
Mark and hide fanfics or authors

As of 2018-10-04. See the latest version.

Andy Scull
0 0 0
Applies to

Script for,,
Based on chrome's extenson by Stefan Hayden

Script is mostly targeted at people who read/download everything from specific category/fandom and just want to see new texts, hiding already read/disliked fanfics. You'll have to manually 'mark' each fanfic or author as you read/sort, in the end you'll be getting clear pages with all 'old' fanfics hidden from view and 'new' ones clearly visible, sorting them by update date helps.

With this script you can:
1. mark each fanfic as Like/Dislike/Mark/InLibrary.
a. highlight with different colors
b. hide each of these categories
Like/Dislike is obvious, Mark is for those fanfics you decide to lay off for later, InLibrary is for fanfics you downloaded to your local computer (Try using Calibre with FanFicFare plugin, it rocks)
2. Mark authors as Liked/Disliked (to hide specific authors you'd never want to read)
3. Left/Right arrow keys navigate next/prev page in search or list.

My way to use this script, hope it helps someone organizing their reading lists:
1. I use Calibre to manage all my books locally, installed FanFicFare plugin which supports large number of FF sites.
2. When I see new fanfic in one of my watched fandoms I download it in Calibre (FFF plugin) and mark it as 'InLibrary' in browser. This category is also hidden so I'll never see fanfics I already downloaded and have on my computer.
3. Calibre allows me to sort fics by tags, update date, size, etc, and I can read them in my preferred EBook reader or even on separate e-ink reader.
4. When I read a fanfic, I go to it's webpage and mark it either 'Like' (and subscribe to it) or 'Dislike' (and forget it)
5. For updated fanfics I usually get email notification and just copy/paste url in Calibre to update it in local database.

Colors can be changed by adding a second GM script running after this one.
Uncomment styles in example below and replace color values. You can even add styles for multiple categories, for example style selector for liked-author + liked-story would be ".ffn_like_fic.ffn_like_author:not(a)"
// ==UserScript==
// @name FanFictionNavigator - colors
// @namespace window
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @run-at document-end

// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

// styles for box background; fic style should overwrite author style
//GM_addStyle(".ffn_like_author:not(a) {background-color:#C4FFCA !important;}");
//GM_addStyle(".ffn_dislike_author:not(a) {background-color:#bC5050 !important;}");
//GM_addStyle(".ffn_like_fic:not(a) {background-color:#C4FFCA !important;}");
//GM_addStyle(".ffn_dislike_fic:not(a) {background-color:#FCB0B0 !important;}");
//GM_addStyle(".ffn_mark:not(a) {background-color:#CCCCCC !important;}");
//GM_addStyle(".ffn_inlibrary:not(a) {background-color:#F1D173 !important;}");

And these are things I cannot add to script (I am not a web programmer):
1. Config page
2. Dynamic hide/show without page reload