
beta.atcoder.jpとatcoder.jpのコンテストサイトを行き来する etc.

As of 2018-08-06. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        atcoder-traffic
// @namespace
// @description beta.atcoder.jpとatcoder.jpのコンテストサイトを行き来する etc.
// @version     1.1
// @author      euglenese
// @match*
// @match       https://**
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

function location_match(regex){
	return location.href.match(new RegExp(regex));

function erase(text, regex){
	return text.replace(new RegExp(regex), "");

var contest_name, position_name, linked;

function position_name_change(before, after){
	if(position_name == before){
		position_name = after;

var beta_contest_URL = "https\:\/\/beta\.atcoder\.jp\/contests\/";
var https = "https\:\/\/";
var contest_URL = "\.contest\.atcoder\.jp\/";
var any_string = "[0-9a-z-_#]+";
var any_string2 = "[0-9a-z-_#]*";
var any_slash = "[0-9a-z-_#/]+";

	if(location_match(beta_contest_URL + any_string + "\/" + any_slash)){
		contest_name = erase(location.href, beta_contest_URL).split("/")[0];
		position_name = erase(location.href, beta_contest_URL + contest_name + "/");
		position_name_change("tasks", "assignments");
		position_name_change("submissions", "submissions/all");
		linked = "https://" + contest_name + "" + position_name;
		contest_name = erase(location.href, beta_contest_URL).split("/")[0];
		linked = "https://" + contest_name + "";
	$(".contest-title").attr("href", linked);
	if(location_match(https + any_string + contest_URL + any_slash)){
		contest_name = erase(erase(location.href, https), contest_URL + any_slash);
		position_name = erase(location.href, https + contest_name + contest_URL);
		position_name_change("submissions/all", "submissions");
		linked = "" + contest_name + "/" + position_name;;
		contest_name = erase(erase(location.href, https), contest_URL);
		linked = "" + contest_name;
	$(".contest-name").replaceWith(function() {
  		$(this).replaceWith("<span class='contest-name'><a href='" + linked + "'>" + $(this).text() + "</a></span>");
	$(".contest-name a").css("color", "white");
	$(".contest-name a").css("text-decoration", "none");
	for(var i in [0, 1]){
		$("time").eq(i).replaceWith(function() {
			var url = "" + $(this).text().substr(0, 4) + $(this).text().substr(5, 2) + $(this).text().substr(8, 2) + "T" + $(this).text().substr(11, 2) + $(this).text().substr(14, 2) + "&p1=248";
	  		$(this).replaceWith("<time class='timezone-fixed'><a href='" + url + "'>" + $(this).text() + "</a></time>");
		$("time a").eq(i).css("color", "white");
		$("time a").css("text-decoration", "none");