
Check ChangeLog from Github Relase page.

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Posted: 2014-06-19
Edited: 2014-06-28

Strangely formatted, very long lines

Appears to have quite a bit duplicated. All-round suspicious looking code.

Posted: 2014-06-24

I think this might be Browserify, which lets you include node.js modules. This would be against Greasy Fork's rules as stated, but maybe we'll start allowing this kind of thing if we trust enough. I've sent a message to the author to alert them to this discussion.

azu 2Author
Posted: 2014-06-24
Edited: 2014-06-24

Yes, this script was generated with browserify.


I think Greasemonkey's @require hard to create modular script.(Each module must has URL...)
So, I have created this script with browserify by way of experiment.

Posted: 2014-06-24

So is Browserify just for stuff from And is code on reviewed by someone or is it open for anyone to put anything?

azu 2Author
Posted: 2014-06-24
Edited: 2014-06-24

JavaScript doesn't have module system(without ES6 module).
Browserify can bundle up all of the script depencies.( bundle = depencies.concat([aModule, bModule]) )
These modules are my code and code on npm.

> And is code on reviewed by someone

No, npm can publish a package without need for review.

I think It's difficult to ensure confidence about code on npm.

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