Autofill eBay Maximum Bid

Automatically fills in the maximum bid box with the minimum possible bid.

Tracy Poff
Daily installs
Total installs
2 0 0
GPL version 3 or any later version
Applies to

Report bugs or request features here.

This script automatically fills in the maximum bid box with the minimum amount you can bid (what eBay lists in "Enter *** or more"), so it's easier to quickly bid on an item without worrying about copying the price incorrectly.

This script should function on both normal item pages and outbid pages, but only for those currency/language pairs that I've implemented. If you send me a link to any non-functional auction, I should be able to update the script to work with it easily.

This script is inspired by Fill in Maximum Bid - Ebay by Nicholas White, which is itself based on Autofill Ebay Biding offer by namit. Since neither of those scripts is functional any longer, I've updated and modified the former to work with the current layout of eBay.

Changes since previous released version:

Version 0.4.2: Remove @require for old auto-updater.

Version 0.4.1: New currency: pounds in English.

Version 0.4.0: New patters and rewritten to be more general.

Version 0.3.3: Updated patterns to match on non-breaking spaces also, fixing, and future-proofing the others.

Version 0.3.2: Support Australian dollars in English.

Version 0.3.1: Edited patterns so that--in theory--outbid pages should work for the same language/currency pairs as normal pages. This needs to be tested on a variety of outbid pages. Report any non-functional pages.

Version 0.3.0: Now "You've just been outbid" pages are supported in English/USD. Also, rearranged code to be much more maintainable.

Version 0.2.1: Two more language/currency pairs supported.

Version 0.2.0: Dramatically simplified code. Should now work on most normal bid pages, if I have implemented regex for the currency and language in question. Rejoice!

Version 0.1.7: Uploaded the correct version of the code.

Version 0.1.6: More pages.

Version 0.1.5: Use sizzlemctwizzle's auto updater.

Version 0.1.4: Support more pages, regex improvements.

Version 0.1.1: Support another type of page. Reformatted a bit.

Version 0.1.0: Rewrote the old script into a nice functional one.