
以最优惠的价格,把宝贝抱回家。插件主要功能有:[1]淘宝全站商品列表的优惠查询 [2]淘宝、京东内部优惠券自动获取 [3]主流商城的商品历史低价与价格变动信息 [4]查看和领取最新的淘宝商家优惠券

As of 2019-02-21. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         优惠购
// @namespace    http://www.newday.me/
// @version      1.1.5
// @icon         http://tb.newday.me/taobao/favicon.ico
// @author       哩呵
// @description  以最优惠的价格,把宝贝抱回家。插件主要功能有:[1]淘宝全站商品列表的优惠查询 [2]淘宝、京东内部优惠券自动获取 [3]主流商城的商品历史低价与价格变动信息 [4]查看和领取最新的淘宝商家优惠券
// @match        *://*.taobao.com/*
// @match        *://*.tmall.com/*
// @match        *://*.tmall.hk/*
// @match        *://*.liangxinyao.com/*
// @match        *://*.yao.95095.com/*
// @match        *://item.jd.com/*
// @match        *://item.jd.hk/*
// @match        *://goods.kaola.com/product/*
// @match        *://you.163.com/item/*
// @match        *://item.yhd.com/*
// @match        *://product.suning.com/*
// @match        *://www.amazon.cn/dp/*
// @match        *://www.amazon.cn/gp/*
// @match        *://product.dangdang.com/*
// @match        *://item.gome.com.cn/*
// @match        *://detail.vip.com/*
// @match        *://tb.newday.me/*
// @connect      taobao.com
// @connect      tmall.com
// @connect      newday.me
// @require      https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js
// @require      https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery.qrcode/1.0/jquery.qrcode.min.js
// @require      https://cdn.staticfile.org/snap.svg/0.5.1/snap.svg-min.js
// @require      https://cdn.staticfile.org/echarts/4.1.0/echarts.min.js
// @require      https://cdn.staticfile.org/vue/2.6.6/vue.min.js
// @run-at       document-end
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
    'use strict';

    var container = (function () {
        var obj = {
            _defines: {},
            _modules: {}

        obj.define = function (name, requires, callback) {
            name = obj.processName(name);
            obj._defines[name] = {
                requires: requires,
                callback: callback

        obj.require = function (name, cache) {
            if (typeof cache == "undefined") {
                cache = true;

            name = obj.processName(name);
            if (cache && obj._modules.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                return obj._modules[name];
            else if (obj._defines.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                var requires = obj._defines[name].requires;
                var callback = obj._defines[name].callback;

                var module = obj.use(requires, callback);
                cache && obj.register(name, module);
                return module;

        obj.use = function (requires, callback) {
            var module = {
                exports: {}
            var params = obj.buildParams(requires, module);
            var result = callback.apply(this, params);
            if (typeof result != "undefined") {
                return result;
            else {
                return module.exports;

        obj.register = function (name, module) {
            name = obj.processName(name);
            obj._modules[name] = module;

        obj.buildParams = function (requires, module) {
            var params = [];
            requires.forEach(function (name) {
            return params;

        obj.processName = function (name) {
            return name.toLowerCase();

        return obj;

    container.define("config", [], function () {
        var obj = {
            base: "http://api.newday.me",
            url: location.href,
            browser: {
                firefox: "firefox",
                edge: "edge",
                baidu: "baidu",
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                qq: "qq",
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                other: "other"
            site: {
                taobao: "taobao",
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                yanxuan: "yanxuan",
                yhd: "yhd",
                amazon: "amazon",
                suning: "suning",
                dangdang: "dangdang",
                vip: "vip",
                newday: "newday"
            option: {
                taobao_detail: "taobao",
                taobao_search: "taobao_search",
                jd_detail: "jd",
                kaola_detail: "kaola",
                yanxuan_detail: "yanxuan",
                yhd_detail: "yhd",
                amazon_detail: "amazon",
                suning_detail: "suning",
                dangdang_detail: "dangdang",
                guomei_detail: "guomei",
                vip_detail: "vip"

        obj.getUrl = function () {
            return obj.url;

        obj.setUrl = function (url) {
            obj.url = url;

        return obj;

    container.define("util", ["config"], function (config) {
        var obj = {};

        obj.matchBrowserType = function (userAgent) {
            var browser;
            userAgent = userAgent.toLowerCase();
            if (userAgent.match(/firefox/) != null) {
                browser = config.browser.firefox;
            } else if (userAgent.match(/edge/) != null) {
                browser = config.browser.edge;
            } else if (userAgent.match(/bidubrowser/) != null) {
                browser = config.browser.baidu;
            } else if (userAgent.match(/lbbrowser/) != null) {
                browser = config.browser.liebao;
            } else if (userAgent.match(/ubrowser/) != null) {
                browser = config.browser.uc;
            } else if (userAgent.match(/qqbrowse/) != null) {
                browser = config.browser.qq;
            } else if (userAgent.match(/metasr/) != null) {
                browser = config.browser.sogou;
            } else if (userAgent.match(/opr/) != null) {
                browser = config.browser.opera;
            } else if (userAgent.match(/maxthon/) != null) {
                browser = config.browser.maxthon;
            } else if (userAgent.match(/2345explorer/) != null) {
                browser = config.browser.ie2345;
            } else if (userAgent.match(/chrome/) != null) {
                if (obj.existMime("type", "application/vnd.chromium.remoting-viewer")) {
                    browser = config.browser.se360;
                } else {
                    browser = config.browser.chrome;
            else {
                browser = config.browser.other;
            return browser;

        obj.existMime = function (option, value) {
            if (typeof navigator != "undefined") {
                var mimeTypes = navigator.mimeTypes;
                for (var mt in mimeTypes) {
                    if (mimeTypes[mt][option] == value) {
                        return true;
            return false;

        obj.randString = function (length) {
            var possible = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
            var text = "";
            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
            return text;

        return obj;

    container.define("core", ["config", "util"], function (config, util) {
        var obj = {
            info: {
                aid: "",
                uid: "",
                version: "",
                latest: "",
                browser: "",
                update_url: "update",
                home_url: "home"
            option: [],
            config: {},
            router: {
                home: "http://tb.newday.me/script/option",
                update: "http://tb.newday.me/script/option"

        obj.getInfo = function () {
            return obj.info;

        obj.getOption = function () {
            return obj.option;

        obj.getRouter = function () {
            return obj.router;

        obj.getVersion = function () {
            return obj.info.version;

        obj.getAid = function () {
            return obj.info.aid;

        obj.getUid = function () {
            return obj.info.uid;

        obj.getBrowser = function () {
            return obj.info.browser;

        obj.setOption = function (values) {
            var option = {};
            Object.values(config.option).forEach(function (value) {
                if (values.indexOf(value) >= 0) {
                    option[value] = "yes";
                } else {
                    option[value] = "no";
            obj.setValue("optionJson", JSON.stringify(option));

        obj.isOptionActive = function (name) {
            return obj.option.indexOf(name) >= 0 ? true : false;

        obj.ajax = function (option) {
            var details = {
                url: option.url,
                responseType: option.dataType,
                onload: function (result) {
                    option.success && option.success(result.response);
                onerror: function (result) {
                    option.error && option.error(result.error);

            // 提交数据
            if (option.data) {
                details.method = "POST";
                if (option.data instanceof FormData) {
                    details.data = option.data;
                else {
                    var formData = new FormData();
                    for (var i in option.data) {
                        formData.append(i, option.data[i]);
                    details.data = formData;
            else {
                details.method = "GET";

            // 自定义头
            if (option.headers) {
                details.headers = option.headers;

            // 超时
            if (option.timeout) {
                details.timeout = option.timeout;


        obj.appendStyle = function () {
            var styleText = "#tb-cool-area{border:1px solid #eee;margin:0 auto;position:relative;clear:both}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-home{position:absolute;top:5px;right:10px;z-index:10000}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-home a{color:#515858;font-size:10px;text-decoration:none}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-home a.new-version{color:#ff0036}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-benefit{width:240px;float:left}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-benefit .tb-cool-quan-qrcode{text-align:center;min-height:150px;margin-top:40px}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-benefit .tb-cool-quan-qrcode canvas,#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-benefit .tb-cool-quan-qrcode img{margin:0 auto}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-benefit .tb-cool-quan-title{margin-top:20px;color:#000;font-size:14px;font-weight:700;text-align:center}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-benefit .tb-cool-quan-title span{color:#ff0036;font-weight:700}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-benefit .tb-cool-quan-action{margin-top:10px;text-align:center}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-benefit .tb-cool-quan-action a{text-decoration:none}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-benefit .tb-cool-quan-action .tb-cool-quan-button{min-width:120px;padding:0 8px;line-height:35px;color:#fff;background:#ff0036;font-size:13px;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:1.5px;margin:0 auto;text-align:center;border-radius:15px;display:inline-block;cursor:pointer}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-benefit .tb-cool-quan-action .tb-cool-quan-button.quan-none{color:#000;background:#bec5c5}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-history{height:300px;overflow:hidden;position:relative}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-history #tb-cool-area-chart,#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-history .tb-cool-area-container{width:100%;height:100%}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-history .tb-cool-history-tip{position:absolute;margin:0;top:50%;left:50%;letter-spacing:1px;font-size:15px;transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%)}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-table{margin-top:10px;position:relative;overflow:hidden}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-quan-tip{position:absolute;margin:0;top:50%;left:50%;letter-spacing:1px;font-size:15px;opacity:0;transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%)}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-quan-tip a{color:#333;font-weight:400;text-decoration:none}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-quan-tip a:hover{color:#ff0036}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-table .tb-cool-quan-table{width:100%;font-size:14px;text-align:center}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-table .tb-cool-quan-table tr td{padding:4px;color:#1c2323;border-top:1px solid #eee;border-left:1px solid #eee}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-table .tb-cool-quan-table tr td span{color:#ff0036;font-weight:700}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-table .tb-cool-quan-table tr td:first-child{border-left:none}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-table .tb-cool-quan-table .tb-cool-quan-link{width:60px;line-height:24px;font-size:12px;background:#ff0036;text-decoration:none;display:inline-block}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-table .tb-cool-quan-table .tb-cool-quan-link-enable{cursor:pointer;color:#fff}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-area-table .tb-cool-quan-table .tb-cool-quan-link-disable{cursor:default;color:#000;background:#ccc}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-quan-empty .tb-cool-quan-tip{opacity:1}#tb-cool-area .tb-cool-quan-empty .tb-cool-quan-table{filter:blur(3px);-webkit-filter:blur(3px);-moz-filter:blur(3px);-ms-filter:blur(3px)}.tb-cool-box-area{position:absolute;top:10px;left:5px;z-index:9999}.tb-cool-box-wait{cursor:pointer}.tb-cool-box-already{position:relative}.tb-cool-box-info{width:auto!important;height:auto!important;padding:6px 8px!important;font-size:12px;color:#fff!important;border-radius:15px;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none!important}.tb-cool-box-info:hover{text-decoration:none!important}.tb-cool-box-info:visited{text-decoration:none!important}.tb-cool-box-info-default{background:#3186fd!important}.tb-cool-box-info-find{background:#ff0036!important}.tb-cool-box-info-empty{color:#000!important;background:#ccc!important}.tb-cool-box-info-translucent{opacity:.33}.mui-zebra-module .tb-cool-box-info{font-size:10px}.zebra-ziying-qianggou .tb-cool-box-area{right:10px;left:auto}.import-shangou-itemcell .tb-cool-box-area{right:10px;left:auto}.item_s_cpb .tb-cool-box-area{top:auto;bottom:10px}.j-mdv-chaoshi .m-floor .tb-cool-box-area a{width:auto;height:auto}.left-wider .proinfo-main{margin-bottom:40px}.detailHd .m-info{margin-bottom:20px}";

        obj.jumpCouponLink = function (jumpFunc) {

        obj.getValue = function (name) {
            return GM_getValue(name);

        obj.setValue = function (name, value) {
            GM_setValue(name, value);

        obj.printLog = function (data) {
            if (typeof console != "undefined") {
                if (typeof console != "undefined") {

        obj.initOption = function () {
            return new Promise(function (resolve) {
                var optionObject;
                var optionJson = obj.getValue("optionJson");
                if (optionJson) {
                    optionObject = JSON.parse(optionJson);
                else {
                    optionObject = {};

                var option = [];
                Object.values(config.option).forEach(function (value) {
                    if (!(optionObject.hasOwnProperty(value) && optionObject[value] == "no")) {
                obj.option = option;


        obj.initInfo = function () {
            return new Promise(function (resolve) {
                obj.info.aid = GM_info.script.uuid;
                obj.info.version = GM_info.script.version;
                obj.info.browser = util.matchBrowserType(navigator.userAgent);
                obj.router.home = obj.router.home + "?browser=" + obj.info.browser;
                obj.router.update = obj.router.update + "?browser=" + obj.info.browser;

                var name = "_uid_";
                var uid = obj.getValue(name);
                if (uid) {
                    obj.info.uid = uid;
                else {
                    obj.info.uid = util.randString(32);
                    obj.setValue(name, obj.info.uid);

        obj.init = function (callback) {
            var promiseList = [
            Promise.all(promiseList).then(function () {
                callback && callback();

        return obj;

    container.define("api", ["config", "core", "snap"], function (config, core, snap) {
        var obj = {};

        obj.itemQuery = function (url, callback) {
                url: config.base + "/taobao/tool/query",
                dataType: "json",
                data: {
                    item_url: url,
                    uid: core.getUid(),
                    aid: core.getAid(),
                    version: core.getVersion(),
                    browser: core.getBrowser()
                success: function (response) {
                error: function (error) {

        obj.basicQuery = function (itemId, callback) {
                url: config.base + "/taobao/tool/basic",
                dataType: "json",
                data: {
                    item_id: itemId,
                    source: "taobao",
                    uid: core.getUid(),
                    aid: core.getAid(),
                    version: core.getVersion(),
                    browser: core.getBrowser()
                success: function (response) {
                error: function (error) {

        obj.trendQuery = function (url, callback) {
                url: config.base + "/taobao/tool/trend",
                dataType: "json",
                data: {
                    item_url: url,
                    item_point: obj.getStrPoint(url),
                    uid: core.getUid(),
                    aid: core.getAid(),
                    version: core.getVersion(),
                    browser: core.getBrowser()
                success: function (response) {
                error: function (error) {

        obj.couponQueryCart = function (itemId, shopId, callback) {
            var url = "https://bar.tmall.com/cueAssetMsg.htm?sellerId=" + shopId + "&itemId=" + itemId + "&bizInfo=..pc&_input_charset=UTF-8&callback=jsonp";
                url: url,
                dataType: "text",
                headers: {
                    "referer": "https://www.tmall.com/"
                success: function (response) {
                error: function (error) {

        obj.couponQueryShop = function (itemId, shopId, callback) {
                url: "https://cart.taobao.com/json/GetPriceVolume.do?sellerId=" + shopId,
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (response) {
                error: function (error) {

        obj.getStrPoint = function (str) {
            if (str.length < 2) {
                return "0:0";

            var path = "";
            var current, last = str[0].charCodeAt();
            var sum = last;
            for (var i = 1; i < str.length; i++) {
                current = str[i].charCodeAt();
                if (i == 1) {
                    path = path + "M";
                } else {
                    path = path + " L";
                path = path + current + " " + last;
                last = current;
                sum = sum + current;
            path = path + " Z";
            var index = sum % str.length;
            var data = snap.path.getPointAtLength(path, str[index].charCodeAt());
            return data.m.x + ":" + data.n.y;

        return obj;

    container.define("app_detail", ["config", "core", "api", "echarts", "$"], function (config, core, api, echarts, $) {

        var obj = {
            trendData: null

        obj.getSite = function () {
            return obj.matchSite(config.getUrl());

        obj.getItemUrl = function () {
            return obj.matchItemUrl(config.getUrl());

        obj.run = function () {
            var site = obj.getSite();
            switch (site) {
                case config.site.taobao:
                    core.isOptionActive(config.option.taobao_detail) && obj.initDetailTaoBao();
                case config.site.jd:
                    core.isOptionActive(config.option.jd_detail) && obj.initDetailJd();
                case config.site.kaola:
                    core.isOptionActive(config.option.kaola_detail) && obj.initDetailKaoLa();
                case config.site.yanxuan:
                    core.isOptionActive(config.option.yanxuan_detail) && obj.initDetailYanXuan();
                case config.site.yhd:
                    core.isOptionActive(config.option.yhd_detail) && obj.initDetailYhd();
                case config.site.suning:
                    core.isOptionActive(config.option.suning_detail) && obj.initDetailSuNing();
                case config.site.amazon:
                    core.isOptionActive(config.option.amazon_detail) && obj.initDetailAmazon();
                case config.site.dangdang:
                    core.isOptionActive(config.option.dangdang_detail) && obj.initDetailDangDang();
                case config.site.guomei:
                    core.isOptionActive(config.option.guomei_detail) && obj.initDetailGuoMei();
                case config.site.vip:
                    core.isOptionActive(config.option.vip_detail) && obj.initDetailVip();
                    return false;
            return true;

        obj.initDetailTaoBao = function () {
            if ($('#detail').length || $(".ju-wrapper").length) {
                var html = obj.getAppendHtml();
                if ($("#J_DetailMeta").length) {
                } else {
                    $("#detail").append(html + "<br/>");

                var onEmpty = function () {
            } else {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);

        obj.initDetailJd = function () {
            if ($(".product-intro").length) {
                var html = obj.getAppendHtml();

                var onEmpty = function () {
            } else {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);

        obj.initDetailKaoLa = function () {
            if ($("#j-producthead").length) {
                var html = obj.getAppendHtml();

                var onEmpty = function () {
            } else {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);

        obj.initDetailYanXuan = function () {
            if ($(".detailHd").length) {
                var html = obj.getAppendHtml();

                var onEmpty = function () {
            } else {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);

        obj.initDetailYhd = function () {
            if ($(".fm_detail_one").length) {
                var html = obj.getAppendHtml();

                var onEmpty = function () {
            } else {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);

        obj.initDetailSuNing = function () {
            if ($(".proinfo-container").length) {
                var html = obj.getAppendHtml();

                var onEmpty = function () {
            } else {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);

        obj.initDetailAmazon = function () {
            if ($("#centerCol").length) {
                var html = obj.getAppendHtml();

                var onEmpty = function () {
            } else {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);

        obj.initDetailDangDang = function () {
            if ($(".product_main").length) {
                var html = obj.getAppendHtml();

                var onEmpty = function () {
            } else {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);

        obj.initDetailGuoMei = function () {
            if ($(".gome-container").length) {
                var html = obj.getAppendHtml();

                var onEmpty = function () {
            } else {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);

        obj.initDetailVip = function () {
            if ($(".FW-product").length) {
                var html = obj.getAppendHtml();

                var onEmpty = function () {
            } else {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);

        obj.initDetail = function (onEmpty) {
            // 版本信息
            var info = core.getInfo();
            obj.showVersion(core.getInfo(), core.getRouter());

            // 注册事件
            var site = obj.getSite();
            if (site == config.site.taobao) {
            } else if (site == config.site.amazon) {

            // 商品查询
            api.itemQuery(config.getUrl(), function (response) {
                if (response && response.code == 1) {
                    var data = response.data;

                    // 二维码

                    // 价格趋势

                    // 隐藏优惠券
                    if (data.coupon_money > 0) {
                    else {

                    // 优惠券列表
                    if (obj.getSite() == config.site.taobao) {
                        obj.showCouponList(data.item_id, data.shop_id);
                else {
                    var itemUrl = obj.getItemUrl();

                    // 二维码

                    // 二维码

                    // 无优惠券

        obj.initResizeEvent = function () {
            $(window).resize(function () {

        obj.initCouponEvent = function () {
            $(document).on("click", ".tb-cool-quan-link-enable", function () {
                obj.openCouponLink($(this).attr("data-coupon"), $(this).attr("data-shop"));

            $(document).on("click", ".tb-cool-quan-button.quan-exist", function () {
                var couponUrl = $(this).attr("data-url");
                var jumpFunc = function () {
                    location.href = couponUrl;

        obj.openCouponLink = function (couponId, shopId) {
            var couponLink = obj.buildCouponLink(couponId, shopId);
            window.open(couponLink, "领取优惠券", "width=600,height=600,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=auto,resizeable=no,location=no,status=no");

        obj.showCoupon = function (data) {
            var html = "<p>券后价 <span>" + data.item_price_buy.toFixed(2) + "</span> 元</p>";

            html = '<a class="tb-cool-quan-button quan-exist" data-url="' + data.item_url + '">领' + data.coupon_money + '元内部券</a>';

        obj.showQrcode = function (url) {
            $('.tb-cool-quan-qrcode').qrcode({ width: 150, height: 150, text: url });

        obj.showText = function (buttonText, infoText) {
            var infoTextArr = ["移动端<span>快捷</span>购买", "查看移动端<span>优惠</span>信息"];
            if (!infoText) {
                var index = (new Date()).valueOf() % infoTextArr.length;
                infoText = infoTextArr[index];
            var infoHtml = "<p>" + infoText + "</p>";

            buttonText || (buttonText = "手机扫一扫");
            var buttonHtml = '<a class="tb-cool-quan-button quan-none">' + buttonText + '</a>';

        obj.showVersion = function (info, router) {
            var version = info.version;
            var latest = info.latest;
            var updateUrl = router.update;
            var homeUrl = router.home;

            var html = "";
            if (latest && latest > version) {
                html = '<a class="new-version" title="当前版本:' + version + ' 新版本:' + latest + '" target="_blank" href="' + updateUrl + '">[有新版本]</a>';
            } else {
                html = '<a title="当前版本:' + version + '" target="_blank" href="' + homeUrl + '">[ ' + version + ' ]</a>';

        obj.showChart = function (itemUrl) {

            api.trendQuery(itemUrl, function (response) {
                obj.trendData = obj.parseTrendResponse(response);

        obj.showChartRefresh = function () {

        obj.showChartData = function (trendData) {
            if (trendData) {
                var option = obj.buildChartOption(trendData);
                $(".tb-cool-area-container").html('<div id="tb-cool-area-chart"></div>');
            else {

        obj.showCouponList = function (itemId, shopId) {
            api.couponQueryCart(itemId, shopId, function (content) {
                var couponList = obj.parseCouponListCart(itemId, shopId, content, {});

                if (couponList) {
                    api.couponQueryShop(itemId, shopId, function (response) {
                        couponList = obj.parseCouponListShop(itemId, shopId, response, couponList);

                else {
                    couponList = obj.parseCouponListPadding();

        obj.showCouponListLoginYes = function (couponList) {

        obj.showCouponListLoginNo = function (couponList) {

            var loginUrl = obj.buildLoginUrl();
            $(".tb-cool-quan-tip").html('<a href="' + loginUrl + '">登录后可以查看店铺优惠券哦</a>');

        obj.buildCouponListTable = function (couponList) {
            var list = Object.values(couponList);
            var compare = function (a, b) {
                if (a.coupon_money == b.coupon_money) {
                    if (a.coupon_money_start > b.coupon_money_start) {
                        return 1;
                    } else if (a.coupon_money_start == b.coupon_money_start) {
                        return 0;
                    } else {
                        return -1;
                } else {
                    if (a.coupon_money > b.coupon_money) {
                        return 1;
                    } else if (a.coupon_money == b.coupon_money) {
                        return 0;
                    } else {
                        return -1;

            var html = "";
            list.forEach(function (item) {
                html += "<tr>";
                html += "<td>满 " + item.coupon_money_start + " 减 <span>" + item.coupon_money + "</span> 元</td>";
                var couponCommon;
                if (item.coupon_common == 1) {
                    couponCommon = "限定商品";
                } else if (item.coupon_common == 0) {
                    couponCommon = "<span>通用</span>";
                } else {
                    couponCommon = "--";
                html += "<td> " + couponCommon + "</td>";
                html += "<td>" + item.coupon_start + " ~ <span>" + item.coupon_end + "</span></td>";
                html += "<td>已领 <span>" + item.coupon_num + "</span> 张</td>";
                if (item.coupon_receive) {
                    html += '<td><a class="tb-cool-quan-link tb-cool-quan-link-disable">已领取</a></td>';
                } else {
                    html += '<td><a class="tb-cool-quan-link tb-cool-quan-link-enable" data-shop="' + item.shop_id + '" data-coupon="' + item.coupon_id + '">领 取</a></td>';
                html += "</tr>";

        obj.buildLoginUrl = function () {
            var itemUrl = obj.getItemUrl();
            return "https://login.tmall.com/?redirectURL=" + escape(itemUrl);

        obj.buildCouponLink = function (couponId, shopId) {
            return "https://market.m.taobao.com/apps/aliyx/coupon/detail.html?wh_weex=true&activity_" + "id=" + couponId + "&seller_id=" + shopId;

        obj.buildChartOption = function (trendData) {
            var text = "历史低价:{red|¥" + parseFloat(trendData.stat.min).toFixed(2) + "} ( {red|" + trendData.stat.date + "} )";
            return {
                title: {
                    left: "center",
                    subtext: text,
                    subtextStyle: {
                        color: "#000",
                        rich: {
                            red: {
                                color: "red"
                tooltip: {
                    trigger: "axis",
                    axisPointer: {
                        type: "cross"
                    formatter: function (params) {
                        params = params[0];
                        var year = params.name.getFullYear();
                        var month = params.name.getMonth() + 1;
                        var day = params.name.getDate();
                        if (month < 10) {
                            month = "0" + month;
                        if (day < 10) {
                            day = "0" + day;
                        return "日期:" + year + "-" + month + "-" + day + "<br/>价格:¥" + params.value[1].toFixed(2);
                dataZoom: [
                        type: "inside",
                        start: 0,
                        end: 100
                grid: {
                    left: 0,
                    right: 20,
                    top: 50,
                    bottom: 10,
                    containLabel: true
                xAxis: {
                    type: "time"
                yAxis: {
                    type: "value",
                    scale: true
                series: [
                        type: "line",
                        step: "end",
                        data: trendData.data,
                        lineStyle: {
                            color: "#ed5700"
                        markPoint: {
                            data: [
                                    type: "min",
                                    name: "最小值",
                                    itemStyle: {
                                        color: "green"

        obj.parseTrendResponse = function (response) {
            if (response && response.code == 1 && response.data.list.length) {
                var stat = response.data.stat;
                var list = response.data.list;
                var trendData = {
                    stat: {
                        min: stat.min,
                        date: stat.date
                    data: []
                list.forEach(function (item) {
                    var time = new Date(item.time * 1000);
                    var title = [
                        time.getMonth() + 1,
                    var price = Math.round(item.price);
                        name: time,
                        value: [
                return trendData;
            else {
                return null;

        obj.parseCouponListPadding = function () {
            return [
                    shop_id: "",
                    coupon_receive: false,
                    coupon_num: 0,
                    coupon_id: "",
                    coupon_money: 10,
                    coupon_money_start: 20,
                    coupon_start: "2018-01-01",
                    coupon_end: "2018-12-12",
                    coupon_common: 0
                    shop_id: "",
                    coupon_receive: false,
                    coupon_num: 0,
                    coupon_id: "",
                    coupon_money: 20,
                    coupon_money_start: 40,
                    coupon_start: "2018-01-01",
                    coupon_end: "2018-12-12",
                    coupon_common: 1
                    shop_id: "",
                    coupon_receive: false,
                    coupon_num: 0,
                    coupon_id: "",
                    coupon_money: 40,
                    coupon_money_start: 80,
                    coupon_start: "2018-01-01",
                    coupon_end: "2018-12-12",
                    coupon_common: 0

        obj.parseCouponListCart = function (itemId, shopId, content, couponList) {
            var jsonStr = content.replace("window.jsonp && jsonp(", "").replace("})", "}");
            var response = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
            if (response && response.oci && response.oci.c) {
                var list = response.oci.c;
                list.forEach(function (item) {
                    var couponId = item.sid;
                    if (!couponList.hasOwnProperty(couponId)) {
                        couponList[couponId] = {
                            shop_id: shopId,
                            coupon_receive: false,
                            coupon_num: 0,
                            coupon_id: couponId,
                            coupon_money: item.d,
                            coupon_money_start: parseFloat(item.c),
                            coupon_start: item.s.split(" ")[0],
                            coupon_end: item.l.split(" ")[0],
                            coupon_common: item.i
                return couponList;
            else {
                return null;

        obj.parseCouponListShop = function (itemId, shopId, response, couponList) {
            if (response && response.priceVolumes) {
                response.priceVolumes.forEach(function (item) {
                    var couponId = item.id;
                    var receive = item.status == "received";
                    if (couponList.hasOwnProperty(couponId)) {
                        couponList[couponId].coupon_receive = receive;
                        couponList[couponId].coupon_num = item.receivedAmount;
                    else {
                        var couponMoneyStart = item.condition.replace("满", "").split("减")[0];
                        var couponStart = item.timeRange.split("-")[0];
                        var couponEnd = item.timeRange.split("-")[1];
                        couponList[couponId] = {
                            shop_id: shopId,
                            coupon_receive: receive,
                            coupon_num: item.receivedAmount,
                            coupon_id: couponId,
                            coupon_money: parseFloat(item.price).toFixed(2),
                            coupon_money_start: parseFloat(couponMoneyStart).toFixed(2),
                            coupon_start: couponStart,
                            coupon_end: couponEnd,
                            coupon_common: -1
            return couponList;

        obj.matchItemUrl = function (url) {
            var site = obj.matchSite(url);
            var param = obj.parseUrlParam(url);

            if (site == config.site.taobao) {
                if (param.id) {
                    return "https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=" + param.id;
                } else {
                    return url;

            if (site == config.site.yanxuan) {
                if (param.id) {
                    return "http://you.163.com/item/detail?id=" + param.id;
                } else {
                    return url;

            // 去除参数和哈希
            url = url.split("?")[0];
            url = url.split("#")[0];

            if (site == config.site.guomei) {
                url = url.replace("https", "http");
                return url;

            if (site == config.site.vip) {
                url = url.replace("https", "http");
                url = url.replace("detail.vip.com", "www.vip.com");
                return url;

            return url;

        obj.matchSite = function (url) {
            // 淘宝
            if (url.indexOf("//item.taobao.com/item.htm") > 0 || url.indexOf("//detail.tmall.com/item.htm") > 0 || url.indexOf("//chaoshi.detail.tmall.com/item.htm") > 0 || url.indexOf("//detail.tmall.hk/hk/item.htm") > 0 || url.indexOf("//detail.liangxinyao.com/item.htm") > 0 || url.indexOf("//detail.yao.95095.com/item.htm") > 0) {
                return config.site.taobao;

            // 京东
            if (url.indexOf("item.jd.com") > 0 || url.indexOf("item.jd.hk") > 0) {
                return config.site.jd;

            // 考拉
            if (url.indexOf("goods.kaola.com") > 0) {
                return config.site.kaola;

            // 严选
            if (url.indexOf("you.163.com/item") > 0) {
                return config.site.yanxuan;

            // 一号店
            if (url.indexOf("item.yhd.com") > 0) {
                return config.site.yhd;

            // 苏宁
            if (url.indexOf("product.suning.com") > 0) {
                return config.site.suning;

            // 亚马逊
            if (url.indexOf("www.amazon.cn/dp") > 0 || url.indexOf("www.amazon.cn/gp") > 0) {
                return config.site.amazon;

            // 当当
            if (url.indexOf("product.dangdang.com") > 0) {
                return config.site.dangdang;

            // 国美
            if (url.indexOf("item.gome.com.cn") > 0) {
                return config.site.guomei;

            // 唯品会
            if (url.indexOf("detail.vip.com") > 0) {
                return config.site.vip;

            // 插件主页
            if (url.indexOf("tb.newday.me") > 0) {
                return config.site.newday;

            return null;

        obj.parseUrlParam = function (url) {
            if (url.indexOf("?")) {
                url = url.split("?")[1];
            var reg = /([^=&\s]+)[=\s]*([^=&\s]*)/g;
            var obj = {};
            while (reg.exec(url)) {
                obj[RegExp.$1] = RegExp.$2;
            return obj;

        obj.getAppendHtml = function () {
            return '<div id="tb-cool-area"><div class="tb-cool-area-home"></div><div class="tb-cool-area-benefit"><div class="tb-cool-quan-qrcode"></div><div class="tb-cool-quan-title"></div><div class="tb-cool-quan-action"></div></div><div id="tb-cool-area-history" class="tb-cool-area-history"><div class="tb-cool-area-container"></div><p class="tb-cool-history-tip"></p></div><div class="tb-cool-area-table"><table class="tb-cool-quan-table"></table><p class="tb-cool-quan-tip"></p></div></div>';

        return obj;

    container.define("app_search_taobao", ["config"], function (config) {
        var obj = {};

        obj.matchSelectorList = function () {
            var url = config.getUrl();
            var selectorList = [];
            if (url.indexOf("//s.taobao.com/search") > 0 || url.indexOf("//s.taobao.com/list") > 0) {
                // 搜索
                selectorList.push(".items .item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com/markets") > 0) {
                // 活动
                selectorList = obj.matchSelectorListMarkets();
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com") > 0) {
                // 首页
                selectorList.push(".tbh-hotsale .item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//neiyi.taobao.com") > 0) {
                // 内衣
                selectorList.push(".item-list li");
            else if (url.indexOf("//qiang.taobao.com") > 0) {
                // 淘抢购
                selectorList.push(".qg-limit-list .qg-item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//ju.taobao.com") > 0) {
                // 聚划算
                selectorList.push(".ju-wrapper li");
            else if (url.indexOf("//mei.taobao.com") > 0) {
                // 美妆
                selectorList.push(".item-list .item-box li");
                selectorList.push(".n-mei-category .J_pannel li");
                selectorList.push(".J_dynamic .float-box");
                selectorList.push(".item-list .J_ItemHover");
                selectorList.push(".ju-box li");
                selectorList.push(".spu-item .spu-img");
            else if (url.indexOf("//g.taobao.com") > 0) {
                // 全球购
                selectorList.push(".items .item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//pei.taobao.com") > 0) {
                // 配件
                selectorList.push(".module-wrap .item-box");
            else if (url.indexOf("//wujin.taobao.com") > 0) {
                // 五金
                selectorList.push(".module-wrap .item-show");
            else {
                // 店铺
                selectorList.push("#J_ShopSearchResult .item");
            return selectorList;

        // 市场
        obj.matchSelectorListMarkets = function () {
            var url = config.getUrl();
            var selectorList = [];
            if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com/markets/nvzhuang/") > 0) {
                // 女装
                selectorList.push(".item-box li");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com/markets/nanzhuang/") > 0) {
                // 男装
                selectorList.push(".module-wrap .shop_list");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com/markets/xie/") > 0) {
                // 鞋靴
                selectorList.push(".item-box li");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com/markets/xiangbao/") > 0) {
                // 箱包
                selectorList.push(".item-box li");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com/markets/qbb/") > 0) {
                // 亲宝贝
                selectorList.push(".brand-items .brand-item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com/markets/3c/") > 0) {
                // 电场
                selectorList.push(".parttwo-ul li");
                selectorList.push(".pro-ul li");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com/markets/amusement/") > 0) {
                // 乐器
                selectorList.push(".item-wrap .arrival-item");
                selectorList.push(".pz-list .pz-li");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com/markets/acg/") > 0) {
                // 动漫
                selectorList.push(".item-pannel li");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com/markets/bangong/") > 0) {
                // 办公
                selectorList.push(".module-wrap .qiang-item");
                selectorList.push(".module-wrap .item-show");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com/markets/dingzhi/") > 0) {
                // 定制
                selectorList.push(".item-wrap .arrival-item");
                selectorList.push(".pz-list .pz-li");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com/markets/wujin/") > 0) {
                // 五金
                selectorList.push(".module-wrap .item-show");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.taobao.com/markets/promotion/") > 0) {
                // 家庭保障
                selectorList.push(".module-wrap .item");
            else {
                selectorList.push(".module-wrap .item");
                selectorList.push(".module-wrap .shop_list");
                selectorList.push(".module-wrap .item-show");
                selectorList.push(".item-box li");
                selectorList.push(".item-wrap .arrival-item");
                selectorList.push(".brand-items .brand-item");
            return selectorList;

        return obj;

    container.define("app_search_tmall", ["config"], function (config) {
        var obj = {};

        obj.matchSelectorList = function () {
            var url = config.getUrl();
            var selectorList = [];
            if (url.indexOf("//list.tmall.com/search_product.htm") > 0) {
                // 搜索
                selectorList.push(".chaoshi-recommend-list .chaoshi-recommend-item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.tmall.com/wow/") > 0) {
                selectorList = obj.matchSelectorListWow();
            else if (url.indexOf("//pages.tmall.com") > 0 || url.indexOf("//618.tmall.com") > 0 || url.indexOf("//1111.tmall.com") > 0) {
                selectorList = obj.matchSelectorListPages();
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 首页
                selectorList.push(".middle-column-con .one-grid-price");
                selectorList.push(".wonderful-line .wonderful-item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//import.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫国际
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//chaoshi.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫超市
                selectorList.push(".list .j_ItemInfo");
            else if (url.indexOf("//3c.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫电器城
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .item");
                selectorList.push(".itemlist .itemlist-mod");
                selectorList.push(".floor-recommand .item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//miao.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫鲜生
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .j_ItemContainer li");
            else if (url.indexOf("//yao.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫医药馆
                selectorList.push(".zebra-yao-indexItem li");
                selectorList.push(".yao-qiangCon li");
            else if (url.indexOf("//wt.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫营业厅
                selectorList.push(".J_ItemListWrap li");
            else if (url.indexOf("//suning.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 苏宁易购
                selectorList.push(".J_TModule .itemarea");
                selectorList.push(".J_TModule .tb-module .jdb");
                selectorList.push("#J_ShopSearchResult .item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//good.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫心选
                selectorList.push(".J_TModule .item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//zhineng.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫精灵智能
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//nvzhuang.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫女装
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .w-lev2-lit");
            else if (url.indexOf("//nvxie.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫女鞋
                selectorList.push(".fushi-special-extra a");
            else if (url.indexOf("//bag.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫箱包
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .good");
            else if (url.indexOf("//watch.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫腕表
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .item");
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module li");
            else if (url.indexOf("//dai.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫珠宝饰品
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .good");
            else if (url.indexOf("//shouji.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫手机
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .mod-g");
            else if (url.indexOf("//baby.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫母婴
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .fl-camps");
            else if (url.indexOf("//food.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫零食
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .item_s_cpa");
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .item_s_cpb");
            else if (url.indexOf("//jia.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫家装
                selectorList.push(".item-panel .item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//car.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫汽车
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .col");
            else if (url.indexOf("//book.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫图书
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .product a");
            else if (url.indexOf("//new3c.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 天猫新首发
                selectorList.push(".xpkw-container .xpkw-item");
            else if (url.indexOf("//ku.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 酷玩街
                selectorList.push(".new-recommend-content .new-recommend-block");
                selectorList.push(".all-goods .goods_block");
            else if (url.indexOf("//fenqi.tmall.com") > 0) {
                // 花呗分期
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .mod-g");
            else if (url.indexOf("//content.tmall.com") > 0) {
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module li");
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .juitem");
            else {
                // 店铺
                selectorList.push("#J_ShopSearchResult .item");
            return selectorList;

        obj.matchSelectorListWow = function () {
            var url = config.getUrl();
            var selectorList = [];
            if (url.indexOf("//www.tmall.com/wow/chaoshi/") > 0) {
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.tmall.com/wow/fushi/") > 0) {
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module li");
                selectorList.push(".popular-list .popular-item");
            else {
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module li");
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .item");
                selectorList.push(".popular-list .popular-item");
            return selectorList;

        obj.matchSelectorListPages = function () {
            var url = config.getUrl();
            var selectorList = [];
            if (url.indexOf("//pages.tmall.com/wow/import") > 0) {
            else if (url.indexOf("//pages.tmall.com/wow/chaoshi/") > 0) {
            else {
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module li");
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .item-link");
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .hot-item");
                selectorList.push(".zebra-recommand-item-container .wrapper");
            return selectorList;

        return obj;

    container.define("app_search_tmall_hk", ["config"], function (config) {
        var obj = {};

        obj.matchSelectorList = function () {
            var url = config.getUrl();
            var selectorList = [];
            if (url.indexOf("//list.tmall.hk/search_product.htm") > 0) {
                selectorList.push("#J_ItemList .product");
            else if (url.indexOf("//www.tmall.hk") > 0) {
                selectorList.push(".item-panel .item");
                selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .import-shangou-itemcell");
            else {
                selectorList.push("#J_ShopSearchResult .item");
            return selectorList;

        return obj;

    container.define("app_search", ["config", "core", "api", "$"], function (config, core, api, $, require) {
        var obj = {};

        obj.run = function () {
            if (core.isOptionActive(config.option.taobao_search)) {
                var url = config.getUrl();
                var selectorList = [];
                if (url.indexOf("taobao.com") > 0) {
                    selectorList = require("app_search_taobao").matchSelectorList();
                else if (url.indexOf("tmall.com") > 0) {
                    selectorList = require("app_search_tmall").matchSelectorList();
                else if (url.indexOf("tmall.hk") > 0) {
                    selectorList = require("app_search_tmall_hk").matchSelectorList();
                else if (url.indexOf("//maiyao.liangxinyao.com/shop") > 0 || url.indexOf("//maiyao.liangxinyao.com/category") > 0) {
                    selectorList.push("#J_ShopSearchResult .item");
                else if (url.indexOf("//www.liangxinyao.com") > 0 || url.indexOf("//maiyao.liangxinyao.com") > 0) {
                    selectorList.push(".mui-zebra-module .item");
                    selectorList.push(".zebra-ziying-qianggou li");
                else {
                    selectorList.push("#J_ShopSearchResult .item");

                obj.initSearchHtml(selectorList, 3000);

        obj.initSearchHtml = function (selectorList, timeout) {
            if (selectorList && selectorList.length > 0) {
                selectorList.forEach(function (selector) {
                setInterval(function () {
                    obj.initSearchHtml(selectorList, timeout);
                }, timeout);

        obj.initSearchItemSelector = function (selector) {
            $(selector).each(function () {

        obj.initSearchItem = function (selector) {
            var $this = $(selector);
            if ($this.hasClass("tb-cool-box-already")) {
            } else {

            var nid = $this.attr("data-id");
            if (!obj.isVailidItemId(nid)) {
                nid = $this.attr("data-itemid");

            if (!obj.isVailidItemId(nid)) {
                if ($this.attr("href")) {
                    nid = location.protocol + $this.attr("href");
                } else {
                    var $a = $this.find("a");
                    if (!$a.length) {

                    nid = $a.attr("data-nid");
                    if (!obj.isVailidItemId(nid)) {
                        if ($a.hasClass("j_ReceiveCoupon") && $a.length > 1) {
                            nid = location.protocol + $($a[1]).attr("href");
                        } else {
                            nid = location.protocol + $a.attr("href");

            if (obj.isValidNid(nid)) {
                obj.appenBasicQueryHtml($this, nid);

        obj.appenBasicQueryHtml = function (selector, nid) {
            selector.append('<div class="tb-cool-box-area tb-cool-box-wait" data-nid="' + nid + '"><a class="tb-cool-box-info tb-cool-box-info-default" title="点击查询">待查询</a></div>');

        obj.initSearchEvent = function () {
            $(document).on("click", ".tb-cool-box-area", function () {
                var $this = $(this);
                if ($this.hasClass("tb-cool-box-wait")) {
                } else if ($this.hasClass("tb-cool-box-info-translucent")) {
                } else {

        obj.basicQuery = function () {
            var items = $(".tb-cool-box-wait");
            if (items.length) {
            } else {
                setTimeout(obj.basicQuery, 2000);

        obj.basicQueryItem = function (selector) {
            var $this = $(selector);

            var nid = $this.attr("data-nid");
            api.basicQuery(nid, function (response) {
                setTimeout(obj.basicQuery, 400);

                if (response && response.code == 1) {
                    var data = response.data;
                    if (data.coupon_money > 0) {
                        obj.showBasicQueryFind($this, data.item_id, data.item_price_buy, data.coupon_money);
                    } else {
                } else {

        obj.showBasicQueryFind = function (selector, itemId, itemPriceBuy, couponMoney) {
            selector.html('<a target="_blank" class="tb-cool-box-info tb-cool-box-info-find" title="切换透明度">券后 ' + itemPriceBuy + '(减' + couponMoney + '元)</a>');

        obj.showBasicQueryEmpty = function (selector) {
            selector.html('<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="tb-cool-box-info tb-cool-box-info-empty" title="切换透明度">暂无优惠</a>');

        obj.isVailidItemId = function (itemId) {
            if (!itemId) {
                return false;

            var itemIdInt = parseInt(itemId);
            if (itemIdInt == itemId && itemId > 10000) {
                return true;
            else {
                return false;

        obj.isValidNid = function (nid) {
            if (!nid) {
                return false;
            else if (nid.indexOf('http') >= 0) {
                if (obj.isDetailPageTaoBao(nid) || nid.indexOf("//detail.ju.taobao.com/home.htm") > 0) {
                    return true;
                else {
                    return false;
            else {
                return true;

        obj.isDetailPageTaoBao = function (url) {
            if (url.indexOf("//item.taobao.com/item.htm") > 0 || url.indexOf("//detail.tmall.com/item.htm") > 0 || url.indexOf("//chaoshi.detail.tmall.com/item.htm") > 0 || url.indexOf("//detail.tmall.hk/hk/item.htm") > 0 || url.indexOf("//detail.liangxinyao.com/item.htm") > 0 || url.indexOf("//detail.yao.95095.com/item.htm") > 0) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

        return obj;

    container.define("app_option", ["config", "core", "$", "vue"], function (config, core, $, vue) {
        var obj = {};

        obj.run = function () {
            var url = config.getUrl();
            if (url.indexOf(".newday.") >= 0) {
                if (obj.isOptionPage()) {
                else if (obj.isActPage()) {
                return true;
            else {
                return false;

        obj.initOptionPage = function () {
            new vue({
                el: "#container",
                data: {
                    router: core.getRouter(),
                    info: core.getInfo(),
                    option: core.getOption()
                mounted: function () {
                watch: {
                    option: function (value) {
                methods: {
                    initCheckBox: function () {

        obj.initActPage = function () {

        obj.isOptionPage = function () {
            if ($("meta[name='yhg::option']").length) {
                return true;
            else {
                return false;

        obj.isActPage = function () {
            if ($("meta[name='yhg::act']").length) {
                return true;
            else {
                return false;

        return obj;

    container.define("app", ["core", "$"], function (core, $, require) {
        var obj = {};

        obj.run = function () {
            // 重复检测
            if (obj.existMeta()) {
                core.printLog("addon setup already");
            else {
                core.printLog("addon setup success");

                // 添加meta

                // 加载样式

                // 运行应用

        obj.runApp = function () {
            var appList = [
            for (var i in appList) {
                if (require(appList[i]).run() == true) {

        obj.existMeta = function () {
            if ($("[name='yhg::status']").length) {
                return true;
            else {
                return false;

        obj.appendMeta = function () {
            $('<meta name="yhg::status" content="on">').appendTo($("head"));

        return obj;

    // 注册模块
    container.register("$", window.$);
    container.register("snap", window.Snap);
    container.register("echarts", window.echarts);
    container.register("vue", window.Vue);

    // 执行操作
    container.use(["core", "app"], function (core, app) {
        core.init(function () {
