
Watch videos from video sharing websites without Flash Player.

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Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2017-01-14

double audio, and audio playing before I hit play on videos

WHen I try to watch youtube videos every time I go to the video, the audio for the video will begin playing even thought I have not hit play on the video, and even if I hit play on the video it will begin playing a seperate audio sequence of the same video.

Tobias RupfAuthor
Posted: 2017-02-02

I have tried to simulate this issue in Chromium/Linux, but I don't see it. You could try this script:

Posted: 2017-02-19
Edited: 2017-02-19

I experience the same issue in Firefox 51.0.1 (64-Bit).
The mentioned script shows no handy buttons for download etc. on Youtube.

Tobias RupfAuthor
Posted: 2017-02-19

try the update and tell me if that fixes the issue. I know there is still a problem with Metacafe, but I do not have enough time to fix that one at the moment.

Posted: 2017-03-01

I'm sorry, but also with 2017.02.20 this issue still occurs on YouTube.

Tobias RupfAuthor
Posted: 2017-03-04

which video plugin are you using? Or is it just the html5 player?

Posted: 2017-03-06

It is the HTML5 player.

Tobias RupfAuthor
Posted: 2017-03-06

Can you please try the current version again?

Posted: 2017-03-07
Edited: 2017-03-07

Now it works, but some videos do not play anymore with message that format or MIME type is not supported.

Posted: 2017-03-09

Double sound on YT - I had this too a few weeks ago. I disabled html5-autoplay in FF. Type "about:config", then search for "media.autoplay.enabled" - and set it to false. This helped in my case.

Tobias RupfAuthor
Posted: 2017-03-27

Could you give me a link to a video, where it says format or MIME type is not supported? Could it be you want to play a video with a format not supported by your browser? You could try to use the vlc plugin or a different video format.

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