tieba.time_gift.click JS - 自动点击在线时间奖励
tieba.score_egg.click JS - 自动点击福利彩蛋
muyuge.reader.settings JS - reform the reader settings: font-size, background-color, etc.
muyuge.reader.removeLinkTarget JS - prevent openning new window/tab for reader op links
zongheng.totaltome.loadAll JS - load all chapters in tome
[email protected] JS - place a bookmark automatically when you open a chapter
enableCopyAndContextMenu.user.js JS - enable copy&paste and context menue
du00.bookcase JS - cleanup
muyuge.bookmark.close JS - Close window automatically after adding a bookmark - delay 3 seconds
64mi.reader.pinyin JS - 将拼音转换为汉字
muyuge.reader.removeKeywordSearch JS - remove the keyword search links in the story text, which are very anonying when you clicked accidentially.
qidian.read.fiximg JS - fix images
dreye.nav.link JS - dreye