Space-efficient Youtube

AKA: "Wide Youtube", AKA: "Wide video container" - Uses the page space on youtube more efficiently (especially good for high resolutions)

As of 2022-10-18. See the latest version.

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Applies to

Space-efficient Youtube

Uses the page space on youtube more efficiently
(especially good for high resolutions)

Especially on high-res monitors the default youtube container is ridiculously narrow, but even on 1080p using the script can mean more videos on screen and less space wasted.

Home page

Before - After

- Option to hide the channel icons next to the videos on the home page from the settings.
NOTE: Due to a YT update to how the home page renders videos, changing the thumbnail width using the script's methods leaves a bunch of empty space, so I decided to disable that part of the script by default. Therefore the thumbnail sizes on the home page will be as determined by vanilla YT, unless you turn the option back on from the settings.

Trending page

Before - After

Subscriptions page

Before - After

Search page

Before - After

Video page

Before - After

Choose how many columns of videos to show at what size.
Currently only affects Theater mode.

Channel page

Before - After

Now automatically expands video lists

Old layout

Before - After

Other Features:
- Set a bunch of video section and container sizing settings as you see fit
- Fade++ Compatible. (was. Not tested since many versions ago)
- Load high quality thumbnails on Subs/Trending pages

Find the settings in the Tampermonkey menu.

Hover over any option in the settings to get more info about it.

Known Problems

- The new chapter system should now fit unless you have not disabled the video "badges" (4K, CC, etc.). -> workaround: disable video badges from the script's settings
- multi-column recommended videos are not working in non-theatre mode on video pages. -> Workaround: Use theater mode or be happy with one column lol
- Video titles are cut short (title stops like this...) if the video container isn't large enough. -> Workaround: Set a larger video container width in script settings. Also, if you just want to know the full title of a video, you can hover over the title
- Home and Search results page video container sizing options don't seem to be working properly. -> Workaround: set default values from the script's settings

Youtube likes to make their HTML/CSS systems as complicated as possible and do a lot of changes, sometimes even making said changes for only certain countries to test things, so things do occasionally break... Known problems will be fixed when I have time and motivation to do so.

See the "History" tab on greasyfork to see version update notes.