Facebook Filter

Minimizes all posts your friends didn't post (friend liked, friend commented, friend attends...)

< Feedback on Facebook Filter


Posted: 2017-01-20
Edited: 2017-01-21

Modified the script a bit

I noticed that the script does not always filter correctly.
I changed it so that the only posts it does not re-filter are the minimized ones.
Some filters no longer work, e.g. " replied to a comment on this." no longer works because the word "comment" is a link. " replied to a " works fine though.
I added some stuff to the filter e.g. " was mentioned in a ", " followed "...
I modified the filter so that you can filter out certain words from the entire post, not just the "title". E.g. I filter out political U.S. posts.
I removed the Czech stuff, but that can easily be added back in.

Does not work with this other script, https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/26018-facebook-auto-most-recent-stories

Posted: 2017-01-20
Edited: 2017-01-21

Figured out how to edit a post.

Posted: 2017-01-21

Hi, thanks you for your suggestions!

I updated my script with your keywords update, I didn't notice the "link in title" update :-)

As for the other changes, well...

The timeout tweak can sometimes be tricky, as on slow connection your filter can be triggered before the posts are loaded, which I guess you found out, since you added three separate timeouts for the filter... This can severely impact the performance on some machines, so I will not use it...

Political filters - obviously just a personal matter.

And, last but not least, maxScrolled tweak - this can be harmful even, since Facebook can load new posts on top of your page without reloading - so if you scroll back to the top for the new posts, filters will not work for those.

So I'll stick with just the keyword update, which, I admit, is critical.

Thanks once again for your input, it's been fun to do the code review on your version of the script, it's nice to see some active user here :-)

Posted: 2017-01-21

I also left out the "mention", "tag" and "follow" keywords, since I personally want to see those posts, but it's good for others to see this can be done, if anyone wants to filter more post types.

Posted: 2017-01-24

Another keyword change on Facebook. "are now friends".
The .contains(s) function is unnecessary, as .includes(s) does the same thing and is built into javascript.
Also, I fixed the multiple filter. Now instead of scanning everything that was not minimized every time you scroll, it does a maximum of 5 times every 600 milliseconds. 5 times may be more than needed. You can easily change the number of times it filters and the timeout between filters, but filtering once is not enough.
I added code to stop posts related to the user from being filtered. I haven't tested this much, but I didn't like that when people reply to you, it counts as spam.

Posted: 2017-01-25

Accidentally had a space after " now friends".

Posted: 2017-01-28
Edited: 2017-01-28

There was a 'commented on this' post that slipped through the filter because it was placed in a 'div._5g-l' instead of a 'h5'. In both cases, it was others commenting on their own post.
Also filtered out the 'People you may know'.

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