HTML5 notifications on Spotify Web Player

Adds silent song notifications with title, artist and cover art

// ==UserScript==
// @name        HTML5 notifications on Spotify Web Player
// @description Adds silent song notifications with title, artist and cover art
// @namespace
// @match*
// @version     2016.06.08
// @grant       none
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==

/* run this just on the parent page, not in sub-frames */
if (window.parent !== window)
  throw "stop execution";

function when_external_loaded()
  /* request permission to show notifications, if needed */
  if (Notification.permission !== 'granted')

  /* create a listener mechanism for title changes using mutation observers,
     let's be good citizens ( */
  document.aptEventListener = document.addEventListener;
  document.addEventListener = function(what, callback)
    if (what !== 'title')
      return document.aptEventListener.apply(this, arguments);

    console.log('setting title event listener =>', arguments);

    new MutationObserver(function(mutations)
      console.log('mutation observer triggered =>', mutations[0].target);
      /* save the title also at trigger time, so that we can skip it if the song
         has quickly changed between the triggering and the notificaction shows up */
        callback.bind(this, document.title),

    }).observe(document.querySelector('title'), {subtree: true, childList: true, characterData: true});

  /* trigger a new notification every time the page title changes */
  document.addEventListener('title', function(title_when_triggered)
    /* trigger it only if we are actually playing songs and we haven't
       shown a notification for this song already */
    if (!document.title.match('▶') || document.prevtitle === document.title || title_when_triggered !== document.title)
      console.log('returning without showing it up =>', document.title);

    /* save the current title to avoid needless repetition */
    document.prevtitle = document.title;

    /* some debug printing to help out development, seems work work pretty nicely */
    console.log('this seems to be a new song, showing it up =>', document.title);

    /* feel free to customize the formatting and layout to your liking */
    var track_name     = document.querySelector("iframe#app-player").contentWindow.document.querySelector("#track-name > a").textContent;
    var track_artist   = document.querySelector("iframe#app-player").contentWindow.document.querySelector("#track-artist > a").textContent;
    var track_coverart = document.querySelector("iframe#app-player").contentWindow.document.querySelector(".sp-image-img").style.backgroundImage.replace(/"/g,'').split("(")[1].split(")")[0];

    /* show it! */
    new Notification(track_name, {body: track_artist, icon: track_coverart, silent: true});

/* inject this cleaning function right in the page to avoid silly sandbox-related greasemonkey limitations */
  inject_fn = document.createElement("script")

inject_fn.innerHTML = '(' + when_external_loaded.toString() + ')()';