ZenzaWatch 上級者用設定


// ==UserScript==
// @name        ZenzaWatch 上級者用設定
// @namespace   https://github.com/segabito/
// @description1 ZenzaWatchの上級者向け設定。変更する時だけ有効にすればOK
// @include     *//www.nicovideo.jp/my*
// @version     0.3.2
// @author      segabito macmoto
// @license     public domain
// @grant       none
// @noframes
// @require     https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.11/lodash.min.js
// @description ZenzaWatchの上級者向け設定。変更する時だけ有効にすればOK
// ==/UserScript==
/* eslint-disable */

((window) => { const self = window;
  const PRODUCT = 'ZenzaWatch';
  const monkey = async (PRODUCT) => {
    const _ = window._ ;
    const Array = window.PureArray || window.Array;
function EmitterInitFunc() {
class Handler { //extends Array {
	constructor(...args) {
		this._list = args;
	get length() {
		return this._list.length;
	exec(...args) {
		if (!this._list.length) {
		} else if (this._list.length === 1) {
		for (let i = this._list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
	execMethod(name, ...args) {
		if (!this._list.length) {
		} else if (this._list.length === 1) {
		for (let i = this._list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
	add(member) {
		if (this._list.includes(member)) {
			return this;
		return this;
	remove(member) {
		this._list = this._list.filter(m => m !== member);
		return this;
	clear() {
		this._list.length = 0;
		return this;
	get isEmpty() {
		return this._list.length < 1;
	*[Symbol.iterator]() {
		const list = this._list || [];
		for (const member of list) {
			yield member;
	next() {
		return this[Symbol.iterator]();
Handler.nop = () => {/*     ( ˘ω˘ ) スヤァ    */};
const PromiseHandler = (() => {
	const id = function() { return `Promise${this.id++}`; }.bind({id: 0});
	class PromiseHandler extends Promise {
		constructor(callback = () => {}) {
			const key = new Object({id: id(), callback, status: 'pending'});
			const cb = function(res, rej) {
				const resolve = (...args) => { this.status = 'resolved'; this.value = args; res(...args); };
				const reject  = (...args) => { this.status = 'rejected'; this.value = args; rej(...args); };
				if (this.result) {
					return this.result.then(resolve, reject);
				Object.assign(this, {resolve, reject});
				return callback(resolve, reject);
			this.resolve = this.resolve.bind(this);
			this.reject = this.reject.bind(this);
			this.key = key;
		resolve(...args) {
			if (this.key.resolve) {
			} else {
				this.key.result = Promise.resolve(...args);
			return this;
		reject(...args) {
			if (this.key.reject) {
			} else {
				this.key.result = Promise.reject(...args);
			return this;
		addCallback(callback) {
			Promise.resolve().then(() => callback(this.resolve, this.reject));
			return this;
	return PromiseHandler;
const {Emitter} = (() => {
	let totalCount = 0;
	let warnings = [];
	class Emitter {
		on(name, callback) {
			if (!this._events) {
				this._events = new Map();
			name = name.toLowerCase();
			let e = this._events.get(name);
			if (!e) {
				e = this._events.set(name, new Handler(callback));
			} else {
			if (e.length > 10) {
				!Emitter.warnings.includes(this) && Emitter.warnings.push(this);
			return this;
		off(name, callback) {
			if (!this._events) {
			name = name.toLowerCase();
			const e = this._events.get(name);
			if (!this._events.has(name)) {
			} else if (!callback) {
			} else {
				if (e.isEmpty) {
			if (this._events.size < 1) {
				delete this._events;
			return this;
		once(name, func) {
			const wrapper = (...args) => {
				this.off(name, wrapper);
				wrapper._original = null;
			wrapper._original = func;
			return this.on(name, wrapper);
		clear(name) {
			if (!this._events) {
			if (name) {
			} else {
				delete this._events;
			return this;
		emit(name, ...args) {
			if (!this._events) {
			name = name.toLowerCase();
			const e = this._events.get(name);
			if (!e) {
			return this;
		emitAsync(...args) {
			if (!this._events) {
			setTimeout(() => this.emit(...args), 0);
			return this;
		promise(name, callback) {
			if (!this._promise) {
				this._promise = new Map;
			const p = this._promise.get(name);
			if (p) {
				return callback ? p.addCallback(callback) : p;
			this._promise.set(name, new PromiseHandler(callback));
			return this._promise.get(name);
		emitResolve(name, ...args) {
			if (!this._promise) {
				this._promise = new Map;
			if (!this._promise.has(name)) {
				this._promise.set(name, new PromiseHandler());
			return this._promise.get(name).resolve(...args);
		emitReject(name, ...args) {
			if (!this._promise) {
				this._promise = new Map;
			if (!this._promise.has(name)) {
				this._promise.set(name, new PromiseHandler);
			return this._promise.get(name).reject(...args);
		resetPromise(name) {
			if (!this._promise) { return; }
		hasPromise(name) {
			return this._promise && this._promise.has(name);
		addEventListener(...args) { return this.on(...args); }
		removeEventListener(...args) { return this.off(...args);}
	Emitter.totalCount = totalCount;
	Emitter.warnings = warnings;
	return {Emitter};
	return {Handler, PromiseHandler, Emitter};
const {Handler, PromiseHandler, Emitter} = EmitterInitFunc();
const StorageWriter = (() => {
	const func = function(self) {
		self.onmessage = ({command, params}) => {
			const {obj, replacer, space} = params;
			return JSON.stringify(obj, replacer || null, space || 0);
	let worker;
	const prototypePollution = window.Prototype && Array.prototype.hasOwnProperty('toJSON');
	const toJson = async (obj, replacer = null, space = 0) => {
		if (!prototypePollution || obj === null || ['string', 'number', 'boolean'].includes(typeof obj)) {
			return JSON.stringify(obj, replacer, space);
		worker = worker || workerUtil.createCrossMessageWorker(func, {name: 'ToJsonWorker'});
		return worker.post({command: 'toJson', params: {obj, replacer, space}});
	const writer = Symbol('StorageWriter');
	const setItem = (storage, key, value) => {
		if (!prototypePollution || value === null || ['string', 'number', 'boolean'].includes(typeof value)) {
			storage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
		} else {
			toJson(value).then(json => storage.setItem(key, json));
	localStorage[writer] = (key, value) => setItem(localStorage, key, value);
	sessionStorage[writer] = (key, value) => setItem(sessionStorage, key, value);
	return { writer, toJson };
const objUtil = (() => {
	const isObject = e => e !== null && e instanceof Object;
	const PROPS = Symbol('PROPS');
	const REVISION = Symbol('REVISION');
	const CHANGED = Symbol('CHANGED');
	const HAS = Symbol('HAS');
	const SET = Symbol('SET');
	const GET = Symbol('GET');
	return {
		bridge: (self, target, keys = null) => {
			(keys || Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target.constructor.prototype))
				.filter(key => typeof target[key] === 'function')
				.forEach(key => self[key] = target[key].bind(target));
		toMap: (obj, mapper = Map) => {
			if (obj instanceof mapper) {
				return obj;
			return new mapper(Object.entries(obj));
		mapToObj: map => {
			if (!(map instanceof Map)) {
				return map;
			const obj = {};
			for (const [key, val] of map) {
				obj[key] = val;
			return obj;
const Observable = (() => {
	const observableSymbol = Symbol.observable || Symbol('observable');
	const nop = Handler.nop;
	class Subscription {
		constructor({observable, subscriber, unsubscribe, closed}) {
			this.callbacks = {unsubscribe, closed};
			this.observable = observable;
			const next = subscriber.next.bind(subscriber);
			subscriber.next = args => {
				if (this.closed || (this._filterFunc && !this._filterFunc(args))) {
				return this._mapFunc ? next(this._mapFunc(args)) : next(args);
			this._closed = false;
		subscribe(subscriber, onError, onCompleted) {
			return this.observable.subscribe(subscriber, onError, onCompleted)
		unsubscribe() {
			this._closed = true;
			if (this.callbacks.unsubscribe) {
			return this;
		dispose() {
			return this.unsubscribe();
		filter(func) {
			const _func = this._filterFunc;
			this._filterFunc = _func ? (arg => _func(arg) && func(arg)) : func;
			return this;
		map(func) {
			const _func = this._mapFunc;
			this._mapFunc = _func ? arg => func(_func(arg)) : func;
			return this;
		get closed() {
			if (this.callbacks.closed) {
				return this._closed || this.callbacks.closed();
			} else {
				return this._closed;
	class Subscriber {
		static create(onNext = null, onError = null, onCompleted = null) {
			if (typeof onNext === 'function') {
				return new this({
					next: onNext,
					error: onError,
					complete: onCompleted
			return new this(onNext || {});
		constructor({start, next, error, complete} = {start:nop, next:nop, error:nop, complete:nop}) {
			this.callbacks = {start, next, error, complete};
		start(arg) {this.callbacks.start(arg);}
		next(arg) {this.callbacks.next(arg);}
		error(arg) {this.callbacks.error(arg);}
		complete(arg) {this.callbacks.complete(arg);}
		get closed() {
			return this._callbacks.closed ? this._callbacks.closed() : false;
	Subscriber.nop = {start: nop, next: nop, error: nop, complete: nop, closed: nop};
	const eleMap = new WeakMap();
	class Observable {
		static of(...args) {
			return new this(o => {
				for (const arg of args) {
				return () => {};
		static from(arg) {
			if (arg[Symbol.iterator]) {
				return this.of(...arg);
			} else if (arg[Observable.observavle]) {
				return arg[Observable.observavle]();
		static fromEvent(element, eventName) {
			const em = eleMap.get(element) || {};
			if (em && em[eventName]) {
				return em[eventName];
			eleMap.set(element, em);
			return em[eventName] = new this(o => {
				const onUpdate = e => o.next(e);
				element.addEventListener(eventName, onUpdate, {passive: true});
				return () => element.removeEventListener(eventName, onUpdate);
		static interval(ms) {
			return new this(function(o) {
				const timer = setInterval(() => o.next(this.i++), ms);
				return () => clearInterval(timer);
			}.bind({i: 0}));
		constructor(subscriberFunction) {
			this._subscriberFunction = subscriberFunction;
			this._completed = false;
			this._cancelled = false;
			this._handlers = new Handler();
		_initSubscriber() {
			if (this._subscriber) {
			const handlers = this._handlers;
			this._completed = this._cancelled = false;
			return this._subscriber = new Subscriber({
				start: arg => handlers.execMethod('start', arg),
				next: arg => handlers.execMethod('next', arg),
				error: arg => handlers.execMethod('error', arg),
				complete: arg => {
					if (this._nextObservable) {
						this._nextObservable = this._nextObservable._nextObservable;
					} else {
						this._completed = true;
						handlers.execMethod('complete', arg);
				closed: () => this.closed
		get closed() {
			return this._completed || this._cancelled;
		filter(func) {
			return this.subscribe().filter(func);
		map(func) {
			return this.subscribe().map(func);
		concat(arg) {
			const observable = Observable.from(arg);
			if (this._nextObservable) {
			} else {
				this._nextObservable = observable;
			return this;
		forEach(callback) {
			let p = new PromiseHandler();
			return this.subscribe({
				next: arg => {
					const lp = p;
					p = new PromiseHandler();
				error: arg => {
					const lp = p;
					p = new PromiseHandler();
		onStart(arg) { this._subscriber.start(arg); }
		onNext(arg) { this._subscriber.next(arg); }
		onError(arg) { this._subscriber.error(arg); }
		onComplete(arg) { this._subscriber.complete(arg);}
		disconnect() {
			if (!this._disconnectFunction) {
			this._closed = true;
			delete this._disconnectFunction;
		[observableSymbol]() {
			return this;
		subscribe(onNext = null, onError = null, onCompleted = null) {
			const isNop = [onNext, onError, onCompleted].every(f => f === null);
			const subscriber = Subscriber.create(onNext, onError, onCompleted);
			return this._subscribe({subscriber, isNop});
		_subscribe({subscriber, isNop}) {
			if (!isNop && !this._disconnectFunction) {
				this._disconnectFunction = this._subscriberFunction(this._subscriber);
			!isNop && this._handlers.add(subscriber);
			return new Subscription({
				observable: this,
				unsubscribe: () => {
					if (isNop) { return; }
					if (this._handlers.isEmpty) {
				closed: () => this.closed
	Observable.observavle = observableSymbol;
	return Observable;
const WindowResizeObserver = Observable.fromEvent(window, 'resize')
	.map(o => { return {width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight}; });
const bounce = {
	origin: Symbol('origin'),
	idle(func, time) {
		let reqId = null;
		let lastArgs = null;
		let promise = new PromiseHandler();
		const [caller, canceller] =
			(time === undefined && self.requestIdleCallback) ?
				[self.requestIdleCallback, self.cancelIdleCallback] : [self.setTimeout, self.clearTimeout];
		const callback = () => {
			const lastResult = func(...lastArgs);
			promise.resolve({lastResult, lastArgs});
			reqId = lastArgs = null;
			promise = new PromiseHandler();
		const result = (...args) => {
			if (reqId) {
				reqId = canceller(reqId);
			lastArgs = args;
			reqId = caller(callback, time);
			return promise;
		result[this.origin] = func;
		return result;
	time(func, time = 0) {
		return this.idle(func, time);
const throttle = (func, interval) => {
	let lastTime = 0;
	let timer;
	let promise = new PromiseHandler();
	const result = (...args) => {
		if (timer) {
			return promise;
		const now = performance.now();
		const timeDiff = now - lastTime;
		timer = setTimeout(() => {
			lastTime = performance.now();
			timer = null;
			const lastResult = func(...args);
			promise.resolve({lastResult, lastArgs: args});
			promise = new PromiseHandler();
		}, Math.max(interval - timeDiff, 0));
		return promise;
	result.cancel = () => {
		if (timer) {
			timer = clearTimeout(timer);
		promise.resolve({lastResult: null, lastArgs: null});
		promise = new PromiseHandler();
	return result;
throttle.time = (func, interval = 0) => throttle(func, interval);
throttle.raf = function(func) {
	// let promise;// = new PromiseHandler();
	let promise;
	let cancelled = false;
	const result = (...args) => {
		if (promise) {
			return promise;
		if (!this.req) {
			this.req = new Promise(res => requestAnimationFrame(res)).then(() => {
				this.req = null;
		promise = this.req.then(() => {
			if (cancelled) {
				cancelled = false;
			try { func(...args); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); }
			promise = null;
		return promise;
	result.cancel = () => {
		cancelled = true;
		promise = null;
	return result;
}.bind({req: null, count: 0, id: 0});
throttle.idle = func => {
	let id;
	const request = (self.requestIdleCallback || self.setTimeout);
	const cancel = (self.cancelIdleCallback || self.clearTimeout);
	const result = (...args) => {
		if (id) {
		id = request(() => {
			id = null;
		}, 0);
	result.cancel = () => {
		if (id) {
			id = cancel(id);
	return result;
class DataStorage {
	static create(defaultData, options = {}) {
		return new DataStorage(defaultData, options);
	static clone(dataStorage) {
		const options = {
			prefix:  dataStorage.prefix,
			storage: dataStorage.storage,
			ignoreExportKeys: dataStorage.options.ignoreExportKeys,
			readonly: dataStorage.readonly
		return DataStorage.create(dataStorage.default, options);
	constructor(defaultData, options = {}) {
		this.options = options;
		this.default = defaultData;
		this._data = Object.assign({}, defaultData);
		this.prefix = `${options.prefix || 'DATA'}_`;
		this.storage = options.storage || localStorage;
		this._ignoreExportKeys = options.ignoreExportKeys || [];
		this.readonly = options.readonly;
		this.silently = false;
		this._changed = new Map();
		this._onChange = bounce.time(this._onChange.bind(this));
		objUtil.bridge(this, new Emitter());
		this.restore().then(() => {
			this.props = this._makeProps(defaultData);
		this.logger = (self || window).console;
		this.consoleSubscriber = {
			next: (v, ...args) => this.logger.log('next', v, ...args),
			error: (e, ...args) => this.logger.warn('error', e, ...args),
			complete: (c, ...args) => this.logger.log('complete', c, ...args)
	_makeProps(defaultData = {}, namespace = '') {
		namespace = namespace ? `${namespace}.` : '';
		const self = this;
		const def = {};
		const props = {};
			.filter(key => key.includes(namespace))
			.forEach(key => {
				const k = key.slice(namespace.length);
				if (k.includes('.')) {
					const ns = k.slice(0, k.indexOf('.'));
					props[ns] = this._makeProps(defaultData, `${namespace}${ns}`);
				def[k] = {
					enumerable: !this._ignoreExportKeys.includes(key),
					get() { return self.getValue(key); },
					set(v) { self.setValue(key, v); }
		Object.defineProperties(props, def);
		return props;
	_onChange() {
		const changed = this._changed;
		this.emit('change', changed);
		for (const [key, val] of changed) {
			this.emitAsync('update', key, val);
			this.emitAsync(`update-${key}`, val);
	onkey(key, callback) {
		this.on(`update-${key}`, callback);
	offkey(key, callback) {
		this.off(`update-${key}`, callback);
	async restore(storage) {
		storage = storage || this.storage;
		Object.keys(this.default).forEach(key => {
			const storageKey = this.getStorageKey(key);
			if (storage.hasOwnProperty(storageKey) || storage[storageKey] !== undefined) {
				try {
					this._data[key] = JSON.parse(storage[storageKey]);
				} catch (e) {
					console.error('config parse error key:"%s" value:"%s" ', key, storage[storageKey], e);
					delete storage[storageKey];
					this._data[key] = this.default[key];
			} else {
				this._data[key] = this.default[key];
	getNativeKey(key) {
		return key;
	getStorageKey(key) {
		return `${this.prefix}${key}`;
	async refresh(key, storage) {
		storage = storage || this.storage;
		key = this.getNativeKey(key);
		const storageKey = this.getStorageKey(key);
		if (storage.hasOwnProperty(storageKey) || storage[storageKey] !== undefined) {
			try {
				this._data[key] = JSON.parse(storage[storageKey]);
			} catch (e) {
				console.error('config parse error key:"%s" value:"%s" ', key, storage[storageKey], e);
		return this._data[key];
	getValue(key) {
		key = this.getNativeKey(key);
		return this._data[key];
	deleteValue(key) {
		key = this.getNativeKey(key);
		const storageKey = this.getStorageKey(key);
		this._data[key] = this.default[key];
	setValue(key, value) {
		const _key = key;
		key = this.getNativeKey(key);
		if (this._data[key] === value || value === undefined) {
		const storageKey = this.getStorageKey(key);
		const storage = this.storage;
		if (!this.readonly) {
			try {
				storage[storageKey] = JSON.stringify(value);
			} catch (e) {
		this._data[key] = value;
		if (!this.silently) {
			this._changed.set(_key, value);
	setValueSilently(key, value) {
		const isSilent = this.silently;
		this.silently = true;
		this.setValue(key, value);
		this.silently = isSilent;
	export(isAll = false) {
		const result = {};
		const _default = this.default;
			.filter(key => isAll || (_default[key] !== this._data[key]))
			.forEach(key => result[key] = this.getValue(key));
		return result;
	exportJson() {
		return JSON.stringify(this.export(), null, 2);
	import(data) {
			.forEach(key => {
				const val = data.hasOwnProperty(key) ? data[key] : this.default[key];
				console.log('import data: %s=%s', key, val);
				this.setValueSilently(key, val);
	importJson(json) {
	getKeys() {
		return Object.keys(this.props);
	clearConfig() {
		this.silently = true;
		const storage = this.storage;
			.filter(key => !this._ignoreExportKeys.includes(key)).forEach(key => {
				const storageKey = this.getStorageKey(key);
				try {
					if (storage.hasOwnProperty(storageKey) || storage[storageKey] !== undefined) {
						console.nicoru('delete storage', storageKey, storage[storageKey]);
						delete storage[storageKey];
					this._data[key] = this.default[key];
				} catch (e) {}
		this.silently = false;
	namespace(name) {
		const namespace = name ? `${name}.` : '';
		const origin = Symbol(`${namespace}`);
		const result = {
			getValue: key => this.getValue(`${namespace}${key}`),
			setValue: (key, value) => this.setValue(`${namespace}${key}`, value),
			on: (key, func) => {
				if (key === 'update') {
					const onUpdate = (key, value) => {
						if (key.startsWith(namespace)) {
							func(key.slice(namespace.length + 1), value);
					onUpdate[origin] = func;
					this.on('update', onUpdate);
					return result;
				return this.onkey(`${namespace}${key}`, func);
			off: (key, func) => {
				if (key === 'update') {
					func = func[origin] || func;
					this.off('update', func);
					return result;
				return this.offkey(`${namespace}${key}`, func);
			onkey: (key, func) => {
				this.on(`update-${namespace}${key}`, func);
				return result;
			offkey: (key, func) => {
				this.off(`update-${namespace}${key}`, func);
				return result;
			props: this.props[name],
			refresh: () => this.refresh(),
			subscribe: subscriber => {
				return this.subscribe(subscriber)
					.filter(changed => changed.keys().some(k => k.startsWith(namespace)))
					.map(changed => {
						const result = new Map;
						for (const k of changed.keys()) {
							k.startsWith(namespace) && result.set(k, changed.get(k));
						return result;
		return result;
	subscribe(subscriber) {
		subscriber = subscriber || this.consoleSubscriber;
		const observable = new Observable(o => {
			const onChange = changed => o.next(changed);
			this.on('change', onChange);
			return () => this.off('change', onChange);
		return observable.subscribe(subscriber);
	watch() {
	unwatch() {
		this.consoleSubscription && this.consoleSubscription.unsubscribe();
		this.consoleSubscription = null;
const Config = (() => {
		debug: false,
		volume: 0.3,
		forceEnable: false,
		showComment: true,
		autoPlay: true,
		'autoPlay:ginza': true,
		'autoPlay:others': true,
		loop: false,
		mute: false,
		screenMode: 'normal',
		'screenMode:ginza': 'normal',
		'screenMode:others': 'normal',
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		autoCloseFullScreen: true, // 再生終了時に自動でフルスクリーン解除するかどうか
		continueNextPage: false,   // 動画再生中にリロードやページ切り替えしたら続きから開き直す
		backComment: false,        // コメントの裏流し
		autoPauseCommentInput: true, // コメント入力時に自動停止する
		sharedNgLevel: 'MID',      // NG共有の強度 NONE, LOW, MID, HIGH, MAX
		enablePushState: true,     // ブラウザの履歴に乗せる
		enableHeatMap: true,
		enableCommentPreview: false,
		enableAutoMylistComment: false, // マイリストコメントに投稿者を入れる
		menuScale: 1.0,
		enableTogglePlayOnClick: false, // 画面クリック時に再生/一時停止するかどうか
		enableDblclickClose: true, //
		enableFullScreenOnDoubleClick: true,
		enableStoryboard: true, // シークバーサムネイル関連
		enableStoryboardBar: false, // シーンサーチ
		videoInfoPanelTab: 'videoInfoTab',
		fullscreenControlBarMode: 'auto', // 'always-show' 'always-hide'
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		wordFilter: '',
		wordRegFilter: '',
		wordRegFilterFlags: 'i',
		userIdFilter: '',
		commandFilter: '',
		videoTagFilter: '',
		videoOwnerFilter: '',
		enableCommentPanel: true,
		enableCommentPanelAutoScroll: true,
		commentSpeedRate: 1.0,
		autoCommentSpeedRate: false,
		playlistLoop: false,
		commentLanguage: 'ja_JP',
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		baseChatScale: 1.0,
		baseFontBolder: true,
		cssFontWeight: 'bold',
		allowOtherDomain: true,
		overrideWatchLink: false, // すべての動画リンクをZenzaWatchで開く
		'overrideWatchLink:others': false, // すべての動画リンクをZenzaWatchで開く
		speakLark: false, // 一発ネタのコメント読み上げ機能. 飽きたら消す
		speakLarkVolume: 1.0, // 一発ネタのコメント読み上げ機能. 飽きたら消す
		enableSingleton: false,
		loadLinkedChannelVideo: false,
		commentLayerOpacity: 1.0, //
		'commentLayer.textShadowType': '', // フォントの修飾タイプ
		'commentLayer.enableSlotLayoutEmulation': false,
		'commentLayer.ownerCommentShadowColor': '#008800', // 投稿者コメントの影の色
		overrideGinza: false,     // 動画視聴ページでもGinzaの代わりに起動する
		enableGinzaSlayer: false, // まだ実験中
		lastPlayerId: '',
		playbackRate: 1.0,
		lastWatchId: 'sm9',
		message: '',
		enableVideoSession: true,
		videoServerType: 'dmc',
		autoDisableDmc: true, // smileのほうが高画質と思われる動画でdmcを無効にする
		dmcVideoQuality: 'auto',   // 優先する画質 auto, veryhigh, high, mid, low
		smileVideoQuality: 'default', // default eco
		useWellKnownPort: false, // この機能なくなったぽい (常時true相当になった)
		'video.hls.enable': true,
		'video.hls.segmentDuration': 6000,
		'video.hls.enableOnlyRequired': true, // hlsが必須の動画だけ有効化する
		enableNicosJumpVideo: true, // @ジャンプを有効にするかどうか
		'videoSearch.ownerOnly': true,
		'videoSearch.mode': 'tag',
		'videoSearch.order': 'desc',
		'videoSearch.sort': 'playlist',
		'videoSearch.word': '',
		'uaa.enable': true,
		'screenshot.prefix': '', // スクリーンショットのファイル名の先頭につける文字
		'search.limit': 300, // 検索する最大件数(最大1600) 100件ごとにAPIを叩くので多くするほど遅くなる
		'touch.enable': window.ontouchstart !== undefined,
		'touch.tap2command': '',
		'touch.tap3command': 'toggle-mute',
		'touch.tap4command': 'toggle-showComment',
		'touch.tap5command': 'screenShot',
		'navi.favorite': [],
		'navi.playlistButtonMode': 'insert',
		'navi.ownerFilter': false,
		'navi.lastSearchQuery': '',
		autoZenTube: false,
		bestZenTube: false,
		KEY_CLOSE: 27,          // ESC
		KEY_RE_OPEN: 27 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + ESC
		KEY_HOME: 36 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + HOME
		KEY_SEEK_LEFT: 37 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + LEFT
		KEY_SEEK_RIGHT: 39 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + RIGHT
		KEY_SEEK_LEFT2: 99999999, // カスタマイズ用
		KEY_SEEK_RIGHT2: 99999999, //
		KEY_SEEK_PREV_FRAME: 188, // ,
		KEY_SEEK_NEXT_FRAME: 190, // .
		KEY_VOL_UP: 38 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + UP
		KEY_VOL_DOWN: 40 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + DOWN
		KEY_MUTE: 77, // M
		KEY_TOGGLE_LOOP: 82, // R 76, // L
		KEY_DEFLIST_ADD: 84,          // T
		KEY_DEFLIST_REMOVE: 84 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + T
		KEY_SCREEN_MODE_1: 49 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + 1
		KEY_SCREEN_MODE_2: 50 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + 2
		KEY_SCREEN_MODE_3: 51 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + 3
		KEY_SCREEN_MODE_4: 52 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + 4
		KEY_SCREEN_MODE_5: 53 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + 5
		KEY_SCREEN_MODE_6: 54 + 0x1000, // SHIFT + 6
		KEY_SHIFT_RESET: 49, // 1
		KEY_SHIFT_DOWN: 188 + 0x1000, // <
		KEY_SHIFT_UP: 190 + 0x1000, // >
		KEY_NEXT_VIDEO: 74, // J
		KEY_PREV_VIDEO: 75, // K
	if (navigator &&
		navigator.userAgent &&
		navigator.userAgent.match(/(Android|iPad;|CriOS)/i)) {
		DEFAULT_CONFIG.overrideWatchLink = true;
		DEFAULT_CONFIG.enableTogglePlayOnClick = true;
		DEFAULT_CONFIG.autoFullScreen = true;
		DEFAULT_CONFIG.autoCloseFullScreen = false;
		DEFAULT_CONFIG.volume = 1.0;
		DEFAULT_CONFIG.enableVideoSession = true;
		DEFAULT_CONFIG['uaa.enable'] = false;
	return DataStorage.create(
			prefix: PRODUCT,
			ignoreExportKeys: ['message', 'lastPlayerId', 'lastWatchId', 'debug'],
			readonly: !location || location.host !== 'www.nicovideo.jp',
			storage: localStorage
Config.exportConfig = () => Config.export();
Config.importConfig = v => Config.import(v);
Config.exportToFile = () => {
	const json = Config.exportJson();
	const blob = new Blob([json], {'type': 'text/html'});
	const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
	const a = Object.assign(document.createElement('a'), {
		download: `${new Date().toLocaleString().replace(/[:/]/g, '_')}_ZenzaWatch.config.json`,
		rel: 'noopener',
		href: url
	(document.body || document.documentElemennt).append(a);
	setTimeout(() => a.remove(), 1000);
const NaviConfig = Config;
await Config.promise('restore');
const uQuery = (() => {
	const endMap = new WeakMap();
	const emptyMap = new Map();
	const emptySet = new Set();
	const elementsEventMap = new WeakMap();
	const HAS_CSSTOM = (window.CSS && CSS.number) ? true : false;
	const toCamel = p => p.replace(/-./g, s => s.charAt(1).toUpperCase());
	const toSnake = p => p.replace(/[A-Z]/g, s => `-${s.charAt(1).toLowerCase()}`);
	const isStyleValue = val => ('px' in CSS) && val instanceof CSSStyleValue;
	const emitter = new Emitter();
	const UNDEF = Symbol('undefined');
	const waitForDom = resolve => {
		if (['interactive', 'complete'].includes(document.readyState)) {
			return resolve();
		document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', resolve, {once: true});
	const waitForComplete = resolve => {
		if (['complete'].includes(document.readyState)) {
			return resolve();
		window.addEventListener('load', resolve, {once: true});
	const isTagLiteral = (t,...args) =>
		Array.isArray(t) &&
		Array.isArray(t.raw) &&
		t.length === t.raw.length &&
		args.length === t.length - 1;
	const templateMap = new WeakMap();
	const createDom = (template, ...args) => {
		const isTL = isTagLiteral(template, ...args);
		if (isTL && templateMap.has(template)) {
			const tpl = templateMap.get(template);
			return document.importNode(tpl.content, true);
		const tpl = document.createElement('template');
		tpl.innerHTML = isTL ? String.raw(template, ...args) : template;
		isTL && templateMap.set(template, tpl);
		return document.importNode(tpl.content, true);
	const walkingHandler = {
		set: function (target, prop, value) {
			for (const elm of target) {
				elm[prop] = value;
			return true;
		get: function (target, prop) {
			const isFunc = target.some(elm => typeof elm[prop] === 'function');
			if (!isFunc) {
				const isObj = target.some(elm => elm[prop] instanceof Object);
				let result = target.map(elm => typeof elm[prop] === 'function' ? elm[prop].bind(elm) : elm[prop]);
				return isObj ? result.walk : result;
			return (...args) => {
				let result = target.map((elm, index) => {
					try {
						return (typeof elm[prop] === 'function' ?
							elm[prop].apply(elm, args) : elm[prop]) || elm;
					} catch (error) {
						console.warn('Exception: ', {target, prop, index, error});
				const isObj = result.some(r => r instanceof Object);
				return isObj ? result.walk : result;
	const isHTMLElement = elm => {
		return (elm instanceof HTMLElement) ||
			(elm.ownerDocument && elm instanceof elm.ownerDocument.defaultView.HTMLElement);
	const isNode = elm => {
		return (elm instanceof Node) ||
			(elm.ownerDocument && elm instanceof elm.ownerDocument.defaultView.Node);
	const isDocument = d => {
		return (d instanceof Document) || (d && d[Symbol.toStringTag] === 'HTMLDocument') ||
			(d.documentElement && d instanceof d.documentElement.ownerDocument.defaultView.Node);
	const isEventTarget = e => {
		return (e instanceof EventTarget) ||
			(e[Symbol.toStringTag] === 'EventTarget') ||
			(e.addEventListener && e.removeEventListener && e.dispatchEvent);
	const isHTMLCollection = e => {
		return e instanceof HTMLCollection || (e && e[Symbol.toStringTag] === 'HTMLCollection');
	const isNodeList = e => {
		return e instanceof NodeList || (e && e[Symbol.toStringTag] === 'NodeList');
	class RafCaller {
		constructor(elm, methods = []) {
			this.elm = elm;
			methods.forEach(method => {
				const task = elm[method].bind(elm);
				task._name = method;
				this[method] = (...args) => {
					this.enqueue(task, ...args);
					return elm;
		get promise() {
			return this.constructor.promise;
		enqueue(task, ...args) {
			this.constructor.taskList.push([task, ...args]);
		cancel() {
			this.constructor.taskList.length = 0;
	RafCaller.promise = new PromiseHandler();
	RafCaller.taskList = [];
	RafCaller.exec = throttle.raf(function() {
		const taskList = this.taskList.concat();
		this.taskList.length = 0;
		for (const [task, ...args] of taskList) {
			try {
			} catch (err) {
				console.warn('RafCaller task fail', {task, args});
		this.promise = new PromiseHandler();
	class $Array extends Array {
		get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
			return '$Array';
		get na() /* 先頭の要素にアクセス */ {
			return this[0];
		get nz() /* 末尾の要素にアクセス */ {
			return this[this.length - 1];
		get walk() /* 全要素のメソッド・プロパティにアクセス */ {
			const p = this._walker || new Proxy(this, walkingHandler);
			this._walker = p;
			return p;
		get array() {
			return [...this];
		toArray() {
			return this.array;
		constructor(...args) {
			const elm = args.length > 1 ? args : args[0];
			if (isHTMLCollection(elm) || isNodeList(elm)) {
				for (const e of elm) {
			} else if (typeof elm === 'number') {
				this.length = elm;
			} else {
				this[0] = elm;
		get raf() {
			if (!this._raf) {
				this._raf = new RafCaller(this, [
			return this._raf;
		get htmls() {
			return this.filter(isHTMLElement);
		*getHtmls() {
			for (const elm of this) {
				if (isHTMLElement(elm)) { yield elm; }
		get firstElement() {
			for (const elm of this) {
				if (isHTMLElement(elm)) { return elm; }
			return null;
		get nodes() {
			return this.filter(isNode);
		*getNodes() {
			for (const n of this) {
				if (isNode(n)) { yield n; }
		get firstNode() {
			for (const n of this) {
				if (isNode(n)) { return n; }
			return null;
		get independency() {
			const nodes = this.nodes;
			if (nodes.length <= 1) {
				return nodes;
			return this.filter(elm => nodes.every(e => e === elm || !e.contains(elm)));
		get uniq() {
			return this.constructor.from([...new Set(this)]);
		clone() {
			return this.constructor.from(this.independency.filter(e => e.cloneNode).map(e => e.cloneNode(true)));
		find(query) {
			if (typeof query !== 'string') {
				return super.find(query);
			return this.query(query);
		query(query) {
			const found = this
				.filter(elm => elm.querySelectorAll)
				.map(elm => $Array.from(elm.querySelectorAll(query)))
			endMap.set(found, this);
			return found;
		mapQuery(map) {
			const $tmp = this
				.filter(elm => elm.querySelectorAll);
			const result = [], e = [], $ = {};
			for (const key of Object.keys(map)) {
				const query = map[key];
				const found = $tmp.map(elm => $Array.from(elm.querySelectorAll(query))).flat();
				result[key] = key.match(/^_?\$/) ? found : found[0];
				$[key.replace(/^(_?)/, '$1$')] = found;
				e[key.replace(/^(_?)\$/, '$1')] = found[0];
			return {result, $, e};
		end() {
			return endMap.has(this) ? endMap.get(this) : this;
		each(callback) {
			this.htmls.forEach((elm, index) => callback.apply(elm, [index, elm]));
		closest(selector) {
			const result = this.query(elm => elm.closest(selector));
			return result ? this.constructor.from(result) : null;
		parent() {
			const found = this
				.filter(e => e.parentNode).map(e => e.parentNode);
			return found;
		parents(selector) {
			let h = selector ? this.parent().closest(selector) : this.parent();
			const found = [h];
			while (h.length) {
				h = selector ? h.parent().closest(selector) : h.parent();
			return $Array.from(h.flat());
		toggleClass(className, v) {
			if (typeof v === 'boolean') {
				return v ? this.addClass(className) : this.removeClass(className);
			const classes = className.trim().split(/\s+/);
			const htmls = this.getHtmls();
			for (const elm of htmls) {
				for (const c of classes) {
					elm.classList.toggle(c, v);
			return this;
		addClass(className) {
			const names = className.split(/\s+/);
			const htmls = this.getHtmls();
			for (const elm of htmls) {
			return this;
		removeClass(className) {
			const names = className.split(/\s+/);
			const htmls = this.getHtmls();
			for (const elm of htmls) {
			return this;
		hasClass(className) {
			const names = className.trim().split(/[\s]+/);
			const htmls = this.htmls;
			return names.every(
				name => htmls.every(elm => elm.classList.contains(name)));
		_css(props) {
			const htmls = this.getHtmls();
			for (const element of htmls) {
				const style = element.style;
				const map = element.attributeStyleMap;
				for (let [key, val] of ((props instanceof Map) ? props : Object.entries(props))) {
					const isNumber = /^[0-9+.]+$/.test(val);
					if (isNumber && /(width|height|top|left)$/i.test(key)) {
						val = HAS_CSSTOM ? CSS.px(val) : `${val}px`;
					try {
						if (HAS_CSSTOM && isStyleValue(val)) {
							key = toSnake(key);
							map.set(key, val);
						} else {
							key = toCamel(key);
							style[key] = val;
					} catch (err) {
						console.warn('uQuery.css fail', {key, val, isNumber});
			return this;
		css(key, val = UNDEF) {
			if (typeof key === 'string') {
				if (val !== UNDEF) {
					return this._css({[key]: val});
				} else {
					const element = this.firstElement;
					if (HAS_CSSTOM) {
						return element.attributeStyleMap.get(toSnake(key));
					} else {
						return element.style[toCamel(key)];
			} else if (key !== null && typeof key === 'object') {
				return this._css(key);
			return this;
		on(eventName, callback, options) {
			if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
				return this;
			eventName = eventName.trim();
			const elementEventName = eventName.split('.')[0];
			for (const element of this.filter(isEventTarget)) {
				const elementEvents = elementsEventMap.get(element) || new Map;
				const listenerSet = elementEvents.get(eventName) || new Set;
				elementEvents.set(eventName, listenerSet);
				elementsEventMap.set(element, elementEvents);
				if (!listenerSet.has(callback)) {
					element.addEventListener(elementEventName, callback, options);
			return this;
		click(...args) {
			if (args.length) {
				const f = this.firstElement;
				f && f.click();
				return this;
			const callback = args.find(a => typeof a === 'function');
			const data = args[0] !== callback ? args[0] : null;
			return this.on('click', e => {
				data && (e.data = e.data || {}) && Object.assign(e.data, data);
		dblclick(...args) {
			const callback = args.find(a => typeof a === 'function');
			const data = args[0] !== callback ? args[0] : null;
			return this.on('dblclick', e => {
				data && (e.data = e.data || {}) && Object.assign(e.data, data);
		off(eventName = UNDEF, callback = UNDEF) {
			if (eventName === UNDEF) {
				for (const element of this.filter(isEventTarget)) {
					const eventListenerMap = elementsEventMap.get(element) || emptyMap;
					for (const [eventName, listenerSet] of eventListenerMap) {
						for (const listener of listenerSet) {
							element.removeEventListener(eventName, listener);
				return this;
			eventName = eventName.trim();
			const [elementEventName, eventKey] = eventName.split('.');
			if (callback === UNDEF) {
				for (const element of this.filter(isEventTarget)) {
					const eventListenerMap = elementsEventMap.get(element) || emptyMap;
					const listenerSet = eventListenerMap.get(eventName) || emptySet;
					for (const listener of listenerSet) {
						element.removeEventListener(elementEventName, listener);
					for (const [key] of eventListenerMap) {
						if (
							(!eventKey && key.startsWith(`${elementEventName}.`)) ||
							(!elementEventName && key.endsWith(`.${eventKey}`))) {
				return this;
			for (const element of this.filter(isEventTarget)) {
				const eventListenerMap = elementsEventMap.get(element) || new Map;
				eventListenerMap.set(eventName, (eventListenerMap.get(eventName) || new Set));
				for (const [key, listenerSet] of eventListenerMap) {
					if (key !== eventName && !key.startsWith(`${elementEventName}.`)) {
					if (!listenerSet.has(callback)) {
					element.removeEventListener(elementEventName, callback);
			return this;
		_setAttribute(key, val = UNDEF) {
			const htmls = this.getHtmls();
			if (val === null || val === '' || val === UNDEF) {
				for (const e of htmls) {
			} else {
				for (const e of htmls) {
					e.setAttribute(key, val);
			return this;
		setAttribute(key, val = UNDEF) {
			if (typeof key === 'string') {
				return this._setAttribute(key, val);
			for (const k of Object.keys(key)) {
				this._setAttribute(k, key[k]);
			return this;
		attr(key, val = UNDEF) {
			if (val !== UNDEF || typeof key === 'object') {
				return this.setAttribute(key, val);
			const found = this.find(e => e.hasAttribute && e.hasAttribute(key));
			return found ? found.getAttribute(key) : null;
		data(key, val = UNDEF) {
			if (typeof key === 'object') {
				for (const k of Object.keys(key)) {
					this.data(k, JSON.stringify(key[k]));
				return this;
			key = `data-${toSnake(key)}`;
			if (val !== UNDEF) {
				return this.setAttribute(key, JSON.stringify(val));
			const found = this.find(e => e.hasAttribute && e.hasAttribute(key));
			const attr = found.getAttribute(key);
			try {
				return JSON.parse(attr);
			} catch (e) {
				return attr;
		prop(key, val = UNDEF) {
			if (typeof key === 'object') {
				for (const k of Object.keys(key)) {
					this.prop(k, key[k]);
				return this;
			} else if (val !== UNDEF) {
				for (const elm of this) {
					elm[key] = val;
				return this;
			} else {
				const found = this.find(e => e.hasOwnProperty(key));
				return found ? found[key] : null;
		val(v = UNDEF) {
			const htmls = this.getHtmls();
			for (const elm of htmls) {
				if (!('value' in elm)) {
				if (v === UNDEF) {
					return elm.value;
				} else {
					elm.value = v;
			return v === UNDEF ? '' : this;
		hasFocus() {
			return this.some(e => e === document.activeElement);
		focus() {
			const fe = this.firstElement;
			if (fe) {
			return this;
		blur() {
			const htmls = this.getHtmls();
			for (const elm of htmls) {
				if (elm === document.activeElement) {
			return this;
		insert(where, ...args) {
			const fn = this.firstNode;
			if (!fn) {
				return this;
			if (args.every(a => typeof a === 'string' || isNode(a))) {
			} else {
				const $d = uQuery(...args);
				if ($d instanceof $Array) {
					fn[where](...$d.filter(a => typeof a === 'string' || isNode(a)));
			return this;
		append(...args) {
			return this.insert('append', ...args);
		appendChild(...args) {
			return this.append(...args);
		prepend(...args) {
			return this.insert('prepend', ...args);
		after(...args) {
			return this.insert('after', ...args);
		before(...args) {
			return this.insert('before', ...args);
		text(text = UNDEF) {
			const fn = this.firstNode;
			if (text !== UNDEF) {
				fn && (fn.textContent = text);
			} else {
				return this.htmls.find(e => e.textContent) || '';
			return this;
		appendTo(target) {
			if (typeof target === 'string') {
				const e = document.querySelector(target);
				e && e.append(...this.nodes);
			} else {
			return this;
		prependTo(target) {
			if (typeof target === 'string') {
				const e = document.querySelector(target);
				e && e.prepend(...this.nodes);
			} else {
			return this;
		remove() {
			for (const elm of this) { elm.remove && elm.remove(); }
			return this;
		show() {
			for (const elm of this) { elm.hidden = false; }
			return this;
		hide() {
			for (const elm of this) { elm.hidden = true; }
			return this;
		shadow(...args) {
			const elm = this.firstElement;
			if (!elm) {
				return this;
			if (args.length === 0) {
				elm.shadowRoot || elm.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
				return $Array(elm.shadowRoot);
			const $d = uQuery(...args);
			if ($d instanceof $Array) {
				elm.shadowRoot || elm.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
				return $d;
			return this;
	const uQuery = (q, ...args) => {
		const isTL = isTagLiteral(q, ...args);
		if (isTL || typeof q === 'string') {
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			return query.startsWith('<') ?
				new $Array(createDom(q, ...args).children) :
				new $Array(document.querySelectorAll(query));
		} else if (q instanceof Window) {
			return $Array.from(q.document);
		} else if (q instanceof $Array) {
			return q.concat();
		} else if (q[Symbol.iterator]) {
			return $Array.from(q);
		} else if (isDocument(q)) {
			return $Array.from(q.documentElement);
		} else {
			return new $Array(q);
	Object.assign(uQuery, {
		html: (...args) => new $Array(createDom(...args).children),
		isTL: isTagLiteral,
		ready: (func = () => {}) => emitter.promise('domReady', waitForDom).then(() => func()),
		complete: (func = () => {}) => emitter.promise('domComplete', waitForComplete).then(() => func()),
		each: (arr, callback) => Array.from(arr).forEach((a, i) => callback.apply(a, [i, a])),
		proxy: (func, ...args) => func.bind(...args),
		fn: {
	return uQuery;
const uq = uQuery;
const $ = uq;
const css = (() => {
	const setPropsTask = [];
	const applySetProps = throttle.raf(
		() => {
		const tasks = setPropsTask.concat();
		setPropsTask.length = 0;
		for (const [element, prop, value] of tasks) {
			try {
				element.style.setProperty(prop, value);
			} catch (error) {
				console.warn('element.style.setProperty fail', {element, prop, value, error});
	const css = {
		addStyle: (styles, option, document = window.document) => {
			const elm = Object.assign(document.createElement('style'), {
				type: 'text/css'
			}, typeof option === 'string' ? {id: option} : (option || {}));
			if (typeof option === 'string') {
				elm.id = option;
			} else if (option) {
				Object.assign(elm, option);
			(document.head || document.body || document.documentElement).append(elm);
			elm.disabled = option && option.disabled;
			elm.dataset.switch = elm.disabled ? 'off' : 'on';
			return elm;
		registerProps(...args) {
			if (!CSS || !('registerProperty' in CSS)) {
			for (const definition of args) {
				try {
					(definition.window || window).CSS.registerProperty(definition);
				} catch (err) { console.warn('CSS.registerProperty fail', definition, err); }
		setProps(...tasks) {
			return setPropsTask.length ? applySetProps() : Promise.resolve();
		addModule: async function(func, options = {}) {
			if (!CSS || !('paintWorklet' in CSS) || this.set.has(func)) {
			const src =
				${JSON.stringify(options.config || {}, null, 2)}
			const blob = new Blob([src], {type: 'text/javascript'});
			const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
			await CSS.paintWorklet.addModule(url).then(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(url));
			return true;
		}.bind({set: new WeakSet}),
		escape:  value => CSS.escape  ? CSS.escape(value) : value.replace(/([\.#()[\]])/g, '\\$1'),
		number:  value => CSS.number  ? CSS.number(value) : value,
		s:       value => CSS.s       ? CSS.s(value) :  `${value}s`,
		ms:      value => CSS.ms      ? CSS.ms(value) : `${value}ms`,
		pt:      value => CSS.pt      ? CSS.pt(value) : `${value}pt`,
		px:      value => CSS.px      ? CSS.px(value) : `${value}px`,
		percent: value => CSS.percent ? CSS.percent(value) : `${value}%`,
		vh:      value => CSS.vh      ? CSS.vh(value) : `${value}vh`,
		vw:      value => CSS.vw      ? CSS.vw(value) : `${value}vw`,
		trans:   value => self.CSSStyleValue ? CSSStyleValue.parse('transform', value) : value,
		word:    value => self.CSSKeywordValue ? new CSSKeywordValue(value) : value,
		image:   value => self.CSSStyleValue ? CSSStyleValue.parse('background-image', value) : value,
	return css;
const cssUtil = css;
    window.ZenzaAdvancedSettings = {
      config: Config
    const global = {

    let panel;

    const __tpl__ = (`
      <span class="openZenzaAdvancedSettingPanel"><span></span>ZenzaWatch上級者設定</span>

    const __css__ = (`
      .openZenzaAdvancedSettingPanel {
        display: inline-block;
        position: absolute;
        top: 30px;
        right: 0;
        padding: 2px 8px;
        text-align: center;
        background: #fff;
        border: #ccc solid 1px;
        color: #0033cc;
        cursor: pointer;
      .userDetail .openZenzaAdvancedSettingPanel {
        top: 8px;
        right: 148px;

      .openZenzaAdvancedSettingPanel:active {
        background: #ccc;

      .openZenzaAdvancedSettingPanel span {
        display: inline-block;
        width: 10px;
        height: 8px;
        background: url(https://nicovideo.cdn.nimg.jp/uni/img/zero_my/icons.png) no-repeat;
        background-position: -8px -141px;

      .summer2017Area {
        display: none !important;

    class SettingPanel {
      constructor(...args) {
      initialize(params) {
        this._playerConfig     = params.playerConfig;
        this._$container       = params.$container;

        this._update$rawData = _.debounce(this._update$rawData.bind(this), 500);
        this._playerConfig.on('update', this._onPlayerConfigUpdate.bind(this));
      _initializeDom() {
        if (this._$panel) { return; }
        const $container = this._$container;
        const config = this._playerConfig;


        const $panel = this._$panel = $container.find('.zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel');
        this._$view =
        this._$view.on('click', e => e.stopPropagation());

        this._$rawData = $panel.find('.zenzaAdvancedSetting-rawData');
        this._$rawData.on('change', () => {
          let val = this._$rawData.val();
          let data;
          if (val === '') { val = '{}'; }

          try {
            data = JSON.parse(val);
          } catch (e) {

          if (confirm('設定データを直接書き換えしますか?')) {


        this._$playlistData = $panel.find('.zenzaAdvancedSetting-playlistData');
        this._$playlistData.val(JSON.stringify(window.ZenzaWatch.external.playlist.export(), null, 2));
        this._$playlistData.on('change', () => {
          let val = this._$playlistData.val();
          let data;
          if (val === '') { val = '{}'; }

          try {
            data = JSON.parse(val);
          } catch (e) {

          if (confirm('プレイリストデータを直接書き換えしますか?')) {


        const onInputItemChange = this._onInputItemChange.bind(this);
        const $check = $panel.find('input[type=checkbox]');
        $check.forEach(check => {
          const {settingName} = check.dataset;
          const val = !!config.props[settingName];
          check.checked = val;
          check.closest('.control').classList.toggle('checked', val);
        $check.on('change', this._onToggleItemChange.bind(this));

        const $input = $panel.find('input[type=text], select, .textAreaInput');
        $input.forEach(input => {
          const {settingName} = input.dataset;
          const val = config.props[settingName];
          input.value = val;
        $input.on('change', onInputItemChange);

        $panel.find('.zenzaAdvancedSetting-close').on('mousedown', e => {

        $panel.toggleClass('debug', config.props.debug);
      _onPlayerConfigUpdate(key, value) {
        switch (key) {
          case 'debug':
            this._$panel.toggleClass('debug', value);
          case 'wordRegFilter':
          case 'wordRegFilterFlags':
            this._$panel.find('.' + key + 'Input').val(value);
          case 'enableFullScreenOnDoubleClick':
          case 'autoCloseFullScreen':
          case 'continueNextPage':
              .find('.' + key + 'Control').toggleClass('checked', value)
              .find('input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', value);
      _update$rawData() {
      _onToggleItemChange(e) {
        const {settingName} = e.target.dataset;
        const val = !!e.target.checked;

        this._playerConfig.props[settingName] = val;
        e.target.closest('.control').classList.toggle('checked', val);
      _onInputItemChange(e) {
        const $target = $(e.target);
        const {settingName} = e.target.dataset;
        const val = e.target.value;

        window.setTimeout(() => $target.removeClass('update error'), 300);

        window.console.log('onInputItemChange', settingName, val);
        switch (settingName) {
          case 'wordRegFilter':
            try {
              const reg = new RegExp(val);
            } catch(err) {
          case 'wordRegFilterFlags': {
            try {
              const reg = new RegExp(/./, val);
            } catch(err) {

        this._playerConfig.props[settingName] = val;
      _beforeShow() {
        if (this._$playlistData) {
            JSON.stringify(window.ZenzaWatch.external.playlist.export(), null, 2)
      toggle(v) {
        // window.ZenzaWatch.external.execCommand('close');
        this._$view.toggleClass('show', v);
        if (this._$view.hasClass('show')) { this._beforeShow(); }
      show() {
      hide() {

    SettingPanel.__css__ = (`
      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel {
        position: fixed;
        left: 50%;
        top: -100vh;
        pointer-events: none;
        transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
        z-index: 200000;
        width: 90vw;
        height: 90vh;
        color: #000;
        background: rgba(192, 192, 192, 1);
        transition: top 0.4s ease;
        user-select: none;
        -webkit-user-select: none;
        -moz-user-select: none;
        overflow: hidden;
      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel.show {
        opacity: 1;
        top: 50%;

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel.show {
        border: 2px outset #fff;
        box-shadow: 6px 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
        pointer-events: auto;

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel .settingPanelInner {
        box-sizing: border-box;
        margin: 8px;
        padding: 8px;
        overflow: auto;
        height: calc(100% - 86px);
        overscroll-behavior: contain;
        border: 1px inset;
      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel .caption {
        background: #333;
        font-size: 20px;
        padding: 4px 8px;
        color: #fff;

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel .caption.sub {
        margin: 8px;
        font-size: 16px;

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel .example {
        display: inline-block;
        margin: 0 16px;
        font-family: sans-serif;

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel label {
        display: inline-block;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        padding: 4px 8px;
        cursor: pointer;

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel .control {
        border-radius: 4px;
        background: rgba(88, 88, 88, 0.3);
        padding: 8px;
        margin: 16px 4px;

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel .control:hover {
        background: rgba(88, 88, 128, 0.3);

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel button {
        font-size: 10pt;
        padding: 4px 8px;
        background: #888;
        border-radius: 4px;
        border: solid 1px;
        cursor: pointer;

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel input[type=checkbox] {
        transform: scale(2);
        margin-left: 8px;
        margin-right: 16px;
        cursor: pointer;

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel .control.checked {

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel input[type=text] {
        font-size: 24px;
        background: #ccc;
        color: #000;
        width: 90%;
        margin: 0 5%;
        padding: 8px;
        border-radius: 8px;
      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel input[type=text].update {
        color: #003;
        background: #fff;
        box-shadow: 0 0 8px #ff9;
      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel input[type=text].update:before {
        content: 'ok';
        position: absolute;
        left: 0;
        z-index: 100;
        color: blue;

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel input[type=text].error {
        color: #300;
        background: #f00;

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel select {
        margin: 0 5%;
        border-radius: 8px;

      .zenzaAdvancedSetting-close {
        position: absolute;
        width: 50%;
        left: 50%;
        bottom: 8px;
        transform: translate(-50%);
        z-index: 160000;
        padding: 8px 16px;
        cursor: pointer;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        text-align: center;
        line-height: 30px;
        font-size: 24px;
        border: outset 2px;
        box-shadow: 0 0 4px #000;
          opacity 0.4s ease,
          transform 0.2s ease,
          background 0.2s ease,
          box-shadow 0.2s ease
        pointer-events: auto;
        transform-origin: center center;

      .textAreaInput {
        width: 90%;
        height: 200px;
        margin: 0 5%;
        word-break: break-all;
        overflow: scroll;

      .zenzaAdvancedSetting-playlistData {
        width: 90%;
        height: 300px;
        margin: 0 5%;
        word-break: break-all;
        overflow: scroll;

      .zenzaAdvancedSetting-close:active {
        box-shadow: none;
        border: inset 2px;
        transform: scale(0.8);

      .zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel:not(.debug) .debugOnly {
        display: none !important;

      .example code {
        font-family: monospace;
        display: inline-block;
        margin: 4px;
        padding: 4px 8px;
        background: #333;
        color: #fe8;
        border-radius: 4px;


    const commands = (`
      <option value="">なし</option>
      <option value="togglePlay">再生/停止</option>
      <option value="fullScreen">フルスクリーン ON/OFF</option>
      <option value="toggle-mute">ミュート ON/OFF</option>
      <option value="toggle-showComment">コメント表示 ON/OFF</option>
      <option value="toggle-backComment">コメントの背面表示 ON/OFF</option>
      <option value="toggle-loop">ループ ON/OFF</option>
      <option value="toggle-enableFilter">NG設定 ON/OFF</option>
      <option value="screenShot">スクリーンショット</option>
      <option value="deflistAdd">とりあえずマイリスト</option>
      <option value="picture-in-picture">picture-in-picture</option>

    SettingPanel.__tpl__ = (`
      <div class="zenzaAdvancedSettingPanel zen-family">
        <div class="settingPanelInner">
          <div class="enableFullScreenOnDoubleClickControl control toggle">
              <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="enableFullScreenOnDoubleClick">

          <div class="autoCloseFullScreenControl control toggle">
              <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="autoCloseFullScreen">


          <div class="continueNextPageControl control toggle">
              <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="continueNextPage">

          <div class="enableDblclickClose control toggle">
              <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="enableDblclickClose">

          <div class="autoDisableDmc control toggle">
              <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="autoDisableDmc">

          <div class="autoZenTube control toggle">
              <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="autoZenTube">
              自動ZenTube (ZenTubeから戻す時は動画を右クリックからリロード または 右下の「画」)

          <div class="enableSlotLayoutEmulation control toggle">
              <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="commentLayer.enableSlotLayoutEmulation">

          <div class="touch-tap2command control toggle">
              <select data-setting-name="touch.tap2command">

          <div class="touch-tap3command control toggle">
              <select data-setting-name="touch.tap3command">

          <div class="touch-tap3command control toggle">
              <select data-setting-name="touch.tap4command">

          <div class="touch-tap5command control toggle">
              <select data-setting-name="touch.tap5command">

          <p class="caption sub">NGワード正規表現</p>
          <span class="example">入力例: <code>([wWwW]+$|^ん[?\?]$|洗った?$)</code> 文法エラーがある時は更新されません</span>
          <input type="text" class="textInput wordRegFilterInput"

          <p class="caption sub">NGワード正規表現フラグ</p>
          <span class="example">入力例: <code>i</code></span>
          <input type="text" class="textInput wordRegFilterFlagsInput"

          <p class="caption sub">NG tag</p>
          <span class="example">連続再生中にこのタグのある動画があったらスキップ</span>
          <textarea class="videoTagFilter textAreaInput"

          <p class="caption sub">NG owner</p>
          <span class="example">連続再生中にこの投稿者IDがあったらスキップ。 チャンネルの場合はchをつける 数字の後に 入力例<code>2525 #コメント</code></span>
          <textarea class="videoOwnerFilter textAreaInput"

          <div class="debugControl control toggle">
              <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" data-setting-name="debug">

          <div class="debugOnly">
            <p class="caption sub">生データ(ZenzaWatch設定)</p>
            <span class="example">丸ごとコピペで保存/復元可能。 ここを消すと設定がリセットされます。</span>
            <textarea class="zenzaAdvancedSetting-rawData"></textarea>

            <p class="caption sub">生データ(プレイリスト)</p>
            <span class="example">丸ごとコピペで保存/復元可能。 編集は自己責任で</span>
            <textarea class="zenzaAdvancedSetting-playlistData"></textarea>


        <div class="zenzaAdvancedSetting-close">閉じる</div>

    const initializePanel = () => {
      // Config.watch();
      panel = new SettingPanel({
        playerConfig: Config,
        $container: $('body')

    const initialize = () => {
      const $button = $(__tpl__);

      document.querySelector('#js-initial-userpage-data') ?
        $('.Dropdown-button').before($button) :

      $button.on('click', e => {



  const loadGM = () => {
    const script = document.createElement('script');
    script.id = 'ZenzaWatchAdvancedSettingsLoader';
    script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
    script.setAttribute('charset', 'UTF-8');

const ZenzaDetector = (() => {
	const promise =
		(window.ZenzaWatch && window.ZenzaWatch.ready) ?
			Promise.resolve(window.ZenzaWatch) :
			new Promise(resolve => {
				[window, (document.body || document.documentElement)]
					.forEach(e => e.addEventListener('ZenzaWatchInitialize', () => {
	return {detect: () => promise};
ZenzaDetector.detect().then(() => loadGM());

})(globalThis ? globalThis.window : window);