Filter YouTube subscriptions videos

Allows to hide matched videos from subscriptions page

< Feedback on Filter YouTube subscriptions videos


Posted: 2016-02-09

Used default and custom configuration, but no effect

Tampermonkey shows that it's applying the script, but I see no effect either with the default configuration or my own custom ones.

Did I miss a step somewhere? Should the script, for example, block all Crashlands videos out of the box with no edits to the code?

Posted: 2016-02-10

Yes it should. This is my first try at making a userscript, so may be I missed something. It would be helpful if you could tell me if there are any error messages in the development console (F12 key) and what video title is not getting hidden.

Posted: 2016-02-10

Or may be you have some other user scripts or extensions installed for youtube interfering with this one so if a knew the name of the script then I could try to fix it.

Posted: 2016-02-10

I have no other Tampermonkey scripts right now.

The console shows 8 errors and 1 warning when filtering with your default rules, and I have a Crashlands video in my subscriptions that should be but is not filtered by those rules.

Here's the log for that Crashlands video:

start - 0.011 finish - 0.011 total - 0.002
start - 0.016 finish - 0.016 total - 0
start - 0.12 finish - 0.12 total - 0.001
start - 0.273 finish - 0.273 total - 0
Refused to set unsafe header "Origin"
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED
start - 0.379 finish - 0.379 total - 0.001
start - 0.479 finish - 0.479 total - 0.001
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED
start - 0.743 finish - 0.743 total - 0.001
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED
start - 0.92 finish - 0.92 total - 0.001
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED
start - 1.056 finish - 1.056 total - 0.001
start - 1.488 finish - 1.488 total - 0.001
'KeyboardEvent.keyLocation' is deprecated. Please use 'KeyboardEvent.location' instead.
start - 5.501 finish - 5.501 total - 0.001
start - 5.711 finish - 5.711 total - 0.001
Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type text/javascript: "".
start - 11.448 finish - 11.448 total - 0.001
start - 11.574 finish - 11.574 total - 0.001
start - 203.473 finish - 203.473 total - 0.001
start - 203.575 finish - 203.575 total - 0.001
start - 285.462 finish - 285.462 total - 0.001
start - 285.637 finish - 285.637 total - 0.001
start - 285.763 finish - 285.763 total - 0.001
start - 285.961 finish - 285.961 total - 0.001

The blocked by client message may be from Adblock Plus. I disabled ABP but that didn't clear the other errors.

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