MunzeeMap Filter

filter for munzee map

As of 2019-07-20. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         MunzeeMap Filter
// @namespace    none
// @version      2019.07.19.1212
// @author       technical13
// @supportURL
// @grant        none
// @include*
// @description  filter for munzee map
// ==/UserScript==
// jshint esversion: 6
// basedon: MunzeeMapFilterV2 by rynee
// basedon:
// basedon: MunzeeMapFilterV3 by CzPeet
// basedon:

var isDebug = false;
var intVerbosity = 0;
const ver = '2019.07.19.1212';
const scriptName = 'MunzeeMap Filter v' + ver;

function log( intV, strConsole, strLog, ...arrArgs ) {
    if ( intV === undefined ) { intV = 0; }
    if ( strConsole === undefined ) { strConsole = 'log'; }
    if ( strLog === undefined ) { strLog = '%o'; }
    if ( intVerbosity >= intV && ( strConsole === 'groupEnd' ) ) { console[ strConsole ](); }
    if ( intV === 0 || ( isDebug && intVerbosity >= intV ) ) { console[ strConsole ]( '[%i]: %s: ' + strLog, intV, scriptName, ...arrArgs ); }

function toBoolean( val ) {
    const arrTrue = [ undefined, null, '', true, 'true', 1, '1', 'on', 'yes' ];
    val = ( typeof( val ) === 'string' ? val.toLowerCase() : val );

    log( 4, 'log', 'toBoolean() is returning: %o', ( arrTrue.indexOf( val ) !== -1 ? true : false ) );
    return ( arrTrue.indexOf( val ) !== -1 ? true : false );

const intParamsStart = ( document.URL.indexOf( '?' ) + 1 );
const strParams = document.URL.substr( intParamsStart );
const arrParamSets = strParams.split( '&' );
var objParams = {};
arrParamSets.forEach( function( strParam ) {
    let arrParam = strParam.split( '=' );
    let strParamName = ( arrParam[ 0 ].toLowerCase() || '' );
    if ( strParamName === 'verbosity' ) {
        isDebug = true;
        intVerbosity = ( arrParam[ 1 ] ? ( parseInt( arrParam[ 1 ] ) < 0 ? 0 : ( parseInt( arrParam[ 1 ] ) > 9 ? 9 : parseInt( arrParam[ 1 ] ) ) ) : 9 );
    } else if ( strParamName === 'debug' ) {
        isDebug = toBoolean( arrParam[ 1 ] );
        intVerbosity = 1;
} );

log( 1, 'warn', 'Debug mode is on with verbosity level: %o', intVerbosity );
log( 1, 'groupCollapsed', 'Verbosity options: (click to expand)' );
log( 1, 'log', '\n\t1) Summary\n\t2) Parameters retrieved from URL\n\t3) Variables set\n\t4) Function returns\n\t9) ALL debugging info and this notice.' );
log( 1, 'groupEnd' );

const arrBlastables = [
    '',//                   Virtual Color
    '',//                 Virtual Color
    '',//                     Virtual Color
    '',//                      Virtual Color
    '',//                Virtual Color
    '',//               Virtual Color
    '',//                Virtual Color
    '',//                 Virtual Color
    '',//                     Virtual Color
    '',//              Virtual Color
    '',//               Virtual Color
    '',//              Virtual Color
    '',//                  Virtual Color
    '',//            Virtual Color
    '',//                Virtual Color
    '',//                  Virtual Color
    '',//                 Virtual Color
    '',//              Virtual Color
    '',//              Virtual Color
    '',//                      Virtual Color
    '',//                 Virtual Color
    '',//        Virtual Color
    '',//                     Virtual Color
    '',//                      Virtual Color
    '',//                    Virtual Color
    '',//                     Virtual Color
    '',//                 Virtual Color
    '',//                   Virtual Color
    '',//       Virtual Color
    '',//                  Virtual Color
    '',//               Virtual Color
    '',//                    Virtual Color
    '',//                    Virtual Color
    '',//                      Virtual Color
    '',//              Virtual Color
    '',//  Virtual Color
    '',//                Virtual Color
    '',//                      Virtual Color
    '',//                     Virtual Color
    '',//                   Virtual Color
    '',//                       Virtual Color
    '',//                Virtual Color
    '',//                Virtual Color
    '',//            Virtual Color
    '',//                Virtual Color
    '',//                    Virtual Color
    '',//              Virtual Color
    '',//                 Virtual Color
    '',//                   Virtual Color
    '',//                    Virtual Color
    '',//                Virtual Color
    '',//                       Virtual Color
    '',//            Virtual Color
    '',//                Virtual Color
    '',//            Virtual Color
    '',//                    Virtual Color
    '',//                Virtual Color
    '',//           Virtual Color
    '',//                  Virtual Color
    '',//                    Virtual Color
    '',//              Virtual Color
    '',//                          Clan Weapon
    '',//                   Jewel
    '',//                    Jewel
    '',//                       Flat Friend
    '',//                           Flat Friend
    '',//                          Flat Friend
    '',//                           Flat Friend
    '',//                     Carnation-1
    '',//              Carnation-2
    '',//                   Carnation-3
    '',//                      Carnation-4
    '',//              Carnation-5
    '',//               Carnation-5
    '',//            Carnation-5
    '',//             Carnation-5
    '',//            Carnation-5
    '',//                             Chicken-1
    '',//                           Chicken-2
    '',//                              Chicken-3
    '',//                        Car-1
    '',//                Car-2
    '',//                         Car-3
    '',//                        Carrot-1
    '',//                       Carrot-2
    '',//                            Carrot-3
    '',//                              Horse-1
    '',//                         Horse-2
    '',//                 Horse-3
    '',//                          Peas-1
    '',//                         Peas-2
    '',//                              Peas-3
    '',//                       Field-1
    '',//                            Field-2
    '',//                             Field-3
    '',//                            Farmer-1
    '',//                     Farmer-2
    '',//                            Farmer-3
    '',//                             Canoe-1
    '',//                         Canoe-2
    '',//                         Canoe-3
    '',//                       Safari-1
    '',//                         Safari-2
    '',//                         Safari-3
    ''//                   Temp
const arrNonBlastables = [
    '',//                        LIMITED TIME
    '',//                       LIMITED TIME
    '',//               MOB-Grub
    '',//                  MOB-Grub
    '',//                   MOB-Grub
    '',//                  MOB-Grub
    '',//                     MOB-Grub
    '',//                    MOB-RM/ZP
    '',//                      MOB-Nomad
    '',//                     MOB-Nomad
    '',//                  MOB-Nomad
    '',//                       SOB
    '',//                   PRB
    '',//                           PRB
    '',//           AUHL
    '',//       CRHL
    '',//              CHL
    '',//              FHL
    '',//        GBHL
    '',//              SHL
    '',//              THL
    '',//              WHL
    '',//   WHHL
    '',//                        Elemental
    '',//                           Elemental
    '',//                     Elemental
    '',//                ZeeCret Weapon
    '',//                   ZeeCret Weapon
    '',//                   Joystick
    '',//                  Jewel
    '',//                          Clan Weapon
    '',//                          Surprise
    '',//                     Virtual Trail
    ''//                     Destination
const arrPOI = [
    '',//                        POI
    '',//                       POI
    '',//                         POI
    '',//                     POI
    '',//                POI
    '',//                POI
    '',//                       POI
    '',//                        POI
    '',//                         POI
    '',//                       POI
    '',//                     POI
    '',//                         POI
    '',//                 POI
    '',//               POI
    '',//                     POI
    '',//                       POI
    ''//                   POI
const arrSpecials = [
    '',//                        MOB - RM/ZP
    '',//                            SOB
    '',//                           SOB
    '',//                    SOB - Fairy
    '',//                            SOB - Banshee
    '',//                              SOB
    '',//                                  SOB
    '',//                       PRB - FFR
    '',//                        PRB - FFR
    '',//                      PRB - FFR
    '',//                  PRB - FFM
    '',//                     PRB - FFM
    '\'erupflatmatt.png',//                PRB - FFM
    '',//                           PRB - Cyclops
    '',//                    PRB - Pegasus
    '',//                     PRB - Dragon
    '',//                      PRB - Dragon
    '',//                               PRB - Banshee
    '',//                         PRB - Butterfly
    '',//                      PRB - Butterfly
    '',//                       PRB - Butterfly
    '',//                                 PRB - Fairy
    '',//                            PRB - Fairy
    '',//                         PRB - Fairy
    '',//                           PRB - Faun
    '',//                           PRB - Faun
    '',//                       PRB - Leprechaun
    '',//                      PRB - Leprechaun
    '',//                       PRB - Mermaid
    '',//                        PRB - Mermaid
    '',//                        PRB - Pegasus
    '',//                               PRB
    '',//         UNKOWN BLASTABILITY
    '',//         UNKOWN BLASTABILITY
    '',//           UNKOWN BLASTABILITY

// $( '#footer' ).remove();
$( 'head' ).append( $( '<style>' +
                      '.ico_show { background-color: #88FF88; }' +
                      '.ico_hide { opacity: 0.4; background-color: #FF8888; }' +
                      '.unknown_type { border: 1px solid #0000FF; }' +
                      '.v_blast { border: 2px solid #00FF00; }' +
                      '.v_non { border: 1px solid #FF0000; }' +
                      '.v_poi { border: 1px solid #EA6426; }' +
                      '.v_special { border: 1px solid #FF6666; }' +
                      '.filter_icon { padding: 0px 1px 0px 0px; }' +
                      '.filter_icon > div { text-align: center; }' +
                      '.filter_icon > img { height: 30px; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 5px; }' +
                      '.filter_icon > img.img_hide { opacity: 0.4; }' +
                      '#filterIcons { padding: 5px; background-color: #FFFFFF; }' +
                      '#inputbar { background-color: #FFFFFF; top: 30px; border-top: 1px solid #FFFFFF; }' +
                      '</style>' ) );
$( '.panel.panel-default' ).css( 'margin-bottom', '0px' );
$( '.row' ).css( 'margin', '0px' );
$( '.panel-body' ).css( 'padding-left', '0px' ).css( 'padding-right', '0px' );

var inputbar = $( '#inputbar' );
var filterIcons = $( '<div id="filterIcons"></div>' );
inputbar.append( filterIcons );

var iconCounter = {};
var disabledIcons = [];
var imgSRC = '';

function createfilter4Map() {
    iconCounter = {};

    for ( var munzeeID in mapMarkers ) {
        //img src
        imgSRC = mapMarkers[ munzeeID ] 'url("', '' ).replace( '")', '' );

        if ( typeof iconCounter[ imgSRC ] == 'undefined' ) { iconCounter[ imgSRC ] = 1; }
        else { iconCounter[ imgSRC ]++; }

    for ( imgSRC in iconCounter ) {
        let strType = imgSRC.split( '/' )[ imgSRC.split( '/' ).length - 1 ].split( '.' )[ 0 ];
        let isVirtual = false;
        let isBlastable = false;
        let isPOI = false;
        let isSpecial = false;

        if ( arrBlastables.indexOf( imgSRC ) >= 0 ) {
            isBlastable = true;
        if ( arrPOI.indexOf( imgSRC ) >= 0 ) {
            isPOI = true;
        if ( arrSpecials.indexOf( imgSRC ) >= 0 ) {
            isSpecial = true;
        if ( arrNonBlastables.indexOf( imgSRC ) >= 0 || isBlastable || isPOI || isSpecial ) {
            isVirtual = true;

            'Virtual: %s\tBlastable: %s\tPOI: %s\tSpecial: %s\tDisabled: %s\tType: %s',
            ( isVirtual ? 'yes' : ' no' ),
            ( isBlastable ? 'yes' : ' no' ),
            ( isPOI ? 'yes' : ' no' ),
            ( isSpecial ? 'yes' : ' no' ),
            ( disabledIcons.indexOf( imgSRC ) >= 0 ? 'yes' : ' no' ),

        //new element
        filterIcons.append (
            '<div class="pull-left filter_icon">' +
            '<div>' + iconCounter[ imgSRC ] + '</div>' +
            '<img class="haideris ' + ( isVirtual ? ( isBlastable ? 'v_blast ' : 'v_non ' ) + ( isPOI ? 'v_poi ' : '' ) + ( isSpecial ? 'v_special ' : '' ) : 'unknown_type ' ) + ( disabledIcons.indexOf( imgSRC ) >= 0 ? 'ico_hide' : 'ico_show' ) + '" src=' + imgSRC + ' />' +

    filterIcons.append( '<div style="clear: both; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;"></div>' );


function updateMapIcons() {
    for ( var mID in mapMarkers ) {
        var curr = mapMarkers[ mID ] 'url("', '' ).replace( '")', '' );
        if ( $.inArray( curr, disabledIcons ) == -1 ) { $( "[data-index='" + mID + "']" ).css( 'display', 'block' ); }
        else { $( "[data-index='" + mID + "']" ).css( 'display', 'none' ); }

// hide
$( document ).on( 'click', '.ico_show.haideris', function ( e ) {
    var curr = $( this ).attr( 'src' );

    if ( e.ctrlKey ) {
        var icons = document.querySelectorAll( '.haideris' );
        console.log( 'icons: %o', icons );
        disabledIcons = [];
        for ( var ic in iconCounter ) {
            if ( ic != curr ) { disabledIcons.push( ic ); }
        console.log( 'disabledIcons: %o', disabledIcons );

        for ( var i in icons ) {
            console.log( 'icons[ i ] is a: %o', typeof( icons[ i ] ) );
            if ( typeof( icons[ i ] ) === 'object' ) {
              let intIcoShowHide = -1;
              let strNewClass = Array.from( icons[ i ].classList );
              console.log( 'Testing if `%o` != `%o`: %s', icons[ i ].src, curr, ( icons[ i ].src != curr ? 'NOT ' : '') + 'equal' );
              if ( icons[ i ].src != curr ) {
                intIcoShowHide = strNewClass.indexOf( 'ico_show' );
                strNewClass[ intIcoShowHide ] = 'ico_hide';
              } else {
                intIcoShowHide = strNewClass.indexOf( 'ico_hide' );
                strNewClass[ intIcoShowHide ] = 'ico_show';
              strNewClass = strNewClass.join( ' ' );
              console.log( 'Replacing classList %o with string `%s`', icons[ i ].classList, strNewClass );
              icons[ i ].className = strNewClass;
    else {
        $( this ).removeClass( 'ico_show' ).addClass( 'ico_hide' );
        if ( disabledIcons.indexOf( curr ) == -1 ) { disabledIcons.push( curr ); }
} );

// show
$( document ).on( 'click', '.ico_hide.haideris', function ( e ) {
    var curr = $( this ).attr( 'src' );

    if ( e.ctrlKey ) {
        var icons = document.querySelectorAll( '.haideris' );
        console.log( 'icons: %o', icons );
        disabledIcons = [];
        for ( var ic in iconCounter ) {
            if ( ic == curr ) { disabledIcons.push( ic ); }
        console.log( 'disabledIcons: %o', disabledIcons );

        for ( var i in icons ) {
            console.log( 'icons[ i ] is a: %o', typeof( icons[ i ] ) );
            if ( typeof( icons[ i ] ) === 'object' ) {
              let intIcoShowHide = -1;
              let strNewClass = Array.from( icons[ i ].classList );
              console.log( 'Testing if `%o` != `%o`: %s', icons[ i ].src, curr, ( icons[ i ].src != curr ? 'NOT ' : '') + 'equal' );
              if ( icons[ i ].src != curr ) {
                intIcoShowHide = strNewClass.indexOf( 'ico_hide' );
                strNewClass[ intIcoShowHide ] = 'ico_show';
              } else {
                intIcoShowHide = strNewClass.indexOf( 'ico_show' );
                strNewClass[ intIcoShowHide ] = 'ico_hide';
              strNewClass = strNewClass.join( ' ' );
              console.log( 'Replacing classList %o with string `%s`', icons[ i ].classList, strNewClass );
              icons[ i ].className = strNewClass;
    else {
        $( this ).removeClass( 'ico_hide' ).addClass( 'ico_show' );
        var index = disabledIcons.indexOf( curr );
        if ( index !== -1 )
            disabledIcons.splice( index, 1 );
} );

$( document ).ajaxSuccess( createfilter4Map );