HTML5 video player enhanced script

HTML5 video playback enhanced script, supports all H5 video playback websites, full-length shortcut key control, supports: double-speed playback / accelerated playback, video screenshots, picture-in-picture, full-page webpage, brightness, saturation, contrast, custom configuration enhancement And other functions.

As of 2022-08-14. See the latest version.

0 0 0
129 KB
Applies to
All sites

h5player for tampermonkey

Web Player Enhanced Script Project address: Script installation address:


  • Widely compatible, all webpages with video tags are supported, even if embedded in iframe, shadowdom
  • Support cross-domain control, the shortcut keys under the cross-domain restricted page can be seamlessly connected
  • Support multiple instances (such as: twitter, compatible under instagram)
  • Support playback progress record
  • Support playback speed record
  • Support video zoom
  • Support picture-in-picture function
  • Support cross-tab control picture-in-picture
  • Support video screenshot function
  • Support configuration to add custom function


HTML5 video playback enhanced script, supports all H5 video playback websites, full-length shortcut key control, supports: double-speed playback / accelerated playback, video screenshots, picture-in-picture, full-page webpage, brightness, saturation, contrast, custom configuration enhancement And other functions to provide a good online play experience

PS: This foot is based on: HTML5 Player Enhanced Plug-in but far beyond the functions provided by the original script.

Since the previous author has not maintained for a long time, he took the pit and started his own work. Based on the original author, he carried out a large-scale code transformation and adopted a brand-new project architecture for development. Compatible with more websites

Support site list

This plugin supports all websites that use HTML5 technology for video playback

The following is a list of some common websites for easy click testing:

If the support you frequently visit is not good, please mention issues


Shortcut key list

Shortcut key Description
ctrl + \ Whether the shortcut key is available on all web pages, default true
Ctrl + space Disable / Enable the playback plugin
Fast forward 5 seconds
Back 5 seconds
Ctrl + → Fast forward 30 seconds
Ctrl + ← Back 30 seconds
Volume up 1%
Volume down 1%
Ctrl + ↑ Volume up 10%
Ctrl + ↓ Volume down 10%
C Speed ​​Play +0.1
X Slow Play -0.1
Z Normal speed playback
shift + C Enlarge video screen +0.1
shift + X Reduce video screen -0.1
shift + Z Restore video frame
shift + P Enter or exit PIP function
shift + S Screenshot, take the current picture and save it
shift + R Enable or disable automatic resume progress function
shift + → The screen moves 10px to the right
shift + ← The screen moves 10px to the left
shift + ↑ The screen moves up 10px
shift + ↓ The screen moves down 10px
Enter Enter full screen
shift + Enter Enter webpage full screen
N Next / episode video (only supported by some websites)
D Previous frame (fine-tune when taking a screenshot to find the best frame)
F Next frame (netflix is ​​not supported because of shortcut key conflict)
E Brightness increase%
W % brightness reduction
T Increased contrast%
R % reduction in contrast
U % increase in saturation
Y % reduction in saturation
O Hue increased by 1 degree
I Hue reduced by 1 degree
K Blur increased by 1 px
J Blur reduction 1 px
Q Image reset
S Screen rotation 90 degrees