WME Color Highlights

Adds colours to road segments to show their status

// ==UserScript==
// @name                WME Color Highlights
// @namespace 
// @description         Adds colours to road segments to show their status
// @include   */editor*
// @include   *
// @include   *
// @exclude   *user/*editor/*
// @version             2.38
// @grant               none
// ==/UserScript==


// global variables
var wmech_version = "2.38"

var advancedMode = false;
var lastModified = false;
var selectedLines = [];
var wmechinit = false;

/* =========================================================================== */
function highlightSegments(event) {
  if (!wmechinit) return;

  var showLocked = getId('_cbHighlightLocked').checked;
  var showToll   = getId('_cbHighlightToll').checked;
  var showNoCity = getId('_cbHighlightNoCity').checked;
  var showAltName = getId('_cbHighlightAltName').checked;
  var showNoName = getId('_cbHighlightUnnamed').checked;
  var showOneWay = getId('_cbHighlightOneWay').checked;
  var showRestrictions = getId('_cbHighlightRestrictions').checked;
  var showSpeedLimits = getId('_cbHighlightSpeedLimits').checked;
  var showAvgSpeedCams = getId('_cbHighlightAvgSpeedCams').checked;
  var showLanes = getId('_cbHighlightLanes').checked;
  var plusRamps = getId('_cbHighlightPlusRampLimits').checked;
  var plusStreets = getId('_cbHighlightPlusStreetLimits').checked;
  var specificCity = getId('_cbHighlightCity').checked;
  var specificCityInvert = getId('_cbHighlightCityInvert').checked;
  var specificRoadType = getId('_cbHighlightRoadType').checked;
  var showNoHNs = getId('_cbHighlightNoHN').checked;
  var showRoutingPref = getId('_cbHighlightRoutingPref').checked;

  var showRecent = getId('_cbHighlightRecent').checked;
  var specificEditor = getId('_cbHighlightEditor').checked;

  // master switch when all options are off
  if (event && event.type && event.type == 'click') {
    if ( (showLocked | showToll | showNoCity | showNoName | showAltName | showOneWay | showRestrictions
     | specificCity | specificEditor | specificRoadType | showRecent | showSpeedLimits | showAvgSpeedCams | showLanes | showNoHNs
     ) == false) {
      for (var seg in W.model.segments.objects) {
        var segment = W.model.segments.getObjectById(seg);
        var line = W.userscripts.getFeatureElementByDataModel(segment);

        if (line === null) {

        // turn off all highlights
        var opacity = line.getAttribute("stroke-opacity");
        if (opacity > 0.1 && opacity < 1) {
          line.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", "none");

  var today = new Date();
  var recentDays;
  var selectedUserId = null;
  var selectedCityId = null;

  if (specificEditor) {
    var selectUser = getId('_selectUser');
    if (selectUser.selectedIndex >= 0)
      selectedUserId = selectUser.options[selectUser.selectedIndex].value;
      specificEditor = false;

  if (specificCity) {
    var selectCity = getId('_selectCity');
    if (selectCity.selectedIndex >= 0)
      selectedCityId = selectCity.options[selectCity.selectedIndex].value;
      specificCity = false;

  if (specificRoadType) {
    var selectedRoadType = false;
    var selectRoadType = getId('_selectRoadType');
    if (selectRoadType.selectedIndex >= 0)
      selectedRoadType = selectRoadType.options[selectRoadType.selectedIndex].value;

  if (showRecent) {
    recentDays = getId('_numRecentDays').value;
    if (recentDays === undefined) recentDays = 0;

  // counters
  var numUserHighlighted = 0;
  var numCityHighlighted = 0;

  for (seg in W.model.segments.objects) {
    segment = W.model.segments.getObjectById(seg);
    var attributes = segment.attributes;
    line = W.userscripts.getFeatureElementByDataModel(segment);

    if (line === null) {

    var sid = attributes.primaryStreetID;

    // check that WME hasn't highlighted this segment
    opacity = line.getAttribute("stroke-opacity");
    var lineWidth = line.getAttribute("stroke-width");
    if (opacity == 1 || lineWidth == 9)

    // turn off highlights when roads are no longer visible
    var roadType = attributes.roadType;
    if ( <= 3 && (roadType < 2 || roadType > 7) ) {
      if (opacity > 0.1) {
        line.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", "none");

    // highlight all newly paved roads (or roads without any nodes)
    if (sid === null || (attributes.toNodeID === null && attributes.fromNodeID === null && roadType < 9)) {
      if (opacity < 0.1 && showNoName) {
        line.setAttribute("stroke-width", 10);
    var street = W.model.streets.getObjectById(sid);

    // get attributes for this segment
    var toll        = attributes.fwdToll;
    var locked      = attributes.lockRank !== null;
    var ranked      = attributes.rank > 0 && attributes.lockRank === null;
    var noEdit      = attributes.permissions == 0;
    var noName      = (street != null) && street.attributes.isEmpty;
    var cityID      = (street != null) && street.attributes.cityID;
    var noCity      = false;
    var countryID   = 0;
    if (cityID != null && W.model.cities.getObjectById(cityID) != null) {
      noCity = W.model.cities.getObjectById(cityID).attributes.isEmpty;
      countryID = W.model.cities.getObjectById(cityID).attributes.countryID;
    var oneWay      = ((attributes.fwdDirection + attributes.revDirection) == 1); // it is 1-way only if either is true
    var hasRestrictions = (attributes.restrictions.length > 0);
    var updatedBy   = attributes.updatedBy;
    var roundabout  = attributes.junctionID !== null;
	var hasHouseNumbers = attributes.hasHNs;

    // get current state of the line
    var lineColor = line.getAttribute("stroke");

    // default colours
    var newColor = "#dd7700";
    var newOpacity = 0.001;
    var newDashes = "none";
    var newWidth = 6;

    // Recent Edits within X days, with decaying green opacity
    if (showRecent) {
      var editDays = (today.getTime() - attributes.createdOn) / 86400000;
      if (attributes.updatedOn !== null) {
        editDays = (today.getTime() - attributes.updatedOn) / 86400000;
      if (recentDays >= 0 && editDays <= recentDays) {
        if ((updatedBy == selectedUserId) || (!specificEditor)) {
          //var heatScale = 0.75 / recentDays;
          //newColor = "#0f0";
          var shade = Math.floor(editDays * 128 / recentDays);
          newColor = "rgb(" + (0) + ", " + (255-shade) + ", " + (0) + ")";
          newOpacity = 0.5;
          //newOpacity = Math.min(0.999999, 1 - (editDays * heatScale));

    // Toll = Dashed
    else if (toll && showToll) {
      newColor = "#00f";
      newOpacity = 0.5;
      newDashes = "10 10";

    // No Edit = Black
    else if (noEdit && showLocked) {
      newColor = "#000";
      newOpacity = 0.75;
      newWidth = 3;

    // Locked = Red
    else if (locked && showLocked) {
      newColor = "#f00";
      newWidth = 6;
      newOpacity = 0.2 * Math.min(5, attributes.lockRank);

    else if (ranked && showLocked) {
      newColor = "#f00";
      newWidth = 6;
      newDashes = "2 8";
      newOpacity = 0.2 * Math.min(5, attributes.rank);

    else if (hasRestrictions && showRestrictions) {
      newColor = "#909";
      newDashes = "10 10";
      newOpacity = 0.5;

    // alternate names
    else if (showAltName && attributes.streetIDs.length > 0) {
      newColor = "#9C0";
      newOpacity = 0.75;
      if (noName) {
        newDashes = "10 10";

    // No Speed Limits = Orange
    else if (showSpeedLimits && (plusStreets && attributes.roadType == 1 || plusRamps && attributes.roadType == 4 || attributes.roadType > 1 && attributes.roadType != 4)
             && attributes.roadType < 8 && attributes.roadType != 5
             && (plusStreets || attributes.junctionID == null)
             && ((attributes.fwdDirection && (attributes.fwdMaxSpeed == null || attributes.fwdMaxSpeedUnverified)) ||
                 (attributes.revDirection && (attributes.revMaxSpeed == null || attributes.revMaxSpeedUnverified)) )) {
      newColor = "#f80";
      newOpacity = 0.8;
      newWidth = 4;

    // Average Speed Cameras = Blue
    else if (showAvgSpeedCams && (attributes.fwdFlags & 1 || attributes.revFlags & 1)) {
      newColor = "#00f";
      newOpacity = 0.4;
      newWidth = 4;

    // Lane guidance = Cyan
    else if (showLanes && (attributes.fwdFlags & 4 || attributes.revFlags & 4)) {
      newColor = "#088";
      newOpacity = 0.8;
      newWidth = 4;
      newDashes = "2 8";

    // Unnamed (No Name) = Orange
    // except roundabouts and non-Streets
    else if (noName && showNoName && !roundabout && attributes.roadType < 8) {
      newColor = "#fb0";
      newOpacity = 0.6;

    // No City = Gray
    else if (noCity && showNoCity) {
      newColor = "#888";
      newOpacity = 0.5;

    // One Way = Blue
    else if (oneWay && showOneWay) {
      newColor = "#00f";
      newOpacity = 0.4;
      newWidth = 4;

    // segment with special flags
    else if (specificRoadType && (selectedRoadType & 64) > 0) {
      // - any flags
      if (selectedRoadType == 64 && attributes.flags > 0) {
        newColor = "#909";
        newOpacity = 0.5;
        newWidth = 4;
      // - tunnel
      else if (selectedRoadType == 65 && attributes.flags & 1) {
        newColor = "#909";
        newOpacity = 0.5;
        newWidth = 4;
      // - tunnel and elevation
      else if (selectedRoadType == 66 && attributes.flags & 1) {
        newColor = "teal";
        // Railway tunnels
        newOpacity = (attributes.roadType == 18) ? 0.4 : 0.8;

        switch (attributes.level){
            case -1:
              newColor = "green";
            case -2:
              newColor = "blue";
            case -3:
              newColor = "purple";
            case -4:
              newColor = "red";
            case -5:
              newColor = "darkblue";
            case -6:
              newColor = "black";
            case -7:
              newColor = "darkblue";
              newDashes = "6 10";
            case -8:
              newColor = "black";
              newDashes = "6 10";
      // - unpaved
      else if (selectedRoadType == 67 && attributes.flags & 16) {
        newColor = "#900";
        newOpacity = 0.5;
        newWidth = 4;
      // - headlights required
      else if (selectedRoadType == 68 && attributes.flags & 32) {
        newColor = "#909";
        newOpacity = 0.5;
        newWidth = 4;
      // - beacons
      else if (selectedRoadType == 69 && attributes.flags & 64) {
        newColor = "#909";
        newOpacity = 0.5;
        newWidth = 4;
      // - nearbyHOV
      else if (selectedRoadType == 70 && attributes.flags & 128) {
        newColor = "#909";
        newOpacity = 0.5;
        newWidth = 4;

    // selected road type = purple
    else if (specificRoadType && attributes.roadType == selectedRoadType) {
      newColor = "#909";
      newOpacity = 0.5;
      newWidth = 4;

    // special road types: non-drivable / non-routable
    else if (specificRoadType && selectedRoadType == 98 && nonRoutableTypes.contains(attributes.roadType)) {
      newColor = "#909";
      newOpacity = 0.5;
      newWidth = 4;
    else if (specificRoadType && selectedRoadType == 99 && nonDrivableTypes.contains(attributes.roadType)) {
      newColor = "#909";
      newOpacity = 0.5;
      newWidth = 4;

    // highlight roads with a routing preferrence set
    else if (showRoutingPref && attributes.routingRoadType != null) {
      switch (attributes.routingRoadType) {
        case 1: // St
          newColor = "#ffffeb";
        case 2: // PS
          newColor = "#f0ea58";
        case 3: // FW
          newColor = "#c577d2";
        case 6: // MH
          newColor = "#45b8d1";
        case 7: // mH
          newColor = "#69bf88";
      newOpacity = 0.5;
      newWidth = 6;

	// highlight roads with no house numbers (except Roundabouts, Freeways, Ramps and Walking Trails)
	else if (!hasHouseNumbers && showNoHNs && attributes.junctionID == null && attributes.roadType < 8 && (attributes.roadType < 3 || attributes.roadType > 5)) {
		newColor = "#800000";
		newOpacity = 0.5;
		newDashes = "10 10";

    // highlight segments by selected user, unless already highlighted
    if (specificEditor && !showRecent) {
      if (updatedBy == selectedUserId && newColor == "#dd7700") {
        newColor = "#00ff00";
        newOpacity = 0.5;
      else if (selectedUserId < -1 && updatedBy != -selectedUserId && newColor == "#dd7700") {
        newColor = "#00ff00";
        newOpacity = 0.5;
      else if (updatedBy != selectedUserId) {
        newColor = "#dd7700";
        newOpacity = 0.001;
        newDashes = "none";

    // highlight segments by selected City, unless already highlighted
    // if city is only on an alternate street highlight it with dashes
    if (specificCity) {
      var altCityMatch = false;
      var specificCityMatch = (cityID == selectedCityId);
      if (specificCityInvert)
        specificCityMatch = (cityID != selectedCityId && !noCity);

      if (!specificCityMatch) {
        // look for matching city in alternate streets
        for (var i in attributes.streetIDs) {
          var streetID = attributes.streetIDs[i];
          var currentStreet = W.model.streets.getObjectById(streetID);
          if (currentStreet == null)
          var cityMatch = (currentStreet.attributes.cityID == selectedCityId);
          if (specificCityInvert)
            cityMatch = !cityMatch
          if (cityMatch) {
            altCityMatch = true;

      if (specificCityMatch && (newColor == "#dd7700" || newColor == "#888")) {
        newColor = "#ed28ea";
        newOpacity = 0.5;
        newDashes = "none";
      } else if (altCityMatch && (newColor == "#dd7700" || newColor == "#888")) {
        newColor = "#ed28eb";
        newOpacity = 0.5;
        newDashes = "10 10";
        newWidth = 6;
      } else if (!specificCityMatch && !altCityMatch && !noCity) {
        newColor = "#dd7700";
        newOpacity = 0.001;
        newDashes = "none";

    // if colour has changed, update the line attributes
    if (lineColor != newColor) {
      line.setAttribute("stroke", newColor);
      line.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", newOpacity);
      line.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", newDashes);
      if (newColor != "#dd7700") { //default
        line.setAttribute("stroke-width", newWidth);
      } else {
        line.setAttribute("stroke-width", 6);
  } // end of loop

  var numUserHighlightedText = getId('_numUserHighlighted');
  if (specificEditor)
    numUserHighlightedText.innerHTML = ' = ' + numUserHighlighted;
    numUserHighlightedText.innerHTML = '';

  var numCityHighlightedText = getId('_numCityHighlighted');
  if (specificCity)
    numCityHighlightedText.innerHTML = ' = ' + numCityHighlighted;
    numCityHighlightedText.innerHTML = '';
} // end of function

function highlightPlaces(event) {
  if (!wmechinit) return;

  if (typeof W.model.venues == "undefined") {

  if ( == false) {

  // refreshing, reset places to original style
  if (event && event.type && /click|change/.test(event.type)) {
    for (var mark in W.model.venues.objects) {
      var venue = W.model.venues.getObjectById(mark);
      var poly = W.userscripts.getFeatureElementByDataModel(venue);
      if (poly !== null && poly.getAttribute("stroke-opacity") == 0.987) {
        if (venue.isPoint()) {
        } else {
        poly.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", 1)

  // if option is disabled, stop now
  if (!getId('_cbHighlightPlaces').checked) {
    if (event && event.type && event.type == 'click') {
      getId('_cbHighlightLockedPlaces').disabled = true;
      getId('_cbHighlightIncompletePlaces').disabled = true;
  } else {
    if (event && event.type && event.type == 'click') {
      getId('_cbHighlightLockedPlaces').disabled = false;
      getId('_cbHighlightIncompletePlaces').disabled = false;

  var showLocked = getId('_cbHighlightLockedPlaces').checked;
  var showIncomplete = getId('_cbHighlightIncompletePlaces').checked;
  var specificCity = getId('_cbHighlightCity').checked;
  var specificCityInvert = getId('_cbHighlightCityInvert').checked;
  var showRecent = getId('_cbHighlightRecent').checked;

  if (specificCity) {
    var selectCity = getId('_selectCity');
    if (selectCity.selectedIndex >= 0) {
      var selectedCityId = selectCity.options[selectCity.selectedIndex].value;
    } else
      specificCity = false;

  var specificEditor = getId('_cbHighlightEditor').checked;

  if (specificEditor) {
    var selectEditor = getId('_selectUser');
    var selectedEditorId = 0;
    if (selectEditor.selectedIndex >= 0) {
      selectedEditorId = selectEditor.options[selectEditor.selectedIndex].value;
    } else
      specificEditor = false;

  if (showRecent) {
    var recentDays = getId('_numRecentDays').value;
    if (recentDays === undefined) recentDays = 0;
    if (recentDays == 0) showRecent = false;

  var updates = 0;
  for (mark in W.model.venues.objects) {
    venue = W.model.venues.getObjectById(mark);
    poly = W.userscripts.getFeatureElementByDataModel(venue);

    // check that WME hasn't highlighted this object already
    if (poly == null || mark.state == "Update" || venue.selected) {

    // if highlighted by mouse over, skip this one
    if (poly.getAttribute("fill") == poly.getAttribute("stroke")) {

    // if already highlighted by us, skip
    if (poly.getAttribute("stroke-opacity") == 0.987) {

    // flag this venue as highlighted so we don't update it next time
    poly.setAttribute("stroke-opacity", 0.987);

    var categories   = venue.attributes.categories;

    if (showIncomplete) {
      venueStreet = W.model.streets.getObjectById(venue.attributes.streetID);
      var incomplete = false;
      var colorhilite = false;

      // check for missing venue name
      if ( == null || == "") {
        incomplete = !venue.attributes.residential;
        colorhilite = true;

      // check for missing street name
      if (venueStreet == null || == null || == "") {
        incomplete = true;
        colorhilite = true;

      // check for missing house number
      else if (venue.attributes.residential && venue.attributes.houseNumber == null) {
        incomplete = true;
        colorhilite = true;

      // check for category group used as category
      else if (categories.length == 0
             || categories.indexOf("CAR_SERVICES") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("TRANSPORTATION") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("PROFESSIONAL_AND_PUBLIC") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("SHOPPING_AND_SERVICES") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("FOOD_AND_DRINK") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("CULTURE_AND_ENTERTAINMENT") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("OTHER") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("LODGING") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("OUTDOORS") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("NATURAL_FEATURES") > -1) {
          incomplete = (venue.attributes.lockRank == 0);

      else if (typeof venue.attributes.externalProviderIDs === 'undefined' || venue.attributes.externalProviderIDs.length === 0) {
        incomplete = true;

      if (incomplete &&
            (categories.indexOf("JUNCTION_INTERCHANGE") >  -1
             || categories.indexOf("CANAL") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("RIVER_STREAM") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("SEA_LAKE_POOL") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("PARK") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("SWAMP_MARSH") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("FOREST_GROVE") > -1
             || categories.indexOf("GOLF_COURSE") > -1) ) {
        incomplete = false;
        colorhilite = false;

      if (incomplete) {
        if (colorhilite) {
          highlightAPlace(venue, "orange", "white");
        if (venue.isPoint())
          poly.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", "3 3");
        else {
          poly.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", "3 6");
          poly.setAttribute("stroke-width", "3");

    // highlight places which have the City field set in the address = pink
    if (specificCity) {
      if (venue.attributes.streetID === undefined) continue;
      var venueStreet = W.model.streets.getObjectById(venue.attributes.streetID);
      if (venueStreet === undefined) continue;
      var selectedCityMatch = (specificCity && venueStreet.attributes.cityID == selectedCityId);
      if (specificCityInvert) selectedCityMatch = !selectedCityMatch;

      if (selectedCityMatch) {
        highlightAPlace(venue, "#ed28ea", "#f8f");

    // highlight places which have been edited by selected editor = green
    if (specificEditor) {
      var selectedEditorMatch = false
      if (selectedEditorId >= -1) {
        selectedEditorMatch = (selectedEditorId == venue.attributes.createdBy);
        if (typeof venue.attributes.updatedBy != 'undefined') {
          selectedEditorMatch = (selectedEditorId == venue.attributes.updatedBy);
      else {
        selectedEditorMatch = (selectedEditorId != -venue.attributes.createdBy);
        if (typeof venue.attributes.updatedBy != 'undefined') {
          selectedEditorMatch = (selectedEditorId != -venue.attributes.updatedBy);

      if (selectedEditorMatch) {
        highlightAPlace(venue, "#0f0", "#8f8");

    // highlight places that have been edited recently
    if (showRecent) {
      var today = new Date();
      var editDays = (today.getTime() - venue.attributes.createdOn) / 86400000;
      if (typeof venue.attributes.updatedOn != 'undefined') {
        editDays = (today.getTime() - venue.attributes.updatedOn) / 86400000;
      if (editDays <= recentDays) {
        var shade = Math.floor(editDays * 128 / recentDays);
        var colour = "rgb(" + (0) + ", " + (255-shade) + ", " + (0) + ")";
        highlightAPlace(venue, colour, colour);

    // residential = cyan edges, like house numbers
    if (venue.attributes.residential) {
      highlightAPlace(venue, "#44afcf", "4ac");

    // gas station = orange
    else if (categories.indexOf("GAS_STATION") > -1) {
      highlightAPlace(venue, "#f90", "#f91");

    // parking lot = cyan
    else if (categories.indexOf("PARKING_LOT") > -1) {
      var catAttribs = venue.attributes.categoryAttributes["PARKING_LOT"];
      if (catAttribs == null || catAttribs.parkingType == null) {
          highlightAPlace(venue, "#099", "#0cc");
          poly.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", "3 6");
      else if (catAttribs.parkingType == "PUBLIC") {
          highlightAPlace(venue, "#090", "#0cc");
      else if (catAttribs.parkingType == "RESTRICTED") {
          highlightAPlace(venue, "#aa0", "#0cc");
      else if (catAttribs.parkingType == "PRIVATE") {
          highlightAPlace(venue, "#a50", "#0cc");

    // water = blue
    else if (categories.indexOf("RIVER_STREAM") > -1 ||
             categories.indexOf("CANAL") > -1 ||
             categories.indexOf("SEA_LAKE_POOL") > -1) {
      highlightAPlace(venue, "#06c", "#09f");
      poly.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", "none");

    // park/grass/trees = green
    else if (!showRecent && !specificEditor && (
             categories.indexOf("PARK") > -1 ||
             categories.indexOf("SWAMP_MARSH") > -1 ||
             categories.indexOf("FOREST_GROVE") > -1 ||
             categories.indexOf("GOLF_COURSE") > -1) ) {
      highlightAPlace(venue, "#0b0", "#4f4");
      poly.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", "none");

    // locked venues have red border (overrides all other options)
    if (showLocked && venue.attributes.lockRank > 0) {
      poly.setAttribute("stroke", "red");
  } // for

  //if (updates > 0)
  //  getId("wmedebug").innerText = updates;

function highlightAPlace(venue, fg, bg) {
  var poly = W.userscripts.getFeatureElementByDataModel(venue);
  if (venue.isPoint()) {
    poly.setAttribute("fill", fg);

  else { // area
    poly.setAttribute("stroke", fg);
    poly.setAttribute("fill", bg);

// used when clicking an option that affects both Segments and Places
function highlightSegmentsAndPlaces(event) {
  if (!wmechinit) return;


function highlightNodes() {
  if (!wmechinit || <= 3)
    return true;

   var showRestrictions = getId('_cbHighlightRestrictions').checked;

   for (var currentNode in W.model.nodes.objects){
      var node = W.model.nodes.getObjectById(currentNode);
      var nodeAttr = node.attributes;
      if (node === undefined) continue;

      var numRestrictions = 0;
      var segment1, segment2, seg1Attr, seg2Attr;

      // ignore dead-end nodes
      if (nodeAttr.segIDs.length <= 1) {

      for (var j = 0; j < nodeAttr.segIDs.length; j++){
        segment1 = W.model.segments.getObjectById(node.attributes.segIDs[j]);
        seg1Attr = segment1.attributes;
        // count restictions
        if (showRestrictions) {
          if ( == seg1Attr.fromNodeID){
            if (seg1Attr.fromRestrictions){
              for (var key in seg1Attr.fromRestrictions){
          if ( == seg1Attr.toNodeID){
            if (seg1Attr.toRestrictions){
              for (key in seg1Attr.toRestrictions){

      var newColor = null;
      if (numRestrictions > 0)   newColor = "#909"; // purple

      var circle = W.userscripts.getFeatureElementByDataModel(node);
      if (newColor != null && circle != null) {
         var opacity = circle.getAttribute("fill-opacity");
         if (opacity < 0.1) {
            circle.setAttribute("fill-opacity", 0.75);
            circle.setAttribute("fill", newColor);
   return true;

// add logged in user to drop-down list
function initUserList() {
  var thisUser = W.loginManager.user;
  if (thisUser === null) return;

  var selectUser = getId('_selectUser');
  var usrOption = document.createElement('option');
  var usrRank = thisUser.attributes.rank + 1;
  var usrText = document.createTextNode(thisUser.attributes.userName + " (" + usrRank + ")");
  selectUser.appendChild(usrOption);"WME Highlights: Init User list: " + thisUser.attributes.userName);

// add current city in to drop-down list
function initCityList() {
  var thisCity = W.model.getTopCityId();
  if (thisCity === null) return;
  thisCity = W.model.cities.getObjectById(thisCity);
  if (typeof thisCity == "undefined") return;
  var thisName =;

  var selectCity = getId('_selectCity');
  var cityOption = document.createElement('option');
  var cityText = document.createTextNode(thisName);
  selectCity.appendChild(cityOption);"WME Highlights: Init City list: " + thisName);

  // stop listening for this event"mergeend", null, initCityList);

// populate drop-down list of editors
function updateUserList() {
  var selectUser = getId('_selectUser');
  var numUsers = W.model.users.objects.length;
  if (numUsers === 0)

  // preserve current selection
  var currentId = null;
  if (selectUser.selectedIndex >= 0)
    currentId = selectUser.options[selectUser.selectedIndex].value;

  // collect array of users who have edited segments
  var editorIds = [];
  for (var seg in W.model.segments.objects) {
    var segment = W.model.segments.getObjectById(seg);
    if (typeof segment == 'undefined')
    var editedBy = segment.attributes.createdBy;
    if (typeof segment.attributes.updatedBy != 'undefined') {
      editedBy = segment.attributes.updatedBy;
    if (editorIds.indexOf(editedBy) == -1)
  // collect array of users who have edited places
  for (var ven in W.model.venues.objects) {
    var venue = W.model.venues.getObjectById(ven);
    if (typeof venue == 'undefined')
    editedBy = venue.attributes.createdBy;
    if (typeof venue.attributes.updatedBy != 'undefined') {
      editedBy = venue.attributes.updatedBy;
    if (editorIds.indexOf(editedBy) == -1)
  if (editorIds.length === 0)

  // sort IDs by name
  var editorList = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < editorIds.length; i++) {
    var id = editorIds[i];
    var user = W.model.users.getObjectById(id);
    if (user === null || typeof user === "undefined" || typeof user.attributes.userName === "undefined")
    editorList.push({ id: id, name: user.attributes.userName});

  editorList.sort(function (a, b) {

  // reset list
  selectUser.options.length = 0;

  // add all users in field of view
  for (i = 0; i < editorList.length; i++) {
    id = editorList[i].id;
    user = W.model.users.getObjectById(id);
    if (user === null || typeof(user) === "undefined")

    var usrOption = document.createElement('option');
    var usrRank = user.attributes.rank + 1;
    var usrText = document.createTextNode(user.attributes.userName + " (" + usrRank + ")");
    if (currentId !== null && id == currentId)

  var thisUser = W.loginManager.user;
  if (thisUser !== null) {
    usrOption = document.createElement('option');
    usrText = document.createTextNode("(all except me)");
    if (currentId !== null && == currentId)

// populate drop-down list of Cities
function updateCityList() {
  var selectCity = getId('_selectCity');
  var numCities = W.model.cities.objects.length;

  if (numCities === 0)

  // preserve current selection
  var currentId = null;
  if (selectCity.selectedIndex >= 0)
    currentId = selectCity.options[selectCity.selectedIndex].value;

  // collect array of Cities
  var cityIds = [];
  var cityObjs = [];

  // This new block of code checks the following assumed conditions:
  // * Every U.S. city should have an associated state
  // * Every 'No city' U.S. city should be properly numbered (not an orphan blank city)
  // * We only care about states if get.cities shows us close enough to the U.S. to matter
  // * Any non US's city state code should be 99 (None/other)

  // collect list if unique cities from the segments
  for (var sid in W.model.streets.objects) {
    var cid = W.model.streets.getObjectById(sid).attributes.cityID;
    var city = W.model.cities.getObjectById(cid).attributes;
    if (cityIds.indexOf(cid) == -1) {
      cityObjs.push({id:, name:, state: city.stateID, country: city.countryID});

  if (cityIds.length === 0)

  // reset list
  selectCity.options.length = 0;

  // count how many (non empty) states there are here
  var numStates = 0
  for (var obj in W.model.states.objects) {
    var state = W.model.states.getObjectById(obj);
    if ( != 1 && != "")

  // count how many countries there are here
  var numCountries = 0;
  for (obj in W.model.countries.objects) {

  // add all cities in field of view
  cityObjs.sort(function(a,b) {return});
  for (var i = 0; i < cityObjs.length; i++) {
    var cityID = cityObjs[i].id;
    // "State-like CityIDs" to ignore. These are consistently over 100,000,000.
    if (cityID > 100000000) continue;
    var cityName  = cityObjs[i].name;
    var stateID   = cityObjs[i].state;
    var countryID = cityObjs[i].country;

    if (countryID == 235) {  // for U.S. only
      // 'No City' segments in the U.S. should have an assigned state.
      // This ID has a prescribed range. If not in this range, we get 'other' state pollution in map,
      // or a bogus blank city associated to the state.

      if (cityName === "") {
        if (cityID >= 999900 && cityID <= 999999) {
          cityName = "No City";
        } else {
          cityName = "EMPTY CITY";

    else { // for non U.S. segments
      if (cityName === "") cityName = "No City";

    var stateObj = W.model.states.getObjectById(stateID);
    var countryObj = W.model.countries.getObjectById(countryID);

    // State handling. All cities should have an associated state. Throw an error if not.
    if (numStates > 0) {
      // If more than one state, we're appending it. No brainer.
      if (numStates > 1) {
        // ... and, if one of those states is 'Other', that's an error. Report it.
        if ( === 99) {
            cityName += ", " + "NO STATE";
        // If we get here, the state ID should be fine. Append it.
        else {
          cityName += ", " +;

      // If we have more than one country and are in the US, append the state for sanity.
      if (numStates == 1 && numCountries > 1) {
        cityName += ", " +;

    // If we're on a non-US street, state should always be 99, 'Other/none'.
    // Append if this is the case. Otherwise don't add anything.
    else if (stateID != 99 && stateID > 1) {
      cityName += ", INVALID STATE";

    if (numCountries > 1) {
      cityName += ", " +'United States', 'U.S.');

    // create option in select menu
    var cityOption = document.createElement('option');
    var cityText = document.createTextNode(cityName);

    if (currentId !== null && cityID == currentId)


var RoadTypes = {
  1: I18n.translations[I18n.locale].segment.road_types[1],                     // Street
 22: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].segment.road_types[22],                    // Narrow Street
 98: I18n.translations[I18n.locale].segment.categories.other_drivable,    // --------------
108: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].segment.road_types[8],              // Off-Road / Not Maintained
120: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].segment.road_types[20],             // Parking Lot Road
117: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].segment.road_types[17],             // Private Road
115: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].segment.road_types[15],             // Ferry
199: I18n.translations[I18n.locale].segment.categories.non_drivable,    // --------------
210: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].segment.road_types[10],             // Pedestrian Bw
205: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].segment.road_types[5],              // Walking Trails
216: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].segment.road_types[16],             // Stairway
219: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].segment.road_types[19],             // Runway/Taxiway
//  2: "Primary Street",
//  3: "Freeways",
//  4: "Ramps",
//  6: "Major Highway",
//  7: "Minor Highway",
// 18: "Railroad",
// 14: "Ferry',
364: "Special Flags",    // --------------
365: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].edit.segment.fields.tunnel,
366: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].edit.segment.fields.tunnel
   + " / " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].edit.segment.fields.level,
367: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].edit.segment.fields.unpaved,
368: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].edit.segment.fields.headlights,
369: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].edit.segment.fields.beacons,
370: "- " + I18n.translations[I18n.locale].edit.segment.fields.nearbyHOV

var majorRoadTypes = new Array(2, 3, 4, 6, 7);
var nonRoutableTypes = new Array(8, 20, 17);
var nonDrivableTypes = new Array(5, 10, 16, 18, 19, 14);

// populate drop-down list of editors
function populateRoadTypes() {
  var selectRoadType = getId('_selectRoadType');

  for (var id in RoadTypes) {
    var type = RoadTypes[id]
    var usrOption = document.createElement('option');
    var usrText = document.createTextNode(type);
    if (id == 1)
    usrOption.setAttribute('value',id % 100);

/* helper function */
function getElementsByClassName(classname, node) {
  if(!node) node = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
  var a = [];
  var re = new RegExp('\\b' + classname + '\\b');
  var els = node.getElementsByTagName("*");
  for (var i=0,j=els.length; i<j; i++)
    if (re.test(els[i].className)) a.push(els[i]);
  return a;

function getId(node) {
  return document.getElementById(node);

/* =========================================================================== */
function initialiseHighlights()
  if (wmechinit) {

  // init shortcuts
      window.console.warn("WME Color Highlights "
          + ": waiting for WME...");
      setTimeout(initialiseHighlights, 789);

  // check if sidebar is hidden
  var sidebar = getId('sidebar');
  if ( == 'none') {
    console.warn("WME Highlights: not logged in yet - will initialise at login");"login", null, initialiseHighlights);

  // check that user-info section is defined
  var userTabs = getId('user-info');
  if (userTabs === null) {
    console.warn("WME Highlights: editor not initialised yet - trying again in a bit...");
    setTimeout(initialiseHighlights, 789);
  }"WME Color Highlights: " + wmech_version);

  // add new box to left of the map
  var navTabs = getElementsByClassName('nav-tabs', userTabs)[0];
  var tabContent = getElementsByClassName('tab-content', userTabs)[0];
  var addon = document.createElement('section'); = "highlight-addon";

  // highlight segements
  var section = document.createElement('p'); = "0px";
  // = "16px"; = "hiliteOptions";
  section.className = 'checkbox';
  section.innerHTML  = '<b>Highlight Segments</b><br>'
                     + '<label title="Dotted = Automatic Locks (if available)"><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightLocked" title="Locked Segments" /> '
                     + 'Locks* (Red)</label><br>'
                     + '<label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightToll" /> '
                     + 'Toll (Dashed)</label><br>'
                     + '<label title="Dotted = No Name"><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightAltName" /> '
                     + 'Alternate Name* (Lime)</label><br>'
                     + '<label title="Segments with unverified speed limits (Orange)"><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightSpeedLimits" /> '
                     + 'No Speed Limit</label>'
                     + '&nbsp; <label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightPlusRampLimits" />+Ramps</label>'
                     + '&nbsp; <label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightPlusStreetLimits" />+Streets</label><br>'
                     + '<label title="Average Speed Camera Zone"><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightAvgSpeedCams" /> '
                     + 'Avg Speed Cams (Blue)</label><br>'
                     + '<label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightUnnamed" /> '
                     + 'No Name (Orange)</label><br>'
                     + '<label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightNoCity" /> '
                     + 'No City (Gray)</label><br>'
                     + '<label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightOneWay" /> '
                     + 'One Way (Blue)</label><br>'
                     + '<label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightRestrictions" /> '
                     + 'Time/Vehicle Restrictions (Purple)</label><br>'
                     + '<label title="excluding Freeways and Ramps"><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightNoHN" /> '
                     + 'No House Numbers* (Dashed Maroon)</label><br />'
                     + '<label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightCity" /> '
                     + 'Filter by City (Pink)</label> &nbsp;'
                     + '  <label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightCityInvert" /> invert</label><br> '
                     + '  <select id="_selectCity" name="_selectCity" style="margin: 0 0 4px 20px"></select>'
                     + '<span id="_numCityHighlighted"></span><br>'
                     + '<label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightRoadType" /> Highlight a Road Type (Purple)</label><br> '
                     + '  <select id="_selectRoadType" name="_selectRoadType" style="margin: 0 0 4px 20px"></select><br>'

  // advanced options
  section = document.createElement('p'); = "0px";
  section.className = 'checkbox'; = 'advancedOptions';
  section.innerHTML  = '<b>Advanced Options</b><br>'
             + '<label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightRecent" /> Recently Edited (Green)</label><br> '
             + '  <input type="number" min="0" max="365" size="3" id="_numRecentDays"  style="margin: 0 0 4px 20px" /> days<br>'
             + '<label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightEditor" /> Filter by Editor (Green)</label><br> '
             + '  <select id="_selectUser" name="_selectUser" style="margin: 0 0 4px 20px"></select>'
             + '<span id="_numUserHighlighted"></span><br>'
             + '<label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightRoutingPref" /> Routing Preference (Mixed)</label><br>'
             + '<label title="Lane Guidance"><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightLanes" /> Lane Guidance (Cyan)</label><br>'

  // highlight places
  section = document.createElement('p'); = "hilitePlaces";
  section.className = 'checkbox';
  section.innerHTML  = '<label title="parks/trees = green, water = blue, parking lot = cyan, everything else = pink">'
                     + ' <input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightPlaces" /><b>Highlight Places</b>*</label>'
                     + ' <span id="wmedebug" style="color: gray"></span><br>'
                     + '<label><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightLockedPlaces" /> Locked Places* (Red)</label><br>'
                     + '<label title="If blank name or street, or wrong category"><input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightIncompletePlaces" /> '
                     +    'Incomplete Places (Dashed Orange)</label><br>'

  addon.innerHTML    += '<b><a href="" target="_blank"><u>'
                     + 'WME Color Highlights</u></a></b> &nbsp; v' + wmech_version;

  var newtab = document.createElement('li');
  newtab.innerHTML = '<a href="#sidepanel-highlights" data-toggle="tab">Highlight</a>';
    // icon: <span class="fa fa-tint" title="Highlight"></span>
  navTabs.appendChild(newtab); = "sidepanel-highlights";
  addon.className = "tab-pane";

  // initialise drop-downs

  // setup onclick handlers for instant update:
  getId('_cbHighlightLocked').onclick = highlightSegments;
  getId('_cbHighlightToll').onclick = highlightSegments;
  getId('_cbHighlightUnnamed').onclick = highlightSegments;
  getId('_cbHighlightNoCity').onclick = highlightSegments;
  getId('_cbHighlightOneWay').onclick = highlightSegments;
  getId('_cbHighlightRestrictions').onclick = highlightSegments;
  getId('_cbHighlightSpeedLimits').onclick = highlightSegments;
  getId('_cbHighlightPlusRampLimits').onclick = highlightSegments;
  getId('_cbHighlightPlusStreetLimits').onclick = highlightSegments;
  getId('_cbHighlightAvgSpeedCams').onclick = highlightSegments;
  getId('_cbHighlightLanes').onclick = highlightSegments;
  getId('_cbHighlightRoutingPref').onclick = highlightSegments;
  getId('_cbHighlightNoHN').onclick = highlightSegments;

  getId('_cbHighlightRecent').onclick = highlightSegmentsAndPlaces;
  getId('_cbHighlightEditor').onclick = highlightSegmentsAndPlaces;
  getId('_cbHighlightCity').onclick = highlightSegmentsAndPlaces;
  getId('_cbHighlightCityInvert').onclick = highlightSegmentsAndPlaces;
  getId('_cbHighlightRoadType').onclick = highlightSegments;

  getId('_selectUser').onfocus = updateUserList;
  getId('_selectUser').onclick = function(e) {getId('_cbHighlightEditor').checked=1; highlightSegmentsAndPlaces(e);};

  getId('_selectCity').onfocus = updateCityList;
  getId('_selectCity').onclick = function(e) {getId('_cbHighlightCity').checked=1; highlightSegmentsAndPlaces(e);};

  getId('_selectRoadType').onclick = function(e) {getId('_cbHighlightRoadType').checked=1; highlightSegments(e);};

  getId('_numRecentDays').onchange = highlightSegmentsAndPlaces;
  getId('_numRecentDays').onclick = function(e) {getId('_cbHighlightRecent').checked=1; highlightSegmentsAndPlaces(e);};

  getId('_cbHighlightPlaces').onclick = highlightPlaces;
  getId('_cbHighlightLockedPlaces').onclick = highlightPlaces;
  getId('_cbHighlightIncompletePlaces').onclick = highlightPlaces;

  // restore saved settings
  if (localStorage.WMEHighlightScript) {
    //console.debug("WME Highlights: loading options");
    var options = JSON.parse(localStorage.WMEHighlightScript);

    getId('_cbHighlightLocked').checked       = (options[1] % 2 == 1);
    getId('_cbHighlightToll').checked         = options[2];
    getId('_cbHighlightUnnamed').checked      = options[3];
    getId('_cbHighlightNoCity').checked       = options[4];
    getId('_cbHighlightOneWay').checked       = options[5];
    getId('_cbHighlightCity').checked         = options[15];
    getId('_cbHighlightRoadType').checked     = options[16];
    getId('_selectRoadType').selectedIndex    = options[17];
    getId('_cbHighlightPlaces').checked       = options[7];
    getId('_cbHighlightRestrictions').checked = options[19];
    getId('_cbHighlightLockedPlaces').checked = options[20]; //(options[1] > 1);
    getId('_cbHighlightIncompletePlaces').checked = options[21];
    getId('_cbHighlightAltName').checked      = options[22];
    getId('_cbHighlightSpeedLimits').checked  = options[23];
    getId('_cbHighlightPlusRampLimits').checked  = options[26];
    getId('_cbHighlightPlusStreetLimits').checked  = options[24];
    getId('_cbHighlightAvgSpeedCams').checked  = options[27];
    getId('_cbHighlightNoHN').checked = options[28];
    getId('_cbHighlightLanes').checked = options[29];

    if (options[12] === undefined) options[12] = 7;
    getId('_cbHighlightRecent').checked   = options[11];
    getId('_numRecentDays').value         = options[12];
    getId('_cbHighlightEditor').checked   = options[13];
    getId('_cbHighlightRoutingPref').checked  = options[25];
  } else {
    getId('_cbHighlightPlaces').checked = true;

  if (typeof W.model.venues == "undefined") {
    getId('_cbHighlightPlaces').checked = false;
    getId('_cbHighlightPlaces').disabled = true;

  if (!getId('_cbHighlightPlaces').checked) {
    getId('_cbHighlightLockedPlaces').disabled = true;
    getId('_cbHighlightIncompletePlaces').disabled = true;

  // overload the WME exit function
  var saveHighlightOptions = function() {
    if (localStorage) {
      //console.debug("WME Highlights: saving options");
      var options = [];

      // preserve previous options which may get lost after logout
      if (localStorage.WMEHighlightScript)
        options = JSON.parse(localStorage.WMEHighlightScript);

      options[1] = 1 * getId('_cbHighlightLocked').checked + 2 * getId('_cbHighlightLockedPlaces').checked;
      options[2] = getId('_cbHighlightToll').checked;
      options[3] = getId('_cbHighlightUnnamed').checked;
      options[4] = getId('_cbHighlightNoCity').checked;
      options[5] = getId('_cbHighlightOneWay').checked;
      options[7] = getId('_cbHighlightPlaces').checked;
      options[15] = getId('_cbHighlightCity').checked;
      options[16] = getId('_cbHighlightRoadType').checked;
      options[17] = getId('_selectRoadType').selectedIndex;
      options[19] = getId('_cbHighlightRestrictions').checked;
      options[20] = getId('_cbHighlightLockedPlaces').checked;
      options[21] = getId('_cbHighlightIncompletePlaces').checked;
      options[22] = getId('_cbHighlightAltName').checked;
      options[23] = getId('_cbHighlightSpeedLimits').checked;
      options[24] = getId('_cbHighlightPlusStreetLimits').checked;
      options[26] = getId('_cbHighlightPlusRampLimits').checked;
      options[27] = getId('_cbHighlightAvgSpeedCams').checked;
      options[28] = getId('_cbHighlightNoHN').checked;
      options[29] = getId('_cbHighlightLanes').checked;

      // advanced
      options[11] = getId('_cbHighlightRecent').checked;
      options[12] = getId('_numRecentDays').value;
      options[13] = getId('_cbHighlightEditor').checked;
      options[25] = getId('_cbHighlightRoutingPref').checked;

      localStorage.WMEHighlightScript = JSON.stringify(options);
  window.addEventListener("beforeunload", saveHighlightOptions, false);

  // begin periodic updates

  // trigger code when page is fully loaded, to catch any missing bits
  window.addEventListener("load", function(e) {
    var mapProblems = getId('map-problems-explanation')
    if (mapProblems !== null) = "none";

  // register some events..."zoomend", null, highlightSegments);"zoomend", null, highlightNodes);"zoomend", null, highlightPlaces);"mergeend", null, initCityList);

  wmechinit = true;

/* engage! =================================================================== */
setTimeout(initialiseHighlights, 789);

/* end ======================================================================= */