Fullscreen Google Keep JS - Edit Google Keep in fullscreen and hide the dashboard
Kami PDF - Center Pages, Clean Ads and More... JS - Better Kami PDF experience
Kami PDF Smart Auto Save & Quick Open JS - Auto-save kami pdf and quickly open the document with the most annotations
图书馆参考咨询联盟 文献传递助手 JS - 辅助获取图书资源
Poke AutoClicker JS - Auto click/farm/hatch
Better Regex101 Cheatsheet JS - Show the cheatsheet of RegExr on regex101
Query String Automator JS - Automation based on query string. Example: https://www.google.com/?uauto={selector:".RNmpXc",action:"this.click()"}
Leetcode: format on save JS - Format code on save (Ctrl + S)
Spotify 跳转至豆瓣 JS - 在 Spotify 的专辑菜单中新增“转至豆瓣”按钮。Quickly navigate to Douban from Spotify.