LinkedIn Job Search Usability Improvements

Make it easier to review and manage job search results, with faster keyboard shortcuts, read post tracking, and blacklists for companies and jobs

< Feedback on LinkedIn Job Search Usability Improvements

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2020-05-31


Suggestion... Any chance of adding a wildcard or regex job title filter (and possibly a company/location one if it wouldn't make the script too heavy) like how this script is:

Yours has a much nicer/full featured implementation and would definitely not want to have two scripts running simultaneously.

Since LinkedIn's boolean logic is very limited and there are so many variations of job titles, it seems like setting a "loose" search on LinkedIn and then filtering out a longer list of specific job titles on the client side is the most versatile route. Without a UI (like yours has) the other script forces me to keep open devtools and the userscript while job hunting :)

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