Echo Bazaar - Display Storylet Prerequisites

For Fallen London (previously Echo Bazaar) - Displays storylet prerequisites in plain text so that you can see the information at a glance without having to mouse over multiple icons to uncover it bit by bit.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Echo Bazaar - Display Storylet Prerequisites
// @namespace    http://arundor/echo.bazaar.disply.storylet.prerequisites
// @description  For Fallen London (previously Echo Bazaar) - Displays storylet prerequisites in plain text so that you can see the information at a glance without having to mouse over multiple icons to uncover it bit by bit.
// @version      1.8
// @include*
// @include      http://**
// @include      http://**
// ==/UserScript==

I am an amateur script writer.  What you see here is not necessarily the best way to achieve what has been done.


 December 1, 2016
  - updated to work without www subdomain.

 July 29, 2015
  - updated to work after layout changes in the game

 January 6, 2014
  - updated to work after layout changes in the game

 August 24, 2012
  - updated for the new domain.

 May 27, 2012
  - requirements you have not met are now displayed in grey
  - updated script @description to reflect the game's new name (@name cannot be updated in the same way, as doing so would break the update process for users of the old version)
  - the @version meta data tag is now used

 March 26, 2012
 - now works on the new domain

 Jan 26, 2012
 - support for Google Chrome
 - removes item acquisition tips from the list of prerequisites
 - better method of preventing the script from running before Ajax has fully loaded the main content
 - better method of constructing the the new div that holds the plain text prereqs, this method prevents unnecessary nested divs.
 - prereq text now prints inside the storylet_rhs block to prevent clipping issues with the prereq icons

 Jan 24, 2012
 -initial release

//The main content of the page is loaded by Ajax so an action listener is used to detect it when it is inserted.
document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', showPrereqs, false);

//Due to the way the action listener is set up, this function may fire multiple times per storylet.
//I know of no better way to handle this, but since it fires multiple times each iteration will need to check if a previous iteration has already done of the work of adding the plain text requirements list.
function showPrereqs() {
	var qreqs = document.getElementsByClassName('qreqs');
	if (qreqs) {
		for (var a=0; a<qreqs.length; a++) {
			var parent = qreqs[a].parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('storylet_rhs')[0];
			if (parent) {
				//Each iteration of the script checks for the 'plain_text_reqs' class to determine if a previous iteration of the function has already done the work.
				if (parent.getElementsByClassName('plain_text_reqs').length == 0) {
					var tooltips = qreqs[a].getElementsByTagName('a');

					//Constructing a new div element to hold the list of plain text requirements.
					//The class is set to 'plain_text_reqs' as a marker that future iterations of the function can look for to determine if the work is already done.
					var div = document.createElement('div');
					div.setAttribute('class', 'plain_text_reqs'); = '65%'; = '100%'; = 'both'; = '10px';
					if (tooltips) {
						for (var b=0; b<tooltips.length; b++) {
							var text;
							if (tooltips[b].getElementsByClassName('tt')[0].getElementsByTagName('p')[0]) {
								text = tooltips[b].getElementsByClassName('tt')[0].getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML;
							var wordy_list;
							var addon_text = '';
							if (tooltips[b].getElementsByClassName('wordy-list')[0]) {
								wordy_list = tooltips[b].getElementsByClassName('wordy-list')[0].getElementsByTagName('li');
								for (var c=0; c<wordy_list.length; c++) {
									if (wordy_list[c].innerHTML.substring(0,2) == '- ') {
										addon_text += '<br> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; -' + wordy_list[c].innerHTML.substring(2, wordy_list[c].innerHTML.length);
									else {
										addon_text += '<br> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; -' + wordy_list[c].innerHTML;
									if (wordy_list[c].getAttribute('class') != 'current') {
										addon_text = '<span style="color: grey">' + addon_text + '</span>';
							if (addon_text.length > 0) {
								text += addon_text;
							//If the requirement has not yet been met, display the text in grey.
							if (tooltips[b].getAttribute('class') == 'tooltip qreq unlock') {
								text = '<span style="color: grey">' + text + '</span>';
							div.innerHTML += '<br>- ' + text;
					//Even if the new div is empty it is added to the page anyway.
					//This is done so that future iterations of the function can find it and know that the work is already done.