AniDB - Personal Tab Line

adds an other tab line to improve the tabs standalone usability

// ==UserScript==
// @name        AniDB - Personal Tab Line
// @namespace   whut
// @description adds an other tab line to improve the tabs standalone usability
// @include*
// @include*
// @version     1.0.2
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

//checks if you're logged in 
if ($('#menu-login').length === 0) {
  //fetches the position where to add the new lines
  var content = document.getElementById('layout-tabs');
  //var content = document.getElementsByClassName('layout-tabs')[0];
  //creates the container where the new lines will be added
  var tabline = document.createElement('div');
  //inserts the new container into the desired position 
  content.insertBefore(tabline, content.firstChild); //content.firstChild, null=at the end
  //code of the lines to add
  string = '<ul class="main-tabs tabs-line1" style="padding-bottom:10px;">'; 
  string += '<li class="myplace"><span><a href="">My Place</a></span></li> ';
  string += '<li class="mylist"><a href="">My List</a></li> ';
  string += '<li class="mywishlist"><span><a href="">My Wishlist</a></span></li> ';
  string += '<li class="myreviews"><span><a href="">My Reviews</a></span></li> ';
  string += '<li class="myvotes"><span><a href="">My Votes</a></span></li> ';
  string += '<li class="myhints"><span><a href="">My Hints</a></span></li> ';
  string += '<li class="mymessages"><span><a href="">My Messages</a></span></li> ';
  string += '<li class="mynotifies"><span><a href="">My Notifies</a></span></li> ';
  string += '<li class="mycreqs"><span><a href="">My Creqs</a></span></li> ';
  string += '<li class="myentries"><span><a href="">My DB Entries</a></span></li> ';
  string += '<li class="myreports"><span><a href="">My Reports</a></span></li> ';
  //string += '<li class="mysignature"><span><a href="">My Signatures</a></span></li> ';
  //string += '<li class="applet"><span><a href="">Add To Mylist</a></span></li> ';
  //string += '<li class="ed2kdump"><span><a href="">Ed2k Dump</a></span></li> ';
  string += '</ul>';

  tabline.outerHTML = string;