

As of 2018-12-28. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         PSN中文网功能增强
// @namespace
// @version      0.22
// @description  PSN中文网的数折价格可视化,奖杯统计,楼主高亮,增加被@用户的留言内容等
// @author       InfinityLoop
// @match        **
// @match        **
// @require
// @require
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // 高亮发帖楼主
    GM_addStyle (`.highlightAuthor {background-color: #3890ff !important;}`)
    if( /(gene|trade|topic)\//.test(window.location.href)) {
        var author = document.querySelector("a.title2").textContent
        var responsed = document.querySelectorAll("a.psnnode")
        for (var index = 0; index < responsed.length; index++) {
            if(responsed[index].innerText == author) {
                responsed[index].className += " highlightAuthor"

    if( /(gene|trade|topic)\//.test(window.location.href)) {
        // 回复内容回溯 (效率原因只返回所@用户的最近一条回复)
        GM_addStyle (`.replyTraceback {background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.05) !important; padding: 10px !important; color: rgb(160, 160, 160, 1) !important; border: 1px solid !important;}`)
        // 匹配@的字符串
        var reg = /@(.+?)\s/g
        // 每一层楼的回复外框 (1 ~ N + 1)
        var allSourceOutside = document.getElementsByClassName("ml64")
        // 每一层楼的回复框(1 ~ N+1) floor
        var allSource = document.getElementsByClassName("content pb10")
        // 每一层楼的回复者名字(2 ~ N+2) traceId
        var userId = document.getElementsByClassName("meta")
        // 每一层的头像(0 ~ N - 1)
        var avator = document.getElementsByClassName("post")
        // 没tag的帖子会少一层meta,所以要对meta[0]做处理
        var numberOffset = 0
        if( userId[0].getElementsByClassName("node").length > 0) {
            numberOffset = 2
        } else {
            numberOffset = 1
        for(var floor = allSource.length; floor > 1 ; floor-- ) {
            // 层内内容里包含链接
            var content = allSource[floor - numberOffset].querySelectorAll("a")
            if(content.length > 0) {
                for(var userNum = 0; userNum < content.length; userNum++ ){
                    // 对每一个链接的文本内容判断
                    var linkContent = content[userNum].innerText.match("@(.+)")
                    // 链接里是@用户生成的链接, linkContent为用户名
                    if(linkContent != null) {
                        var replayBox = document.createElement("div")
                        replayBox.setAttribute("class", "replyTraceback")
                        // 层主ID
                        // var floorUserId = userId[floor].getElementsByClassName("psnnode")[0].innerText
                        // 从本层开始,回溯所@的用户的最近回复
                        for(var traceId = floor + 1; traceId > 1; traceId-- ){
                            // 如果回溯到了的话,选取内容
                            // 回溯层用户名
                            var thisUserID = userId[traceId - numberOffset].getElementsByClassName("psnnode")[0].innerText
                            if( thisUserID == linkContent[1]){
                                // 输出头像
                                var avatorImg = avator[traceId - 1 - 2 * numberOffset].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute("src")
                                replayBox.innerHTML = '<div class="responserHeader" style="display: inline-block; padding-right: 10px; color: #3890ff"><img src="' +
                                    avatorImg + '" height="25" width="25"> ' + linkContent[1] + '</img>'+
                                     '</div><div class="responserContent" style="display: inline-block;">' +
                                    allSource[traceId - 2 * numberOffset].innerText + "</div>"
                                allSourceOutside[floor - numberOffset].insertBefore(replayBox, allSource[floor - numberOffset])

    // 商城价格走势图
    if( /dd/.test(window.location.href) ) {
    // 日期转换函数
    function converntTime(value) {
        var timeArray = value.replace('年','-').replace('月','-').replace('日','').split("-")
        timeArray[0] = "20" + timeArray[0]
        timeArray[1] = Number(timeArray[1]) - 1
        return Date.UTC(timeArray[0], timeArray[1], timeArray[2])
    // 获取X轴的日期
    var xContents = document.querySelectorAll("p.dd_text")
    var xValue = [];
    var today = new Date()
    var todayArray = Date.UTC(today.getYear() + 1900, today.getMonth(), today.getDate())
    for(var xindex = 3; xindex < xContents.length; xindex+=4 ){
        var tamp = xContents[xindex].innerText.split(" ~ ")
        tamp[0] = converntTime(tamp[0])
        tamp[1] = converntTime(tamp[1])
        xValue = [tamp[0], tamp[0], tamp[1], tamp[1]].concat(xValue)

    var y = document.querySelectorAll(".dd_price")

    var yValueNormal = [];
    var yValuePlus = [];
    for(var yindex = 0; yindex < y.length; yindex++ ){
        var yPriceOld = y[yindex].querySelector(".dd_price_old").innerText
        var yPriceNormal = y[yindex].querySelector(".dd_price_off").innerText
        var yPricePlus = y[yindex].querySelector(".dd_price_plus")

        yValueNormal = [yPriceOld, yPriceNormal, yPriceNormal, yPriceOld].concat(yValueNormal)
        var pricePlusTamp = ""
        if( yPricePlus == null ){
            pricePlusTamp = yPriceNormal
        } else {
            pricePlusTamp = yPricePlus.innerText
        yValuePlus = [yPriceOld, pricePlusTamp, pricePlusTamp, yPriceOld].concat(yValuePlus)
    // 普通价格数据
    var xForPlotNormal = new Array()
    var xForPlotPlus = new Array()
    // 判断地区
    var replaceString = ""
    if( yValueNormal[0].search("HK\\$") > -1 ){
        replaceString = "HK$"
    else if( yValueNormal[0].search("\\$") > -1 ){
        replaceString = "$"
    else if( yValueNormal[0].search("\\£") > -1 ){
        replaceString = "£"
    } else {
        replaceString = "¥"
    for(var i = 0; i < xValue.length; i++ ){
        xForPlotNormal[i] = [xValue[i], Number(yValueNormal[i].replace(replaceString, ""))]
        xForPlotPlus[i] = [xValue[i], Number(yValuePlus[i].replace(replaceString, ""))]
    // 修正最后一组数据
    if( xForPlotNormal[xForPlotNormal.length - 1][0] > todayArray ){
        xForPlotNormal[xForPlotNormal.length - 1][0] = todayArray
        xForPlotPlus[xForPlotPlus.length - 1][0] = todayArray
    } else {
       xForPlotNormal.push([todayArray, xForPlotNormal[xForPlotNormal.length - 1][1]])
       xForPlotPlus.push([todayArray, xForPlotPlus[xForPlotPlus.length - 1][1]])
    // 插入页面
    $(".pd10").append (`<div id="container"></div>`);

    var chart = {
      type: 'areaspline',
      backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'
   var title = {
      text: '价格变动走势图',
      style: {
          color: '#808080'
    var xAxis = {
      type: 'datetime',
      dateTimeLabelFormats: {
         day: '%e. %b',
          month: '%b \'%y',
          year: '%Y'
      title: {
         text: 'Date'
   var yAxis = {
      title: {
         text: '价格'
      plotLines: [{
         value: 0,
         width: 1,
         color: '#808080'
    var tooltip = {
      headerFormat: '<b>{}</b><br>',
      pointFormat: '{point.x:%e. %b}: '+ replaceString + '{point.y:.2f}'

    var plotOptions = {
      areaspline: {
          fillOpacity: 0.25
   var series= [{
         name: '普通会员价',
         color: '#00a2ff',
         data: xForPlotNormal
      }, {
         name: 'PS+会员价',
         color: '#ffd633',
         data: xForPlotPlus
   var credits = {
         enabled : false
   var legend = {
       itemStyle: {
           color: '#808080'
       itemHoverStyle: {
           color: '#3890ff'
   var json = {};
   json.chart = chart;
   json.title = title;
   json.tooltip = tooltip;
   json.xAxis = xAxis;
   json.yAxis = yAxis;
   json.series = series;
   json.plotOptions = plotOptions;
   json.credits = credits;
   json.legend = legend;


    if( /psngame\//.test(window.location.href) ) {
        // 游戏奖杯比例图
        var platinum = document.getElementsByClassName("text-platinum")[0].innerText.replace("白", "")
        var gold = document.getElementsByClassName("text-gold")[0].innerText.replace("金", "")
        var silver = document.getElementsByClassName("text-silver")[0].innerText.replace("银", "")
        var bronze = document.getElementsByClassName("text-bronze")[0].innerText.replace("铜", "")

        // 奖杯稀有度统计
        var rareArray = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        for(var rareIndex = 1; rareIndex <= 4; rareIndex++ ){
            var rareValue = document.getElementsByClassName("twoge t" + rareIndex + " h-p")
            for(var j = 0; j < rareValue.length; j ++ ) {
                var rarity = Number(rareValue[j].innerText.split("\n")[0].replace("%", ""))
                if( rarity <= 5 ) {
                    rareArray[0]++ // 极度珍贵
                } else if ( rarity > 5 & rarity <= 10 ) {
                    rareArray[1]++ // 非常珍贵
                } else if ( rarity > 10 & rarity <= 20 ) {
                    rareArray[2]++ // 珍贵
                } else if ( rarity > 20 & rarity <= 50 ) {
                    rareArray[3]++ // 罕见
                } else {
                    rareArray[4]++ // 普通

        var trophyRatioChart = {
            backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'
        var trophyRatioTooltip = {
            pointFormat: '{}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>'
        var trophyRatioPlotOptions = {
            pie: {
                allowPointSelect: true,
                cursor: 'pointer',
                dataLabels: {
                    enabled: true,
                    distance: -20,
                    style: {
                        fontWeight: 'bold',
                        color: 'white',
                        textOutline: "0px contrast"
                    formatter: function() {
                                return this.point.y;
        var trophyRatioSeries= [{
            type: 'pie',
            name: '比例',
            data: [
                { name: '白金', y: Number(platinum), color: '#7a96d1' },
                { name: '金', y: Number(gold), color: '#cd9a46' },
                { name: '银', y: Number(silver), color: '#a6a6a6' },
                { name: '铜', y: Number(bronze), color: '#bf6a3a' },
            center: [50, 30],
            size: 130
        }, {
            type: 'pie',
            name: '比例',
            data: [
                { name: '极度珍贵', y: rareArray[0], color: 'rgb(160, 217, 255)' },
                { name: '非常珍贵', y: rareArray[1], color: 'rgb(124, 181, 236)' },
                { name: '珍贵', y: rareArray[2], color: 'rgb(88, 145, 200)' },
                { name: '罕见', y: rareArray[3], color: 'rgb(52, 109, 164)' },
                { name: '一般', y: rareArray[4], color: 'rgb(40, 97, 152)' },
            center: [200, 30],
            size: 130
        var trophyRatioTitle = {
            text: '奖杯统计',
            style: {
                color: '#808080'
        var trophyRatio = {};
        trophyRatio.chart = trophyRatioChart;
        trophyRatio.tooltip = trophyRatioTooltip;
        trophyRatio.title = trophyRatioTitle;
        trophyRatio.series = trophyRatioSeries;
        trophyRatio.plotOptions = trophyRatioPlotOptions;
        trophyRatio.credits = credits;
        // 插入页面
        $(".box.pd10").append (`<p></p><div id="trophyRatioChart" align="left" style="width: 320px; height: 200px; margin: 0 0; display: inline-block;"></div>`);

        // 奖杯获得时间年月统计
        var getTimeArray = []
        var timeElements = document.getElementsByClassName("lh180 alert-success pd5 r")
        if( timeElements.length > 0 ) {
            for(var timeIndex = 0; timeIndex < timeElements.length; timeIndex ++ ){
                var dayTime = document.getElementsByClassName("lh180 alert-success pd5 r")[timeIndex].innerText.split("\n")
                var monthDay = dayTime[0].split("-")
                var houtMinute = dayTime[1].split(":")
                var xTime = Date.UTC(Number(timeElements[timeIndex].getAttribute("tips").replace("年", "")), Number(monthDay[0]) - 1, Number(monthDay[1]), Number(houtMinute[0]), Number(houtMinute[1]))
            var getTimeArrayX = []
            for(var k = 1; k <= timeElements.length; k ++){
                getTimeArrayX.push([getTimeArray[k - 1], k])
            // 调整白金时间
            getTimeArrayX[getTimeArrayX.length - 1][0] += 60000

            var trophyGetTimeTooltip = {
                pointFormat: '{}: <b>{point.y}</b>'
            var trophyGetTimeXaxis = {
                type: 'datetime',
                dateTimeLabelFormats: {
                    second: '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M:%S',
                    minute: '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M',
                    hour: '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M',
                    day: '%Y<br/>%m-%d',
                    week: '%Y<br/>%m-%d',
                    month: '%Y-%m',
                    year: '%Y'
                title: {
                    display: false
            var trophyGetTimeSeries = [{
                type: 'spline',
                name: '获得数目',
                data: getTimeArrayX,
                showInLegend: false
            var trophyGetTimeTitle = {
                text: '奖杯获得时间',
                style: {
                    color: '#808080'
            var trophyGetTimeYAxis = {
                title: {
                    text: '奖杯获得个数'
                min: 0
            var trophyGetTime = {};
            trophyGetTime.chart = trophyRatioChart;
            trophyGetTime.tooltip = trophyGetTimeTooltip;
            trophyGetTime.xAxis = trophyGetTimeXaxis;
            trophyGetTime.yAxis = trophyGetTimeYAxis;
            trophyGetTime.title = trophyGetTimeTitle;
            trophyGetTime.series = trophyGetTimeSeries;
            trophyGetTime.credits = credits;
            // 插入页面
            $(".box.pd10").append (`<div id="trophyGetTimeChart" align="left" style="width: 460px; height: 200px; margin: 0 0; display: inline-block;"></div>`);

    // 点击跳转到页面底部
    var bottombar = document.getElementsByClassName("bottombar")[0]

    var toBottomSwitch = document.createElement("a")
    toBottomSwitch.innerText = "B"
    toBottomSwitch.setAttribute("href", "javascript:scroll(0, document.body.clientHeight)")
    toBottomSwitch.setAttribute("class", "yuan mt10")