msghtml) {
var t = DispReport;
// fix HQ buttons.... rockyou bug!
if (rslt.ok) {
msgBody = ById('modal_msg_reports_tablediv');
var mml = ById('modal_msg_list');
if (mml != null) mml.style.minHeight = '400px';
var trs = msgBody.getElementsByTagName('tr');
for (var i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
var tds = trs[i].getElementsByTagName('td');
for (var j = 0; j < tds.length; j++) {
if (tds[j].className == 'subjcol') {
tds[j].style.width = '190px';
var original = tds[j].innerHTML;
original = original.replace("<div>", "");
original = original.replace("</div>", "");
var popup = original.replace(uW.g_js_strings.modal_messages_viewtrades.viewrpt, tx("Pop-up"));
popup = popup.replace(uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.view, tx("Pop-up"));
popup = popup.replace("Messages.viewMarchReport", "makeReportPopup");
var makelink = original.replace(uW.g_js_strings.modal_messages_viewtrades.viewrpt, tx("Share"));
makelink = makelink.replace(uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.view, tx("Share"));
makelink = makelink.replace("Messages.viewMarchReport", "makeReportLink");
original = original.replace(uW.g_js_strings.modal_messages_viewtrades.viewrpt, uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.view);
var newContent = original + " | " + popup + " | " + makelink;
tds[j].innerHTML = '<DIV style="width:180px;">' + newContent + '</div>';
if (tds[j].className == 'nmcol') {
tds[j].style.width = '400px';
checkreportlist: function () {
var t = DispReport;
var body = ById('modal_msg_reports_tablediv');
var trs = body.getElementsByTagName('tr');
var reports = [];
for (var i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
var tds = trs[i].getElementsByTagName('td');
for (var j = 0; j < tds.length; j++) {
if (tds[j].className == 'chkcol') {
var checkbox = tds[j];
if (tds[j].className == 'nmcol') {
var type = tds[j];
if (tds[j].className == 'subjcol') {
var view = tds[j];
checkbox: checkbox,
type: type,
view: view
parseBarbReport: function (rpts) {
var t = DispReport;
if (NoRegEx) { // regular expression fix for cometbird
var regex = /Messages.viewMarchReport\(([^&]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([^&]+),([^&]+),([^&]+),([^&]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)/;
else {
var regex = /Messages.viewMarchReport\(([^"]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([^"]+),([^"]+),([^"]+),([^"]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)/;
for (var i = 0; i < rpts.length; i++) {
var m = regex.exec(rpts[i].view.innerHTML);
if (m) {
if (m[6] == m[8] && m[7] == m[9]) { //Source and target id the same.
// continue; //Infer transport to self
} else if (m[5] != 0) {
rpts[i].checkbox.firstChild.checked = true;
function makeReportLink(rptid, side, tiletype, tilelv, defid, defnm, defgen, atknm, atkgen, marchtype, xcoord, ycoord, timestamp, unread, atkxcoord, atkycoord, side0AllianceName, side1AllianceName, link) {
uW.Chat.sendChat("/a Report No: "+enFilter(rptid));
function makeReportPopup(rptid, side, tiletype, tilelv, defid, defnm, defgen, atknm, atkgen, marchtype, xcoord, ycoord, timestamp, unread, atkxcoord, atkycoord, side0AllianceName, side1AllianceName, link) {
Rpt.FindReport(rptid, 0);
var AllianceReports = {
init: function () {
t = AllianceReports;
try {
t.listFunc = new CalterUwFunc('allianceReports', [
['var params', 'ListAR_hook(pageNo);return;var params']
uWExportFunction('getReportDisplay_hook2', AllianceReports.getReportDisplayHook);
uWExportFunction('FindReport', Rpt.FindReport);
t.marvFunc = new CalterUwFunc('modal_alliance_report_view', [
['getReportDisplay', 'getReportDisplay_hook2']
t.memListFunc = new CalterUwFunc('membersInfo', [
['commonstr.might', 'commonstr.might + "</td><td class=colcities>" + g_js_strings.commonstr.cities + "</td><td class=collast>" + g_js_strings.membersInfo.lastonline'],
['memberInfo[key].prestige\)', 'memberInfo[key].prestige)+ "</td>");memhtml.push("<td class=colcities>" + memberInfo[key].cities + "</td>");memhtml.push("<td class=collast>" + memberInfo[key].lastLogin']
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
getReportDisplayHook: function (a, b) {
var x = '';
try {
x = uW.getReportDisplay(a, b);
} catch (e) {
x = 'Error formatting report: ' + e.message;
return x;
enable_viewmembers: function (tf) {
t = AllianceReports;
enable: function (tf) {},
myAllianceReports: function (pageNum) {
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
if (pageNum)
params.pageNo = pageNum;
params.group = "a";
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/listReports.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
displayReports(rslt.arReports, rslt.arPlayerNames, rslt.arAllianceNames, rslt.arCityNames, rslt.totalPages);
}, false);
function displayReports(ar, playerNames, allianceNames, cityNames, totalPages) {
var msg = "";
var myAllianceId = getMyAlliance()[0];
msg += "<STYLE>.msgviewtable tbody .myCol div {margin-left:5px; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; color:#000}\
.msgviewtable tbody .myHostile div {font-weight:600; color:#600}\
.msgviewtable tbody .myGray div {color:#666}\
.msgviewtable tbody .myRein div {color:#050}\
.msgviewtable tbody .myWarn div {font-weight:600; color:#442200}\
msg += "<div class='modal_msg_reports'>";
var rptkeys = Object.keys(ar);
if (ar && matTypeof(ar) != 'array') {
msg += "<div id='modal_alliance_reports_tablediv' class='modal_msg_list'><table width=675 cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='msgviewtable reportviewtable alliancetable'>";
msg += "<thead><tr><td width=105>"+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.date+"</td><td width=40>"+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.type+"</td><td width=150>"+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attacker+"</td><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.target+"</td><td>"+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.view+"</td></tr></thead><tbody>";
for (var i = 0; i < rptkeys.length; i++) {
var rpt = ar[rptkeys[i]];
var colClass = '"myCol"';
rpt.marchType = parseInt(rpt.marchType);
rpt.side0AllianceId = parseInt(rpt.side0AllianceId);
var targetDiplomacy = getDiplomacy(rpt.side0AllianceId);
if (rpt.marchType == 2) {
colClass = '"myCol myRein"';
} else if (rpt.side1AllianceId != myAllianceId) {
colClass = '"myCol myHostile"';
} else {
if (parseInt(rpt.side0TileType) == 57) { // if megalith
colClass = '"myCol myWarn"';
else {
if (parseInt(rpt.side0TileType) < 50) { // if wild
if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) == 0)
colClass = '"myCol myGray"';
colClass = '"myCol myWarn"';
} else if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) == 0) { // barb
colClass = '"myCol myGray"';
} else {
if (targetDiplomacy == uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.friendly)
colClass = '"myCol myWarn"';
msg += "<tr valign=top";
if (i % 2 == 0) msg +=" class=stripe";
msg += "><TD class=" + colClass + "><div>"+uW.formatDateByUnixTime(rpt.reportUnixTime)+"<BR>Rpt <a onclick='FindReport(" + rpt.reportId + ",0);return false;'>#" + rpt.reportId + "</a>";
msg += "</div></td><TD class=" + colClass + "><div>";
if (rpt.marchType == 1) msg += uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.transport;
else if (rpt.marchType == 3) msg += uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout;
else if (rpt.marchType == 2) msg += tx('Reinf');
else msg += uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack;
// attacker ...
msg += "</div></td><TD class=" + colClass + "><div>";
if (parseInt(rpt.side1PlayerId) != 0) msg += playerNames["p" + rpt.side1PlayerId];
else msg += "?"+tx('Unknown')+"?";
msg += " "+coordLink(rpt.side1XCoord, rpt.side1YCoord,true)+"<BR>";
if (rpt.side1AllianceId != myAllianceId) { msg += allianceNames['a' + rpt.side1AllianceId]+" ("+getDiplomacy(rpt.side1AllianceId)+")"; }
else { msg += "<BR>"; }
msg += "</div></td>";
// target ...
msg += "<TD class=" + colClass + "><DIV>";
var type = parseInt(rpt.side0TileType);
if (type == 57) { // megalith
msg += capitalize(uW.g_mapObject.types[type]||"")+" "+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.lvl+" "+rpt.side0TileLevel;
if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) != 0) { // IF OWNED, show owner ...
msg += " ["+playerNames["p" + rpt.side0PlayerId]+"] ";
else {
if (type < 50) { // wild
msg += capitalize(uW.g_mapObject.types[type]||"")+" "+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.lvl+" "+rpt.side0TileLevel;
if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) != 0) { // IF OWNED, show owner ...
msg += " ["+playerNames["p" + rpt.side0PlayerId]+"] ";
else {
if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) == 0) { // barb
msg += uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.barbariancamp+" "+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.lvl+" "+rpt.side0TileLevel;
else { // city
msg += playerNames["p" + rpt.side0PlayerId]+" - "+cityNames['c' + rpt.side0CityId];
msg += " "+coordLink(rpt.side0XCoord, rpt.side0YCoord,true);
if (rpt.side0AllianceId != 0 && rpt.side0AllianceId != myAllianceId) {
msg += "<BR>"+allianceNames['a' + rpt.side0AllianceId]+" ("+targetDiplomacy+")";
// 'view report' link ...
if (rpt.marchType != 2) {
msg += "</div></td><TD class=" + colClass + "><div><a onclick='modal_alliance_report_view("+rpt.reportId+",";
if (parseInt(rpt.side1AllianceId) == parseInt(Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceId)) { msg += '1'; }
else { msg += '0'; }
msg += ","+rpt.side0TileType+","+rpt.side0TileLevel+","+rpt.side0PlayerId+',"';
if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) != 0) msg += escape(playerNames["p" + rpt.side0PlayerId]);
else msg += uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.enemy;
msg += '","';
if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) != 0) msg += escape(playerNames["g" + rpt.side0PlayerId]);
else msg += '0';
msg += '","';
if (parseInt(rpt.side1PlayerId) > 0) msg += escape(playerNames["p" + rpt.side1PlayerId]);
msg += '","';
if (parseInt(rpt.side1PlayerId) != 0) msg += escape(playerNames["g" + rpt.side1PlayerId]);
msg += '",'+rpt.marchType+","+rpt.side0XCoord+","+rpt.side0YCoord+","+rpt.reportUnixTime+",";
if (parseInt(rpt.reportStatus) == 2) msg += "1";
else msg += "0";
if (rpt.side1XCoord) { msg += ","+rpt.side1XCoord+","+rpt.side1YCoord; }
else { msg += ",,"; }
msg += ");return false;'>"+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.view+"</a></div></td></tr>";
} else {
// reinforcement!!
msg += "</div></td><TD class=" + colClass + "><div><a onclick='FindReport(\""+rpt.reportId+"\",0);return false;'>"+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.view+"</a></div></td></tr>";
msg += "</tbody></table></div>";
msg += "</div><div id='modal_report_list_pagination'></div>";
ById('allianceContent').innerHTML = msg;
if (pageNum) {
uW.ctrlPagination("modal_report_list_pagination", totalPages, "allianceReports", pageNum)
} else {
uW.ctrlPagination("modal_report_list_pagination", totalPages, "allianceReports")
var AllianceReportsCheck = {
aRpt: {},
init: function () {
var t = AllianceReportsCheck;
var b = GM_getValue('allianceRpt_'+getServerId()+'_'+uW.tvuid);
if (b != null)
t.aRpt = JSON2.parse(b);
else {
t.aRpt = {};
enable: function (tf) {
var t = AllianceReportsCheck;
if (Options.ReportOptions.EnhanceAR) {
setTimeout(t.enable, parseInt((Math.random() * 15 * 1000) + (Options.ReportOptions.alertinterval * 1000)), Options.ReportOptions.EnhanceAR);
checkAllianceReport: function () {
var t = AllianceReportsCheck;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.group = "a";
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/listReports.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
t.parseAReports(rslt.arReports, rslt.arPlayerNames, rslt.arAllianceNames, rslt.arCityNames, rslt.totalPages);
}, true);
parseAReports: function (ar, playerNames, allianceNames, cityNames, totalPages) {
var t = AllianceReportsCheck;
var myAllianceId = getMyAlliance()[0];
var rptkeys = uW.Object.keys(uWCloneInto(ar));
if (ar && matTypeof(ar) != 'array') {
for (var i = 0; i < rptkeys.length; i++) {
var rpt = ar[rptkeys[i]];
if (rpt.side1AllianceId != myAllianceId && Options.ReportOptions.PostIncoming) {
var ID = rpt.reportId;
var target = tx("city");
if (t.aRpt["a" + ID]) continue;
if (rpt.marchType == 3) {atkType = tx('scouted');}
else if (rpt.marchType == 4) {atkType = tx('attacked');}
if (rpt.side0TileType == 57) {target = tx("megalith");}
else if (rpt.side0TileType <= 50) {target = tx("wild");}
var allianceName = '';
if (parseIntNan(rpt.side1AllianceId) != 0) {
allianceName = ' of '+allianceNames["a"+rpt.side1AllianceId]+' ('+getDiplomacy(rpt.side1AllianceId)+')';
var date = uW.formatDateByUnixTime(rpt.reportUnixTime);
var msg = ':::. | Report No: ' + enFilter(rpt.reportId) + ' || ' + date + ' || ' + playerNames['p' + rpt.side0PlayerId] + '\'s ' + target + ' '+tx('at')+' ' + rpt.side0XCoord + ',' + rpt.side0YCoord + ' '+tx('has been')+' ' + atkType + ' '+tx('by')+' ' + playerNames["p" + rpt.side1PlayerId] + ' '+tx('at')+' ' + rpt.side1XCoord + ',' + rpt.side1YCoord + allianceName;
t.fetchreport(ID, rpt, msg, playerNames, cityNames, rpt.side0TileType, rpt.marchType);
if (rpt.side1PlayerId == uW.tvuid && Options.ReportOptions.WhisperOutgoing) {
var ID = rpt.reportId;
if (t.aRpt["a" + ID]) continue;
if ((rpt.marchType == 4) && Options.AttackOptions && Options.AttackOptions.Routes){
var crest = false;
for(var j in Options.AttackOptions.Routes) {
var a = Options.AttackOptions.Routes[j];
if(rpt.side0XCoord == a.target_x && rpt.side0YCoord == a.target_y) {
crest = true;
if (crest) {
t.addAllianceReport(rpt); // no try again
continue; // no whisper on crest targets
if (rpt.marchType == 3) {atkType = tx('scouted');}
else if (rpt.marchType == 4) {atkType = tx('attacked');}
target = tileTypes[parseInt(rpt.side0TileType)];
if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) == 0) { var playerName = '';}
else { var playerName = playerNames['p' + rpt.side0PlayerId] + '\'s ';}
var date = uW.formatDateByUnixTime(rpt.reportUnixTime);
var msg = ':::. | Report No: ' + enFilter(rpt.reportId) + ' || ' + date + ' || ' + playerName + target + ' '+tx('at')+' ' + rpt.side0XCoord + ',' + rpt.side0YCoord + ' '+tx('has been')+' ' + atkType + ' '+tx('by you');
var automsg = sendChat("/" + Seed.player.name + ' ' + msg);
addAllianceReport: function (rpt) {
t = AllianceReportsCheck;
var ID = rpt.reportId;
t.aRpt["a" + ID] = rpt.reportUnixTime;
var now = unixTime() - (5 * 24 * 60 * 60);
for (var k in t.aRpt) {
if (t.aRpt[k] < now)
delete t.aRpt[k];
var string = JSON2.stringify(t.aRpt);
setTimeout(function () { GM_setValue("allianceRpt_" + getServerId()+"_"+uW.tvuid, string); }, 0);
fetchreport: function (rpId, rpt, msg, playerNames, cityNames, TileType, MarchType) {
var t = AllianceReportsCheck;
if (Options.ReportOptions.IgnoreScouts && MarchType == 3) return;
if (Options.ReportOptions.IgnoreWilds && TileType <= 50) return;
FetchReport(rpId,function(rslt) {
if (rslt.detail.winner && rslt.detail.winner == 1) { var DefeatedText = ' ||[#1][#8] '+tx('You were defeated')+'![#][#]'; }
else { var DefeatedText = ' ||[#2] '+tx('You defended successfully')+'![#]'; }
var troops = rslt.detail.fght.s1;
var trooptot = 0;
for (var i in troops) {
trooptot += Number(troops[i][0]);
if (Options.ReportOptions.alertmtroops > trooptot) return;
msg = msg+' || '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.troops+' '+trooptot+DefeatedText;
if (Options.ReportOptions.WhisperAR) {
var automsg = sendChat("/"+Seed.player.name+' '+msg);
var WList = Options.ReportOptions.WhisperARList.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < WList.length; i++) {
var WName = WList[i].trim();
if (WName) BotChat.sendWhisper(msg,WName);
else {
var automsg = sendChat('/a '+msg);
var towho = {
mmFunc: null,
init: function () {
t = towho;
try {
t.mmFunc = new CalterUwFunc('cm.messageController.messageWide', [
[/params\.subject\s*=\s*..".modal_msg_write_subj".\.val.../im, 'params.subject = cm.messageController.escape\(allianceall?"{"+g_js_strings.commonstr.alliance+"} "+document.getElementById(\'modal_msg_write_subj\').value:"{"+g_js_strings.commonstr.officers+"} "+document.getElementById(\'modal_msg_write_subj\').value\);'],
[/\$\("#modal_msg_write_to/im, 'jQuery("#modal_msg_write_to']
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
var PageNavigator = {
modalMessagesFunc: null,
ctrlPaginationOld: null,
loadPage_paginationOld: null,
cpPager: null,
init: function () {
var t = PageNavigator;
try {
t.modalMessagesFunc = new CalterUwFunc('modal_messages', [
[/pageNavigatorModel\s*=.*?;/i, 'var pager=ptPagerHook(0,5);pageNavigatorModel=pager;'],
[/pageNavigatorView\s*=.*?;/i, 'pageNavigatorView=pager;'],
[/pageNavigatorController\s*=.*?;/i, 'pageNavigatorController=pager;']
t.ctrlPaginationOld = uW.ctrlPagination;
t.loadPage_paginationOld = uW.loadPage_pagination;
t.cpPager = new t.Cpager(0, 0);
t.cpPager.oldStyle = true;
uWExportFunction("oldctrlPagination", PageNavigator.ctrlPaginationOld);
uWExportFunction("newctrlPagination", PageNavigator.ctrlPagination);
uWExportFunction("oldloadPage_pagination", PageNavigator.loadPage_paginationOld);
uWExportFunction("newloadPage_pagination", PageNavigator.loadPage_pagination);
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
// called on 'back' ...
loadPage_pagination: function (divId, currentPage, callbackFunction, totalPages) {
var t = PageNavigator;
var curPage = parseInt(currentPage);
if (divId == t.cpPager.divId) // if 'old' style ...
ctrlPagination: function (navDivId, numPages, notify, curPage) {
var t = PageNavigator;
if (ById(navDivId).firstChild == null)
t.cpPager.divId = navDivId;
if (!curPage)
curPage = 1;
t.cpPager.onClick = uW[notify];
if (typeof createObjectIn == 'function') {
var newobj = createObjectIn(uW,{defineAs: 'cpPager'});
newobj.numPages = t.cpPager.numPages;
newobj.curPage = t.cpPager.curPage;
newobj.oldStyle = t.cpPager.oldStyle;
newobj.divId = t.cpPager.divId;
uW.pageNavigatorView = newobj;
else {
uW.pageNavigatorView = t.cpPager;
enable: function (tf) {
var t = PageNavigator;
if (tf) {
uW.ctrlPagination = uW.newctrlPagination;
uW.loadPage_pagination = uW.newloadPage_pagination;
} else {
uW.ctrlPagination = uW.oldctrlPagination;
uW.loadPage_pagination = uW.oldloadPage_pagination;
isAvailable: function () {
var t = PageNavigator;
return t.modalMessagesFunc.isAvailable();
ConstructCPager : function (a, b) {
var t = PageNavigator;
var localobj = new t.Cpager(a, b);
localobj.onClick = function(a) { uW.pageNavigatorController.onClick(a); }
if (typeof createObjectIn == 'function') {
var newobj = createObjectIn(uW,{defineAs: 'ptPagerObj'});
newobj.numPages = t.cpPager.numPages;
newobj.curPage = t.cpPager.curPage;
newobj.oldStyle = t.cpPager.oldStyle;
return newobj;
else {
return localobj;
Cpager: function (a, b) {
// public function protos ...
this.getHtmlElement = getHtmlElement;
this.setPageCount = setPageCount;
this.getPageCount = getPageCount;
this.getCurrentPage = getCurrentPage;
this.gotoPage = gotoPage;
this.e_but = e_but;
this.e_inp = e_inp;
var t = this;
this.onClick = null;
this.numPages = b;
this.curPage = a;
this.oldStyle = false;
function getHtmlElement() {
function aButton(msg, evtPage) {
return '<A class=ptPageNav onclick="pageNavigatorView.e_but(\'' + evtPage + '\')"><SPAN class=ptPageNav>' + msg + '</span></a>';
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'ptPageNavBar';
div.innerHTML = '<STYLE>table.ptPageNav tr td {background:inherit; border:none; text-align:center; padding:0px 1px;}\
span.ptPageNav {font-size:12px; background:inherit; line-height:135%}\
A.ptPageNav {background-color:#44e; color:#ff4; display:block; border:1px solid #666666; height:18px; width:18px;}\
A.ptPageNav:hover {background-color:#66f;}\
A.ptPageNav:active {background-color:#186}\
<TABLE class=ptPageNav><TR valign=middle>\
<TD style="margin-right:15px">' + aButton('<SPAN style="padding-left:0.2em;letter-spacing:-0.99em;vertical-align:middle;">▏▏</span><span>◄</span>', 'F') + '</td>\
<TD>' + aButton('◄', '-') + '</td>\
<TD>' + aButton('►', '+') + '</td>\
<TD style="margin-right:15px">' + aButton('<SPAN style="margin-left:-0.3em;margin-right:-0.2em;">►</SPAN><SPAN style="letter-spacing:-0.99em;vertical-align:middle;">▏▏</span>', 'L') + '</td>\
<TD width=10> </td><TD>'+tx('Page')+' <INPUT id=ptPagerPageNum onChange="pageNavigatorView.e_inp()" type=text size=1> '+tx('of')+' <span id=ptPagerNumPages>?</span></td>\
var mml = ById('modal_msg_list');
if (mml != null)
mml.style.minHeight = '400px';
return div;
function getPageCount() { // koc needs for 'back'
return t.numPages;
function getCurrentPage() { // koc needs for 'back'
return t.curPage;
function setPageCount(c) {
t.numPages = c;
ById('ptPagerNumPages').innerHTML = c;
var mml = ById('modal_msg_list');
if (mml != null) {
if (ById('modal_msg_tabs_report').className.indexOf('selected') >= 0)
mml.style.minHeight = '460px';
mml.style.minHeight = '400px';
function gotoPage(p) {
t.curPage = parseIntZero(p);
ById('ptPagerPageNum').value = t.curPage;
function e_but(p) {
if (p == 'F' && t.curPage != 1)
else if (p == '-' && t.curPage > 1)
loadPage(t.curPage - 1);
else if (p == '+' && t.curPage < t.numPages)
loadPage(t.curPage + 1);
else if (p == 'L' && t.curPage != t.numPages)
function loadPage(p) {
if (t.oldStyle)
function e_inp(p) {
var pageNum = parseIntZero(ById('ptPagerPageNum').value);
var TowerAlerts = {
viewImpendingFunc: null,
fixTargetEnabled: false,
init: function () {
var t = TowerAlerts;
try {
t.viewImpendingFunc = new CalterUwFunc('attack_viewimpending_view', [
[/Modal.showModal\((.*)\)/im, 'Modal.showModal\($1\); ptViewImpending_hook(a);']
uWExportFunction('ptViewImpending_hook', t.viewImpending_hook);
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
// fix 'target'
viewImpending_hook: function (atkinc) {
var t = TowerAlerts;
var div = ById('modal_attackimpending_view');
var isFalse = false;
if (t.fixTargetEnabled) {
var city = Cities.byID[atkinc.toCityId];
var target = '';
if (!city || (atkinc.marchType != 3 && atkinc.marchType != 4)) {
target = '<B>'+tx('FALSE REPORT')+'!</b>';
isFalse = true;
} else if (city.tileId == atkinc.toTileId) {
target = city.name + ' (' + city.x + ',' + city.y + ')';
} else {
wilds = Seed.wilderness['city' + atkinc.toCityId];
m = '';
for (var k in wilds) {
if (wilds[k].tileId == atkinc.toTileId) {
m = 'at ' + wilds[k].xCoord + ',' + wilds[k].yCoord;
target = city.name + ', <B>'+tx('WILD')+' ' + m + '</b>';
div.childNodes[0].innerHTML = '<B>'+tx('Target')+': </b>' + target;
enableFixTarget: function (tf) {
var t = TowerAlerts;
t.fixTargetEnabled = tf;
isFixTargetAvailable: function () {
var t = TowerAlerts;
return t.viewImpendingFunc.isAvailable();
var CoordBox = {
MapZoom : Boolean,
init: function () {
var t = CoordBox;
uWExportFunction('btToggleMapZoom', CoordBox.ToggleMapZoom);
t.MapZoom = false;
t.boxDiv = searchDOM(ById('maparea_map'), 'node.className=="mod_coord"', 3, false);
t.boxDiv.id = 'btCoordsBox';
var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
newdiv.id = 'btZoom';
newdiv.innerHTML = '<div style="text-align:center;font-size:11px"><a id=btZoomLink onclick="btToggleMapZoom();">'+tx('Zoom Out')+'</a></div>';
jQuery("#btCoordsBox > div:first").after(newdiv);
setEnable: function (tf) {
var t = CoordBox;
if (t.boxDiv == null)
if (tf)
t.boxDiv.style.zIndex = '100000';
t.boxDiv.style.zIndex = '10011';
isAvailable: function () {
var t = CoordBox;
return !(t.boxDiv == null);
ToggleMapZoom : function () {
var t = CoordBox;
t.MapZoom = !t.MapZoom;
if (t.MapZoom) {
uW.g_mapObject.vpxmultiplier = 30;
uW.g_mapObject.hpxmultiplier = 50;
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.id = 'btMapZoomStyle';
style.innerHTML = '\
.map1 .slot {width:50px !important;height:30px !important; background-size:cover !important;}\
.map1 .slot.PrestigeCity_4, .map1 .slot.PrestigeCity_5, .map1 .slot.PrestigeCity_6 {background-position: -50px 0px !important;}\
.map1 .slot.PrestigeCity_7, .map1 .slot.PrestigeCity_8, .map1 .slot.PrestigeCity_9, .map1 .slot.PrestigeCity_10, \
.map1 .slot.PrestigeCity_11, .map1 .slot.PrestigeCity_12, .map1 .slot.PrestigeCity_13, .map1 .slot.PrestigeCity_14, .map1 .slot.PrestigeCity_15 {background-position: -100px 0px !important;}\
.map1 .slot.shield span {left:-18px !important; top:-6px !important; background-size:15% !important;}\
.map1 .slot.sword span {left:-18px !important; top:-6px !important; background-size:15% !important;}\
.map1 .slot.mapcastle span {width:16px !important; height:16px !important; left:20px !important; padding-top:5px !important; font-size:7px !important; background-size:16px !important;}';
ById('btZoomLink').innerHTML = tx('Zoom In');
else {
uW.g_mapObject.vpxmultiplier = 58;
uW.g_mapObject.hpxmultiplier = 96;
ById('btZoomLink').innerHTML = tx('Zoom Out');
var cdtd = {
views: null,
oldupdate_citylist: null,
newupdate_citylist: null,
init: function () {
var t = cdtd;
try {
if (typeof uW.watch == 'function') {
uW.watch("update_citylist",function(c,a,b){return b;}); // palemoon 'unwatch' doesn't work
if (typeof uW.unwatch == 'function') {
uW.unwatch("update_citylist"); // naughty RockYou!
uWExportFunction('ptcheckascension', cdtd.checkascension);
uWExportFunction('ptgetchampstatus', cdtd.getchampstatus);
uWExportFunction('cdtdhook', cdtd.citychange);
var z = new CalterUwFunc("showCityTooltip",[
[/showTooltip/,'a += "<div>"+g_js_strings.guardian[seed.guardian[j].type+"_fullName"]+"</div><div>" + ptgetchampstatus(seed.cities[j][0])+"</div>";showTooltip'],
['g_js_strings.showPopTooltip.currpop','provincenames[\'p\'+seed.cities[j][4]] + "</div><div>" + ptcheckascension(seed.cities[j][0]) + g_js_strings.showPopTooltip.currpop']
t.views = new CalterUwFunc("citysel_click", [
[/cm\.PrestigeCityView\.render\(\)/im, 'cm.PrestigeCityView.render();cdtdhook();']
if (Options.EnhCBtns) {
t.oldupdate_citylist = uW.update_citylist;
t.newupdate_citylist = function () {
if (Options.ColrCityBtns) cdtd.drawfactioncolors();
uW.update_citylist = uW.newupdate_citylist;
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
citychange: function () {
Tabs.Options.checkAscension(); // ascension expiry tied into enhanced city buttons
drawdefendstatus: function () {
var t = cdtd;
for (var i = 0; i < uW.seed.cities.length; i++) {
var cityidx = i + 1;
var city = ById('citysel_' + cityidx);
if (!city) {
setTimeout(t.drawdefendstatus, 100);
var cityId = uW.seed.cities[i][0];
var color = 'blue';
if (uW.seed.citystats['city'+cityId].gate != 0) { color = 'red'; }
if (Tabs.PortalTime && ((Options.PortOptions.PortCities && Options.PortOptions.PortCities[Cities.byID[cityId].idx+1]==true) || (Options.PortOptions.PortCity && cityId==Options.PortOptions.PortCity)) && Options.PortOptions.Running) { color = 'cyan'; }
city.style.color = color;
city.style.border = '2px inset '+color;
city.style.display = 'inline';
city.style.width = 10 + '%';
if (Options.DbClkDefBtns && SelectiveDefending) {
city.ondblclick = function () {
setdefendstatus: function (city) {
var t = cdtd;
var state = 1;
if (uW.seed.citystats["city" + city].gate != 0)
state = 0;
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.cid = city;
params.state = state;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/gate.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
uW.seed.citystats["city" + city].gate = state;
onFailure: function () {
drawfactioncolors: function () {
var t = cdtd;
for (var i = 0; i < uW.seed.cities.length; i++) {
color = "black";
var ascended = getAscensionValues(uW.seed.cities[i][0]);
if (ascended.isPrestigeCity) {
switch (parseIntNan(ascended.prestigeType)) {
case 1: color = "#228b22"; break;
case 2: color = "#A944DB"; break;
case 3: color = "#E36600"; break;
ById('mod_citylist').children[i].innerHTML = "<SPAN><FONT fontFamily='georgia,?arial,?sans-serif' font-weight=700 font-size=10px color=" + color + ">" + uW.roman[i] + "</font></span>";
checkascension : function(id) {
var str = ""
var protection = CM.PrestigeCityPlayerProtectionController.isActive(id);
if (protection) {
str += "<b>"+tx('Ascension Protection')+": "+uW.timestr(CM.PrestigeCityPlayerProtectionController.getTimeLeft(id),false)+"</b></div><div>";
var ascended = getAscensionValues(id);
var canAscend = true;
if (ascended.isPrestigeCity) {
var MaxLevel = CM.PrestigeModel.getLevelCapSoft(ascended.prestigeType);
canAscend = (MaxLevel>parseIntNan(ascended.prestigeLevel));
if (Options.BuildOptions && Options.BuildOptions.AscendRunning) {
if (protection && !canAscend) { str += '<span class=boldRed>'+tx("Maximum Ascension Level")+"!</span></div><div>"; }
else if (Options.BuildOptions.AscendEnabled[Cities.byID[id].idx+1]) { str += '<span class=boldMagenta>'+tx("Auto-Ascend Enabled")+"!</span></div><div>"; }
return str;
getchampstatus : function(id) {
var citychamp;
var ChampText = uW.g_js_strings.champ.no_champ+"!";
var gotchamp = false;
citychamp = getCityChampion(id);
if (citychamp.championId) {
gotchamp = true;
var champname = citychamp.name;
var champstatus = citychamp.status;
if (champstatus != "10") {
ChampText = champname + ' ('+tx('Defending')+')';
else {
ChampText = champname + ' ('+tx('Marching')+')';
if (gotchamp) {
return '<table cellspacing=0><tr><td class="xtab"><img height=14 src="'+ChampImagePrefix+citychamp.avatarId+ChampImageSuffix+'"></td><td class=xtab>'+ChampText+'</td></tr></table>';
else {
return '<table cellspacing=0><tr><td class="xtab">'+ChampText+'</td></tr></table>';
var LoadCapFix = {
init: function () {
var t = LoadCapFix;
try {
if (!NoRegEx) {
t.capLoadEffect = new CalterUwFunc('cm.MarchModal.updateTroopResource', [
[/\$\("#modal/ig, 'jQuery("#modal'],
[/if\(jQuery/i, 'loadBoost = Math.min(loadBoost,(cm.thronestats.boosts.Load.Max/100)+techLoadBoost); for(var sacIndex = 0; sacIndex < seed.queue_sacr["city" + currentcityid].length; sacIndex ++ ) if(seed.queue_sacr["city" + currentcityid][sacIndex]["unitType"] == untid) unit_number *= seed.queue_sacr["city" + currentcityid][sacIndex]["multiplier"][0]; if(jQuery'],
[/var\s*resources/i, 'load=load-1;var resources']
else {
t.capLoadEffect = new CalterUwFunc('cm.MarchModal.updateTroopResource', [
[/\$\("#modal/ig, 'jQuery("#modal'],
['if (jQuery', 'loadBoost = Math.min(loadBoost,(cm.thronestats.boosts.Load.Max/100)+techLoadBoost); for(var sacIndex = 0; sacIndex < seed.queue_sacr["city" + currentcityid].length; sacIndex ++ ) if(seed.queue_sacr["city" + currentcityid][sacIndex]["unitType"] == untid) unit_number *= seed.queue_sacr["city" + currentcityid][sacIndex]["multiplier"][0]; if(jQuery'],
['var resources', 'load=load-1;var resources']
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
setEnable: function (tf) {
var t = LoadCapFix;
isAvailable: function () {
var t = LoadCapFix;
return t.capLoadEffect.isAvailable();
var TRAetherCostFix = {
aethercostFix: null,
init: function () {
t = TRAetherCostFix;
try {
t.aethercostFix = new CalterUwFunc('cm.ThronePanelController.calcCost', [
[/if\(k\(/im, 'if(cm.ThronePanelController.isLastLevel('],
[/E\.stones\.use\s*=\s*E\.stones\.total/im, 'E.stones.use = B'],
[/if\(E\.stones\.use\s*==/im, 'if(E.stones.use >='],
[/E\.gems\.use\s*=\s*b\(E\.stones\.total\s*-\s*B\)/im, 'var xx = + (cm.WorldSettings.getSetting("TR_AETHERSTONE_CONVERSION_COST")), y; E.gems.use = Math.ceil((E.stones.total - B)/xx)'],
[/E\.gems\.use\s*=\s*b\(z\[D]\.Stones\)/im, 'var xx = + (cm.WorldSettings.getSetting("TR_AETHERSTONE_CONVERSION_COST")), y; E.gems.use = Math.ceil((z[D].Stones)/xx)'],
if (NoRegEx) {
t.aethercostFixCB = new CalterUwFunc('cm.ThronePanelController.calcCost', [
[/if\s*\(k\(/im, 'if(cm.ThronePanelController.isLastLevel('], //fix for cometbird
[/if\s*\(E\.stones\.use\s*==/im, 'if(E.stones.use >=']
]); //fix for cometbird
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
setEnable: function (tf) {
var t = TRAetherCostFix;
if (NoRegEx) {
isAvailable: function () {
var t = TRAetherCostFix;
if (!NoRegEx) {
return t.aethercostFix.isAvailable();
else {
return (t.aethercostFix.isAvailable() && t.aethercostFixCB.isAvailable());
var mmbImageFix = {
imageFix: null,
init: function () {
t = mmbImageFix;
try {
t.imageFix = new CalterUwFunc('cm.mww.mmb_share', [
[/img\/items\/130/im, 'img/items/70/'],
[/common_postToProfile\(\"85\"/im, 'template_data_85.img1=template_data_85.media[0].src; common_postToProfile(\"85\"']
catch (err) {
logerr(err); // write to log
setEnable: function (tf) {
var t = mmbImageFix;
isAvailable: function () {
var t = mmbImageFix;
return t.imageFix.isAvailable();
/** Global march function **/
var March = {
tt : null,
currentrequests : 0,
maxrequests : 3,
queue : [],
waittime : 0,
waitwarning : false,
addMarch : function (params, callback, forcemarch){
var t = March;
var opts = {params:params, callback:callback};
if(t.currentrequests < t.maxrequests || forcemarch){
t.sendMarch(opts.params, opts.callback);
} else {
actionLog(t.getMarchType(opts.params.type)+' added to march queue. Queue now contains '+ t.getQueueLength() +' marches.','MARCH');
loop : function (){
var t = March;
if(t.currentrequests < t.maxrequests){
var opts = t.queue.shift();
if(opts) {
t.sendMarch(opts.params, opts.callback);
actionLog(t.getMarchType(opts.params.type)+' triggered from march queue. Queue now contains '+ t.getQueueLength() +' marches.','MARCH');
getMarchType : function (mt){
switch (parseIntNan(mt)) {
case 1: return 'Transport';
case 2: return 'Reinforcement';
case 3: return 'Scout';
case 4: return 'Attack';
case 5: return 'Reassign';
default: return 'March';
getQueueLength : function (){
var t = March;
return t.queue.length;
RallyPoint : function (cityId){
var t = March;
var ret = {};
ret.level = t.getRallypointLevel(cityId);
ret.maxSlots = t.getTotalSlots(cityId);
ret.marching = t.getMarchSlots(cityId);
ret.emptySlots = t.getEmptySlots(cityId);
ret.maxSize = t.getMaxSize(cityId,''); // assume no items
return ret;
getRallypointLevel : function (cityId){
var t = March;
cityId = "city"+cityId;
rallypointlevel = 0;
for (var o in Seed.buildings[cityId]){
var buildingType = parseInt(Seed.buildings[cityId][o][0]);
var buildingLevel = parseInt(Seed.buildings[cityId][o][1]);
if (buildingType == 12) {
return rallypointlevel;
getTotalSlots : function (cityId){
var t = March;
var ascended = getAscensionValues(cityId);
var rallypointlevel = t.getRallypointLevel(cityId);
var slots = rallypointlevel; //Set default number of slots to rallypointlevel
if(slots >= 13)slots = 12;// a level 13 and above rallypoint only allows for 12 marches.
slots +=3;
return slots;
getMarchSlots : function (cityId){
var t = March;
cityId = "city"+cityId;
var slots=0;
var now = unixTime();
if (Seed.queue_atkp[cityId] != undefined && Seed.queue_atkp[cityId] != []){
for(var k in Seed.queue_atkp[cityId]){
var m = Seed.queue_atkp[cityId][k];
if(m.marchType == 9) {
if(m.botMarchStatus < 3 || m.botMarchStatus > 9)slots++; //If raid is stopped take it as empty slot
} else {
if ((m.returnUnixTime > now) || m.marchStatus == 2){ // count encamped marches!
} else {
return slots;
getEmptySlots : function (cityId){
var t = March;
var slots = t.getTotalSlots(cityId);
slots -= t.getMarchSlots(cityId);
if(slots < 0) slots = 0;
return slots;
getMaxSize : function (cityId,items){
var t = March;
var rallypointlevel = getUniqueCityBuilding(cityId, 12).maxLevel;
var ascended = getAscensionValues(cityId);
var buff = 1;
var max = 0;
var now = unixTime();
var Conquest = false;
var Command = false;
var koth = false;
var iused = null;
if (items) { iused = items.split(","); }
if (iused) {
for (var i = 0; i < iused.length; i++) {
if (iused[i] == 931) { Command = true; }
if (iused[i] == 932) { Conquest = true; }
if (Conquest) { buff = 1.5; }
else { if (Command) { buff = 1.25; }};
// timed auras take priority
if (Seed.playerEffects.auras2Expire && Seed.playerEffects.auras2Expire > now) { buff = 1.3 }
else {
if (Seed.playerEffects.aurasExpire && Seed.playerEffects.aurasExpire > now) { buff = 1.15 }
//var tr = Math.floor(equippedthronestats(66));
var tr = Math.floor(equippedthronestats(66)+equippedthronestats(163));
if (tr > uW.cm.thronestats.boosts.MarchSize.Max) { tr=uW.cm.thronestats.boosts.MarchSize.Max; }
if (tr > 0) { buff *= (1 + tr / 100); }
var b = ascended.prestigeLevel;
var r = CM.WorldSettings.getSetting("ASCENSION_RALLYPOINT_BOOST");
var m = JSON.parse(r);
var u = 1;
if (m.values[b-1]) {
u = m.values[b-1][1];
var k = parseFloat(u);
buff *= k
if (uW.seed.cityData.city[cityId].prestigeInfo.blessings.indexOf(207) != -1) { buff *= 1.1; }
if (koth) max=1;
case 11:
max = 150000 * buff;
case 12:
max = 200000 * buff;
case 13:
max = 215000 * buff;
case 14:
max = 250000 * buff;
case 15:
max = 275000 * buff;
max = (rallypointlevel * 10000) * buff;
var domainBoosterBonus = 1;
if(CM.WorldSettings.hasSetting('DOMAIN_BOOST_RALLYPIONT')) {
domainBoosterBonus = parseInt(CM.WorldSettings.getSetting("DOMAIN_BOOST_RALLYPIONT"));
max *= domainBoosterBonus;
return Math.floor(max+0.0001);
getMarchTime : function (cityId,unit_types,distance,spell_type,phoenix_wings_used,thunder_wings_used,red_wings_used,green_wings_used,koth) {
var speed = 99999;
var speedfriend = 99999;
var unitsfound = false;
var QualifyAU = false;
var QualifyFF = false;
var QualifyGW = false;
for (var ui in unit_types) {
unitsfound = true;
i = unit_types[ui];
var troop_speed = parseInt(uW.unitstats["unt" + i][3]);
troop_speed *= (1 + 0.1 * parseInt(Seed.tech.tch11));
for (var sacIndex = 0; sacIndex < Seed.queue_sacr["city" + cityId].length; sacIndex++) {
if (Seed.queue_sacr["city" + cityId][sacIndex]["unitType"] == i) {
troop_speed *= Seed.queue_sacr["city" + cityId][sacIndex]["multiplier"][0]
if (spell_type=='31' && CM.attack_modal.isUnitSiege(i)) { troop_speed *= 2; }
if (CM.unitHorsedBenefit[i]) { troop_speed = troop_speed * (1 + 0.05 * parseInt(Seed.tech.tch12)); }
else {
troop_speed *= (1 + 0.05 * (parseInt(Seed.tech2.tch1) || 0));
troop_speed *= CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().BLOOD_LUST, cityId, uWCloneInto({ speed : true }));
if (troop_speed < speed) { speed = troop_speed; }
if (!koth) {
if (i==14 || i==37) { QualifyAU = true; }
if (i==13 || uW.spellCasterUnits["unt"+i]) { QualifyFF = true; }
if (i==11 || i==36) { QualifyGW = true; }
speedfriend = speed;
speedfriend *= 1 + (getUniqueCityBuilding (cityId, 18).maxLevel/2);
speed *= CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().FILL_THE_RANKS, cityId, uWCloneInto({ marchspeed : true }));
speed *= CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().REDUCE_FATIGUE, cityId, uWCloneInto({}));
if (QualifyAU) { speed *= CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().AGGRESSIVE_URGE, cityId, uWCloneInto({})); }
if (QualifyFF) { speed *= CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().FLASH_FEET, cityId, uWCloneInto({})); }
if (QualifyGW) { speed *= CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().GREASED_WHEELS, cityId, uWCloneInto({})); }
speedfriend *= CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().FILL_THE_RANKS, cityId, uWCloneInto({ marchspeed : true }));
speedfriend *= CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().REDUCE_FATIGUE, cityId, uWCloneInto({}));
if (QualifyAU) { speedfriend *= CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().AGGRESSIVE_URGE, cityId, uWCloneInto({})); }
if (QualifyFF) { speedfriend *= CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().FLASH_FEET, cityId, uWCloneInto({})); }
if (QualifyGW) { speedfriend *= CM.BlessingSystemModel.applyBlessing(CM.BlessingSystemModel.getBlessing().GREASED_WHEELS, cityId, uWCloneInto({})); }
if (!koth) {
trMarchAllSpeed = CM.ThroneController.getBoundedEffect(67) + CM.ThroneController.getBoundedEffect(163);
trAttackSpeed = CM.ThroneController.getBoundedEffect(68);
trReinforceSpeed = CM.ThroneController.getBoundedEffect(69);
trTransportSpeed = CM.ThroneController.getBoundedEffect(70);
trReassignSpeed = CM.ThroneController.getBoundedEffect(71);
trScoutSpeed = CM.ThroneController.getBoundedEffect(72);
var throneBoost = trMarchAllSpeed + trAttackSpeed;
var throneBoostFriend = trMarchAllSpeed + Math.min(trReinforceSpeed,trTransportSpeed);
speed = speed * (1 + (throneBoost * 0.01))
speedfriend = speedfriend * (1 + (throneBoostFriend * 0.01))
var gi = CM.guardianModalModel.getMarchBonus();
var multiplier = 1 + (gi * 0.01);
speed = speed * multiplier
speedfriend = speedfriend * multiplier
if (0 == speed || 0 == distance) {
return {friend:0,foe:0,speedfriend:speedfriend,speed:speed};
var time = 0;
var timefriend = 0;
if (unitsfound) {
if (speed > 0) { time = Math.ceil(parseFloat(distance) * 6000 / speed); }
if (speedfriend > 0) { timefriend = Math.ceil(parseFloat(distance) * 6000 / speedfriend); }
var wings_used = red_wings_used || green_wings_used;
var delay = CM.WorldSettings.isOn("MARCH_SINGLE_TRIP_DELAY") ? parseInt(uW.g_marchSingleTripDelay) : 0;
time += delay;
timefriend += delay;
if (phoenix_wings_used) {
time = parseInt(time * 0.1);
timefriend = parseInt(timefriend * 0.1);
} else {
if (thunder_wings_used) {
time = parseInt(time * 0.25);
timefriend = parseInt(timefriend * 0.25);
} else {
if (red_wings_used) {
time = parseInt(time * 0.5);
timefriend = parseInt(timefriend * 0.5);
} else {
if (green_wings_used) {
time = parseInt(time * 0.75);
timefriend = parseInt(timefriend * 0.75);
if (Seed.playerEffects.returnExpire > uW.unixtime()) {
time = parseInt(time * 0.75);
timefriend = parseInt(timefriend * 0.75);
if (spell_type=='11') {
time *= 0.01;
timefriend *= 0.01;
time = Math.ceil(time < 30 ? 30 : time);
timefriend = Math.ceil(timefriend < 30 ? 30 : timefriend);
return {friend:timefriend,foe:time,speedfriend:speedfriend,speed:speed};
sendMarch : function (params, callback){
var t = March;
if(March.waittime > uW.unixtime()){
if (March.waitwarning) {
actionLog('Marches suspended to deal with march Captcha','MARCH');
March.waitwarning = false;
if (callback) callback({msg:"Marches suspended to deal with march Captcha"});
//need to check that march is not oversized!
var maxsize = March.getMaxSize(params.cid, params.items);
var x = 0;
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES) {
var i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
var y = eval('params.u'+i);
if (matTypeof(y)== 'number') { x+=y; }
if(maxsize < x) {
actionLog(Cities.byID[params.cid].name+': Attempted to send march size '+x+' - max allowed is '+maxsize,'MARCH');
if (callback) callback({msg:"Maximum Troops Exceeded"});
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/march.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
loading: true,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {try{
if (t.currentrequests<0) t.currentrequests=0;
setTimeout(March.loop, 3000); //Always check for the next queued march 3 seconds after a request
if (rslt.ok) {
if (rslt.bsEndDate) {
Seed.cityData.city[params.cid].spells = uWCloneInto({});
Seed.cityData.city[params.cid].spells[params.bs] = uWCloneInto({endDate : rslt.bsEndDate});
if (params.champid && params.champid != 0) {
var championidx = "";
for (var i = 0; i < Seed.champion.champions.length; i++) {
if (Seed.champion.champions[i].championId == params.champid) championidx = i;
// update seed immediately
Seed.champion.champions[championidx].status = "10";
var timediff = parseInt(rslt.eta) - parseInt(rslt.initTS);
var rtimediff = parseInt(rslt.returnTS) - parseInt(rslt.initTS);
var ut = uW.unixtime();
var unitsarr = {};
for (var ui in CM.UNIT_TYPES){
i = CM.UNIT_TYPES[ui];
if (params["u" + i])
unitsarr[i] = params["u" + i];
unitsarr[i] = 0;
var resources = new Array();
resources[0] = params.gold;
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
resources[i] = params["r" + i];
uW.attach_addoutgoingmarch(rslt.marchId, rslt.marchUnixTime, ut + timediff, params.xcoord, params.ycoord, uWCloneInto(unitsarr), params.type, params.kid, uWCloneInto(resources), rslt.tileId, rslt.tileType, rslt.tileLevel, params.cid, true, ut + rtimediff);
if (params.items && params.items != "") {
var iused = params.items.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < iused.length; i++) {
Seed.items["i" + iused[i]] = parseInt(Seed.items["i" + iused[i]]) - 1;
if (rslt.liftFog) {
Seed.playerEffects.fogExpire = 0;
if (Options.AutoMistMarch && uW.ksoItems[10021].count>0) {
actionLog('Automatically applying Potion of Mist','MARCH');
if (Tabs.Megalith && params.type==4) { Tabs.Megalith.CheckAddAttackTime(params.xcoord,params.ycoord,rslt.marchUnixTime); }
if (callback) { callback(rslt); }
} else {
if (rslt.user_action) {
actionLog('March Error: Server Response - '+rslt.user_action,'MARCH');
if (rslt.user_action == "backOffWaitTime") {
if (rslt.tt) { params.tt = rslt.tt; }
var wait = 2;
if (rslt.wait_time) { wait = rslt.wait_time; }
setTimeout (t.sendMarch, wait*1000, params, callback); // retry march after wait time
if (rslt.user_action == "marchWarning" || rslt.user_action == "marchCaptcha") { // send captcha through here now (no more captcha - it doesn't work anyway)
March.waittime = Number(uW.unixtime()+120); // suspend marches for 2 mins
March.waitwarning = true;
rslt.msg = uW.g_js_strings.modal_attack.useractionwarningmessage;
var msg = '';
var g = Number(rslt.error_code);
switch (g) {
case 0: msg = tx("Unexpected Error"); break; // unexpected error
case 8: msg = tx("Excess Traffic"); CM.GATracker("Error", "Excess traffic. ("+g+")", uW.g_server); break;
case 3: msg = tx("Game out of Sync"); break; //game out of sync
case 4: msg = tx("You have insufficient units"); break; //not enough units
case 104: msg = uW.g_js_strings.errorcode.err_104; break; //unable to attack target
case 208: msg = uW.g_js_strings.errorcode.err_208; break; // beginner protection
case 210: msg = uW.g_js_strings.errorcode.err_210; break; // Max marches
case 212:
if (Seed.knights['city'+params.cid]['knt'+params.kid])
Seed.knights['city'+params.cid]['knt'+params.kid].knightStatus = 10; //remove knight from list, set to 1 to make available again.
msg = uW.g_js_strings.errorcode.err_212; break;
case 213:
if (Seed.knights['city'+params.cid]['knt'+params.kid])
Seed.knights['city'+params.cid]['knt'+params.kid].knightStatus = 10; //remove knight from list, set to 1 to make available again.
msg = uW.g_js_strings.errorcode.err_213; break;
CM.GATracker("Error", "Something has gone wrong. ("+g+")", uW.g_server); break;
msg = uW.g_js_strings.errorcode["err_"+g]; break;
if (typeof rslt.cooldownTime !== "undefined") {
rslt.msg = uW.g_js_strings.koth.timeRemaining.replace("%1$s", uW.timestr(rslt.cooldownTime));
if (Tabs.Megalith) { var now = unixTime(); Tabs.Megalith.CheckAddAttackTime(params.xcoord,params.ycoord,(now+(rslt.cooldownTime)-(Tabs.Megalith.CoolDown*60))); }
if (!rslt.msg) { rslt.msg = msg; }
if (callback) { callback(rslt); } //return all server excess traffic error to original function to handle
} catch (err){ logerr(err);}
onFailure: function () {
if (t.currentrequests<0) t.currentrequests=0;
setTimeout(March.loop, 3000); //Always check for the next queued march 3 seconds after a request
if(callback) { callback({msg:"AJAX Error"}); }
var ItemMultiUseController = {
city_holder : 0,
max : 1,
init : function () {
var t = ItemMultiUseController;
//Hack for ItemController
t.ItemController = new CalterUwFunc("cm.MultiBuyUse.getNumberUsed", [[/(.|\n)*/i,'function (e) {return ItemController_hook();}']]);
uWExportFunction('ItemController_hook', ItemMultiUseController.e_total);
UseItems : function (iid,num,cid) {
var t = ItemMultiUseController;
t.max = num;
t.ItemController.setEnable(true); //Set to use current value specified
if(cid){ //Set to use city specified
t.city_holder = uW.currentcityid;
uW.currentcityid = cid;
if(cid){ //Set currentcity to old value
uW.currentcityid = t.city_holder;
t.ItemController.setEnable(false); //Switch off value fixed
e_total : function () {
var t = ItemMultiUseController;
return t.max;
/** TABS **/
/** Options Tab **/
Tabs.Options = {
tabOrder: 9000,
tabLabel: 'Settings',
tabColor: 'red',
tabMandatory: true,
myDiv: null,
WarnAscensionTimer: null,
MiniRefreshTimer: null,
PointlessItems : [4001,4002,4003,4004,4005,4006,4007,4008,4009,4010,4050,4051,4052,4053,4054,4055,4056,4057,4058,4059,30300],
PublishLists : {0:'----', 80:tx("Everyone"), 50:tx("Friends of Friends"), 40:tx("Friends Only"), 10:tx("Only Me"), 99:tx('Custom List')},
trstyles : 'div#throneMainContainer div#tableContainer{width:80px;height:213px;top:400px;left:450px;}\
div#throneMainContainer div#trophyContainer{width:71px;height:86px;top:41px;left:381px;}\
div#throneMainContainer div#statueContainer{width:124px;height:296px;top:274px;left:150px;z-index:97;}\
div#throneMainContainer div#advisorContainer{width:141px;height:240px;bottom:0pt;right:0pt;}\
div#throneMainContainer div#heroContainer{width:85px;height:150px;top:190px;left:585px;z-index:97;}',
Colors : {
Default: { Title: '#342819', TitleText: '#FFFFFF', DividerTop: '#E9D9AE', DividerBottom: '#8C7D5D', DividerText: '#000000', Panel: '#F7F3E6', PanelText: '#000000', Highlight: '#FFFFCC', HighlightText: '#000000',},
ReportOptions : {
EnhanceAR: false,
alertinterval: 10,
alertmtroops: 0,
PostIncoming: true,
DeleteRptbc: false,
DeleteRpttr: false,
DeleteRptwl: false,
DeleteRptaa: false,
DeleteRptfr: false,
DeleteRptid: false,
DeleteRptdf: false,
DeleteRptsc: false,
DeleteRptUID: "",
DeleteRptidType: 0,
NoDuplicateReports: true,
IgnoreWilds : false,
IgnoreScouts : false,
ChatOptions : {
chatEnhance: true,
chatIcons: true,
chatGlobal: true,
chatWhisper: true,
chatBold: false,
chatAttack: true,
chatLeaders: true,
enableWhisperAlert: true,
WhisperPlay: 'monitor',
enableTowerAlert: false,
enableScoutAlert: false,
TowerPlay: 'allianceattack',
ScoutPlay: 'allianceattack',
filter: true,
fchar: "Null",
HelpRequest: true,
DeleteRequest: true,
DeletegAl: true,
DeleteFood: false,
DeleteFoodUsers: "",
DeleteAlert: false,
DeleteAlertUsers: "",
DeleteScout: false,
DeleteScoutUsers: "",
DeleteReport: false,
DeleteGlobalSpam: false,
DeleteAllianceSpam: false,
SpamActive: false,
SpamType: "g",
SpamText: "Join my Alliance!",
SpamInterval: 15,
Emoticons: true,
ImagePreviews: true,
Volume: 100,
GloryLeader: true,
GloryLeaderInterval: 15,
GloryLeaderUID: 0,
GloryLeaderAID: 0,
GloryLeaderLastChecked: 0,
GloryLeaderGlory: 0,
Rainbow: false,
Styles: true,
TowerOptions : {
aChat : true,
aPrefix : '** Red Alert! **',
scouting : false,
wilds : false,
defend : true,
tech : false,
upkeep : true,
champ : true,
afk : true,
guard : true,
minTroops : 1000,
whisper : true,
whisperTroops : 500000,
towercitytext : {},
towercityactive : {},
alertSound : {
enabled : false,
repeat : true,
playLength : 10,
repeatDelay : 0.5,
volume : 100,
alarmActive : false,
expireTime : 0,
AFKEvents : true,
ChangeTR : false,
ChangeTRPreset : "",
StopRaids : false,
StopMarches : false,
ChangeGuardian : false,
ChangeChamp : false,
ChampId : 0,
ChampTime : 10,
ChampOriginalCity : 0,
ChampNoChamp : false,
Revert : false,
RevertMinutes : 2,
RecentActivity : false,
LastAttack : 0,
HandledMarches : [],
LatestAttackTimes : {},
RecentCityActivity : {},
SaveCityState : {},
SaveTR : 0,
DefendMonitor : true,
soundRepeatTimer : null,
soundStopTimer : null,
updatemarchfunc : null,
mss : null,
languagestatus : '',
popLang : null,
init : function (div){
var t = Tabs.Options;
t.myDiv = div;
if (THEMES) {
for (var a in THEMES) {
t.Colors[a] = THEMES[a];
uWExportFunction('btTabDelete', Tabs.Options.TabDelete);
uWExportFunction('btTabRefresh', Tabs.Options.TabRefresh);
uWExportFunction('btTabAdd', Tabs.Options.TabAdd);
uWExportFunction('btTabReset', Tabs.Options.TabReset);
uWExportFunction('btTabReloadAll', Tabs.Options.TabReloadAll);
uWExportFunction('btTabToggle', Tabs.Options.TabToggle);
uWExportFunction ('btToggleTRPreset', Tabs.Options.ToggleTRPreset);
if (!Options.ReportOptions) {
Options.ReportOptions = t.ReportOptions;
else {
for (var y in t.ReportOptions) {
if (!Options.ReportOptions.hasOwnProperty(y)) {
Options.ReportOptions[y] = t.ReportOptions[y];
if (!Options.ChatOptions) {
Options.ChatOptions = t.ChatOptions;
else {
for (var y in t.ChatOptions) {
if (!Options.ChatOptions.hasOwnProperty(y)) {
Options.ChatOptions[y] = t.ChatOptions[y];
if (!Options.TowerOptions) {
Options.TowerOptions = t.TowerOptions;
else {
for (var y in t.TowerOptions) {
if (!Options.TowerOptions.hasOwnProperty(y)) {
Options.TowerOptions[y] = t.TowerOptions[y];
for (var y in t.TowerOptions.alertSound) {
if (!Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.hasOwnProperty(y)) {
Options.TowerOptions.alertSound[y] = t.TowerOptions.alertSound[y];
if (!Options.TowerOptions.RecentActivity) { t.resetCityStates(); } // safety!
for (var cityId in Cities.byID) {
if (!Options.TowerOptions.towercityactive.hasOwnProperty(cityId)) { // default city alert indicator to ON!
Options.TowerOptions.towercityactive[cityId] = true;
// if city has ported since citystate set, then reset arrival time to revert actions that were taken...
if (Options.TowerOptions.SaveCityState[cityId] && Options.TowerOptions.SaveCityState[cityId].tileId != Cities.byID[cityId].tileId) {
Options.TowerOptions.LatestAttackTimes[cityId] = 0;
if (!UserOptions.TokenDomain) { // default token domain to current domain if not already set for user...
UserOptions.TokenDomain = getServerId();
// do all the initialising here
MAP_DELAY = Options.MapInterval * 1000;
FairieKiller.init (Options.KillFairie);
if (Options.EnhCBtns && Options.WarnAscension) {
t.WarnAscensionTimer = setInterval(function () {
}, 60 * 1000);
if (Options.MoveFurniture) {
var oldStatusAnim = CM.ThronePanelView.statusAnim;
var newStatusAnim = function(result) {
if (result == "success" && !Options.DisableGreenTick) { oldStatusAnim(result); }
if (result == "failure" && !Options.DisableRedX) { oldStatusAnim(result); }
if (typeof exportFunction == 'function') { exportFunction(newStatusAnim,CM.ThronePanelView, {defineAs:"statusAnim"}); }
else { CM.ThronePanelView.statusAnim = newStatusAnim; };
if (uW.g_js_strings) {uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.yourScriptVersionIsOut = uW.g_js_strings.checkoutofdate.reloadconfirm;}
if (Options.amain) {
if (Options.smain == -1) {
setTimeout( function (){uW.citysel_click(ById('citysel_'+Number(Number(Options.lmain)+1)));if (popDash) uW.btChangeDashCity(uW.currentcityid);},1000);
else {
setTimeout( function (){uW.citysel_click(ById('citysel_'+Number(Number(Options.smain)+1)));if (popDash) uW.btChangeDashCity(uW.currentcityid);},1000);
if (Options.FixMightDisplay) {
var ai = ByCl('avatarInfo')[0];
var al = ByCl('avatarLevel')[0];
var am = ByCl('avatarMight')[0];
var ag = ByCl('avatarGlory')[0];
if (ai) ai.style.marginLeft = '-10px';
if (al) al.style.display = 'none';
if (am) am.style.paddingLeft = '0px';
if (ag) ag.style.paddingLeft = '0px';
am.innerHTML = '<div class="avatarName"><a id=btMightPop style="font-size:10px;">'+am.innerHTML+'</a></div>';
if (Options.KillSounds) {
var killsound = ByCl('sfx_effects')[0];
if (killsound && killsound.classList.contains("on")) {killsound.click();}
if (Options.KillMusic) {
var killmusic = ByCl('sfx_music')[0];
if (killmusic && killmusic.classList.contains("on")) {uW.AM_pauseMusic();killmusic.click();}
if (uW.update_march) { // for recalled marches
t.updatemarchfunc = new CalterUwFunc ('update_march', [[/var\s*w\s*=\s*cm.IncomingAttackManager.getAllAttacks/i,'var Dar = seed.queue_atkinc\[o\];Dar.marchStatus = D.marchStatus;RecIncT\(Dar\);var w = cm.IncomingAttackManager.getAllAttacks']]);
if (Options.ClickForReports) {
var btnrep1 = new CalterUwFunc("modal_messages",[['getHtmlElement())','getHtmlElement());Messages.listReports();']]);
var btnrep2 = new CalterUwFunc("modal_alliance",[['modal_alliance_init','function() {allianceReports();modal_alliance_changetab(4);}']]);
var Market = new CalterUwFunc('modal_marketplace', [[/maxlength..\d./gim, '']]);
Market.setEnable(true); // remove max selling amount in the market!
var Market2 = new CalterUwFunc('market_resource_maxpossible', [[/g\s*=\s*999000/i, 'g = g']]);
Market2.setEnable(true); // remove max buy button limit in the market!
var e = document.createElement('div');
document.body.appendChild(e); // NEEDS TO BE VISIBLE FOR ALERT SOUND TO WORK!
t.mss = new AudioMan();
if (t.mss) { t.mss.init(e); }
// create a container for TR Widget
var e = document.createElement('div');
e.id = 'btTRWidget';
if (Options.DraggableWidget) {
jQuery("#btTRWidget").draggable({ start: function( event, ui) {
}, stop: function( event, ui ) {
Options.presetPosition = jQuery("#btTRWidget").position();
if (Options.presetPosition) {
jQuery('#btTRWidget').css({"left": Options.presetPosition.left + "px","top": Options.presetPosition.top + "px","right":"",});
else {
Options.presetPosition = null;
if (Options.DraggableCoords) {
jQuery("#btCoordsBox").draggable({ stop: function( event, ui ) {
Options.coordsPosition = jQuery("#btCoordsBox").position();
if (Options.coordsPosition) {
jQuery('#btCoordsBox').css({"left": Options.coordsPosition.left + "px","top": Options.coordsPosition.top + "px","right":"",});
else {
Options.coordsPosition = null;
// Check for new Language Pack Availability...
if (LanguageArray.LangVersion) { t.languagestatus = tx('Language pack')+' ('+LanguageArray.CurrLang+') '+tx('Version')+' '+LanguageArray.LangVersion+' '+tx('loaded');}
else {
if (Options.Language != 'en') { t.languagestatus = tx('Language pack unavailable'); }
var now = unixTime();
if (Options.LanguageLastChecked + (3600*24*7) < now) { // only check for new lang pack once a week
if (Options.btEveryToggle) AddSubTabLink('Refresh',t.toggleAutoRefreshState, 'RefreshToggleTab');
if (Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeader) { setTimeout(Tabs.Options.CheckGlory,10000,true); } // force check glory after 10 secs
if (Options.RaidRunning) { t.checkResetRaids(); }
t.sendDFReport(); // check every refresh
OpenDiv["Options"] = Options.OpenSettingsDiv;
setTimeout(function() { RefreshEvery.setEnable (Options.btEveryEnable);t.CheckTokenTimerOverride(); },5*1000); // last one - start refresh cycle in 5 seconds
SetTRWidgetDisplay : function (e) {
if (uW.isNewServer()) { return; }
var e = ById('btTRWidget');
e.style.position = "absolute";
if (Options.ThroneHUD) {
e.style.top = "29px";
e.style.left = "";
e.style.right = "228px";
e.style.width = "";
e.style.zIndex = 100000;
else {
e.style.top = ById('mod_maparea').offsetHeight+6+"px";
e.style.left = "4px";
e.style.right = "";
e.style.width = "";
e.style.zIndex = 100000;
DeletePointlessItems : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
if (Options.RemovePointlessItems) {
for (var i=0;i<t.PointlessItems.length;i++) {
var iid = t.PointlessItems[i];
if (Seed.items["i"+iid]) { delete Seed.items["i"+iid]; }
if (uW.ksoItems[iid] && uW.ksoItems[iid].count>0) { uW.ksoItems[iid].count = 0; }
CheckTokenResponse : function () {
if (UserOptions.TokenRequest != '') {
if (UserOptions.TokenRequest == 'TOKEN') {
UserOptions.LastTokenStatus = UserOptions.TokenResponse;
if (UserOptions.LastTokenStatus=='OK') {
if (UserOptions.TokenSuccessLink!="") { UserOptions.TokenLink = UserOptions.TokenSuccessLink; }
actionLog('Merlin share token collected','TOKENS');
else { actionLog('Merlin share token collection failed - '+UserOptions.LastTokenStatus,'TOKENS'); }
if (UserOptions.TokenRequest == 'BUILD') {
UserOptions.LastBuildStatus = UserOptions.TokenResponse;
if (UserOptions.LastBuildStatus=="") { UserOptions.LastBuildStatus = 'UNKNOWN'; } // build may not update if user_id not known
if (UserOptions.LastBuildStatus=='OK') {
if (UserOptions.TokenSuccessLink!="") { UserOptions.BuildLink = UserOptions.TokenSuccessLink; }
actionLog('Help token collected','TOKENS');
else { actionLog('Help token collection failed - '+UserOptions.LastBuildStatus,'TOKENS'); }
if (UserOptions.TokenRequest == 'CHEST') {
UserOptions.LastChestStatus = UserOptions.TokenResponse;
if (UserOptions.LastChestStatus=='OK') { actionLog('Treasure chest token collected','TOKENS'); }
else { actionLog('Treasure chest token collection failed - '+UserOptions.LastChestStatus,'TOKENS'); }
if (UserOptions.LastChestStatus=='OK' || UserOptions.LastChestStatus=='USED') {
if (UserOptions.TokenChestUID != 0) { // remove used link from bank
for (var c=0;c<UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.length;c++) {
if (UserOptions.TreasureChestBank[c].feedId==UserOptions.TokenChestFeedId) {
UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.splice(c, 1);
for (var c=0;c<UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther.length;c++) {
if (UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther[c].feedId==UserOptions.TokenChestFeedId) {
UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther.splice(c, 1);
UserOptions.TokenRequest = '';
UserOptions.TokenResponse = '';
UserOptions.TokenSuccessLink = '';
UserOptions.TokenChestFeedId = 0;
UserOptions.TokenChestUID = 0;
CheckTokenTimerOverride : function () {
// check if we need to override the reload timer...
var CanCollect = false;
if (GlobalOptions.TokenEnabled && UserOptions.TokenAuto && getServerId()==UserOptions.TokenDomain) {
// check for token collection
if (!UserOptions.TokenCollected && UserOptions.TokenLink != "" && UserOptions.TokenLink.search(/merlinshare/i) != -1 && UserOptions.LastTokenStatus == "") {
CanCollect = true;
else {
// check for build collection
if (!UserOptions.BuildCollected && UserOptions.BuildLink != "" && UserOptions.BuildLink.search(/accepttoken/i) != -1 && UserOptions.LastBuildStatus == "") {
CanCollect = true;
else {
if (UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther.length>0 || UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.length>0) {
if (!UserOptions.BonusCollected && UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther.length>0 && UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther[0].playerId!=uW.tvuid && UserOptions.LastChestStatus == "") {
CanCollect = true;
else {
var DomArray = UserOptions.ChestDomainList.split(",");
for (var d=0; d < DomArray.length; d++) {
if (DomArray[d]) {
if (!UserOptions.ChestCollected[DomArray[d]] && !UserOptions.BadChestDomains[DomArray[d]]) {
CanCollect = true;
if (CanCollect && parseIntNan(UserOptions.OverrideRefresh)!=0) {
if (!Options.btEveryEnable) { RefreshEvery.setEnable (true); }
RefreshEvery.NextRefresh = unixTime() + (parseIntNan(UserOptions.OverrideRefresh)*60);
EverySecond : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
var now = unixTime();
/* check tower FIRST!!! */
/* check if map drawing event required */
/* check and send spam */
if (Options.ChatOptions.SpamActive && Options.ChatOptions.LastSpamSent + (Options.ChatOptions.SpamInterval*60) < now) {
var spam = String(Options.ChatOptions.SpamText);
if (spam.charAt(0) == "\\") { // not sure what this is all about, but we'll leave it in.
spam = spam.slice(1);
var unicodeString = '';
for (var i=0; i < spam.length; i++) {
var theUnicode = spam.charCodeAt(i);
theUnicode = '&#' + theUnicode+';';
unicodeString += theUnicode;
spam = String(unicodeString);
var spamtype = 'global';
if (Options.ChatOptions.SpamType == 'a') { spamtype = 'alliance';}
var spamreason = Options.ChatOptions.SpamInterval+' minutes elapsed';
if (Options.ChatOptions.LastSpamSent == 0) { spamreason = 'spam activated' }
actionLog ('Sending '+spamtype+' spam ('+spamreason+')','SPAM');
sendChat(String('/' + Options.ChatOptions.SpamType + ' {spam} ' + spam));
Options.ChatOptions.LastSpamSent = now;
/* check throne room rotation */
if (Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetsCycle && Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetsLastChecked + (Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetsCycleMins*60) < now) {
if (afkdetector.isAFK && !Options.TowerOptions.RecentActivity) {
Options.DashboardOptions.TRPresetsLastChecked = now;
t.LoopCounter = t.LoopCounter + 1;
/* Check gold collect and food alerts every 15 seconds */
if ((t.LoopCounter % 15) == 1) {
if (Options.pbGoldEnable) {
if (Options.pbFoodAlert) {
if (Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeader) {
if (t.LoopCounter >= 60) { // functions for every minute
if (Options.AutoMist) { t.CheckMistStatus(); }
if (Options.StalledMarches) { new fixgamelag(); }
if (Options.RaidRunning) { t.checkResetRaids(); }
// reset the march queue requests, in case the logic has failed
if (March.currentrequests >= March.maxrequests) { March.currentrequests = 0; }
if (March.getQueueLength() > 0) { setTimeout(March.loop,0); }
t.LoopCounter = 0;
CheckMistStatus : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
var now = unixTime();
if (Options.AutoMist && afkdetector.isAFK && parseIntNan(Seed.playerEffects.fogExpire) < now) {
if (uW.ksoItems[10021].count>0) {
actionLog('Automatically applying Potion of Mist','GENERAL');
CheckGlory : function (force) {
var t = Tabs.Options;
var aid = getMyAlliance()[0];
var now = unixTime();
/* check alliance glory leader */
if (aid > 0) {
if ((Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeaderLastChecked + (Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeaderInterval*60) < now) || (Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeaderAID!=aid) || force) {
actionLog ('Checking alliance glory leader','GENERAL');
Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeaderAID = aid;
Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeaderUID = 0;
Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeaderLastChecked = now;
Tabs.Alliance.totalmembers = 0;
Tabs.Alliance.alliancemembers = [];
Tabs.Alliance.error = false;
SetGloryLeader : function() {
var t = Tabs.Options;
var glory = 0;
for (var y in Tabs.Alliance.alliancemembers) {
if (Tabs.Alliance.alliancemembers[y][6]) {
if (Tabs.Alliance.alliancemembers[y][9] > glory) {
glory = Tabs.Alliance.alliancemembers[y][9];
Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeaderUID = Tabs.Alliance.alliancemembers[y][6];
Options.ChatOptions.GloryLeaderGlory = glory;
checkResetRaids : function() {
var t = Tabs.Options;
var now = unixTime();
if (now - Options.RaidLastReset > 3600) { // every hour
actionLog('Resetting Raid Timers','RAIDS');
Options.RaidLastReset = now;
for (var g=0;g<Seed.cities.length;g++){
setTimeout(t.resetRaids, (5000*g), Seed.cities[g][0],Seed.cities[g][1]); // 5 second intervals
show : function (){
var t = Tabs.Options;
m = '<DIV style="max-height:700px; overflow-y:auto;">';
m += '<div class="divHeader" align="center">'+tx("POWERBOT+ CONFIGURATION")+'</div>';
m += '<table width=98% align=center>';
m += '<TR><TD width=25% class=xtab><a id=btResetWindows class="inlineButton btButton brown11"><span>'+tx("Reset ALL window positions!")+'</span></a></td><td align=right class=xtab>'+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.domain+':</td><td class=xtab><b>'+getServerId()+'</b></td><td align=right class=xtab>'+tx("User Id")+':</td><td class=xtab><b>'+uW.tvuid+'</b></td><td width=25% class=xtab align=right><a id=btResetAll class="inlineButton btButton red14"><span>'+tx("Reset ALL Settings!")+'</span></a></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab> </td><td class=xtab colspan=4 align=center><span style="font-size:9px;color:#800;">('+tx("options marked with * require a refresh")+')</span></td><td class=xtab align=right> </td></tr>';
m += '</table>';
m += '<a id=btGeneralOptionLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="left"><img id=btGeneralOptionArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx("GENERAL SETTINGS (ALL DOMAINS)")+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=btGeneralOption class=divHide></div>';
m += '<a id=btUserOptionLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="left"><img id=btUserOptionArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx("USER SETTINGS")+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=btUserOption class=divHide></div>';
m += '<a id=btPBPOptionLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="left"><img id=btPBPOptionArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx("POWERBOT+ FEATURES")+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=btPBPOption class=divHide></div>';
m += '<a id=btGameOptionLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="left"><img id=btGameOptionArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx("GAME FEATURES")+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=btGameOption class=divHide></div>';
m += '<a id=btFixOptionLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="left"><img id=btFixOptionArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx("GAME FIXES")+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=btFixOption class=divHide></div>';
m += '<a id=btTowerOptionLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="left"><img id=btTowerOptionArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx("WATCHTOWER SETTINGS")+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=btTowerOption class=divHide></div>';
m += '<a id=btDashOptionLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="left"><img id=btDashOptionArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx("DASHBOARD SETTINGS")+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=btDashOption class=divHide></div>';
m += '<a id=btChatOptionLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="left"><img id=btChatOptionArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx("CHAT SETTINGS")+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=btChatOption class=divHide></div>';
m += '<a id=btReportOptionLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="left"><img id=btReportOptionArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx("REPORT SETTINGS")+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=btReportOption class=divHide></div>';
m += '<a id=btTRPresetOptionLink class=divLink><div class="divHeader" align="left"><img id=btTRPresetOptionArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx("THRONE ROOM PRESETS")+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=btTRPresetOption class=divHide></div>';
m += '<a id=btTabManagerLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="left"><img id=btTabManagerArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx("TAB MANAGER")+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=btTabManager class=divHide></div>';
m += '<a id=btLanguageLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="left"><img id=btLanguageArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx("LANGUAGE OPTIONS")+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=btLanguage class=divHide></div>';
m += '<a id=btExportLink class=divLink ><div class="divHeader" align="left"><img id=btExportArrow height="10" src="'+RightArrow+'"> '+tx("EXPORT AND IMPORT")+'</div></a>';
m += '<div id=btExport class=divHide><br><TABLE width="100%">';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><input class=btInput id=btResetSettings type=button value="'+tx("Reset Config")+'"> <input class=btInput id=btSaveSettings type=button value="'+tx("Save Config")+'"> <input class=btInput id=btLoadSettings type=button value="'+tx("Load Config")+'"> <input class=btInput id=btLoadSettingsFile type=file></td>';
m += '<td class=xtab align=right><div class=btInput>'+tx('Copy from')+': <input class=btInput type="text" size=3 maxlength=3 value="'+getServerId()+'" id="pbexport_from"/> '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.totx+': <input class=btInput type="text" size=3 maxlength=3 id="pbexport_to" /> <input class=btInput type=button value="Go" id="pbexport_submit" /> <input type="checkbox" id="pbexport_overwrite" /> '+tx('Force Overwrite')+'</div></td></tr>';
m += '</table>';
m += '<div id=pbexport_messages align=center> </div>';
m += '</table></div><hr>';
m += '<div align=center>';
m += '<br>'+tx('This tool is inspired from tremendous contributions by Barbarbossa69 towards KoC Power Bot');
m += '</div><br>';
t.myDiv.innerHTML = m;
ById('btSaveSettings').addEventListener ('click',function() {
var Export = {};
Export.GlobalOptions = GlobalOptions;
Export.UserOptions = UserOptions;
Export.Options = Options;
uriContent = 'data:application/octet-stream;content-disposition:attachment;filename=file.txt,' + encodeURIComponent(JSON2.stringify(Export));
ById('btLoadSettings').addEventListener ('click',function() {
ById('pbexport_messages').innerHTML = ' '
var fileInput = ById("btLoadSettingsFile");
var files = fileInput.files;
if (files.length == 0) {
ById('pbexport_messages').innerHTML = '<span style="color:#800;">'+tx('Please select a config file')+'</span>';
var file = files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) {
var Import = JSON2.parse(e.target.result);
GlobalOptions = Import.GlobalOptions;
UserOptions = Import.UserOptions;
Options = Import.Options;
actionLog('Settings file successfully loaded','OPTIONS');
ById('pbexport_submit').addEventListener ('click',function() {
ById('pbexport_messages').innerHTML = ' '
var NewServerID = parseIntNan(ById('pbexport_to').value);
var OldServerID = parseIntNan(ById('pbexport_from').value);
if(NewServerID == 0 || NewServerID == OldServerID){
ById('pbexport_messages').innerHTML = '<span style="color:#800;">'+tx('Invalid destination domain number')+'</span>';
if(OldServerID == 0){
ById('pbexport_messages').innerHTML = '<span style="color:#800;">'+tx('Invalid source domain number')+'</span>';
var s = GM_getValue ('Options_'+NewServerID+'_'+uW.tvuid);
if ((s || NewServerID == getServerId()) && !ById('pbexport_overwrite').checked){
ById('pbexport_messages').innerHTML = '<span style="color:#800;">'+tx('Destination domain configuration already exists - use "Force Overwrite" indicator to overwrite settings')+'</span>';
if (OldServerID != getServerId()) {
s = GM_getValue ('Options_'+OldServerID+'_'+uW.tvuid);
if (!s) {
ById('pbexport_messages').innerHTML = '<span style="color:#800;">'+tx('Source domain configuration does not exist')+'</span>';
// export/import from s...
GM_setValue('Options_'+ NewServerID+'_'+uW.tvuid, s);
if (NewServerID == getServerId()) {
ResetAll = true;
actionLog('Powerbot+ configuration imported from '+OldServerID);
else {
ById('pbexport_messages').innerHTML = tx('PowerBot+ configuration exported from')+' '+OldServerID+' '+tx('to')+' '+NewServerID;
else {
// export from Options...
GM_setValue ('Options_'+NewServerID+'_'+uW.tvuid, JSON2.stringify(Options));
ById('pbexport_messages').innerHTML = tx('PowerBot+ configuration exported from')+' '+OldServerID+' '+tx('to')+' '+NewServerID;
}, false);
ById('btResetWindows').addEventListener ('click', function() {t.ResetAllWindows();}, false);
ById('btResetAll').addEventListener ('click', function() {t.ResetAll();}, false);
ById('btResetSettings').addEventListener ('click', function() {t.ResetSettings();}, false);
ById('btGeneralOptionLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleMainDivDisplay("Options",100,GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,"btGeneralOption",true,"OpenSettingsDiv")}, false);
ById('btUserOptionLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleMainDivDisplay("Options",100,GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,"btUserOption",true,"OpenSettingsDiv")}, false);
ById('btTowerOptionLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleMainDivDisplay("Options",100,GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,"btTowerOption",true,"OpenSettingsDiv")}, false);
ById('btDashOptionLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleMainDivDisplay("Options",100,GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,"btDashOption",true,"OpenSettingsDiv")}, false);
ById('btPBPOptionLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleMainDivDisplay("Options",100,GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,"btPBPOption",true,"OpenSettingsDiv")}, false);
ById('btGameOptionLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleMainDivDisplay("Options",100,GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,"btGameOption",true,"OpenSettingsDiv")}, false);
ById('btChatOptionLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleMainDivDisplay("Options",100,GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,"btChatOption",true,"OpenSettingsDiv")}, false);
ById('btReportOptionLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleMainDivDisplay("Options",100,GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,"btReportOption",true,"OpenSettingsDiv")}, false);
ById('btFixOptionLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleMainDivDisplay("Options",100,GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,"btFixOption",true,"OpenSettingsDiv")}, false);
ById('btTRPresetOptionLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleMainDivDisplay("Options",100,GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,"btTRPresetOption",true,"OpenSettingsDiv")}, false);
ById('btTabManagerLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleMainDivDisplay("Options",100,GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,"btTabManager",true,"OpenSettingsDiv")}, false);
ById('btLanguageLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleMainDivDisplay("Options",100,GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,"btLanguage",true,"OpenSettingsDiv")}, false);
ById('btExportLink').addEventListener ('click', function () {ToggleMainDivDisplay("Options",100,GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,"btExport",true,"OpenSettingsDiv")}, false);
if (!OpenDiv["Options"]) { OpenDiv["Options"] = ""; }
if (OpenDiv["Options"] != "") {
var LastOpenDiv = OpenDiv["Options"];
OpenDiv["Options"] = "";
saveConfig : function (uri, filename) {
var link = document.createElement('a');
if (typeof link.download === 'string') {
document.body.appendChild(link); // Firefox requires the link to be in the body
link.download = filename;
link.href = uri;
document.body.removeChild(link); // remove the link when done
} else {
PaintGeneralOptions : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
m = '<TABLE width="100%">';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=btWatchdog type=checkbox /></td><TD colspan=2 class=xtab>'+tx("Refresh if KofC not loaded within 1 minute")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=btNoMoreRy type=checkbox /></td><TD colspan=2 class=xtab>'+tx("Send me away !")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=btTrackOpen type=checkbox /></td><TD colspan=2 class=xtab>'+tx("Remember window open state on refresh")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab width=30> </td><TD colspan=2 class=xtab>'+tx("Widescreen Style:")+' '+ htmlSelector({normal:'Normal (100%)', wide:'Wide (1520px)', ultra:'Ultra (1900px)'},GlobalOptions.btWideScreenStyle,'id=btWideScreenStyle')+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab> </td><TD colspan=2 class=xtab>'+tx("PowerBot+ Window Size:")+' '+ htmlSelector({750:'750 pixels', 1000:'1000 pixels', 1250:'1250 pixels'},GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x,'id=btWinSize')+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=btShowPowerBar type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Use Powerbar")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td>';
m += '<TD class=xtab><div id=btShowFloatingPowerBar><INPUT id=btFloatingPowerBar type=checkbox /> '+tx("Power Bar floats above game screen")+'</div></td></tr>';
m += '<TR id=btShowPopupPowerBar><TD class=xtab> </td><TD class=xtab> </td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=btPopupPowerBar type=checkbox /> '+tx("Add Popup buttons to Power Bar")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=btDashboardToggle type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Dashboard toggle button on main screen header")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=btOverviewDashboardBtn type=checkbox /> '+tx("Dashboard Button next to Overview Button")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=btInOutToggle type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Incoming/Outgoing toggle buttons on main screen header")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=btMarchPlusToggle type=checkbox /> '+tx("March+ toggle button on main screen header")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=btBattleToggle type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Battle toggle button on main screen header")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td><TD class=xtab> </td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=btChatOnRight type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Put chat on right")+'</td>';
m += '<TD class=xtab><div id=btShowChatBeforeDash><INPUT id=btChatBeforeDash type=checkbox /> '+tx("Put chat before dashboard")+'</div></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=btWideMap type=checkbox /></td><TD colspan=2 class=xtab>'+tx("Enable wide map expansion button on the map panel")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=btTransparent type=checkbox /></td><TD colspan=2 class=xtab>'+tx("Use Transparent Windows")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td></tr>';
var UpdateLocations = {0:"SourceForge",1:"GreasyFork",2:"GitHub",3:"pbkplowplow.com"};
m += '<TR><td class=xtab><INPUT disabled id=AutoUpdateChk type=checkbox /></td><td colspan=2 class=xtab>'+tx("Automatically check for script updates on")+' '+htmlSelector(UpdateLocations,GlobalOptions.UpdateLocation,'id="btUpdateLocation" class="btInput"')+' <a id=btUpdateCheck class="inlineButton btButton brown11"><span>'+tx('Check Now')+'</span></a></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td class=xtab><INPUT id=ExtendedDebugChk type=checkbox /></td><td colspan=2 class=xtab>'+tx("Extended debug mode (Activates additional logging)")+'</td></tr>';
m += '</table>';
ById('btGeneralOption').innerHTML = m;
t.togGlobalOpt ('btWatchdog', 'btWatchdog',t.RestartReminder);
t.togGlobalOpt ('btNoMoreRy', 'btNoMoreRy',t.RestartReminder);
t.changeGlobalOpt ('btWideScreenStyle','btWideScreenStyle',t.RestartReminder);
ById('btWinSize').addEventListener ('change', function(){
GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x = parseIntNan(ById('btWinSize').value);
if (GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x == 0) GlobalOptions.btWinSize.x = 750;
saveGlobalOptions ();
t.togGlobalOpt ('btShowPowerBar', 'btPowerBar',t.RestartReminder);
t.togGlobalOpt ('btFloatingPowerBar', 'btFloatingPowerBar');
t.togGlobalOpt ('btPopupPowerBar', 'btPowerBarPopups',t.RestartReminder);
t.togGlobalOpt ('btDashboardToggle', 'DashboardToggle',t.RestartReminder);
t.togGlobalOpt ('btInOutToggle', 'InOutToggle',t.RestartReminder);
t.togGlobalOpt ('btBattleToggle', 'BattleToggle',t.RestartReminder);
t.togGlobalOpt ('btMarchPlusToggle', 'MarchPlusToggle',t.RestartReminder);
t.togGlobalOpt ('btOverviewDashboardBtn', 'btOverviewDashboardBtn',t.RestartReminder);
t.togGlobalOpt ('btChatOnRight', 'btChatOnRight',WideScreen.setChatOnRight);
t.togGlobalOpt ('btChatBeforeDash', 'btChatBeforeDash',WideScreen.chgChatBeforeDash);
t.togGlobalOpt ('btWideMap', 'btWideMap', WideScreen.useWideMap);
t.togGlobalOpt ('btTrackOpen', 'btTrackOpen');
t.togGlobalOpt ('btTransparent', 'btTransparent',t.RestartReminder);
// t.togGlobalOpt ('AutoUpdateChk', 'AutoUpdates');
t.togGlobalOpt ('ExtendedDebugChk', 'ExtendedDebugMode',t.RestartReminder);
ById('btUpdateCheck').addEventListener ('click', function() {AutoUpdater.call(true,true);}, false);
t.changeGlobalOpt ('btUpdateLocation','UpdateLocation');
PaintUserOptions : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
for (var l in UserOptions.CustomPublish) {
t.PublishLists[l] = UserOptions.CustomPublish[l];
m = '<TABLE width="100%">';
m += '<TR><td class=xtab colspan=5><B>FBUID: '+uW.user_id+' </b></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td class=xtab width=30><INPUT id=btPubReq type=checkbox '+ (UserOptions.autoPublishGamePopups?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD colspan=4 class=xtab>'+tx("Auto-publish Facebook posts for")+' '+ htmlSelector(t.PublishLists,UserOptions.autoPublishPrivacySetting,'id=selectprivacymode') +' <span class=divHide><a id=RefreshPublishList>Refresh User Lists</a></span><span id=btCustomListSpan class=divHide>'+tx('Custom List ID')+': <input id=btCustomList type=text class=btInput style="width:115px;" value="' + UserOptions.CustomListId + '"> <INPUT class=btInput id=pbFBListHelp type=submit value="'+tx('HELP')+'!"></div></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td class=xtab><INPUT id=btCancelReq type=checkbox '+ (UserOptions.autoCancelGamePopups?'CHECKED ':'') + '/></td><TD colspan=4 class=xtab>'+tx("Auto-cancel Facebook posts")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td class=xtab colspan=5><B>'+tx("Merlin's Magical Token Options")+' </b></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td class=xtab><INPUT id=btTokenEnabled type=checkbox '+ (GlobalOptions.TokenEnabled?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD colspan=2 class=xtab>'+tx("Enable automatic domain selection")+' <span class=boldRed>('+tx('All Users')+')</span></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab> </td><td class=xtab width=30>'+tx('Domain to receive tokens')+':</td><TD class=xtab><input type=text id=btTokenDomain size=2 maxlength=3 class=btInput value="'+UserOptions.TokenDomain+'"></td><td class=xtab align=right>'+tx('Collected Today')+':</td><td class=xtab width=10><b>'+UserOptions.TokenCount+'</b></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab> </td><td class=xtab>'+tx('Substitution domains for Chest links')+':</td><TD class=xtab><input type=text id=btChestDomainList size=47 class=btInput value="'+UserOptions.ChestDomainList+'" title="'+tx('List some domains you do NOT play in here, separated by commas.')+'"></td><td class=xtab align=right>'+tx('Total Owned')+':</td><td class=xtab width=10><b><span id=btTokenNum> </span></b></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab><img src="'+TokenImage+'" width=30></td><td class=xtab colspan=4><input type=text id=btTokenLink size=100 class=btInput value="'+UserOptions.TokenLink+'" title="'+tx('Store link to ?page=merlinshare URL')+'"> <input class=btInput id=btCollectToken type=button value="'+tx("Collect")+'"> <span id=btTokenStatus> </span></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab><img src="'+BuildImage+'" width=30></td><td class=xtab colspan=4><input type=text id=btBuildLink size=100 class=btInput value="'+UserOptions.BuildLink+'" title="'+tx('Store link to ?page=accepttoken URL. Please note each link expires after about a month.')+'"> <input class=btInput id=btCollectBuild type=button value="'+tx("Collect")+'"> <span id=btBuildStatus> </span></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab><img src="'+ChestImage+'" width=30></td><td class=xtab colspan=4><input type=text id=btChestLink size=100 class=btInput value="" title="'+tx('Paste treasure chest link URL from Facebook')+'"> <input class=btInput id=btCollectChest type=button value="'+tx("Collect")+'"> <span id=btStoreChestSpan class=divHide><input class=btInput id=btStoreChest type=button value="'+tx("Store")+'"> </span><span id=btChestStatus> </span></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td class=xtab><INPUT id=btTokenAuto type=checkbox '+ (UserOptions.TokenAuto?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD colspan=2 class=xtab>'+tx("Enable automatic token collection during reload cycle")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td class=xtab> </td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Override reload interval to")+' <INPUT id=btOverrideRefresh type=text size=2 maxlength=3 value="'+UserOptions.OverrideRefresh+'" \> '+tx("minutes")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td class=xtab colspan=5><B>'+tx("Treasure Chest Options")+' </b></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td class=xtab><INPUT id=btTreasureChest type=checkbox '+ (UserOptions.TreasureChest?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD class=xtab colspan=2>'+tx("Auto-click found Treasure Chests")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td class=xtab><INPUT id=btChestBank type=checkbox '+ (UserOptions.BankTreasureChests?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD colspan=2 class=xtab>'+tx("Store Treasure Chest links internally")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab> </td><td class=xtab>'+tx('Maximum number of your links to store')+':</td><TD class=xtab><input type=text id=btMaxChestBank size=3 maxlength=5 class=btInput value="'+UserOptions.MaxBankedTreasureChests+'"></td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab> </td><td class=xtab>'+tx('Your Links')+': <span id=btBankYours></span></td><TD class=xtab colspan=3><input class=btInput id=btUseYourChests type=button value="'+tx("Use Link")+'"><input class=btInput style="width:100px;display:none;" id=btClearYourChests type=button value="'+tx("Remove ALL")+'"> <input class=btInput style="width:100px;" id=btPostYourChests type=button value="'+tx("Post to Facebook")+'"> <input class=btInput style="width:100px;" id=btExportChests type=button value="'+tx("Export to File")+'"> <input class=btInput id=btExportChestsNumber type=text size=3 maxlength=4> '+tx('links')+'</td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab> </td><td class=xtab>'+tx('Other Links')+': <span id=btBankOthers></span></td><TD class=xtab colspan=3><input class=btInput id=btUseOtherChests type=button value="'+tx("Use Link")+'"> <input class=btInput style="width:100px;" id=btClearOtherChests type=button value="'+tx("Remove ALL")+'"> <input class=btInput style="width:100px;" id=btImportChests type=button value="'+tx("Import from File")+'"> <input class=btInput id=btImportChestsFile type=file></td></tr>';
m += '</table>';
m += '<div id=btuser_messages align=center> </div>';
ById('btUserOption').innerHTML = m;
ById('btBankYours').innerHTML = '<b>'+UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.length+'</b>';
ById('btBankOthers').innerHTML = '<b>'+UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther.length+'</b>';
ById('btTokenNum').innerHTML = parseIntNan(Seed.items.i599);
if (UserOptions.TokenCollected) { ById('btCollectToken').style.display = 'none'; ById('btTokenStatus').innerHTML = '<span class=boldGreen>'+tx('Collected')+'</span>'; }
else {
if (UserOptions.LastTokenStatus != "" && UserOptions.LastTokenStatus != "OK") { ById('btTokenStatus').innerHTML = '<span class=boldRed>'+tx(capitalize(UserOptions.LastTokenStatus))+'</span>'; }
if (UserOptions.BuildCollected) { ById('btCollectBuild').style.display = 'none'; ById('btBuildStatus').innerHTML = '<span class=boldGreen>'+tx('Collected')+'</span>'; }
else {
if (UserOptions.LastBuildStatus != "" && UserOptions.LastBuildStatus != "OK") { ById('btBuildStatus').innerHTML = '<span class=boldRed>'+tx(capitalize(UserOptions.LastBuildStatus))+'</span>'; }
var bonus = "";
if (UserOptions.BonusCollected) { bonus = " +1"; }
var chestcollected = 0;
var DomArray = UserOptions.ChestDomainList.split(",");
var chesttotal = DomArray.length;
for (var d=0; d < DomArray.length; d++) {
if (DomArray[d]) {
if (UserOptions.ChestCollected[DomArray[d]]) { chestcollected++; }
if (chestcollected!=0 || UserOptions.BonusCollected) {
if (chestcollected >= chesttotal) {
ById('btChestStatus').innerHTML = '<span class=boldGreen>'+tx('Collected')+' ('+chestcollected+'/'+chesttotal+')'+bonus+'</span>';
ById('btCollectChest').style.display = 'none';
else {
ById('btChestStatus').innerHTML = '<span>('+chestcollected+'/'+chesttotal+')'+bonus+'</span>';
if (UserOptions.LastChestStatus != "" && UserOptions.LastChestStatus != "OK") { ById('btChestStatus').innerHTML += ' <span class=boldRed>'+tx(capitalize(UserOptions.LastChestStatus))+'</span>'; }
ById('btPubReq').addEventListener('change', function() {
UserOptions.autoPublishGamePopups = ById('btPubReq').checked;
if (UserOptions.autoPublishGamePopups) {
UserOptions.autoCancelGamePopups = false;
ById('btCancelReq').checked = false;
ById('btCancelReq').addEventListener('change', function() {
UserOptions.autoCancelGamePopups = ById('btCancelReq').checked;
if (UserOptions.autoCancelGamePopups) {
UserOptions.autoPublishGamePopups = false;
ById('btPubReq').checked = false;
ById('RefreshPublishList').addEventListener ('click',function(){t.AddUserLists()},false);
t.changeUserOpt ('btCustomList','CustomListId');
t.changeUserOpt ('selectprivacymode','autoPublishPrivacySetting',t.ToggleCustomList);
ById ('pbFBListHelp').addEventListener ('click', t.helpPop, false);
t.togGlobalOpt('btTokenEnabled','TokenEnabled'); // GLOBAL!!!!
t.changeUserOpt ('btTokenDomain','TokenDomain');
ById('btOverrideRefresh').addEventListener('change', function() {
if (parseIntNan(ById('btOverrideRefresh').value)==0) {
ById('btOverrideRefresh').value = "";
UserOptions.OverrideRefresh = ById('btOverrideRefresh').value;
ById('btChestDomainList').addEventListener ('change', t.DomainListChange, false);
ById('btChestDomainList').addEventListener ('keyup', function (e){ StartKeyTimer(e.target, t.DomainListChange); }, false);
ById('btTokenLink').addEventListener ('change', t.TokenLinkChange, false);
ById('btTokenLink').addEventListener ('keyup', function (e){ StartKeyTimer(e.target, t.TokenLinkChange); }, false);
ById('btBuildLink').addEventListener ('change', t.BuildLinkChange, false);
ById('btBuildLink').addEventListener ('keyup', function (e){ StartKeyTimer(e.target, t.BuildLinkChange); }, false);
ById('btCollectToken').addEventListener('click', function () {
if (UserOptions.TokenLink != "" && UserOptions.TokenLink.search(/merlinshare/i) != -1) {
if (GlobalOptions.TokenEnabled){
UserOptions.TokenRequest = 'TOKEN';
var goto = UserOptions.TokenLink;
setTimeout (function (){window.top.location = goto;}, 0);
}, false);
ById('btCollectBuild').addEventListener('click', function () {
if (UserOptions.BuildLink != "" && UserOptions.BuildLink.search(/accepttoken/i) != -1) {
if (GlobalOptions.TokenEnabled){
UserOptions.TokenRequest = 'BUILD';
var goto = UserOptions.BuildLink;
setTimeout (function (){window.top.location = goto;}, 0);
}, false);
ById('btCollectChest').addEventListener('click', function () {
if (ById('btChestLink').value != "") {
if (GlobalOptions.TokenEnabled){
UserOptions.TokenRequest = 'CHEST';
var goto = ById('btChestLink').value;
// replace domain in link...
var DomArray = UserOptions.ChestDomainList.split(",");
for (var d=0; d < DomArray.length; d++) {
if (DomArray[d]) {
if (!UserOptions.ChestCollected[DomArray[d]]) {
repstring = "=s%3A"+DomArray[d];
goto = goto.replace(/=s%3A\d\d\d/g,repstring);
goto = goto.replace(/&s=\d\d\d/g,repstring);
setTimeout (function (){window.top.location = goto;}, 0);
}, false);
if (trusted) jQuery('#btStoreChestSpan').removeClass("divHide");
ById('btStoreChest').addEventListener('click', t.StoreChest, false);
t.togUserOpt ('btTreasureChest', 'TreasureChest', TreasureChestClick.setEnable, TreasureChestClick.isAvailable);
t.togUserOpt ('btChestBank', 'BankTreasureChests');
ById('btMaxChestBank').addEventListener('change', function() {
UserOptions.MaxBankedTreasureChests = parseIntNan(ById('btMaxChestBank').value);
ById('btMaxChestBank').value = UserOptions.MaxBankedTreasureChests;
ById('btUseYourChests').addEventListener ('click',function() {
ById('btUseOtherChests').addEventListener ('click',function() {
ById('btPostYourChests').addEventListener ('click',function() {
var chest = UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.shift();
var reparr = new Array();
reparr.push(["REPLACE_TiLeNaMe", chest.tileName]);
reparr.push(["REPLACE_fEeDiD", chest.feedId]);
reparr.push(["REPLACE_tOkEnId", chest.tokenId]);
uW.common_postToProfile("118", reparr);
ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = tx('Treasure Chest posted to Facebook');
ById('btBankYours').innerHTML = '<b>'+UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.length+'</b>';
ById('btClearYourChests').addEventListener ('click',function() {
UserOptions.TreasureChestBank = [];
ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = tx('Your Treasure Chest links cleared');
ById('btBankYours').innerHTML = '<b>'+UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.length+'</b>';
ById('btClearOtherChests').addEventListener ('click',function() {
UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther = [];
ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = tx('Other Treasure Chest links cleared');
ById('btBankOthers').innerHTML = '<b>'+UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther.length+'</b>';
ById('btExportChests').addEventListener ('click',function() {
var numchests = parseIntNan(ById('btExportChestsNumber').value);
if (numchests<=0) {
ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = '<span style="color:#800;">'+tx('Please enter number of links to export')+'</span>';
if (numchests>UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.length) {
ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = '<span style="color:#800;">'+tx('Insufficient chests')+'!</span>';
var Export = {};
Export.data = [];
for (var i=0;i<numchests;i++) {
var chest = UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.shift();
ById('btBankYours').innerHTML = '<b>'+UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.length+'</b>';
uriContent = 'data:application/octet-stream;content-disposition:attachment;filename=file.txt,' + encodeURIComponent(JSON2.stringify(Export));
t.saveConfig(uriContent,'Chests_'+uW.tvuid+'_'+yyyymmdd(new Date())+'.txt');
ById('btImportChests').addEventListener ('click',function() {
ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = ' '
var fileInput = ById("btImportChestsFile");
var files = fileInput.files;
if (files.length == 0) {
ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = '<span style="color:#800;">'+tx('Please select a link file')+'</span>';
var file = files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = Tabs.Options.ChestReader;
StoreChest : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
if (ById('btChestLink').value != "") {
var post_link = ById('btChestLink').value;
if (post_link.indexOf("convert.php?pl=1&ty=3&si=118&")!=-1) {
var c_tokenId = post_link.slice(post_link.indexOf('%7Cm%3A') + 7, post_link.indexOf('%7Cimg'));
var c_serverId = post_link.slice(post_link.indexOf('&ex=s%3A') + 8, post_link.indexOf('%7Cf%3A'));
var c_playerId = post_link.slice(post_link.indexOf('&in=') + 4, post_link.indexOf('&ex=s'));
var c_feedId = post_link.slice(post_link.indexOf('%7Cf%3A') + 7, post_link.indexOf('%7Cm%3A'));
if (c_tokenId && c_feedId && c_playerId && c_serverId) {
if (c_playerId!=uW.tvuid) {
if (!t.checkFeedId(c_feedId)) {
UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther.push({tokenId:c_tokenId, feedId:c_feedId, serverId:c_serverId, playerId:c_playerId, tileName:"", unixTime_taken:unixTime(), link:post_link});
ById('btChestLink').value = "";
ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = tx('Link successfully loaded to Other Links');
ById('btBankOthers').innerHTML = '<b>'+UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.length+'</b>';
else { ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = tx('Link already stored'); }
else {
if (!t.checkYourFeedId(c_feedId)) {
UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.push({tokenId:c_tokenId, feedId:c_feedId, serverId:c_serverId, playerId:c_playerId, tileName:"", unixTime_taken:unixTime(), link:post_link});
ById('btChestLink').value = "";
ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = tx('Link successfully loaded to Your Links');
ById('btBankYours').innerHTML = '<b>'+UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.length+'</b>';
else { ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = tx('Link already stored'); }
else { ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = tx('Invalid Treasure Chest link'); }
else { ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = tx('Invalid Treasure Chest link'); }
ChestReader : function (e) {
var t = Tabs.Options;
var Import = JSON2.parse(e.target.result);
var counter = 0;
if (Import.data) {
for (var link in Import.data) {
if (Import.data[link].tokenId && Import.data[link].feedId && Import.data[link].playerId && Import.data[link].serverId) {
if (Import.data[link].playerId==uW.tvuid) {
if (!t.checkYourFeedId(Import.data[link].feedId)) {
else {
if (!t.checkFeedId(Import.data[link].feedId)) {
else {
if (Import.data[link].link) {
var post_link = Import.data[link].link;
if (post_link.indexOf("convert.php?pl=1&ty=3&si=118&")!=-1) {
var c_tokenId = post_link.slice(post_link.indexOf('%7Cm%3A') + 7, post_link.indexOf('%7Cimg'));
var c_serverId = post_link.slice(post_link.indexOf('&ex=s%3A') + 8, post_link.indexOf('%7Cf%3A'));
var c_playerId = post_link.slice(post_link.indexOf('&in=') + 4, post_link.indexOf('&ex=s'));
var c_feedId = post_link.slice(post_link.indexOf('%7Cf%3A') + 7, post_link.indexOf('%7Cm%3A'));
if (c_tokenId && c_feedId && c_playerId && c_serverId) {
if (c_playerId==uW.tvuid) {
if (!t.checkYourFeedId(c_feedId)) {
UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.push({tokenId:c_tokenId, feedId:c_feedId, serverId:c_serverId, playerId:c_playerId, tileName:"", unixTime_taken:unixTime(), link:post_link});
else {
if (!t.checkFeedId(c_feedId)) {
UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther.push({tokenId:c_tokenId, feedId:c_feedId, serverId:c_serverId, playerId:c_playerId, tileName:"", unixTime_taken:unixTime(), link:post_link});
ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = counter+' '+tx('Chest links successfully loaded');
ById('btBankYours').innerHTML = '<b>'+UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.length+'</b>';
ById('btBankOthers').innerHTML = '<b>'+UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther.length+'</b>';
else {
ById('btuser_messages').innerHTML = '<span style="color:#800;">'+tx('Invalid link file')+'</span>';
checkFeedId : function (FeedId) {
var t = Tabs.Options;
for (var c=0;c<UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther.length;c++) {
if (UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther[c].feedId==FeedId) {
return true;
return false;
checkYourFeedId : function (FeedId) {
var t = Tabs.Options;
for (var c=0;c<UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.length;c++) {
if (UserOptions.TreasureChestBank[c].feedId==FeedId) {
return true;
return false;
CreateLink : function (yours,auto) {
var t = Tabs.Options;
if (yours) { var chest = UserOptions.TreasureChestBank[0]; }
else { var chest = UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther[0]; }
var c_tokenId = chest.tokenId;
var c_serverId = chest.serverId;
var c_playerId = chest.playerId;
var c_feedId = chest.feedId;
if (!UserOptions.BonusCollected && !yours && c_playerId!=uW.tvuid && !UserOptions.BadChestDomains[getServerId()]) {
c_serverId = getServerId();
else {
var DomArray = UserOptions.ChestDomainList.split(",");
for (var d=0; d < DomArray.length; d++) {
if (DomArray[d]) {
if (!UserOptions.ChestCollected[DomArray[d]]) {
if (!auto || !UserOptions.BadChestDomains[DomArray[d]]) {
c_serverId = DomArray[d];
var goto = window.location.protocol+'//apps.facebook.com/kingdomsofcamelot/';
if (CheckStandAlone()) goto = window.location.protocol+'//apps.facebook.com/kingdomsofcamelot/play';
goto += '?page=friendFeed'+'&s='+c_serverId+'&in='+c_playerId+'&f='+c_feedId+'&t=118&m='+c_tokenId+'&si=118'+'&token_s='+getServerId();
if (GlobalOptions.TokenEnabled){
UserOptions.TokenRequest = 'CHEST';
UserOptions.TokenChestFeedId = c_feedId;
UserOptions.TokenChestUID = c_playerId;
else {
// auto domain assign not enabled, we need to manually remove the link from the bank.
if (yours) { UserOptions.TreasureChestBank.splice(0, 1) }
else { UserOptions.TreasureChestBankOther.splice(0, 1) }
setTimeout (function (){window.top.location = goto;}, 0);
TokenLinkChange : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
if (KeyTimer) { clearTimeout(KeyTimer); }
UserOptions.TokenLink = ById('btTokenLink').value;
BuildLinkChange : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
if (KeyTimer) { clearTimeout(KeyTimer); }
UserOptions.BuildLink = ById('btBuildLink').value;
DomainListChange : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
if (KeyTimer) { clearTimeout(KeyTimer); }
UserOptions.ChestDomainList = ById('btChestDomainList').value;
helpPop : function (){
var t = Tabs.Options;
var helpText = '<br>'+tx("Publishing Posts to Custom Lists");
helpText += '<p>'+tx('In Facebook you can create custom lists of friends. Each list has a unique identifier')+'.</p>';
helpText += '<p>'+tx('Unfortunately the custom lists can no longer be searched for, but you can still publish to just that list if you know the List ID')+'.</p>';
helpText += '<p>'+tx('If you click on the list, the web address of the list will be displayed in the title bar of the browser. It is in the format')+'<br><br>www.facebook.com/lists/{LISTID}<br><br>'+tx('Copy the {LISTID} number and paste it into the Custom List ID box')+'.</p><br>';
var pop = new CPopup ('BotHelp', 0, 0, 460, 280, true);
pop.centerMe (mainPop.getMainDiv());
pop.getMainDiv().innerHTML = helpText;
pop.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<CENTER><B>'+tx("PowerBot+ Help")+': '+tx("Facebook Lists")+'</b></center>';
pop.show (true);
helpimgPop : function (){
var t = Tabs.Options;
var helpText = '<br>'+tx("Previewing Images in Chat");
helpText += '<p>'+tx('Paste the direct link to the image, NOT the image hosting page!')+'.</p>';
helpText += '<p>'+tx('Supported image hosting services are as follows')+':-</p>';
helpText += '<TABLE class=xtab><TR><TD><b>'+tx('Image Host')+'</b></td><TD><b>'+tx('Image Link Example')+'</b></td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD><a href="http://imgur.com/" target="_blank">imgur.com</a></td><TD>i.imgur.com/XXXX.jpg</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD><a href="http://tinypic.com/" target="_blank">tinypic.com</a></td><TD>i99.tinypic.com/XXXX.jpg</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD><a href="http://postimage.org/" target="_blank">postimage.org</a></td><TD>s99.postimg.org/YYYY/XXXX.jpg</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD><a href="http://giphy.com/" target="_blank">giphy.com</a></td><TD>i.giphy.com/XXXX.gif</td></tr>';
helpText += '</table><br>';
var pop = new CPopup ('BotHelp', 0, 0, 460, 280, true);
pop.centerMe (mainPop.getMainDiv());
pop.getMainDiv().innerHTML = helpText;
pop.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<CENTER><B>'+tx("PowerBot+ Help")+': '+tx("Image Previews")+'</b></center>';
pop.show (true);
helpstylePop : function (){
var t = Tabs.Options;
var helpText = '<br>'+tx("Using Text Styles in Chat");
helpText += '<p>'+tx('Use the following control codes to change the style of your text in chat')+'.</p>';
helpText += '<p>'+tx('Note that multiple styles can be embedded, but must all be closed off separately')+'.</p>';
helpText += '<TABLE class=xtab><TR><TD><b>'+tx('Control Code')+'</b></td><TD><b>'+tx('Style')+'</b></td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD>[#0]</td><TD>'+tx('Black')+'</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD>[#1]</td><TD>'+tx('Red')+'</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD>[#2]</td><TD>'+tx('Green')+'</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD>[#3]</td><TD>'+tx('Blue')+'</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD>[#4]</td><TD>'+tx('Magenta')+'</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD>[#5]</td><TD>'+tx('Cyan')+'</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD>[#6]</td><TD>'+tx('Yellow')+'</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD>[#7]</td><TD>'+tx('White')+'</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD>[#8]</td><TD>'+tx('Bold')+'</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD>[#9]</td><TD>'+tx('Italic')+'</td></tr>';
helpText += '<TR><TD>[#]</td><TD>'+tx('End Previous Style')+'</td></tr>';
helpText += '</table><br>';
var pop = new CPopup ('BotHelp', 0, 0, 460, 380, true);
pop.centerMe (mainPop.getMainDiv());
pop.getMainDiv().innerHTML = helpText;
pop.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<CENTER><B>'+tx("PowerBot+ Help")+': '+tx("Chat Styles")+'</b></center>';
pop.show (true);
ToggleCustomList : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
var pub = UserOptions.autoPublishPrivacySetting;
if (pub==99) { jQuery('#btCustomListSpan').removeClass("divHide"); }
else { jQuery('#btCustomListSpan').addClass("divHide"); }
changeRefreshOption: function(tf) {
var t = Tabs.Options;
RefreshEvery.setEnable (tf);
toggleAutoRefreshState: function(){
var t = Tabs.Options;
var obj = ById('btEveryEnable');
Options.btEveryEnable = !Options.btEveryEnable;
if (obj) obj.checked = Options.btEveryEnable;
RefreshEvery.setEnable (Options.btEveryEnable);
toggleAutoRaidState: function(){
var t = Tabs.Options;
var obj = ById('togResetRaids');
Options.RaidRunning = !Options.RaidRunning;
if (obj) obj.checked = Options.RaidRunning;
PaintTowerOptions : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
m = '<br><div align=center><table class=xtab width=100%>';
m += '<TR><TD colspan=2 align=left><b>'+tx("Minimum number of Troops to trigger Tower Alert")+': <INPUT id=pbalertTroops type=text size=7 value="'+ Options.TowerOptions.minTroops +'" \></b> ('+tx("Controls All Tower Options")+')<br> </td></tr>';
m += '</table><TABLE width=98% cellspacing=0 class=xtab><tr><th class=xtabHD align=left> '+uW.g_js_strings.commonstr.city+'</th><th class=xtabHD align=center>'+tx("Active")+'</th><th class=xtabHD align=left> '+tx("WatchTower")+'</th><th class=xtabHD align=left> '+tx("Chat Alert Message")+'</th></tr>';
for (var cityId in Cities.byID) {
var wlevel = getUniqueCityBuilding(cityId,14).maxLevel;
if (wlevel!=0) {wleveltext = 'Level '+wlevel; }
else {wleveltext = '<span style="color:#800;"><b>None!</b></style>';}
m+= '<tr><TD><b>'+Cities.byID[cityId].name+'</b></td><td align=center><INPUT id=toweractive_'+cityId+' name='+cityId+' type=checkbox '+(Options.TowerOptions.towercityactive[cityId]?'CHECKED ':'')+'"></TD><td align=left>'+wleveltext+'</td><td align=left><INPUT id=towertext_'+cityId+' name='+cityId+' type=text style="width: 400px;" maxlength=120 value="'+(Options.TowerOptions.towercitytext[cityId]?Options.TowerOptions.towercitytext[cityId]:"")+'"></td></tr>';
ChampionObj = {0:'-- '+tx('Select Champion')+' --'};
for (var y in Seed.champion.champions) {
var chkchamp = Seed.champion.champions[y];
if (chkchamp.championId) {
ChampionObj[chkchamp.championId] = chkchamp.name;
m += '</tr></table></div><br>';
m += '<TABLE width=100% class=xtab>';
m += '<TR><TD><INPUT id=pbalertScout type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.scouting?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD>'+tx("Alert when being scouted")+' ';
m += '<INPUT id=pbalertWild type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.wilds?'CHECKED ':'') +'/> '+tx("Alert on wilderness attack")+' </td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD><INPUT id=pbalertEnable type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.aChat?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD>'+tx("Post incoming attacks to Alliance Chat")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td> </td><TD><INPUT id=pbalertWhisper type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.whisper?'CHECKED ':'') +'/> '+tx("Whisper to yourself instead, if less than")+' <INPUT id=pbwhisperTroops type=text size=7 value="'+ Options.TowerOptions.whisperTroops +'" \> '+tx("incoming troops")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td> </td><TD>'+tx("Chat Message Prefix")+': <INPUT id=pbalertPrefix type=text style="width: 400px;" maxlength=120 value="'+ Options.TowerOptions.aPrefix +'" \></td><tr>';
m += '<TR><td> </td><TD><INPUT id=pbalertAFK type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.afk?'CHECKED ':'') +'/> '+tx("Display your AFK status")+'</td>';
m += '<TR><td> </td><TD><INPUT id=pbalertChamp type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.champ?'CHECKED ':'') +'/> '+tx("Display your city champion name")+'</td>';
m += '<TR><td> </td><TD><INPUT id=pbalertDefend type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.defend?'CHECKED ':'') +'/> '+tx("Display your city defend status")+'</td>';
m += '<TR><td> </td><TD><INPUT id=pbalertTech type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.tech?'CHECKED ':'') +'/> '+tx("Display your research information")+'</td>';
m += '<TR><td> </td><TD><INPUT id=pbalertUpkeep type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.upkeep?'CHECKED ':'') +'/> '+tx("Display your city food remaining")+'</td>';
m += '<TR><td> </td><TD><INPUT id=pbalertDefendMonitor type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.DefendMonitor?'CHECKED ':'') +'/> '+tx("Display defender throne monitor link")+'</td>';
m += '<TR><td colspan=2><b>'+tx("Sound Options")+':</b></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD><INPUT id=pbSoundEnable type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.enabled?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD colspan=3>'+tx("Play sound on incoming attack/scout")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD> </td><TD><DIV id=pbSoundOpts><TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=xtab>';
m += '<TR><TD>'+tx("Attack sound")+': </td><TD colspan=2><INPUT id=pbsoundFile type=text size=60 maxlength=1000 value="'+ Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.soundUrl +'" \> </td><TD><INPUT type=button class=btInput value="'+tx("Test")+'" id=pbPlayNow><INPUT id=pbSoundStop type=button class=btInput value="'+tx("Stop")+'"><INPUT id=pbSoundDefault type=button class=btInput value='+tx("Default")+' ></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD>'+tx("Scout sound")+': </td><TD colspan=2><INPUT id=pbscoutFile type=text size=60 maxlength=1000 value="'+ Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.scoutUrl +'" \> </td><TD><INPUT type=button class=btInput value="'+tx("Test")+'" id=pbScoutPlayNow><INPUT id=pbScoutStop type=button class=btInput value="'+tx("Stop")+'"><INPUT id=pbScoutDefault type=button class=btInput value='+tx("Default")+' ></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD>'+tx("Volume")+': </td><TD colspan=2><TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=xtab><TR valign=middle><TD><SPAN id=pbVolSlider></span></td><TD width=15></td><TD align=right id=pbVolOut>0</td></td></table></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD> </td><TD>Play for <INPUT id=pbSoundLength type=text size=3 maxlength=5 value="'+ Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.playLength +'"> '+tx("seconds")+'</td><TD><INPUT id=pbSoundRepeat type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.repeat?'CHECKED ':'') +'/> '+tx("Repeat every")+' <INPUT id=pbSoundEvery type=text size=2 maxlength=5 value="'+ Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.repeatDelay +'"> '+tx("minutes")+'</td></tr>';
m += '</table></div></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td colspan=2><b>'+tx("Automatic Event Options")+':</b></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD><INPUT id=pbAFKEvents type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.AFKEvents?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD colspan=3>'+tx("Only do the selected actions when AFK (Untick to always do the selected actions)")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD><INPUT id=pbRevert type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.Revert?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD colspan=3>'+tx("Revert selected actions back after")+' <INPUT id=pbRevertMinutes type=text size=2 maxlength=2 value="'+ Options.TowerOptions.RevertMinutes +'"> '+tx("minutes after the last attack lands")+' <INPUT id=pbResetTower type=button class=btInput value="'+tx("Clear City States")+'"></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td colspan=2><b>'+tx("Automatic Events")+':</b></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD><INPUT id=pbChangeTR type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.ChangeTR?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD colspan=3>'+tx("Change Throne Room to Preset")+' <INPUT id=pbChangeTRPreset type=text size=2 maxlength=2 value="'+ Options.TowerOptions.ChangeTRPreset +'"></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD><INPUT id=pbChangeGuardian type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.ChangeGuardian?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD colspan=3>'+tx("Switch to Wood Guardian in city being attacked")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD><INPUT id=pbChangeChampion type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.ChangeChamp?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD colspan=3>'+tx("Assign Champion")+' '+htmlSelector(ChampionObj,Options.TowerOptions.ChampId,"id=pbChampionId")+' '+tx("when attacking march is")+' <INPUT id=pbChampTime type=text size=2 maxlength=2 value="'+ Options.TowerOptions.ChampTime +'"> '+tx("seconds away")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD> </td><td colspan=3><INPUT id=pbChampNoChamp type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.ChampNoChamp?'CHECKED ':'') +'/> '+tx("Only when city does not already have a champion")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD><INPUT id=pbStopRaids type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.StopRaids?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD colspan=3>'+tx("Suspend Barbarian Raids in city being attacked")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD><INPUT id=pbStopMarches type=checkbox '+ (Options.TowerOptions.StopMarches?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD colspan=3>'+tx("Suspend ALL automatic marches in city being attacked")+'</td></tr>';
m += '</table><BR>';
ById('btTowerOption').innerHTML = m;
for (var cityId in Cities.byID){
ById ('toweractive_'+ cityId).addEventListener('click',function(e){Options.TowerOptions.towercityactive[e.target.name] = e.target.checked;saveOptions();},false);
ById ('towertext_'+ cityId).addEventListener('change',function(e){Options.TowerOptions.towercitytext[e.target.name] = e.target.value;saveOptions();},false);
t.volSlider = new SliderBar (ById('pbVolSlider'), 200, 21, 0);
t.volSlider.setValue (Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.volume/100);
t.loadUrl (Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.soundUrl); // preload URL
ById('pbPlayNow').addEventListener ('click', function (){t.playSound(Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.soundUrl,false,'pbSoundStop')}, false);
ById('pbSoundStop').addEventListener ('click', t.stopSoundAlerts, false);
ById('pbSoundStop').disabled = true;
ById('pbScoutPlayNow').addEventListener ('click', function (){t.playSound(Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.scoutUrl,false,'pbScoutStop')}, false);
ById('pbScoutStop').addEventListener ('click', t.stopSoundAlerts, false);
ById('pbScoutStop').disabled = true;
ById('pbSoundRepeat').addEventListener ('change', function (e){Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.repeat = e.target.checked;saveOptions();}, false);
ById('pbSoundEvery').addEventListener ('change', function (e){Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.repeatDelay = e.target.value;saveOptions();}, false);
ById('pbSoundLength').addEventListener ('change', function (e){Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.playLength = e.target.value;saveOptions();}, false);
ById('pbSoundEnable').addEventListener ('change', function (e){Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.enabled = e.target.checked;saveOptions();}, false);
ById('pbResetTower').addEventListener ('click', t.resetCityStates, false);
ById('pbsoundFile').addEventListener ('change', function (){
Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.soundUrl = ById('pbsoundFile').value;
t.loadUrl (Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.soundUrl);
}, false);
ById('pbSoundDefault').addEventListener ('click', function (){
Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.soundUrl = DEFAULT_ALERT_SOUND_URL;
ById('pbsoundFile').value = DEFAULT_ALERT_SOUND_URL;
}, false);
ById('pbscoutFile').addEventListener ('change', function (){
Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.scoutUrl = ById('pbscoutFile').value;
t.loadUrl (Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.scoutUrl);
}, false);
ById('pbScoutDefault').addEventListener ('click', function (){
Options.TowerOptions.alertSound.scoutUrl = DEFAULT_SCOUT_SOUND_URL;
ById('pbscoutFile').value = DEFAULT_SCOUT_SOUND_URL;
}, false);
resetCityStates : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
Options.TowerOptions.RecentActivity = false;
Options.TowerOptions.LastAttack = 0;
Options.TowerOptions.HandledMarches = new Array();
Options.TowerOptions.LatestAttackTimes = {};
Options.TowerOptions.RecentCityActivity = {};
Options.TowerOptions.SaveCityState = {};
Options.TowerOptions.SaveTR = 0;
Options.TowerOptions.ChampOriginalCity = 0;
loadUrl : function (url) {
var t = Tabs.Options;
if (t.mss) { t.mss.setSource(url); }
PaintFixOptions : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
m = '<TABLE width="100%">';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=ptEnableMiniRefresh type=checkbox ' + (Options.MiniRefresh ? 'CHECKED ' : '') + '/></td><TD class=xtab> '+tx("Refresh Data/Marches every");
m += '<INPUT id=ptMiniRefreshInterval type=text size=3 value="' + Options.MiniRefreshInterval + '"> '+tx("minutes")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togRemovePointless type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Hide pointless items from Inventory views")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togChampLagFix type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Fix delay when opening Castle, Rally Point and Boss Battle")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togTowerFix type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Fix tower alert to show exact target (city or wild)")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togKnightSelect type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Do not automatically select a knight when changing march type to Scout, Transport or Reassign")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togFilterTroopsFix type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Don't filter troop types for transport")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togStalledMarches type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Fix stalled marches and missing knights")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togCoordBox type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Keep map coordinate box/bookmarks on top of troop activity")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togMapInfo2 type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Add reassign button when clicked on own city")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togMapInfo type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Fix reassign button on maptile info")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togMapInfo3 type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Include player name / city name in new bookmarks")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togLoadCapFix type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Limit load capacity to not exceed throne room load cap")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togTRAetherCostFix type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Fix display of aetherstones for throne room upgrade/enhance")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togMMBImageFix type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Post correct image to facebook for Merlin Box")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togChatTimeFix type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Always show local time on chat posts")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td class=xtab><INPUT id=togMoveFurniture type=checkbox /></td><td class=xtab>'+tx("Rearrange throne room furniture for better visibility")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><td class=xtab><INPUT id=togFixMightDisplay type=checkbox /></td><td class=xtab>'+tx("Fix might display on main screen")+' <span style="font-size:14px;color:#800;">*</span></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=ptkillmusic type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Kill music on startup")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=ptkillsounds type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Kill sound effects on startup")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=ptdisableredx type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx('Disable "Red X" failure animation')+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=ptdisablegreentick type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx('Disable "Green Tick" success animation')+'</td></tr>';
m += '</table>';
ById('btFixOption').innerHTML = m;
ById('ptEnableMiniRefresh').addEventListener('change', t.MiniRefreshChanged, false);
ToggleOption('','togTowerFix', 'fixTower', TowerAlerts.enableFixTarget, TowerAlerts.isFixTargetAvailable);
ToggleOption('','togKnightSelect', 'fixKnightSelect', AttackDialog.setEnable, AttackDialog.isAvailable);
ToggleOption('','togFilterTroopsFix', 'DontFilterTransportTroops', AttackDialog.setEnable, AttackDialog.isAvailable);
ToggleOption('','togStalledMarches', 'StalledMarches');
ToggleOption('','togCoordBox', 'mapCoordsTop', CoordBox.setEnable, CoordBox.isAvailable);
ToggleOption('','togMapInfo2', 'mapInfo2', mapinfoFix.setEnable2, mapinfoFix.isAvailable2);
ToggleOption('','togMapInfo', 'mapInfo', mapinfoFix.setEnable, mapinfoFix.isAvailable);
ToggleOption('','togMapInfo3', 'mapInfo3', mapinfoFix.setEnable3, mapinfoFix.isAvailable3);
ToggleOption('','togLoadCapFix', 'fixLoadCap', LoadCapFix.setEnable, LoadCapFix.isAvailable);
ToggleOption('','togTRAetherCostFix', 'fixTRAetherCost', TRAetherCostFix.setEnable, TRAetherCostFix.isAvailable);
ToggleOption('','togMMBImageFix', 'fixMMBImage', mmbImageFix.setEnable, mmbImageFix.isAvailable);
ToggleOption('','togChatTimeFix', 'fixChatTime', ChatTimeFix.setEnable, ChatTimeFix.isAvailable);
ToggleOption('','togChampLagFix', 'FixCastleLag', ChampLagFix.setEnable, ChampLagFix.isAvailable);
ToggleOption('','togRemovePointless', 'RemovePointlessItems',t.RestartReminder);
ToggleOption('','togMoveFurniture', 'MoveFurniture',t.RestartReminder);
ToggleOption('','togFixMightDisplay', 'FixMightDisplay',t.RestartReminder);
ToggleOption('','ptkillmusic', 'KillMusic');
ToggleOption('','ptkillsounds', 'KillSounds');
ToggleOption('','ptdisableredx', 'DisableRedX');
ToggleOption('','ptdisablegreentick', 'DisableGreenTick');
PaintReportOptions : function () {
var t = Tabs.Options;
m = '<TABLE width="100%">';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab colspan=2><B>'+tx("Alliance Report Scanner")+':</b></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=togEnhanceAR type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab>'+tx("Enable scanning of Alliance Reports")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab> </td><TD class=xtab><TABLE>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab colspan=3>'+tx("Scan interval")+': <INPUT id=ptalertinterval type=text size=3 value=' + Options.ReportOptions.alertinterval + ' /> '+tx("seconds")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab colspan=3><INPUT id=ptincomingar type=checkbox ' + (Options.ReportOptions.PostIncoming ? 'CHECKED ' : '') + '/>'+tx("Scan incoming attack reports")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab width=50> </td><TD class=xtab colspan=2>'+tx("Min troops")+': <INPUT id=ptalertmtroops type=text size=6 value=' + Options.ReportOptions.alertmtroops + ' /></TD></TR>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab> </td><TD class=xtab colspan=2><INPUT id=ptalertignorewilds type=checkbox ' + (Options.ReportOptions.IgnoreWilds ? 'CHECKED ' : '') + '/>'+tx("Ignore incoming wild attacks")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab> </td><TD class=xtab colspan=2><INPUT id=ptalertignorescouts type=checkbox ' + (Options.ReportOptions.IgnoreScouts ? 'CHECKED ' : '') + '/>'+tx("Ignore incoming scouts")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab> </td><TD class=xtab colspan=2><INPUT id=ptwhisperar type=checkbox ' + (Options.ReportOptions.WhisperAR ? 'CHECKED ' : '') + '/>'+tx("Whisper incoming attack reports to yourself and the following players (separated by commas)")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab> </td><td class=xtab width=50> </td><td class=xtab><INPUT id=ptwhisperarlist type=text size=70 value="' + Options.ReportOptions.WhisperARList + '"></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab> </td><TD class=xtab colspan=2><INPUT id=ptnoduplicatereports type=checkbox ' + (Options.ReportOptions.NoDuplicateReports ? 'CHECKED ' : '') + '/>'+tx("Do not post reports already posted by another alliance member")+' <span style="color:#800;"><b>(WORK IN PROGRESS)</b></span></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab colspan=3><INPUT id=ptwhisperoutgoing type=checkbox ' + (Options.ReportOptions.WhisperOutgoing ? 'CHECKED ' : '') + '/>'+tx("Whisper your own outgoing attack reports to yourself")+'</td></tr></table></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab colspan=2><B>'+tx('Automatic Report Deletion')+':</b></td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=pbdeletebctoggle type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab> '+tx("Delete barbarian camp reports/Transport reports from you")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=pbdeletetrtoggle type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab> '+tx("Delete transport reports to you")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=pbdeletewltoggle type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab> '+tx("Delete wilderness reports")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=pbdeleteaatoggle type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab> '+tx("Delete auto-attack reports (and log items for attack summary)")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=pbdeletedftoggle type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab> '+tx("Delete dark forest reports (and log items for DF summary)")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<tr><td class=xtab> </td><td class=xtab><INPUT id=pbdfreport type=checkbox '+ (Options.DFReport?' CHECKED':'') +'\> '+tx("Send DF report every")+' <INPUT id=pbdfreportinterval value='+ Options.DFReportInterval +' type=text size=3 \> '+tx('hours')+' '+strButton8(tx('Send Now'), 'id=pbdfreportsend')+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=pbdeletesctoggle type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab> '+tx("Delete ALL incoming scout reports")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=pbdeletefrtoggle type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab> '+tx("Delete incoming attack/scout reports from friendly alliances")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=pbdeleteidtoggle type=checkbox /></td><TD class=xtab> '+tx("Delete incoming")+' '+htmlSelector({0:tx("attack/scout"),4:tx("attack"),3:tx("scout")},Options.ReportOptions.DeleteRptidType,"id=pbdeleteidtype class=btInput")+' '+tx("reports from the following UIDs (separated by commas)")+'</td></tr>';
m += '<TR><TD class=xtab> </td><TD class=xtab><input id=pbdeleteuidreps type=text size=100 /></td></tr>';
m += '</table>';
ById('btReportOption').innerHTML = m;
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','togEnhanceAR', 'EnhanceAR', AllianceReportsCheck.enable);
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','ptincomingar', 'PostIncoming');
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','ptwhisperoutgoing', 'WhisperOutgoing');
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','ptalertignorescouts', 'IgnoreScouts');
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','ptalertignorewilds', 'IgnoreWilds');
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','ptwhisperar', 'WhisperAR');
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','pbdeletebctoggle', 'DeleteRptbc');
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','pbdeletetrtoggle', 'DeleteRpttr');
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','pbdeletewltoggle', 'DeleteRptwl');
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','pbdeleteaatoggle', 'DeleteRptaa');
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','pbdeletefrtoggle', 'DeleteRptfr');
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','pbdeleteidtoggle', 'DeleteRptid');
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','pbdeletedftoggle', 'DeleteRptdf');
ToggleOption('ReportOptions','pbdeletesctoggle', 'DeleteRptsc');