// ==UserScript==
// @name 智龙迷城战友网增强
// @namespace http://www.mapaler.com/
// @version 2.5.5
// @description 地下城增加技能图标
// @author Mapaler <[email protected]>
// @copyright 2019+, Mapaler <[email protected]>
// @icon https://pad.skyozora.com/images/egg.ico
// @match *://pad.skyozora.com/*
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Number.prototype.bigNumberToString = /^(zh|ja|ko)\b/i.test(navigator.language) ?
(function() { //中、日、韩习惯
const negative = this < 0;
let numTemp = negative ? Math.abs(this) : this.valueOf();
if (!numTemp) return "0";
const grouping = 1e4;
const unit = ['','萬','億','兆','京','垓'];
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do {
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let numPartsStr = numParts.map((num, idx) => {
if (num > 0) {
return (num < 1e3 ? "零" : "") + num + unit[idx];
} else
return "零";
numPartsStr.reverse(); //反向
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outStr = outStr.replace(/零{2,}/g, '零'); //去除多个连续的零
return (negative ? "-" : "") + outStr;
}) :
(function() { //英语习惯
const negative = this < 0;
let numTemp = negative ? Math.abs(this) : this.valueOf();
if (!numTemp) return "0";
const grouping = 1e3;
const unit = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P'];
const numParts = [];
do {
numParts.push(numTemp % grouping);
numTemp = Math.floor(numTemp / grouping);
} while (numTemp > 0 && numParts.length < (unit.length - 1))
if (numTemp > 0) {
let numPartsStr = numParts.map((num, idx) => {
if (num > 0) {
return num + unit[idx];
} else
return "";
let outStr = numPartsStr.filter(Boolean).reverse().join(" ");
return (negative ? "-" : "") + outStr;
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// 将和制汉字转换为简体中文(中国大陆)
const converterJP2CN = OpenCC.Converter({ from: 'jp', to: 'cn' });
// 将和制汉字转换为繁体中文(中国香港)
const converterJP2HK = OpenCC.Converter({ from: 'jp', to: 'hk' });
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const converterKANA2CN = OpenCC.CustomConverter([
['のみ', '限定'],
['タイプ', '類型'],
['キャラ', '角色'],
['マシン', '機械'],
['ドラゴン', '龍'],
['バランス', '平衡'],
['リーダー', '隊長'],
['助っ人', '輔助'],
['ハンター', '獵人'],
['ラッシュ', 'Rush '],
['コロシアム', 'Coliseum '],
['ボス', 'BOSS '],
['ノーコン', '無法續關'],
['チーム', '隊伍'],
['ヘラ', '赫拉赫拉'],
['ゼウス', '宙斯'],
['アテナ', '雅典娜'],
['からくり', '機關'],
['ノア', '諾亞'],
['の', '的'],
['と', '與'],
if (storeAvatar) redirectLocalCardAvatar();
const cardAvatars = [...document.body.querySelectorAll('.tooltip[href^="pets/"]')];
let titleReg = /(\d+)\s*\-\s*(.+)/i.exec(avatar.title);
if (titleReg) {
avatar.dataset.id = titleReg[1];
avatar.dataset.name = T2S ? converterHK2CN(titleReg[2]) : titleReg[2];
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: `body > :not(.content),
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const JpHTMLConverter = T2S ? converterJP2CN : converterJP2HK;
pageTitle = pageTitle.replace(/^(.+)\s*-\s*(.+)\s*-\s*Puzzle & Dragons 戰友系統及資訊網/,
(match, p1, p2) => `${converterKANA2CN(JpHTMLConverter(p2))} - ${converterKANA2CN(JpHTMLConverter(p1))}` );
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stageTitle.lang = 'jp';
const HTMLConvertHandler = OpenCC.HTMLConverter(JpHTMLConverter, stageTitle, 'jp', T2S ? 'zh-CN' : 'zh-HK');
const stageTeam = StageInfo.querySelector(":scope>div");
if (stageTeam?.textContent?.includes("本地下城採用系統預設隊伍"))
const cardAvatars = Array.from(stageTeam.querySelectorAll(':scope>a[href^="pets/"]'));
const cardIds = cardAvatars.map(avatar=>{
let hrefReg = /pets\/(\d+)/i.exec(avatar.href);
return hrefReg?.[1] || 0;
console.log(cardAvatars, cardIds);
const formationOutObj = {f: [[cardIds.map(id=>id>0?[id,99]:null), []]], v: 4};
const PADDFurl = new URL("https://mapaler.github.io/PADDashFormation/solo.html");
PADDFurl.searchParams.set("d", JSON.stringify(formationOutObj));
const PADDFlink = document.createElement("a");
PADDFlink.className = "paddf-link";
PADDFlink.href = PADDFurl;
PADDFlink.target = "_blank";
PADDFlink.textContent = "PADDashFormation 组队链接";
const stageDetail = StageInfo.querySelector(":scope>table:nth-of-type(2)");
if (stageDetail)
const centerRows = stageDetail.tBodies[0].querySelectorAll(":scope>tr[align=\"center\"]:not(:first-child)");
for (let tr of centerRows)
let tds = tr.querySelectorAll(":scope>td:not([rowspan])");
if (tds.length>5)
domBigNumToString(tds[0]); //血量
domBigNumToString(tds[3]); //攻击
domBigNumToString(tds[5]); //防御
const leftRows = stageDetail.tBodies[0].querySelectorAll(":scope>tr[align=\"left\"]");
for (let tr of leftRows)
let skillNames = tr.querySelectorAll(":scope .skill");
for (let skillName of skillNames) {
if (skillName.nextSibling) {
domAddIcon(skillName.nextSibling); //技能加图标
let skillDamages = tr.querySelectorAll(":scope .skill_demage");
for (let skillDamage of skillDamages)
const boardsNode = Array.from(StageInfo.querySelectorAll('[onclick^="open_menu"]+[id^="skill"]'));
const boardDataCells = node.querySelectorAll(":scope table tr:nth-of-type(2)>td");
const data = cell.textContent.split('\n').map(row=>Array.from(row).map(o=>Boolean(o=='●')));
const boardTable = createBoard(data);
cell.innerHTML = '';
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function createBoard(data) {
const table = document.createElement("table");
table.className = `enhance-board`;
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const orbsRow = data[ri];
const row = table.insertRow();
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const cell = row.insertCell();
cell.className = `orb-${orbsRow[ci]}`;
return table;
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hiddenSkillsSwitch.forEach(i=>i.remove()); //删除所有开关
const hiddenSkills = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[id^="skill"]')).filter(i=>i.style.display);
const boardPos = /skill(\d+_){4}\d+/.test(i.id);
const detail = document.createElement("details");
detail.className = boardPos ? "board-position" : "skill-detail";
detail.open = OpenAllDetails ? true : boardPos;
detail.id = i.id;
const summary = detail.appendChild(document.createElement("summary"));
summary.textContent = boardPos ? "生成位置" : "敌人技能资料" ;
i.parentNode.insertBefore(detail, i);
if (/^\/news\//.test(location.pathname))
const contentTables = Array.from(document.body.querySelectorAll(".content>table"));
for (let table of contentTables)
const rows = Array.from(table.rows).slice(1);
for (let tr of rows)
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// 设置转换起点为根节点,即转换整个页面
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HTMLConvertHandler.convert(); // 开始转换 -> 汉语
function domBigNumToString(dom)
if (!(dom instanceof Node)) return;
const regOriginal = /\b-?\d+(?:,\d{3})*\b/g;
if (dom.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
} else {
let nodes = Array.from(dom.childNodes);
nodes = nodes.filter(node=>node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE);
for (let textNode of nodes)
function textNodeConvertNumber(textNode) {
textNode.nodeValue = textNode.nodeValue.trim()
.replace(new RegExp(regOriginal), match=>{
return parseInt(match.replaceAll(",",""), 10).bigNumberToString();
SVGSVGElement.prototype.appendSymbleIcon = function(id) {
const use = document.createElementNS(svgNS,'use');
return use;
function domAddIcon(dom)
function svgIcon(id) {
const svg = document.createElementNS(svgNS,'svg');
return svg;
function attrIndex(str) {
switch (str) {
case '火': return 0;
case '水': return 1;
case '木': return 2;
case '光': return 3;
case '暗': return 4;
function typeIndex(str) {
switch (str) {
case '進化用': return 0;
case '平衡': return 1;
case '體力': return 2;
case '回復': return 3;
case '龍': return 4;
case '神': return 5;
case '攻擊': return 6;
case '惡魔': return 7;
case '機械': return 8;
case '特別保護': return 9; //已经没有这个type了
case '能力覺醒用': return 12;
case '強化合成用': return 14;
case '販賣用': return 15;
function nextTextNode(node) {
const nextNode = node.nextSibling;
if (nextNode == null ||
nextNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && nextNode.length > 0) {
return nextNode;
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return nextTextNode(nextNode);
if (dom.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
let res;
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dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svgIcon('abnormal-state-shield'), dom);
if (res = /HP在上限\d+%或以上的話,受到致命傷害時,將會以(\d+)(點|%)HP生還/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const superResolve = res[2] == '%';
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const svg = svgIcon('shield');
const frontIcon = svg.appendSymbleIcon(`damage-${res[1]=='吸收'?'absorb':'void'}`);
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /將\s*(\d+)COMBO\s*或以下時所造成的傷害全部吸收/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('combo-absorb');
const text = document.createElementNS(svgNS,'text');
text.textContent = res[1];
text.setAttribute("x", "50%");
text.setAttribute("y", "50%");
text.setAttribute("fill", "#F7C");
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
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text.setAttribute("y", "50%");
text.setAttribute("fill", "white");
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const frontIcon = svg.appendSymbleIcon(`attr-${attr}`);
frontIcon.setAttribute('transform', 'scale(0.85) translate(2, 0)');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /由(.+)寵物造成的傷害減少(\d+)%/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const types = res[1].split(/[、和]/);
for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
const type = typeIndex(types[i].replace(/類$/,''));
const svg = svgIcon('shield');
const frontIcon = svg.appendSymbleIcon(`type-${type}`);
frontIcon.setAttribute('transform', 'scale(0.7) translate(5, 3)');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /將(?:受到的)?(?:隨機|其中)?([一\d]種)?(.*)屬性傷害轉換成自己的生命值/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
if (Boolean(res[1])) { //如果随机
const svg = svgIcon(`attr-any`);
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
let attrsStr = res[2];
const hasMultiGroup = /「.+」/.test(attrsStr);
//multiGroupTypeA 「火水」、「水木」
//multiGroupTypeB 「火/水」、「水/木」
//multiGroupTypeC 「火水/水木」
const multiGroupTypeC = /^「([^「」]+)」$/.exec(attrsStr);
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const normalSplit = attrsStr.includes('、'); //是否是顿号的普通分割
let attrs = attrsStr.split(normalSplit ? "、" : "/" ); //用顿号或者/分割第一次
attrs = attrs.map(attrStr=>{
const multiGroupTypeAB = /「(.+?)」/mg.exec(attrStr);
if (multiGroupTypeAB) {
attrStr = multiGroupTypeAB[1];
if (attrStr.length > 1) { //如果不止一个属性
return (attrStr.includes('/') ? attrStr.split('/') : Array.from(attrStr)).map(attrIndex); //子组分割
} else {
return attrIndex(attrStr);
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const svg = svgIcon(`attr-${attr}`);
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dom.parentElement.insertBefore(fragment, dom);
if (res = /技能的?冷卻時間(增加|縮短)/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const zuo = res[1]=='增加';
const svg = svgIcon('skill-boost');
const text = document.createElementNS(svgNS,'text');
text.textContent = zuo?'-':'+';
text.setAttribute("x", "80%");
text.setAttribute("y", zuo?"80%":"20%");
text.setAttribute("fill", zuo?"lightblue":"yellow");
text.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 2em;");
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /覺醒技能無效化/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('awoken-bind');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /無法發動任何主動技能/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('skill-bind');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /封鎖.+寵物/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('member-bind');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /結算時(增加|減少)(\d+)COMBO/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const decrease = res[1]=='減少';
const svg = svgIcon(`combo-${decrease?'decrease':'increase'}`);
const text = document.createElementNS(svgNS,'text');
text.textContent = res[2];
text.setAttribute("x", "70%");
text.setAttribute("y", "40%");
text.setAttribute("fill", "white");
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /(寵物的)?攻擊力變成原來的(\d+)%/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const member = Boolean(res[1]);
const decrease = Number(res[2])<100;
let svg = svgIcon(member ? 'assist-bind' : 'attr-any');
const frontIcon = svg.appendSymbleIcon(`member-atk-${decrease?'decrease':'increase'}`);
frontIcon.setAttribute('transform', `scale(0.75) translate(${member ? 4 : 10}, ${member ? 4 : (decrease? 10 : 0)})`);
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /回復力變成(?:原來的)?(\d+)%?/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const decrease = Number(res[1])<100;
const svg = svgIcon('attr-5');
const frontIcon = svg.appendSymbleIcon(`member-atk-${decrease?'decrease':'increase'}`);
frontIcon.setAttribute('transform', `scale(0.75) translate(10, ${decrease? 10 : 0 })`);
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /輔助寵物無效化/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('assist-bind');
const frontIcon = svg.appendSymbleIcon(`bind`);
//frontIcon.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(0, 5)');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /寶珠鎖定/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('lock');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /鎖定.*掉落/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('lock');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /攻擊力提升至/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('angry');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /(遮擋寶珠的雲|雲遮擋寶珠)/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('cloud');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /無法移動(.+)的寶珠/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('immobility');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /(掉落|變成)超暗闇/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('super-dark');
if (res[1] == '掉落') {
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /寶珠每隔([\d\.]+)秒不斷轉換/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('roulette');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /造成玩家目前HP(\d+)%的傷害/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg1 = svgIcon('gravity');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg1, dom);
const damage = Number(res[1]);
if (damage < 100) return; //小于100的重力不需要盾
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
const svg2 = svgIcon('shield');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(fragment, dom.nextSibling);
if (res = /掉落(弱體|强)化寶珠/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const decline = res[1]=='弱體';
const svg = svgIcon(`orb-${decline?'decline':'enhance'}`);
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /天降的寶珠不會產生COMBO/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('no-fall-dowm');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /寶珠起手的位置/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('fix-start-position');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /攻擊目標被鎖定/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('fix-target');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /寶珠移動時間變成原來的(\d+)%/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const decrease = Number(res[1])<100;
const svg = svgIcon(`move-time-${decrease?'decrease':'increase'}`);
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /寶珠移動時間(減少|增加)(\d+)秒/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const decrease = res[1] == '減少';
const svg = svgIcon(`move-time-${decrease?'decrease':'increase'}`);
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /玩家的HP上限/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('change-max-hp');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /隊員換成隊長/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('change-leader-position');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /隊長會(?:隨機)?變成/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('change-leader-card');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /寶珠盤面變成【\d+×\d+】/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('board-change-size');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /掉落COMBO寶珠/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('orb-combo');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /隨機轉換自身的屬性|將自身的屬性轉換成(.)/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('enemy-attr');
const attr = res[1] ? attrIndex(res[1]) : 'any';
const frontIcon = svg.appendSymbleIcon(`attr-${attr}`);
frontIcon.setAttribute('transform', 'scale(0.85) translate(1, 1)');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /回復玩家(\d+)%HP/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('heal');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
// if (res = /消除玩家所有BUFF技能效果/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
// const svg = svgIcon('bind');
// dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
// }
if (res = /變成不會受到任何傷害的狀態/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('invincible');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /回到可以承受傷害的狀態/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('invincible');
const frontIcon = svg.appendSymbleIcon(`bind`);
frontIcon.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(0, 5)');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /(掉落|出現)荊棘/.exec(dom.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('thorn');
if (res[1] == '掉落') svg.appendSymbleIcon(`fall-down`);
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (res = /\d+回合內,$/.exec(dom.nodeValue) && dom.nextElementSibling.nodeName == 'IMG') {
const nextText = nextTextNode(dom);
if (/無法被消除/.exec(nextText.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('bind');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
if (/掉落機率提升/.exec(nextText.nodeValue)) {
const svg = svgIcon('fall-down');
dom.parentElement.insertBefore(svg, dom);
GM_registerMenuCommand(`${T2S?"关闭":"开启"}-繁体转简体`, function(){
GM_setValue("traditional-to-simplified", !T2S);
GM_registerMenuCommand(`${ConciseMode?"关闭":"开启"}-地下城简洁模式`, function(){
GM_setValue("dungeon-style-concise", !ConciseMode);
GM_registerMenuCommand(`${OpenAllDetails?"关闭":"开启"}-自动展开所有详情`, function(){
GM_setValue("open-all-details", !OpenAllDetails);
GM_registerMenuCommand(`${storeAvatar?"关闭":"开启"}-在本地数据库储存怪物头像`, function(){
GM_setValue("local-store-card-avatar", !storeAvatar);
if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)){
async function redirectLocalCardAvatar(){
function loadDatabase(dbName, dbVersion) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const DBOpenRequest = indexedDB.open(dbName, dbVersion);
DBOpenRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
resolve(event.target.result); //DBOpenRequest.result;
console.debug(GM_info.script.name, "数据库已可使用");
DBOpenRequest.onerror = function(event) {
// 错误处理
console.error(GM_info.script.name, "数据库无法启用,删除可能存在的异常数据库。",event);
indexedDB.deleteDatabase(dbName); //直接把整个数据库删掉
DBOpenRequest.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
let db = event.target.result;
let store;
store = db.createObjectStore("cards_avatar");
// 使用事务的 oncomplete 事件确保在插入数据前对象仓库已经创建完毕
store.transaction.oncomplete = function(event) {
console.log(GM_info.script.name, "数据库建立完毕");
const dbName = "pad-skyozora-enhance";
const tableName = "cards_avatar";
const dbVersion = 1;
let db = await loadDatabase(dbName, dbVersion);
function putImageBlob(blob, key) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const transaction = db.transaction([tableName], "readwrite");
const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(tableName);
const put = objectStore.put(blob, key);
put.onsuccess = function (event) {
const imgURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
put.onerror = function (event) {
function getImageBlobURL(key) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const transaction = db.transaction([tableName], "readwrite");
const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(tableName);
const get = objectStore.get(key);
get.onsuccess = function(event) {
const blob = event.target.result;
if (blob == undefined) {
const imgURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
get.onerror = function(event) {
function getId(src) {
const regres = src.match(/pets\/(\d+)\.png/i);
return parseInt(regres[1],10);
//return `card-avatar-${regres[1]}`;
const cardAvatars = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('img:where([src^="images/pets"],[data-original^="images/pets"])'));
cardAvatars.forEach(async avatar=>{
const src = avatar.dataset.original ?? avatar.src;
const cardId = getId(src);
let avatarURL = await getImageBlobURL(cardId);
if (!avatarURL) {
console.debug('数据库中未获取到 No.%d 的头像数据,开始下载。', cardId);
let response = await fetch(src);
let blob = await response.blob();
avatarURL = await putImageBlob(blob, cardId);
console.debug(' No.%d 的头像数据下载成功。', cardId);
} else {
//console.debug('直接使用数据库中获取到的 No.%d 的头像数据。', cardId);
avatar.dataset.id = cardId;
if (avatar.dataset.original) avatar.dataset.original = avatarURL;
avatar.src = avatarURL;