
什么值得买网站助手 一键 收藏 点赞 评论 页面优化增强 兴趣使然的给张大妈擦屁股 :)

// ==UserScript==
// @name			什么值得黑
// @namespace		http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version			0.2
// @description		什么值得买网站助手 一键 收藏 点赞 评论 页面优化增强 兴趣使然的给张大妈擦屁股 :)
// @author			cuteribs
// @match			https://www.smzdm.com/
// @match			https://post.smzdm.com/*
// @match			https://test.smzdm.com/*
// @match			https://zhiyou.smzdm.com/*
// @grant			GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @icon 			https://www.smzdm.com/favicon.ico
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
	const addGlobalStyle = css => {
		$('<style type="text/css"></style>')

	const globalCss = `
* {
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#global-search {
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#global-search .search-inner {
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	const www_smzdm_com_css = ``;

	// #region post_smzdm_com_css
	const post_smzdm_com_css = `
#sub-head {
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.feed-hot-hits .feed-top-hot, .feed-hot-index .feed-top-hot {
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.feed-top-hot {
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.feed-top-hot .feed-hot-wrap {
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.feed-hot-hits .feed-hot-item, .feed-hot-index .feed-hot-item {
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.feed-top-hot .feed-hot-list {
    width: auto;
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.feed-hot-hits .feed-hot-list .slick-list, .feed-hot-index .feed-hot-list .slick-list {
    width: auto;
.feed-top-hot .feed-hot-list .feed-hot-card {
	width: 287px;
	margin-right: 10px;
.feed-hot-list .feed-hot-card .feed-hot-pic {
	width: auto;
	height: auto;
.feed-hot-list .feed-hot-card .feed-hot-pic img {
	max-width: 100%;
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.feed-hot-wrap .z-slick-btn-next {
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.feed-hot-wrap .slick-arrow {
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.feed-right-top {
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.filter-feed-wrap {
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.filter-tab-wrap {
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.primary-filter-tab-wrapper {
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.primary-filter-tab {
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.feed-grid-wrap #feed-main-list .z-feed-foot-r {
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.red-v {
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#feed-side {
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	// 调整社区首页
	const adjustPostList = () => {
		const hotPics = $(
			'.feed-hot-card.slick-slide .feed-hot-pic img'

		for (let img of hotPics) {
			img.src = img.src.replace('_a200.jpg', '_c350.jpg');

		const adjustListItem = item => {
			const $item = $(item);

			// 过滤媒体号...
			const vIcon = $item.find('img.feed-talent-ordinary').attr('src');

			if (vIcon) {
				if (vIcon.endsWith('chef_life_medal.gif')) {
				} else if (vIcon.endsWith('media_medal.png')) {
				} else if (vIcon.endsWith('ordinary_life_medal.png')) {

			// 添加热度
			const $icons = $item.find('.z-feed-foot-r');
			const amount = $icons
					(n, a) => n + parseInt(a.lastElementChild.textContent),
			const $hot = $(
				`<a href="javascript:;" class="z-group-data" title="热度" style="color: #f00;"><i class="icon-fire-o"></i><span>${amount}</span></a>`

		for (let t of $(
			'.feed-grid-wrap #feed-main-list .feed-row-wide'
		).toArray()) {

		new MutationObserver(records => {
			for (let r of records) {
				if (r.addedNodes.length > 0) {
					for (let n of r.addedNodes) {
		}).observe($('#feed-main-list')[0], { childList: true });

	const adjustPostArticle = () => {
article {
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article > p > a > img {
	margin: 0;
	background-color: #fff;
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article > p > a > img:hover {
	box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
.comment_operate .comment_share {
	width: auto;
		// #region 提交一波流
		const $myButton = $(
			'<button type="button" class="btn_sub" style="margin-right: 10px;">提交一波流</button>'

		$myButton.on('click', () => {
			// 收藏
			$('.experience-zan a[data-type="fav"]').click();

			// 点赞
			$('.experience-zan a[data-type="zan"]').click();

			// 关注作者
			if (
				$('.author-card-left .m-introduction h2 i')
					.trim() === '可爱的排骨'
			) {
				const $focus = $('.author-card-left a[data-type="user"]');

				if ($focus.text().trim() == '+关注') {

			// 评论
			const userName = $('.nav-username.J_nav_username')
			const $commentText = $('#textareaComment');

			if (
				$commentText.val().trim() === '' ||
				$commentText.val().trim() === $commentText.attr('default_data')
			) {
					`${userName} 观察团路过到此一游, 紫苏布丁[观察]`

		// #endregion

		// #region 鉴赏团一键占赞
		const oneKeyLike = url =>
			new Promise(resolve => {
				try {
						method: 'GET',
						url: url,
						onload: res => {
							const $html = $(
								res.responseText.replace(/<img[^>]*>/g, '')

							const articleId = $html.find('#articleID').val();

							if (articleId) {
									type: 'GET',
									data: {
										article_id: articleId,
										channel_id: $html
										rating: 1,
										client_type: 'PC',
										event_key: '点值',
										otype: '点赞',
										aid: articleId,
										p: '无',
										cid: '无',
										source: '无',
										atp: '无',
										tagID: '无',
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										sourceMode: '无'
									dataType: 'jsonp',
									jsonp: 'callback'
								}).done(result =>
									resolve(result['error_code'] === 1)
							} else {
				} catch {

		const $title = $('#articleId h1.item-name');

		if ($title.text().includes('鉴赏团精选辑')) {
			const $oneButton = $(
				'<button type="button" class="corner-btn" style="cursor: pointer; padding: 6px 12px;font-size: 16px;">一键鉴赏占赞</button>'
			$oneButton.on('click', () => {
				const links = $(
					'#articleId > p > a[href*="test.smzdm.com/pingce/"], #articleId > p > a[href*="post.smzdm.com/p/"]'
					.map(a => a.href);

				Promise.all(links.map(url => oneKeyLike(url))).then(results => {
					const succeeds = results.filter(r => r).length;
						`点赞成功 ${succeeds} 个, 失败 ${results.length -
							succeeds} 个`
		// #endregion

	const init = () => {

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			$('meta[content="webpage"]').length > 0 &&
		) {
			// webpage
		} else if ($('meta[content="article"]').length > 0) {
