
Automatically submit autofilled login forms

// ==UserScript==
// @name AutoLoginJu
// @description Automatically submit autofilled login forms
// @version 1
// @include *

// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==		

			function submitFirstPasswordForm() {
				for (var elmForm, i=0; elmForm=document.forms[i]; ++i) {
				var numPasswordElements = 0;
				for (var j=0; elmFormElement=elmForm.elements[j]; ++j)
				if (elmFormElement.type == "password" &&
					elmFormElement.value &&
					elmFormElement.value.toLowerCase() != "password") {
				if (numPasswordElements != 1) { continue; }
				 * The obvious way to submit a login form is form.submit().
				 * However, this doesn't work with some forms, such as
				 * the Google AdWords login, because they do stuff
				 * in the onclick handler of the submit button. So we
				 * need to find the submit button and simulate a click.
				var elmSubmit = document.evaluate(".//input[@type='image']",
				elmForm, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,
				if (!elmSubmit) {
				elmSubmit = document.evaluate(".//input[@type='submit']",
				elmForm, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,
				   if (!elmSubmit) { continue; }
				* Give a visual indication that we're auto-submitting the
				* form, then simulate a click on the submit button.
				   elmSubmit.focus(); = "2px solid purple";;

			window.addEventListener("load", function() {
				 * Using setTimeout to give Firefox's password manager a chance
				 * to autofill the form.
				setTimeout(submitFirstPasswordForm, 0);
			}, false);