Javadoc Search Frame

Javadoc incremental search for packages and classes

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Javadoc Search Frame
// @namespace
// @description   Javadoc incremental search for packages and classes
// @homepage
// @author        Steven G. Brown
// @copyright     2008, Steven G. Brown (
// @copyright     2006, KOSEKI Kengo (
// @license       MIT License;
// @version       1.7.0
// @include       */allclasses-frame.html
// @include       */allclasses-frame.html#JavadocSearchFrameOptions
// @include       */package-frame.html
// @include       */package-frame.html#JavadocSearchFrameOptions
// @grant         GM.getValue
// @grant         GM.setValue
// @grant         GM_getValue
// @grant         GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==

 * Entry point of this script; called when the script has loaded.
function main() {
  if (document.location.hash === '#JavadocSearchFrameOptions') {

  // Version of this script. This value is set by the build script.
  var version = '1.7.0';

  var startupLogMessage =
    '\nJavadoc Search Frame ' +
    version +
    ' (User Script)\n' +
    '\n' +
    navigator.userAgent +

  if (window.console) {

  Storage.get(Option.HIDE_PACKAGE_FRAME, function (hidePackageFrame) {
    if (hidePackageFrame) {

// Call the main method once the rest of the script has executed.
window.setTimeout(main, 0);

// remainder of file added by the build script

var messages = {
  "extName": {
    "message": "Javadoc Search Frame",
    "description": "Extension name."
  "extDescription": {
    "message": "Javadoc incremental search for packages and classes.",
    "description": "Extension description."
  "optionsAnchor": {
    "message": "Options",
    "description": "Label used for the options page anchor."
  "helpAnchor": {
    "message": "Help",
    "description": "Label used for the help anchor."
  "optionsTitle": {
    "message": "Options: Javadoc Search Frame",
    "description": "Title of the options page."
  "mergeFramesOptionTitle": {
    "message": "Page layout",
    "description": "Title of the options page section used to configure the merge frames option."
  "mergeFramesOptionOn": {
    "message": "Merge the package list and class list",
    "description": "Label displayed next to the button to turn on the merge frames option."
  "mergeFramesOptionOff": {
    "message": "Use separate frames for packages and classes",
    "description": "Label displayed next to the button to turn off the merge frames option."
  "menuOptionTitle": {
    "message": "Menu displayed by pressing the @ key",
    "description": "Title of the options page section used to configure the menus."
  "classOrMethodMenuOptionDescription": {
    "message": "When the top search result is a class or method:",
    "description": "Label for the class/method menu configuration."
  "packageMenuOptionDescription": {
    "message": "When the top search result is a package:",
    "description": "Label for the package menu configuration."
  "restoreDefault": {
    "message": "Restore Default",
    "description": "Label displayed on the buttons that reset a menu option to the default value."
  "saveChanges": {
    "message": "Save Changes",
    "description": "Label displayed on the buttons that save a new value for an option."
  "optionsReadOnly": {
    "message": "This browser does not support changing the options.",
    "description": "Error message displayed when the options cannot be configured."

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Messages
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class Provides localised strings.
Messages = {};

 * Retrieve a localised string.
 * @param {string} key The key used to lookup the localised string.
 * @return {string} The localised string.
Messages.get = function (key) {
  return messages[key].message;

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Storage
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class Provides storage functionality.
Storage = {};

 * @return {boolean} Whether storage is supported by this browser.
Storage.isSupported = function () {
  if (typeof GM !== 'undefined') {
    return GM.getValue && GM.setValue;
  return (
    typeof GM_getValue !== 'undefined' && typeof GM_setValue !== 'undefined'

 * Retrieve the current value of an option.
 * @param {Option} option the Option to retrieve.
 * @param {function(*)} callback Callback function that is provided with the
 *     value of this option. If the option cannot be retrieved, or has not yet
 *     been configured, then the default value will be returned.
Storage.get = function (option, callback) {
  Storage._getValue(option.key, function (value) {
    if (value === undefined || value === null) {
    } else {
      if (option.type === Boolean) {
        value = '' + value;
        value = option.defaultValue ? value !== 'false' : value === 'true';
      Storage._getValue(option.key + '_version', function (version) {
        value = option.upgrade(value, version || '1.4.6');

Storage._getValue = function (key, callback) {
  if (typeof GM !== 'undefined' && GM.getValue) {
  } else if (typeof GM_getValue !== 'undefined') {
  } else {

 * Set an option to a new value.
 * @param {Option} option The option to configure.
 * @param {*} value The new value.
Storage.set = function (option, value) {
  Storage._setValue(option.key, value);
  var version = '1.7.0'; // The version number is set by the build script.
  Storage._setValue(option.key + '_version', version);

Storage._setValue = function (key, value) {
  if (typeof GM !== 'undefined' && GM.setValue) {
    GM.setValue(key, value);
  } else {
    GM_setValue(key, value);

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Option
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Option which can be configured to change the behaviour of the script.
 * @param {{key: string, defaultValue: string, type,
 *        upgrade: function(string, string)}} properties The option properties.
 * @constructor
Option = function (properties) {
  this.key = properties.key;
  this.defaultValue = properties.defaultValue;
  this.type = properties.type;
  this.upgrade = properties.upgrade;

 * Option recognised by this script.

 * @type {Option}
Option.HIDE_PACKAGE_FRAME = new Option({
  key: 'hide_package_frame',
  defaultValue: true,
  type: Boolean,
  upgrade: function (value, lastSavedVersion) {
    return value;

 * @type {Option}
Option.PACKAGE_MENU = new Option({
  key: 'package_menu',
    '@1:search(krugle) ->' +
    '#language=java&query=%20path%3A##PACKAGE_NAME##\n' +
    '@2:search(Docjar) ->',
  type: String,
  upgrade: function (value, lastSavedVersion) {
    if (lastSavedVersion === '1.4.6' && value.indexOf('->') === -1) {
      return this.defaultValue;
    return Option._upgradeMenuOption(

 * @type {Option}
Option.CLASS_MENU = new Option({
  key: 'class_menu',
    '@1:search(krugle) ->' +
    '#language=java&query=##CLASS_NAME##%20##MEMBER_NAME##\n' +
    '@2:search(Docjar) ->\n' +
    '@3:source(Docjar) ->' +
    '##PACKAGE_PATH##/\n' +
    '@4:search(grepcode) ->' +
  type: String,
  upgrade: function (value, lastSavedVersion) {
    if (lastSavedVersion === '1.4.6' && value.indexOf('->') === -1) {
      return this.defaultValue;
    value = Option._upgradeMenuOption(
    if (lastSavedVersion === '1.4.6' && value.indexOf('grepcode') === -1) {
      for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
        if (value.indexOf('@' + i + ':') === -1) {
          value +=
            '\n@' +
            i +
            ':search(grepcode) ->' +
            'search/?query=' +
    return value;


 * Upgrade a configured menu option. This function performs the changes which
 * are used to upgrade both the class menu and package menu.
 * @param {string} value The current value of the option.
 * @param {string} lastSavedVersion The last version of the script to save the
 *                 option.
 * @param {string} krugleQuery The query for searching on krugle.
 * @return {string} The new value.
Option._upgradeMenuOption = function (value, lastSavedVersion, krugleQuery) {
  if (lastSavedVersion === '1.4.6') {
    value = value.replace(':search(koders)', ':search(Ohloh)');
    value = value.replace('//', '//');
  if (lastSavedVersion === '1.4.6' || lastSavedVersion === '1.5') {
    value = value.replace(':search(Ohloh)', ':search(Open HUB)');
    value = value.replace('//', '//');
  if (
    lastSavedVersion === '1.4.6' ||
    lastSavedVersion === '1.5' ||
    lastSavedVersion.indexOf('1.5.') === 0
  ) {
    value = value.replace(':search(Open HUB)', ':search(krugle)');
    value = value.replace(
      '' +
  return value;

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Frames
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class Provides functions to interact with other frames.
Frames = {};

 * Hide the packages frame. If the packages frame does not exist, calling this
 * function will have no effect.
 * @param {Document} [parentDocument] The document containing the Javadoc frames or iframes.
Frames.hideAllPackagesFrame = function (parentDocument) {
  var framesets = (parentDocument || document).getElementsByTagName('frameset');
  if (framesets.length > 1) {
    // Javadoc created with Java 8 or earlier
    var frameset = framesets[1];
    var framesetChildren = frameset.children;
    if (
      framesetChildren.length &&
      framesetChildren[0].name === 'packageListFrame'
    ) {
      frameset.setAttribute('rows', '0,*');
      frameset.setAttribute('border', '0');
      frameset.setAttribute('frameborder', '0');
      frameset.setAttribute('framespacing', '0');
  } else {
    // Javadoc created with Java 9
    var divs = parentDocument.getElementsByTagName('div');
    for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
      var div = divs[i];
      if (div.className === 'leftTop') { = 'none';
      if (div.className === 'leftBottom') { = '100%';

 * Open the given URL in the summary frame. If the summary frame is not
 * displayed, the URL will be opened in a new tab or window.
 * @param {string} url The URL to open.
Frames.openLinkInSummaryFrameOrNewTab = function (url) {
  if ( === window) {
  } else {, 'classFrame');

 * Open the given URL in a new tab.
 * @param {string} url The URL to open.
Frames.openLinkInNewTab = function (url) {;

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * OptionsPage
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class Options page.
OptionsPage = {};

 * Open the options page.
 */ = function () { + '#JavadocSearchFrameOptions');

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * HttpRequest
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Asynchronously loads resources from external URLs.
 * @constructor
HttpRequest = function () {
  this.xmlHttpRequest = null;
  this.url = null;
  this.loadedResource = null;
  this.bytesDownloaded = 0;
  this.errorMessage = null;
  this.progressCallback = null;

 * Loads the resource at the given URL. If the resource at the given URL is
 * already being loaded, calling this function will have no effect.
 * @param {string} url The URL.
 * @param {function()} progressCallback Function that is called when whenever
 *     progress has been made towards loading the resource.
HttpRequest.prototype.load = function (url, progressCallback) {
  if (this.url === url) {
    // Already loading the resource at this URL.
  this.url = url;
  this.progressCallback = progressCallback;
  var thisObj = this;
  try {
    var xmlHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xmlHttpRequest.onprogress = function (e) {
    };'GET', url);
    xmlHttpRequest.onload = function (e) {
    xmlHttpRequest.onerror = function (e) {
    xmlHttpRequest.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
  } catch (ex) {
  this.xmlHttpRequest = xmlHttpRequest;

 * @return {boolean} Whether the loading is complete.
HttpRequest.prototype.isComplete = function () {
  return this.loadedResource !== null;

 * @return {string} A status message on the progress made towards loading the
 *     resource.
HttpRequest.prototype.getStatusMessage = function () {
  if (this.bytesDownloaded === -1) {
    return this.errorMessage;
  if (this.bytesDownloaded > 1048576) {
    return 'loading... (' + Math.floor(this.bytesDownloaded / 1048576) + ' MB)';
  if (this.bytesDownloaded > 1024) {
    return 'loading... (' + Math.floor(this.bytesDownloaded / 1024) + ' kB)';
  if (this.bytesDownloaded > 0) {
    return 'loading... (' + this.bytesDownloaded + ' bytes)';
  return 'loading...';

 * @return {string} The loaded resource, or null if the loading is not
 *     complete.
HttpRequest.prototype.getResource = function () {
  return this.loadedResource;

 * Abort the current anchor load operation.
HttpRequest.prototype.abort = function () {
  if (this.xmlHttpRequest) {
  this.xmlHttpRequest = null;
  this.url = null;
  this.loadedResource = null;
  this.bytesDownloaded = 0;
  this.errorMessage = null;
  this.progressCallback = null;

 * @param {Event} e The progress event.
HttpRequest.prototype._onprogress = function (e) {
  this.bytesDownloaded = e.position;
  this.errorMessage = null;

 * @param {Event} e The load event.
HttpRequest.prototype._onload = function (e) {
  this.loadedResource = this.xmlHttpRequest.responseText;

 * @param {Event} e The error event.
HttpRequest.prototype._onerror = function (e) {
  this.bytesDownloaded = -1;
  this.errorMessage = 'ERROR';

 * @param {*} ex The exception.
HttpRequest.prototype._onexception = function (ex) {
  this.bytesDownloaded = -1;
  this.errorMessage = ex;

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * OptionsPageGenerator
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class Options page generator.
OptionsPageGenerator = {};

 * Generate the options page by replacing the current document.
OptionsPageGenerator.generate = function () {
  document.title = Messages.get('optionsTitle');

  while (document.body.firstChild) {

  var contents = OptionsPageGenerator._createContents(document);
  contents.forEach(function (pageElement) {

 * Create the contents of the options page.
 * @param {Document} pageDocument The options page document.
 * @return {Array.<Element>} The contents of the options page.
OptionsPageGenerator._createContents = function (pageDocument) {
  var contents = [];
  var optionsTitleElement = OptionsPageGenerator._text(
    'font-family: sans-serif; ' +
      'font-weight:normal; font-size:1.5em; margin-bottom:0.2em'
  if (!Storage.isSupported()) {
    OptionsPageGenerator._title(pageDocument, Messages.get('menuOptionTitle'))
  return contents;

 * @param {Document} pageDocument The options page document.
 * @param {string} elementType The type of element to create.
 * @param {string} text The text content of the element.
 * @return {Element} The text element.
OptionsPageGenerator._text = function (pageDocument, elementType, text) {
  var labelElement = pageDocument.createElement(elementType);
  labelElement.textContent = text;
  labelElement.setAttribute('style', 'font-family: sans-serif');
  return labelElement;

 * @param {Document} pageDocument The options page document.
 * @param {string} title The title text.
 * @return {Element} An element that displays the title for an option.
OptionsPageGenerator._title = function (pageDocument, title) {
  var titleElement = OptionsPageGenerator._text(pageDocument, 'h2', title);
    'font-family: sans-serif; ' +
      'font-weight:normal; font-size:1.3em; margin-top:1em'
  return titleElement;

 * @param {Document} pageDocument The options page document.
 * @return {Element} An error message element.
OptionsPageGenerator._createOptionsCannotBeConfiguredErrorMessage = function (
) {
  var errorMessageElement = pageDocument.createElement('p');
  errorMessageElement.innerHTML = Messages.get('optionsReadOnly'); = 'red';
  return errorMessageElement;

 * @param {Document} pageDocument The options page document.
 * @param {Option} option A boolean option.
 * @param {string} name The option name, used to name the form elements.
 * @param {string} trueText The message to display when the option is true.
 * @param {string} falseText The message to display when the option is false.
 * @return {Element} An element that allows the option to be configured.
OptionsPageGenerator._booleanOption = function (
) {
  var trueRadioButtonElement = OptionsPageGenerator._radioButton(
  var trueLabelElement = OptionsPageGenerator._text(
    '   ' + trueText

  var falseRadioButtonElement = OptionsPageGenerator._radioButton(
  var falseLabelElement = OptionsPageGenerator._text(
    '   ' + falseText

  Storage.get(option, function (value) {
    var radioButtonToCheck = value
      ? trueRadioButtonElement
      : falseRadioButtonElement;
    radioButtonToCheck.setAttribute('checked', true);

    var clickEventListener = function () {
      Storage.set(option, trueRadioButtonElement.checked);

    trueRadioButtonElement.addEventListener('click', clickEventListener, false);

  var blockElement = pageDocument.createElement('div');
  blockElement.setAttribute('style', 'margin-left:20px');
  if (option.defaultValue) {
  } else {
  return blockElement;

 * @param {Document} pageDocument The options page document.
 * @param {Option} option A boolean option.
 * @param {string} name The name to display on the radio button.
 * @param {boolean} checked Whether to check the radio button.
 * @return {Element} A radio button element used to display the boolean option.
OptionsPageGenerator._radioButton = function (
) {
  var radioButtonElement = pageDocument.createElement('input');
  radioButtonElement.setAttribute('type', 'radio');
  radioButtonElement.setAttribute('name', name);
  radioButtonElement.setAttribute('value', checked);
  if (!Storage.isSupported()) {
    radioButtonElement.disabled = true;
  return radioButtonElement;

 * @param {Document} pageDocument The options page document.
 * @param {string} description A description of the option.
 * @param {Option} option A menu option.
 * @return {Element} An element that allows the option to be configured.
OptionsPageGenerator._menuOption = function (
) {
  var restoreDefaultButtonElement = pageDocument.createElement('input');
  restoreDefaultButtonElement.setAttribute('type', 'button');
  restoreDefaultButtonElement.disabled = true;

  var saveButtonElement = pageDocument.createElement('input');
  saveButtonElement.setAttribute('type', 'button');
  saveButtonElement.setAttribute('value', Messages.get('saveChanges'));
  saveButtonElement.disabled = true;

  var textAreaElement = pageDocument.createElement('textarea');
  textAreaElement.setAttribute('rows', 5);
  textAreaElement.setAttribute('cols', 100);
  textAreaElement.setAttribute('wrap', 'off');
  textAreaElement.disabled = true;

  Storage.get(option, function (value) {
    textAreaElement.value = value;

    if (Storage.isSupported()) {
      var savedValue = value;

      var updateEnabled = function () {
        var hasDefault = textAreaElement.value === option.defaultValue;
        restoreDefaultButtonElement.disabled = hasDefault;
        var hasSaved = textAreaElement.value === savedValue;
        saveButtonElement.disabled = hasSaved;

      var save = function () {
        Storage.set(option, textAreaElement.value);
        savedValue = textAreaElement.value;

        function () {
          textAreaElement.value = option.defaultValue;

      saveButtonElement.addEventListener('click', save, false);

      textAreaElement.addEventListener('input', updateEnabled, false);

      textAreaElement.disabled = false;

  var blockElement = pageDocument.createElement('div');
  blockElement.setAttribute('style', 'margin-left:20px');
    OptionsPageGenerator._text(pageDocument, 'span', description)
  return blockElement;

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Global variables
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Array of all package and class links.
 * @type {Array.<PackageLink|ClassLink>}

 * The window URL (cached).
 * @type {string}
var LOCATION_HREF = location.href;

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * LinkType
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Package, class, class member and keyword link types.
 * @param {string} singularName The singular name of the link type.
 * @param {string} pluralName The plural name of the link type.
 * @constructor
LinkType = function (singularName, pluralName) {
  this.singularName = singularName;
  this.pluralName = pluralName;

 * @return {string} The singular name of this type.
LinkType.prototype.getSingularName = function () {
  return this.singularName;

 * @return {string} The plural name of this type.
LinkType.prototype.getPluralName = function () {
  return this.pluralName;

 * @return {string} A string representation of this type.
LinkType.prototype.toString = function () {
  return this.singularName;

 * Package link type.
LinkType.PACKAGE = new LinkType('Package', 'Packages');

 * Interface link type.
LinkType.INTERFACE = new LinkType('Interface', 'Interfaces');

 * Class link type.
LinkType.CLASS = new LinkType('Class', 'Classes');

 * Enum link type.
LinkType.ENUM = new LinkType('Enum', 'Enums');

 * Exception link type.
LinkType.EXCEPTION = new LinkType('Exception', 'Exceptions');

 * Error link type.
LinkType.ERROR = new LinkType('Error', 'Errors');

 * Annotation link type.
LinkType.ANNOTATION = new LinkType('Annotation', 'Annotation Types');

 * Script link type (GroovyDoc only).
LinkType.SCRIPT = new LinkType('Script', 'Scripts');

 * Class member link type.
LinkType.CLASS_MEMBER = new LinkType('Method or Field', 'Methods and Fields');

 * Keyword link type.
LinkType.KEYWORD = new LinkType('Keyword', 'Keywords');

 * Get the link type with the given singular name.
 * @param {string} singularName The singular name.
 * @return {LinkType} The link type.
LinkType.getByName = function (singularName) {
  return LinkType[singularName.toUpperCase()];

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * PackageLink, ClassLink, MemberLink and KeywordLink
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Extract a URL from the given link.
 * @param {PackageLink|ClassLink|MemberLink|KeywordLink} link The link.
 * @return {string} The URL.
function extractUrl(link) {
  var html = link.getHtml();
  // Assume that the HTML starts with <A HREF="..."
  var firstQuoteIndex = html.indexOf('"');
  var secondQuoteIndex = html.indexOf('"', firstQuoteIndex + 1);
  return html.substring(firstQuoteIndex + 1, secondQuoteIndex);

 * Convert the given relative URL to an absolute URL.
 * @param {string} relativeUrl The relative URL.
 * @param {string=} opt_documentUrl The document's current URL, given by
 *     location.href (optional).
 * @return {string} The absolute URL.
function toAbsoluteUrl(relativeUrl, opt_documentUrl) {
  var colonIndex = relativeUrl.indexOf(':');
  if (colonIndex != -1 && colonIndex < relativeUrl.indexOf('/')) {
    // Already an absolute URL.
    return relativeUrl;
  if (!opt_documentUrl) {
    opt_documentUrl = LOCATION_HREF;
  var documentUrlPath = opt_documentUrl.substring(
    opt_documentUrl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1
  var relativeUrlPath = relativeUrl.substring(
    relativeUrl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1
  if (endsWith(documentUrlPath, relativeUrlPath)) {
    documentUrlPath = documentUrlPath.substring(
      documentUrlPath.length - relativeUrlPath.length
  return documentUrlPath + relativeUrl;

 * Link to a package. These links are of type {LinkType.PACKAGE}.
 * @param {string} packageName The package name.
 * @constructor
PackageLink = function (packageName) {
  this.packageName = packageName;
  this.html =
    '<A HREF="' +
    packageName.replace(/\./g, '/') +
    '/package-summary.html" target="classFrame">' +
    packageName +

 * Determine whether this link matches the given regular expression.
 * @param {RegExp} regex The regular expression.
 * @return {boolean} Whether this link is a match.
PackageLink.prototype.matches = function (regex) {
  return regex.test(this.packageName);

 * @return {string} This link in HTML format.
PackageLink.prototype.getHtml = function () {
  return this.html;

 * @return {LinkType} The type of this link.
PackageLink.prototype.getType = function () {
  return LinkType.PACKAGE;

 * @return {string} The name of this package.
PackageLink.prototype.getPackageName = function () {
  return this.packageName;

 * @return {string} The URL of this link.
PackageLink.prototype.getUrl = function () {
  return toAbsoluteUrl(extractUrl(this));

 * Equals function.
 * @param {*} obj The object with which to compare.
 * @return {boolean} Whether this link is equal to the given object.
PackageLink.prototype.equals = function (obj) {
  return obj instanceof PackageLink && this.packageName === obj.packageName;

 * @return {string} A string representation of this link.
PackageLink.prototype.toString = function () {
  return 'PackageLink: ' + this.packageName;

 * Link to a class. These links are of type {LinkType.INTERFACE},
 * {LinkType.CLASS}, {LinkType.ENUM}, {LinkType.EXCEPTION}, {LinkType.ERROR},
 * {LinkType.ANNOTATION} or {LinkType.SCRIPT}.
 * @param {LinkType} type The type of this link.
 * @param {string} packageName The package name.
 * @param {string} className The class name.
 * @constructor
ClassLink = function (type, packageName, className) {
  this.type = type;
  this.className = className;
  this.canonicalName = packageName + '.' + className;

  this.innerClassNames = [];
  var name = className;
  while (true) {
    var index = name.indexOf('.');
    if (index === -1) {
    name = name.substring(index + 1);

  var url = toAbsoluteUrl(
    packageName.replace(/\./g, '/') + '/' + className + '.html'
  var typeInHtml = type;
  if (type === LinkType.EXCEPTION || type === LinkType.ERROR) {
    typeInHtml = LinkType.CLASS;
  var openingTag = '';
  var closingTag = '';
  if (type === LinkType.INTERFACE) {
    openingTag = '<I>';
    closingTag = '</I>';
  this.html =
    '<A HREF="' +
    url +
    '" title="' +
    typeInHtml.getSingularName().toLowerCase() +
    ' in ' +
    packageName +
    '" target="classFrame">' +
    openingTag +
    className +
    closingTag +
    '</A>&nbsp;[&nbsp;' +
    packageName +

 * Determine whether this link matches the given regular expression.
 * @param {RegExp} regex The regular expression.
 * @return {boolean} Whether this link is a match.
ClassLink.prototype.matches = function (regex) {
  return (
    regex.test(this.className) ||
    regex.test(this.canonicalName) ||
    this.innerClassNames.some(function (innerClassName) {
      return regex.test(innerClassName);

 * @return {string} This link in HTML format.
ClassLink.prototype.getHtml = function () {
  return this.html;

 * @return {LinkType} The type of this link.
ClassLink.prototype.getType = function () {
  return this.type;

 * @return {string} The simple name of this class.
ClassLink.prototype.getClassName = function () {
  return this.className;

 * @return {string} The name of the package that contains this class.
ClassLink.prototype.getPackageName = function () {
  return this.canonicalName.substring(
    this.canonicalName.length - this.className.length - 1

 * @return {string} The canonical name of this class.
ClassLink.prototype.getCanonicalName = function () {
  return this.canonicalName;

 * @return {string} The URL of this link.
ClassLink.prototype.getUrl = function () {
  return toAbsoluteUrl(extractUrl(this));

 * Equals function.
 * @param {*} obj The object with which to compare.
 * @return {boolean} Whether this link is equal to the given object.
ClassLink.prototype.equals = function (obj) {
  return (
    obj instanceof ClassLink &&
    this.type === obj.type &&
    this.className === obj.className &&
    this.canonicalName === obj.canonicalName

 * @return {string} A string representation of this link.
ClassLink.prototype.toString = function () {
  return 'ClassLink(' + this.type + '): ' + this.canonicalName;

 * Link to a method or field of a class.
 * @param {string} baseUrl The base URL of this link.
 * @param {string} anchorName The method or field anchor name.
 * @param {string} displayName The method or field display name.
 * @constructor
MemberLink = function (baseUrl, anchorName, displayName) {
  this.anchorName = anchorName;
  this.displayName = displayName;
  this.html =
    '<A HREF="' +
    baseUrl +
    '#' +
    anchorName +
    '" target="classFrame" class="anchorLink">' +
    displayName.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;') +

 * Determine whether this link matches the given regular expression.
 * @param {RegExp} regex The regular expression.
 * @return {boolean} Whether this link is a match.
MemberLink.prototype.matches = function (regex) {
  return regex.test(this.displayName);

 * @return {string} This link in HTML format.
MemberLink.prototype.getHtml = function () {
  return this.html;

 * @return {LinkType} The type of this link.
MemberLink.prototype.getType = function () {
  return LinkType.CLASS_MEMBER;

 * @return {string} The URL of this link.
MemberLink.prototype.getUrl = function () {
  return extractUrl(this);

 * @return {string} The name of this class member.
MemberLink.prototype.getName = function () {
  if (this.displayName.indexOf('(') !== -1) {
    return this.displayName.substring(0, this.displayName.indexOf('('));
  } else {
    return this.displayName;

 * Equals function.
 * @param {*} obj The object with which to compare.
 * @return {boolean} Whether this link is equal to the given object.
MemberLink.prototype.equals = function (obj) {
  return obj instanceof MemberLink && this.html === obj.html;

 * @return {string} A string representation of this link.
MemberLink.prototype.toString = function () {
  return 'MemberLink: ' + this.displayName + ' -> #' + this.anchorName;

 * Keyword link found on a package or class page.
 * @param {string} baseUrl The base URL of this link.
 * @param {string} anchorName The keyword anchor name.
 * @param {string} displayName The keyword display name.
 * @constructor
KeywordLink = function (baseUrl, anchorName, displayName) {
  this.anchorName = anchorName;
  this.displayName = displayName;
  this.html =
    '<A HREF="' +
    baseUrl +
    '#' +
    anchorName +
    '" target="classFrame" class="anchorLink" style="color:#666">' +
    displayName.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;') +

 * Determine whether this link matches the given regular expression.
 * @param {RegExp} regex The regular expression.
 * @return {boolean} Whether this link is a match.
KeywordLink.prototype.matches = function (regex) {
  return regex.test(this.displayName);

 * @return {string} This link in HTML format.
KeywordLink.prototype.getHtml = function () {
  return this.html;

 * @return {LinkType} The type of this link.
KeywordLink.prototype.getType = function () {
  return LinkType.KEYWORD;

 * @return {string} The URL of this link.
KeywordLink.prototype.getUrl = function () {
  return extractUrl(this);

 * Equals function.
 * @param {*} obj The object with which to compare.
 * @return {boolean} Whether this link is equal to the given object.
KeywordLink.prototype.equals = function (obj) {
  return obj instanceof KeywordLink && this.html === obj.html;

 * @return {string} A string representation of this link.
KeywordLink.prototype.toString = function () {
  return 'KeywordLink: ' + this.displayName + ' -> #' + this.anchorName;

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * View
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class View Provides access to the UI elements of the frame containing the
 *     search field.
View = {
  searchField: null,
  contentNodeParent: null,
  contentNode: null,

 * Access key that will focus on the search field when activated ('s').
 * This access key can be activated by pressing either Alt+s or Alt+Shift+s,
 * depending on the internet browser.
 * @type {string}
View.searchAccessKey = 's';

 * Access key that will clear the search field when activated ('a').
 * This access key can be activated by pressing either Alt+a or Alt+Shift+a,
 * depending on the internet browser.
 * @type {string}
View.eraseAccessKey = 'a';

 * Initialise the search field frame.
 * @param {EventHandlers} eventHandlers The event handlers.
View.initialise = function (eventHandlers) {

 * Set the HTML contents of the area below the search field.
 * @param {string} contents The HTML contents.
View.setContentsHtml = function (contents) {
  var newNode = View.contentNode.cloneNode(false);
  newNode.innerHTML = contents;
  View.contentNodeParent.replaceChild(newNode, View.contentNode);
  View.contentNode = newNode;

 * Set the value displayed in the search field.
 * @param {string} value The value to display.
View.setSearchFieldValue = function (value) {
  if (View.searchField.value !== value) {
    View.searchField.value = value;

 * @return {string} The current value displayed in the search field.
View.getSearchFieldValue = function () {
  return View.searchField.value;

 * Give focus to the search field.
View.focusOnSearchField = function () {

 * Clear the search field.
View.clearSearchField = function () {

 * Create the view elements and add them to the current document.
 * @param {EventHandlers} eventHandlers The event handlers.
View._create = function (eventHandlers) {
  var tableElement = document.createElement('table');
  var tableRowElementOne = document.createElement('tr');
  var tableDataCellElementOne = document.createElement('td');
  var tableRowElementTwo = document.createElement('tr');
  var tableDataCellElementTwo = document.createElement('td');

  View.searchField = View._createSearchField(eventHandlers);
  var webKitBrowser = RegExp(' AppleWebKit/').test(navigator.userAgent);
  if (View.searchField.type === 'text' || !webKitBrowser) {
    // Three cases:
    // 1) WebKit browsers, e.g. Google Chrome and Safari, will display an
    //    erase button on type="search" input fields once some text has been
    //    entered into the field. Do not manually add an erase button.
    // 2) If searchType.type === 'text', this is a pre-HTML5 browser that is
    //    unaware of the search type. Manually add an erase button.
    // 3) HTML5-aware versions of Mozilla Firefox will report that
    //    searchType.type is 'search', but will not change the behaviour of the
    //    field. Manually add an erase button.
    var eraseButton = View._createEraseButton(eventHandlers);
  var optionsLink = View._createOptionsLink(eventHandlers);
  var helpLink = View._createHelpLink(eventHandlers);
  View.contentNodeParent = tableRowElementTwo;
  View.contentNode = tableDataCellElementTwo;

  if (eraseButton) {
  var nbsp = '\u00A0';
  tableDataCellElementOne.appendChild(document.createTextNode(nbsp + nbsp));

  ].forEach(function (element) { = '0'; = '100%'; = '4px';
  });['border-collapse'] = 'collapse';['position'] = 'fixed';['background-color'] = 'white';['padding-top'] = '4em';

  while (document.body.firstChild) {

 * @param {EventHandlers} eventHandlers The event handlers.
 * @return {Element} The search field element.
View._createSearchField = function (eventHandlers) {
  var searchField = document.createElement('input');
  searchField.setAttribute('type', 'search');
  searchField.setAttribute('spellcheck', 'false');
  searchField.setAttribute('autofocus', 'true');
  searchField.addEventListener('keyup', eventHandlers.searchFieldKeyup, false);
  searchField.addEventListener('focus', eventHandlers.searchFieldFocus, false);
  if (View.searchAccessKey) {
    searchField.setAttribute('accesskey', View.searchAccessKey);
  return searchField;

 * @param {EventHandlers} eventHandlers The event handlers.
 * @return {Element} The erase button element.
View._createEraseButton = function (eventHandlers) {
  var eraseButton = document.createElement('input');
  eraseButton.setAttribute('type', 'image');
    'data:image/gif;base64,' +
      'wnCegcpcg4nIw2sRGDZYnBAWiIHJQRZbec5XXEqnrmXIupMWdZGCXlAGhJg0h7lAAADs%' +
  eraseButton.setAttribute('style', 'margin-left: 2px');
  eraseButton.addEventListener('click', eventHandlers.eraseButtonClick, false);
  if (View.eraseAccessKey) {
    eraseButton.setAttribute('accesskey', View.eraseAccessKey);
  return eraseButton;

 * @param {EventHandlers} eventHandlers The event handlers.
 * @return {Element} The options page link element.
View._createOptionsLink = function (eventHandlers) {
  var anchorElement = document.createElement('a');
  anchorElement.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0);');
  anchorElement.textContent = Messages.get('optionsAnchor');
  var fontElement = document.createElement('font');
  fontElement.setAttribute('size', '-2');
  return fontElement;

 * @param {EventHandlers} eventHandlers The event handlers.
 * @return {Element} The help link element.
View._createHelpLink = function (eventHandlers) {
  var anchorElement = document.createElement('a');
  anchorElement.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0);');
  anchorElement.textContent = Messages.get('helpAnchor');
  anchorElement.addEventListener('click', eventHandlers.helpLinkClicked, false);
  var fontElement = document.createElement('font');
  fontElement.setAttribute('size', '-2');
  return fontElement;

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Query
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class Query Constructs the text entered into the search field into a search
 *     query.
Query = {
  packageOrClassSearchString: '',
  memberOrKeywordSearchString: null,
  menuSearchString: null,
  timeoutId: null,

 * @return {string} The portion of the search query that relates to the
 *     packages and classes search.
Query.getPackageOrClassSearchString = function () {
  return Query.packageOrClassSearchString;

 * @return {string} The portion of the search query that relates to the class
 *     members and keywords search.
Query.getMemberOrKeywordSearchString = function () {
  return Query.memberOrKeywordSearchString;

 * @return {string} The portion of the search query that relates to the
 *     package menu or class menu.
Query.getMenuSearchString = function () {
  return Query.menuSearchString;

 * @return {string} The entire search query.
Query.getEntireSearchString = function () {
  var searchString = Query.packageOrClassSearchString;
  if (Query.memberOrKeywordSearchString !== null) {
    searchString += '#';
    searchString += Query.memberOrKeywordSearchString;
  if (Query.menuSearchString !== null) {
    searchString += '@';
    searchString += Query.menuSearchString;
  return searchString;

 * Update this query based on the contents of the search field.
 * @param {string} searchFieldContents The contents of the search field.
Query.update = function (searchFieldContents) {

   * Update the view on a timer (see r204) as a workaround for a Webkit bug:
   * This workaround is no longer necessary since at least Google Chrome
   * 12.0.742.112 and Safari 5.1.
   * However, it shouldn't be removed, because the script may be running under
   * an older version of Safari. This isn't a problem for Google Chrome, which
   * will only install extensions that are compatible with the browser version.
  if (Query.timeoutId !== null) {
  Query.timeoutId = window.setTimeout(function () {
  }, 0);

 * Process the search field input.
 * @param {string} searchFieldContents The contents of the search field.
Query._processInput = function (searchFieldContents) {
  var searchString;
  if (Query.menuSearchString !== null) {
    searchString = Query.packageOrClassSearchString;
    if (Query.memberOrKeywordSearchString !== null) {
      searchString += '#' + Query.memberOrKeywordSearchString;
    if (searchFieldContents.indexOf('@') !== -1) {
      searchString += searchFieldContents;
  } else if (Query.memberOrKeywordSearchString !== null) {
    searchString = Query.packageOrClassSearchString + searchFieldContents;
  } else {
    searchString = searchFieldContents;

  var tokens = [];
  var splitOnPrefix;
  ['@', '#'].forEach(function (prefix) {
    if (searchString.indexOf(prefix) !== -1) {
      splitOnPrefix = searchString.split(prefix, 2);
      searchString = splitOnPrefix[0];
    } else {

  Query.packageOrClassSearchString = searchString;
  Query.memberOrKeywordSearchString = tokens[1];
  Query.menuSearchString = tokens[0];

 * Update the view.
Query._updateView = function () {
  var fieldValue = Query.getEntireSearchString();
  ['#', '@'].forEach(function (prefix) {
    if (fieldValue.indexOf(prefix) !== -1) {
      fieldValue = prefix + fieldValue.split(prefix, 2)[1];


 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * RegexLibrary
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class RegexLibrary Library of regular expressions used by this script.
RegexLibrary = {};

 * Create and return a function that will take a {PackageLink}, {ClassLink},
 * {MemberLink} or {KeywordLink} as an argument and return whether that link
 * matches the given search string.
 * @param {string} searchString The search string.
 * @return {function(PackageLink|ClassLink|MemberLink|KeywordLink): boolean}
 *     The condition function.
RegexLibrary.createCondition = function (searchString) {
  if (searchString.length === 0 || searchString === '*') {
    return function (link) {
      return true;

  var pattern = RegexLibrary._getRegex(searchString);

  return function (link) {
    return link.matches(pattern);

 * Create and return a function that will take a {PackageLink}, {ClassLink},
 * {MemberLink} or {KeywordLink} as an argument and return whether that link
 * is a case-sensitive exact match for the given search string.
 * @param {string} searchString The search string.
 * @return {function(PackageLink|ClassLink|MemberLink|KeywordLink): boolean}
 *     The condition function.
RegexLibrary.createCaseInsensitiveExactMatchCondition = function (
) {
  return RegexLibrary._createExactMatchCondition(searchString, false);

 * Create and return a function that will take a {PackageLink}, {ClassLink},
 * {MemberLink} or {KeywordLink} as an argument and return whether that link
 * is a case-sensitive exact match for the given search string.
 * @param {string} searchString The search string.
 * @return {function(PackageLink|ClassLink|MemberLink|KeywordLink): boolean}
 *     The condition function.
RegexLibrary.createCaseSensitiveExactMatchCondition = function (searchString) {
  return RegexLibrary._createExactMatchCondition(searchString, true);

 * @param {string} searchString The search string.
 * @param {boolean} caseSensitive True for a case-sensitive match, false for
 *                  case-insensitive.
 * @return {function(PackageLink|ClassLink|MemberLink|KeywordLink): boolean}
 *     The condition function.
RegexLibrary._createExactMatchCondition = function (
) {
  if (searchString.length === 0 || searchString.indexOf('*') !== -1) {
    return function (link) {
      return false;

  var pattern = RegexLibrary._getExactMatchRegex(searchString, caseSensitive);

  return function (link) {
    return link.matches(pattern);

 * @param {string} searchString The search string.
 * @return {RegExp} The regular expression for the search string.
RegexLibrary._getRegex = function (searchString) {
  // Replace repeated wildcards with a single wildcard character.
  searchString = searchString.replace(/\*{2,}/g, '*');
  // If the search string ends with a wildcard, remove it.
  searchString = searchString.replace(/\*$/, '');

  // Construct the camel case regular expression.
  var camelCasePattern = '';
  var i = 0;
  while (i < searchString.length) {
    if (searchString[i] === '*') {
      // The '*' character is a wildcard.
      camelCasePattern += '.*';
    } else if (searchString[i] === '.') {
      // The '.' character is matched directly. The next character (unless it
      // is a wildcard) starts a new camel case expression. This allows, e.g.
      // "j.l.O" to match "java.lang.Object".
      camelCasePattern += '\\' + '.';
    } else {
      // A camel case expression, which continues until an uppercase or digit
      // character starts the next camel case expression, or a '*' or '.'
      // character is found. Digits can start a new camel case expression, so
      // that e.g. "P2D" will match "Point2D".
      var endOfCamelCase = searchString.substring(i + 1).search(/[A-Z\d\*\.]/);
      var expression;
      if (endOfCamelCase === -1) {
        expression = searchString.substring(i);
      } else {
        expression = searchString.substring(i, i + endOfCamelCase + 1);
      i += expression.length;

      camelCasePattern +=
        RegexLibrary._escape(expression[0]) +
      // The camel case regular expression will match any number of lowercase
      // or digit characters following the search term. Digits are accepted so
      // that, e.g. "PD" will match "Point2D".
      camelCasePattern += '[a-z\\d]*';
      if (/[A-Z]/.test(expression[0])) {
        // This camel case expression starts with an uppercase character, so
        // it will match classes. Accept an optional trailing '.' character to
        // make it easier to search for inner classes, e.g. "CUB" will match
        // "Character.UnicodeBlock".
        camelCasePattern += '\\.?';

  // The search term can also be matched without camel case.
  var textPattern = RegexLibrary._caseInsensitivePattern(searchString, '*');
  textPattern = textPattern.replace(/\*/g, '.*');

  var pattern = '^((' + camelCasePattern + ')|(' + textPattern + ')).*$';
  return new RegExp(pattern);

 * @param {string} searchString The search string.
 * @param {boolean} caseSensitive True for a case-sensitive match, false for
 *                  case-insensitive.
 * @return {RegExp} The exact match regular expression for the search string.
RegexLibrary._getExactMatchRegex = function (searchString, caseSensitive) {
  var pattern = '^' + RegexLibrary._escape(searchString) + '$';
  return caseSensitive ? new RegExp(pattern) : new RegExp(pattern, 'i');

 * Return a regular expression pattern that will perform a case-insensitive
 * match of the given string.
 * @param {string} str The input string.
 * @param {string} charactersToIgnore These characters will be left in the
 *                 string without being replaced.
 * @return {string} The regular expression pattern.
RegexLibrary._caseInsensitivePattern = function (str, charactersToIgnore) {
  var result = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    var c = str[i];
    if (charactersToIgnore && charactersToIgnore.indexOf(c) !== -1) {
    } else {
      if (/[A-Za-z]/.test(c)) {
        result.push('[' + c.toUpperCase() + c.toLowerCase() + ']');
      } else {
  return result.join('');

 * Escape the given string so that it will be treated as a literal within a
 * regular expression.
 * @param {string} str The input string.
 * @return {string} The escaped string.
RegexLibrary._escape = function (str) {
  return str.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Callback
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * A callback function in the context of a specified object.
 * @param {function(*): *} callbackFunction The callback function.
 * @param {*} thisObject The "this" object used when calling the function.
 * @constructor
Callback = function (callbackFunction, thisObject) {
  this.callbackFunction = callbackFunction;
  this.thisObject = thisObject;

 * Invoke this callback function with the given arguments.
 * @param {Array.<*>=} opt_argsArray An array of arguments to pass to the
 *     callback function. If not provided, no arguments will be passed to the
 *     callback function.
 * @return {*} The function result.
Callback.prototype.invoke = function (opt_argsArray) {
  return this.callbackFunction.apply(this.thisObject, opt_argsArray);

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Search
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class Search The searching functionality.
Search = {
  previousEntireSearchString: null,
  timeoutId: null,
  topLink: null,

 * Perform a search.
Search.perform = function () {
  var entireSearchString = Query.getEntireSearchString();
  Search.previousEntireSearchString = entireSearchString;

 * Perform a search after a short delay only if the search string has changed.
Search.performIfSearchStringHasChanged = function () {
  var entireSearchString = Query.getEntireSearchString();
  if (entireSearchString !== Search.previousEntireSearchString) {
    if (Search.timeoutId !== null) {
    Search.timeoutId = window.setTimeout(function () {
    }, 100);
  Search.previousEntireSearchString = entireSearchString;

 * @return {string} The URL of the link currently displayed at the top of the
 *     list, or null if no links are currently displayed.
Search.getTopLinkUrl = function () {
  if (Search.topLink) {
    return Search.topLink.getUrl();
  return null;

 * @param {string} entireSearchString The search string.
Search._performSearch = function (entireSearchString) {
  Storage.get(Option.CLASS_MENU, function (classMenu) {
    Storage.get(Option.PACKAGE_MENU, function (packageMenu) {
      var searchContext = {};
      searchContext.classMenu = classMenu;
      searchContext.packageMenu = packageMenu;

      Search._Menu._perform(searchContext, Query.getMenuSearchString());

      if (searchContext.getContentsHtmlCallback) {
        var contentsHtml = searchContext.getContentsHtmlCallback.invoke();

      Search.topLink =
        searchContext.topMemberOrKeywordLink ||

      if (searchContext.menuPageOpened) {

 * Collapse the menu after an external page has been opened.
Search._collapseMenu = function () {

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Search._PackagesAndClasses
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class Search._PackagesAndClasses Component of the search functionality that
 *     deals with package and class links.
Search._PackagesAndClasses = {
  previousQuery: null,
  currentLinks: null,
  bestMatch: null,
  topLink: null,

 * Perform this portion of the search.
 * @param {Object} searchContext Object which allows this search component to
 *     store a result and to inspect results provided by earlier search
 *     components.
 * @param {string} searchString The search string.
Search._PackagesAndClasses._perform = function (searchContext, searchString) {
  var module = Search._PackagesAndClasses;

  if (module.previousQuery === null || module.previousQuery !== searchString) {
    if (
      module.previousQuery !== null &&
      searchString.indexOf(module.previousQuery) === 0
    ) {
      // Characters have been added to the end of the previous query. Start
      // with the current search list and filter out any links that do not
      // match.
    } else {
      // Otherwise, start with the complete search list.
      module.currentLinks = ALL_PACKAGE_AND_CLASS_LINKS.concat();

    var condition = RegexLibrary.createCondition(searchString);
    module.currentLinks = module.currentLinks.filter(condition);
    module.bestMatch = module._getBestMatch(searchString, module.currentLinks);
    module.topLink = module._getTopLink(module.currentLinks, module.bestMatch);

  module.previousQuery = searchString;

  searchContext.topPackageOrClassLink = module.topLink;
  searchContext.getContentsHtmlCallback = new Callback(

 * @param {Array.<PackageLink|ClassLink>} links The package and class links
 *     matched by the current search.
 * @param {PackageLink|ClassLink} bestMatch The best match link.
 * @return {PackageLink|ClassLink} The top link.
Search._PackagesAndClasses._getTopLink = function (links, bestMatch) {
  if (bestMatch) {
    return bestMatch;
  if (links.length > 0) {
    return links[0];
  return null;

 * Get the best match (if any) from the given array of links.
 * @param {string} searchString The search string.
 * @param {Array.<PackageLink|ClassLink>} links The package and class links
 *     matched by the current search.
 * @return {PackageLink|ClassLink=} The best match.
Search._PackagesAndClasses._getBestMatch = function (searchString, links) {
  if (links.length <= 1 || searchString === '') {
    // No need to display a best match.
    return null;

  function filterBestMatches(condition) {
    var result = links.filter(condition);
    if (result.length > 0) {
      links = result;

  // Look for a case-insensitive exact match.

  // Look for a case-sensitive exact match.

  // Keep only the links with the lowest package depth.
  var lowestPackageDepth = 1000000;
  function getDepth(link) {
    var name =
      link.getType() === LinkType.PACKAGE
        ? link.getPackageName()
        : link.getCanonicalName();
    return name.split('.').length;
  links.forEach(function (link) {
    lowestPackageDepth = Math.min(lowestPackageDepth, getDepth(link));
  filterBestMatches(function (link) {
    return getDepth(link) === lowestPackageDepth;

  // When searching for "List", select java.util.List instead of java.awt.List.
  var javaUtilList = new ClassLink(LinkType.INTERFACE, 'java.util', 'List');
  var javaAwtList = new ClassLink(LinkType.CLASS, 'java.awt', 'List');
  if (
    links.length === 2 &&
    links[0].equals(javaUtilList) &&
  ) {
    return javaUtilList;

  // If the list has been reduced to one item, then that is the best match.
  return links.length == 1 ? links[0] : null;

 * @return {string} The HTML to display the search results.
Search._PackagesAndClasses._constructHtml = function () {
  var module = Search._PackagesAndClasses;
  if (module.currentLinks.length === 0) {
    return 'No search results.';
  var html = '';
  if (module.bestMatch) {
    html += '<br/><b><i>Best Match</i></b><br/>';
    html += module.bestMatch.getType().getSingularName().toLowerCase();
    html += '<br/>';
    html += module.bestMatch.getHtml();
    html += '<br/>';
  var type;
  var newType;
  module.currentLinks.forEach(function (link) {
    newType = link.getType();
    if (type !== newType) {
      html += '<br/><b>' + newType.getPluralName() + '</b><br/>';
      type = newType;
    html += link.getHtml();
    html += '<br/>';
  return html;

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Search._ClassMembersAndKeywords
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class Search._ClassMembersAndKeywords Component of the search functionality
 *     that deals with class members and keyword links.
Search._ClassMembersAndKeywords = {
  httpRequest: new HttpRequest(),

  keywords: {
    'field summary': 1,
    'nested class summary': 1,
    'constructor summary': 1,
    'constructor detail': 1,
    'method summary': 1,
    'method detail': 1,
    'field detail': 1,

  keywordsToIgnore: {
    'navbar top': 1,
    'navbar top firstrow': 1,
    'skip navbar top': 1,
    'navbar bottom': 1,
    'navbar bottom firstrow': 1,
    'skip navbar bottom': 1,

  keywordPrefixes: [
    'methods inherited from class ',
    'fields inherited from class ',
    'nested classes inherited from class ',

 * Perform this portion of the search.
 * @param {Object} searchContext Object which allows this search component to
 *     store a result and to inspect results provided by earlier search
 *     components.
 * @param {string} searchString The search string.
Search._ClassMembersAndKeywords._perform = function (
) {
  var module = Search._ClassMembersAndKeywords;
  var topPackageOrClassLink = searchContext.topPackageOrClassLink;
  if (searchString === null || !topPackageOrClassLink) {

  var progressCallback = function () {

  module.httpRequest.load(topPackageOrClassLink.getUrl(), progressCallback);
  if (module.httpRequest.isComplete()) {
    var packageOrClassPageHtml = module.httpRequest.getResource();
    var memberAndKeywordLinks = module._getMemberAndKeywordLinks(
    var condition = RegexLibrary.createCondition(searchString);

    var matchingMemberAndKeywordLinks = memberAndKeywordLinks.filter(condition);
    searchContext.topMemberOrKeywordLink =
      matchingMemberAndKeywordLinks.length > 0
        ? matchingMemberAndKeywordLinks[0]
        : null;

    searchContext.getContentsHtmlCallback = new Callback(function () {
      var html = '';
      if (matchingMemberAndKeywordLinks.length === 0) {
        html += 'No search results.';
      } else {
        matchingMemberAndKeywordLinks.forEach(function (memberOrKeywordLink) {
          html += memberOrKeywordLink.getHtml();
      return topPackageOrClassLink.getHtml() + '<p>' + html + '</p>';
    }, module);
  } else {
    searchContext.getContentsHtmlCallback = new Callback(function () {
      return (
        topPackageOrClassLink.getHtml() +
        '<p>' +
        module.httpRequest.getStatusMessage() +
    }, module);
    searchContext.memberAndKeywordLinksLoading = true;

 * Retrieve the member and keyword links from the given package or class page.
 * @param {string} baseUrl The URL of the page.
 * @param {string} packageOrClassPageHtml The contents of the page.
 * @return {Array.<MemberLink|KeywordLink>} The links.
Search._ClassMembersAndKeywords._getMemberAndKeywordLinks = function (
) {
  // Starting with Java 9, the "id" attribute is used instead of "name".
  var anchorRegex = /<a (name|id)=\"([^\"]+)\"/gi;
  var matches;
  var links = [];
  while ((matches = anchorRegex.exec(packageOrClassPageHtml)) !== null) {
    var name = matches[2];
    var link = Search._ClassMembersAndKeywords._createLink(baseUrl, name);
    if (link) {
  return Search._ClassMembersAndKeywords._sortLinks(links);

 * Create a class member or keyword link from the given anchor name.
 * @param {string} baseUrl The URL of the package or class page.
 * @param {string} anchorName The anchor name.
 * @return {MemberLink|KeywordLink|null} The created link.
Search._ClassMembersAndKeywords._createLink = function (baseUrl, anchorName) {
  var module = Search._ClassMembersAndKeywords;
  // Starting with Java 8, the keyword anchors use '.' to delimit words. Prior
  // to that, a combination of '-' and '_' was used. Replace all with spaces.
  var keywordDisplayName = anchorName.replace(/[-_.]/g, ' ');
  if (module.keywordsToIgnore[keywordDisplayName] === 1) {
    return null;
  if (module.keywords[keywordDisplayName] === 1) {
    return new KeywordLink(baseUrl, anchorName, keywordDisplayName);
  for (var i = 0; i < module.keywordPrefixes.length; i++) {
    var prefix = module.keywordPrefixes[i];
    if (keywordDisplayName.indexOf(prefix) === 0) {
      // Retain the original anchor name after the prefix which contains the
      // class name, e.g. 'java.awt.Window'.
      keywordDisplayName = prefix + anchorName.substring(prefix.length);
      return new KeywordLink(baseUrl, anchorName, keywordDisplayName);
  var displayName = anchorName;
  if ((anchorName.match(/-/g) || []).length >= 2) {
    // Starting with Java 8, the method anchors contain dashes in place of
    // brackets and between the method arguments.
    displayName = displayName.replace('-', '(');
    displayName = displayName.replace(/-$/, ')');
    displayName = displayName.replace(/-/g, ', ');
  return new MemberLink(baseUrl, anchorName, displayName);

 * Sort class member and keyword links such that the keyword links appear at
 * the end.
 * @param {Array.<MemberLink|KeywordLink>} links The links to sort.
 * @return {Array.<MemberLink|KeywordLink>} The sorted links.
Search._ClassMembersAndKeywords._sortLinks = function (links) {
  var memberLinks = [];
  var keywordLinks = [];
  links.forEach(function (link) {
    if (link.getType() === LinkType.CLASS_MEMBER) {
    } else {
  }, Search._ClassMembersAndKeywords);
  return memberLinks.concat(keywordLinks);

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Search._Menu
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class Search._Menu Component of the search functionality that deals with
 *     the package menu and class menu.
Search._Menu = {
  menuReplacement: null,

 * Perform this portion of the search.
 * @param {Object} searchContext Object which allows this search component to
 *     store a result and to inspect results provided by earlier search
 *     components.
 * @param {string} searchString The search string.
Search._Menu._perform = function (searchContext, searchString) {
  var module = Search._Menu;
  var topPackageOrClassLink = searchContext.topPackageOrClassLink;
  var topMemberOrKeywordLink = searchContext.topMemberOrKeywordLink;

  var performMenuSearch =
    searchString !== null &&
    topPackageOrClassLink &&
    !searchContext.memberAndKeywordLinksLoading &&
    topMemberOrKeywordLink !== null;
  if (!performMenuSearch) {

  var menuReplacement = module._getMenuReplacement();
  var menu = module._constructMenu(

  searchContext.getContentsHtmlCallback = new Callback(function () {
    var html = topPackageOrClassLink.getHtml();
    if (topMemberOrKeywordLink) {
      html += '<br/>' + topMemberOrKeywordLink.getHtml();
    html += '<p>' + module._constructMenuHtml(menu) + '</p>';
    return html;
  }, module);

  if (!searchString) {

  for (var i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) {
    var menuElement = menu[i];
    if (menuElement.mnemonic === '@' + searchString) {

  searchContext.menuPageOpened = true;

 * Construct the menu.
 * @param {Object} searchContext The search context.
 * @param {{Object.<function(ClassLink|PackageLink,MemberLink)>}}
 *     memberReplacement An object containing, for each placeholder value, a
 *     function to resolve that value.
 * @param {ClassLink|PackageLink} classOrPackageLink The current class link or
 *     package link.
 * @param {MemberLink|KeywordLink} memberOrKeywordLink The current member link
 *     or keyword link.
 * @return {Array.<{mnemonic: string, label: string, url: string}>} The menu
 *     items.
Search._Menu._constructMenu = function (
) {
  var classMemberLink;
  if (
    memberOrKeywordLink &&
    memberOrKeywordLink.getType() === LinkType.CLASS_MEMBER
  ) {
    classMemberLink = memberOrKeywordLink;

  var menuDefinition;
  if (classOrPackageLink && classOrPackageLink.getType() === LinkType.PACKAGE) {
    menuDefinition = searchContext.packageMenu;
  } else {
    menuDefinition = searchContext.classMenu;

  var menu = [];
  menuDefinition.split('\n').forEach(function (menuAnchorDefinition) {
    var splitOnArrow = splitOnFirst(menuAnchorDefinition, '->');
    if (splitOnArrow.length === 2) {
      var mnemonicAndLabel = splitOnFirst(splitOnArrow[0], ':');
      if (mnemonicAndLabel.length === 2) {
        var mnemonic = mnemonicAndLabel[0];
        var label = mnemonicAndLabel[1];
        var url = splitOnArrow[1];

        var matches;
        while ((matches = /##(\w+)##/.exec(url)) !== null) {
          var f = menuReplacement[matches[1]];
          var rx2 = new RegExp(matches[0], 'g');
          if (f) {
            url = url.replace(rx2, f(classOrPackageLink, classMemberLink));
          } else {
            url = url.replace(rx2, '');

        menu.push({ mnemonic: mnemonic, label: label, url: url });

  return menu;

 * Placeholder values that can be entered into the class_menu or package_menu
 * options and will, when the menu is opened, be replaced with data relevant
 * to the current package or class.
 * @return {Object.<function(ClassLink|PackageLink,MemberLink)>} An object
 *     containing, for each placeholder value, a function to resolve that
 *     value.
Search._Menu._getMenuReplacement = function () {
  if (!Search._Menu.menuReplacement) {
    var memberNameFunction = function (classOrPackageLink, classMemberLink) {
      return classMemberLink ? classMemberLink.getName() : '';
    Search._Menu.menuReplacement = {
      CLASS_NAME: function (classLink) {
        return classLink ? classLink.getClassName() : '';
      PACKAGE_NAME: function (classOrPackageLink) {
        return classOrPackageLink ? classOrPackageLink.getPackageName() : '';
      PACKAGE_PATH: function (classOrPackageLink) {
        return classOrPackageLink
          ? classOrPackageLink.getPackageName().replace(/\./g, '/')
          : '';
      MEMBER_NAME: memberNameFunction,
      METHOD_NAME: memberNameFunction, // Synonym for MEMBER_NAME.
      FIELD_NAME: memberNameFunction, // Synonym for MEMBER_NAME.
      ANCHOR_NAME: memberNameFunction, // Deprecated synonym for MEMBER_NAME.
  return Search._Menu.menuReplacement;

 * @param {{Array.<{mnemonic: string, label: string, url: string}>}} menu The
 *     menu items.
 * @return {string} An HTML representation of the menu items.
Search._Menu._constructMenuHtml = function (menu) {
  var menuHtml = '';
  menu.forEach(function (menuElement) {
    menuHtml +=
      '<A HREF="' +
      menuElement.url +
      '">' +
      menuElement.mnemonic +
      ':' +
      menuElement.label +
  return menuHtml;

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Main script
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Initialise this script.
 * @param {boolean} packageFrameHidden Whether the package frame has been hidden.
function init(packageFrameHidden) {
  // Retrieve the inner HTML of the class frame.
  var classesInnerHtml = getClassesInnerHtml();

  // Initialise stored package and class links.
  var classLinks = getClassLinks(classesInnerHtml);
  var packageAndClassLinks;
  if (packageFrameHidden) {
    var packageLinks = getPackageLinks(classLinks);
    packageAndClassLinks = packageLinks.concat(classLinks);
  } else {
    packageAndClassLinks = classLinks;
  if (packageAndClassLinks.length === 0) {
    // Another instance of this script is already running and it has not yet
    // added the package and class links to the page.
  ALL_PACKAGE_AND_CLASS_LINKS = packageAndClassLinks;

  // Initialise class frame.

  // Perform an initial search. This will populate the class frame with the
  // entire list of packages and classes.

  // Give focus to the search field.

 * Parse packages from the given array of {ClassLink} objects.
 * @param {Array.<ClassLink>} classLinks The class links.
 * @return {Array.<PackageLink>} The package links.
function getPackageLinks(classLinks) {
  var packageLinks = [];
  var packageLinksAdded = {};
  var packageName;

  classLinks.forEach(function (classLink) {
    packageName = classLink.getPackageName();
    if (!packageLinksAdded[packageName]) {
      packageLinks.push(new PackageLink(packageName));
      packageLinksAdded[packageName] = true;

  packageLinks.sort(function (packageLinkOne, packageLinkTwo) {
    var packageNameOneComponents = packageLinkOne.getPackageName().split(/\./);
    var packageNameTwoComponents = packageLinkTwo.getPackageName().split(/\./);
    var smallerLength = Math.min(
    for (i = 0; i < smallerLength; i++) {
      if (packageNameOneComponents[i] < packageNameTwoComponents[i]) {
        return -1;
      if (packageNameOneComponents[i] > packageNameTwoComponents[i]) {
        return 1;
    return packageNameOneComponents.length - packageNameTwoComponents.length;

  return packageLinks;

 * @return {string} The inner HTML of the body element of the classes list
 *    frame, or undefined if the element does not exist.
function getClassesInnerHtml() {
  var classesInnerHtml;
  if (document && document.body) {
    classesInnerHtml = document.body.innerHTML;
  return classesInnerHtml;

 * Parse interfaces, classes, enumerations, and annotations from the inner HTML
 * of the body element of the classes list frame.
 * @param {string} classesInnerHtml The inner HTML of the body element of the
 *     classes list frame.
 * @return {Array.<ClassLink>} The class links.
function getClassLinks(classesInnerHtml) {
  if (!classesInnerHtml) {
    return [];

  var matches;
  var classLinksMap = {};
  var classLinkTypes = [
  classLinkTypes.forEach(function (type) {
    classLinksMap[type] = [];

  function checkForExceptionOrErrorType(type, className) {
    if (type === LinkType.CLASS) {
      if (endsWith(className, 'Exception')) {
        type = LinkType.EXCEPTION;
      } else if (endsWith(className, 'Error')) {
        type = LinkType.ERROR;
    return type;

  var classesRegexWithTitle =
  var anchorWithTitleFound = false;
  while ((matches = classesRegexWithTitle.exec(classesInnerHtml)) !== null) {
    var hrefTokens = matches[1].split('/');
    if (hrefTokens.length >= 2) {
      var packageName = hrefTokens.slice(0, -1).join('.');
      var className = hrefTokens[hrefTokens.length - 1];
      var type = LinkType.getByName(matches[2]);
      if (type) {
        type = checkForExceptionOrErrorType(type, className);

        var classLink = new ClassLink(type, packageName, className);
        anchorWithTitleFound = true;

  if (!anchorWithTitleFound) {
    // Javadoc created with Java 1.2 or 1.3. The anchors do not have title
    // attributes, but the interfaces can be identified by looking for a
    // surrounding italic element. There are no enumerations or annotations.
    var classesWithoutTitleRegex =
    while (
      (matches = classesWithoutTitleRegex.exec(classesInnerHtml)) !== null
    ) {
      var hrefTokens = matches[1].split('/');
      if (hrefTokens.length >= 2) {
        var packageName = hrefTokens.slice(0, -1).join('.');
        var className = hrefTokens[hrefTokens.length - 1];
        var openingItalicTag = matches[2];
        var type = openingItalicTag ? LinkType.INTERFACE : LinkType.CLASS;
        type = checkForExceptionOrErrorType(type, className);

        var classLink = new ClassLink(type, packageName, className);

  var classLinks = [];
  classLinkTypes.forEach(function (type) {
    classLinks = classLinks.concat(classLinksMap[type]);
  return classLinks;

 * Determine whether stringOne ends with stringTwo.
 * @param {string} stringOne The first string.
 * @param {string} stringTwo The second string.
 * @return {boolean} Whether stringOne ends with stringTwo.
function endsWith(stringOne, stringTwo) {
  if (!stringOne) {
    return false;
  var strIndex = stringOne.length - stringTwo.length;
  return strIndex >= 0 && stringOne.substring(strIndex) === stringTwo;

 * Trim whitespace from the start of the given string.
 * @param {string} stringToTrim The string to trim.
 * @return {string} The trimmed string.
function trimFromStart(stringToTrim) {
  return stringToTrim.replace(/^\s+/, '');

 * Trim whitespace from the end of the given string.
 * @param {string} stringToTrim The string to trim.
 * @return {string} The trimmed string.
function trimFromEnd(stringToTrim) {
  return stringToTrim.replace(/\s+$/, '');

 * Split the given string on the first occurence of the given separator string.
 * Any whitespace surrounding the first occurence of the separator will be
 * removed.
 * @param {string} stringToSplit The string to split.
 * @param {string} separator The separator string.
 * @return {Array.<string>} An array containing two elements: the portion of
 *     the string found before the first occurence of the separator, and the
 *     portion of the string found after the first occurence of the separator.
function splitOnFirst(stringToSplit, separator) {
  var firstOccurrence = stringToSplit.indexOf(separator);
  if (firstOccurrence === -1) {
    return [stringToSplit, ''];
  return [
    trimFromEnd(stringToSplit.substring(0, firstOccurrence)),
        firstOccurrence + separator.length,

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * EventHandlers
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @class EventHandlers Called by the view to handle UI events.
EventHandlers = {};

 * Called on a 'keyup' event while the search field has focus.
 * @param {Event} evt The event.
EventHandlers.searchFieldKeyup = function (evt) {
  var code = evt.keyCode;
  if (code === 13) {
  } else if (code === 27) {

 * Called on a 'keydown' event while the search field has focus.
 * @param {Event} evt The event.
EventHandlers.searchFieldKeydown = function (evt) {
  // Disable the default behaviour of completely clearing the search field when
  // the ESCAPE key is pressed. Instead, the ESCAPE key will clear only the
  // currently displayed portion of the search query.
  if (evt.keyCode === 27) {

 * Called when the contents of the search field has changed.
EventHandlers.searchFieldChanged = function () {
  var searchFieldContents = View.getSearchFieldValue();

 * Called when the search field has gained focus.
EventHandlers.searchFieldFocus = function () {
  document.body.scrollLeft = 0;

 * Caled when the erase button has been clicked.
EventHandlers.eraseButtonClick = function () {

 * Called when the Options link has been clicked.
 * @param {Event} evt The event.
EventHandlers.optionsLinkClicked = function (evt) {;

 * Called when the help link has been clicked.
 * @param {Event} evt The event.
EventHandlers.helpLinkClicked = function (evt) {
  var url =

 * Called when the return key has been pressed while the search field has
 * focus.
 * @param {boolean} ctrlModifier Whether the CTRL key was held down when the
 *     return key was pressed.
EventHandlers._returnKeyPressed = function (ctrlModifier) {
  var searchFieldValue = View.getSearchFieldValue();

  var url = Search.getTopLinkUrl();
  if (url) {
    if (ctrlModifier) {
    } else {

 * Called when the escape key has been pressed while the search field has
 * focus.
EventHandlers._escapeKeyPressed = function () {